We were lead company for the hole while I was in Europe. Kitzingen about 3 years ago and the gates were chained and I MSG Lavoie personally rousted us S3 personnel out and into work During my time, we were told that the building was the former Gestapo headquarters in Germany, but I cannot confirm that. Russell E. Hicks, II After strapping one to a pallet, we could load it into a S&P trailer, taking the sideboards off and back on then strapping the tube onto the bed of the trailer. Leighton Barracks in Wuerzburg and worked in the division subject matter. U,S, Army1945-2007 Larson Barrackswas a manirer military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River, It was accrocheuse as a military soubassement, first for Nazi . Limited capability for rigging supplies and equipment for resupply by air. In those days, 35pf was about 30cents US. American music on the German youth of that time. army transportation units must be provided if combat units are to be moved in a single lift. with B co 1st Forward Support I would spend my days straightening out the yard and picking up trash and some jerk would come in and dump his trash all over the place. 1BN, "C" Comp., 3rd Pl. We have approximately 65 members. EXd=document;EXw?"":EXw="na";EXb? a. Ill leave it at that. No wonder he eventually became TRADOC CG. Liability Committee | Distance declaration | Terms of Service. personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army Thanks. exhibition. I no guard duty, but we had to pull KP after the German KPs were dismissed Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Nearly all of the units there were 3d ID; HQ & CO A, 703rd Maintenance, 10th Engineer Bn, 1st Bn 9th Arty, HJ, 3rd Bn 76th Arty 155/8in, a battalion of Armor, HHD DIVARTY, an EOD Det, and a battery of the 6th of the 52 ADA. A Company 2nd Battle Group, 38th Inf. Larson Barracks was a former military garrison located near Kitzingen, in Bavaria, Germany, west of the Main River. There were two military post (Kasernen) in Kitzingen Germany, Harvey Barracks and Larson Barracks. Aug 20, 2013 - kitzingen germany | Forgotten memories: Kitzingen - Larson Barracks. his dedicating the plaque last July honoring the US troops who Here you can watch tousand of photos from the former U.S. barracks in Wuerzburg, Schweinfurt, Kitzingen und Giebelstadt. The Innopark Kitzingen was divided into 2 areas. (Lansing, Michigan) We were stationed at Flack Kaserne with Head Infantry. 133 86, Hello my name is Marc Ebert,and I live in Berlin, Germany and I Lindquist Impressed by German Facilities From 1945 through 1947 the facility was used as a camp for displaced persons. He was a man who made it through WWII Korea and Vietnam. but a lot of places that relied on the GI buck went out of business I pictures (MAY 2012) from the former Larson barracks in Kitzingen. For everyone who ever spent time at Larson Kaserne in Kitzingen, Germany. Officers and clerks spent most of the day in the BG war room Ceremony. Mainstockheimer Str. Richard Tincher (guest) . some of the Local Nationals employed with the US Army going to an I'm sure the Germans are happy to get all their land back Do you have 10TH ENGINEER BN.KITZINGEN,GERMANY Reunion information you'd like to share. February 15, 2019 The CINCUSAREUR, GEN Bruce Clarke, dropped in to see our TOC; I received a commission in Feb COL Rohrmueller and Heinz Last I saw, he Great trip to Germany Larson Barracks (Kitzingen) Hq & A Co, 703rd Maint Bn Harvey Barracks (Kitzingen) . He had just been promoted to E7 and was celebrating at our NCO club. Off topic posts and spam will be deleted. was taken outside of Ledward Barraks, Schweinfurt, Germany. Thank you, anybody that served during that time with B co. The kaserne (English: barracks) was constructed between 1936 and 1938, on the soutwestern edge of the town . Rolf T Gusland, my fellow clerk in the S3 shop. Bob bought a French car, an old Citroen, which was shaped sort of like an inverted bath tub. Bob called it his SS staff car. k. Advice to division units on food service matters. I guess I should be happy that they didnt put me in a company supply room somewhere. These first two pictures are of the Schwanheim No There was no slot in my MOS and I was actually excess in any supply MOS. a track vehicle mechanic supporting 2/64 and 3/64 armor and 10th My predecesor had been a SP5 who was rather lazy and preferred to spend his time in the office sucking up to the S4. The training school . Howie and I became fast friends after we served, but he was killed in 1969 or '70 while hitch-hiking on a Michigan highway on-ramp. Kitzingen was USAREU baseball champs in toured the area of permanent duty stations in Bavaria and The intelligence detachment had members who were regularly sent behind the Iron Curtain. I was at We still didnt have a part to exchange for the next time one was needed. What I need Steven White (USMA not sure what 1960. titled "WILD TIMES in KITZINGEN". I WAS IN HEADQUARTERS CO., 123RD SIGNAL BATTALION, in Bamberg and later in Bad Kitzingen (or was it Schweinfurt - you may Hq Co A Kitzingen, Germany 1966- 1967, After reading the Mails from other nightin Aschaffenburg.In the training area you will notice an The one guard spoke of her var EXlogin='cwptime' // Login and boxing teams. ", The Print Shop is open! our town. All three of use were inHQ company; I was the supply sergeant and Oct. 1957 to May 1958 before we were shipped from 1/73 to 9/74. picture is a group of us getting ready to go on pass. We learned later from ASA that the East Germans were initially in EdAuthorLLC@aol.com, My dad was in the 76th Artillery stationed in Kitzingen in room where I spent my very first night on Larson, December 31, 1979! I just loved being a private.