But what starts off as minor disturbances soon manifests into something bigger. This is shown when Katie and Kristi are playing together and a force Katie blocks entering the bathroom after Kristi and Katie, then lifts her hair. Based on the film Paranormal Activity, written & directed by Oren Peli, produced by Oren Peli and Jason Blum, and executive produced by Steven Schneider. Hi. A mysterious teen girl arrives at an all-boys school in 1970s Colombia, breaking stereotypes, rules. Katie was possessed in order to deliver Hunter to the devil. She was born on 20th October 1982. and a few hearts. She got the female lead in that movie. Micah, please be careful. Paranormal Activity (2007) Katie Featherston: Katie Showing all 45 items Jump to: Photos (31) Quotes (14) Photos 8 more photos Quotes [referring to the photograph that Micah found in the attic] Katie : Where was it when you found it? -7. Help the witches sacrifice Hunter to Tobi. Katie Katie communicates with Hunter until he is "ready", which means they are now part of a master plan for Tobi. Is that what I think it is? The first 'Paranormal Activity' was released in 2007 and follows the weird goings on at Katie and Micah's house as a demon entity seemingly grows in power and torments them. He refers them to a demonologist that tells them not to tease or communicate with the demon. Will he be back in Ghost Dimension? : But in the trailers, showing short clips of house fire. However, when born Hunter / Wyatt, the demon was chasing her sister, Kristi, and try to get her son. There is no way. Micah wakes up and runs to her. It's just, I'm in control, I'm making progress. Katie Although Katie and Micah undertake to leave the house and go to a hotel, Katie suddenly thinks that it would be good to stay where they are, implying that the demon is now strong enough to possess. Kati came into the spotlight after first acting in the 2007 movie Paranormal Activity, where Alisha Boe and Dustin Ingram also worked. He even asks them to get in touch with demonologist Dr. Johann Averies, but Micah doesnt take all this too seriously. Prezzo. Help the witches sacrifice Hunter to Tobi. Katie Later on in the film, another one of the main characters, Leila's mother Emily, travels through a portal which sends her back in time, similar to the ending of the previous film, to the same house in 1992. Evil-doer October 7, 2006, Micah is doing more research on the message that was written on the Ouija board. Aucun commentaire n'a t trouv aux emplacements habituels. Katie's arc is the scariest part of the Paranormal . Julie and Dennis wake up that night, hearing strange noises. Occupation : But as expected, this really pisses off Katie and she storms out of the house. : : The debate over the canon of alternate endings has become a somewhat commonplace practice among many fans of the horror genre. Katie and Micah enjoy time at home, watching TV while Katie knits and Micah fiddles with his guitar. However, his opinion changes towards the end of the film, as the cameras catch Kristi being attacked and possessed by Tobi. Relationship Status recently moved in with her long-term boyfriend. This suggests that the demon was plotting to kill Micah from the very beginning. We Have a Ghost After finding a ghost with a murky past haunting their new house, a family becomes internet sensations and the targets of a shadowy government agency. There's something up there. When the demon begins to haunt Kristi's house in an attempt to reach Hunter, the youngest son of Kristi, Kristi talks to Katie about the demon that terrorized them in its infancy, but terrified Katie tells her not to talk about it. Profession what Katie does for a living isnt clear. Katie When hes finally ready to leave, Katie suddenly becomes all normal again and claims that they should stay. Katie spent her childhood days with two siblings. At home, Katie and Micah begin to feel the presence of the demon with them. Alex and Doug prepare to investigate what is going in at Robbie's house, but Alex goes home first to tell Holly, and finds Ben and Holly dead. And Dr. Johann Averys, an internationally renowned demonologist, is determined to find her! Katie hides his body in Alex's closet and leaves. The first Paranormal Activity movie is set in 2006, and follows a young couple, Katie and Micah, who are being terrorized by a demonic presence in their home. The story, available through iTunes for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch, explores what happens after the film concludes and follows the mentioned, but never seen, demonologist Dr. Johann Averys on his search for the demon-plagued Katie. On our first date, 'Hey, I think there's a demon that I think has been following me.'. But to her dismay, she is told that he is out of town. Katie has gone missing. In an alternative end of the first film, Katie is killed contrary to her unknown fate in the original ending: On night 21, Katie wakes, walks again and looks at Micah while he is sleeping. But the hauntings only got worse when Micah tried to provoke the entity. : Paranormal Activity Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. The next morning, he even reveals that Katie was bitten by something the previous night. Micah When Micah wakes up shortly after and finds her there, she says she wants to stay there. I feel it. . account. Lois (grandmother; deceased), Katie Featherston (Adult Katie) What are you talking about? Soon after this, she lets out a piercing scream, and Micah charges down to check on her. One night, Tobi leads them into the attic, and they find the burned picture that Daniel used to send the curse to them. I am an admin of this site. Well, 'cause ghosts are spirits of human beings. The shouting continued, and the sounds of a struggle was heard before the noise stopped abruptly. Katie Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Lois then takes Kristi and Katie to "get ready" as the camera goes dead. Katie from paranormal activity - "/tv/ - Television & Film" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of television and film. Her success was soon followed by the sequels of Paranormal Activity, Paranormal Activity 1, 2, 3, and 4. Micah! The symbol at the home of Lois and Katie and Kristi's closet is the symbol for a witch coven of girls of childbearing age who have children in the brain and then washed forcing them to forget their memories of her. 3 hours ago Reply. During one of Katie's "visits," Holly, the mother, becomes aware that someone else is in the house. As a result, when the evil entity enters their room at night, they find its inhuman footsteps on the floor. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Featherston is present on IMDb with sixteen credits as an actress, three credits as a producer, and three credits as a director. Hobby Alias Waco: American Apocalypse This docuseries includes never-before-seen material from the infamous 51-day standoff between federal agents and a heavily armed religious group in 1993. There are moments in the film where it almost looks like hes willing to get into a fistfight with the evil spirit, which obviously is not even possible. Katie claims that eerie, seemingly supernatural occurrences have surrounded her since childhood, particularly after a house fire destroyed all her familys possessions. As for Micahs death in the ending scene, Katie killed him and he was clearly asking for it all along. Of course, given that much of the film's success was bolstered by online fan support, IDW's Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall doesn't think that will keep many would-be readers out of the loop. It is assumed that she brainwashed them, which explains why neither of them seemed to have any memory of any of that. As they call her, she awakens from her catatonic state and seems confused by their commands to drop the weapon. However, her father Doug believes that there are supernatural forces in the house, after he is almost stabbed by a falling knife. Katie appears and startles Alex, and claims to be Robbie's mother. During this short period, Katie stops rocking and then Amber sees Micah's body, she runs out of the house and Katie resumes rocking. Set in Tokyo, Japan, in 2010, Paranormal Activity 2: Tokyo Night tells the story of a Haruka Yamano ( Noriko Aoyama) who, while visiting California, gets in a car accident and breaks both her legs . When the inevitable news of a follow-up to the sleeper smash Paranormal Activity broke last year, it seemed equally inevitable that original stars Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat wouldn't be returning, considering what happened to their characters at the end of the first movie. Now, with the release of "Paranormal Activity: The Search for Katie," IDW is uniting the team of writer Scott Lobdell ("X-Men") and artist Mark Badger to provide viewers with some answers. Percentuale Sconto. Paranormal Activity 4 Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ Unknown (Original Timeline)Deceased (Tokyo Timeline), Paranormal Activity Katie She was portrayed by the actress of the same name. Interests making jewelry, talking with friends, and having a glass of wine after work. However, the pair soon realizes that . She insists that they will be fine and Micah believes her. I think it's a big-ass camera! I said don't mess with that stuff, because it scared me and what do you do? Dennis tries to escape the house but is stopped by Lois, who allows Tobi to kill Dennis by snapping his back. Strength He, then, walks through some plastic sheeting and encounters ghostly figures of children Katie and Kristi as to attract Jesse into a trap. All three kids of the Featherston family were raised by their parents in Texas. Powered by WordPress.com VIP. Katie Her father's name is not available for now, but her mother's name is Julie Featherston. And thus, she eventually became the victim of the possession. Micah | Kristi has no memory of the events of the summer, and talks to Katie about strange events that have started happening in her (Katie's) home, but Kristi tells her that talking about it only makes it worse. Then raise the knife and cuts her own throat, and then falls to the ground, dead. Katie (now with a new name) and her creepy little kid Robbie have resurfaced in a new town with new names. Despite this, as an adult Katie seems to be a normal and happy young woman living with her boyfriend, Micah, in San Diego, California and studying to be a teacher. After moving into a suburban home, a couple becomes increasingly disturbed by a nightly demonic presence. Paranormal Activity (ta Vit: Li nguyn b n hay Hin tng siu nhin) l mt lot phim theo th loi kinh d siu nhin ca Hoa K, m n nay bao gm 5 b phim. | Crazy to think it's been eight years since they shot the first movie. Katie Next, a dedication and a photo of Katie and Micah is shown. One thing I wonder if the film will explain is the photograph of Katie (with her boyfriend Micah) in the first installment . A young couple, Katie and Micah move to a new home. There is no way that that even exists! Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension, Julie (mother; deceased) Paranormal Activity: The Search for Katie. Micah searches and finds an old photo of Katie in 1988 that she is unnerved to see again, having thought it was destroyed in the fire. They set up a camera to document the activity, and the footage is found by Katie's sister, Kristi, after they are both killed. Katie casually claims that something evil has been following her and her sister since they were children. What she's doing now? Katie Katie later said she was still haunted and terrified by Tobi for the rest of her childhood and adolescence. September 24, 1988, in the will of Tobi, Katie and Kristi try to convince her mother to go to their grandmother Lois's house. Ali begs him not to do this because it is unfair to Katie, but Daniel sees no other way to save his family, so he burns a picture of Katie, symbolizing she is Tobi's new target, beginning the events of Paranormal Activity. 2023 EHM Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Katie staunchly believes she is being singled out by evil spirits. The demon left the light on in the upstairs closet leading to the attic. Katie says that most of her life, she was followed by the demon and was tormented wherever she went. That night, Katie goes into a trance and heads downstairs towards the kitchen to grab the knife, She was snapped out of her trance by the sudden appearance of Hector Estrella and begins screaming for Micah's help. And Dr. Johann Averys, an internationally renowned demonologist, is determined to find her! This is our old house! Well, I've been going by the evidence and I'm doin' my research and I'm going to find out what it is. : Let us know what you think in the comment section or on Twitter! : I thought the old house burned down. Katie (KATIE FEATHERSTON) is an English major who's dealt with various forms of paranormal activity most of her life, most notably at the ages of eight and thirteen. It also has a large yard with a patio, swimming pool, and a partial basketball court. So if youve watched this horror classic and youre looking for an explanation for its simplistic yet terrifying storyline, read on. 10 Days of a Good Man She has directed and produced Solace for the Unloved and Becoming. Micah has only appeared in a couple short films. Moreover, her IMDb profile also consists of her short biography, awards, trivia, and filmography. She wakes up in the middle of the night, just stands and stares at Micha for hours, and then walks down to the living room. Ali (step-niece) : After Featherston completed her work in Paranormal Activity 4, it was rumored that the movie was based on a true story. Even after being warned by the psychic, Micha brings home an Ouija Board. min max. After Julie witnesses Tobi smash all the furniture in the kitchen, she takes her family to live with her mother Lois. It was over our bed. With each night, the hauntings only get worse and then comes a night when Katie even shows signs of possession. : Her wealth also includes her salaries, income from social media platforms, and other luxuries. Dr. Fredrichs said that it wasn't a ghost. That afternoon, when Julie and Dennis return, Randy leaves in a hurry and from this point on Tobi begins to terrorize girls, especially Katie, and you feel you are communicating with Kristi. Box office report: 'Paranormal Activity 3' scores best October opening ever with $54 mil. She closes and locks the door of the room, before walking to the camera, standing idle briefly. So Micah mounts a camera on a tripod in their bedroom to try to catch any paranormal activity that occurs while they sleep. Whatever happened to one of those little hand held cameras? Katie killing herself in a deleted ending. Whatever the job is, however, it tires her out. Micah Katie (Katie Featherson) and Micah (Micah Sloat) are a twentysomething couple who've just moved into a new home in San Diego, CA. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY didn't stop on the final frame of the movie - in fact, the story is just beginning! No! Katie tells Micah about the presence of "evil" that has followed her since childhood. Featherston hails from Arlington, Texas. Type of Villain No, but maybe on our fifteenth date, or our thirtieth date, or when we decided to live together that might've been a good thing to bring up. 4 hours ago Reply. You've subscribed to Paranormal Activity: The Search for Katie! Do you plan on checking out "The Search for Katie?" Anonymous. Paranormal Activity 3 (3,002) 5.8 1 h 24 min 2011 X-Ray 16+ In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home. Lois takes Katie and Kristi, followed by Tobi, up the stairs to carry out some sort of ceremony. I'm not going to kiss the camera. Goals This is where the picture of Katie is referenced for the first time. Percentuale Ribasso. None She walks down the hall and out of sight before frantically screaming for him. Plot Summary A young couple, Katie and Micah move to a new home. 0.531 secs, >there's an evil spirit in our house, lets bring in a ouija board to talk to it, what could go wrong lmao, was possessed as a child, bad mother and bad grandmother. : : Katie is the only character to appear in almost every movie, except for the last movie. They find Diane Mercer was pursued by a demon beginning in June 1966, which ended in her death after several failed exorcisms. When they track these footsteps, it leads them to the cellar where Micah finds a very old, burnt picture of Katie. He leaves a message to Alex saying that he had been there, but before he can leave, Katie appears behind him and snaps his neck, turning his head almost 180 degrees. In 2007, Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat starred in the very first "Paranormal Activity" -- though it would be another two years until it was released to a wide audience, killing it at the box office and ushering in the found-footage genre. Further, she is also a film director and producer. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. Half an hour later, just after 21:50, the police entered the house and discovered the body of Micah also. Neither of them had appeared in anything before the low-budget horror flick was released, but quickly became recognizable faces once the film raked in over $107 million. Featherston treats her pet dog as her family member. Katie is uneasy about the strange events that have surrounded her life, but has become used to putting them out of her mind. In 2005, Katie goes to visit Kristi, who is now married to Daniel Rey and pregnant, to leave a box of old video tapes from her childhood. Micahs video recordings reveal some minor anomalies in and around their room. 2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Based on the film Paranormal Activity, written & directed by Oren Peli, produced by Oren Peli and Jason Blum, and executive produced by Steven Schneider. Filming & Production Before the credits start rolling a text says Micahs body was discovered by the police on October 11, 2006, and Katie has vanished. Many viewers must be wondering what happened to Katie? : Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! I'll kiss you, but I won't kiss the camera. I found this up there. Alex turns around and is presumably killed by Katie. It did it because it wanted to! More, the pet's name is Harvey which looks gorgeous in its white fur. How the fuck do you know? Meanwhile, Micah desperately packs their bags to leave and stay at a motel. But Dan, Kristi's husband, the demon transferred back to Katie. To silence her, Tobi throws her into the air, and she is killed upon impact when she hits the ground. It remains unclear whether or not Katie's actions were of her own free will, because she was a witch as well, or if she was possessed the entire time. But Micah, being the egoist that he is, keeps confronting the evil presence and even avoids calling the demonologist. : Big Little Lies is a 2019 television series where Featherston has portrayed Lilah LaPlant. Apart from its outlandish filming methods, its faux-documentary style, and the commendable performances of its fresh cast, there's also some realism to the paranormal events shown in the movie. 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