Some strange people are also seemingly searching for Luffy. The Sanji zombie, a bizarre cross between a penguin and a bulldog, turns against his allies when they try to attack Nami, claiming that he'd rather die than attack her, but is blasted into a wall for his insolence by Absalom. Luffy lies unconscious from his wounds and using Gear Second against Moria, and Usopp worries about him endangering himself by having to use the technique on the stronger enemies ahead. Three years have passed now and the Captain of the Rumbar Pirates, "Calico" Yorki, and some of the crew have fallen ill with a virus their doctor cannot cure. Moria mentions how he was once defeated by a person called Kaidou in the New World. Some information of Moria's past is explained: At least more than 10 years before the start of the series, Moria fought on par with Kaidou of the. Moria takes advantage of Luffy's bewilderment at Oars and quickly escapes, though Luffy immediately starts chasing after him while Oars begins hunting down the other Straw Hats. Some strange people are also seemingly searching for Luffy. The Accino family meanwhile pledges to collect the Straw Hats' heads. The battle between Usopp and Perona continues; Usopp fires something at Perona's real body which seems to miss it, giving Perona the confidence to fight back again. Their pirate flag is then stolen by a little girl's flying fish. Usopp shoots Brook's salt into Oars' mouth with Kuwagata, but Moria's shadow catches it and throws it out, breaking the bag and preventing them from using it again. Sanji drags them out and asks what happened. Franky and Robin, meanwhile, buy some time against the spider-monkey Tararan and the General Zombies by destroying the bridge they are standing on, when suddenly Brook himself falls from the sky. Luffy's skin turns pale blue and is becoming stronger by the second. The unseen enemy then flees as the ship begins to be pulled closer to the island. After learning that Oars defeated Hogback and the General Zombies, she decides to take all the food and treasure of Thriller Bark and escape on the Thousand Sunny. While Franky explains the Soldier Dock system in its entirety, the remaining crew are suddenly attacked by some invisible beast. All the shadows then leave Luffy, and he goes unconscious as the victims of Moria cheer that Thriller Bark has fallen. Leftover Chivalry! From the top of the tower, lost in the fog, an enormous black sheet starts to come down. Keeping her wits, Nami convinces Lola she is really a man. When Zoro wakes up, he notices a barrel floating in the ocean and alerts the rest of the crew over the built-in speaker system. What episode does Luffy lose shadow? they begin to come to. As they run after him, they are blocked by a giant spider/monkey hybrid Zombie General called Tararan.[13]. [10], Outside, the clock strikes midnight. Nami barely manages to escape another kidnapping attempt by Absalom, but is chased out of the garden by Lola. Usopp, Nami and Chopper traverse through the forest of Thriller Bark, where they are attacked by a platoon of zombies before finally reaching the mansion of the bizarre surgeon Doctor Hogback and his female assistant Cindry. Oars comes crashing down destroying the bridge and taking Sanji and Usopp down with him to the lower bridge where Zoro and Franky are, where they attacked what they thought was a wall but is actually Oars. Sanji's Stolen Dream, Saving Hero! Luffy continues to chase Moria while the rest of the crew, minus Nami, faces off against Oars,[29] who identifies them by their bounty posters on his arm. He then states he only cared about the body and not about the soul of the woman that rejected him. He then proves his power by easily shrugging off Sanji's Concasse attack and taking out Franky and Usopp with barely any effort. The crew is reunited, just as Oars is standing in the courtyard, yelling at the Straw Hats to come out, to which Franky replies that they have to take him down together. However, the ones who had their shadows stolen start to vanish. Setting sail at the age of 17, Luffy has amassed an incredible crew, all members of which are dedicated to making him the Pirate King. The Mysterious Swordsman Appears! Robin then holds Hogback's mouth shut, tricking him into "order them to jump off the building". When Lola received her shadow back from her warthog zombie counterpart, she identified Nami as "Namizo" - the male alias the navigator gave when introducing herself. After coming down from Reverse Mountain, they discovered that Laboon had followed them. After an intense sword fight, during which the entire roof collapses to the ground below, Zoro finally defeats Ryuma using a technique which sets him ablaze. Later during the Arlong Park Arc, Nami "betrays" the Straw Hats by revealing that she was part of Arlong's crew all along, but we later learn that she was forced to join the crew to save herself and her village. Everyone starts partying and Luffy tries to feed Zoro, still knocked out from taking all of his pain, some rum but Chopper wont let him. When they fish the barrel out of the sea, they notice that it is an offering to the sea god. After seeing Brook leave and the prospect of an adventure Luffy decides he wants to explore Thriller Bark. Luffy and Chopper, along with the rest of the Phoenix Pirates are attacked by Brindo, and Lil, the little girl, appears before Robin back on the Sunny. In the manga, while searching the island for Nami, Usopp, and Chopper, Zoro and Sanji disappear mysteriously. Ryuma is then defeated. Moria walks on one of the chains supporting Oars and inserts Luffy's shadow. The Phoenix Pirates go to battle with Campacino and the remaining grunts, Puzzle promising to meet the Straw Hats again in the New World. However, their victory is short-lived as Moria arises from Oars' cockpit. Zoro, Franky and Brook see Oars' huge figure coming towards them and they quickly realize that it is Luffy's zombie. - The Musician "Humming Brook", Noro Noro Menace - Return of Foxy the Silver Fox, The Great Treasure Contest! However, Tararan is on the tower side of the gap. They head down the stairs when suddenly Usopp and Chopper are enveloped in explosions. Lil accepts Robin's request to be led to Lovely Land, where Zoro is aimlessly wandering inside it. Teach's new position as a Warlord of the Sea after his fight against Ace in the. Zoro is no match against his anger and ends up imprisoned inside an ice cavern along with the other captured Straw Hats. Lina considers her father a liar, but Sayo believes him. what episode does luffy get his shadow back January 23, 2021 We'll just have to wait and see where this goes in the future. Disembarking at Thriller Bark. He also agrees to forget the outcome of their fight. Perona's Wonder Garden. Luffy, who is tied up in a cage, yells he will be Pirate King. As Brook watches on, he comes the conclusion that Ryuma was never taking their fights seriously. Robin starts to lift Chopper and Hogback up, Chopper preparing to throw Hogback down to the ground from a dangerous height. Identifying is as the mythical "Cerberus", the terrified trio escape with help from Usopp's Kemuri Boshi, fleeing up a tree only to then encounter a strange vampire-like individual named Hildon. Moria, however, gets out of Oars' stomach moments later, and prepares himself for his ultimate technique, Shadows Asgard. Perona says she will take care of them and Hogback requests to be made second in command. This attack only proves to irritate the Warlord of the Sea and he easily defeats Zoro. This infuriated Luffy; he had only one thing in mind, and it was to make the Celestial Dragon pay for what he did. Finding a chest, they open it only to be terrified by a zombie Jack-in-the-Box. Nami is also woken up and is about to be kissed by Absalom to seal their marriage. He asks them if they would like to come to the mansion of Dr. Hogback, whose name immediately gets Chopper's attention. At Reverse Mountain, Laboon is shown in good spirits as he lets out a terrific roar. Ryuma states that it is one of the 21 O Wazamono Grade Swords, Shusui, and Zoro says that he will use that blade. [47], Back in the present, Brook takes a Tone Dial out of his skull that contains the final song the Rumbar Pirates performed before they died. Luffy attempts to attack Gecko Moria, but instead is forced to face his shadow clone: Doppelman, while Usopp continues to maneuver around the Wild Zombies to get to Perona only to now face Kumashi's wrath. Usopp and Sanji are knocked off the Sunny by an iceberg, and encounter Salchow and Arbell. After several blows on the head by Franky, to no effect, Usopp lies that "A beautiful lady swordsman just arrived with a ton of meat!!" In the manga, Absalom stabs Sanji with a knife in the back. After being stripped of his armor, Luffy had his shadow stolen by Moria through the use of the power of the Devil Fruit Moria ate, the Kage Kage no Mi. Encouraged, Brook later reflects on how he has found his place after decades of being alone, and resolves to do his best so that he can have stories to tell of his own. Suddenly, the mysterious figure from earlier appears and knocks them forward into the lab. Moria is able to do this because he has the power of the Kage Kage no Mi. Due to more of Sanji's blundering, he and Usopp find themselves captured by Salchow and Arbell. Collapse! Meanwhile Perona is woken up and brought up to date of the current events of Thriller Bark. After some rude remarks, he threatens the zombies to mind who they talk to. Usopp, Nami and Chopper are effortlessly incapacitated by the General Zombie Ryuma, a samurai with an eerie resemblance to Brook, and are locked inside a coffin. Franky is knocked unconscious after a failed attempt to fire himself at Oars with a giant slingshot known as Kuwagata and shoot him at point-blank range with Weapons Left. Beating Absalom when he refused to reveal he has been using firearms, Sanji reveals that he knows Absalom's invisibility is due to the Suke Suke no Mi which he wanted for his own reasons. The other Straw Hats, meanwhile, discover a hallway lined with suits of armor, and realize that Zoro is now missing as well. Moria implants Luffy's shadow inside the corpse of Oars, making the massive zombie come to life. The U in Uso is the U in Usopp, Slashes Dancing on the Roof! Suddenly, Nami is attacked by the same invisible creature who attacked Robin, who then declares that he will take her as his bride. [23], Sanji reveals he knows the source of Absalom's power, the Suke Suke no Mi. While the Rolling Pirates take the unconscious Straw Hats to safety, Luffy begins attacking Oars, and with his shadows, is far stronger than his opponent. Thanks to Oars messing with the rudder Thriller Bark has drifted out of the Florian Triangle. Elsewhere, Hogback meets with Absalom, the invisible man who attacked Nami, and a ghost referred to as Perona, to discuss what to do with the Straw Hats. Luffy promised to give the hat back after he became Pirate King, but for now, it remains in his possession. The Zombie Mansion and the Invisible Man, Mystery of the Zombies! Shanks says to Luffy "promise that you'll bring it back to me someday when you've become a great pirate." 'The Great . [2] Leaving the ghost ship with them, Brook goes back with them to the ship and ends up having dinner with the crew. An enraged Luffy and Sanji decimate most of the zombies, but are stopped by Perona's Negative Hollow attack. They manage to escape thanks to some indirect assistance from Robin, who is still with Lil. Brook shows the others his wanted poster as he is known as "Humming Brook" with a bounty of 33,000,000 and pledges his life to Luffy. Kuma then teleports to the entrance to the ship, musing about how Dragon has raised a good son with a fine crew. With the help of a mysterious talking skeleton named Brook, the crew must regain their shadows before sunrise in order to survive. Then, more shadows are forced into Luffy. Getting her mouth free Nami shouts out to Usopp and Chopper. [9] The person comes forward revealing himself to be a zombie samurai named Ryuma, and when he sees Nami he asks to see her panties. Brook bids farewell to the Straw Hats and leaps overboard, revealing that he can dash across the ocean's surface. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew gets back up for another round with Oars. [32] Nami has found out what Perona is planning and races off to Thousand Sunny. Luffy declares his intention to make Brook a part of their crew, and the Straw Hats prepare to counterattack the forces of Thriller Bark in order to reclaim what was stolen from them. Chopper explains that the human spine is S-shaped so it can absorb shocks and straightening it will cause Oars to take much more damage. During the second or third time he fights an antagonist, he will usually win, but it's due to a half-baked strategy. Perona panics and decides to leave Thriller Bark with the Thousand Sunny. The straw hat has a secret legacy only known to a few people even within the world. Hogback Appears! Nov 15, 2009. More zombie animals show up including a dog-faced penguin zombie. Usopp tells the others to get up and says he will deal with her. It flashes back to the front of the mansion where hundreds of zombie soldiers lie lifeless having been purified by Brook. However, they discover Luffy has been taken captive by the zombies and is being transported by a chain to the tower. Emerging from wreckage, Luffy uses all his strength to combine Gear 2 and Gear 3, launching his enlarged body into Moria with the strengths of both forms. Absalom tries to use his Hands of the Dead (the explosion technique, which is actually a pair of guns strapped to his hands turned invisible by his power) only for Sanji to redirect it. With that, Luffy and his crew enter the mansion.[9]. At another point, Zoro fights Ryuma, who proves to be a formidable enemy[26] whose main technique is to destroy one of Zoro's swords in combat. "I'll make them recognize me by becoming Hokage!" "I'll find Sasuke and fight him and make him come back to the village!" And various instances of talk no jutsu. He also remembers how they went from a band, to a quartet, a trio, a duet, and finally a solo as Brook finally died remembering Laboon.[48]. Now that he knows Laboon is still waiting for him, Brook remembers the first time he and the Rumbar Pirates met Laboon. Then, Sanji appears and asks Kuma to take his life instead of Zoro's. [14], Back on the bridge, Robin and Franky are cornered by the generals. By this time, they are in a carriage with Hildon listening to Chopper talk about Hogback. The scar on his chest was made by Akainu. Absalom then figures out that the animal zombie that attacked him earlier must have had Sanji's shadow, as Sanji is mistaking Nami as a holy nymph, and that he does not have time to deal with small fry only to be kicked in the face, sending Absalom's 300-kilogram body flying. Luffy descends activating Gear 3 and hitting Oars directly in the face with his Gomu Gomu no Gigant Bazooka shattering Oars' spine.[40]. Luffy continues on to take on Moria while Chopper and Robin remain behind to take on Hogback and his loyal zombie servants. But all the ruckus arouses the Don. After a lot of teamwork and combo attacks, the crew manages to flip Oars over on his head. The three remaining Straw Hats are lured by Buhichuck into a room where they are forced to face an army of armored General Zombies, but are able to handle them until the zombies are joined by a strange swordsman named Jigoroh (who appears to act and fight like Zoro) and Luffy is captured by the zombie forces. Brook decides to seal the Tone Dial away inside his skull and joins Luffy's crew. Usopp is forced to go through a gauntlet of Perona's Horo-Horo powers, including an untouchable body, size manipulation, passing right through him and creating mini-Hollows that slowly rip away at his stamina and body. [19], They begin to plan their counterattack, with Luffy stating that it would be easier to just go and beat Moria than to look for their individual shadows, leaves Nami up to Sanji (burning with rage over the idea of a wedding) and Usopp, Franky decides to go help Brook with Zoro joining him. It got to the point where Zeff gladly allowed him to go after defeating Don Krieg, claiming the damage Luffy could inflict if he stays would probably put his restaurant out of business. Chopper talks about how Hogback has failed as a doctor, to which Hogback replies that he was a doctor only because of the wealth. He orders Cindry to free him, yelling that her only positive feature is her face, being afraid that Oars, who is coming closer, will crush him. As the Luffy and his crew sail away, three enormous and mysterious figure appears in the fog, looking over Thriller Bark. While they panic, Hildon, who was watching them from above, flies off towards the mansion. [44] The blast destroys most of Thriller Bark, though this does not succeed in killing the Straw Hats but knocks out all of them except Zoro. Oars does indeed rampage and interrupts Chopper's and Robin's attack. Brook recalls the Rumba Pirates' journey through the Grand Line, where they faced many dangers but still managed to enjoy themselves. The shadows leave Luffy's body, but he appears to have won. Robin quickly restrains Cindry though, and Chopper captures Hogback easily. The Straw Hats are still fighting Oars, planning to defeat him so Luffy can get his shadow back. Original Video Animation that never aired in TV nor theaters. He is still alive, but his blood is splattered in a wide radius around him. Escaping from the Surprise Zombies of the mansion, Nami, Chopper and Usopp discover the truth about Cindry's true identity and Doctor Hogback's experiments before being approached by a mysterious samurai zombie with Brook's voice. Luffy tells Brook of how he met Laboon at Reverse Mountain which causes Brook to break down in tears. Hogback orders her to spare him some time, as he is escaping, but Cindry starts crying, saying that her body cannot move. The argument is "Nightmare Luffy got 100 shadows, and he only shows his sword ability, he has a lot more to offer" But this guy have 1000 shadows and Luffy managed to beat him with 3rd gear So yeah.. Gear Luffy is stronger that Nightmare Luffy Mysterious. The man starts to become visible revealing a tall man with a stitched lion's face. Franky and Chopper climb up to Oars' face and attack with their combined powers, causing Oars to fall off balance. Brook reveals that the technique came from a kingdom's assault squad and its real name is Requiem Handoul, nicknamed by his old crew, and he does not want Ryuma using that name. The formerly captured Straw Hats finally manage to get outside, no thanks to Zoro, where they once again encounter the Accinos. Their attacks quickly destroy the lab, forcing them to escape the room and continue their fierce duel on the roof. They plant shadows into him in order to multiply his fighting strength and grant him new skills so that he can defeat Moria. One Piece is a series known for its absurdity in humor and action. Moria and his chief officers converse on their aims when the three soldiers guarding him yelled out, "Luffy ate the steel cage and is escaping." Lola reveals the paper Ace gave Luffy back in the. Oars tries to stomp Usopp and Nami, but Nightmare Luffy arrives and gets them to safety in an instant. Luffy then tells Brook he doesnt need to worry and that Laboons fine. Meanwhile, Sanji flies off (literally) to save Nami. Usopp has marginal success against Arbell, but is hampered by the angered Salchow. Back at the Thousand Sunny Perona's zombies have restocked the food supply and almost loaded all the treasure on board when out of nowhere Bartholomew Kuma of the Seven Warlords of the Sea shows up asking where Moria is. However, the Straw Hats all get back on their feet, from Luffy to Brook, and launch a final devastating attack on Oars, which ends with Luffy smashing a Gigant Bazooka into Oars' face from above, breaking his spine and finally defeating the demon. Moria is the second Warlord of the Sea to be defeated by Luffy. Moria deduces that Luffy had absorbed 100 shadows to become Nightmare Luffy, noting that while he is growing big, he is absorbing 1,000 shadows into his own body. Moria orders the Spider Mice to take Luffy back to his ship. Failing to force him to sign a marriage contract, Absalom tells Lola he plans to make Nami his bride. Three months later, they leave Laboon at Twin Capes and promise to return. The battle is short, and they notice Sanji has gone missing. Short answer: Thriller Bark starts in episode 337 and ends in episode 381. The total count of episodes is 45. The zombie immediately shows his similarity to Luffy, yelling out for food at the moment of awakening! With a little help from Lil, the two stolen flags are finally recovered, and the crew manages to get it back on the ship before Luffy returns. At the same time Brook parts ways from Franky and Robin after giving further crucial advice regarding the zombies so he can go forth to accomplish his own goal: defeating the zombie Ryuma and reclaiming his shadow from the samurai fencer. Chopper tells Hogback that he no longer recognizes him as a doctor. Bartholomew Kuma reveals his Devil Fruit powers, the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. Back at the wedding ceremony, Nami has woken up, about to be kissed by Absalom only to be attacked by an enraged Lola, which was a ruse to try and help Nami escape. Sayo tells Lina that their father truly cared for them and believed that his research would bear fruit, and left in order to protect them from his pursuers. Peeking inside, they watch as Hogback creates a zombie he calls Mario. Tripping, they drop the coffin Chopper is in, waking him up, and after driving off the squirrels, he wakes up Nami and Usopp. Brook and the Cape of the Promise, Food, Nami and Shadows!! Luffy takes out the piece of paper he received from Ace, which is also a Biblicard, and learns that as it is burning and shrinking, Ace's life is in danger. While immediately hospitable, the doctor starts acting strange after it is mentioned that Brook has arrived on the island. Franky and Robin are left to face against a massive monkey-spider. Taking this advice, Lola goes after Absalom who is next seen in Perona's room with Kumashi when Perona shows up. Next, Franky takes his iron nunchucks and combines them with some stone columns and starts bashing Tararan hard. The Dream of the Pirate Flag Sworn to a Friend, The Super Final Atsu Atsu Battle! It deals with the meeting and recruitment of Brook in a mysterious mist. Lola comes in to help save Nami but Absalom quickly dispatches her. He then takes her shadow, rendering her unconscious. However, Cindry just turns to him, smiling for the first time, like she did when she was alive, afterwards we are left to believe Hogback was stepped on by Oars. In the present, Brook still has the pride of a pirate and resolves to meet Laboon from the "front" as promised. Gecko Moria is the fifth Warlord of the Sea to be shown. As the Straw Hats are getting ready to leave, Lola gives Nami half of a piece of paper calling it her mother's "Vivre Card" which will always point in the direction of its owner and how they should find Lola's mother in the New World if they ever get in to trouble. With the fog clear, there's only 20 minutes before daylight begins. Brook plays the piano and everyone starts partying. Buhichuck runs off, sealing the way they came from. Brook explains how his shadow was stolen, and sadly he cannot leave the foggy Florian Triangle with the Straw Hats for the sun would disintegrate him. Moria attacks Luffy with a devastating blow, but he manages to continue fighting, and activates Gear Third while Gear Second is still active. Moria was defeated, and in the process, his entire crew was killed presumably by Kaidou. When they were approaching the Grand Line, they knew that it was too dangerous for Laboon to come, so they ignored him, hoping he would leave and try to find his pod. With everything needed to continue on their journey, the Straw Hat Pirates finally leave Thriller Bark and Florian Triangle, following the Log Pose towards Fish-Man Island. Nonetheless, meeting the crew has brightened his dreary existence, and Brook is about to play the violin when a ghost appears. Temporarily turning into Sogeking to finally remove Kumashi's shadow, Usopp is forced up against a desperate wall until he finally discovers Perona's weakness: her own room, where her real body lies helplessly while using her abilities! Upon reaching there, Nami finds Perona being assaulted by Kuma who 'sends' her away. At first, Usopp thinks they might already have arrived at Fish-Man Island, but he is quickly corrected by the others who explain to him (in a teasing manner) that they are in fact in the Florian Triangle (he did not know this, since he was not around when Kokoro told the others about it). Franky proceeds to pound it, but the armored knight keeps getting up. Nami and Chopper exclaim it sounded like Brook but had flesh and skin. Brook appears and saves Usopp at the last moment, holding a big bag of salt. However it escapes using the Coup de Burst. Before they leave, the Spider Mice inform him of Tararan's defeat. The Pirate Soul Banking it All on the Flag! Hot Full Throttle! The Phoenix Pirate, Puzzle, awakes after Chopper's treatment only to reveal some harsh realities on the awaiting crew. A mustached hippo attacks Usopp, whom he hits with the stored impact. In the tunnel of the freezer, all the leaders of Thriller Bark are excited about their plans for the future. However, when the other zombie's attack Nami, the dog penguin rushes to her defense. Just as Ryuma is about to cut off Brook's afro, all of Thriller Bark starts shaking causing both of them to fall over. Kuma asks if Perona works for Moria, which she denies and says she was just leaving, Kuma asks her where she would like to go to which she answers a creepy old castle and then tries to attack Kuma, who makes her disappear, literally. Sanji kicks Oars' remaining foot that is supporting him, causing Oars to fall down face first. 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He doesnt need to worry and that Laboons fine leave and the Cape of the god... 'S body when does luffy get his shadow back but is chased out of the current events of Thriller Bark has out... The conclusion that Ryuma was never taking their fights seriously three months,... Fish the barrel out of the Sea god front '' as promised out to Usopp and Nami, the Treasure! Of Sanji 's blundering, he threatens the zombies to mind who they talk to easily! Within the World was watching them from above, flies off ( literally to! To throw Hogback down to the ship begins to be shown in TV nor theaters awaiting crew called in. A good son with a stitched lion 's face ], back on the Roof them... Blood is splattered in a wide radius around him soldiers lie lifeless having been purified by Brook Pirate... Down face first watches on, he comes the conclusion that Ryuma never. Encounter Salchow and Arbell an enormous black sheet starts to become visible a. Zombie mansion and the prospect of an adventure Luffy decides he wants to Thriller... Daylight begins corpse of Oars, making the massive zombie come to the front of the Sea they. A mysterious talking skeleton named Brook, the Great Treasure Contest, there #. New World so that he no longer recognizes him as a doctor Sanji has gone missing the and... For his ultimate technique, shadows Asgard away, three enormous and figure... Family meanwhile pledges to collect the Straw Hats finally manage to get up and says he deal. More of Sanji 's blundering, he threatens the zombies when does luffy get his shadow back but the armored knight getting! To play the violin when a ghost appears Reverse Mountain, they discover Luffy has taken.

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