One of the greatest challenges faced by individuals and organizations interested in working in reentry is overcoming barriers to effective engagement with the target population. Individuals who serve a minimum of six months in total confinement in a state correctional facility may: Individuals on this track must meet the following legislative criteria: Individuals who serve a minimum of four months total confinement in a state correctional facility may transfer with up to 18 months remaining on their sentence to electronic monitoring at an approved address. The Washington State Department of Corrections acknowledges that its facilities, offices and operations are on the ancestral lands and customary territories of Indigenous Peoples, Tribes and Nations. ax}c'- }foxAC0 CnOt7[arz^[]-24V}7{G washington state early release for inmates 2021short term factors that affect children's developmentshort term factors that affect children's development Firearms, Explosives & Ammunition Possession, Executive Order 16-05, Building Safe and Strong Communities through Successful Reentry, Sustainability & Environmental Performance, Copyright 2023 Washington State Department of Corrections. Reentry Division, Washington State Department of Corrections (360) 725-8828 | Since 2015, the Prison Education Program of the Restorative Justice Initiative at PSU has offered college-level courses taught by PSU faculty and graduate students to over 500 incarcerated. (4) All offenders placed on home detention as part of the graduated reentry program must provide an approved residence and living arrangement prior to transfer to home detention. A Master's degree will substitute for one year of experience. The Washington State Department of Corrections acknowledges that its facilities, offices and operations are on the ancestral lands and customary territories of Indigenous Peoples, Tribes and Nations. Starcia AgueEmail: Starcia.Ague@commerce.wa.govPhone: 360-725-4008, Brittany LovelyEmail: Brittany.Lovely@commerce.wa.govPhone: 360-789-1032, About Us Use the Organization Name filter to browse all reports submitted by the Department. Form DOC11-039 Graduated Reentry Criteria - Washington Preview Fill PDF Online Download PDF What Is Form DOC11-039? As part of SHB 2638, tracks were not formally introduced. (1) (a) The term of the sentence of an offender committed to a correctional facility operated by the department may be reduced by earned release time in accordance with procedures that shall be developed and adopted by the correctional agency having jurisdiction in which the offender is confined. I feel good about myself, about having a job and being able to support my family. %PDF-1.7 Note: Additional qualifying experience will substitute, year for year, for up to two years of the desired education. Bachelor's degree AND Four years of professional experience in adult or juvenile corrections, social services or closely related field. The NCSL Sentencing and Corrections Work Group project was developed under an NCSL partnership with the Public Safety Performance Project (PSPP) of the Pew Center on the States. According to DOC officials, the passages of ESSB expands the number of individuals eligible for the Graduated Reentry (GRE) program to more then 2,600 currently incarcerated individuals in 2022 . Attachment 6 -DOC Reentry Division -Program Status Update -July 2020 (pgs. 2683 0 obj <>stream Recent sentencing reform in WA State (Graduated Reentry and Community Parenting Alternative) will impact the number of incarcerated individuals in reentry within the WA State Department of Corrections (WA DOC). (2) The secretary of the department may transfer an offender from a department correctional facility to home detention in the community if it is determined that the graduated reentry program is an appropriate placement and must assist the offender's transition from confinement to the community. An important factor in successful transition is the establishment of structure for the individual. KINht9?x@,J3chEX8!7aYP[]v&!sqyW zG O$F&*o7N 'p+A!X2'*3 The specialist is responsible to weigh the benefits and risk associated with each situation. Nursing Graduate and Program Completion Rates Industrial, Transportation and Utility Line Auto Collision Technology Automotive Collision Technology Cohort Program Automotive Technology CDL-A Truck Driving Critical Facilities Operations Technology Inslee's Executive Order 16-05: Building Safe and Strong Communities Through Successful Reentry. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 5 Sec. 1. This program was . Additionally, stat- This is now referred to as Track One. Individuals will be screened by GRE staff and placed into a GRE track. The Department is committed to being reentry-focused and providing resources for individuals currently in and leaving the system, to assist in safe and successful transition to the community. There may be instances where individual positions must have additional licenses or certification. Reentry programs are designed to assist individuals who are releasing from incarceration to successfully transition back into the community. She has been featured CNN, Nightline, The Early Morning Show other television They help people being released from incarceration with tools to reintegrate back into their communities. state of washington department of corrections revision 6 policy applicability prison/reentry facility/spanish manual date /16/22 page number 2 of 12 number doc 390.590 title graduated reentry references: doc 100.100 is hereby incorporated into this policy; rcw 9.94a; doc 100.500 non- She became an advocate for criminal justice and prison reform, and re-entry programs. The Mission of Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) is to improve public safety by positively changing lives. The request to participate in GRE is initiated by an individuals assigned classification counselor. I feel like I was given a great opportunity to hit the ground running. The goals for GRE are to provide opportunities for incarcerated individuals to build skills through delivery of treatment, programs, work, education or participation in cognitive behavioral interventions, while in a partial confinement setting. Per RW 9.94A.733, the department shall publish a monthly report on its website the number of individuals transferred during the month to home detention as part of the graduated reentry program. 360-704-1052. Also, responsible for administrative activities such as the inmate banking All rights reserved. Report to and be available to their assigned corrections specialist as directed. |qN\dP@tPN 2 disorder treatment for individuals entering the graduated reentry 3 program at the department of corrections; and amending RCW 9.94A.733. (1) (a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, an offender may not participate in the graduated reentry program under this subsection unless he or she has served at least six months in total confinement in a state correctional facility. Ensure the device is worn and charged as required. Inslee lifting the COVID-19 restrictions, the council will host hybrid meetings in-person and online options on a virtual platform. Corrections is thankful to the Tribes for caring for these lands since time immemorial and honors its ongoing connection to these communities past . The Washington State Department of Corrections acknowledges that its facilities, offices and operations are on the ancestral lands and customary territories of Indigenous Peoples, Tribes and Nations. P15w:WW&KVqPl%@Dhp.M4FVs9oK&fS1"fyza^i4.5dYeIrQ>+&XjvC{Jp2*/T)H%d[K\Br Building Infrastructure %%EOF 5-6) 12 In 2016, Executive Order 16-05 directed state agencies to: Create mechanisms that allow qualified individuals to be pre-screened for federal and state benefits before leaving a correctional facility. Positive support systems such as family, mentors, and community engagement are significant factors needed in supporting ones transition from incarceration. Corrections is thankful to the Tribes for caring for these lands since time immemorial and honors its ongoing connection to these communities past, present and future. John Carney signed Executive Order 27 on December 4, 2018 establishing the Delaware Correctional Reentry Commission to examine policies and procedures around re-entry. Staff will screen and approve transfer orders for movement. Individual reentry plans are meant to assist the department in targeting programming and services to offenders with the greatest need and to the extent that those services are funded and available. She is a White House Champion for Change nominee and recipient of the Linda Gabriel Human Rights Award, among numerous other honors, for her leadership work with formerly incarcerated young people, adults and their families. This is a legal form that was released by the Washington State Department of Corrections - a government authority operating within Washington. endstream endobj startxref Another 10.6 million cycle through local jails (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2016 ). Reentry refers to the transition of offenders from prisons or jails back into the community. shall annually evaluate each continuing state publication they produce in accordance with the guidelines published by the director (of financial management)., (The newsletters were printed and disseminated to the incarcerated population. (1)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, an offender may not participate in the graduated reentry program under this subsection unless he or she has served at least six months in total confinement in a state correctional facility. rockyview hospital eye clinic. First reading, referred to Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation. ADP reductions will result from sentencing reforms proposed in accompanying request legislation impacting the Graduated Reentry program, earned time eligibility, and limitations on tolling, as well as a policy change reducing maximum violator sanctions from 30 to 15 days. -;k=S,RSt~VB . Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. It is the employers responsibility to ensure the appropriate licenses/certifications are obtained for each position. Additionally, an individual may serve up to the final six months of his or her confinement in home monitoring, as long as the individual has previously served at least 12 months in a state correctional facility. yMK2`TB?[gAY:;vIl75i!~:D|2L&bF"+mz/>tPG?WNza%h .v,5b(a'N&UP)q5;p)P)z` lBxr;X' The goal of reentry planning is to lower recidivism rates and promote long-term self-sufficiency for young people by increasing their skills to maintain a healthy, productive, and crime-free life. Most of the department's current and previously submitted reports can also be found using the Reports to the Legislature application at the Washington State Legislature website. This law expanded work release for up to 12 months to aid in obtaining addresses and created an option for home detention utilizing electronic home monitoring while individuals reside in approved residences completing their prison sentence. This is the report to the Legislature as directed by ESSB 5121 and contains information on Department of Corrections Graduated Reentry Program - Participation Eligibility. Each GRE participant is assigned a Reentry Navigator to assist with their transition and location of resources. Promoting Washington, Individuals referred to GRE track one work release to EHM will be screened by reentry center staff per DOC Policy 300.500 (pdf) prior to approval and transfer to a work release. Four years of professional experience in adult or juvenile corrections, social services or closely related field. Cutting ties with his old friends, neighborhood, and way of life, he dedicated . I n 2018, the Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) implemented a Graduated Reentry (GRE) program, allowing eligible prisoners to serve the final months of their sentence in partial confinement, easing their way back into their communities. There may be additional restrictions based on an individuals risk of harm and/or their conditions of placement. (3) The department and its officers, agents, and employees are not liable for the acts of offenders participating in the graduated reentry program unless the department or its officers, agents, and employees acted with willful and wanton disregard. The Department of Corrections (DOC) has been providing a graduated reentry process from incarceration to the community since the passage of SHB 2638 Graduated Reentry (GRE)(pdf) in 2018. Information about each partial confinement option (pdf) (Community Parenting Alternative, Graduated Reentry, and Work Release) and eligibility criteria are provided to individuals during orientation at the reception centers upon entry to the correctional facility. Employment Security, /*)#6=~%wx|Hy,{ }uD)k| Passed final passage; yeas, 28; nays, 21; absent, 0; excused, 0. The department shall submit an annual report by December 1st to the appropriate committees of the legislature with the number of offenders who were transferred to home detention as part of the graduated reentry program during the prior year. 0 Third reading, passed; yeas, 28; nays, 21; absent, 0; excused, 0. Through graduated reentry, an individual may now be eligible for work release during the final 12 months of his or her confinement. Successful engagement typically begins at the outset of an individual's incarceration, or his/her release from custody. End housing discrimination and homelessness following reentry by passing the Housing Justice Act, expanding and fully funding the Department of Corrections (DOC) Housing Voucher Program, and using vacant public land to provide reentry housing. 4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON: 5 Sec. Go to videos. Media Center FN dCK:T/T=j!|'F}hkB)|.9Oj-=FP)d@SW`^F\1y'zrHD0u-&/g,8GBb 1Z7%nh2Ogs*Si]?swE'%\xz=,'_Rm+O cWnFIS^hf@OoFC]C!U/Ck~ This expansion now allows DOC to transfer individuals onto electronic monitoring at an approved address through two different tracks. The first round of contracts under the Reentry Grant Program expired on June 30, 2022, although there is funding for the grant program through June 30, 2023. Class Specification History (b) For offenders who meet the requirements of (b)(iii) of this subsection, an offender may not participate in the graduated reentry program unless he or she has served at least four months in total confinement in a state correctional facility. 8d}r4GoDl0ihI[oi,)a1qX3-JC[h*{6c.3m_5O|@sXk;":3AxK,/4,5&_|=m^NN7\ Ytg'|]#n _}st:qvmoFAm%P?dBaFFpkwNWbCM0 360-704-4358. The assigned navigator, corrections specialist, and participant will work in collaboration to develop a sustainable plan to maintain housing. Eligible individuals will then move on to the home investigation stage prior to final approval for GRE EHM. * They are shared here in their original format. Funding is reduced to capture savings due decreased average daily population (ADP) in Department of Corrections facilities. With the goal of improving public safety, Governor Inslee signed Executive Order 16-05 on April 26, 2016, during National Reentry Week. A request to be transferred (transfer order) to GRE can be initiated by the assigned counselor up to 30 months prior to earned release date. LSW offers a GED program, career planning, job search assistance, and transition services. News / Feb 23, 2023 / 08:28 PM CST. Work Release staff screen individuals utilizing. RCWs define the offense categories for crimes against a person and violent/sex offenses. Background: Graduated Reentry Program. The Graduated Reentry Program at the Washington State Department of Corrections (DOC) was established in law in 2018. According to DOC, the intent of the program is to improve public safety by targeting interventions and programs for incarcerated individuals' successful transition into the community. (i) An offender subject to (a) of this subsection may serve no more than the final five months of the offender's term of confinement in partial confinement as home detention as part of the graduated reentry program developed by the department. 2 incarcerated individuals at the department of corrections; and reenacting and amending RCW 9.94A.7283 . Additionally, statute requires the department submit an annual report by December 1st to the legislature with the number of individuals transferred to home detention during the prior year. endstream endobj 60 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 56 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(}ud/mJ "`:gim)/P -3388/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(Fa* )/V 4>> endobj 57 0 obj <> endobj 58 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 53 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 59 0 obj <>stream Plans will be developed and secured so that individuals will be able to maintain their community living. Due to Gov. 0 The Washington State Department of Corrections acknowledges that its facilities, offices and operations are on the ancestral lands and customary territories of Indigenous Peoples, Tribes and Nations. End of Sentence Review Committee & Law Enforcement Notification Report, Incarcerated Individual Betterment Fund (IIBF) Annual Budget Report, Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Annual Report, Spatial Distribution of COVID-19 Population Reduction, Administrative Operations Division Business Plan, Community Corrections Division Business Plan, Aging Prison Population Trends in Washington: Offenses, Custody Levels, and Recidivism, 1998-2018, Community Reentry: Releases to Pierce County (2017-2020), Washington State Corrections' Research on Prison Misconduct and Race, Average Daily Population of Incarcerated Individuals in Prisons, Cost per Incarcerated Individual per Prison, Incarcerated Population and Supervision Caseload Compared to Forecasts, Assessment of the WADOC Sex Offender Treatment and Assessment Programs, Department of Justice Larch Corrections Center Culture Assessment, Department of Justice Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Audit Reports, Washington State University Second Chance Act Report, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-032, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-030, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-029, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-028, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-027, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-026, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-024, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-022, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-021, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-020, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-016, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-015, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-013, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-014, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-011, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-010, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-008, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-007, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 22-006, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 21-005, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 21-004, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 21-003, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 21-002, Unexpected Fatality Corrective Action Plan 21-001, Body Scanner Pilot: An Alternative to Strip Searches of Incarcerated Individuals, 2019 Report, 2022 Contracted Telecommunication and Electronic Media Services for Inmates in State Correctional Facilities | SSB 6476, 2021 Contracted Telecommunication and Electronic Media Services for Inmates in State Correctional Facilities, 2020 Contracted Telecommunication and Electronic Media Services for Inmates in State Correctional Facilities, Creating Prison-to-Postsecondary Education Pathways, Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment Advisory Committee Report, Domestic Violence Risk Assessment Work Group Report, Electronic Health Records Request for Information, Federal Medicaid for Residential DOSA and Intensive Inpatient Treatment Funding: 2021 Findings and Recommendations, Felony Drug Grid Sentencing Comparison, 2015 Preliminary Report to the Legislature, Graduated Reentry Participation Eligibility, 2021 Report to the Legislature, Statutory Correctional Facility Siting List, Use of Secured-Internet to Expand Postsecondary Education Opportunities to Enhance Public Safety, Work Release Expansion - Implementation Plan, Yakima Jail Therapeutic Community Program, 2019 Report, Copyright 2023 Washington State Department of Corrections, Incarcerated Individual Betterment Fund (IIBF) Facility Quarterly Budget Reports, Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) |, Mission Creek Corrections Center for Women (MCCCW) |, Stafford Creek Corrections Center (SCCC) |, Washington Corrections Center for Women (WCCW) |, Incarcerated Individual Betterment Fund (IIBF) Quarterly Budget Reports |, Indeterminate Sentence Review Board (ISRB), Contracted Telecommunication and Electronic Media Services for Inmates in State Correctional Facilities, Program Categorization and Implementation Updates. 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