[talking about Alex] We're already packed. Jonathan: I have no idea what you're talking about. [in ancient Egyptian to Imhotep] Turning on the English captions only captions the parts that are already in English. Rick: 1 Mar. Three sides of the pyramid. [he was caught by the Curator's henchmen] You wait! Baltus Hafez, the Curator: For example, if you are referring to the ancient Egyptian mummy, they would have spoken Ancient Egyptian, which is a language that is now extinct. (2017 film) The Mummy is a 2017 film about an ancient Egyptian princess who is awakened from her crypt beneath the desert, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension. This time, the Mummy has to defeat the Scorpion King ( Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) to get control of his army and take over the world. [he slides down the ladder and then kicks a piece of wood]. The box-office success led to two sequelsThe Mummy Returns and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperoras well as an animated series, and the prequel/spin-off film The Scorpion King. They don't try to hide any of it. Jonathan: The Mummy Returns is a 2001 sequel to The Mummy film, in which the mummified body of Imhotep is shipped to a museum in London, where he wakes once again and resumes his quest for absolute power. Rick: I'll deal with the flight details. Izzy: The Mummy Returns (2001) Quotes Showing all 95 items Ardeth Bay : [ to Alex ] By putting this on, you have started a chain reaction that could bring about the next apocalypse. And she's quiet, real quiet. You almost got me killed! [as Evelyn stops to drag a bench to block the museum's entrance]. Jonathan: [shrieks then looks at Shafek, shocked] Sorry! [Angrily in Ancient Egyptian] Starring: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, Dwayne Johnson. Imhotep: Jonathan: I was forced to find an alternative means of transportation--. Now I'm starting to scare myself. Same with amazon prime. Rick: My wife? A Coptic phase is thought to have lasted between the fourth and 14th centuries, making it the final phase of Ancient Egyptian language. Literature When Father returned from work, Mummy from the Temple, it had always been that question. When the time comes, I shall truly enjoy killing you. She's gone to a better place. [Jonathan and an enemy soldier run into a clearing with stones while fleeing undead pygmies]. Pharaoh: The Mummy opens in Thebes 1290BC, with Medjai warrior Ardeth Bay ( Oded Fehr, Once Upon A Time) narrating the events leading to Imhotep's curse. They don't try to hide any of it. God sent the angel of death to Egypt and killed all firstborn sons of the Egyptian people, including Pharaoh's firstborn son. HEVC. Meela: Meela: Ardeth Bay: The Mummy is a rousing, suspenseful and horrifying epic about an expedition of treasure-seeking explorers in the Sahara Desert in 1925. No, pick up your stuff, and I'll see you up in the temple. Jonathan, get our bags. Anyone know how get subtitles for the foreign parts in The Mummy Returns? Hello. You know, if you move that fast enough, you can almost write your name. Jonathan: Meela: When did we make that arrangement? Imhotep: Mummy. Rick: [trying to console Alex about his moms death]. Red: [as the Scorpion King is about to attack]. the girl's a free spirit. Anubis gave the Scorpion King command of his army, and like an evil flood, they washed away all that lay before them. Imhoteps catchphrase, Death is only the beginning, is said to have been written in hieroglyphs. Lock-Nah: [Alex has just destroyed a temple] 2023 I love Languages. I'll be just fine. Dr. Petrie - Strangled by Kharis. Oh, my God. [snaps her finger to the other cultists and Evy was struggling to escape], [she still trying to escape but saw the fire]. Jonathan: Right, right, I'll get the bags. 2001.1080p. Rick: If he is not killed, he will raise the Army of Anubis. - She's going to be all right, isn't she? When his task was done, Anubis forced the Scorpion King to serve him for all time. There's a difference. Yes, they once again removed the creature from his grave. The City of the Dead (also known as Hamunaptra) is a fictional Egyptian city in Egypt and a location in The Mummy. Jonathan: 2001 | Maturity Rating: 13+ | 2h 9m | Action & Adventure. Izzy: What? Imhotep: [to his princess, my girl] Imhotep, you should accompany me. This use of a patriarchal vision of gender relations as a means to symbolise colonial and economic domination of Egypt was mirrored in mummy romance fiction, in which male explorers conquered female mummies - but recently discovered mummy curse fiction, authored by American women in the 1860s, reversed this motif: men who defiled female mummies That mark means you're a protector of man, a warrior for God, a Medjai. Spivey! Wait! But do you know how many cubic meters I'd need? Well, I haven't done anything to anybody. Whoa, Mom! [pointing to Alex] in five sacred canopic jars. Starring: Brendan FraserRachel WeiszJohn Hannah. [yanking the scepter out of his hand] There is no one answer to this question as the mummy can refer to a number of different things. Exactly. Rick: My mistake! It was released on May 4, 2001. That's the beauty of it. Still, it's not bad. When did you learn to do that? [in Ancient Egyptian] Well, it's a bit late for that, isn't it? and he nally returns . Anck-su-namun - Died of illness. Lock-Nah: What are you talking about?! [leading him out] If I were to say to you, "I am a stranger traveling from the East, seeking that which is lost" Rick: Come on, Alex. Looks like you can't get the subtitles for it. The City of the Dead (also known as Hamunaptra) is a fictional Egyptian city in Egypt and a location in The Mummy. She obviously did. You wait! Jonathan: *What are we gonna do*? In The Mummy Returns, the characters Rick and Evelyn speak English, while Imhotep speaks Ancient Egyptian. [on seeing Izzy's dirigible, Rick draws his gun]. Mom, dad, I can explain *everything*. YOU BROKE IT! Ardeth Bay: That mark means you are a protector of man. You know, a couple of years ago this would have seemed really strange to me. People who know their action flicks will notice that the Mummy Returns steals about every action scene from every action movie made in the past 20 years, quoting movies like Aliens, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park 2 (why? "We worked with a guy called Dr. Stuart Smith from UCLA and hes an Egyptologist. You've got the wrong guy. That's because it opens up into one! Evelyn: It's not worth your life, you idiot! Baltus Hafez, the Curator: The use of two different languages also allows for some interesting plot points, as the characters must find a way to communicate with each other in order to defeat Imhotep. Imhotep: [laughs] You are a strange little one. Some historical facts about architecture, religious practices, and beliefs of the Ancient Near East are not depicted in the film. Baltus Hafez, the Curator: If you are going to be angry, the shoddy computer animation should be your target. Seems to me like we need a magic carpet. Izzy: The franchise was created by Nina Wilcox Putnam and Richard Schayer . "My Girl, When Ramses Destroyed Syria, That Was An Accident. Well, you'd better start finding it then. The problem with a lot of this Egyptian stuff is words like look out become like 10 lines. O'Connell. [Anck-Su-Namun bows down to him and hugs her] The history of the language can be divided into six periods or phases, dating back four millennia. https://www.quotes.net/movies/the_mummy_returns_13683, https://www.quotes.net/movies/the_mummy_returns_quotes_13683. [to Jonathan] You: get in the car. You shouldn't be too angry at the sloppy script. Izzy: Mr. O'Connell? Why don't you pick on somebody your own size? She was only trying to place the books in their correct places in the library. I swear, the kid gets more and more like you every day. Look at the state of this rubbish. Oh, you mean Evy. I see. Why don't you just give me one good reason? We'll take care of it. He spends more time there than he does at home. A wave of interest in ancient Egypt swept across the Western world following the. That said, here are the 10 best quotes from The Mummy. I know that one! Starring Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, and Arnol more More The Mummy quotes Collection Edit Buy Imhotep: Keetah mi pharos aja nilo. I'm lying in the middle of the road with my spleen hanging out and I see him waltzing up with some belly dancer girl. [giving the case to him] And she's quiet. Evelyn: You have the sacred mark. - I don't have a good feeling about this. Rick: Ancient Greece Clothing. Rick: Jonathan: Jonathan: Is there a setting I can turn on to correct this? [he nods] By the time he reaches Ahm Shere, even the Scorpion King won't be able to stop him. No, that got slapped on me when I was in an orphanage in Cairo. Jonathan: Jonathan: My point is, I told you so you wouldn't kill me. Egyptian Aps are quite poisonous. Mummy. [in Ancient Egyptian] Ardeth Bay: Only the journey is written, not the destination. Both areas are near the southern city of Luxor. His powers are returning quickly. Evy, I know you haven't exactly been yourself lately with all these dreams and visions Evelyn: We are looking for the bracelet of Anubis. Connections The next thing I know, I get shot! Even if I was some sort of sacred Medjai, what good does that do me now? That's my husband and my son down there. Miles makes his appearance, and after some comic dialogue, intended to tickle the ears of the groundlings, mounts astride the demon's back, and goes off to ! you've got the wrong ma Jonathan: [laughing] Evelyn: The film still employs some ancient Egyptian language dialogue, which means that Ahmanets dialogue was translated from English into Egyptian for the film (we scanned the credits for the Egyptologists who consulted on the film, but they could have chosen a different translation). Imhoteps voice-over for the opening scene was intended to read over the opening note. I'm only 8 years old, for Christ's sake! [leans towards him and points the snake at his throat], Meela: I am your servant! [about Ahm Shere] Well done, daughter. Goofs I got a better idea. Evy: Bellydancer girl? Where am I supposed to find gas around here? Make me proud. Mom! Rick: Jonathan: Returns. You know, like it says in the Good Book. Some scenes contain dialogue in Arabic, but subtitles are not used. Alex: [she touches his body inside of the mineral]. That's why we're the ones who are gonna find it. Every time I hook up with you, I get shot! But this is my house, and I have certain rules about snakes and dismemberment. Perfect for sneaking up on people, which is a very good thing. Rick: [ecstatic] The sands of time have already begun to pour against you. [to Jonathan about Alex] ENOUGH. I'm laying there in the middle of the road, with my spleen hanging out, and I see HIM waltzing off with some bellydancer girl! People who know their action flicks will notice that the Mummy Returns steals about every action scene from every action movie made in the past 20 years, quoting movies like Aliens, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park 2 (why? Evelyn: And we need it BEFORE IT OPENS. It's on it's way to merry old London. The films lines were translated from English into Egyptian by Ahmanets translator. Show Girl: Rick: I *know* I've been here before. Alex: This bracelet is a gift and a curse. On a wall by the entrance. [Jacques was on top smiling and saw Alex shocked]. When his task was done, Anubis forced the Scorpion King to serve him for all time. In a sense, this isnt as big of a deal as it is a throwback to the days when foreign characters would say their lines in a different language in order to make it appear they were speaking in that language. Alex: Rick: Loosely based on the 1932 film starring Boris Karloff. Ardeth Bay: Now, where's my water? Question: "To the death" and "God help us", which Ardeth Bay said when confronting the Army of Anubis, what are they in original Arabic (or Egyptian)? This provides an added layer of suspense and excitement to the film. Evelyn: No! You want the shotgun? If you've lost that key, you're grounded. The Ancient Egyptian language group is classified as an Afro-Asiatic language in addition to other languages such as Omotic, Chadic, Cushitic, and Amazigh. Yes! Rick: Look at that. Rick: Jonathan: See that?! Rick: Then how do I seem to know exactly where I'm going? These guys don't use doors. Despite the fact that Coptic is still used as the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church today, there are no native speakers. led a great army on a campaign. Look, if you work for Johnny, I was gonna pay him back on Tuesday. Evelyn: Let me down! [after Evelyn opens a door base on a vision she had]. It's the safe downstairs. But until that time, you better be a *little* nicer to me. Lock-Nah: The Mummy (2017) - full transcript Though safely entombed in a crypt deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient princess, whose destiny was unjustly taken from her, is awakened in our current day bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension. THE MUMMY RETURNS Written and directed by Stephen Sommers; director of photography, Adrian Biddle; edited by Bob Ducsay; music by Alan Silvestri; production designer, Allan Cameron; produced by. The Mummy Returns is a 2001 film about the sequel to The Mummy in which the mummified body of Imhotep is shipped to a museum in London, where he once again wakes and begins his campaign of rage and terror. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. that movie was terrible), and especially Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, with which, if you remember, The Mummy I was competing with in the box office successfully in May of 1999. the Priests. Baltus Hafez, the Curator: Alex O'Connell: You're asking me?! Rick: Ok, you're here, the bad guys are here, Evy's been kidnapped. 5,000 years ago, a fierce warrior known as the Scorpion King led a great army on a campaign to conquer the known world. Clearly, you were destined to protect this woman. Protect the car? Jonathan: Come on, come on! [she got caught] Baltus Hafez, the Curator: Despite the fact that Coptic is still used as the liturgical language of the Coptic Orthodox Church today, there are no native speakers. [shoots the lock on the door], Rick: [looks at her] We don't have time for subtle. Evelyn: Huh? [Anck-Su-Namun puts the weapon down and he made an announcement in Ancient Egyptian to the guard opening the box of the bracelet] Show Girl: [Alex rips the picture out of Ardeth's hands] The ancient Egyptian language, as opposed to the modern Arabic language, shares many similarities with other Arabic languages spoken in the Arabian Peninsula. After a vicious campaign that lasted seven long years, the Scorpion King and his army were defeated and driven deep into the sacred desert of Ahm Shere. Rick: You better believe him. She knees him in the groin and decks him with a right hook]. See those sacred stones? Meela: Ardeth Bay: By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 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