. [1] The recently identified but yet to be fully characterised 25km long Te Puninga fault is presumably an intra-rift fault within a few kilometres of its line. Firth of Thames | Waikato Regional Council Skip to main content Kaunihera Council Council About us Elected members The work we do Executive leadership team Making a stand for the Waikato Local Governance Statement Shovel ready projects How we're performing NW 0.1 m. Inner Gulf. Thank you! What could possibly go wrong? 7. Click map to set map center coordinates, or enter your own: Drag pin or click map to change its location. Oops! All rights reserved. 7. . . Closed tracks or routes on this map are defined as being no longer maintained or passable and should not be used by recreationalists. 4. Thames Weather Forecast and Observations - MetService New Zealand Thames - 48 Hours Heavy Rain Watch Heavy Rain Watch Period: 7hrs from 9am - 4pm Mon, 27 Feb Area: Coromandel Peninsula Forecast: Periods of heavy rain with possible thunderstorms and localised downpours. 7. Firth Of Thames. N 0.5 m. Waiinu Hole. Bitcoin address (SegWit): If you provide personal information, it's held by NZ Topo Map. Firth of Thames. Representation on this map of a road or track does not necessarily indicate public right of access. . SwellMap 2023. Firth of Thames. Spearfishing for Yellowtail Kingfish and Big Snapper in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand in Spring. MBTiles downloads are available through my FastSpring store. The following 3rd party apps are available allowing offline use of the topo maps: This service wouldn't be possible without: Service provided by Gavin Harriss. Kawakawa Bay is a small settlement facing North / North West on the Hauraki Gulf /Firth of Thames.Me and a few work mates had the opportunity to go out on a . An orange rating between 4 and 6 indicates reasonable surf conditions, although possibly affected by light-fair onshore winds, and a lower swell period e.g. Kawakawa Bay is fabulous for families. - SwellMap boat ratings. "NOAA" and the NOAA emblem are registered trademarks of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 6. Both iPhone Marine Navigation App and iPad Marine Navigation App are now available-, New! Firth Of Thames. 8-10 seconds. Highly recommeded, Love this place, always come up here to fish the mussel farms, Fishing the mussel farms was awsome but boy its a long boat trip out nearly 3 hours but worth it came home with 11 snaps 4 kahawai and a gurnard im buggered. A large coastal reserve bounded by peninsula and mountains. - Detailed daily forecasts. Show additional layer of information on the map: NZ Topo Map is an interactive topographic map of New Zealand using the official LINZ's 1:50,000 / Topo50 and 1:250,000 / Topo250 maps. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . 24-hour AA Roadservice: 0800 500 222 E 1.3 m. Raglan Entrance. Why donate? Fishing spots and depth contours layers are available in most Lake maps. Coromandel boating forecasts, maps, rain radar and current conditions. 8. 30kt southerly wind against tide can get choppy which made for a slow bite for several days. View full forecast Today: Variable 5 knots. NE 0.3 m. Motunau Island. Copyright 2009-2023 Bist LLC. N 0.4 m. Waiinu Hole. other things like your screen resolution and the language setting of your browser. Sea temperature 22.1 C. Similar patterns as out wide again this week. 5. Search for huts, peaks, streams, forests, towns, other features and coordinates. 5. 5. WGS84 coordinates: -36.95614716, 175.26425200. 6. Redirecting to https://www.swellmap.co.nz/boating/uk/firth-of-thames (308) There are still plenty of old-style baches; caravans with extensions parked under phutukawa, 1950s shacks with add-ons and cute cottages with sweet gardens. An orange rating between 4 and 6 indicates average boating conditions, possibly affected by light-fair winds, and a swell height around 1-2 metres. We'll email you a download link when your PDF is ready. The Miranda Shorebird Centre, operated by the Miranda Naturalists' Trust, is located on the western shore of the bay at Miranda.However, the firth overall is severely damaged by man-made influences, especially dairy-farm run-off, and has not recovered from large-scale mussel dredging over 40 years after the practice ceased (more information in the Hauraki Gulf article). ). Best to be out there in amongst it, the best form of social distancing therapy there is, enjoying and appreciating what we have right here on the doorstep. Firth Of Thames Boating Forecast - The latest sea state, swell and wind forecasts and local tide information Firth Of Thames Boating Forecast No warnings in place for Coromandel marine area View all severe weather Coromandel Marine - Boating Sea Temperature 22 Issued: 10:00am Tue, 28 Feb 23 Thames Tides 3.2m 0.9m Source: MetOcean Solutions UV The alternate road heading south from Auckland, along the Firth of Thames, is a quiet, visual treat with lots to see and do. form to the west the Hunua Range and its southern continuation, the Hapuakohe Range, with summit heights of up to 700m (2,300ft). NE 0.5 m. Waiinu Hole. Accordingly, NZ Topo Map has attempted to provide accurate information and materials on this web site but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of that information or materials. 5. When you purchase our Nautical Charts App, you get all the great marine chart app features like fishing spots, along with Firth of Thames,NU marine chart. Swell Maps from around the country Link to Swell Map - The-Needles (Great Barrier) Link to Swell Map - Cape-Barrier Link to Swell Map - Firth-of-Thames Link to Swell Map - Astrolabe (Tauranga) Link to Swell Map - Gannet-Rock Link to Swell Map - Aotea-Reef (Raglan) Link to Swell Map - Mokau-Trench (Raglan) Link to Swell Map - The-21 (Raglan) Log In. 29/01/90; North Island; ~7,800 ha; 3713'S 17523'E. Coastal Reserve; Shorebird Network Site. ). Swell Map for the Firth of Thames for the weekend. SwellMap 2023. All rights reserved. However good news - the bite returned this week with widely scattered action stations around the gulf, set to continue in the short term so what does this mean for our fishing? 7. The Miranda Seabird Centre is not far south of this semi-serious sculpture but that will wait for another day. For Wave Dancer Charters: Visit www.wavedancer.co.nz to make a booking. NE 0.0 m. Poor Knights Islands. See more. Lots of suspicious looking activity bird/bait around there - future Sign 'O the Times. And plenty of paddocks with glossy, happy horses. 7. W 1.1 m. The Noises. Click within an area to get map sheet details and download links. Please be patient while the PDF is generated, especially with larger page sizes. Click a map sheet area on the map to see the download options. Soon we see the Firth of Thames, silver at first glimpse and patterned with orderly lines of oyster racks. Here's what you need to know to ensure your trophy fish legally qualifies for a category record. The smaller free Chatham Islands download can be used to test compatibility, the large mainland download is charged for to help cover service costs. Your submission has been received! E 0.8 m. Musick Point. 1FrcAJbfY5jg1MfbaYpYn24MHRkdi7SFSB SwellMap provides the following features: - 7 day swell and wind forecast graphs to make interpreting the surf conditions ahead easy. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net It looks like you have an ad blocker installed. Last edited on 10 February 2023, at 07:13, "Geophysical study of the Hauraki Depression, North Island, New Zealand", "Investigating Te Puninga fault on the Hauraki Plains", "The Kerepehi Fault, Hauraki Rift, North Island, New Zealand: active fault characterisation and hazard", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Firth_of_Thames_Fault&oldid=1138544482, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 07:13. Firth of Thames, Auckland - New Zealand topographic map. Consisting of shallow marine water, mud and grass flats, mangrove swamp, saltmarsh, and swampland. Map imagery when developing your own website maps & apps. . Reviews, get directions and contact details. McNicol Homestead Museum, Clevedon. Terms Of Service - - - -Blog - Marine Leader Board. communicating with you, including responding to your feedback and information provided in submission forms. 1. 6. Firth Of Thames. N 0.5 m. Waiinu Hole. Kawakawa Bay is great for families. The coastal drive is stunning & there's several boat ramps available to launch giving you easy 10 min access to fishing grounds. E 1.8 m. Raglan Entrance. 22 22.5 23 23.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 Sea temperature at surface 22.74 . Firth Of Thames. Firth of Thames: the gentle way south By Liz Light The alternate road heading south from Auckland, along the Firth of Thames, is a quiet, visual treat with lots to see and do. to add Firth of Thames map to your website; Awesome fishing spot & plenty of big snapper around the mussel farms. E 1.8 m. Raglan Entrance. 4. 6. . 7. . [1] This ground-breaking site delivers marine weather forecasts for hundreds of boating and surf spots around New Zealand. 7. . December 29, 2021 at 10:40 AM. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . Clevedon, a village in the middle of rolling green farmland is the kick-off point for the Firth of Thames coastal road. Sign up to receive the latest news and fishingreports. The boys are continuing on their 2-day NZ fishing and camping mission. The best time to visit Clevedon is Sunday morning for the farmers market, but we are there on Friday. You can use the site without disclosing any personal information. We think we may have something of yours here - can you please make contact by PM or on 092922131 or email boatclub@kbbc.co.nz. Donations also show your love and encourage me to development new functionality. bc1qpqgghpyhcdgrmhdrsvytgehzza6uck2v4c3aml Blissful cauldrons of dolphins gorging themselves on pilchards have been happening just out of the gulf, wide of both Barriers with gannets simply ducking their heads under for a pillie beside them with no take-off or landing needed. Liz Light was an Auckland-based writer and photographer. If you're finding the NZ Topo Map service useful please consider donating, no matter how small, it's greatly appreciated. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . For Aucklanders, just driving half of it on a day-escape is a rural and beach-side tonic. NZ Topo Map strives to provide you with useful, accurate, and timely information on this web site. 6. 7. 6. Your donation will help cover the ongoing hosting and bandwidth costs required to keep this free service up and running. While some complete blitzes from solid fish on the big jigs suspiciously sharknado-like. Now Automatic Slip to Slip Boat routing based Boat's Draft (draught) is available for water mapped by this chart. Send Ethereum address to your wallet, Monero address: Send Bitcoin address to your wallet, Bitcoin address (Legacy): Further south Tawhitokino Beach, in a regional park with the same name, is a magnificent, unvisited treasure though not so great for families, especially younger children with little legs, because you have to walk there. 7. The possibility that it is a rift edge fault for only part of its length and intra-rift for others arises as it was long ago noted that the Waikato River exits the Taupo Rift in a garben that could align with a wider Hauraki Rift at its southern end than the southern aspects of the fault line predicts. Forecasts are generated using the latest atmospheric and oceanographic numerical models providing updated information four times daily. 1. W 1.2 m. The Noises. So much fish life it was insane! All other share settings are ignored, map centers on. Liz won numerous awards for both her writing and photography. Start planning your travels with 12 great things to check out within an easy drive from Auckland. Theres a few easy ways to do this, the best is to keep changing your menu items (lures) and their action, the difference can be staggering in terms of results. W 1.2 m. The Noises. NZ Topo Map is developed and maintained in my spare time. Utterly amazing scenes. You can disable them or clear them out of your web browser without affecting your ability to use the site. Maybe the schools out wide of the Barriers will head in like another particularly large whale along a temperature break south of Little Barrier - the next big thing/area? Get in contact. A large coastal reserve bounded by peninsula and mountains. 7. Sunrise 06:58. Weather station Today Tomorrow After tomorrow Temperature: 22 C (72 F) Wind speed: 20 km/h (13 mph) Wind direction: 220 Pressure: 1011 hPa Precipitation: 0.0 mm Humidity: 65% Cloud cover: 0% Visibility: 10 km Sunrise: 07:04 am Sunset: 08:02 pm Moonrise: 03:24 pm Moonset: 12:02 am Max temperature: 21 C (70 F) Min temperature: 15 C (58 F) The Firth of Thames is located in the northern part of New Zealand's North Island, on the Hauraki Gulf. NE 0.3 m. Motunau Island. An alternative win-win method of donating is to buy an Entertainment Membership. The now muddy waters of the Firth of Thames are a great attraction for seabirds, thousands of them, but we turn back towards Auckland at the worlds biggest oystercatcher. The tips and places you will visit will depend on that locals personal experience NE 0.0 m. Poor Knights Islands. See our terms and conditions of use. N 0.5 m. Waiinu Hole. It is the firth of the rivers Waihou and Piako, the former of which was formerly named the Thames River, and the town of Thames lies on its southeastern coast.Its original name is Tikapa.The firth lies at the southern end of the Hauraki Gulf, southeast of the city of Auckland. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd (. Marine Leader Board wind forecast graphs to make a booking App and iPad Marine Navigation App and iPad Navigation. And running at first glimpse and patterned with orderly lines of oyster racks of rolling green farmland is kick-off... The surf conditions ahead easy Marine Leader Board grass flats, mangrove,! Map sheet details and download links 's Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand topographic.. Like you have an ad blocker installed map to your website ; Awesome fishing spot plenty. In most Lake maps won numerous awards for both her writing and photography for Wave Charters. 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