Senior Center Monthly Newsletters For information on senior services, classes, events, resources and more view our monthly newsletter. All Rights Reserved. To receive information regarding Rubbish, Recycling, Yard Waste pick-up, Yard Waste drop-off, Household Hazardous Waste events, Recycling events, etc. June 2015 Newsletter Senior captain Cole Blaeser led the way with 32 points, while senior Jimmy Ayers (26), senior Will Van Sicklin (24) and juniors Jake Vana (22) and Christian Rosa (22) all cracked the 20-point mark. Now open, the fridge provides free food to community members in need. May Issue of the Senior Edition Newsletter April 2021 Senior Edition Newsletter This vital organization allows the Senior Center to fund the mailing of the Council on Aging Senior Edition newsletter, purchase equipment and pay for other special events or needs. All Rights Reserved. Updates on the Town's Strategic Planning Process and ways to get involved! Discuss current happenings in the world including local, national, and international news. } October Issue of the Senior Edition Newsletter Nearly half of SELCOs basic subscribers have cut the proverbial cord, according to a presentation to the Select Board Jan. 24. Sep 2015 Newsletter background: url( 0 0 no-repeat; Agendas are available prior to meetings. Information regarding the benefits for Town of Shrewsbury employees, or prospective employees. Contracts and Bids Awarded by the Office of the Town Manager. Those wishing to continue to receive the Senior Edition Newsletter by mail are asked to contact the Senior Center by calling 508-841-8640. Hamilton-Wenham 45, Revere 28. For Advertising Inquiries: [emailprotected], For editorial inquiries:[emailprotected]. Receive emails regarding emergency information from the Town. See map: . The Senior Center is located at 1607 Corlies Avenue, Neptune NJ. Opening matchup: Plays a 5 p.m. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. and hors doeuvres will be served to guests upon arrival. From piecing to hand quilting, we work on our own projects with guidance and support from Beth. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Share. People dont really realize how many people in the community actually need food., He said that people often think food insecurity only occurs in the urban areas or among certain demographics. The Town Hall phone number has been updated to 508-841-8585, Information and updates for the October 17, 2022 Special Town Meeting. Senior Edition Newsletter July 2019. January 2021 Senior Edition Newsletter The Community Advocate is an independently owned newspaper with a legacy of over 40 years serving the communities of Westborough, Hudson, Marlborough, Northborough, Shrewsbury, Southborough and Grafton. Sunshine and a few clouds. It is also the number-one circulated paper in those communities. Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body. The 2022 Annual Town Meeting will be held at the Oak Middle School Auditorium, 45 Oak Street, on Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 8:30am. Senior Center November 2020 Newsletter. All Rights Reserved. (2/4) August 2021 Senior Edition Newsletter Ask your instructor for more information. Walk-in clinic. Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by placing tiles, each bearing a single letter, onto a game board divided into a 1515 grid of squares. During the pandemic, extra (SNAP) benefits have been available each month to help families buy food (minimum of extra $95/month per household). Please remember to set your spam blocker to allow mail from How can the Community Advocate help you promote your business? Beckley, WV (25801) Today. May 2017 Newsletter Summers County has been strong all season but . brandon fugal wife; lucky 13 magazine 450 bushmaster. Senior Center June 2020 Newsletter. I want to thank you all for putting this here, Kane said of the fridge. If you have questions about these events, please call the Shrewsbury Senior Center at 508-841-8640 or visit Grants, the largest being an annual grant given by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs in Boston where a dollar amount is given per senior in town. Small group beginner piano lessons. } They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. COA Newsletter March 2023COA Newsletter February 2023COA Newsletter January 2023COA Newsletter December 2022. The Marion Council on Aging's mission is to advocate on behalf of the Marion adult population. From: Town Of Hingham. 2023 January March May July September November February April June August October December SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Get your news delivered early to your email address Subscribe EXPLORE THE Archives Sign up here for updates regarding the Senior Center (Council on Aging) Newsletter. A Shrewsbury Senior Center is located at 98 Maple Ave, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Q How is Shrewsbury Senior Center rated? The Friends support the dignity, independence and life enrichment of senior citizens by enhancing the activities of the Sudbury Senior Center through fundraising, advocacy, and underwriting programs and facility improvements. This is a great idea, Moore said. . 35 Maimonides 64-46 in a Div. . 39. He was the coordinator of the Shrewsbury Senior Center newsletter and a volunteer driver with the meals-on-wheels program. Members . The Shrewsbury Community Fridge is located near town hall and the senior center at 100 Maple Ave. (Courtesy Sandra Burgers) SHREWSBURY, MA Shrewsbury's newest place to eat is totally free. We cover a wide variety of breaking news, municipal issues, human interest features and sports stories. The rotary, meanwhile, has discouraged donations of raw meat and seafood, homemade food or leftovers, rotting or wilted food, unsealed food or hygiene supplies, expired items, alcohol or medication, severely dented cans, ungraded eggs and clothing and housewares. Checks may be mailed to the Shrewsbury Senior Center; 98 Maple, Ave., Shrewsbury, MA 01545. The Shrewsbury Council on Aging (SCOA) is a Town human service department that serves the needs and issues of Shrewsbury's seniors (60 and over), or families with senior issues. LEIESTER SENIOR GROUP Train Your Brain Wdnesday, 10:00 AM DWAYNE ARLSONEntertainment Tuesday September 7, 10:00 AM (508) 892-7016 Transportation (508) 752-9283 Rachelle S. Cloutier, M.Ed. Each player receives six cards, and the score is kept by moving pegs on a narrow rectangular board. Shrewsbury High put together a dominant performance, winning six events and running away with the boys Mid-Wach A Indoor Track Championship. All Rights Reserved. Melanie Petrucci - March 10, 2020 The Board of Health is comprised of a three board membership. 2023-02-24 18:07:41.000000 Man Utd boss Ten Hag uses Liverpool collapse to talk up victory over Barcelona Our Approach Meaningful relationships between our residents, staff, and families are what make living at Arbor communities a joy. They help others learn about robotics. will be hosting a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at the Shrewsbury Fire Station Headquarters, 11 Church Road by Appointment ONLY on 03-10-23 from 4PM - 7PM. The Shrewsbury Council on Aging (SCOA) is a Town human service department that serves the needs and issues of Shrewsbury's seniors (60 and over), or families with senior issues. Shrewsbury Police Department rescued a man who was trapped in the mud in Flint Pond on at 11:40 a.m. Feb. 13. Ex: 555-555-0123. meals and goods from certified kitchens. A health fair hosted by the senior center is taking place at the center, which is located at 98 Maple Ave. on Thursday, Sept. 8, from 12 to 4 p.m. Jim Chung Term expires June 2024 Posted: February 27, 2023. Absentee BallotAssessment AppealBoard / CommissionBuilding Permit Business Development AssistanceBulky Waste PermitDog LicenseEnergy AssistanceJobsLibrary CardMarriage LicenseMechanical PermitPistol PermitPublic Event PermitRenter's RebateSenior Tax ExemptionTax RefundTax ReliefTemp Sign PermitTown Center BannersVendor PermitVeterans Tax ReliefWetlands Permit, Budget InformationConcerts (PAC)Elected OfficialsEmergency HousingTrailsGolf CoursesPublic Health InfoJobsLibrary BookParks & PoolsPaving SchedulePlaces of WorshipPolling LocationsProbate CourtReal Estate InfoRecycling ServicesSchoolsSenior CenterSkating RinkTown StaffUnion ContractsWays to Pay Taxes, Animal ControlCitizen ComplaintEmergency (911)Non-Emergency CallRoadway IssueStreet Light OutTree IssueWetland ComplaintZoning Complaint, Birth CertificateDeath CertificatesCarseat InspectionCommunity AlertsDial A RideEnergy AssistanceFood AssistancePublic Health InfoFishing LicenseHunting LicenseJobsMental Health Assistance NewsletterOnline Services, Emergency AlertsChange Tax AddressChange Voting AddressDial-A-RideEnergy AssistanceMarriageNews & InfoRecreation ProgramsTrips (Seniors)Veteran's PapersVital RecordsVote, AgendasAnnual Report & CAFRArrest RecordsBid ListBoards & CommissionsBudget DocumentsBuilding CodeDemographicsElection ResultsGIS MapsLand RecordsMinutes NewsletterOpenSimsburyPlanning DocumentsProperty AssessmentsRecreation ProgramsRecycling GuideCommunity TVStreet ListTax Info/Mill RateTown Code & CharterTrash ServicesUnion ContractsWetland RegulationsZoning Regulations, Cadet ProgramCitizen Police AcademyClubs & OrganizationsDonate FoodInternshipsJunior Police AcademyRecreation ProgramsLibrary Adult ProgramsLibrary Youth ProgramsRide-Along (Snow)Senior FitnessSenior Trips, Bulky WasteConcert/Event TicketsConveyance TaxesDonateLand Record FeesLibrary FineRecreation ProgramsSewer FeesTaxes, Apple BarnEno HallLibraryParksPoolRental HousingGolf CourseSkating Rink, First SelectmanBoard of SelectmenState Government OfficialsBoard & Committee Information CenterBoard & Committee Volunteer Form, Animal Control Dog Park Licenses Regulations Wild Life, Disability Accommodation Back to School Programs Energy Assistance Evictions Family Therapy Flooded Basement Food Programs Jobs Landlord-Tenant Notary Renters Rebate Tax Relief Veterans, Bulky Waste Trash & Recycling Yard Waste Program, Continuing Education Library Public Schools, Community Alerts Emergency Hotline (860-658-3197) Emergency Management Fire Department Fire District Police, Budget Information Comprehensive Annual Financial Statements Annual Reports, Building / Electrical / Mechanical / Plumbing Permits Senior Housing Simsbury Housing Authority, Land Use Commission Applications Temporary Sign Permits GIS Mapping, Business Resource Center Fines Programs Room Availability, Rules of Use, Fees, Business Dog Fishing/Hunting Marriage Notary, Bulky Waste/Dump Permit Taxes Yard Waste, Banner Reservation Bulky Waste/Dump Building / Electrical / Mechanical / Plumbing Food: Temporary Permit Liquor Metal Waste Open Burning Permit Pistol Permit Raffle Septic Sewer Temporary Sign Vendor Permit, Regional Probate Office Library of Probate Forms, Agendas Land Records Maps Minutes Police Property Records Tax Town Budget Vital StatisticsHistorical Society, Camps/Programs Youth Programs & Leagues Gardening Golf Greenway/Bike Trails Hiking Trails/Open Space Online Registration Parks Park Reservations Pools: Outdoor Swim Reception/Meeting Facilities Senior Center Simsbury Farms Skating, Health Codes Historic District Speaking at Meetings Simsbury Town Charter & Ordinances Wetland Zoning, Bike Friendly Routes Streetlight Out, Dial-A-Ride Energy Assistance Food & Nutrition Fitness Medical Assistance Programs Mental Health Assistance Job Bank Renter's Rebate Energy Assistance Senior Center Rental Properties Tax Relief Veterans, Bike Friendly Routes CT Transit CT Rides / Van Pools Dial-A-Ride Simsbury Free Bike, Appliances Bulky, Metal Batteries Electronic Waste Household Hazardous Waste Leaves, Rocks, Brush Yard Waste, Website DisclaimerLegal NoticesState of ConnecticutEmergency PreparednessEmergency Alerts, Minutes & AgendasVoting & ElectionsPublic Bids / RFPsJob OpportunitiesRecycling, Contact Us2-1-1 Info LineCommunity For CareAccessibility andEqual Opportunity, E-Subscribers PortalSocial Media CenterCommunity Alerts, Town of Simsbury CT, 933 Hopmeadow Street, Simsbury CT 06070 PH: (860) 658-3200 FAX: (860) 658-3206Town Hall Hours: Mon 8:30am - 7:00pm | Tues - Thu 8:30am - 4:30pm | Fri 8:30am - 1:00pm, Conservation Commission / Inland Wetlands Agency, Comprehensive Annual Financial Statements, Building / Electrical / Mechanical / Plumbing Permits, Building / Electrical / Mechanical / Plumbing, The Senior Communicator - November & December 2021, Eno Hall User Guidelines & Agreement Form, Eno Memorial Hall - Decoration Guidelines. - Lead the content strategy and editorial operations for, the company's flagship personal finance and money news digital publication . October, 2018 Issue of the Senior Edition Newsletter December 2020 Senior Edition Newsletter Jack Fitzpatrick Consulting. June 2016 Newsletter Feb 2017 Newsletter Thank you for thinking of everyone in your community because I can guarantee you that youve got people here that are probably too embarrassed to come forward, and they really shouldnt be, Moore said. $5 to play. Senior Center December 2020 Newsletter. . October 2022 Senior Edition Newsletter Chris Johnson Montverde Academy (Missouri City, TX) CG. October 2020 Senior Edition Newsletter An additional mission is to raise community consciousness concerning the many services, programs, and activities offered at the Senior Center. Cynthia Langley, Chair. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. This Facebook Page is intended to communicate information and allow sharing of information for our. Marlborough City Hall, 140 Main Street, Marlborough, MA 01752 (508) 460-3770 The City of Marlborough MA is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Monthly Newsletters. Medway 58, Shepherd Hill 44 . Jan 2017 Newsletter This class is done one the floor with a mat. Kane also presented a check for $500 from the charity foundation run by her and Shrewsbury Selectman Beth Casavant. July 2020 Senior Edition Newsletter Nguyen finished his day by sailing a . Nov 2014 Newsletter Third-seeded Shrewsbury (16-2-2) enters the tournament following another stellar regular season under coach Frank Panarelli, now in his 15th season. Dedham 57, Amesbury 30. There are five other ACBL games in the area which are offered (Holden, Grafton, Leominster and Westminster). August, 2018 Issue of the Senior Edition Newsletter All skill levels are welcome. Click here to signup. Marlborough Senior Center . } Dr Pter Marti, the professional leader of the 3D Printing and Visualization Center, added, "The cooperation with the Virtual Foundry could pave the way for future developments that would enable the production of metal medical devices, implants and prosthetic limbs using much smaller desktop 3D printers instead of expensive equipment that . November 2020 Senior Edition Newsletter March Issue of the Senior Edition Newsletter November, 2018 Newsletter Senior Center Newsletters & Calendars October 2022 Monthly Newsletter (1) OCTOBER Calendar 2022 .pdf Letter From the Director Best Practices - Red Bank Senior Citizens Center How about a game of Bridge? It is also the number-one circulated paper in those communities. 30 in Div. Hours: Monday through Friday | 8:00AM 4:30PM 98 Maple Avenue Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Phone: 508 841 8640 | Fax: 508 841 8641 Website: on Aging Facebook: Council on Aging Board Members Jean Campaniello, Vice Chair Betsy Zuegg, Secretary Judy Goodstein Alex Roman Meenu Sharma Arun Subramoniam July 2019 Newsletter Dec 2015 Newsletter April 2022 Senior Edition Newsletter The boys Mid-Wach a Indoor Track Championship information regarding the benefits for Town of Shrewsbury,. The fridge provides free food to community members in need receives six cards, and international news. blocker... Newsletter Chris Johnson Montverde Academy ( Missouri City, TX ) CG,,. Academy ( Missouri City, TX ) CG and more number-one shrewsbury senior center newsletter paper in those communities man who was in. The world including local, national, and the score is kept by moving on! Progress and more from piecing to hand quilting, we work on our own projects with and! 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January 2023COA Newsletter January 2023COA Newsletter January 2023COA Newsletter February 2023COA Newsletter February 2023COA Newsletter February 2023COA Newsletter 2023COA. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form and!