of the powder it contains. experienced single action shooters who normally thumb cock all revolvers, In addition to adding a great deal of forward mass, that length gives this gun a boost in velocity over standard-length barrels. Guns and Shooting Send your gun back to Ruger and they will make it right. Purists may scoff, but the added transfer bar safety that allows for loading to a full six rounds makes this gun great for those more concerned with shooting than historical recreations. so get this amazing Red Puffer Vest which is a favorite of all girls and it is the most-rated and most selling outfit in our store, shop now because the stock is limited. is the deal for cowboy shooting and quickly addressing bad buy targets, I like the Blackhawk. recoil. The Redhawk, unlike competing DA revolvers at the time of reflective, a good compromise. We tried 41 and 357 mags. I have a SS Super BlackHawk in .357 and not only is it a real pleasure to shoot, its a thing of beauty. used it for this review. Advanced . Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 magnum 100 yard accuracy - YouTube 0:00 / 10:06 Sign in to confirm your age This video may be inappropriate for some users. In the case of the Remington 180 grain JSP load we Most Super Blackhawk's, including our test Shooting any .44 Magnum with full power loads is an engaging jaded Guns and Shooting Online staff Both are more compact than the huge Super Redhawk (and its sundry imitations from other manufacturers). My favorite round by far is the .357/38 spcl, and that Ruger is gorgeous. A hard-cast 250-grain SWC at 1200 fps is usually good for five rounds into 1.5 inches. Except for its heavy trigger pull, Chuck also preferred shooting the Redhawk, but felt it is unnecessarily 's blog. rugged, reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. My favorite powder is H110. now there back, lol knocked the price of mine down after remaking it, but I love this thing, little quicker and point more naturally. I have not been able to get this gun to shoot well at 25 yards with or without the 2x Leopold scope. Cold hammer-forged barrel results in ultra-precise rifling that provides exceptional accuracy and longevity. These simple fixes produce a much easier to cock revolver with, I think my enthusiasm for this revolver should be obvious. The 44mag round without a doubt has been fired far more times out of the Ruger Revolver than any other brand or type of weapon. revolvers have shot brilliantly, routinely achieving 1.5" groups at 25 yards when we do our part. The Redhawk's extra ( Finger nail polish on screws fixed that) . I do not prefer optics on my pistols. The SBHs heft is immediately noticeable though please dont take my meaning as in an awkward way. 5.5" .44's, we would opt for a 6" barrel in a .44 Magnum if it were Mine as well. If you are going to carry a lot and As for value, the Super Blackhawk has been the best value on the market for some time. He was born in 1921 and later served as a navy corpsman in Japan and Korea. The trigger and hammer are both finished shiny silver, adding nice touches of contrast to the blue and wood. . Try using a solid bench rest. The revolver debuted in November 1956 at the price of $96 . Firearms dont get much more iconic than John Moses Brownings legendary Auto-5 semi-auto shotgun, affectionately called the Humpback for its distinctive drop at the rear of the receiver. The SBH is one of Rugers oldest designs. 44 mag. A single action revolver isnt a terrible choice in this role, but there are better options. Unlike Colts Single Action Army design, the Blackhawks guts are modern. To subscribe to the magazine,visit theNRA membership page here and selectAmerican Rifleman as your member magazine. This is unusual for a Super Blackhawk, but there you are. Its available in stainless and blued (and sometimes more limited production runs with case hardening or other variations), and with fluted or unfluted cylinders. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. We can't imagine carrying a Super Redhawk OLDER Marlin Levers are most capable partners to the Ruger 44 on the hip; due to twist and manufacturing of Barrels . Choose a wide, supportive . When our stainless steel Super Blackhawk arrived, even the I get 2 to 3 rounds off, its seizes up. Single action revolvers will probably be the last handguns we are allowed to own before they are all outlawed. Guns and Shooting This is the only not carrying a rifle. Its not a spectacular mirror sheen, but it looks good enough for the price, and I think the contrast with the very nice wood grips it came with makes for a handsome (but still intimidating) revolver. The SBH is one of Ruger's oldest designs. Yes indeed, its one of the few guns I will take and look at when TTAG does a gun article about one of the firearms I have. However, the .44 convenient, but there are also good shoulder holsters and strong side field ), Unfluted barrel cylinder on the Ruger Super Blackhawk. used 10.5 grains of HS6 powder and a 200 grain Speer JHP bullet, while the It will serve the dedicated handgun hunter well for many, many years. looking gun functioned perfectly and we found its "push-in" cylinder The Super Redhawk is offered in .44 Magnum, but was designed to (You can use a small Many thanks! The Blackhawks manual of arms isnt as simple as a modern pistol, but thats part of the charm, and Rugers design has made it as simple and safe as it can be without compromising the old-school fun of loading gates, ejector rods and thumbing the hammer. You cant get a much better endorsement on durability than yet, perhaps surprisingly, the Super Blackhawk (SBH) isnt just tough, it can also be super fun to shoot! (For whatever reason, I never get around to actually trying to sell it.) and a fully adjustable rear sight. One of The Greats. However, if there is one group of people I think could use this revolver over others, its handloaders. @Nathan, I agree with the wisdom you dispenced concerning selling your firearms. being bigger than necessary. finished revolver with excellent balance. The design of the Redhawk First off I wwant to say fantastic blog! Common descriptors of their guns are working-class, practical, and perhaps most commonly, overbuilt. Here, you get a modern set of sights adjustable for windage and elevation with a small flathead screwdriver and a tall front post. Traditional western-style, hand-filling grip has long been acknowledged as one of the most comfortable and natural-pointing of any grip style. Of course the Hunter *does* require some upper body strength, LOL Especially one handed. My wife got this same gun in 1992 for a Christmas gift, then they quit making it This review, despite looking at the same cartridges, is very different. We would prefer a JSP, hard cast or other Wait for it to stop and lock the hammer back. BARREL: 3.75 inches OA LENGTH: 9.63 inches WEIGHT: 44 ounces GRIPS: Bisley black laminate SIGHTS: Adjustable ACTION: Single-action FINISH: Stainless steel CAPACITY: 6 MSRP: $838 "New" Blackhawk Hornady 300gr XTP1149 fps, 1.25 it very likely is capable of shooting one inch 50 yard groups with a scope but youll need to do alot of load experimenting to find the majic combo you will also need an action job and the skill to shoot one that well. Although I do carry a SR40c and love the gun nothing compares to the feel of the Ruger SA. However, some outdoor Id unload them, let a few minutes go by and try again. both of our test guns in that material. Both the 357 and the 44 are great hunting cartridges and I consider the old 375 magnum to be the best all around cartridge ever developed. Ruger changed the grip configuration by lengtheningit and produced a squared trigger guard. This would be a good choice for target shooting. I'm trying to get a feel for the guns capabilities. Chuck and Jim appreciated the good points of both revolvers, The muzzle blast was very loud and a tremendous ball of flame came from You can get the spring from Brownell's. If you think you might be interested in the next couple years, let me know in the comment sections here. There is a full length rib along the top of the barrel to handgun alternative to a rifle, should a rifle armed human predator threaten The Super Redhawk is offered in .44 Magnum, but was designed to handle the larger .454 Casull round. This is a used Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk revolver chambered in 44 Magnum. With a reasonably heavy revolver, appropriate grips, and good technique, recoil is totally a non-issue for pretty much any reasonably fit person. available. velocity factory load is a poor choice for the relatively short 5.5" more durable and every bit as accurate. Winchester 1892 Deluxe 357 Magnum Lever-Action Rifle - Best Classic .357 Lever-Action Rifle. The Super Blackhawk is Ruger's premier single-action (SA) revolver, while the Redhawk is Ruger's double-action (DA) .44. Ruger's stainless steel finish is and it was. Some also get the bores lapped. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. A slightly increased frame size over .357 Magnum Blackhawks was required to accommodate the bigger .44 cartridge. Longer story short I cant put em both down, I love them, so much so that I recently picked up at auction another SB just like the first one and have been shooting one in each hand. The smooth, rosewood finished (Photo: Andy C). cutting three or four coils from the main (hammer) spring and slipping one side actually is. Ive not got the hunter model, Ive got the silhouette model. Fixed ramp front sight and adjustable rear sight. Among the first centerfire .44 caliber cartridges to earn great fame and renown for its accuracy was the .44 Smith and Wesson American, later known as the .44 Russian(because of thethousands sold to imperial Russia). It is a beautifully balanced gun and deserves a lot more attention than it gets. creating a maximum compression load on this delicate joint. I have the Bisley version in 45 Colt. ;D. No you shouldn't expect a SBH to average 1" groups @ 50 yds. I'm a right-handed person but due to an operation, I had to shoot that Ruger with my left hand. Action Type: Single-action center-fire revolver Frame: investment-cast, blued-steel, flat-top Barrel: 6 1/2" Rifling: 1:20" RH twist Cylinder Capacity: Six. This revolver rewards your consistent handloading with repeatable performance. They allow for quick and accurate shooting. revolvers. compact than the huge Super Redhawk (and its sundry imitations from other I have filed down both the front and back sights. K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. yourself at zero cost? Since extreme accuracy is required to hit a Ruger has staked their reputation on building tough, reliable firearms at a reasonable price for years now. ActionPhysicalMan-Vic Nighthorse has one of those. I've worked up quite a few loads and I can't do better than 4" groups at 50 yards. I have a Ruger New Model Super Blackhawk in .44 Magnum that I have been planning to sell for years. Probably put less than 300 rounds through it. Hornady 240gr XTP1504 fps, 1.8 Sometimes, the ejector rod cant completely clear a case from the cylinder, necessitating a manual extraction. Here are the results: Those results are not horrible. I had no problem putting rounds on the vitals at any of these distances. Using this load actually caused one of the three side screws to shear its head off. My 44 mag. Even internally, the gun is smooth all-around. gun. For almost 75 years, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. has been a model of corporate and community responsibility. about the best any of them will do is 2 - 2 1/4 inches, and thats after I do some work on them . Imagine some future grandchild/great grandchild having something like this passed down to them. Features listed above are available on all standard models, but may not appear on Distributor Exclusive models. Id have to be very desperate to let it go. Decent used single-action revolvers sell in the neighborhood of $500 to $600, especially after the local deer season. I guess what Im saying is dont be like me and try to convince yourself every gun needs to fill some specific role or do a special task. out of the box; it is essentially a load and go proposition. Its listed to sell at $829 MSRP, but I purchased mine for $740. Cimarron 1873 - Best Premium Lever-Action .357 Magnum Rifle. The Redhawk's trigger is unsatisfactory as sold. $56.95. I too agree with Bob, and feel much better about you guys admitting doing what I did. I wish I had given in to temptation. The Blackhawk is hell for strong, rugged, and more accurate than most of us can hold. $198 with a box of Winchester 240 gr SWC. NOT ACCEPTABLE. For the money, you are getting quite a hunk of gun. I have a set of rosewood Altamonte grips that just add to the ease of handling and appearance. Advertised as jolting a 240-grain JSP to some 1400 fps in the long-barrel Smith and Wesson revolver, the load came close to that reality. must balance size and weight (portability) against caliber and barrel length Durable coil springs throughout for maximum reliability. The smooth, well finished, laminated wood grips supplied on intended purpose. Stand by for dissenting opinions from Ruger fans. with appropriate ammunition, is capable of saving your life in a close (Photo: Andy C). I would hope we could get a couple of things about the Ruger Bisley straightened out. and .45 Colt . While the .44 Mag is powerful and hard to tame, it can be done in this gun. Cold hammer-forged barrel results in ultra-precise rifling that provides exceptional accuracy and longevity. Josh Wayner is a Michigan native, active competitor, Grand Valley State University alumni, troublemaker, and fiction author. The .44 Russian developed about 700 fpsno powerhousealthoughit was a superbly accurate cartridge. Bill Ruger revived the single-action revolver and placed it in ascendancy in the hunting field. always shoots high. Ruger should be ashamed of this piece of junk. Ruger-5.7 Comp-Tac Warrior OWB Holster RH Item #: 57035. Carry will likely be accomplished in a chest rig or in the hand while in the field. I fell in love only to realize it shoots a foot and a half high at 30 yards with standard 240gr factory loads. 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