However, the orange stain on the cabinets is FIGHTING with the red-violet hues in the wood flooring. Youll need: Next, follow these steps for a professional looking finish. I wish I could send you a before/after and see what you think I could do because I love your designs!! Provincial is one of the most popular stain colors for our clients and their Oak floors. Oh. the 90s) or style. Get product recommendations from HGTV editors, plus cant-miss sales and deals. I agonized over 2 years about painting them but finally I took the plunge. For example, southern red oak will have the widest color variations, while northern red oak will be the most uniform in color. My cabinets were arched-style with exposed hinges, and they were rock-solid. Floor stain samples went down yesterday. Just the way it is. Raw Cocoa MW1064 I would put everything in place first, large art, etc. 2023 Jenna Kate at Home Create Theme by Restored 316, Why We Chose the Provincial over Other Popular Wood Stains. Welcome to Our Friends in California - Let us help you with your cabinet door needs. Once you have decided on the stain that you like THE most, your refinisher will come back, sand down all the floors one last time and start the staining process. No back splash, just off white painted walls, and flooring that needs to be replaced. The longer the stain sits on the wood, the more it will soak in and the darker the result. Not a Pro. We also had that darn arched top to consider which meant it was drinking painting time! Anyway, thanks for your note Tanya! . I found this thread several months ago before my remodel started. On their own, each was pretty, but together they were a HOT MESS. If there is a yellow or orange difference (other than just gloss) then the finish is not 'colourless'. If youre new to applying stain, staining oak cabinets is actually a great place to start. Oh! I was worried that a darker color would make the house feel darker, but it has actually had the opposite effect. Oooo, Im intriguedyou should send me photos to [emailprotected] Id love to get my eyeballs on them! Sure, it wont look brand new, but thats okay as it can also give a homeowner a great sense of pride and a fresh new look until theyre ready for a larger investment! Choosing the best stain for red oak depends on several factors. Resurfacing kitchen cabinets gives your kitchen a much-needed facelift without the hassles of a complete remodel. They also werent so hot with the orange-hue of the flooring. One of the few decisions we made and don't regret 10 years later. I love satin, but I am an abysmal house keeper. What is your budget so we can try to figure out a way to get you what you need without pushing your kitchen reno back to the bronze age. HOW UPDATED ARE YOUR COUNTERTOP & BACKSPLASH? As you can see, the doors on the top row that had the longer stain soaking time have a deeper hue, and the grain of the wood is enhanced beautifully. Her kitchen looks similar to yours and we just finished the floors with duraseal Provincial and they truned out beautifully. And then you sand. Alder is a soft closed grained hardwood which has almost the same grain and color characteristics as Cherry. Were the pics you have not close enough to show the grain or did you do extra prep work on them as you mentioned in the post in reference to other painters? While the darker one is pretty it will show scratches and dirt more. STAIN. It doesn't skew red but does look a little more golden. The bottom cabinets have the rectangle/square shaker doors. Minwax Pickled Oak. It will take a bit more effort to find the PERFECT stainbut well worth it. And while hidden hinges are BEST, exposed hinges are okay, as long as other factors (As) are in place. I would always recommend satin as well scratches are less obvious too. Come on in to learn a little more about me! The hinges only can be seen via a tiny slit on each side, think they are a copper color. Crazy right? It ended up slightly darker that way which is what we wanted. 2023 Kylie M. Interiors / All Rights Reserved / Website Design by. I think the stain you chose will look beautiful! Thank you! Rustic wood floors, pine cabinetry and a red kitchen island give this kitchen a country look without being too literal. Minwax Jacobean. Custom oak cabinets might cost $8,000 to $20,000 or more. Just remember, if you have arched, curved, or cathedral-style doors, OR if they need a LOT of prep work, youll want to head on down to the C section, itll be like giving birth to a whole new kitchen get it? Maura, what paint color do you have on the walls in the photo in the room "only with recessed lights"? Would you mind sharing pics of ur kitchen if it has this flooring? Many people update their wood floors without considering the undertones, grain, and specific needs of their wood cabinets theyre only focused on putting in a more modern-looking floor. I think all of the above pictures of the updated kitchens and cabinets look amazing!!! My cupboards still have that arch style, so theyre never going to look current. i will have sample stain on mt floor to see how it looks. What's the Difference: Concealed Hinges & Overlay Hinges? If you go white or off-white, it will INSTANTLY brighten your space, adding a more updated look to even the most OUTDATED of cabinet styles (which would be cathedral). It could be amazing or an expensive mistake to live with for a long time. No one believed that i painted those cupboards. However, please make sure that you test it in your home with your lighting. You can also choose from a variety of glazes to enhance the warm glow of your stain. Happened across this thread and decided to go with Minwax Classic Gray & Provincial mix. He's already balking at all the questions. Remember, this can all be open to perception. I can see the SLIGHT difference in colour where the kitchen ends and the rest of the space begins. Your email address will not be published. Varathane Smoke Gray. We had semi gloss before so I wanted something less shiny. If you're simply asking for personal opinion, I prefer the Provincial. You might still have some serious work to do to update the look of your kitchen. But the floor kills them. Average Costs: Stock oak cabinets for a standard-sized kitchen cost $4,000 to $5,000. Another question I have about painting cabinets, is do you use a brush, if so what type, quality, etc. Whats the trick to getting this perfect finish? Other cabinet makers are booked. It looks awesome. 2T5102: Provincial Kitchen Island, 58-1/2"W x 35-1/2"H x 23-1/4"D. # 2T5102. Id also paint out the narrow wood door trim to match the wall color Id rather see it disappear. To sand enough so that the stain sinks in, well, thats a heck of a lot of sanding and it needs to be a CONSISTENT sand job so that you avoid blotchiness where the stain sits/absorbs. Theres not a SINGLE THING WRONG with these beautiful oak cabinets I wouldnt touch them with a lick of paint! Oil-based stains and finishing coats can be trickier to apply and require special solvents that must be disposed of properly. If youre refinishing your cabinet doors, sand the face and backs with 180-grit sandpaper to get a smooth surface that will help the stain absorb evenly. The STYLE of the cabinets is great, as are the white quartz countertop and backsplash tile. Just be sure to get a stain and finish that are compatible and work well together. Its a rich time with a modern twist having the gray come through as well. Like Provincial and Special Walnut but leaning towards Provincial for it's deeper tones. I mean, it would depend on the granite, but I DO know that a backsplash can make a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE in a room and is more affordable than both painting cabinet or new granite! Wanted to do 75% Classic Gray & 25% Provincial, but i think contractor ended up doing a gallon of gray + quart of Provincial (looks great!) We've had a Houzzer successfully stain two woods (hers was worseit had laced in red/white oak sitting togethernot good) to a near perfect match. The one kitchen has a far less bossy stain color on the cabinets and floor, whereas the other has some darn strong hues in it. It takes a steady hand and can look like a hot mess if you dont do a great job. Go figure. Explore your options for restaining kitchen cabinets, and get all the info you'll need to give your kitchen a stylish facelift. But it wasnt as popular in 2015 as it is now, so the flooring guy wasnt as familiar with the colors that would have worked to get my desired effect). I don't know how I'm suppose to figure out color when what the cabinet guy ends up looks different from my samples??? Will post final product after cabinets are installed & floors have all 3 coats poly. My wood floors are too shiny. I know I want something light (3 kids and a dog), but % Provincial alone was too warm. Sounds like he's got a pretty sweet deal. I saw some pics and some of them look darker brown so I am a bit worried. If you have TOO MUCH wood (ooooh the innuendos) its not always a good thing as one can easily dull the beauty of another (if theyre not carefully coordinated). You said that the heavy grain will show through but your before and after pics dont show any grain, unless the pics arent close enough to the cabinet to show the grain. Its a good idea to test your stain on a piece of scrap wood in the same wood as your cabinet doors. Well, some painters will do some SERIOUS prep to eliminate the grain, using filler and then sanding them, but it can be costly for the labour. You can only go the same colour or darker. The floor color we chose did end up looking somewhat red in different lights. Step 3 : Consider the Grain. Narrowed down to 2 colors after eliminating grey and any medium brown I thought showed too much red. This is important because wide variations in color, which are common in southern oaks, will be more obvious if finished with light stains of lacquer only. He told us the lacquer finish is clear. Je peux rejeter les cookies non essentiels en cliquant sur Grer mes prfrences . Red oak from different regions has different color qualities, so you may want to treat each type differently. No countertop, two adjustable shelves, four drawers, doors & drawers have deluxed beveled edge profile, no modifications, photo is of island with top (WCK2T1707, which is the same basic item), hardware sold separately on this item, Some of the pieces in this category are from the furniture. This is how it is supposed to work. The last time I saw a mop was when I moved it from one house to another (I kid you notthat was 4 years ago). My client (above) wanted to paint the cabinets, as well as the newly installed island. But then I saw that you said those were new cabinets, so it reinforced my point. This Golden Oak stain, like most wood stains, provides a darker finish if the stain is allowed to soak longer before wiping. five years or less) consider painting them, as painted cabinets are almost ALWAYS more appealing to buyers especially in the younger demographic (the exception would be if you have exposed hinges, thats always a tough call unless youre painting your cabinets a darker colour), if the cabinets are AWESOME but dont look so hot with the floor but youre not replacing the floor, Id paint the cabinets a colour that DOES work with the floor or youre devaluing both. Read many forums suggesting not to go too dark for upkeep/cleaning/scratches, also discussions on minwax vs. other more professional products. . Sadly, I dont have a great before shot as it was a Realtors photo (Im not allowed to use them, I only use photos from my E-Design clients), but I do have a snippet of another area of the kitchen. I looked into changing the hinges to the hidden style, but it would have been a massive amount of work, far more expense, and what would have been the point? Hi Pam! Thanks Jodi I can call him tonight to switch back to satin, going to search through Houzz and Pinterest to try and decide. 6 Questions to Ask Before Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets White. Would love to hear from those who have it! Will try to get another pick up by the weekend. We'd love to see a photo of the final result! Featuring rustic wood grains, this wood is characterized by stark lines, points and arches. Not much you can do about the hinges, but if you choose a medium or darker colour, they can blend in a bit more vs white :). On the other hand, if you plan on living in your home forever and ever amen, dont bother with trends, or dont care what other people think, well, you probably wouldnt be reading this blog post in the first place. To get doors that are ready for you to stain, just order any unfinished cabinet door style, and theyll be custom-sized, shipped from our factory, and arrive at your door ready for staining. He also said he gets all his products at Sherwin Williams. 3. Then, brush the panel of the cabinet door in the direction of the wood grain. Ooo, it sounds like Id be painting those bad boys! Use an electric hand sander with a heavier grit sandpaper for the first sanding. Update your flooring so that it coordinates with your cabinets. Where you can buy replacement Cabinet Doors? Varathane Gray Stone. Yes. Restaining cabinets is not just labor-intensive, its also expensive if you dont do it yourself. Now let me tell you, the guy we worked with was really great and had the patience of a saint to boot (If youre in Mass or NH and want his name, drop me an email!). I mightve had a conniption if my clients (below) had decided to paint their gorgeous wood cabinets. If youre still not 100% sure what to do, sometimes seeing a home SIMILAR to yours can be a great way to settle any nerves, This oak kitchen had an arched door profile, but NO exposed hinges. Stains Showplace Cabinetry offers a wide selection of cabinet stain colors to help you achieve the perfect look for your kitchen or bathroom. While she was open to painting only SOME of the cabinets; leaving some wood, I HAD to tell her how I really felt THE CABINETS ARE GORGEOUS AS THEY ARE! It didnt matter HOW MUCH the homeowner may have wanted to keep their wood cabinets (which they didnt) the ONLY choice was to paint, And while this project involved a HUGE facelift, including new door fronts, white was the way to go as the previous look would turn off the majority of buyers, See this project and its listed finishes HERE, These next cabinets CLASHED HARD with the flooring something HAD to go. Ask for the BRAND of the 'lacquer' this person is using. From there, sand all the edges and end grain with 220-grit sandpaper, this will help stain absorb evenly without blotches around the edges. Free Shipping 48 U.S. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. If we move on we will have to go buy cabinets at Lowe's to try to figure out how to put our kitchen back together ourselves. However the sample looked so light that we told him to adjust the ratio to 25% gray & 75% Provincial. Want to go a little darker, They need one more coat once they are completed with the project. We just bought a new place and had the floors refinished last week. The big decision will come down to personal preference and the overall appeal of your cabinets based on what youve learned so far. Sleek and bold, black kitchen cabinets make the ultimate statement. Thanks. We applied it to our white oak floors after water popping them, to get a rich uniform finish. Minwax Simply White. It is available in a wide range of styles and finishes and is widely available in stock cabinetry as well as through custom retailers. Maple is the best choice for painting, as other types of wood have more grain that could show through the paint. If you chose mostly cs, it looks like your kitchen is ready for a change maybe YOU arent ready, but your cabinets are. HOWEVER, not ALL wood cabinets are created equal. Love these ideas! I am leaning toward White Sesame by SW. Wood Moisture Content & Product Dependability, Cabinet Door Replacement - The steps from ordering, to job completion, Cabinet Doors Online | How and Where to Buy Custom Cabinet Doors, Cabinet Doors: How to sort through the various choices, A Complete Guide to Cabinet Drawer Fronts, Cheap Cabinet Doors: Quality Kitchen Cabinets at a Low Cost. It doesn't skew red but does look a little more golden. En cliquant sur Accepter , j'accepte l'utilisation des cookies telle qu'elle est dcrite plus en dtail dans la Politique d'Utilisation des Cookies de Houzz. Your lighting wide range of provincial stain on red oak cabinets and finishes and is widely available in cabinetry. Did end up looking somewhat red in different lights of styles and finishes and is widely available in Stock as. To paint their gorgeous wood cabinets are created equal if youre new to applying stain, most... Through custom retailers have about painting them but finally I took the.. And any medium brown I thought showed too much red sounds like be! Sleek and bold, black kitchen cabinets, and get all the info 'll. Wood have more grain that could show through the paint but finally I took the plunge kitchen ends and overall... Learned so far love satin, but together they were a hot MESS you. We told him to adjust the ratio to 25 % gray & Provincial mix bad boys dirt more send a! 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