Kevin Brown, a construction project manager from Toronto,has raced Port Huron to Mackinac butthis year he's taking his own boat, the Farr 30 "Notorious," for the first time. Port Huron Rotarys International Day Parade. The race pace is highly dependent on weather. There are plans to regulate crowds and police presence and security will be just as ramped up as past years. Putin must lose. Follow her on Twitter @bairgood123. Click HERE to get tickets! caused much of Boat Week's activitiesto be canceled in 2020, Port Huron-to-Mackinac Island Sailboat Race. Rock The Dock and Boats & Boots live concerts will bring national acts like Puddle of Mudd and Dylan Scott to the Blue Water Fest main stage from 7:30 -11 pm on Thursday and Friday. Port Huron, MI 48060 US, Phone: (810) 985-4817 Region: Port Huron Website, 1219 Military St. There are fun activities for people of all ages. + Google Calendar + iCal Export Every pound counts. Fireworks will take place at dusk Thursday evening at Desmond Landing. } The Boats&Boots concertsin the west Quay lotwill have a specific entryway as alcoholwill be sold and kept there. There is also a marine supply store on site. Boats will start leaving the Black River at 9 a.m. and there will be a steady stream for hours.. Then, visit Michigans only Challenger Learning Center, an immersive space themed experience. NonprofitOperation Transformation, along withsponsors, will host free family activities for Family Nightfrom5to9 p.m.Thursday, July 22,on the lawn justnortheastof the 10th Streetbridge. Although Blue Water Fest was canceled last year, people still showed up to party downtown and this year there could potentially be a stronger desire to celebrate with the vaccine rollout and the social district in place. NEW DEPARTURE LOCATION IN 2022! En cliquant sur Refuser tout, vous refusez tous les cookies non essentiels et technologies similaires, mais Yahoo continuera utiliser les cookies essentiels et des technologies similaires. July 13, 2022 Local News Boats, carnival rides, concerts, and fireworks all part of Port Huron's annual Boat Week celebration. As Family Night wraps up around dusk, there will be fireworksfromVantage Point. Downtown Port Huron maker/creator space, entertainment & event venue. Desmond Marine: Located on the south side of the Black River in the heart of downtown Port Huron, Desmond Marine offers an array of marine services, including limited waterfront docking (please call for more information) and indoor heated dry-docking, rack and launch, gas and diesel, and boat maintenance. There is less current there and it is easier for sailboats to navigate the strong, downbound current on the far east side of the river. Participants can dress and decorate with whatever decade they choose, 50's, 60's, 70's,etc. St. Clair is the home of the world's longest fresh water boardwalk and Palmer Park is where you'll find it. Sat, Feb 25 McMorran Place Buy Tickets Mark Farner's American Band Sat, Mar 25 McMorran Place Buy Tickets The Cyrkl: Presented By Wolverine Productions Thu, Apr 13 McMorran Place Buy Tickets Stayin Alive Sat, Apr 15 McMorran Place Buy Tickets Home of The Hallway Entertainment. There are no additional happenings planned as of now,Cutright said. Family Night is 5 to 9 p.m. Thursday, July 22, near the Black River and 10th Street Bridge. Video footage shows the 191-foot Ironton - lost in September 1984 - sitting upright on the lake bottom - 'remarkably preserved' by the cold, fresh water. The numberof mannequins has been reduced from 20 to 11for safety reasons. There is no official Boat Night, butit has taken off as its own entity within the festival and is probably one of the biggest party nights of the year to kick off the race the next day, Cutright said. LIVE music and entertainment will continue at night with The Fabulous Henhouse Boys and Dave Edwards and The Look. Slectionnez Grer les paramtres pour grer vos prfrences. Current Registration List. Sothere will be pretty strict security around that lot, she said. Schedule your private ride and they'll bring the pub to you! The parade starts at Huron and Glenwood and ends at Desmond Landing. Port Austin, MI 48467 US, Phone: (989) 738-7600 E-Mail Address: Region: Port Austin Website, Port Austin, MI US, Region: Port Austin Website, 800 Military St. It's dangerous if you don't follow proper safety processes," he said. "Merritt will be on deck alone for a few hours of the race when I'm down below resting," Scott Sellerssaid. The Blue Water Bridge is an international crossing between the United States of America and Canada. Because Huron Avenue will not be closed for the festival the mannequins will be kept on Quay Street right outside the salon. For good views of the boats, Thomas said both sides of theBlack River are fantastic and for later in the race people can find good spots around Freighters restaurant. Operation Transformations Family Night will be entertaining families on Thursday, July 14th. Find out more about how we use your information in our privacy policy and cookie policy. 1:26 Merritt Sellers and her father plan to sail together from Port Huron to Mackinac Island, through crashing waves and at least one night, after the starting gun Saturday. I'm a little nervous.". She is not affiliated with the Bayview Yacht Club or the Bayview Mackinac Race in any official capacity. Tourism Tip: When you are headed north on the St. Clair River into the Lake Huron, head north along the Canadian side of the river. Learn about Great Lakes history with a waterfront view of marine traffic & freighters. A place to take in the breathtaking views of passing ships while relaxing on a bench, walking, biking or fishing. Sailing with just two people, called double-handed, requiresspecial skill and courage. I think well be seeing some folks downtown for sure, she said. .done(function( data ) { Family Night and MannequinsMaking a Difference. The carnival will be located in the south east McMorran parking lot and will operate from Wednesday, July 13 through Saturday, July 16. The Great Lakes are known for having storms, and you need enough discipline to handle adversity.". Click Manage settings for more information and to manage your choices. Blue Water Fest is Port Hurons annual moment in the sun: a time to watch sailboats rest up at the dock before the Big Port Huron to Mackinac Sailboat Race, and a time to enjoy a coffee or cocktail with friends old and new, a time to listen to good music and dance your feet off. Rotary Club President Scott Babin said the organization is planning to have the paradeWednesday, July 21, with the theme "decades.". We arrive on Thursday, I think thats 9 Days? 2 min read. Residents typically gather Saturday morning along the Black and St. Clair rivers to watch the parade of boats. If you are a member of a yacht club, consider docking at the Port Huron Yacht Club, located right at the mouth of the Black River where it empties into the St. Clair River. Itll be a little different this year, she said. All activities are free. Together, families can explore, play, and learn from our many museums, parks, and recreation centers. The 191-foot cargo vessel collided with a grain hauler on a blustery night in September 1894, sinking both. The challenge ofthis Cove Island Course? "But safety comes first. Editor's Note: Family members of reporter Phoebe Wall Howard competein the Bayview Mackinac Race as members of the Port Huron Yacht Club. Boats are registered from throughoutNorth America. Some of the nonprofits represented include Blue Water Safe Horizons,Blue Water Area Humane Society, Harbor Impact Ministries andKidsInDistress Services. Blue Water Fest, aka. The Port Huron Rotary International Day Parade will step off at 6:30 p.m. in downtown Port Huron on Wednesday, July 11, 2022. Scenic rock formation at the tip of Michigan's Thumbcoast, viewable by water only. A few wives of crew members won't let sailors compete in the Mackinac race, fearing for their lives, Johnson said. Downtown Port Huron restaurants will serve bite-size food samples from noon to 2 pm. Coming Soon in Spring 2023! It is also home of the Black River Pavilion, a covered space that provides grills and space for outdoor eating. Free family-fun night during Port Huron's Boat Week! When Im on the water, sailing, going fast, its the best feeling in the world. Once they get there, fun and frivolity commences on the island. Thursday: Family Night . Race competition was crippled by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years, reducing entries to just 81 boatsin 2020 and 172 in 2021. Festival admission is FREE to the general public. Blue Water Fest main stage is located at McMorran South West lot. The Blue Water Street Fair will be set up on Thursday and Friday featuring over 70 arts and crafts vendors. Information about your device and internet connection, like your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Yahoo websites and apps. Sotheyprintedthelife-sizeimages of20 past mannequinsand spread them throughout downtown. "We're going to go out and have a lot of fun. July 14, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Puddle of Mudd is coming to Downtown Port Huron for Boat Week 2022! Located at the Blue Water Bridge welcoming ships. Just a little bit of everything will be down there, Cutright said. Blue Water Festival, known historically as Boat Week takes place in Port Huron the week prior to the start of the race. They'll perform in the Zeeb Lot on the Speedy Q Stage on Thursday, July 14th! Historically the week kicks off Wednesday with the Rotary Club International Day Parade, Family. The weight and complication of normal cooking is a compromise to our performance so we go with premade meals and freeze-dried main courses. "It's an amazing sport, an ancient sport," she said. "Participants can dress/decorate with whatever decade they choose - 50's, 60's, 70's, etc.," he said in a written message. The Sanilac Shores Underwater Preserve is the underwater home to many historical shipwrecks. The show part is NEXT weekend. The historic district centered north & south of the Black River consisting of shopping, dining & landmarks. SalonPiZazz! The "Taste of Port Huron" event will be held Saturday from noon to 2 p.m., with entertainment and music from 3 to 11 p.m. A full schedule of Boat Week events can be found at . Hesaid there are about 177 race participants registeredthis year. Clear yet? The party will keep going on Friday with Boat Night. However, a major change in footprint for Blue Water Fest may take a little getting used to for visitors. Nous, Yahoo, faisons partie de la famille de marques Yahoo. 80 art vendors from all over Michigan will be ready to welcome you to Downtown Port Huron along Huron Ave. The festival's unique feature will remain the magnificent display of sailboats lined up in advance of the 2022 Bayview Mackinac Race kick-off on Saturday, July 16. She has raced from Port Huron to the island 10 times. She'll use a flashlight at nightto watch little telltales on the sail to track wind shifts and harness the gusts. Port Huron to Mackinac Race Day Saturday, July 15th @ 11:30am Come aboard the Huron Lady for an exciting 3-1/2 hour cruise on Lake Huron to witness the start of the Port Huron to Mackinac Sailboat Race. The historic race began in 1925 and Bayview Yacht Club in Detroittakes pride in noting it's the longest consecutively runningfreshwater sailboat race. Things may feel like they're getting back to normal as thousands descend on to downtown Port Huron in the next week for Boat Week festivities.Many of the same familiarmainstays will remain intact. The Port Austin Welcome Center is located in front of the Port Austin State Harbor. know restrictions would be liftedby July 1. Im so excited.. Indoors or outdoors, find family-fun activities for toddlers to teenagers. McGee works the foredeck, meaning she's in charge of the very front of the North American 40 sailboat, setting up, launchingand taking down sails. Bridge Harbor Marina: Located just off of I-94 at the Water Street exit, Bridge Harbor Marina offers both seasonal and transient dockage. Lexington's walkable breakwall is a great way to view Lake Huron. There are nearly 20 vendorsinvolved in the showand many businesses in the festival footprint and just outside it will have booths there. Beautiful boat ride in Port Huron, St Clair River and Lake . The Art Barn Project is a cultural attraction of murals, sculpture & re-configurations of classic barns. A local place to get information about lodging, dining and shopping in the area. At worst, they are battling the most brutal storm the Great Lakes can send their way, with rain feeling like a thousand little tiny razor blades pelting in their faces. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0, Home, Sport, & Garden Show Vendor Info Request, March 1 Dr. Cedrek McFadden and Karen Woomer. It offers gas, diesel and a pump-out station. En cliquant sur Accepter tout, vous acceptez que Yahoo et nos partenaires traitent vos informations personnelles et utilisent des technologies telles que les cookies pour afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss, et des fins de mesure des publicits et des contenus, dtude des audiences et de dveloppement de produit. Watch your navigation instruments for depth in the lower current areas. If we are doing a sail change maneuver, I will wake her.". Theresno specific entry spotfor the festival, but entrywaysareon each street at thestreetclosures. Port Huron Boat Weekend is back! There will be the normal festivities on the island with awards andbands. He'lltacklethe Cove Island Course with 15 crew members. Strilcovsaid they waited to decide if they would do live people again until the city said Blue Water Fest was happening,and they were asked to do this as anintegral part of the event now.". Jun 2020. I think. His crew, all Canadian, includes an accountant, an aerospaceengineer, a lawyer and a police officer. 2022 PHYC/SYC Weekend Series Port Huron Yacht Club Port Huron, MI, USA May - September, 2022: Online Registration Form - Closed For Entry, please contact the Event Organizers. Port Huron, MI 48060 US . After a missed year due to the COVID-19 pandemic,Blue Water Fest is back for Boat Week. "You have an adrenaline experience when you're competing nonstop for two days," said Scott Sellers, 50, a private equity manager. Escape rooms, mystery dinners & game show nights in Port Huron. "You can hurt yourself on the boat if you don't wrap the sheetaround the winch the right way. A half-mile stretch of restaurants, charming shops and parks along the riverfront in downtown Marine City. Downtown Port Huron, MI The 2023 Blue Water Fest starts in: The Blue Water Festival returns July 12-15, 2023. By clicking Accept all you agree that Yahoo and our partners will process your personal information, and use technologies such as cookies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights, and product development. Stand under the Blue Water Bridges, and marvel at the architecture. This marina is located a short drive from downtown Port Huron. TheRotary International Day Parade will kick off at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday,July 21, with the theme decades, which was supposed to be the theme for last years 100thparade. "They were not going to drop out of the Mackinac race," McGee said laughing, and crediting skipper Marc Uhrich of North Jackson, Ohio. Familiar favorites such as Concerts, Fireworks, OT's Family Night, and Mannequins Making a Difference join us for the festivities, all being kicked off by the Rotary International Day Parade on Wednesday, July 12 in Downtown Port Huron. the plan was originally to just close Quay Street. "I am someone who does function better on a little bit more sleep. There is also a complimentary shuttle that can take you around town. The cruise takes 1 1/2 hours and goes down the St Clair River to the south end of Port Huron, back up and into the Sarnia harbor area, then under the Blue Water Bridge and out into Lake Huron as far as Lighthouse Beach on the American side. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). All rights reserved. Follow her on Twitter @bairgood123. The best locations to watch passing ships, freighters & ice floes in-person or virtually from anywhere. Each mannequin represents a local nonprofit, with donations going toward the crowd favorite. Changeable weather conditions in open water that stays colder and tends to generate squalls and larger wave action than most races, he said. Fully immersive space themed STEM experience. Merritt Sellers hopes to become a professional sailor. Port Huron, MI 48060 US, Phone: (810) 984-3881 Region: Port Huron Website, Thomas Edison Parkway Port Huron, MI 48060 US, Phone: (810) 984-9760 Region: Port Huron, 2 West Spring Street Port Austin, MI 48467 US, Phone: (989) 738-7600 Region: Port Austin Website, Port Sanilac, MI 48469 US, Region: Port Sanilac Website, N. Riverside Ave St. Clair, MI 48079 US, Phone: (810) 329-7121 Region: St. Clair Website, Lexington, MI 48450 US, Phone: (810) 359-2771 Region: Lexington Website, Military St. It's essential to rest when racing around the clock on a 204-nautical-mile journey (235 land miles). "The thing about Mackinac racing, and sailboat racing in general, is that youfind perfect moments of tranquility interspersed with sheer panic. Some of the nonprofits represented include Blue Water Safe Horizons, Blue Water Area Humane Society, Harbor Impact Ministries and KidsInDistress Services. Corner of Country Style Marketplace from 6pm 10pm. /* closing frontend */ By time you get bored with one, the other starts occurring," McGee said. Jim Ketchum. "I have the added responsibilities of an owner where previously I have been in the role of tactician, helmsman and watch captain," Brown said. The Blue Water River Walk is a unique location to watch freighter traffic, view the St. Clair River. In 2011, during the Chicago to Mackinac race, two experienced sailors diedwhen sudden winds flipped their boat in Lake Michigan, according to the Chicago Tribune. The Associated Press. There will also beentertainmentwith mini concerts. Go experience the northern lights at the dark sky preserve in Port Austin. That means Merritt,. The strong hum of bagpipes played on the edge of the Black River in Port Huron . Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresseIP, Navigation et recherche lors de lutilisation des sites Web et applications Yahoo. 9 min read Boats are docked along the Black River during Boat Week. Operation Transformation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, with the goal of Churches Cooperating for a Changed Community. Enter Stage Right will also have a small stageand do theatrical performances and live musicnear the corner of Huron Avenue and Grand River Avenue. Ketchum: Trying to predict the end is a colossal waste of time. We get somebody to jump in the water and go get them. "We're sailing with six people," he said. Discover exciting activities for everyone in your family in Michigan's Thumbcoast! The fun kicks off Wednesday, July 13 in Downtown Port Huron with the Rotary International Day Parade. Port Huron Downtown Development Authority Director Cynthia Cutright said although the plan was originally to just close Quay Street west and east of Huron Avenue, when organizers realized how busythe festivalcould be, they reconsidered. The Ironton's captain and six sailors clambered into a lifeboat but it was . jQuery("#aws_ec_insertEC_alertIMG_0").show(); Get your tickets at McMorran Plaza on the day of the event. The annual festival has it all. You may not bring your own alcohol, Cutright said, which has always been a rule. "/wp-content/plugins/entity-closing-lite/post/list-front.php", { wcdAlphabet: "All", wcdPageSize: "10", wcdPagenumber:"1", wcdType:"", liteClosingAlert:"1" , wpbCheck:"3", chkClo:cl_wpb_key }) Boat Week leads up to the Port Huron-to-Mackinac Island Sailboat Race Saturday, July 24. 20 past mannequinsand spread them throughout downtown. which was supposed to be the theme for last years 100thparade. Entries reached 180 boats this year but, as istypical,a few boats have withdrawn. Explore all that Blue Water Fest has to offer. var myObj_closing = JSON.parse(data); var count_closing = myObj_closing.count; The race has restored the course to include Canadian waters, which were temporarilyoff limits because of pandemic-relatedrestrictions, as well as Canadian sailors. "People can die out there," he said. The race-to-Mackinac sailors know the drill: At best, the skies are blue, the sun is out, the wind is from the south and they are flying a spinnaker a great big colorful sail to Mackinac Island. Wednesday: Port Huron Rotary International Day Parade. Port Huron council approves 7% raise for City Manager James Freed, Food truck The Sandwich Scoop to debut in Port Huron, New mobile chiropractor now serving St. Clair, Sanilac counties, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. She grew up sailing with her father and grandfather, starting at age 7. Experience live theater performances, climb a historic lighthouse, or explore your creative side. UPDATE for 2022: Be aware of shifting sandbars on the far east side of the St. Clair River. At the 2019 Family Night there were about 50 booths and vendors, but some are still not comfortable doing large events yet, so organizers are hoping for around 40 booths this year, Hernandezsaid. Explore Michigans Thumbcoast Communities | Clay/Algonac, Marine City, St. Clair, Marysville, Port Huron, Lexington, Port Sanilac, Harbor Beach, Port Austin and more. There will be five to six food trucks outside the QuayStreetlot for the concert,where the hubbub of the entertainment is for the evening,Cutright said. ", More: She drives 700 miles to feed Mackinac racers but past tragedy still haunts her, More: Prestigious Detroit sailing club gets first female commodore in 100-year history, More: Detroit area couple skipped wedding, bought a huge boat to live the dream. SHOWS | McMorran Place | Port Huron Upcoming Events Buy Tickets Buy Tickets Concerts Beatlemania LIVE! New this year is the Port Huron social district. It is the purpose of Operation Transformation to foster a united, life-giving church in the greater Blue Water Area that works together with civic and service organizations to develop ways to meet the many needs of the citizens of our community. 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