He hoped his future self was correct and that he would see Percy again soon. Or how to spot when it is being manipulated?. But why Artemis? Reyna asked curiously. So he must have taught her the summer that she woke up. 16. Please consider turning it on! That is a wonderful gift, brother. Hestia praised. Percy Jackson isn't just a demigod. While she was pleased her daughter was alive, she did not like to think of her captive by that madman. Thats to stop the Camp from exploding. Chiron put in, looking between Thalia and Percy who both grinned. as well as Oh good. Yes, please tell us. Travis added. Grover blushed and refused to say more. He nodded and smirked over at Grover who eyed them nervously. "But Oh, rightsearch for Annabeth immediately.". Apollo called after the Hunters. Somehow this was worse than simply ordering his minions to kill her and Grover after their trip to the Sea of Monsters. You know, its not healthy to have such an acquaintance with poison that you can recognise it instantly. Poseidon told his son. Along the way he gains several slaves and Queens that will help him along the way. Bianca Di Angelo Makes a Choice during Ianthe Potter's fifth year in Hogwarts, during the hallo With the defeat of Gaea everything seemed fine, but Percy has a secret that he has yet to tell his Not your average betrayal story for PJO. Everything had been so boring so far. Check profile for new rewrite Its quite interesting hearing about a school dance from a guys perspective. Piper said with a laugh. The survivors conscious goes back in time to the titans curse a. thaliagrace; percy; pjo +22 more # 12. I may not necessarily have time to talk, especially if we are at war, but I would never be upset that you called. Powerful Percy! Seriously, do monsters have like demigods classes or something. Leo complained. Various nymphs could be seen running around inside the temple. to worry. Poseidon told his son, looking a little amused. First while we were escorting two sons of Hermes to camp we were ambushed. Thats probably what I would be doing. Leo nodded. He is the eldest of the Titans, the firstborn son of Ouranos and Gaea, and the brother and husband of Tethys. "the dance floor. He couldnt ask for more than that. He still hoped that his son was alright. 17. (Lightning Thief, the Sea of Monsters, the Titan's Curse, the Battle of the Labyrinth, the Last Olympian, the Son of Neptune, POSSIBLY the Mark of Athena, the Last Chapter of the Mark of Athena.) Don't trust him! Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types; Relationships: Hera/Zeus (Percy Jackson) Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang; Jason Grace/Piper McLean . I spotted Charles Beckendorfoutside the camp armory. Most monsters arent susceptible to mist manipulation. Percy. He knew it was the Gods coping method for spending so long around the children and constantly watching them die. Years passed since the events of "War Trophy" and the end of the Titan War. Summary: Having gotten through two books already, the Gods, demigods and others begin reading the third book. I hadnt decided anything yet.. Perseus the youngest son of Gaea was cursed by the gods and exiled to the Island of Ogygia for aiding the Titans in the First Titan war. Hades was even more concerned because both of his children were defenceless and Poseidon was worried that his son was already poisoned and facing such a powerful monster pretty much alone. I was taller than you. She grinned. Yet, when another son of Poseidon catches her eye, will she watch from afar, or will she fulfill her innermost desires? Not if they include ribbons and lipstick. He told her firmly. But that isn't all After the Titan war, Percy and Annabet return to camp, only to be shunned in favor of Marcus Skye, a son of Zeus with a head the size of Tartarus itself. Thorn took you there and then just left you? Triton asked. To be honest, if Percy hadnt snapped at him I would have. Thalia admitted. With the help of a satyr and a daughter of Athena, Percy must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction Zeus' master bolt. But it was pretty weird how she acted in the sun chariot.. Youd do the same for me. He shrugged. Percy Jackson & The Sapphire Flame, its a Percy Jackson x Azula story. Killing him? Ares nodded. Im glad we dont do that. Hazel said. . Whats so good about them? Frank asked curiously. Because of the magic boundaries. I didnt mean to make you feel bad. Grover leaned over to whisper to his friend. SERIES: Heroes of Olympus/P What if Annebeth dead in the Titan War? That made more sense. If purpose can be found after the tragedy, after the grief. You could have at least mentioned that. He complained. He frowned but she sent him a pleading look that he couldnt refuse. For some reason, none of the Gods have yet killed you for your blatant disrespect but that does not mean you can say or do whatever you please. Poseidon told his son. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Children of the Big Three (Percy Jackson), Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Characters reading the Percy Jackson books, better than hot chocolate on a winter day. I had it covered. Thalia assured the wisdom Goddess. They could tell by the look on his face that he was actually serious about that and neither of them wanted to truly upset Percy. Apollo grimaced, not happy to have Percys stumble confirm his fears. After the war against the Titans was settled, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, the two most profound heroes of Olympus, were finally able to get some peaceful time. The Titans would be able to wreak havoc pretty much unopposed. Athena stated with a glare at her father. For thousands of years she has dwelled on her island, her paradise but also her prison. Weird thing aboutovercompensate or something. . It was pretty clear they were stuck up little Silena trailed off under a glare from Artemis. Come on, wed best get back before Zeus throws a gasket. Percy smirked. Sort by: Hot. "And, uh, be good!". Dionysus eyed the sea brat appraisingly. The other demigods were once again, feeling super jealous of Percy and his relationship with his dad. He was greatly unhappy that his twin was in such great danger because their father refused to see what was right in front of him. He was only allowed to visit his own home once a year for a single day. He could not imagine intervening in such a matter without at least giving Percy a stern talking to. All the demigods nodded. And if you ever wondered what the Percy Jackson Universe would be like IF Kronos had won, then read on. He was cursed. No. Grover Gets a Lamborghini We Visit the Junkyard of The Gods Olympus wasnt at war. He didnt really have a defense. Everyone who didnt know what happened was quite eager to hear about what Percy would do next. Percy hadnt shown much inclination to speak with him so far, not enough to actually call him anyway. She knew her daughter lived, but there were other side effects of mortals holding up the sky. Follow him on his journey of choosing the right path while also helping and recruiting members into his group. I stood frozen in shock. "Sorry," I saidin the white landscape. Born From The Hearth Aphrodite walked through the halls of Olympus, turning heads as was usual when she passed by. Percy woke up to the sound of the door being kicked off its hinges. Annabeth was interested to see what had happened while she had been captured. If they delay her long enough, father would probably declare the matter closed again. Plus Katie from the Demeter Cabin wasnt here either. Oh great. Percy said sarcastically. Perseus is raised by the Hunters of Artemis. Parallel Universe A strange and interesting concept. You really thought it would be that simple? I didnt realise Chiron hadnt shown you. She shrugged. And she had seemed quite taken with Apollo, not frightened of him. 257K 13.2K 66. In which Percy Jackson finds himself enchanted with the crazy girl of camp half-blood who is much more powerful . ]. Percy Jackson was the first born son of Kronos and Rhea. Mr. D seemed"Well, that's gratifying. She had wondered why he had run off on his own. Besides, Annabeth had gone to find the others so I knew backup would be coming. Percy defended himself. Here is a short collection of incomplete stories by the author 7JonasD7, formerly known as 7Jonas7, whose works got deleted. Everybody Hates me but the Horse It was hard. The universe itself h heliophilia: (n.) love of sunlight. oc He stuck his tongue out. She was asking if Id be alright if she went with them. Only his son was strong enough to do that. Everybody burst out laughing as Grover went bright red. Frankly, the fact that you guys are reading all of my private thoughts is embarrassing enough. I never thought I was going to fall in love. The Titans are confident of victory. Athena said. You should have said. Besides, your mom is always worried when you go off on a mission. Percy looked sheepish. I promise itll be a much better makeover than those girls. She scoffed. His children were unwelcome at Camp. Here he had actually used her feelings for him to trick her. As annoying as their stealing habits were, it had been good to see them behaving normally. be the wisest. The Gods of Olympus were having a unique event restricted only to them, one night they all gather to play poker, sworn by the Styx to fulfill the bets, organized by Apollo, Hermes and Rhea. The two left the room while Poseidon stopped Zeus from grumbling. 150K 2.6K 12. Had he managed to intervene? He tried not to think about that very much, suddenly rather glad she had become a Hunter. I will update regularly along side my other smut story :). Zeus scowled. Reading the Percy Jackson books story. Did you not say his ship was going around the land? Twin to the titan of Mortality, mighty Iapetus. Id love to have my mom around to fuss like that. Frank muttered to Hazel. But they have history. They both looked rather grim but determined. Also, kind of terrifying. His mind turned to later in that quest to find Annabeth. Yes its a shame your daughter is missing but as we suspected she had been taken by a Manticore it is not worth risking losing more children in an attempt to find her. Aww, how cute. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. But, as ever, a new year brings new challenges. is You know what I meant. Thalia rolled her eyes. This was just another sign of how far gone he was. That was some good timing there., "Percy," Chiron said quicklyflag tomorrow evening.". Epic fights! While he hated everything he had been through, he was quite glad he was no longer that hyperactive ten year old. But I fell in love, with Nico Di Angelo, the son of Hades. Even though she moved on and married someone else Annabeth was . Im teaching you some good music. Thalia vowed. She rarely ever took it off. Really, Percy? Annabeth asked in exasperation. Chris wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled at his girlfriend. Sorry guys. Thalia said. Maybe you guys could come for a visit some time? Beckendorf suggested. You would have been constantly badgering me until I did so., What war? Triton asked anxiously. He felt helpless which made him angry. I Go Snowboarding With A Pig Annabeth glared at Grover. No. Apollo said warily. I am not cute ! Nico hissed back in an undertone. He glanced at his sister. 7. Mostly, anyway. Will he marry his lady love? There is nothing wrong with my outfit. Dionysus snapped, just wanting this chapter to be done with already despite the fact that they had only just started. Well you'll just have to find out The tail of a Manticore does move incredible fast.. He was not looking forward to reading about heh ad behaved as a ten year old. You needed to make weapons for dad. Percy told him. Grover found the pamphlet. Percy told her. There are worse things than death. Hades stated gravely. 5. She shrugged, admitting she would have probably gone off on her own too. Hes right. Ares spoke up. Just your usual equipment for going to school. Travis said with a raised eyebrow. Man your mind is weird. Chris said, shaking his head in amusement. Listen to the boy. Athena urged her daughter. she pleadedtry not to die. Probably not the best idea at a school dance. Travis said with a laugh. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), 1. Part of me wants to know and the other part really doesnt want to hear about her dying. Percy felt sorry for the young boy who looked so lost. I thought that was you and Clarisse? Will asked. 16. He was just grateful he wouldnt have to go to that blasted Camp anymore. How many other Titans or minor Gods will not choose to stay neutral? Ares wondered in concern. They were led by Kronos, the Titan of time and other minor things. So he waited. That makes it my turn. ares said eagerly. Grover threw a fake glare at Thalia who simply smiled innocently at him. I Gain a New Enemy for Christmas. How about I teach those of you who dont know how during a break? Chiron suggested. Grover has gotten a lot better. Percy nodded. Change One LIttle Thing and That's How you Get AU Ocean's Wings by lyricalgurl8. They could have threatened him. Hermes defended his son. You dont know what the monster is or how powerful. Close to alone, with only his closest confidents th Assassin of Worlds {Percy Jackson Fanfictio Theron. What if Bianca had lived, and Percy hadn't? Those were the best stories. Annabeth smirked wickedly. Does he know what happens to Bianca? Percy asked. It felt strange to hear about, and be so concerned for, her half sister that she had never even met. She too, yearned to love, to be loved. Let us see what happens in the books first. Chiron said. Wait, this is fanfiction. How aboutNa, that went pretty wrong. 7. Only you guys would argue about being team captain. Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Artemis, what have you done with him?" 168 Stories. I guess so. It was published on May 1st, 2007. Percy Jackson and Time Traveling and the Titan's Curse by orphan_account Fandoms . What if Percy left camp? 10. I read the original and thought" you know, it would be cool if Percy raised the crooked one's daughter". Piper smiled slightly, recalling how frantic Annabeth was when Percy was the one missing. I called Tyson. Percy explained. I just told him I dont know why she wasnt chosen to come with us., Do you think you should warn him? How can you be so casual about my daughter being missing? Athena glared at the wine God. He also really did wonder what had stopped the wine God from doing something rather nasty to his son. The oak doorslike overkill. Suddenly she frozewas nowhere in sight. The Gods have done enough, and it's time someone opposes them. ttc-tlo Follow the famous Perseus Jackson, Primordial God of Dimensions, Elements, Time, Weapons, Creation, Darkness and Shadows. Gee, thanks. Nico grumbled jokingly. You clearly wanted to be in charge. In the end, it was Percy who faced the leader of the Titans' Revenge in a final showdown. not Even if it killed. Poseidon, Hades, Zeus and Athena all paled a little. 14. You really shouldve known better by then. Thalia told her. This was only the third book, he thought in consternation. After many centuries of watching over the threads of trust being woven and cut, all the while experiencing everything secondhand and constantly being reminded of his own circumstance, he snaps. She had heard about the fight several times and it sounded like it had been awesome. 18. Poseidon let out a relieved chuckle. [ part of the unseen demigods universe ] Why would he bother? Aphrodite asked. Nico frowned but nodded. Yes, youll be sensing the monster around. Percy Jackson had had fun as a young half-blood, going on quests and saving the world, but eventually heros grow up. Living in a strict military style for ages does get annoying. And it was about time to have some action. The two clashed in a fierce battle, their powers shaking the very foundations of the earth. Artemis consults her archnemesis to give her advice about her new found love(r) Percy Jackson, a broken hero that just wants and deserves to be loved. She was put in foster care when she was a baby and spent most of her life in the foster care system when she found out she's a demigod. Now Nico groaned. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Children of the Big Three (Percy Jackson), Book 3: The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson), Characters reading the Percy Jackson books, better than hot chocolate on a winter day. Zagreus in the Heroes of Olympus. Not just the two of you anyway. Or he just felt like wearing it. Percy shrugged. Oh fine. He grunted. Percy Jackson | Annabeth Chase Percy Jackson | Adventure Betrayed Tartarus Chaos. 21. Dont even think about it. Percy warned them. He gave her a wicked smile, as if he knew something she didn't. This is not good.. Will just kept smirking at him infuriatingly. She gave a sultry lick of her lips to a cute little nymph that was serving nectar to some minor goddess. It still stung a little that his son didnt feel he could just call him whenever he wanted. The ceiling ofAnnabeth against the ground. There is one assassin . ", What? Hermes frowned. She too wondered why her daughter was not deemed important enough to be here. He is up and running again, but he said he would not republish these stories, so I'm taking the liberty to do so, with his permission, of course. How did you manage to hold up the weight? Zeus wondered. I am the God of Prophecy after all. Apollo said smugly. Then he closed thein a ray of sunlight. I like it there but I miss Percy.. And no, it would not annoy me. Poseidon assured his son. Not if you dont have any cure on hand. Will pointed out. Well Thorn was already trying to capture the children of Hades. That sounds pretty cool. Clarisse grinned. You might be a pain in the ass but youre still a good fighter. Annabeth managed to escape Tartarus and join the seven in the war against Gaea, but Percy was left behind. Nico nodded. One that still hasnt been corrected. Percy muttered bitterly. In my own head I can say what the heck I like. Oh believe me, its definitely a punishment. Dionysus stated as he glared at Percy. Until one day, the world did need him. Probably some hyperactive annoying kid. That boy is going to manipulate Annabeth into taking the sky for him. Athena yelled, worry clear in her voice. You had a job to do. Percy told him. Bianca Di Angelo Makes a Choice I mean, quite a few Gods are going to have to hear about their kids dying when we get to the summer with the Labyrinth but it probably wont be in as much detail as Biancas death.. 6. Percy has killed enough monsters that they all probably have heard of him by now. Apollo said, a bit of worry creeping into his voice. With the Titans rising again, he is needed to bring Olympus to it's knees. The Titan's Curse is an American fantasy-adventure novel based on Greek mythology written by Rick Riordan.It was released on May 1, 2007, and is the third novel in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series and the sequel to The Sea Of Monsters.It is about the adventures of the 14-year-old demigod Percy Jackson as he and his friends go on a dangerous quest to rescue his 14-year-old demigod . But the Gods are still stupid enough to believe that a harem and godhood can cure Percy's PTSD. He was dead. the Hunters visit.". Wolfstarforlife183, greyhope, DaniGirl_wry, probablyintoodeep, GabrielaKalaj25, iidk_13, Naintarlow, SophiaWoods, liwiaggd, MagicTrickle, ShippingShips1320, IslandPhlebNerd, CSP2708, MAY4NAISE, osamugiris, Shad7745, T_Valen26, Dungeons_And_Draugrs, the_surlyist, AnimeAndPandas, excaliburandtheTARDIS, Lola948, Prime808, 72_Blue, SarcasticTongue, MAKaneki, BonsaiViolets, animecausekirisgay, Crevan16, Weirdperson_01, ajmacey, Echo38, LostInReality, Alison_NH, AmberAiko, unhingedcryptid, JMr1227, TaeKook_Biased810, nanacb, anna_clara_ng, divspar, SpookyScarySkeleRyn, Sc0208, SolarEclipse16, GlitchyGhostChild, Simiasl, raylla_evellyn123, s_e_v_e_n_p_m, DarknessMikaelson, AeriaKnight, and 1641 more users Again, feeling super jealous of Percy and his relationship with his.! Sultry lick of her lips to a cute little nymph that was serving nectar to minor. 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