N')].uJr The person accused and found responsible of a sexual offense through a Pasadena City College investigation shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with established procedures, which procedures shall provide at minimum that: The hearing shall be recorded by the College District by tape recording, and shall be the only recording made. Maintaining Eligibility for Financial Aid, Campus Access, Testing, & Vaccine Requirements. Issues that are not resolved at the campus level may be presented to the following: The California Community College Chancellor's Office may be contacted if the complaint In a matter in which the recommended sanction is expulsion from the College, the Chair will forward such report to the Vice President of Student Affairs for further consideration and possible action. Processes Exceptions for an additional repeat may be granted The notice will enclose a description of the procedures to be followed at the hearing. To meet graduation requirements, a student must achieve a minimum C average (2.000 GPA) for all lower division college units attempted in degree applicable courses, including transferred courses and grades. Written reprimands may become part of a students permanent record at the College District. GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT (GED) - Pasadena City College GENERAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT (GED) GED 4001 LANGUAGE ARTS 0 unit Preparation in the language arts for students preparing for the General Educational Development (GED) exam. it applies) will be disbursed after those classes are in session. Enter your search query here then click "Search" button. necessary to meet a prerequisite. This contract lists specific conditions for removal of the I and the default grade to be recorded if the conditions are not met within one year from the end of the semester in which the I was assigned. Disbursement will be based on the Any person for whom consent to remain on campus has been withdrawn who knowingly reenters the campus during the period in which consent has been withdrawn, except to come for a meeting or hearing, is subject to arrest. Responsibilities include site assessments, archival research, technical report writing, and . While sanctions are applied equitably and fairly, it is done so with consideration for the uniqueness of each individual case. To calculate the GPA, total the number of grade points and divide by the total number of units. The amount of aid you receive depends on the number of units you are enrolled in at A grade of D would indicate the student is not likely to be successful in a higher national origin, religion, or any other protected characteristic. The Panel will determine whether the student is responsible for violating each section of the Student Conduct Code which the student is accused of violating. The in-state tuition and fees for 2018-2019 were $1,166 , and out-of-state . of a college employee are entitled to file a complaint. are not limited to a note from a doctor stating the student is not currently able Admission is subject to the requirements stated below and to the approval of the Assistant Director, International Student Office. Total Units: 14 The following factors may be considered in determining what sanctions are appropriate in a particular case. Pasadena, CA 91106 626 585 . endstream endobj 1320 0 obj <> endobj 1321 0 obj <>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 1322 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1323 0 obj <> endobj 1324 0 obj [/ICCBased 1331 0 R] endobj 1325 0 obj [/Indexed 1324 0 R 255 1334 0 R] endobj 1326 0 obj <> endobj 1327 0 obj <> endobj 1328 0 obj <>stream A grade of NP (no pass) indicates unsatisfactory achievement which would have been graded with a D or lower on the regular grading scale. The decision of the hearing panel chair shall be final on all matters relating to the conduct of the hearing unless there is a majority vote by other members of the panel to the contrary. In Fall 2007, with each successive age group, . In hearings involving more than one student in the same situation, the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator may permit the hearings concerning each student to be conducted jointly. Procedures and rights in student conduct proceedings are conducted with fairness to all, but do not include the same protections of due process afforded by the courts. report; police report of an accident; or any other documentation that proves the students Begin your higher-education at The PCC Galleries Presents Momento by Shizu Salamando. Restitution - A payment to compensate an injured party for financial harm, in cases involving misconduct such as theft, destruction of property or deception. The notice will include the length of time of the suspension, or the nature of the lesser sanction. Short-Term Career and Technical Education, Basic Bookkeeping Assistant Certificate of Completion, Basic Graphic Design Certificate of Completion, Business Office Systems Certificate of Completion, Child Care Provider Certificate of Completion, Computer Keyboarding Certificate of Completion, Computer Keyboarding Bilingual Certificate of Completion, Computer Skills Certificate of Completion, Computer Skills 2 Certificate of Completion, Family Home Child Care Provider Certificate of Completion, Family Home Child Care Provider Bilingual Certificate of Completion, General Office Clerk Certificate of Competency, Introduction to Starting a Small Business Certificate of Completion, Introduction to Starting a Small Business Bilingual Certificate of Completion, Legal Translation and Interpretation Certificate of Completion, Medical Translation and Interpretation Certificate of Completion, Medical Front Office Clerk Certificate of Completion, Personal Care Attendant Certificate of Completion, Pre-Apprenticeship in Building Trades and Construction Industry Certificate of Completion, Special Education Assistant Level 1 Certificate of Completion, Workplace Readiness Certificate of Completion, DISABLED STUDENT PROGRAMS & SERVICES (DSPS). x- [ 0}y)7ta>jT7@t`q2&6ZL?_yxg)zLU*uSkSeO4?c. R -25 S>Vd`rn~Y&+`;A4 A9 =-tl`;~p Gp| [`L` "AYA+Cb(R, *T2B- from the Freeman Center. } Track an Order Delivery Options Payments Accepted Returns Gift Cards Help / FAQ New Students and Parents Online Adoptions . The standard used to determine whether a violation of the Student Conduct Code has occurred will be a preponderance of evidence (more likely than not). items:1 and prompt completion of assignments; ability to deal well with abstract ideas; commendable Total Grade Points: 46 autoplayTimeout:4000, In such instances, PCC may proceed with disciplinary action under the Student Conduct Code independently of any criminal proceeding involving the same conduct. C -Satisfactory (2)STANDARD COLLEGE GRADE indicating SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE earned as a result of satisfactory It is a temporary notation not considered in the grade-point average. The instructor shall complete a Student Conduct Incident Report and forward a copy to the Division Administrator and the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator. success in a field relating to the subject. The standard of proof for Student Conduct Hearings will be a preponderance of evidence. P -Pass (0)PASSING GRADE, level C or better, not included in grade point computations. If it has been more than one semester since you have taken a class at PCC, you will Pasadena City College offers the following Associates degrees: Associate in Arts Degree ( AA) Associate in Science Degree ( AS) Associate in Arts for Transfer ( AA-T) Associate in Science for Transfer ( AS-T) Associate in Science Degree with the Certificate of Achievement ( CTE AS) If a student is accused of an alleged violation, he or she will receive written notice of the conduct warranting discipline. MW -Military Withdrawal (0)A symbol used to record a student withdrawal due to unexpected military obligations. Pasadena City College Women's Hooded Sweatshirt. 0000004012 00000 n The evidence does not clearly support the finding(s). Students are encouraged to file a report with the District regarding, Students are encouraged to file a report with the District regarding discrimination The specific provision of the Student Conduct Code that was violated; The sanction(s) imposed and the date(s) on or periods for which they are in effect; A statement of the students right to appeal in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs; A statement informing that the failure to file a request for such an appeal within the time provided shall be deemed a waiver of the right to an appeal. The facts supporting the accusation shall be presented by a college representative who shall be the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator or designee. The notice may include a request for a review meeting and will include : A short statement of the facts supporting the accusation; The right of the student to meet with the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator or designee; Reference to the Student Conduct Code process and rights of students as indicated in the Code. the time of refund. in the courses. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Violation of rules and/or regulations governing student organization chartering, official activity approval, funds handling and management, and/or participation in such activities. Apply today! 0:{ IP -In Progress (0)Indicates work in progress, but not considered in grade-point average. examination scores; generally accurate and prompt completion of assignments; ability Follow these steps, if you are only interested in taking a few classes at PCC. The right to academic freedom, however, cannot be separated from the equally important responsibility, which each individual has, to uphold professional ethics or, in the case of students, to abide by the Policy on Student Conduct and Academic Honesty. of non passing examination scores; inaccurate, incomplete, or late assignments; failure GED prep and more. Students continue to be subject to city, state and federal laws while at Pasadena City College (PCC) and allegations, charges or violations of those laws may also constitute violations of the Student Conduct Code. The members of the hearing panel shall be provided with a copy of the complaint(s) against the student and any written response provided by the student before the hearing begins. A record of the fact that a verbal reprimand has been given may become part of a students record at the College District for a period of up to one (1) calendar year. Example: A student earning a grade of A in ENGL001A READING AND COMPOSITION (4 units) would have a total of 16 grade points for the course (4 x 4 = 16). Time Limits - Any times specified in this administrative procedure may be shortened or lengthened if there is mutual concurrence by all parties. Pass/no pass classes must be taken in areas outside the students Baccalaureate Degree major. 0000001790 00000 n The campus will be closed on Monday, September 5 for Labor Day. Non-consensual Sexual Contact (or attempts to commit the same). Welcome to Pasadena City College, home of the Lancers! The developmental and educational impact on the student. Any restriction listed above does not apply when a class is offered only on a pass/no pass basis. The interpretation of each grade, with its value in grade points per semester unit, is described below. NP -No Pass (0)CREDIT NOT ALLOWED; performance less than average quality; not included in grade-point The interpretation of each grade or symbol, with its value in grade points, is described below. The Dean of Student Life or designees decision on a short-term suspension shall be final. id: "#homepage-highlights-carousel", Proper procedures were not followed. File a report through In North American broadcast law, the concept of community of license dates to the early days of AM radio broadcasting. Should a student wish to have an attorney present to advise him/her, the student must notify the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator not less than 5 days prior to the hearing that he/she intends to bring an attorney. be adjusted accordingly. 0000001353 00000 n Cheating, plagiarism (including plagiarism in a student publication), or engaging in other academic dishonesty. Enter your search query here then click "Search" button. responsive:{ %PDF-1.6 % The filing of a complaint assumes that the complainant desires to initiate the inquiry that may result in official disciplinary action against the alleged violator. V)gB0iW8#8w8_QQj@&A)/g>'K t;\ $FZUn(4T%)0C&Zi8bxEB;PAom?W= The Panel will then determine what sanctions it deems appropriate for such violations. For courses in which D or F grades were earned, a C or better must be earned to have File a report through Youmay not enroll in two sections of the same course in any one semester, regardless F -Failing (0)NON-PASSING GRADE indicating FAILURE TO MEET MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS earned as a result These types of conduct are prohibited at all times on College owned or controlled property and at any off-campus function sponsored or supervised by the College. Education Programs For Persons With Substantial Disabilities, Toggle III. If consent is withdrawn a written report must be promptly made to the Superintendent-President or designee. The procedures shall clearly define the conduct that is subject to discipline, and shall identify potential disciplinary actions, including but not limited to the removal, suspension or expulsion of a student. In PCCs sole discretion, sanctions will be proportionate to the severity of the violation(s). The student must contact the instructor before the end of the semester and make arrangements for completing the required assignments. It is not intended to substitute for criminal or civil proceedings that may be initiated by other agencies. Failure to comply with directions of College personnel acting in the performance of their duties, including failure to present the Pasadena City College ID card or current class schedule upon request. In American, Canadian, and Mexican broadcasting, a city of license or community of license is the community that a radio station or television station is officially licensed to serve by that country's broadcast regulator.. Examples of possible disciplinary sanctions are listed below. Popular majors include Liberal Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Business. When required work is made up, the grade earned is entered on the students transcript. 0000003755 00000 n College District - Pasadena Area Community College District (PACCD). Enter your search query here then click "Search" button. }); Enter your search query here then click "Search" button. A - Excellent (4) computations. 0000002682 00000 n The Chair will forward this document to the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator within 5 days upon conclusion of the hearing. }); All questions and responses are to be directed to the Panel, preferably the Chair, not between witnesses, complainant and accused student. Must obtain a SWRCB Grade 1 Water Distribution Operator Certification within 18 months of employment start date. Enter your search query here then click "Search" button. In the case of academic subjects, the general rule is that not less than two hours (120 minutes) per week of preparation outside class are expected for each unit of class work. A -Excellent (4)HONOR GRADE indicating EXCELLENCE earned as a result of consistently superior examination startxref Course descriptions show the minimum number of hours that must be completed in order to earn the number of units of credit associated with each course. The Grade Appeal Process can be found in the PACCD procedures No. The written notice to the student shall include: A student may appeal the decision of the Student Conduct Hearing panel to the Vice President of Student Services only on the following grounds: In cases alleging a violation of gender-based or sexual misconduct, both the accused student and the complainant have the right to appeal the findings of responsibility and/or sanctions based on the above criteria. Receiving a certificate? Sanctions which have been imposed in similar cases in the past. The Pasadena Area Community College District Organization Official Academic Calendar 2022- 2023 General Information Toggle General Information A Brief History of Pasadena City College Mission of the College Institutional Core Values Pasadena City College General Education Outcomes nav:false, others to attempt to resolve the issue informally with college personnel. Pasadena City College recommends that universities and senior colleges grant subject or elective credit toward Junior standing for courses in this classification. PASADENA CITY COLLEGE . Equity Dashboard in Institutional Effectiveness research at Pasadena City College ; PCC Home. Good communication skills. Expulsion is the permanent separation of a student from the Pasadena Area Community College District by action of the Board of Trustees for good cause when other means of correction fail to bring about appropriate conduct, or when the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others. W -Withdrawn (0)This symbol is recorded for a course when a student voluntarily withdraws, a student Disciplinary Probation - Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions if the student is found to be in violation of any institutional regulations during the probationary period. Prior student conduct violations may be considered in a hearing and for determination of sanctions. The written notice shall be sent to the student by certified mail, return receipt requested, or receipted-for personal delivery or via PCC e-mail with delivery notification, within (five) 5 business days of the written findings and decision of the Student Conduct Hearing Panel. 600:{ The Vice President will review the appeal and the hearing findings and may make a decision to uphold, reverse, revise or modify the decision and sanctions imposed on the student. Unauthorized use of computers and telecommunication resources, including but not limited to: Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents, or for any other purpose; Unauthorized use of another individuals identification and password; Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member or College official; Use of computing and telecommunications resources to send obscene or abusive messages. Grade Distribution Dashboard Guided Pathways The Guided Pathways Dashboard follows students on their journey at PCC. Students who violate the Student Conduct Code will be subject to disciplinary action under the Student Discipline Process Procedures (AP 5520). Policy No. Both the complainant and the accused shall be informed simultaneously of the outcome of any campus student conduct proceeding brought alleging a sexual offense within five (5) business days following of the end of the proceedings. View full document See Page 1 3. Any person may allege a violation of the Student Conduct Code by completing a Student Conduct Incident Report Form and submitting it to the Office of Student Life or on-line. Elementary And Secondary Basic Skills, Toggle IV. Both parties have the right to appeal the decision of the panel. The notice will include the right of the student to request a formal hearing before expulsion is imposed, and a copy of this policy describing the procedures for a hearing. Engaging in harassing or discriminatory behavior based on disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by law. Pasadena City College STAT STAT 13 Which of the following table determines a valid prob ability mass function a X x Which of the following table determines a valid prob School Pasadena City College Course Title STAT 13 Uploaded By caseyyou24 Pages 2 This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 2 pages. Within five (5) business days after the receipt of the Dean of Student Life/Student Conduct Administrator or designees decision regarding a long-term suspension or expulsion, the student may request a formal hearing of the Student Conduct Hearing Panel. The Superintendent/President or designee, the president of the Academic Senate or designee, the Classified Senate or designee, College Management the Associated Students Organization (ASPCC) president or designee shall each, at the beginning of the academic year, establish a list of at least five (5) persons who will serve on the Student Conduct Hearing panels. , Proper procedures were not followed must obtain a SWRCB grade 1 Water pasadena city college grade distribution Operator Certification within months! Unexpected military obligations specified in this classification students transcript and Business commit the same ) above not. 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