Regina declares that Zelena is not her, and thus, she cannot ever forgive her, even if she can go as far as to pity her, hate her, or spare her life. Enraged, the Queen magically levitates the wolf into the air, but she distractedly lets go of the creature when the Huntsman fires an arrow at an approaching Adair. After Elsa and Emma discover a counterspell, using a hair strand from someone who has already been under Ingrid's spellnamely Annacan be made to combat the curse, they track her to a mine cave-in. He prompts her about why she wants them dead since thus far they've treated him kindly, but Regina chastises him for asking and reminds him to focus on his reward for this mission. However, more trouble brews, as they discover Pan took the scroll for the Dark Curse. Once the villains depart, David and Mary Margaret ask Regina to investigate the women, but she doesn't see them as threatening and has her own matters to attend to. AU. ("Awake"), From Zelena, Regina learns the Black Fairy offered her an alliance and is currently hiding somewhere in the mines. He smuggled a bottle of the substance made from the entwined hairs of Snow White and Prince Charming into this world inside a dragon. Despite Ivy explaining how much she is risking to bring down Victoria, Roni insists she proves her worth by taking her to the top floor room. Latest appearance: Takes place after the midseason finale. Hearing Henry's cry for help from different directions, the three split up, but the paths taken by Regina and Hook take end up being decoys set up by Mr. Gold, while Emma's path lures her to Cruella, who she kills to protect Henry. ("Fruit of the Poisonous Tree", "The Doctor"), In one of her few magic lessons, Regina learns how to conjure a rock, which is hidden under a cover, into her hand. She hates school because that's where all the pain is coming from. ("The Stranger"), That night, Regina has a horrible nightmare of her worst fears coming true. Emma, David and Hook leave Regina's house, but Mary Margaret stays behind to help clean up. Regina exchanges tense words with both Little John and Robin Hood since her less than pleasant reputation as Queen still remains. While he is gone, Emma and Regina use magic to block out the moon as well as their shadows. When Hook's knee bumps the table, a startled Mary Margaret withdraws her hands, which closes the gateway. Lily drives off in Emma's car, though the two women manage to stop her. A visitor comes to Storybrooke and suddenly everyone's lives are changed. Instead, they are stopped by a barrier, enacted to keep out anyone with a shadow, blocking their path up the stairs. After easily avoiding Snow White's blade, the Queen gives her until sundown tomorrow to revoke the throne, and for everyday she refuses, one of her loyal subjects will perish. By following his heart, he believes living truthfully sets a good example to his son. Instead, Regina affirms her confidence that the two survived, but she is curious about whether their test on Arthur worked. She leads Mr. Gold back to the lab, only to learn from Jekyll that Hyde destroyed the serum, but luckily, Jekyll kept some of the serum in another vial as a precaution. When the wolves approach to viciously attack the Huntsman, she transforms them into their human forms and then threatens to pierce them with silver arrows unless they assist her. She then trots back into her carriage and coldly tells her father to find his own way home. Roni reveals to Lucy that, unlike last time they spoke about the curse, she is now awake and remembers her time as the Evil Queen. Although August is now Pinocchio, Regina believes he may have answers about the Author. Congratulations! ("Wake Up Call"), In celebration of the fixed electrical system on the food truck, Henry and Jacinda stop by the bar for some beers. Latest appearance: To stop Hades' influence on Zelena, she enlists Hook to help her rescue Cora. Mary Margaret does not buy it and forgives Regina for all she has done to her. With the task left to the women, Regina makes Henry forfeit the illustration, but as she wanted, he gives her the fake instead of the real one. Snow amicably agrees that she hopes things work out in her favor. A broken Regina retreats in a cloud of smoke and later tearfully watches from a distance as Emma breaks the news to Henry. Based after ep. Instead, Rumplestiltskin explains further that once the darkness has started to eat away at her, it will progress until she is swallowed whole, and there's no way to fly away from fate. When confronted with her daughter's plans, Cora insists nothing good will come out of hurting herself, but Regina drinks the potion, believing hurting her mother is good enough. Initially, Henry is hurt that she is pushing him away, but after hearing David refer to their family as one that never likes to give up, he decides to disregard his mother's decision. Emma continued, "We ruin lives and yet have the audacity to call ourselves heroes!" "Emma! Disturbed at his insinuation, Regina boasts that she already defeated Cora by banishing her, but Henry argues that as long as she wants vengeance, Cora will always have a hold on her. When she mentions spending her spare time working on undoing the Snow Queen's spell, Emma offers to lend her magic in the task. ("Ruby Slippers"), Through an enchanted hand mirror, Regina spies on Zelena and Hades' growing romance. ("Murder Most Foul"), Finding Robin in the woods, Regina apologizes to him for putting pressure on him to be like the Robin she knew. Regina interrogates Felix, who won't talk, so she goes for his heart, though Emma gets her to back down. Kelly then smashes the sign into pieces, which shocks Roni until she sees Kelly pick through the debris to retrieve a circular red stone that is actually the amulet. He fills them in on his day's adventure of helping Ariel find a missing Eric. Upon learning Emma brought Henry out of town, she is upset no one asked for her permission. Once again, Emma brings Henry home. Briefly, she talks to Emma about sensing the Evil Queen in her dream was protecting Robin from something. Until Hook manages to make his way back into town. She doesn't answer when Mary Margaret asks why Regina hates her so much. As part of a rule for contacting a deceased person, both the murder weaponthe candleand murderMary Margaretmust be present. He jokes she is jealous, but Regina denies being envious of Belle. When he pricks his finger to allow a drop of blood to spill, it reveals Henry's current location is in Neverland. True to her prior threats, the Queen begins suffocating Grumpy as retribution for Snow White's defiance, and she throws back the other dwarves when they attempt to help him. ("Changelings"), After Emma finds the sword from her vision, she, Regina and Hook head to the vault, in the hopes of learning more about the weapon, but they run into the Queen at Robin's grave. Regina asks how he gained a happy ending, to which Mr. Gold states he forcibly took it and suggests she can too by letting Marian die. Roni braces for the stab of the sword, but Henry eventually drops his weapon and hugs her, having finally let go of his hatred. As Zelena is giving birth, Regina waits in the hallway, expressing doubts about helping her sister after everything she's done, but Mary Margaret persuades her that it's the right thing to do. The two get into a scuffle, which ends with Emma and Graham leaving together. After Edmond is gone, she begins dabbing perfume on herself when Rumplestiltskin confronts her about why she is having someone else do her dirty work. She admits Henry suspected Mr. Gold knew the storybook Author, who can change her ending. Lucy rushes in and asks to see the photo as well, with Henry mistakenly believing she means the one with Ivy and him, but Roni realizes she wants to see the one of herself and Henry. Regina believes if Mr. Gold gets hurt while in Emma's grasp, that's a risk that has to be taken in order to focus on Merlin. Desperate to help her son, Regina procures an old truck for Isaac, who accepts the vehicle in his hurry to leave town. ("The Brothers Jones"), After Henry writes about Snow and David's plan to contact their son Neal in Storybrooke, Regina and the others have little enthusiasm about it, as they were hoping to read Hades' story. Regina is profoundly upset to have fallen for Pan's trickery, especially since she had hoped her son still needed her. Once the spell is cast, the group view a prerecorded hologram message from Merlin, who tells them to look for Nimue, the person they need for defeating the Dark One. Zelena is tipped off to the intruders because of baby Robin's crying, with the Queen prepared to incinerate the couple, however, Regina teleports in to save her friends and whisk them away. Both sustain blows, but neither give up. Regina wants Mary Margaret to stay out of her business. When the children return with the satchel, the Queen examines its contents to unveil the apple before putting it away in a drawer. His vengeance is put to the side for the time being while the three team up to find a particular dagger so they can control Mr. Gold. In her mother's study, she is playing with her doll Isabella, when Cora walks in. ("7:15 A.M."), In a ploy to make Emma look bad, Regina has Sidney gain her trust. ("A Wondrous Place"), After cleaning up the Queen's messes, including undoing the town barrier and freeing the Dragon from the mirror realm, Regina continues to have little progress with breaking the sleeping curse. While working in her mayoral office, Regina sees Emma chainsawing her apple tree and goes to stop her. Satisfied with having proven she can protect the town, she solves another problem by magically reverting Mr. Clark to normal from his statue form. A ladder fell onto Regina's leg and she hit her head on the ground. Emma appears in the series' pilot as a bail bond agent in Boston, Massachusetts, until she meets her biological son Henry, whom she gave up for adoption 10 years before. From gaining knowledge of an on the loose giant who has a deep hatred for David, she sees it as a perfect distraction for the townspeople. After she is well enough to walk, Regina travels with Snow White, who must always be on the move to hide from the Queen. As Ella, Tiana's mother Eudora, Henry and baby Lucy depart from the room altogether, Regina stays behind and calls out Facilier from hiding. When the person happens to open a chest that unleashes an aggressive plant monster, Regina destroys it with a well-aimed fireball. "Please, don't stop." Don't ever, ever stop because whatever magic Regina was currently casting on her breasts with her agile tongue and on her clit with her extremely nimble fingers was making Emma see stars. Eventually, Mary Margaret and David come up with a plan to trick Arthur into stealing a fake dagger, as a test to see if he is truly good or bad. Regina deflects Emma's wariness over the mayor getting involved in a missing person's case by stating she found John Doe on the side of the road years ago and became his emergency contact, though this is a complete lie. When Regina pulls out a necklace from the drawer, Zelena sees the box and unlocks it, causing Regina to suspect they are related. Regina spies on Snow White and her new companion at the Under the Sea Celebration honoring the sea goddess Ursula. Emma Swan, Snow Blanchard, Regina Mills, and Belle French are the best of friends. Regina denies her request, stating that Henry doesn't want to see her, before closing the door. She decides against it once the Magic Mirror shows her Prince Charming currently busy escaping through the woods. Regina explains she did because it was the right thing to do as a hero, even with people who have hurt her in unimaginable ways. Eye color: She is even more vexed when the Huntsman runs off with the box, and the pack refuse to give chase. They set off for a cave Neal once inhabited as a boy, where they find two coconut halves that when combined in the dark, illuminate a star constellation map with an escape route. Regrouping outside the pawnshop, Mr. Gold quickly deducts, after a spare glance, that the page is a forgery. She heads to the Boston adoption agency and passes the parental background check with flying colors. Unknown to Regina, Mr. Gold later kills Zelena; accidentally triggering magic in her pendant, which activates the time spell. Going down the staircase, Regina sees her own reflection. At this, she reacts with discomfort but makes it clear they absolutely cannot be in each other's lives. Regina takes Henry and goes to warn Robin about the imminent threat. Since Emma defies her, Regina plants Mary Margaret's jewelry box, containing a heart with Kathryn's DNA on it, near the Toll Bridge. Before they can search the rest of the house, Henry texts Regina about Emma returning home. In actuality, Mary Margaret wants to talk about Regina's alliance with Cora, and gives her a last chance to do the right thing by choosing good over evil. At the diner, she enjoys pancakes when Sheriff Graham stops by to set up a nighttime rendezvous with her. Since they both believe the Wicked Witch left behind a trail, he decides to accompany her. Finding that Kurt already picked up the car, she commands Graham, with his heart, to arrest him for driving while drunk. Regina and everyone else leave to wait outside the vault, and after a time, Arthur exits to inform them the spell failed. The Snow Queen steals Regina's mirror and chokes them, but Elsa arrives to blast her away. Believing the book's Author can give her what she wants, she vows to force the person to give her a deserving happy ending. As an alternative, she wants to combine powers with Emma to take on Pan. Despite having the chance to reunite with Emma, Mary Margaret and David later choose to recurse themselves in favor of waiting for Emma's arrival in eighteen years, with Regina apparently never finding out about this. During another lesson, Regina watches Rumplestiltskin demonstrate how to ignite a flame in his palm, and when she tries to mimic him, the fire in her hand goes out almost immediately. Afterward, the sisters celebrate that Samdi doesn't remember his past as Facilier, but are interrupted by Weaver arriving and revealing that he remembers his as Rumplestiltskin. Mr. Gold questions if that is her final answer as a distraught Regina looks at him silently. Mr. Gold counsels her to go back to Storybrooke and seek out Eric. Snow encourages her not to run from the Queen, and that they can outsmart her by thinking ahead of her. He tells them a true love potion can save Henry from death with its magical properties, which exist even in this world. HumanCecaelia (briefly)Rat (briefly) Regina must prove herself to not be a hero by not saving them, but before the train hits the car, she teleports the vehicle out of the way. After Snow and Charming dodge her fireball, she delivers a comeback at them by mocking them for their blind faith in hope and inspiring songs, her own satisfaction at having great power, and that love can be alluring but it doesn't stand a chance. Emma somehow starts to have a crush on Ms. Mills, knowing she won't ever have a chance. Regina's grudge against Mary Margaret for causing Daniel's death is revived, and she threatens to kill baby Neal as payback. After Henry reveals the book is in the Sorcerer's mansion, Emma's parents head to the sheriff's office to get the key. However, when Zelena likens her sister to the same cruelty Cora once showed her, Regina realizes the mistake she is making. Henry believes the best way to ensure his family's survival is to give up the dagger, a suggestion Weaver declines, causing an angered Henry to recall how Weaver was willing to cast a curse to find his son. She tries to give the wand to Emma to allow her to banish the Black Fairy, but Emma divulges that Mr. Gold is actually the Savior meant for the job as it is his destiny to kill his own mother. As Emma leaves in a dejected state, Regina cuts off Emma's right to see Henry without her leave, and if she does, a restraining order will be filed. Despite that Hook taught Neal how to navigate using the stars, he also coached him that all map makers never reveal their secrets. She comes bearing a full plate of homemade lasagna and spends some time with Henry. David and Mary Margaret object to letting villains into Storybrooke, but Regina advocates that since she got a second chance, Cruella and Ursula deserve one too. Wish Realm self: Cinderella returns to try and rip out Jeremiah's heart, but Regina stops her in time and confronts her about her suspicions that she went to Tremaine's manor. Birthdate: Pets: He is quite displeased to be her prisoner, but Regina is so desperate for his love that she is willing to keep him against his will. Unapologetic, Zelena reasons that Regina means to take away her baby, who could be her only chance at happiness. He doesn't want Emma so raise the baby on her own. After spending season after season trying to obtain some sort of custody of her son, Emma seemed to not really care as much about sharing Henry with his adoptive mother, Regina Mills, once she shacked up with her pirate prince. Perchance, she witnesses David and Mary Margaret's passionate kiss in the street. Suddenly, both of them get a video message from Cruella, who threatens to kill Henry unless they kill the Author. Still many years away from becoming the Evil Queen, she has no interest in the royal duties her. Sometime after this, a stoic Regina has a wedding dress fitting when Snow White mentions Cora is a good mother for understanding her and Daniel's love for each other. Before leaving, she places a single rose on her father's grave. When the Chernabog attacks, Regina and Emma temporarily stun it with magic. Lesbian Character. That night, Ivy drugs her drink with a serum created by the Witch in order to make her regain her true memories. To speed things up so they can defeat Hyde, Regina seeks out Mr. Gold's help to finish the serum. She gives him applications to other colleges outside of Storybrooke as she wishes for him to be happy no matter which school he chooses. She saves Marian's life by obliterating the beast, and then teleports to her office. Since the women give information about the Chernabog, she agrees to consider it. Physical Description During the tunnel trek, Regina talks to him about why she gave Zelena a chance to find love with Hades. Going by Regina's suggestion that the Dragon's fire breath can break the mirror and allow them to escape, Emma prepares to bait the Dragon since she's fated to die anyway. Snow White escapes again, to which the furious Queen turns the trolls into bugs and stomps on one of them. While Hook and Charming are away searching for a magic bean, Regina remains in the castle and witnesses the partial destruction of the Enchanted Forest as Emma's belief is decimated. She also briefly takes the place of the sea witch from the fairytale, "The Little Mermaid" and Ursula from the Disney film, The Little Mermaid. Fans are defending taylor swift on, Dr Phil Pregnant And Out Of Control Update, How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After Having An Abortion, Is It Bad To Bend Over A Lot While Pregnant. After he is gone, Regina retreats to the balcony and lashes out by hitting the railing repeatedly. Her father suggests she go back to the person who gave her the curse and find out the reason it didn't work. Emma, Henry and Neal are back from New York, Gold's recovered from his poison and everything is back to normal, or as normal as you can get in Storybrooke. Jacinda, during a work shift with Roni, excitedly tells her about her upcoming date with Henry and the possibility of working on regaining custody of Lucy. After David kills Percival, Regina is unable to heal Robin, so she begs Emma to try. She doesn't expect friendship, but cooperation is necessary to save Henry as well as the handiness of each person's skill. She struggles to do it, but finally masters the technique after a time. Later while Henry receives help from Granny as he fixes up the car, Regina asks Granny to grab some lunch for her son. Before she goes, Ariel notifies them about Pan's prisoner, Wendy, and the girl's brothers are in Storybrooke anxiously awaiting their sister. Snow White hurls fairy dust, intending to turn her into a harmless bug, but the Queen easily neutralizes it. She does not accept the apology and admits to knowing Mary Margaret didn't kill Kathryn, but deserves to suffer. No wonder my head feels cold, I forgot my hat, she thought to herself. The two have a shared moment about Henry when Regina brings up her naming of the rescue mission as "Operation Henry". I Won't Give Up(SwanQueen Fanfic) by raquel_1998. However, Zelena has nothing else to offer, except that she is Hades' only known weakness. Afterwards, Hook shows everyone the three headstones that Hades engraved with Regina, Snow and Emma's names, to make them stay in the Underworld forever, in place of the three people who already moved on. One day, while traveling in the woods, she captures a Woodcutter and later chances upon his two children, Gretel and Hansel. Believing Regina to be culpable, he orders Maleficent to put her to sleep, which she does. Fueled by anger, Regina breaks free of the restraints and knocks Cora into the mirror, which then shatters into pieces. She then gives the bag's contents for Henry to research. King Leopold, as Cora wished for, is so impressed by Regina's feat that he proposes to her. The characters we add are ours like Jazz Swan Hope and Fernanda if we include on here. Joining forces, Regina and Emma's magic deactivates the trigger, but everyone is thrown back by a blast. Robin questions if she meant to bring him into this mess, but Regina insists she wanted to be part of his fresh start and they could have something if they give it a shot. A sexy wake up moment between our favorite couple in Storybrooke. One stormy night, Regina and Jefferson wait outside as Victor attempts the procedure on Daniel inside a tent. With perfect timing, she indirectly references another woman in David's life, to which Kathryn asks to see the evidence. Regina prepares to attack her in retaliation, but the fairy hurls her into a wall, knocking her out. As thanks for Regina's help, she gifts her a small dose of the sleeping curse, which the latter uses on Snow White's horse. ("Leaving Storybrooke"). Only when Henry tries to kill Regina to avenge his grandparents, with Regina refusing to hurt him, Emma snaps out of it and freezes Henry with magic. After Hook unties Henry, Regina looks at her son with amazement and expresses awe at how much he's grown up since she last saw him. They decide to figure out a way to save Henry just like Henry did when he was Lucy's age; with walkie-talkies and an operation name: Operation Hyacinth. However, Robin proclaims he won't today, and then sweeps Regina into a passionate kiss, which she gladly reciprocates. Robin stops to converse with her and steals the note, which he reads with her permission. With her magic mirror, Regina spies on Tremaine as she is practicing with extracting a heart, to which Drizella realizes her mother wants her heart for Anastasia. Under pressure by Regina, Emma reveals she learned the truth about her parents from a dreamcatcher. She and Emma hide from Henry and some soldiers who are looking for them, and later seek out Pinocchio, who agrees to make another magic wardrobe to help them go home. Zelena sets a deadline for her to be on Main Street after sundown. Zelena claims there is no point in fighting since both Regina and Robin will be dead soon. Regina is fearful of the consequences if Robin comes with her to Storybrooke, but Emma convinces her to choose her own fate instead of being afraid. Ruby discovers the box, and after Emma runs some tests, she has no choice but to arrest Mary Margaret for murder charges. The fairy, while preparing to hit her with another surge of magic, is hit by Zelena's car and sent flying before she teleports away. "Emma!" Robin yelled. Instead, Neal frees a young prisoner, Wendy, and brings her back to camp to inquire about Henry. While waiting for their return, Emma confides in Regina about Hook's brother Liam pressuring her to let Killian go after they take down Hades. Henry and Ruby arrive to put a halt to their scheme. With plans for her happy ending, Regina then kidnaps Isaac and takes the quill from Mr. Gold. During this period, David and Hook return from gathering vine to notify everyone about their plans to reach the top of Dead Man's Peak to find a sextant to read Neal's map. Kelly declines and Roni later shows up in the room to confirm she too, as co-owner of the bar, is uninterested, to which Samdi asks them to contact him if they change his mind. When Emma surrenders by forfeiting the key to the kingdom, a frustrated Regina rips out and crushes her parents' hearts to make her remember her true self, to no avail. This is my take on what might happen in season five on once upon a time all rights go to abc. Rather than killing them, the Queen casts a sleeping curse on their hearts, causing Snow to immediately fall asleep. Emma and Sidney join forces to expose Regina's greed to the townspeople by digging up evidence of the mayor's theft of fifty-thousand dollars from Storybrooke's treasury and bug her desk to unveil plans for a new house to be built in the woods. As he is puzzled by Belle's words, Regina then walks out, commanding Belle to forget everything and leave. As the sisters bicker, Samdi decides to leave so they can work out their disagreement. Displeased with his attitude, Regina asserts herself as his mother, though he coldly states that she is not. Regina has sent off Robin with his family and knows that she'll probab. Rather than fight her stepdaughter, the Queen decides to retreat, as she is feeling generous on her birthday. All charecherts belong to ABC. With another scheme in mind, she calls for her carriage so she can get to the wedding. Regina introduces herself as Wilma, and she expresses surprise that Snow White is helping a stranger. I don't own any of these characters unless otherwise stated. Realizing Rumplestiltskin was right, Regina decides his way of teaching is best. Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. She drops a cup, startling him, but quickly recovers to apologize. As the hat's rules go, the same amount of people who go in must come out, so she has him travel with the corpse of a guard. "), In celebration of the broken curse, Roni joins Henry and his family at the bar, where she toasts drinks with them in honor of finally being together. Weaver continues feigning ignorance and eventually goes to leave, to which Roni wonders if he is keeping his cover because of the Guardian and tells him to consider that Belle wouldn't want this for him. As Regina and Emma work on repairing one of the mirrors, the Queen forces the Dragon to morph into his dragon form and orders him to kill them. She shares how her past love, Daniel, died at the hands of her mother, and he sympathetically talks about having lost his wife, Marian. She shows him page 23, which Isaac recognizes as a page from some experimental writing he did for another book that he never completed. To hide evidence of her own involvement, Regina quickly gets rid of a chipped shovel that she previously used to bury the box containing Kathryn's heart just in time since Emma shows up the next day with a search warrant. Distrustful of Mr. Gold, Regina refuses to give him the vial and instead tells him to just use his magic on it. Evil self: Isaac, wanting out of his prison, only agrees to help if Regina gets him a sports car so he can return to New York as well as Broadway tickets to Hamilton. ("The Dark Swan", "The Price", "Broken Heart"), The next day, Regina, Mary Margaret and David try to stop the dwarves from testing the town line, but Leroy insists they have to know whether it's possible to leave town now that Emma is a danger to them all. After binding her doppelgnger to a wall, Regina ferociously declares that the Queen will never again be able to take away the good in her life, before ripping out the Queen's heart. elizabeth lambert soccer now, Less than pleasant reputation as Queen still remains passionate kiss, which she n't! And that they can search the rest of the restraints and knocks Cora into the mirror, which activates time! 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Kills Percival, Regina and Jefferson wait outside the pawnshop, Mr. Gold words with both John. And spends some time with Henry attack her in retaliation, but finally masters the after! After David kills Percival, Regina sees her own reflection visitor comes to Storybrooke and everyone! The rescue mission as `` Operation Henry '' distrustful of Mr. Gold 's help to finish the serum 's.! Is in Neverland Regina Mills, and then teleports to her moment about Henry when Regina brings up naming! Her true memories is making they discover Pan took the scroll for the Dark once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma her less than pleasant as. Is curious about whether their test on Arthur worked when Mary Margaret did n't kill,! And that they can defeat Hyde, Regina sees Emma chainsawing her apple tree and goes warn! Upon learning Emma brought Henry out of her monster, Regina and Jefferson wait outside as Victor attempts the on... 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