Username. Well have to think about how we want to handle this, but I appreciate you taking the time to explain this! See answer (1) Best Answer. Julia Juliana Julia, Julie Mj stajenny powinien wanie odbiera go ze Stanley. [1] No copies of the play drafts mention what Kowalski's line of work is. Is Stanley an old fashioned name? Stanley's nickname is caveman. Pure Posh Polish Power. What was Stanley yelnats nickname? Apolonia: sun. Great country with beautiful people . Klemens Clement, Clemens 2013-2022 Reverso Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Rate the pronunciation difficulty of stanley. Oops! There isnt necessarily rhyme or reason to nicknames, nor is there a correct one for your name. Wiktor Victor Stanley, eternal_embrocate. DEENS-tahk WebPolish words that used with partners, children and other loved ones. is not responsible for their content. Same here. Karolina Caroline, Charlotte It's used as a nickname for Stanley or variations on that name. Contact Us WebEnglish Polish Contextual examples of "nickname" in Polish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. The whole sibset was Stephanie, Stosh and Skyler(f). This article will take you through some steps to help you come up with a perfect nickname for Stanley. Username. Married! Currently, he is helping the NamesFrog team in producing good content for their audience. That is her legal, given name. WebFree Fire NickName, Name Style for Stanly - Create Free Fire NickName for Games, for users, nicknames, character names Game Free Fire. [1] In other media [ edit] 3. very driven Correcteur d'orthographe pour le franais. WebIn order the draft names were: Lucio, Stanley Landowski, Jack, Ralph, Ralph Stanley, and Ralph Kowalski, prior to the final one. is not responsible for their content. Name. Lubusz (Wojewdztwo Lubuskie) and Greater Poland. The word Stan means stone, and the word Leigh denotes a meadow. do 2,7 proc. But when he meets Polish people, having any other than the traditional "Stanisaw" version will be a facepalm, and that's the child who will be bearing the consequences of such choice. Agnieszka Agnes Original language: English Translation that you can say: Stanley Add note Rated 1 5 ( 8 Votes) 1 On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. WebStanley {pr.n.} Seems like your pronunciation of stanley is not correct. The official English language subreddit for Poland and Polish news. | July 15, 2005 | It's a Girl! Emilia Emily Nicknames are simple ways to make people seem more personable. Variations include, Stoshu, , Stashu, and Stoshy Heavens to Murgatroyd Currently I live in New Hampshire. WebStanley, you are the nicest guy. WebStanley, Stanisaw, Stanislaw are the top translations of "Stanley" into Polish. Walentyna Valentina, This name has been very popular in Poland in recent years. Stosh is eastern european. Bronisaw Bruno A nickname is often given to people who have an unusual name or some similarity to another person. In Polish, the name Stanisaw has the following common diminutives: Stach, Stan, Stako, Sta, Stasio, Stasiek, Staszek. Stanisaw Stanislaus, Stanley Stanisawa Stella Stefan- Steven, Stephen Stefania Stephanie Sylwester Sylvester Tadeusz Thaddeus, Ted Tekla Thecla, I feel like many people are really overcomplicating this name. Of course, none of this matters when it's the foreigner that needs to call him like that. I'd go with Stan or Stanley (which is related to Stanislas, which used to be a Polish name in the far past). Ill admit, when she was born in95 and her mom said her name would just be Ally, I thought it was a little weird that it wasnt short for anything. WebStanley Origin: Old English Meaning: stony meadow Best Nicknames Stan, Stanny Variations, Nicknames and Sound Alikes: Standley, Stanford, Stanleigh, Stanly, Stanton Stanley TV and Movie Quotes: I really dont have any control over that, Stanley. The Office: The Fight (2005) Stanley was born just five minutes after Christmas. Easy. Sample translated sentence: My stable foreman should be collecting him from Stanley, right about now. This is extremely helpful! Correct way to pronounce Dienstag in German is? Satanic Tiny Stone-Lee Stanley the Manly Stun Gun Stannary Stanza Mustang Saturn Stanley Sethaniel Stanly Stonewall How to come up with a Izydor Isadore Please click here for more information. Never heard of itI'm hoping it's just a bad nickname. Morgan Stanley: Trzeba 1,7 bln USD na walk z koronawirusem, SAN Presentation of the Santander Groups Executive Chairman at the European Financials Conference organized by Morgan Stanley, Watch Dogs i The Stanley Parable od dzi za darmo w Epic Games Store, Koronawirus obniy polski PKB o 0,2 p.p. . Cecylia Cecelia It can also be given to a child by their parents or family members as they grow up, often in honor of somebody they looked up to at the time.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'namesfrog_com-box-3','ezslot_7',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-box-3-0'); Picking a good nickname can be hard. Does the Polish name Dariusz have a nickname? In the 13th century it was spelled either Jakub und Jakob, but in the 14th century, Jokub and Jokob became popular. Franciszka Frances (female) Does the Polish name Dariusz have a nickname? Lvl 1. Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. You've got the pronunciation of stanley right. The only time I ever heard of it was a character on Veronica Mars, Stosh Piznarski. Aneta: favour; grace. WebSta is a traditional nickname for Stanisaw, but for most people it'll only be applicable to use when Stanisaw is a child. Sometimes you might call a friend, that was introduced to you by their nickname, by the full name for that nickname and will be corrected that thats not their name. These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search. Stanley, Stanisaw, Stanislaw are the top translations of "Stanley" into Polish.,, The poster spelled Stas, the Polish nn of Stanislaw (Stanley),phonetically. Definitely do not use Sta as the person's full name, though, since it's a nickname. Stanley never had a nickname. ETA: Hm, maybe we are! 2010 For close friends, many Stanisaws will choose that it's ok to still be called Sta, but other Stanisaws will already insist on their friends not using it to avoid "infantilization". I don't think it's a 'Real' name, but to each their own! WebNAME SEARCH. Snoopy Tinse Saintly Chumlee Stenchy Stanloo Salon Stank Sooty Broccoli Unmanly Scooty What are some unique and funny names for Stanley? That's why the full versions of the name exist: so that everyone can use the full name when applicable, and the only correct version is Stanisaw. / Stanisa (Belarusian), Stanislav (Croatian, Czech, Serbian, Slovak and Slovene), (Ukrainian), (Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Macedonian), Stanislas (French), Stanislaus (German, Latin), Stanislovas (Lithuanian), Staislavs (Latvian), Stanislao (Italian), Estanislau (Portuguese), Ainislis (Irish/Gaelic), Estanislao (Spanish) and Szaniszl (Hungarian). Results: 3323. My international friends call me Stan. Ewa Eva Often, nicknames come from things about the person that stands out such as their hair, height, or personality. In the 15th century, under Russian influence, it was Dorota Dorothy Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200. There is no relevant name to Stanley in polish language. Rude or colloquial translations are usually marked in red or orange. After all, he/shell be walking around with it for the rest of their life.When deciding on a name, you want to see it from the childs point of view and how she or he will have to live with it throughout their lives.Theres a lot of pressure in choosing a baby name. This English name has been established in Ireland since the 13th century where it was Gaelicized as de Stainligh. W3prodigy Home Search Home Search How old is the name Stanley? WebPolish English Contextual examples of "Stanley" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Bartomiej Bartholomew 4. Stanley's nickname is caveman What is the polish name for Stanley? What is the Polish nickname for Stanley? Would you like to know how to translate Stanley to Polish? Hahah I think Stanisaw is a cool name, but definitely dont want him to hate it. He went by Piz. My polish friends either call me Sta or Stachu or Stasiek. Henryka Henrietta more_vert "Nagie Miasto" to Nowy Jork, "spleen" natomiast uosabia melancholi i inercj, powstae w poczuciu alienacji w rodowisku miejskim. Thanks! Zofia Kaleta, Nazwisko W Kulturze Polskiej, 1998, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Stanislas Marie Adelaide, comte de Clermont-Tonnerre,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from January 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles needing additional references from November 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Stanislaus (Latin), Stanislav (Slovak), Stanislau, Staniswaw (Belarusian), Stanislas (French), Staislavs (Latvian), Stanislovas (Lithuanian), Stanisaw (Polish), Estanislau (Portuguese), Estanislao (Spanish), Szaniszl (Hungarian), Stanislaw "Stanley" Kuklinski (19061977), father of, This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 01:19. Konstanty Constantine I had never heard it before so always wondered too. Rajmund Raymond Katarzyna Katherine, Catherine Thank you! Personality based nicknames. mj drogi (to a male), moja droga (to a female) = my dear mj skarb, skarbie = my treasure, darling moje szczcie = my happiness kochanie = honey misio = teddy bear koteczek, kotek = kitten kwiatuszek = little flower abko = froggie anioku = angel babusiu = baby We also would like to name our children what people will call them. Tadeusz Thaddeus, Ted Not really. The Polish version of the name is Zygmunt, and it used to be somewhat popular. The name is Germanic in origin and is composed of elemen Michal Michael Ra Rose, Rosa Marta Martha You can read more on Wikipedia. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. I have seen about four different spellings of the name (e.g. WebDerived for the Polish version of the name "Stanley;" An often insulting nickname for a stupid person. Weronika Veronica Are we talking about the same person? every single time they use his name. George is Jerzy and the common diminutive is Jurek although Jerzyk is sometimes heard. Some Georges are legally registered as Jurek. The pronunciat I love typos like that. A habitational name of British origin, Stanley is a boys name that means stony field.. Mateusz Mathias, Matthew Wacaw Wenceslaus, Walter I can only upvote opinion of Jacek Lubecki. There is no relevant name to Stanley in polish language. Sometimes some people compare it to polish nam Context Elapsed time: 75 ms. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Dont listem to them. Just use Stach - a rare and old Polish name related to Stanisaw (they share the same diminutive). Itll do OK for Stanley. Stanley trips over a boy called the Lump when the Lump has his foot outstretched, and the Lump warns Stanley to watch himself. There's a Staszek at my work. Web"Naked City" is a nickname for New York, and "Spleen" embodies the melancholia and inertia that come from feeling alienated in an urban environment. Stefan- Steven, Stephen Efekty bd w 2021 roku - tak prognozuje bank Morgan Stanley [18.03.2020] Mateusz Morawiecki w rod na konferencji prasowej W scenariuszu istotnego szoku popytowo-podaowego, wywoanego epidemi koronawirusa, dojdzie do zmniejszenia wzrostu krajowego PKB w 2020 roku o 0,2 p.p. But a boss calling a grown man "Sta" it's really hard to imagine. Nicknames are usually short and informal, which people use for other people. It is common in the Slavic countries of Central and South Eastern Europe. Is Stanley a Polish name? A lot of these names , unfortunately, do not have English equivalent, or if there is a name that is the most similar, a lot of of people argue if it is an actual equivalent. The backstory nickname. Anton/Antoni Anthony STANDS4 LLC, 2023. I thought Jessica Alba had a girl named Honor. Zygmunt Sigmund. By 15th century the following diminutives were recorded: Stachni, Stachnik, Stachno, Stachosz, Stachura, Stacher, Stachyr, Stachyra, Stasz, Staszak, Staszeczko, Staszek, Staszel, Stasiu. As someone struggling to learn Polish is so weird that if I say Staszek I sound ok but if I say Stasiek I sound intimate. In Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian, the diminutive forms of the name are Stas, Stas' and Stasik. Halina Helen Kamila Camille, Camilla Polish version of the name Angelica. Watch Dogs to trzecioosobowa przygod.. Polska gospodarka si skurczy. It isnt short for anything. Loved speaking Polish and many comments made regarding where in Poland was I born to which I replied Australia the accent had them confused. Florentyna Florence WebFind 2 people named Stanley Polish along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search. Exact: 3323. I wanted to make sure that they can communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language. Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! Stanisaw Stanislaus, Stanley This answer is based upon the foremost authority in Polish nicknames, my Grandmother Shimkoski, who emigrated to America from Krakow. Her youngest I can't remember their last names to save my life. Word of the day - in your inbox every day, 2023 HowToPronounce. It is increasingly used as a stand alone name (I think Jessica Alba named her baby that.). Wicenty Wincenty, Vincent I can barely differentiate these sounds. Thanks again for this info! Stach is a traditional nickname for Stanisaw too (ch is pronounced similar to h in Harry), but it's a coarse version. Needless to say, for non-Polish person "Stanisaw" is a very bad choice as like you say, he'll always need to correct everyone as for how it's pronounced. The nuance of different languages and cultures is pretty fascinating and I appreciate everyone who took the time to help us out! Leon Leo I think it's a fairly common Polish nickname, can't recall exactly what name it is short for, but I think it came from their Polish Grandfather. When grown, he'll be easily able to make this "Stanley, but you can call me Sta" / "but you can call me Stach", and will be able to use the name versions accordingly. Stanley Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Catalina Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Slack Nicknames: 55+ Creative and Funny Names, Catherine Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names, Heather Nicknames: 60+ Creative and Funny Names. I certainly do not want to put him in a situation when he gets older that makes people do a double take on the nameespecially if he ever visits Poland or is around Polish relatives (I dont know of any who could answer this question). For example, I have a friend named Freddie who is in his early 40s. Pawe Paul I have both Polish and International friends. Sta is a nickname for w young or child Stanislaw. You can try again. If I were you, I would for example call him Stanley, and call him Sta (or however exactly you'll pronounce it) at home. I am pretty sure his grandfather was called Stanley when he came to the U.S. and I also really like the name Stan, but we love the way Sta sounds. To what I had seen in worldly voyages of mine and in Poland. The name can be Stan (famous Polish contemporray singer composer arranger is s good ex I improved my Polish by completing the Duolingo & Rosetta Stone Courses. These words create a new identity for someone and can be used as playful. Build vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and more with Transparent Language Online. And we have no idea what that is! I have an uncle named Stanley who goes by Stosh. Lorenz Lawrence This is my name. Maciej Matthew Register Saint Ada was a Stosh, Stash, Stach, Sta) and I want to make sure we select the correct, most common Polish shelling of the name. By 15th century the following diminutives were recorded: Stachni, Stachnik, Stachno, Stachosz, Stachura, Stacher, Stachyr, Stachyra, Stasz, Staszak, Staszeczko, Staszek, Staszel, Stasiu. Salomeja Salome, Sarah Polish (Stanislaw): from the personal name Stanislaw, composed of the Slavic elements stani 'become' + slav 'glory', 'fame', 'praise'. I got used to it and its become a fairly common trend since then. I admit it is a bit of a cute name, but never knew its a name that an adult man might hope to outgrow. I just found this old post. In Polish, the name Stanisaw has the following common diminutives: Stach, Stan, Stako, Sta, Stasio, Stasiek, Staszek. Szymon Simon Thank you for this. As you can see, it is the same: Stanley (Durham) Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia [ ] The town is too Genowefa Genevieve We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Zuzanna Susanna, Susan Teodora Theodora, Dora Origin: British. My husband speaks a little Polish, but our daughters are fluent in it! Adult: Staszek, Stach, Stachu, Stasiek, Stasiu (last one very familiar). Questions get answered, recommendations get recommended, and - you know - things get done. stn li. What did Blanche mean when she called Stanley a Polack in a Street Car Named Desire? I believe that it is Stasio. The "" is a more whistly version of "sh". I have adult friends named Ellie or Allyand those are the names on their birth certificate. 6. Similar to how some Polish parents name Polish kids with English names but written "in Polish pronunciation" (Brian -> Brajan, Jessica -> Desika) - a huge topic of jokes on Polish internet. The word nickname derives from the Old English ccennmic, meaning, literally, add name. There are many different things to consider when deciding on a new moniker. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. "Stanley." WebPolish Names and nicknames for Polish NicknameDB Top-Rated polish Nicknames polish pierogi olek polish perogi polish kielbasa polish sausage Pollack polish babka polish kreplach polish kasha Paderewski Pisudski Potocki Radziwill Poniatowski polish kugel polish babushka polish borscht polish blintz polish kishka polish matzoh ball You as his family might call him when he's grown too, and Topperhat1977 . Copyright of HowToSay Ltd Generally, there's no one "standard" nickname. This surname is well established in German-speaking lands. Derived for the Polish version of the name "Stanley;" An often insulting nickname for a stupid person. They can be used as a term of endearment or to show affection. Irina Irene Jan John Felicja Phyllis or post as a guest. I appreciate the mis-spelling of the word spelling. You have earned {{app.voicePoint}} points. Ewa is the Polish version of the name Eve, Eva. In the Polish alphabet, there is no letter v, it is replaced by a letter w, it is pronounced like t Choosing your childs name is a big decision. My stable foreman should be collecting him from Stanley, right about now. 14. I've seen/heard this name a couple of times lately but the usually name sites I go to don't have anything. Stanley, ty jeste najmilszym facetem. According to author Joseph W. Zurawski, Stanley appeared to be an office worker instead of a blue collar worker. Stan In the Book Holes what was Stanley And all sorts of traditional nicknames exist to be used in all sorts of situations, for all sorts of familiarity levels with this person it's not like there are 100% rules for every single nickname to "be applicable here and not here", it depends on own choices, but regardless you can't just find one single "correct" nickname version that would suit all the cases and was never embarassing, that's just not how it works. In English, the name sounds like Stosh. I have a name that is not pronounced like it looks and it was and continues to be a hassle, so initially, I wanted to spell it in such a way that my son wasnt constantly correcting people. Web. Unfortunately, this browser does not support voice recording. Thank you very much! I'd like you to meet Dexter, Tabby, Richard chciabym bycie poznali Dextera, Aparthotel - pobyt uprzyjemni kuchnia, a w pobliu znajduje si Park. What is stanleys nickname in holes? Perfect example of how your perception of a name In Slovene, the name Stanislav is usually abbreviated either to Stanko, Stano or Stao. [Solved] (2022) Table of Contents. Pronounced Sta-shoo, the polish version of stanley. After thinking about it a little longer, this is a traditional nickname for a traditional name and I think it would be better to keep the authenticity of the name. My husband's family calls boys 'stosh' as a nickname. ETA: Thank you all so much for you info, input, and advice. 15. Congrats! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Mj stajenny powinien wanie odbiera go ze Stanley. We really love the way Sts sounds, but had no idea it might embarrass him or infantilize him. WebThe short answer is Jakub. Ryszard Richard You can contribute this audio pronunciation of stanley to HowToPronounce dictionary. WebHow to say Stanley in Polish? WebWhere does the name Stanislaw come from? 1 Mar. Antonia/Antonina Antoinette I didn't hear it anytime from them. Translate text from any application or website in just one click. Wawrzyniec Lawrence I enjoy skiing, kayaking, biking and paddle boarding. 1. WebNicknames, cool fonts, symbols and stylish names for Stanley , Stanley , Stan, Stan Da Man, |s , birdie boy. | July 21, 2011. We recommend you to try Safari. It's easy to pronounce for everyone, is a good name, and you can't mistake the english version when wondering what is the polish version. But other people calling him Stach would be kinda similar to if someone always needed to say "Stanisaw, maaan!" Zofia Sofia, Sophie Stanley Polish. Filip Philip Below you'll find name ideas for Stanley with different categories depending on your needs. WebPolish Czech Slovak and Sorbian: from the personal name Stach a pet form of Polish and Sorbian Stanisaw Czech and Slovak Stanislav.German: from a male personal name a shortened vernacular form of Latin Eustatius or Eustachius (see Stacey Eustace).North German: metonymic occupational name from Middle Low German stach thick rope He'll still have the unique name (at least if he chooses so) as there will probably be no another Stanleys around who uses "Sta" as his nickname, but he'll not be forced into embarrassing situations because it's clear those are the nickname versions that he chooses himself but can always use Stanley as the "standard" name when he needs. Marek Mark You as his family might call him when he's grown too, and Stanisaw's wife or girlfriend might call him like that as well. However, the name has undergone lots of changes throughout history. A lot of times my friends ask me what specific Polish names mean or what their equivalent in English is. Joanna Joanne, Jane, Jean, Joan, Jennie Jzef Joseph Please Sometimes people use Stanislaw as the equivalent, but it is not really a translation. There is no real Polish equivalent of Stanley, to my unders Also, if you want to use one of above as an official first name for your kid - don't do it, it would look ridiculous to any Pole. My parents call me Stasiek or Stachu or Stanisaw. Marcin Martin Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! Congrats! Friends at the bar will surely say "Stach, so great to see you!". It's fine to use them informally, but for any Polish person hearing someone has that as an official name would be a facepalm. WebStanley the Sabbathless Sabean Stanley Stanley the Sabean Sadducean Stanley Stanley the Sadducean Saint-Simonianism Stanley Stanley the Saint-Simonianism Saiva Stanley Stanley the Saiva Salique Stanley Stanley the Salique Salopian Stanley Stanley the Salopian Samian Stanley Stanley the Samian Sanskritic Stanley Stanley the Sanskritic Many men carrying the name Stanisaw chose either Stan or Stanley after migrating from Poland. The poster on TB I am referring to is on the toddler boards and has two tickers in her sig: one for her son named Stosh and the other for her daughter named Adeline (or something similar). powered by, There's a restaurant over there, but I don't think it's very good, Drinking even "moderate" amounts of alcohol increases dementia risk, US research suggests.rnrnThe findings, presented at an international conference, challenge the notion that some alcohol could be good for ageing brains.rnrnPeople who stick to r, Drinking even "moderate" amounts of alcohol increases dementia risk, US research suggests.rnThe findings, presented at an international conference, challenge the notion that some alcohol could be good for ageing brains.rnPeople who stick to recommend. Influence of academic self-regulation, critical thinking, and age on online graduate students academic help-seeking. The different language nicknames. ukasz Lucas, Luke What are some cool nicknames for Stanley? Start by selecting which of these best describes you! No top-rated suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas. Our neighbor where I grew up was named Stanley, but he went by Stosh. Jakub Jacob w 2020 roku Morgan Stanley. baptism birth burial census death free GenBaza Geneteka images index marriage online Polish genealogy records Poland archives Polish archives scans Szukaj w Archiwach Helena Helen Teodor Theodore, Ted There is no algorithm that says these people can use this name to refer to you and these people can use this one. Create good names for Maria Mary Get weekly updates on baby and your body. The name Stanley was often used as a Topographic surname in earlier times to denote that a I have been writing about learning Polish language and culture for Transparent Languages Polish Blog since 2010. Henryk Henry It is also used as a nickname for people whose last names have that sound. Pelagia Pearl, Pauline, Polly, Paula In Would sound ridiculous to any Polish person forever. The best Stanley nicknames are ones that are unique and different, but they should also be easy to remember and pronounce. Aniela: gracious; merciful. Throughout highschool, people called me more because the beginning of my name starts with mor. more_vert Tytuy pitkowych z kolei: Morgan Stanley wnioskuje o upado. Malgorzata Margaret Jadwiga Harriet, Hattie How old is the name Stanley? Krzysztof Christopher Elzbieta Elizabeth Anastazja Anastasia Brygida Bridget It's whatever you decide you like, and people will stick with it. Piotr Peter This is a complicated case and I would strongly advise against going with this name - reason being that there doesn't exist a universal nickname for Stanisaw which would not be embarrassing in some of the contexts (for Polish people of course - but he'll surely meet some Polish people during his lifetime). Some people may draw inspiration from their favorite athlete or celebrity while others might choose a name reflecting an attribute, they are proud of. He specializes in research and content writing. Study now. Antonina: priceless; praiseworthy. 13. Aktywuj dostp do zyskasz nieograniczon moliwo czytania.. {{app.userTrophy[app.userTrophyNo].hints}}. | January 31, 2009 | It's a Girl! Some things to consider while coming up with a nickname for Stanley are here: 1. Ludwika Louise . I knew a set of twins who went by Stan and Dan after immigrating. Teaching them Polish since they were born was the best thing I could have given them! Tomasz Thomas Klara Clara, Clare Is it weird if strangers or acquaintances call you Sta? expand_more On Friday, they read: Morgan Stanley seeks protection. Tarcza antykryzysowa nie pomoe? Dominik Dominic 2. A talent like yours is priceless, Feliks Felix This page provides all possible translations of the word Stanley in the Polish Stanisaw is the way to go. Karol Carl, Charles Welcome to the NicknameDB entry on Stanley nicknames! Is Stanley a boy or girl? Variations include, Stoshu, Stash, Stashu, and Stoshy, Reminds me of "stash", as in "Duuuuudewhere's my stash?". Franciszek Frank, Francis WebHow to say Stanley in Polish Translation Translation of "Stanley" in Polish? You story sounds like Sta, which is indeed what would probably grandma call her grandson, but not really proper in other situation. I guess pictures/tickers are gone now, but it is the same names I was referring to: Magdalena Magdalene, Madeline Recently returned from a 5 week holiday to Poland & met cousins from my mothers side. Or you can give any of the versions for his middle name, and some "standard" name for first name, in which case he'll also easily be able to choose if he prefers to use the middle name, and in which contexts. Sample translated sentence: My stable foreman should be collecting him from Stanley, right Avenue of the Polish Amry 67A. These examples may contain rude words based on your search. Stanley, just get your things and come on. I gather different Polish names and the closest English equivalents you can find and put it in a list below:), Aleksander Alexander Stanislav or Stanislaus (Latinized form) is a given name of Slavic origin, meaning someone who achieves glory or fame. Search by Name Search . Name. 2. Its just Freddie. I also have a niece named Ally. 2023. Sta is a traditional nickname for Stanisaw, but for most people it'll only be applicable to use when Stanisaw is a child. Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. Does not support voice recording but other people these examples may contain colloquial words based your... Foreigner that needs to call him like that. ) 's the foreigner that needs to call him like.... May not be accurate example, I have an uncle named Stanley who goes by.! 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I knew a set of twins who went by Stan and Dan after immigrating in worldly voyages of and! Context Elapsed time: 75 ms Stanisaw, but for most people 'll! Below you 'll find name nickname for stanley in polish for Stanley I grew up was named Stanley, Stanisaw, but daughters... Or variations on that name needed to say `` Stach, Stachu, Stasiek, Stasiu last. Things and come on `` standard '' nickname Dogs to trzecioosobowa przygod Polska... W. Zurawski, Stanley, but I appreciate you taking the time to start your baby Registry was! What their equivalent in English is for the Polish version of the name?. Karolina Caroline, Charlotte it 's a Girl named Honor 14th century, Jokub and became! Translations are usually short and informal, which is indeed what would probably grandma call her grandson, they... A child 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200 will stick with it strangers or acquaintances call you?. 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Examples of `` Stanley '' in Polish Translation Translation of `` nickname '' in Polish language Emily nicknames are ways. Webderived for the Polish version of the name are Stas, Stas ' Stasik... Strangers or acquaintances call you Sta not correct `` Stanisaw, Stanislaw are the top translations of `` ''! To consider when deciding on a new identity for someone and can be used as a?... There 's no one `` standard '' nickname communicate with their Polish relatives in our native language say ``,! Things about the same names I was referring to: https: // Please report examples to be popular. Question mark to learn the rest of the name Stanley explain this w young or Stanislaw! Probably grandma call her grandson, but to each their own no top-rated suggestions,. I wanted to make people seem more personable, Stasiek, Stasiu ( last one very familiar ) name... Not be accurate was a character on Veronica Mars, Stosh and Skyler ( ). Recommendations get recommended, and people will stick with it took the time to explain!... The best Stanley nicknames are simple ways to make sure that they can be as! Pearl, Pauline, Polly, Paula in would sound ridiculous to any Polish person forever met from. Fight ( 2005 ) Stanley was born just five minutes after Christmas on the web you translate word. Had a Girl your things and come on and I appreciate everyone who took the time to help you the. Since they were born was the best Stanley nicknames are simple ways to make that! But in the Slavic countries of Central and South Eastern Europe WebPolish English Contextual examples of `` Stanley '' Polish... Remember and pronounce is Jurek although Jerzyk is sometimes heard and may not be accurate named... Info, input, and Ukrainian, the name Stanley an Office worker instead of a blue worker. Of my name starts with mor HowToPronounce dictionary always needed to say `` Stanisaw, but is. Undergone lots of changes throughout history to translate Stanley to HowToPronounce dictionary:.! Take you through some steps to help you translate the word or Expression in. Did n't hear it anytime from them used as a term of endearment or to show.! Support voice recording, I have both Polish and International friends ( e.g 3. very driven Correcteur pour. Would sound ridiculous to any Polish person forever Ellie or Allyand those are the top translations of `` nickname in... To HowToPronounce dictionary support voice recording derived for the Polish name for are. Had no idea it might embarrass him or infantilize him ukasz Lucas, Luke what some! There 's no one `` standard '' nickname and more with Transparent language Online, nor there. I live in new Hampshire calling him Stach would be kinda similar to someone! ] ( 2022 ) Table of Contents old is the same diminutive ), right about now born! Sta as the person that stands out such as their hair, height or... Joseph W. Zurawski, Stanley is a child insulting nickname for people whose last names to save my.! Variations on that name on baby and your body of itI 'm hoping it 's a Girl some similarity another. ( they share the same person.. pronounced it you have pronounced.. Nicknames, nor is there a correct one for your name, maaan! or. Is Zygmunt, and it used to be an Office worker instead of a blue collar worker is not.. I knew a set of twins who went by Stan and Dan after immigrating and age on graduate... Literally, add name, practice pronunciation, and - you know - things get done can! Stanley, Stan, Stan Da man, |s, birdie boy I guess pictures/tickers gone. Either call me Stasiek or Stachu or Stanisaw Stasiek or Stachu or Stasiek Stanley seeks protection of a collar! ) Stanley was born just five minutes after Christmas a 'Real ' name, our! A meadow Polish person forever 's full name, but he went by Stosh I was to. 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