You may find that some cats are disinterested in tuna, but they will usually be the exception to the rule. Due to technological advancements, the most beneficial component of tuna (docosahexaenoic acid) can now be found in other foods. Approved. If you dont like the kibble, then check out the canned version. In this case, 92% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Why Do Some Cats Hang Their Heads Over Their Water Bowls? My assistant has seen an improvement in her renal cats by giving the supplement red deer antler velvet. So its important that you eat something, anything, until Mom can slowly switch you to a kidney-friendly food. Board-certified veterinary nutritionist Tony Buffington isnt a fan of treats. Cats in chronic kidney failure will not recover, in the sense that they will have no lingering effects of the disease, as it is not curable. Its said to increase the kidneys protein levels that will become a burden to the vital organ. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 35,467 times. Tuna fish can be found in many cat foods and treats. Your veterinarian will most likely recommend additional diagnostic testing, including: A urine protein to creatinine (UPC) ratio to quantify how much protein is being lost in the urine. Just 3 ounces (85 grams) of light tuna contains 10.71 mcg of mercury. Here's why you may want to reconsider sharing your favorite canned tuna with your feline friend. (Ask) If this is a problem in your cat, ask your veterinarian about a new drug called Semintra, which can help normalize blood pressure in cats that arent responding well to Amlodipine. We'll start by looking at why tuna is bad for cats: Canned tuna (in brine) is very high in sodium. Protein like beef and fish are also fine occasionally as protein sources for your cat. Heres how to handle a cat thats addicted to tuna: Introduce cat foods with other flavors. Most experts will tell you that canned tuna is fine for your pet but it is also safe. ", ASPCA: "People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets. And, a small amount can make a cat ill. Usually, the higher the number, the more concentrated the urine and the greater the ability of the kidneys to conserve water. Tuna is high in protein and low in carbohydrates and as tuna is a fish, it provides our cats with omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) which are good for skin and coat health. Kittens grow a lot in their first year, so it is important to provide them with the proper nutrients early, so they grow up healthy and strong. The sodium in brine can cause dehydration, and excessive sunflower or olive oil consumption can cause diarrhea. The answer is Yes. Raw tuna contains thiaminase, which is an enzyme that destroys thiamine (vitamin B1.). Because of the severity of signs often seen in cats in stages III and IV and the amount of care and effort required to support these cats, some may be humanely euthanized. In order to continue to rid the body of its toxins despite more dilute urine, the body compensates by stimulating greater thirst. Fortunately, quite a number of cats like cantaloupe, of all things, and that's a great treat. Read about 5 of the worst toxic food offenders that can kill your cat - and how much it takes to hurt them. It is a progressive problem that cannot be cured, but these pets can often be successfully medically managed for a long time. Verily, most cat owners use tuna as a way of giving their pets medicine. For example, try petting or playing with your cat when it uses its manipulative skills to beg for extra food. Studies show that cats with kidney disease who start receiving therapy early tend to do better, have a better quality of life and live longer. Be patient and do not try to rush your cat into eating the new food right away. Frequent consumption of tuna may also lead to mercury poisoning explains Cailin Heinze, a veterinary nutritionist at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Tuna is not bad its a great source of protein, selenium, and a few select vitamins and minerals. Add tuna water or chicken broth to make water taste better. So, can cats eat tuna? Although this food is called a Veterinary Diet, you can purchase it without a veterinarians prescription. Can I give my cat canned tuna? The earlier you can transition your cat to a specialized diet for kidney support, the more quickly you can support your cats special nutritional needs and maintain quality of life. Last Updated: April 18, 2019 I just dont want to eat much anymore. At some point, your kidneys will say, "Hasta la vista, baby." I'm experienced in all cat health-related matters, behavioral issues, grooming techniques, and general pet care. They will lose more water-soluble vitamins in the urine, so these may need to be supplemented. A blood pressure evaluation to determine if high blood pressure can be a cause or manifestation of kidney disease. You can also add water or warm broth to your cats wet food for added water consumption. When your blood potassium levels become high, it can be dangerous and result in progression of kidney disease and even further kidney damage. % of people told us that this article helped them. 2. In addition to onions, garlic, which is 5 times as potent as onions,and chives can each cause major health and potentioanally life threatening problems. Higher values can often indicate kidney failure. There are three pet food lines that have products that are very effective for CKD management: Hills Prescription Diet is the best, and Purina Veterinary Diets and Royal Canin are decent alternatives. The first is the possibility of food poisoning from bacteria like salmonella or E. coli. A lack of thiamine can cause serious neurological problems and lead to convulsions and coma. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. It also provides some moisture to a . ~ Ideally the pet would eat only one kidney diet, but it is unusual for a cat to be willing to do so. When compared with normal maintenance adult cat food, a kidney support diet contains less protein, sodium, and phosphorus, and increased omega-3 fatty acids. But dog food is not a substitute for cat food. Learn the 18 most common symptoms for cats and what situations are an emergency. Make sure to change your cats diet gradually over a few weeks so it can get used to the new food. The question came in from one of our clients who was puzzled about how to feed tuna to their cat with kidney disease. Got a question for he who knows everything feline? Dont serve cold food. "Most of these cats are forced to eat renal diets, which are low in protein (of course). This can cause skin problems as well as problems with your cat's coat. You and your human might want to attack your waning waistline on several fronts. If your cat is reluctant to eat, and you want to use tuna to stimulate its appetite, break up a few pieces of chunk light tuna and sprinkle this on top of its meal. And that can of tuna can be just as dangerous. If needed, adding water, tuna juice, or low sodium chicken broth may increase the flavor and acceptance. The old belief was to restrict protein in cats with kidney disease, but now veterinarians know better. For example, when its looking around for something to nibble on, provide some attention (petting or play.) A diet that is high in phosphorous will speed up the development of kidney disease. One supplement we have that can drastically improve your cats kidney function and revitalize their kidneys is Kidney Restore For Cats & Dogs. Some kitties can be coaxed to eat. Ingredients such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are common in pain relievers and cold medicine. Set up your myVCA account today. Nonetheless, one main issue in tuna is mercury toxicity. For others, it could be inherited, as with polycystic kidney disease (a specific type of renal kidney disease) and amyloidosis, a rare organ disease seen in breeds like the Persian and Abyssinian. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Parasitic infections (toxoplasmosis, kidney worm Capillaria plica), Bacterial infections, often caused by an ascending bladder infection, which can lead to pyelonephritis (kidney infection), Toxins, such as antifreeze, ingestion of lilies, and certain antibiotics, Shock and hypotension (low blood pressure), Obstructive uropathy, often seen in male cats that are unable to urinate. Anti-nausea and anti-emetic (anti-vomiting) medications can be given to cats with a poor appetite, vomiting, or nausea. ~ Ideally the pet would eat only kidney diet, but we have managed many cats with CKD that did very well when fed some kidney diet and some non-kidney diet. Delicious roasted chicken and rice in a mouthwatering sauce. So now theyre sick and not eating well, and made to eat a diet that you dont particularly like. Win a Tomlyn Cat Wellness Pack Sweepstakes: OFFICIAL RULES. Remember the saying, "Honest as a cat when the meat's out of reach." And can cats eat tuna that's made for human consumption? It can be used for early detection of kidney disease. Have You Watched Our Healthy Kidney Videos Yet? Start by selecting food that will help your cats kidneys improve and adjusting your cats diet. The Merck Veterinary Manual lists fish as a top food allergen for cats, noting that common signs of an allergic reaction include itching, hair loss, red or swollen skin and red bumps. In addition, an enzyme in raw fish destroys thiamine, which is an essential B vitamin for your cat. Its OK to treat your cat with a few chunks of canned tuna, but this should be in addition to its regular meals. But how do you know if your cat is eating too much tuna? It is important to know that there are, For more informational content and helpful videos, be sure to check out our. Tuna can become addictive to cats due to its rich texture and strong aroma. What is the life expectancy of a cat with kidney disease? ", Today. . Water. They conserve water and protein and play an important role in maintaining blood pressure and red blood cell production by making a hormone called erythropoietin. The water should be changed daily, especially if you add flavor to it. But it's not a good idea. While tuna is fine for cats in moderation or as a treat, too much canned tuna can be bad for your cat. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. Drinking should be encouraged and adequate nutrition should be given daily. Take a bowl and mix together 1/2 cup of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of rolled oats, and 1 egg. Remember, any change in your cats behavior or activities could be a symptom of disease and should be investigated by your vet, even if it unfortunately involves glass tubes and cat posteriors. Omega-3 fatty acids. An occasional bite of dog food won't hurt your cat. Whereas tuna, perch, salmon, and haddock have . 3. Omega-3 fatty acids: 0.4 to 2.5 percent. It is an indication of infection and/or kidney damage. Consomm contains too much sodium. It has a unique flavor that is different from white-fleshed fish. Caffeine in large enough quantities can be fatal for a cat. But does this mean that you should never feed your cat tinned tuna? HILL'S PRESCRIPTION DIET. Onion in all forms -- powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated -- can break down a cat's red blood cells, leading to anemia. Eating chocolate can cause abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures, and death. For more information on this condition please see the handout "Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats". K/D Mobility 6.35 lb Give your cat wet food instead of dry food. Although most cats won't eat it on their own, they can be coaxed to eat it by owners and others who think they are giving the cat a treat. Creatinine (CREA): measures how well kidneys are filtering waste from blood. Kidney kitties are notorious for suffering from nausea and lack of appetite. Moreover, tuna-flavored cat food still smells and tastes like tuna, so its ideal for cats that crave tuna or cats with a poor appetite. However, though not on the list of toxic foods for cats, tuna that's meant for people can cause health issues for cats. For example, tuna has too much unsaturated fat and is not supplemented with Vitamin E or other antioxidants. Heritable conditions, for example, are not preventable, but affected cats, or cats with the genetic copies of the disease, should not be bred. Let Catster answer all of your most baffling feline questions! It is unsuitable for cats with kidney disease. [1] The old belief was to restrict protein in cats with kidney disease, but now veterinarians know better. When compared with normal maintenance adult cat food, a kidney support diet contains less protein, sodium, and phosphorus, and increased omega-3 fatty acids. Featured Image: Studio. If youre suffering from dehydration, subcutaneous fluids may temporarily relieve the pukes and increase your appetite. According to Taylor and Francis, these symptoms can be caused by a tuna-rich diet: These symptoms can be due to other factors besides overeating canned tuna. X ", "Feline Mysteries.". Go for canned wet food that is high quality and all natural. Cookie Consent Tool. When you think about kidney disease in cats, pain control is likely not the first thing that comes to mind. FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease), Cancer in Cats: Symptoms, Types and Treatment, Why Your Cat is Throwing Up and What To Do, tips for identifying the subtle signs of pain in cats, SDMA can catch changes when only 25 percent of kidney function is lost. They love the powerful smell and the robust flavor of this fish, and a spoonful of tuna has been known to make the medicine go down easily. Rabbit is fairly strong-tasting and low in phosphorous, so its a healthy alternative to tuna fish for cats. Here are the reasons why tuna is unhealthy for cats: Sodium. Some cats that experience acute kidney insults can recover, although there may be long-term effects that can lead to chronic kidney failure. Advanced Acacia / Eating too much too often can do the same thing to cats that it does to humans. "If theyre not eating, the best thing to feed them is anything theyll eat," Dr. Weigner tells me. She shouldnt buy it if there are salt, onions, or garlic in the ingredients list. Dr. B. recommends a one-eighth-teaspoon-size piece of the cats favorite lean meat if possible. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. So, why do cats love tuna fish? Kidney disease is managed mostly with the aid of medications, diet, and hydration. An occasional taste of cooked boneless beef or brown rice can be an OK treat. Chronic renal failure (CRF), renal insufficiency, and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are medical terms used interchangeably to describe the same condition. Your vet can show your human how to do this at home. Adding other kidney-friendly foods into their diet can bring the additional flavor. As more manufacturers include calorie content information on pet food labels, explains the Association of American Feed Control Officials, an organization that uses science-based evidence to develop pet food standards, "It is easier to determine how many calories are being fed to an animal per day." How to Maximize the Nutritional Benefits of Tuna. Cats with kidney problems like chronic kidney disease need to maintain a special diet to stay healthy and manage their symptoms. Is Tuna OK for cats with kidney disease? Anemia Due to Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats, Kidney Disease Caused by Multiple Cysts in Cats, Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats: Monitoring Nutrition is Essential. They do have many of the same ingredients. Cats with food allergies may also vomit and experience diarrhea, gas and a loss of appetite if they encounter an ingredient they're sensitive to. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. You can also consult with your vet for guidance and advice. Although Im long-of-fang, I can still jump up on the furniture and climb my cat tree. 5. And never give your cat any over-the-counter medicine unless advised to do so by your vet. Therefore, tuna should not be fed as your cat's primary source of nutrition. Most savvy cat owners know that their feline needs to eat a high-quality diet rich in protein, but what about cats with kidney disease? A few things that do not appear in the veterinary textbooks or on the food label, that we have learned over years of managing cats with CKD: ~ Ideally the pet would be fed only canned food because of the benefit of higher moisture content. Knowing where things are headed, understanding what to expect in terms of life expectancy, and having a plan can help you to be more in control of the situation and make the best decisions possible. Congenital kidney dysplasia is a condition that leads to small, nonfunctional, or underdeveloped kidneys. Contact. And if you think your cat has consumed something that's toxic, call for emergency help at once. But it's best to keep it small and infrequent. Her work also appears in, What to Expect, and Fit Pregnancy, where she writes about pets, pregnancy, and family life. Just like in humans, obesity in cats contributes to health concerns such as diabetes, urinary disease, arthritis, and inflammation, reports Cummings Veterinary Medical Center at Tufts University. Canned food can help increase your cat's intake of moisture. Do not feed your kitty canned tuna as a substitute to its usual cat food. Because they're such picky eaters, we sometimes think cats know whats best for them when it's time to eat. A cat has two kidneys, one on each side of the abdomen, and they play a vital role in filtering waste from the body. If you open a can of tuna, it wont be long before your cat is drawn to the enticing aroma. Its Ok To Give Cats Tuna As A Treat. They love the powerful smell and the robust flavor of this fish, and a spoonful of tuna has been known to make the medicine go down easily. Some tuna now and then probably won't hurt. Thats good. Omega-3 and Kidney Disease Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids may benefit dogs and cats with chronic kidney disease by reducing protein loss in the urine (proteinuria), reducing hypertension at the level of the kidney, and decreasing inflammatory changes within renal tissues. Calcium: elevated levels, though not as common, are often seen with kidney damage. 2023 That doesnt mean I have the body of a 20-month-old. Today were discussing if tuna fish is safe for cats with kidney disease. Anything else is too salty and fatty, which is very bad for their health. If you feed your cat canned tuna, make sure its in spring water rather than brine (saltwater) or sunflower oil. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. Christine O'Brien is a writer, mom, and long-time cat parent whose two Russian Blues rule the house. I always urge pet parents to ask their veterinarian for nutritional information for their pet. Their digestive system cannot process dairy foods, and the result can be digestive upset with diarrhea. For more informational content and helpful videos, be sure to check out our YouTube Channel, Copyright 2022. Cats with kidney issues can become easily dehydrated, as their kidneys cannot retain water efficiently. If you notice any of the signs above, take your cat to a veterinarian for examination as soon as possible. Most cats will exhibit symptoms including: Urinary accidents, incontinence, or inability to urinate, Edema (fluid-filled swelling in the limbs). Additionally, try to stick to foods with low levels of phosphorous, since too much phosphorous can worsen kidney problems. A kidney biopsy to determine the type of glomerular (filtering unit of the kidney) disease present. Learn more about Hills commitment to sustainability. Kidney disease can be caused by a variety of factors: For some cats, the disease could have occurred after a serious kidney injury, from a severe infection (including feline infectious peritonitis, feline immunodeficiency virus, and pyelonephritis), ingestion of a toxic substance (like antifreeze or lilies), and from certain medications. Symptoms include deformed bones, bone growths on the elbows and spine, and osteoporosis. The protein in this fish is rich in thiamine, an anti-inflammatory. Some cats may become extremely fussy about food and refuse to eat anything besides tuna. Kidney issues tend to show up in older cats or cats who have other health issues like high blood pressure, a hereditary disease, or cancer. According to recommendations set forth by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, a cat that weighs 11 pounds should consume 290 calories per day. Some forms of tuna contain the enzyme thiaminase, which destroys thiamine (vitamin B1). Among the many edible species of fish, tuna is not good for your dog with kidney disease. CURRENT OPTIONS FOR KIDNEY DISEASE DIETS FOR CATS . Some cats will seem to reject all attempts to be converted to kidney diet. Cats love seafood, and most cats are especially fond of canned tuna and tuna juice. This makes it critical for you to provide your cat with an unlimited supply of fresh water. Cats diagnosed with kidney disease are often prescribed a kidney-friendly diet which may include feeding your cat canned, wet foods that contain additional water. I'm a proud owner of 5 adult cats (all adopted strays), including a senior cat who is now 20. ", "Human Foods That Poison Pets. Canned tuna is high in sodium and low in taurine, so it is unsuitable. If your cat has medical problems or is on a special diet, ask your veterinarian before feeding tuna to . Vitamin A toxicity can also cause death. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. Get tips and exclusive deals. Tuna on its own is not nutritionally balanced. You may struggle with feeding a cat who has kidney problems, as you do not want its condition to get worse. Talking with your vet about the cat food you provide and following the directions on the label will help ensure your cat's diet is balanced and your cat stays healthy. If you keep feeding them tuna, your cat may be at an elevated risk for mercury toxicity. Unlike processed, tuna-flavored cat food, real tuna does not contain preservatives, coloring, fish meal, additives, or other synthetic chemicals that can damage cat's organs and digestive system. Follow your vets instructions when feeding your cat so your cats condition improves. Tuna also provides the omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, which can contribute to overall skin and coat health and may also help improve inflammatory conditions like allergies, heart disease, certain cancers, and kidney . Cats are experts at hiding illness. The safest way to feed your cat tuna is through a complete cat food that contains tuna. A kidney support diet for cats with CKD will contain the following key components on a dry matter basis: Your veterinarian will help you choose an appropriate formulation for your cat. Some commercial cat foodtends to be high in phosphorus, which is not a good food to feed cats with kidney disease. A cat with heart disease is fed a low sodium and high taurine diet. Tuna may be bad for some cats. Some cats will seem to reject all attempts to be converted to kidney diet. While a single bite may not do any harm, it's best to take tuna out of their bowl entirely. These often develop into one of two categories: acute or chronic. Soybeans because of the high protein content. Tuna in brine is unsuitable for cats with diabetes because it will cause dehydration. Tuna is high in mercury, a toxic metal. Aside from that, consistent mercury consumption can lead to kidney disease. ~ The most important thing nutritionally for a cat with CKD is that they consume a reasonable amount of calories from a reasonable quality food or foods. These fish live in shallower waters and will have consumed less prey during their lifetime, so the mercury concentrations in their bodies will be significantly lower. Decreased dietary protein may slow the progression of CKD by decreasing the workload on the kidneys to excrete protein waste products. Fortunately, quite a number of cats like cantaloupe, of all things, and thats a great treat for cats with kidney disease.". There are different types of kidney disease in cats and various underlying causes. Testimonials are not representative of typical outcomes. It could also be attributed to underlying immune-mediated diseases, stroke-like events, clotting disorders, and even cancers like lymphoma. However, we now know that cats with kidney disease are in pain, not only from their kidney disease, but also from arthritis. Your human can sit with you at mealtime and talk to you, stroke you, encourage you to take one more bite or even hand-feed you. By If you notice any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian right away to determine the causes and create a treatment plan. Already have a myVCA account? Start treating your cat in other ways. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Seniors Taking Multiple Meds: Its a Complicated Problem, 3 COVID Scenarios That Could Spell Trouble for the Fall, Colonoscopy Benefits Lower Than Expected (Study), Dr. Whyte's Book: Take Control of Your Diabetes Risk, Street Medicine Reaches People Where They Live, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. Feline kidney disease treatment often includes a diet consisting of highly digestible protein that meets or exceeds minimum standards, is restricted in phosphorus, and is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Both fat and bones may be dangerous for cats. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a relatively common problem of older cats. Over time, cats can develop an unhealthy addiction to tuna. Its OK to treat your cat with tasty foods, like tuna. Shop / Urine sediment: indicates the presence of protein, bacteria, white/red blood cells, kidney cells and casts. Thiamine ( vitamin B1. ) fish, tuna has too much tuna. Read about 5 of the signs above, take your cat 's coat due to technological advancements, best! Way to feed them is anything theyll eat, '' Dr. Weigner tells me the of. Much anymore the old belief was to restrict protein in cats with kidney disease, this! Can kill your cat has medical problems or is on a special diet stay... 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