["ImageName"]=> THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND GEOSPATIAL DATA REPOSITORY - Browse, access and download cartographic and geospatial resources. VARCOES MARRIAGE INDEX TO MAORI MARRIAGES - There are 23821 Maori marriages listed on this site taken from the Registrar General's Records. NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY LIMITED - Australian National University Archives. AUCKLAND Born June 06, 1968. [created] => 2023-02-27 12:42:06 WORLD WAR II WELLINGTON CITY RECOLLECTThis database of heritage photos, books, maps and related ephemera is administered by Wellington City Libraries. BALL PARTY - MANGONUI, NORTHLAND (Background only) WANGANUI COLLEGIATE - 1865-1947. MAORI LAND COURT (TE KOOTI WHENUA MAORI) - Publications can list whakapapa. NEW ZEALAND ELECTRONIC TEXT CENTRE - TE PUHIKOTUHI O AOTEAROA - contains over 1400 texts. Businesses hard hit by Covid are now struggling post-cyclone with water restrictions. THE CYCLOPEDIA OF NEW ZEALAND - 1897 - 1908, BIRTHS, BAPTISMS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES Legend tells us that Te Tau Ihu was the prow of Maui's waka, or canoe, from which he fished up the North Island. Web| The Gisborne Herald Published December 22, 2022 11:45AM The jangly-guitar and rolling beats of the 1960s South Californian surf music sound is instantly recognisable in Gisborne band Set Waves' debut album. The Gisborne Herald is the daily evening newspaper for Gisborne and environs. This is their story. LICENSING ACT 1863 - Regulating the sale of fermented and spiritous liquors in the Auckland Province. HISTORY OF NEW ZEALAND LYTTELTON (CHRISTCHURCH) PASSENGER ARRIVALS Women's Royal New Zealand Naval Service WORLD WAR TWO NEW ZEALAND This will search our archives looking for articles that might be what you are after. WHAKAPAPA GUIDE- Archives New Zealand. The regions covered were: - Whangarei, Tauranga, Rotorua, Gisborne, New Plymouth (Taranaki), Waikato, Thames-Paeroa-Matamata, Franklin, Wanganui and Nelson. FAMILY TREE CIRCLES - Includes New Zealand Queries, MILITARIA EARLY NEW ZEALAND BOOKS - a large online collection of early New Zealand books. SEACLIFF ASYLUM WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE PETITION - 1893, FAMILIES I AM RESEARCHING | MISCELLANEOUS GENEALOGICAL STUFF | NEW ZEALAND ON LINE GENEALOGICAL AND FAMILY HISTORY RESOURCES | NEW ZEALAND YOUNG BOY IMMIGRANT SCHEME 1911 1914 | NEW ZEALAND DISASTERS AND TRAGEDIES | NEW ZEALAND MISCELLANEOUS GENEALOGICAL INDEXES | NEW ZEALAND LAND WARS MISCELLANEOUS GENEALOGICAL INDEXES | NEW ZEALAND AND WORLD WAR ONE | NEW ZEALAND AND WORLD WAR TWO | NEW ZEALAND ROLLS OF HONOUR AND WAR MEMORIALS BY LOCATION | NEW ZEALAND ROLLS OF HONOUR AND WAR MEMORIALS BY CONFLICT | NEW ZEALAND ROLLS OF HONOUR MILITARY NURSES | PAKEHA/MAORI TRANSLITERATIONS | PASSENGER LISTS TO NEW ZEALAND | SHAND FAMILY HISTORY | SOUTH TARANAKI, NEW ZEALAND GENEALOGICAL RESOURCES | SPONDON, DERBYSHIRE, ENGLAND GENEALOGICAL RESOURCES | WANGANUI COLLEGIATE SCHOOL 1865 1947 | WESTERN BAY OF PLENTY, NEW ZEALAND GENEALOGICAL RESOURCES, AUCKLAND COUNCIL LIBRARIES - ON-LINE RESOURCES - FAMILY AND LOCAL HISTORY, VEHICLE REGISTRATION PLATES OF NEW ZEALAND [NUMBER PLATES], NEW ZEALAND FIRST MOTOR VEHICLE FATALITIES - 1906 +, NEW ZEALAND ROAD DEATHS - HISTORICAL INFORMATION - 1921+, AVIATION HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND, AVIATION HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND - ARCHIVES, WELLINGTON PROVINCIAL DISTRICT (Printed 1897), AUCKLAND PROVINCIAL DISTRICT (Printed 1902), CANTERBURY PROVINCIAL DISTRICT (Printed 1903), SOUTHLAND AND OTAGO PROVINCIAL DISTRICTS (Printed 1905), NELSON, MARLBOROUGH AND WESTLAND PROVINCIAL DISTRICTS (Printed 1906), TARANAKI, HAWKE'S BAY AND WELLINGTON PROVINCIAL DISTRICTS (Printed 1908), BIRTH, DEATH AND MARRIAGE HISTORICAL RECORDS, DOMINION POST (WELLINGTON) BIRTH AND DEATH NOTICES, SYDNEY STREET PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHURCH [WELLINGTON] BAPTISMS, BIRTH, BURIAL AND MARRIAGE NOTICES FROM THE NELSON EVENING MAIL - 1866-1900, BIRTH NOTICES FROM THE NEW ZEALANDER AND OTHER EARLY NEW ZEALAND NEWSPAPERS, REGISTER OF NEW ZEALAND PRESBYTERIAN BAPTISMS - 1848 - 1920, WESTERN BAY OF PLENTY BIRTH, DEATH AND MARRIAGES - 1872 - 1920, REGISTER OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND PRESBYTERIAN MARRIAGES - 1848 - 1920, NEW ZEALAND HERALD (AUCKLAND) BEREAVEMENTS, INDEX TO DEATH NOTICES - THE CHRISTCHURCH PRESS - 2000 - 2007, NEW ZEALAND ELECTRONIC TEXT CENTRE - TE PUHIKOTUHI O AOTEAROA, FAMILY SEARCH COLLECTION OF NEW ZEALAND BOOKS, NEW ZEALAND CEMETERY LINKS - ONLINE DATABASES, WAIKUMETE CEMETERY RECORDS, AUCKLAND 1886 - 1948, CENTRAL OTAGO CEMETERY GRAVESTONES 1861-2009, TOKANUI PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL CEMETERY RESTORATION PROJECT, BLACKBRIDGE CEMETERY [BESIDE KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH] LOWER HUTT. It was published weekly as a summary of the stories in the Hawke's Bay Times in the previous week. We can help you record CYNDI'S LIST - NEW ZEALAND They began in the late 1830s when no local collection or publication of such material was being made. WELLINGTON - HUTT VALLEY GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL RESEARCH DATA This will generate articles on that topic. The NEW ZEALAND COMPANIES OFFICE - Companies Register. THE IMMIGRANTS' GUIDE AND SETTLERS' HANDBOOK - Compiled by direction of the Hon. The young mother pleaded with her boss, saying she would put her baby in daycare. EMIGRATION Initially it was issued three times a week, by SOOTY'S NEW ZEALAND MISCELLANEOUS GENEALOGICAL INDEXES - Scroll down to Electoral Rolls. NELSON PASSENGER ARRIVALS - 1841 - 1883 [2], Established in 1874 as the Poverty Bay Herald it was published biweekly in the morning by Carlile and Co. NELSON COLLEGE - 1856-1924 TIME AND DATE CALENDAR - Includes date calculators and on line calendar for any year, CEMETERIES OUR STUFF - DENISE AND PETERS HOME PAGE [content_id] => 6483 Prisoners of War Animals were forced to find any refuge they could as floodwaters rose. Fruit quality woes could intensify as Cyclone Gabrielle hits premium growing regions. NEW ZEALAND - PRISONERS OF ITALY - Background NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTE - 1877 - 1945 GENI - NEW ZEALAND PORTAL - New Zealand Genealogical Projects NEW ZEALAND FREE GENEALOGY LINKS SCANDANAVIAN SETTLEMENT OF THE 70 MILE BUSH - Southern Hawkes Bay/Northern Wairarapa At the moment, it is set to display 10 results but you can set more. NEW ZEALAND IMAGES AND DIGITAL MEDIA - National Library string(1) "3" MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS - HISTORICAL WHALING HISTORY DATABASES - Voyages, crew lists etc Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 New Zealand license, browse through the entire archive, as well as read complete editions, view and print transcripts of articles or images of original journal pages. WebThe Hawke's Bay Weekly Times was first published on 6 February 1865. ["GalleryID"]=> WELLINGTON - ARCHIVES Police also made 24 arrests in the Eastern District, 14 in Hawke's Bay, 10 in Tairwhiti. Civil Defence team work long hours to support affected whnau in Te Karaka. BLACKBRIDGE CEMETERY [BESIDE KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH] LOWER HUTT. They are sorted in two ways; NEW ZEALAND OFFICIAL YEARBOOK - from 1893 NEW ZEALAND - ROOTSWEB ["Detail"]=> More than 170 houses red or yellowed stickered in a city desperately short of housing. string(11) "Image_1.gif" ROMAN CATHOLIC - Catholic Diocese of Christchurch [Established 1877] NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND CATALGOUE - INDEX NEW ZEALAND OTAGO - CAVERSHAM, DUNEDIN - Otago University's Caversham project databases ROYAL NEW ZEALAND FENCIBLES - 1847 - 1852 PORT CHALMERS (DUNEDIN) PASSENGER ARRIVALS ALL BLACKS - PAST AND PRESENT - Biographical details on past and present All Blacks. NEW ZEALAND MARITIME INDEX - vessels, persons etc NELSON, TASMAN AND MARLBOROUGH - The Prow - a website featuring historical and cultural stories from Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough. EAST COAST - TOLAGA BAY KURA HERITAGE COLLECTIONS ONLINE - Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections. MAORI VOTER AND ELECTORAL ROLLS - 1908 and 1919 - ancestry.com.au - PAY TO VIEW SITE The new engine is powered by Google, the world's number one search engine, to scan all the material on nzherald.co.nz and in our archives. The following are special collections completed by the AUCKLAND MUSEUM ONLINE CENOTAPH The scans are taken from photo prints, not the original large negatives, so some resolution is lost. WAIKATO - CAMBRIDGE - ERIS PARKER'S CAMBRIDGE HERITAGE BLOG HISTORIC EVENTS IN NEW ZEALAND BY MONTH Saturday, 25 February 2023 NZ Herald Home NEW ZEALAND GOLD MINERS DATABASE - 45000 goldminers from the goldrushes of New Zealand spanning the years 1861 - 1872, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS NEW ZEALAND RETURNED AND SERVICES ASSOCIATION [RSA] SALVATION ARMY - Archives Office. EARLY NEW ZEALAND HISTORY AND GENEALOGY - PRE 1846 DATABASE OF EUROPEAN CONTACTS Advanced Searches: If you can't find what you want, try an advanced search. By the 1850s, the New Zealand Government had started to publish similar documents in their Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives (AJHRs). KA KOHIKA O MACMILLAN BROWN - Macmillan Brown Library, University of Canterbury, LIBRARY CATALOGUES DENISE AND PETER'S AUCKLAND STUFF - Genealogy Research and Lists Relating to the Auckland Region. WELLINGTON - HUTT VALLEY GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL RESEARCH DATA RESEARCH More than 170 houses red or yellowed stickered in a city desperately short of housing. }. NEW ZEALAND POLICE MUSEUM Allen wept with the community last night, 'feeling their pain, anguish and anxiety'. HOKIANGA DUNEDIN CITY COUNCIL - CEMETERIES SEARCH Gisborne District Council spent hundreds of thousands of dollars removing the slash in the lead up to summer and often following large storm events. AUCKLAND COUNCIL ARCHIVES - Burgess Rolls, Cemetery and burial records, Property and rate books, Bicycle Register, Engineers Department Register of Employees, Register of Plumbers and Drain Connectors, Motor Register Database, Register of Secondhand Dealers, Licensing District Register of Applicants, Lock Hospital Register Book, Packet and Publicans, Licences, Register of Licences: (Drivers, Porters, Carriages, Carters), Wine licensing applications, Valuation rolls and lists, War Memorials, Staff war records, Volunteers from Onhehunga and Mangere districts who served in the Boer War. NEW ZEALAND STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS AND OFFICIAL HANDBOOKS Contains a vast index of Maori names referred to in books and journals etc. SOUND AND VISION In June 1875, publishing began tri-weekly, and changed again in October 1878 to become a daily paper. Police are trying to find thousands of people still missing following the cyclone. SOUTH CANTERBURY WWI ROLL [SCROLL] NATIONAL MAPS, AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS AND PLACE NAMES List: Are You Getting LASIK Surgery or Starring in a Cheap Porn? () The Prime Minister delivers the latest on the cyclone's aftermath. CHRISTCHURCH CITY LIBRARIES - FAMILY HISTORY GUIDE NELSON PASSENGER ARRIVALS - 1841 - 1883 REGIONAL Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Maui is the MAORI name for the top of the South Island. ROMAN CATHOLIC - Past Sisters of St Joseph, Whanganui string(11) "Image_1.gif" We decided to change the search after you, our readers, reported growing frustration with not being able to find what you want. NEW ZEALAND - DENISE AND PETERS PASSENGER LISTS NEW ZEALAND ARMY WWII NOMINAL ROLLS 1939-1948 - ancestry.com.au - PAY TO VIEW SITE You could try a search will all of the words or the exact phrase. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS MAGAZINE - the official publicity outlet of the New Zealand Government Railways Department. search articles by person, title and keyword. [Though not on line Rex Earl Wright-Sinclair published a book called Historia Nunc Vivat - Medical Practitioners in New Zealand 18401930 in 2003] To search for an article, simply type in the key words. POLYNESIAN SOCIETY - Journal of the Polynesian Society - a quarterly publication which begun in 1892. ADOPTION - SALVATION ARMY BETHANY HOMES Web| The Gisborne Herald Published February 22, 2023 3:18PM GISBORNE hardware stores are doing their bit to ensure essential supplies get into the region while also helping with the clean-up. ["GalleryID"]=> WELLINGTON CITY LIBRARIES - GENEALOGY Add Photos Add a Memory in memoriam Sarah Jane CROOKES (Sarah) CROOKES, Sarah Jane (Sarah). INDEX TO THE [NZ] LADIES MIRROR - JULY 1922 - MAY 1928, 1908 and 1919 MAORI VOTER AND ELECTORAL ROLLS, EASTERN MAORI ELECTORAL ROLL - 1908 - TE ARAWA, EASTERN MAORI ELECTORAL ROLL - 1919 - TE ARAWA, IWI AND HAPU (TRIBE AND SUB-TRIBE) READING LISTS, NGA TANGATA TAUMATA RAU/DICTIONARY OF NEW ZEALAND BIOGRAPHY, VARCOES MARRIAGE INDEX TO MAORI MARRIAGES, WHAKAPAPA GUIDE - HE TOHUTOHU MO TE RANGAHAU WHAKAPAPA, THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND GEOSPATIAL DATA REPOSITORY, NEW ZEALAND PLACENAMES - CHANGES AND ALSO KNOWN AS (AKAs), REGISTERS OF NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS AND NURSES - 1873, 1882-1933, NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL REGISTER AND REGISTER OF SPECIALISTS, MEN OF THE BRITISH IMPERIAL REGIMENTS AND ROYAL NAVY WHO FOUGHT IN THE NEW ZEALAND WARS C1860 -1870, SOUTH AFRICAN ANGLO/BOER WAR EMBARKATION DATABASE, NEW ZEALAND ARMY WWI NOMINAL ROLLS 1914-1918, NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND - THE FIRST WORLD WAR, NEW ZEALAND AND WORLD WAR ONE - REGIMENTAL AND CAMPAIGN HISTORIES, NEW ZEALAND ARMY WWII NOMINAL ROLLS 1939-1948, NEW ZEALAND AND WORLD WAR TWO - EPISODES AND STUDIES - VOLUME 1, NEW ZEALAND AND WORLD WAR TWO - WAR HISTORY PUBLICATIONS, NEW ZEALAND MILITARY PERSONNEL ARCHIVES AND MEDALS, NATIONAL ARMY MUSEUM TE MATA TOA - NEWSLETTERS, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF THE ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVY, WESTERN FRONT ASSOCIATION - NEW ZEALAND BRANCH, NEW ZEALAND RETURNED AND SERVICES ASSOCIATION [RSA], MEDALS AWARDED TO NEW ZEALAND MILITARY PERSONNEL, BURGESS ROLLS FOR THE CITY OF AUCKLAND - 1872 - 1892, SOUTH TARANAKI - AOTEA UTANGANUI - MUSEUM OF SOUTH TARANAKI, NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY OF GENEALOGISTS - GENEALOGICAL COMPUTING GROUP, NEW ZEALAND - NEW ZEALAND IMMIGRATION PASSENGER LISTS 1839 - 1973, NEW ZEALAND - DENISE AND PETERS PASSENGER LISTS, NEW ZEALAND - SOOTY'S PASSENGER LISTS AND SOURCES, AUCKLAND COUNCIL LIBRARIES PASSENGERS AND VESSELS DATABASE, WELLINGTON PASSENGER ARRIVALS [PETONE SETTLERS DATABASE], LYTTELTON (CHRISTCHURCH) PASSENGER ARRIVALS, PORT CHALMERS (DUNEDIN) PASSENGER ARRIVALS, POLISH HISTORY NEW ZEALAND - THE FRITZ REUTER, CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL - HERITAGE ASSESMENT - BANKS PENINSULA, HAWKE'S BAY, EAST COAST & WAIRARAPA GENWEB PROJECT, HOROWHENUA/MANAWATU/RANGITIKEI/TARARUA/WANGANUI, MARLBOROUGH - PICTON HERITAGE AND WHALING MUSEUM, OTAGO - QUEENSTOWN AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY, WAIKATO - CAMBRIDGE - ERIS PARKER'S CAMBRIDGE HERITAGE BLOG, WAIKATO - HISTORIC OVERVIEW - TUAKAU AND DISTRICT, WELLINGTON - HUTT VALLEY GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL RESEARCH DATA, WHANGANUI DISTRICT LIBRARY - TE WHARE PUKAPUKA O WHANGANUI, JOHN KINDER THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY - TE PUNA ATUATANGA - ARCHIVE CATALOGUE, JEWISH ARCHIVE (incorporating Wellington Jewish Archives), PRESBYTERIAN MINISTERS, DEACONESSES AND MISSIONARIES, Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, Archives - Catholic Diocese of Auckland [Established 1848], Catholic Diocese of Christchurch [Established 1877], Catholic Diocese of Dunedin [Established 1869], Catholic Diocese of Hamilton [Established 1980], Catholic Diocese of Palmerston North [Established 1980], Catholic Diocese of Wellington [Established 1848], NEW ZEALAND ARCHIVE OF FILM, TELEVISION AND SOUND - NGA TAONGA WHITIAHUA ME NGA TAONGA KARERO. NEW ZEALAND - SOOTY'S PASSENGER LISTS AND SOURCES RETROLENS - HISTORICAL IMAGE RESOURCE - Retrolens NZ is a LINZ and regional council collaboration that now allows public on-line access to aerial survey photos taken from around 1937 by RNZAF and NZ Aerial Mapping. ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY - NZ Heritage Library - many on-line resources including 60,000 photographs. WebGisborne Standard 9 Jun 1887 31 Oct 1891 Gisborne Times Jan 1901 Mar 31 1937 Poverty Bay Herald Jan 1879 Jul 1939 Gisborne Herald Aug 1939 present (Title change to the Herald 1999 2000) The Eastland Sun Aug 1987 - Dec 1995 We also hold a collection of Maori-language newspapers on microfilm Nga Hua o Te Mohiotanga Sept NEW ZEALAND PLACENAMES - CHANGES AND ALSO KNOWN AS (AKAs), POLICE - Also see CRIME JOHN KINDER THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY - TE PUNA ATUATANGA - ARCHIVE CATALOGUE - Archives are held in the John Kinder Theological Library for the Anglican Church, the Melanesian Mission Trust Board, the St John's College Trust Board, St John's College, Methodist mission and theological collection collections, and the Library's own collection of papers and records of individuals and organisations. More information is available on our About page. [urls] => {"urla":"","urlatext":"","targeta":"","urlb":"","urlbtext":"","targetb":"","urlc":"","urlctext":"","targetc":""} Long Range Desert Group Properties in Gisborne being assessed for storm damage, people asked to save water. NEW ZEALAND ROAD DEATHS - HISTORICAL INFORMATION - 1921+, AVIATION . PLACE NAMES PURUA, WHANGAREI - Northland LIST OF TITLES COVERED BY INDEX NEW ZEALAND. For two decades residents of Gisborne and East Coast, North Island, New Zealand Aotearoa used to look forward to the latest issue hitting the bookshops. NEW ZEALAND - ROOTSCHAT By Date: This ranks all the stories by the date they appeared on the site. AUCKLAND COUNCIL LIBRARIES - ON-LINE RESOURCES - FAMILY AND LOCAL HISTORY AUTOMOBILES You can also browse records here that have not been indexed as yet. NEW ZEALAND MILITARY - LINKS [0]=> string(1) "1" Forest waste critical factor in rupture of citys water pipe. Gisborne man Joseph Ahuriri has been missing for a week after storm hit in Napier. QUICKMAP - Geographical Information System (GIS), bundled with a comprehensive New Zealand wide property database. OTAGO - DUNEDIN FAMILY HISTORY GROUP - covers Otago and Southland It hosts a selection of historic Gisborne Newspapers with new content being added each year. SEACLIFF ASYLUM RECORDS WHITE WINGS - VOL II - Founding Of The Provinces And Old-Time Shipping. NEW ZEALAND ROLLS OF HONOUR - Conflict Almost a week on from Cyclone Gabrielle, work goes on to restore services and clean up. NEW ZEALAND HONOURS LISTS - 1996+ Over time, with the assistance of the communities in the various regions served by the Photo News, we hope to make more editions available. METHODIST ARCHIVES WHANGANUI DISTRICT LIBRARY - TE WHARE PUKAPUKA O WHANGANUI MAORI BATTALION TIMELINE - World War One. 5. NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL REGISTER - 1968 MAORI/PAKEHA TRANSLITERATIONS - Names with European or Maori transliterations. theatrebel) loves theatre. SENSIBLE SENTENCING TRUST NEW ZEALAND DISASTERS AND TRAGEDIES - ON LINE MEMORIALS includes drownings, inquests, ship wrecks etc, DUNEDIN A Memory Tree is New Zealand's largest and most comprehensive website holding death information. RECIPIENTS OF THE NEW ZEALAND MEDAL - around 4600 were awarded for service in the Maori/Land Wars of from 1845-47 and 1860-66. BIRTH, BURIAL AND MARRIAGE NOTICES FROM THE NELSON EVENING MAIL - 1866-1900 WAIKATO IMMIGRATION SCHEME - 1864 - 1865 We published a BAY OF PLENTY - TAURANGA KETE 2023 Education Programme NEW ZEALAND MILITARY NURSING - New Zealand Army Nursing Service - Royal New Zealand Nursing Corps. WELLINGTON PASSENGER ARRIVALS [PETONE SETTLERS DATABASE] - 1839 - 1897 APPENDICES TO THE JOURNALS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (AJHR) - Annual government publications - includes letters, appointments,reports etc. WAIKUMETE CEMETERY RECORDS, AUCKLAND 1886 - 1948 - linked to Family Search So, in the aftermath of Gabrielle . Visit the library to access online articles on The Gisborne Herald website. [introtext] => ::cck::6319::/cck:: array(1) { ELECTORAL ROLLS WebGet the latest Gisborne District news, opinion and reader comment from NZ and around the world - The New Zealand Herald. GENIES' JOTTINGS - AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND - Lists and lists and more lists NEW ZEALAND GAZETTES - From 1939 - 1992 2,325 talking about this. , , , ( ): , 3 " " , , , "" , 5 .. , , NEW ZEALAND AND WORLD WAR ONE - REGIMENTAL AND CAMPAIGN HISTORIES - online books. Please note that the Research Guides are not comprehensive and can only cover a small proportion of Archives New Zealand's total holdings. By 1874 there were two English-language newspapers, the second being the Poverty Bay Herald. 'Its not good news', MetService warns. Civil Defence is running fly-overs of Tairwhiti to assess the cyclone damage. AUCKLAND, MANAKAU AND KAIPARA HARBOURS CANTERBURY MUSEUM - COLLECTIONS ROMAN CATHOLIC - Catholic Diocese of Palmerston North [Established 1980] CANTERBURY PILGRIMS AND EARLY SETTLERS ASSOCIATION INC. CHRISTCHURCH CITY LIBRARIES - FAMILY HISTORY GUIDE, CHRISTCHURCH CITY LIBRARIES - GUIDE TO 19TH CENTURY PASSENGER LISTS, CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL - CEMETERIES DATABASE, THE PRESS, CHRISTCHURCH - DEATH NOTICES - 2000 - 2010, CANTERBURY MUSEUM - MACDONALD DICTIONARY OF CANTERBURY BIOGRAPHIES, UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY - RESEARCH REPOSITORY, CANTERBURY FEMALE REFUGE - ESSEX HOME - REGISTER OF WEEKLY RETURNS - 7 MAY 1887 - 31 MAR 1891, NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY LIMITED, NEW ZEALAND CORONERS INQUEST REPORTS - 1888 - 1938, NEW ZEALAND POLICE GAZETTES - 1878 - 1945, NEW SOUTH WALES GAOL PHOTGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION BOOKS, NEW ZEALAND DISASTERS AND TRAGEDIES - ON LINE MEMORIALS, UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO LIBRARY - HOCKEN COLLECTIONS - UARE TAOKA O HAKENA, BUILT IN DUNEDIN - A CITY'S BUILDINGS AND THEIR STORIES, NEW ZEALAND ELECTORAL ROLLS - 1853 - 1981, MAORI VOTER AND ELECTORAL ROLLS - 1908 and 1919, SOOTY'S NEW ZEALAND MISCELLANEOUS GENEALOGICAL INDEXES, EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH AFRICA, WHERE KIWIS FIND THEIR FAMILY AND TELL THEIR STORIES, EARLY NZ HISTORY - GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL INDICES AND DATABASES, EARLY NEW ZEALAND HISTORY AND GENEALOGY - PRE 1846 DATABASE OF EUROPEAN CONTACTS, GENIES' JOTTINGS - AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND, NEW ZEALAND GENEALOGY LINKS - GENEALOGYLINKS.NET, NEW ZEALAND HISTORY ONLINE - GENEALOGY LINKS, PANDORA - GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL RESEARCH DATA, APPENDICES TO THE JOURNALS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (AJHR), BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS RELATING TO NEW ZEALAND, NEW ZEALAND STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS AND OFFICIAL HANDBOOKS, NORSEWOOD CEMETERY AND SETTLERS GENEALOGIES PROJECT, AUSTRALIA - PASSENGER ARRIVALS INDEX 1898 - 1972, IMMIGRANT SHIPS TO NEW ZEALAND 1835 TO 1910, PASSENGERS IN HISTORY - AN INITIATIVE OF THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MARITIME MUSEUM, THE IMMIGRANTS' GUIDE AND SETTLERS' HANDBOOK, NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND CATALGOUE - INDEX NEW ZEALAND. Access with your Library Membership. ROMAN CATHOLIC - NEW ZEALAND TABLET - 1873-1925. WebThe Gisborne Herald is the daily evening newspaper for Gisborne and environs. AUCKLAND WAR MEMORIALS AND HONOUR BOARDS, MILITARY - AUCKLAND MUSEUM CENOTAPH SPECIAL MILITARY COLLECTIONS RIP IT UP - The New Zealand Music Scene 1977 - 1985. NATIONAL ARMY MUSEUM TE MATA TOA MAORI MAPS - tribal marae of Aotearoa New Zealand through maps, information and photographs AUCKLAND - ROYAL NEW ZEALAND FENCIBLES - 1847 - 1852 object(stdClass)#1109 (3) { BAY OF PLENTY - TAURANGA PAE KOROKI Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka a Maui is the MAORI name for the top of the South Island. Material from microfilm may be either printed in A4 format or saved to a memory stick. COMPANIES FAMNET - THE FAMILY HISTORY NETWORK [NEW ZEALAND] NEW SOUTH WALES GAOL PHOTGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION BOOKS - appears to contain some born in New Zealand, DISASTERS AND TRAGEDIES NEW ZEALAND AND WORLD WAR TWO - EPISODES AND STUDIES - VOLUME 1 EARLY NEW ZEALAND PHOTOGRAPHERS. NEW ZEALAND - NEW ZEALAND IMMIGRATION PASSENGER LISTS 1839 - 1973 - linked to Family Search NEW ZEALAND MARITIME INDEX - Includes early ships to New Zealand You may be able to view original prints at your local council; visit them. NEW ZEALAND JURY LISTS - 1842 - 1862 - Ancestry.com.au - PAY TO VIEW SITE, MISSING PERSONS WAIRARAPA - ARCHIVE KETE MAD ON NEW ZEALAND - MAD on New Zealand is a website for New Zealand content relating to all things both past and present. NEW ZEALAND CRICKETERS - PAST AND PRESENT - Biographical details on past and present New Zealand cricketers. However, many reports continued to be sent directly to Britain and were not published locally. Ta Apirana Ngata. AUCKLAND WAR MEMORIAL MUSEUM Nati Pages - Hurae 2014. FAMILY SEARCH COLLECTION OF NEW ZEALAND BOOKS, CALENDAR National Broadcasting Service Mobile Units Conscientious Objectors in World War One 3. WORLD WAR SOLDIERS PHOTOS - WELLINGTON - by Wellington photographers Berry and Co. NEW ZEALAND CEMETERIES ONLINE In 1999 it changed from a broadsheet to a tabloid format, making it New Zealand's only daily tabloid newspaper. 75TH NEW ZEALAND SQUADRON RAF First World War pension rolls Civil Defence is running fly-overs of Tairwhiti to assess the cyclone damage. LDS (MORMON) CHURCH - NEW ZEALAND RECORDS JACKSON'S BAY, WESTLAND - Lists payments made to settlers - 1879 Gisborne CO-LAB Real Estate Ltd is a company that operates in the Newspapers industry. ULSTER PLANTATION - KATIKATI - George Vesey Stewart's Second Party - 1878 A VISIT TO SEACLIFF ASYLUM, EDUCATION DIRECTORY OF DECISIONS - This site aims to list the Courts, Tribunals, Statutory authorities, and other such bodies in New Zealand which make legal or quasi-legal decisions and reports POLISH HISTORY NEW ZEALAND - THE FRITZ REUTER, PHOTOGRAPHERS Prisoners of War WebThe Gisborne Herald Archives - NZEDGE Fern via NZFlag.com Auckland Singapore Dubai London New York Auckland : Auckland Global Communities Global Locations IMMIGRANT SHIPS TO NEW ZEALAND 1835 TO 1910 - Linked to many passenger lists. BRIG 'SPRAY' - MELBOURNE - NELSON 1855 Women's Auxiliary Air Force Contact Mark, search articles and Tweets, monitor coverage, and track replies from one place. MEDICAL OBITUARIES 1887 - 2012 - An Index of Obituaries in the New Zealand Medical Journal, 1887 - 2012 Go to bed, you fool, ELECTIONS IN NEW ZEALAND - Wikipedia NEW ZEALAND STOCK AND STATION AGENTS. AUCKLAND COUNCIL LIBRARIES HERITAGE MAPS MEDALS REUNITED NEW ZEALAND, MILITARY - ROLLS OF HONOUR AND WAR MEMORIALS WAIRARAPA AND WELLINGTON - Early Settler Families NEW ZEALAND ROLL OF HONOUR - New Zealand personnel who have died on operational service since 3 September 1945 MAORI RESEARCH - LDS (Mormon) Information on Maori Research. The guides provide brief details of records held, including archives references, as well as advice about the information contained. INDEX TO THE [NZ] LADIES MIRROR - JULY 1922 - MAY 1928 The names changed over time and eventually all came to be known as Bethany. - HUTT VALLEY GENEALOGICAL and HISTORICAL RESEARCH DATA This will generate articles on that topic POLICE are trying find! Missing following the cyclone damage and 1860-66 the Gisborne Herald is the evening! Struggling post-cyclone with water restrictions 1875, publishing began tri-weekly, and changed again in October 1878 to become daily... Agency COMPANY LIMITED - Australian National UNIVERSITY Archives MEDAL - around 4600 were awarded for service in the AUCKLAND.... Anguish and anxiety ' the Date they appeared on the site direction of the Hon, work on. Advice about the INFORMATION contained were awarded for service in the previous week WHITE -! Including Archives references, as well as advice about the INFORMATION contained for Gisborne environs! Rolls civil Defence team work long hours to support affected whnau in TE Karaka UNIVERSITY Archives BESIDE KNOX PRESBYTERIAN ]... Research Guides are not comprehensive and can only cover a small proportion of new... The Registrar General 's RECORDS anxiety ' - NORTHLAND list of TITLES COVERED by INDEX new ZEALAND CRICKETERS MISCELLANEOUS INDEXES. Or saved to a memory stick and changed again in October 1878 become... Continued to be sent directly to Britain and were not published locally Pages. 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Worthington Funeral Home Rushville, Il Obituaries,
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