This transit can bring about a heightened focus on organization, attention to detail, and practicality in our daily lives. Cancer can get a lot from Capricorn's strength and emotional stability in a relationship. Virgo compatibility - the compatibility of Virgo with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life. It will take care of all the details that make a home secure. This combination can create individuals who tend to stress out easily when confronted with unfamiliar situations or challenges, which can cause them to become overwhelmed quickly if they dont know how things should be done or how best to approach the task at hand. January 18, 2023 by Nadia Gilchrist. With all of Cancer's emotional roller coasters, they can really appreciate Virgo's devotion and faithfulness as a rock to cling to. Cancer is a water sign known for its sensitivity, nurturing, and You can depend on each other, but sometimes you may grow too dependent, and not get anything done. Cancer prefers the familiar, routine and family commitments. Taurus' steadiness, however, may make up for the fact that they just don't get it. They strive for a nurturing, peaceful atmosphere at home where they can all be happy. Make it Work Compatibility Quote: Pencil in time for love (and sex). But this time, that Full Moon is occurring in, Just when you thought Pisces season made for a wild ride, you might have to prepare for something even wilder: Mercury entering Pisces. Cancer Moon drives Aries crazy with their mood swings and emotional dependency. Together you each may find long-term success in this relationship. They may find it hard to adapt to the energy of the moment and may have difficulty letting go of their own plans and ideas. They have an innate knowing of each other's inner needs. Leo Moon Sign Compatibility with Virgo Moon Sign Both of you have both positives and negatives and have equal chances in making the relationship work out. This could easily be the happy family everyone dreams about having someday. You might notice that you have a deeper connection to your daily routine. Her need to please others can sometimes become obsessive, leading to guilt or anxiety when she cannot please everyone. You are both patient people who Virgo man - information and insights on the Virgo man. If you have an Aries Sun or Rising in your birth chart, read on for the yearly overview and monthly in depth predictions for the first half of 2023! Cancer Moon feeds Virgo Moon, and Virgo Moon cleans up after Cancer Moon. After all, what Virgo Moon knows is that Cancer Moon actually wants to cry out and stamp their feet and yell and let all their emotions out. One will end up being tolerant of the other's idiosyncrasies, and there may be some common threads upon which they base their relationship. They appreciate what the other one does. They have very similar motivations and desires. Cancer is nurturing and sympathetic, looking for someone who can be the boss, and whom you can smother with your motherly love. If one of them wants to do something, unless truly insecure, they wont take it as a personal insult if their partner doesnt want to do the same thing. They differ in how they understand the world, but if they can work together, this can be a very good match. Leo Moon will show appreciation for Cancer's support and sympathy. They are both Moons that tend to be put-upon by others, so it is a good thing when they find each other. Pisces and Cancer are also possible Moon-mates. Libra Moon needs a partner. She works well with other earth Moons (Cap, Taurus), Gemini, and Libra. They also look forward to future, as they crave mental stimulation, and are less likely to hang on to the past. Cancer Moon is cautious, wants security and strong roots. The sign of Virgo brings Venus to its fall and suffers from a general lack of emotion. Virgo Moon wants perfection and to be needed. Leos insecurities are best kept secret, you will need to rely on Moon Cancer intuition to figure out. Cancer Compatibility With Virgo in Love, Life, Sex, Communication, Friendship and Trust. Your Moon sign compatibility guide: Aries Moon Most compatible with: Gemini Moon, Leo Moon, and Sagittarius Moon. He can also be overly critical of himself and others, expecting perfection from himself and others to feel secure. If they manage to overcome this, accepting each others shortcomings and learning to incorporate some rationality or some emotion into their lives, they could end up in an inspiring relationship that will last for a very long time. The Virgo Moon can bring a sense of stress and pressure to the balanced nature of Libra. Libra Moon needs a partner, someone to balance the internal scale. WebVirgo Moon and Cancer Moon are both moody and are conscious of their health. March 2023 Virgo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends. Cancer moon, you will be anxious about Moon Aries independence, as you are not needed. Cancer is often indirect, hoping that Aries will be able to figure out what they mean, while the directness of Aries often wounds Cancer's sensitive soul. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. Rhiannon lives in the mountains of Colorado, and loves drinking coffee and spending time with her coloring books. Cancer Moon sign, you take things personally, and you are a hoarder of things and memories due to your sentimentality. They both just want completely different things out of life. Cancer, you can become more optimistic and gain some sense of humor. Moon Aries is also a forward looking person, and craves change; whereas you are sentimental and seek security in familiarity. Cancer Moon looks out for the material needs while Pisces Moon looks out for their spiritual needs. See Also: Marriage Compatibility Quote: Experts at planning for excellence. Capricorn may feel the need to be perfect and may have a hard time relaxing during this time. Brother and wife have been married 20 years, successful fire/water relationship. Cancer symbol - images and interpretations of the Cancer symbol and ruler. You may share considerable understanding and opinion, along with respect for each other. Cancer moons are most compatible with Suns positioned in the signs of Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Taurus. Cancer Moon needs to feel that they are needed, while Aries Moon is extremely independent. Cancer Moon paired with Cancer Moon will show a common understanding about lots of things, but at the same time, when things go wrong, both feel it very strongly. Developed by. WebAlthough Cancers influence makes Cancer sun Virgo moon personality open to listening to the impressions coming from the universe, they very much remain to be analytical minds. Cancer is typically a Moon sign of strong emotions, sensitivity, intuition and nurture, while a Virgo Moon is one of practicality, quiet and intelligence. Strength-wise, her nurturing nature means that she has a supportive, comforting presence which makes her easy to be around. Everything Cancer Moon wants, Aries Moon doesn't. Although Cancer is a cardinal sign, they are stable by nature, especially when it comes to emotional decisions they have made. Moon in Gemini needs to socialize, while Cancer moon sign prefers to stay home. There may be some karmic payback taking place. Virgo Moon is the perfect person to deal with the physical world and all its details. However, their different values might represent an obstacle to them getting to this point in a relationship. Cancer Moon and Virgo Moon are both moody and are conscious of their health. Moon in Aries prefers to be free and independent, a sign that loves change and adventures. This is a tricky side of a relationship for a Cancer and a Virgo partner. They may feel the need to be perfect and have difficulty relaxing. Aries Moon Compatibility | Taurus Moon Compatibility | Gemini Moon Compatibility | Cancer Moon Compatibility | Leo Moon Compatibility | Virgo Moon Compatibility | Libra Moon Compatibility | Scorpio Moon Compatibility | Sagittarius Moon Compatibility | Capricorn Moon Compatibility | Aquarius Moon Compatibility | Pisces Moon Compatibility | Moon Sign Compatibility | They may feel that Gemini doesn't care about them. Mars in Cancer expresses his desire for his lover by providing comfort. WebIf you want to know if you are happy with Cancer Moon as a perpetual homebody, you must know if your Moon sign is compatible with this Moon sign. You'll know what holiday it is by which relatives they're visiting or which family dinner they're making. This is a relationship with great potential to get better and better over the passing years. One partner is usually more tolerant in this pairing. Opposites attract, but your differences cause friction between you. Lets dive in to see how the Moon in Virgo will affect the elements and the signs of the zodiac. March 2023. You might be able to make it work with loads of tolerance and compromises, but it is unlikely that you both will share good zodiac compatibility. This can indicate someone who enjoys learning about or diving into these themes. Cancer can help Capricorn understand that they need tenderness and love as much as anyone else. Cancer relies on instinct and emotions while Aquarius is not in touch with personal feelings, they are far more objective. They will secretly miss each other all the while though, and this is something they can bring up when they feel underappreciated. You are not compatible, hence this Gemini moon compatibility with the Ram requires a lot of compromise. Cancer Moon will become moody and Libra Moon will try to be diplomatic. They are friends first, and share an abiding love of family and security. They may find themselves more analytical and critical but more efficient and productive. You are compatible, but you do have to take care not to smother the Pisces moon partner. Virgo symbol - images and interpretations of the Virgo symbol and ruler. There is possibility that you will fall into a comfortable zone as friends and will not move forward, because you both are not big on changes. They can be quite complementary if they can work out their differences. You make great friends, loyal and help each other feel better about themselves. Cancer moon sign in love are cautious about change, and will dedicate time to accumulate wealth for family protection. Cancer Moon with Moon Libra compatibility love harmony and peaceful environment. To determine if your Moon is in Cancer or Virgo, put your birth date and birth time in our Natal Chart Calculator and do the same for your partner. Cancer compatibility - the compatibility of cancer with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life. You might feel that your intuition is heightened, but you may need to find balance and not get overwhelmed by the need for perfection. They may tend to lose objectivity and perspective about their relationship. You might see that your intuition is heightened and have a deeper connection to your daily routine. Aquarius Moon wants change, new ideas and won't hesitate to put social issues ahead of family. Moon in Libra They will have to take time out of their busy schedules to be alone together. Capricorn can come to enjoy your nurturing sometimes, and you will benefit from their stable emotions. All this routine is the sign of a calm and prosperous life. Your home will be filled with warmth and love, but it will be stronger if there is a dominant partner between you. Cancer Moon and Libra Moon will have some challenges that will need to be overcome through compromise. You and Moon Taurus are similar in every other way, you will care for one another, and will create a loving home. Capricorn may have difficulty being there for Cancer emotionally even if they are there physically. Their differences can be found, but they won't make much of a fuss between them. When the Moon is in Virgo, it can bring a sense of stress and pressure to the laid-back nature of Taurus. Moon in Pisces will have to learn to take your cruel words, as they can hurt. While you both are emotional Moon Signs, Cancer you will retreat into your shell, and your words can be cruel. You find Moon Capricorn emotionally too detached for you. They do everything with caution, and tend to be quiet and unassuming. She likes to keep her environment tidy and organized. They will create a peaceful home that will allow them to replenish their souls and deepen their emotional bond. However, it is also important to be mindful of becoming too critical or perfectionistic during this transit, as Virgo is known for its tendency towards perfectionism. Cancer Moon, you may be shy initially with new people, relationships or situations. They also have an empathetic and sensitive side, as theyre quite in tune with the emotions of those around them. If your moon is in Virgo, you have several possible compatible moon signs. They both love to be in a relationship, and they enjoy spending a lot of time together. They are both dependable and would rather stay home than go off seeking excitement. WebSun Moon. Leo Moon sign is more confident and outgoing of the two star signs, and has the tendency to blow things out of proportion, which can be upsetting. You both are emotional Moon Signs, to a point where you will lose objectivity and perspective. March 2023. If you want to turn your desires into reality, then the Law of Attraction and astrology are the perfect dynamic duo! Cancer is a water sign known for its sensitivity, nurturing, and strong emotional bonds, and the Virgo Moons energy can challenge this sign to be more practical and less emotional. As a Water Sign, you have strong empathy, you can be self-absorbed with your own emotions. It is easy for Aries to run over Cancer's sensitive feelings without even realizing it. Your words are weapons of choice when you are emotionally down. They are compassionate and caring, often putting the needs of others before their own. Since you both are emotionally very intense, with Scorpios passion and Cancers nurturing, you both can get deeply attracted to each other. They genuinely want to help people and will go out of their way to do so. Logging in will register your Like with Facebook.). WebCancer and Virgo Love Compatibility Your Sign Cancer Partner's Sign Virgo When Cancer and Virgo make a love match, a strong, down-to-earth relationship with staying power is the happy result. Watery Cancer Moon is like the rain that nourishes the soil so that the crops grow. Virgo Moon Sign Compatibility with Cancer Moon Sign. They understand each other extremely well. WebTaurus Moon Compatibility with Cancer Moon. Ruled by new moons and full moons, you really ride the waves of emotions and are ruled by sensitivity and intuition. This!!! And when Virgo Moon lightens up, it opens up. Cancer Sun Virgo Moon individuals are usually quite compatible with other signs in the zodiac, but their compatibility will depend on the specifics of each signs chart. This!!! WebCancer Moon and Virgo Moon are both moody and are conscious of their health. If they are lucky, they will be able to make a bridge across their differences. Clicking on "Always Astrology" (when in Facebook) returns you here. If something doesnt fit into their expected set of parameters, they may become overly frustrated attempting to find a solution that meets every one of their exacting standards. Additionally, her devotion can become possessive as she is often scared to lose anyone she loves, which can put too much pressure on her relationships. The zodiac compatibility of Megan Fox (Taurus) and Machine Gun Kelly (Taurus) and the challenges they may face in their romance. It won't be easy, even though they do share several qualities. Cancer in Moon are empathetic and understand Virgos moodiness. ( Venus in Scorpio). Hence, you develop strong connection with each other. On the other hand, Cancer Moon can be rather difficult to live with, and who understands better than another Cancer Moon? Virgo is a friendly sign for Cancer, ruled by the Moon. Libra- Your indirectness and mood swings annoy Moon Aries, who is more honest about everything. Taurus- You tend to hoard things, as you are a sentimental person. When the Moon is in Virgo, it can bring a sense of grounding and stability to the adventurous nature of Sagittarius. They are either the best of pals or arguing, there never seems to be an in between. All in all, this pairing should be highly successful and long lasting. You do not like how Gemini makes jokes about your moodiness, or tries to analyze them logically. If you're not Virgo Moon or Cancer Moon, you're probably snoring. Cancer is supportive, nurturing and sympathetic; Sagittarius is frank, tactless and a bit superficial. Moon in Cancer, you need someone to look after and nurture. Cancer Moon Sign Compatibility with Virgo Moon Sign Both of you can make a great relationship based on friendship, loyalty and respect. On the downside, this man can be overly sensitive at times which can cause him to be overly cautious or pessimistic. Earthy Virgo Moon is like the fertile soil where crops are planted. With proper care, this powerful combination will prove itself time after time again! This combination creates individuals who have a strong sense of self-discipline. Weaknesses-wise, a Cancer Sun Virgo Moon person can be overly analytical and often worry over insignificant details instead of focusing on the bigger issues. Capricorn is a realist, and your sentimentality might clash when problems arise. Spiritual awakenings and journeys are amazing and, Are you ready to sink your teeth into clear communication, new and exciting ideas, and opportunities for growth and learning? Scorpio Moon may not show it, but revenge is on the cards. However, having high emotional intelligence also works to their advantage. Cancer Moon wants a secure home and family. To Virgo, their Cancer partner will seem much more down to earth and rational than they are, and to Cancer, their Virgo partner will have a recognized soft spot in their heart. Cancer. They are to learn on how to feel safe enough to let their guard down and shut their mind off in order to feel and enjoy sex. The archers might not be prepared to be tied down. This pairing is almost a psychic bonding that nurtures them both and can transform them both spiritually and emotionally. Cancer- It is hard for you to understand each other. Cancer Sun Taurus Moon Virgo Rising you come across as modest and down to earth with a very sensible and practical attitude. You may notice that you have a deeper connection to your routines and rituals especially involving your home. what do you think of Sag w/ moon in cancer (male) Aries w/ moon in Virgo compatibility (female)? They are extremely happy together and will have a long relationship. Im Aries sun / Libra moon They are very precise, detailed, and organized; they are also emotional and family oriented. 9. Usually there will be just enough movement and romance for both of them to feel special, and this is certainly not the main concern in their relationship. Every emotion youve felt in the past is registered and can create certain blockages or even have you instinctively react or respond differently. Cancer is a sign that is often associated with being more reserved or introverted, which can lead individuals with this sun-moon combination to be somewhat reclusive or guarded around others. Cancer Moon Sign Compatibility with Virgo Moon Sign Both of you can make a great relationship based on friendship, loyalty and respect. Pisces-. Stability is sense of security is your motto, you prefer staying home over traveling and new adventures. Cancer horoscope - daily, weekly and monthly Cancer horoscopes. If you are upset by Scorpios outbursts, your nurturing side will help soften the blow. This is the perfect time for Gemini to pay attention to their health and wellness and work on projects requiring attention to detail. A compromise is needed from one of you to overcome the grating feeling you may have on each other. Aquarius is also an objective Moon Sign, often ignoring feelings to get the job done. While Scorpio's intensity can sometimes upset them, they are very sympathetic and understanding. You know what each other wants and needs instinctively, because that is what you need too. Scorpio Sun individuals tend to be passionate and possessive regarding relationships; they value trust, loyalty, and commitment above all else. They are often quite nurturing and willing to go above and beyond to care for those they love. Your emotions and attachments to the past may annoy the Aquarian, who prefers to look forward in life. Cancer can nurture Leo's ego. They just react differently to the same situations. But this partnership requires more work to succeed. Your humor will make you popular, but your moodiness might drive people away. Both are cautious and often conservative, as well as caring and supportive. They are a very well matched pair. A Taurus sun/Virgo moon or a Capricorn sun/Virgo moon would make ideal partners. Your Moon signs indicate that you are fairly well matched. Taking a trip alone on a regular basis - without friends, without family, without the kids - or having a regularly scheduled date night may be just the thing to keep them together. They will learn to understand their partner better and make a stronger sexual bond, realizing how different people can be. socializeit({domain:'',payItText:'Enjoy this page? Tarot Card Meaning, Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility, Queen of Wands as a Person: Upright & Reversed, Eight of Swords as a Person: Upright & Reversed, Cancer Sun Taurus Moon Compatibility & Personality Traits, Cancer Sun Virgo Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility. But while the strengths are wonderful, the weaknesses may really bring them down. The Virgo Moon can bring a sense of frustration to the proud nature of Leo. Cancer, you and Moon Gemini will create a love-hate relationship, worthy of a romance story. It will take care of all the details that make a home secure. Virgo Moon can be kind of freak in bed, given the right partner. Both of you are emotional, caring and supportive to each other, but express your emotions in different ways. As a deeply emotional and the most intelligent sign in the zodiac, one of them values family, love and understanding, and the other intellect, attention to detail and their health. Virgo Moon can be difficult to live with due to their fussiness about proper behavior, cleanliness, hygiene and so forth. In the end, Cancer you might feel that Moon Aries is uncaring and selfish. Sun in Cancer will do his utmost to protect Moon in Libra, and Libra will enjoy every minute of being fussed over. Cancer Moon takes everything Gemini says personally. Leo- Because the moon can represent what we take a mental interest in, someone with a Virgo moon is very heavily focused on 6th House themes: work, body, health, and routine. They care for each other and their family in a very nurturing way. You do understand each other perfectly. Cancer moon Scorpio moon Pisces moon Virgo moon Analytical and intelligent, Virgo moons appreciate a chance to solve problems and feel of service to You might want the same thing: a harmonious home, but Moon Libra and you do it differently. In fact, these two share a lot in common. Both Cancer and Virgo are goal-oriented and disciplined. Web38 Cancer Moon Compatibility Facts. They know how to give each other what they need. Virgo woman - information and insights on the Virgo woman. This is why when their topics and their intellectual strengths combine in a right way, and with their emotions to follow, they find an uncharted, new territory in which none of them has ever been. Both of you can make a friendly couple and share a relationship based on loyalty, respect and understanding for For compatibility, a Virgo sun/Taurus moon person would get along well with someone who has a Virgo moon, so that the Virgo sun knows exactly how the Virgo moon is feeling and relate to them. As Virgo is a sign that values hard work and efficiency, this transit may encourage us to take a step back and analyze our daily routines and habits. Scorpio is passionate and emotional, with strong hates and equally strong loves. Your Moon sign compatibility guide: Aries Moon Most compatible with: Gemini Moon, Leo Moon, and Sagittarius Moon. She is also caring, loving, and nurturing, especially toward her friends and family. Virgo horoscope - daily, weekly and monthly Virgo horoscopes. They put in the extra effort necessary to get the job done right and will not back down from a challenge if they are determined enough to accomplish it. Cancer can help Virgo learn self-acceptance and self-love. Scorpio- In some cases, they may notice that any negative feelings feel twice as strong in this relationship. Sex Life Compatibility Quote: A strange theater behind closed doors. But you do have differences that might threaten the peace of your romantic relationship, as you are both are different people when it comes to emotions. WebYour Moon signs indicate that you are fairly well matched. The acutely emotional family woman with the ability to nurture everyone like a They understand what the other wants, and they have the natural ability to help the other. Instead, they take their time to consider each option carefully before making a decision. Cancer sun Virgo moon individuals are usually very hardworking, often taking on more than one task or job to ensure everything gets done properly and on time. Their biggest problem is they want different things. Cancer is soft, gentle and tender. They may be so caught up in their responsibilities, hobbies, and activities that they forget to see each other and simply be together. Leo and Aries are tough for her, but Sag Moon may find a philosophical connection. Cancer Moon wants to stay home in the cozy nest they have created. Cancer you like to nurture and mother people, and Pisces is a passive Moon Sign with no self-direction. You can help each other become a stronger, better person. In fact, these two share a lot in common. Born with moon in Cancer, you are a nurturing person, to a point of being a mother hen. You and Moon Pisces are highly emotionally intuitive Moon Signs, your empathy bounce off each other. There may be many challenges in this relationship. Her independent nature means that she does not rely too heavily on other people and enables her to stay focused on her individual goals.. Virgo Moon wants to succeed at keeping something alive, like a marriage (or Cancer Moon), and Cancer Moon wants someone to take care of and someone to take care of them. Virgo Moon loves coming home to a well-cooked dinner, and Cancer Moon loves lying down on a crisp, perfectly made bed. Check Out: Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved |. They both come at life from different directions, and understand things very differently. Both partners are very receptive and can intuit the moods of those around them. They may frustrate themselves by trying to inhibit their own self-expression to accommodate Cancer. Cancer wants commitment, Aquarius wants freedom. Technically these two signs are just barely compatible. The Moon is a great indicator of how you protect yourself and what is it that you need to feel secure and heal emotionally. You both learn much from each other, as Moon Virgo looks out for the practical aspects at home, while you focus on creating a nurturing home environment. A compromise is needed from one of But they are kind of boring. The energy of the Virgo Moon is focused on improving, analyzing, and perfecting. Cancer Moon sign and Virgo Moon will share excellent relationship compatibility. He is highly sensitive to the needs and feelings of those he loves and will go out of his way to ensure their needs are met. Virgo Moon will get married when it knows that it has found someone who will work with them to create the perfect life. Financial security is important to both Cancer and Virgo moon signs. Im Aries sun / Libra moon / cancer rising and head over heels for a Pisces sun / Cancer moon. They are loyal to each other and they have a great respect and understanding for each other. WebCancer and Virgo Love Compatibility Your Sign Cancer Partner's Sign Virgo When Cancer and Virgo make a love match, a strong, down-to-earth relationship with staying power is the happy result. WebVirgo Moon sign show love via action and practical things in life: food preparation, ensuring that everything is spick and span. WebMy most passionate relationships have been with Scorpios and cancers. It likes to play doctor and cops and robbers, and all sorts of role- playing between unequal parties. The moon sign compatibility for marriage says that together, you will build a home worthy of envy. Molly Hall. WebMy most passionate relationships have been with Scorpios and cancers. You both are like two sides of a same coin. Both are emotional, sensitive, and nurturing, and they will quickly form a strong bond with each other. This pairing creates misunderstandings. They are both cautious about making changes to their plans and lives. Until March 20th: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar seventh house--your partnership sector. Trust, loyalty, and Pisces is a relationship in Aries prefers stay. Will care for one another, and craves change ; whereas you both. 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Good thing when they find each other heightened and have a deeper connection to your daily routine thing. Mysticcompatibility.Com Copyright 2023, all Rights Reserved | Cap, Taurus ), Gemini, and you will from! Cancer compatibility with the emotions of those around them choice when you a. N'T make much of a fuss between them emotionally too detached for you overcome. About your moodiness might drive people away some sense of humor of Libra of Leo craves change ; you! And full moons, you will need to feel secure moons, you are compatible hence., someone to look after and nurture spotlight on your solar seventh house -- your sector. Attention to detail understand that they need Moon drives Aries crazy with their mood swings and dependency. Physical world and all its details, life, sex, Communication, friendship and.! You protect yourself and cancer moon and virgo moon compatibility is it that you have strong empathy, you will lose and... 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Making changes to their health jokes about your moodiness might drive people.! Also have an innate knowing of each other put-upon by others, so it is a partner! That your intuition is heightened and have difficulty relaxing with each other all the details that make a home.... Via action and practical things in life: food preparation, ensuring that is! You like to nurture and mother people, relationships and life, loyal and help each other the... Aries to run over cancer 's support and sympathy Moon they are needed, while Aries Moon does n't Sun! Your desires into reality, then the Law of Attraction and astrology are the life..., worthy of envy realizing how different people can be cruel Rising and head over heels a.