Jin Kook finally told Jin Kan the truth. But his younger sister falls in love with a man that is somehow connected to the murder. She understands the guilt because she feels guilt about her brother killing Moo Youngs father. Thats how they both got burns. Let us now turn to Jung So Min playing Yoo Jin Kang, a woman of unshakable will despite the difficult life she had, being in turn very kind, indulgent and understanding. Jin Kan knows this. Common Signs of Hearing Loss and What to Do About It. He manages to deduce that the person who cleaned the scene and the possible murderer has a photographic memory and that this characteristic is far from the main suspect. He suggests they do this another day. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes eps 5 - Bstation. But he only wants Jin Kan to live a happy life going forward. Yoo Jin Kang (Jung So Min, ) is Yoo Jin Kooks sister. Moo Young admits it isnt pleasant. She sold everything but could not appease her financial demands. Go Min Si plays Im Yoo Ri whoboth loves and relies on Kim Moo Young. A TV series centered around the unfolding relationship between free and unpredictable yet dangerous Kim Moo Young, who is called a "monster". Before they drive to the sea, Jin Kan and Cho Rong stock up on snacks at the convenience store. LIL UZI VERT. He had to warn her. He is not a good person, but she has sympathy for him. The man does not remember when he was little. Cho Rong says shes too kind and empathetic to get mixed up with a man like Moo Young. The production crew revealed, During episode nine that airs today [October 31], everything about the murder ofthe female college student will be revealed. Bat walang episode 2? Can you please upload the episode 2, thank you, Hello, can we request for episode 2? She bears, as many emotional scars as him. (LogOut/ * I hold out a faint hope that Jin Kook and Jin Kan arent biologically related because Executive Jang says she made that part up. Jin Kan tells Moo Young to be with her forever. Moo Young is not good news. Believing Jin Kan will now be safe from threats, Moo Young thanks Jin Kook for taking care of his younger sister. Jin Kan has been a quiet force in this series. He stares at the picture of himself and Jin Kan. When the Yu Ri couldnt meet her demands, she killed her blackmailer. She starts to talk to her feelings but stops herself. By clicking "Reject All", you will reject all cookies except for strictly necessary cookies. Outside Jin Kans house, she apologizes for her poor treatment of him. He points to the camera in the hallway and she informs him it is fake. He hugs Jin Kook and says hell need 3 days then hell contact him. You can also buy me a coffee or support my little shop :') Thank you if you choose to support! Yu Ri counters it was intentional because of her easy rapport with Moo Young and how he shared his past with her. Want to see it in your area? Jin Kan is torn between the man she likes and the man she thinks she should like. Jin Kook wont tell him. I watch and blog dramas on https://kjtamusings.wordpress.com/. The man does not remember when he was little. I hope this space can make you feel seen and heard. Drama: The Smile Has Left Your Eyes; Country: South Korea ; Episodes: 16; Aired: Oct 3 . Segera Login. A TV series centered around the unfolding relationship between free and unpredictable yet dangerous Kim Moo Young, who is called a "monster". The two of them look at their scars with intrigue and wonder. Probably one of the most angsty plot there is. Kim Moo Young is also a womanizing man, he dominates women and does not mind playing with the feelings of each one of them. stimulants and meth and psychedelics will expand the pupil. Jin Kook drives Jin Kan home. 16 The Smile Has Left Your Eyes 16 16 . Kim Moo Young (Seo In Guk) decided suicide was his only option after killing Executive Jang. Title: The Smile Has Left Your Eyes Network: tvN Theme: Drama, Romance Length: 16 Episodes Broadcast Date: Main Leads: Seo In Guk, Jung So Min, Park Sung Woong Highlights: Seo In Guk,. That surprises Moo Young who notes that Jin Kook has been convinced hes the murderer from the beginning. Cho Rong has Moo Youngs phone log and isnt happy to find Jin Kans number among the numbers. Due to the sad nature of the ending, Im not sure I will watch this again Moo Young signs his farewell letter with his real name. The conclusion is Yu Ri is the murderer and Moo Young helped clean up the murder scene. The Superstar K winner, who trained as a wrestler, usually plays nice guys in romcoms such as The Master's Sun and High School King of Savvy . Jin Kan and the assistant lock eyes. The smile has left your eyes I never thought I'd see you Standing there with him So don't come crawling back to me I saw you standing hand in hand But now you come to me the solitary man And I know what it is that makes us live Such ordinary lives The where to go, the who to see No one could sympathize The smile has left your eyes He sees she means to kill herself and stops her. Someone enters the cabin. (LogOut/ A TV series centered around the unfolding relationship between free and unpredictable yet dangerous Kim Moo Young, who is called a "monster". Yu Ri took many sleeping pills to help herself sleep. I do appreciate you taking the time to finish recapping this series despite the tragedy of losing your friend. That's utter gibberish. Lets talk now about what I didnt like, and it pains me to say it, but the development of the end was a terribly lame one. Then the police came and informed her the blackmailer was dead. Moo Young closes his eyes. What Im not going to deny is the magnificent cinematography, they chose very well the environments where to develop the drama, Moo Youngs house was perfect for his personality, the clothes of the characters, everything very well thought out. Watch The smile has left your eyes - latest episodes of TV shows online for free with subtitles on VIU. In other stills, Go Min Si looks nervous at the continuous flashes of photography recording her moment of shame. Kim Moo Young is a man who is very far from being a person of his right mind. Executive Jangs father, Chairman Jang, returns to Korea. I rank this episode (on a scale from 1-10) as terrific. Half way to the sea, Cho Rong cant help but notice that Jin Kan is distracted. My episode ranking chart is below. GRANTED. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes Original title: Haneuleseo Naerineun 1eok Gaeui Byeol TV Series 2018 1 h IMDb RATING 7.9 /10 1.4K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 0:30 1 Video 4 Photos Drama Mystery Romance A detective takes on a murder case that was disguised as suicide and becomes obsessed with solving it. She tells Moo Young she accepts him for who he is. He is the catalyst for the tragedy. I thought Moo Young disposed of the murder weapon why did her preserve it Did it have Yoo Ris fingerprints on it. Jin Kan shield Moo Young as Executive Jangs assistant fire the gun. Jin Kook says nothing. A friend of Moo Young calls Jin Kook and tells him to come to location that binds them. Name : The Smile Has left your eyes / Hundred million stars from the sky Episode : 16 Duration : 60 minutes Genre : Thriller, Drama, Romance Based on : Sora Kara Furu Ichioku No Hoshi by Eriko Kitagawa Cast : Seo In Guk as Kim Moo Young Jung So Min as Yoo Jin Kang Park Sung Woong as Yoo Jin Gook Seo Eun Soo as Baek Seung Ah Moo Young says if she tells him not to take the job, he wont. It means if you click on the link and purchase the product, a small percentage comes back to me without any cost on your end. Asia - The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (Official Music Video) Asia 40.5K subscribers Subscribe 61K views 3 months ago #TheSmileHasLeftYourEyes #Remastered #Asia REMASTERED IN HD! Thank you for uploading Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. My episode ranking chart is below. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes Episode 9Recap, The Smile Has Left Your Eyes Episode 8Recap, The Smile Has Left Your Eyes Episode 10Recap. This is how delicate it is, so please just watch it. l cuida de ella y la protege como una figura paterna desde que perdieron a sus padres. He walked in the rain under the brewery logo umbrella. She introduces herself as Woo Sangs sister. It can feel a little slow-paced despite that but it is truly heartbreaking. Jin Kan sags in relief. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Yoo Jin Kan (Jung So Min) replays her conversation with Moo Young. Little did she know shed take a bullet for him and die side by side with him. Lyrics to The Smile Has Left Your Eyes Honcho from Va Sam Fields "the album did so poorly John Wetton took offense and bit the hand that feeds"-- how can an album include a track blaming another person for selling poorly, John Wetton could see into the future? He couldnt escape the consequences of this action. The murder of Jeong Mi Yeon, a university student who apparently committed suicide, is the beginning of this story. The horn marked the end of his time, and the nerdy-looking commander found the time was well spent for the future. * Moo Young must live even if he spends the rest of his life in prison. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes [3] ( Korean : ) is a 2018 South Korean television series starring Seo In-guk, Jung So-min and Park Sung-woong. This time the man with the gun is shot and falls to the floor. Moo Young is taken aback. Moo Young kept the murder weapon in the chest for a reason. He thrusts the sketch from the trash of Moo Youngs cat and Moo Young in the corner. In spite of this, it is a drama that I would recommend. Thank you for being here. Color me surprised when she put the gun to her head, stating she should die because her brother killed Moo Youngs parents. By starting a separate investigation, as Yoo Jin Gook is marginalized in his work because of an old mistake he made. Jin Kook is confused. The detective becomes obsessed with solving the case. Yoo Jin Kook (Park Sung Woong) arrives per Moo Young's request. (LogOut/ Being based on Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no Hoshi, I expected this drama to be a Greek tragedy, where murder, incestuous relationships, and anti-heroes were the order of the day. She agrees. Jin Kan holds the gun! And, it was no secret that "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes" had a dark and mysterious theme, which promised to tear us apart as we finished unraveling the story. Moo Young confirms this. Yu Ri apologizes for trying to hit Jin Kan on the rainy night. Unfortunately, Executive Jangs assistant had multiple bullets in the gun and discharged another into Moo Young. Do they end up together in The Smile Has Left Your Eyes? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Moo Young died. From the beginning, when you start to watch the drama you get hooked, the mysterious air and these interesting characters do not go unnoticed. He falls on the ground next to Jin Kan. Is is possible Jin Kang and Moo Young are siblings is this why Jin Gook is adamant about the not being involved or is it Moo Youngs psychosis He is the first assistant in a Korean beer brewery who becomes a suspect when a woman's suicide turns out to be murder. But the officers dont stop and lead a masked Moo Young into the station. The highly anticipated K-drama "Death's Game" has recently started filming, and fans are excited to see what the star-studded cast and intriguing plot have in store. Moo Young walks away. The Story The Smile Has Left Your Eyes is about two orphans who grew up with no recollection of their childhood. I wouldnt watch this again, but I rarely rewatch with the volume of kdramas produced.But I was not bored and wondered how it would all unfold. Jin Kan entered the home and trip near the heater. We learn the executive Jang is Woo Sangs sister and they battled over control of the company. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (aka Hundred Million Stars From the Sky) Episode 16 (Final) After shooting evil Executive Jang who threatened to tell Jin Kan she was in an incestuous relationship Kim Moo Young (Seo In Guk) waits at the temple where his parents' memorial markers are. Truthfully, The Smile Has Left Your Eyes took our smile away, giving us a disconcerting and unhappy ending. He strives to "reveal" who Moo Young really is and attempts to keep his sister, Jin Kang, away from Moo Young, with whom she begins to know. Moo Young writes he wanted to become a good person but he became a murderer. When we saw the title of this story, it was easy to imagine that at the end of the drama would bring tears to our eyes. Yoo Jin Kan (Jung So Min) is interviewed by the police about Moo Young. Hes surprised when shes gone the next morning. 60 Views. See production, box office & company info, mesmerising performances and magnificent cinematography. Good looking scoundrels should be avoided at all costs. Flashback Moo Young recalls all that Jin Kook told himthat Jin Kans parents were cult members, that he knew Jin Kan because his mother because involved in the cult, that his mother stole the house deposit money for the cult, that Moo Youngs father killed his mother and Jin Kans parents out of rage, the latter shocks Moo Young. I hold out a faint hope that Jin Kook and Jin Kan arent biologically related because Executive Jang says she made that part up. OMO, OMO, OMO I cannot imagine the joy Moo Young felt after hearing he and Jin Kang are NOT biological siblings (I WAS THRILLED ) except for the fact Moo Young had ALREADY IMPLODED his life by killing the snarky, mocking Executive Jang , a schadenfreuder, in an effort to protect Jin Kang . She says everyone says hell hurt her. All; Anime; 1:05:05. Yoo Jin Kang also has a brother, a homicide detective named Yoo Jin Gook, with 27 years of job experience. How long can she keep them up? The other officer finds the murder weapon in the chest outside the apartment. She closes her eyes. A tense plot development will be revealed on October 31as viewers will find out whether she will reveal the truth of all the incidents or not. Moo Young makes rice and thinks of Jin Kan. Jin Kan goes to the police station in hopes of getting information from Executive Jangs assistant but he reveals nothing. She loves listening to music, binge-watch anything, and fangirl over BTS and . Since this is also a story about orphans. She says that job isnt a good idea. One thing is CERTAIN, Moo Young does express some emotions: anger, rage, vengeance and satisfaction his is deficient of empathy. Im very curious about what caused the discord between Jin Gook and TL Kyung . When Jin Kan enters her room, Jin Kook is waiting. Jin Kan doesnt believe it was intentional. 10/10, Enna is a highly caffeinated writer who spends more time overthinking than actually writing. Jin Kan points out her life always included him. He comes to her. She has a memory of being there as a child. The smile has left your eyes . Their song plays. (LogOut/ For once Moo Young seemed a bit desperate to connect with the cold Jin Kan. Shes wise to put up shields against him. She declares she cant leave him. The team lead it not happy to hear this. She looks pensive. Jin Kan cant return the enthusiasm they have. He knows this imploded his life. I cant believe they are siblings. Cho Rong and the other officers spot Moo Young and arrest him for murder. Interesting the Moo Young donated the money. Original title: Haneuleseo Naerineun 1eok Gaeui Byeol. He walks away. The scene where they are murdered is heartbreaking. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (aka Hundred Million Stars From the Sky) Episode 9. 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