Now, 3. Not everyone has a masculine you can trust. When you take care of yourself emotionally and physically, it shows that youre confident and strong. It doesnt matter if that is a shirt and some fancy pants or a flowery summer dress. Webyour feminine energy it helps you to fully inhabit your body to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the web jan 3 2023 Does this include a mani-pedi? We forget to have a creative outlet because when were done with work, we want to spend the rest of our time with that special someone. The thing is that if you sleep with him right away, he may not think that youre girlfriend material and will only think of you as a one-night stand. Be sensuous How to Boost Your Feminine A man who is courting you will want to make sure he treats you well because he wants you to be his girl. Understand what femininity means for you, 3. This difference is what causes polarity. When youre filled with trauma and you continue to experience negative things, then you dont have the capacity to meet your full potential. All in all, men are attracted to women who are relaxed and know how to have a good time. Although, I would definitely recommend you to go and find something that you can do on your own. Women create whole human beings and bring them into the world. When you look at your relationship, youll most probably see if youre able to put more effort into it. Its also a way for you to let him know that youre not a doormat. Thus, simply doing less for men is another way to embrace more Feminine Energy in dating. Your intuition is your inner sense of knowing, thats not dependent on anything else. To awaken your Divine Feminine Energy, make a habit out of practicing mindfulness every day, live life at your pace, and don't turn it into a competition. Women have always been perceived as the more emotionally intelligent sex. Literally, spend time with the longing that resides in your body. We all have emotional selves, but many of us haven't been taught how to understand our feelings. Loose Leaf Artisan Tea Blend includes: Raspberry Leaf, Chaste Tree Berry, Lemon Verbena, L In our culture, masculine energysince it's often about progress and moving forwardtend to be "valued" more than feminine energy. The anger we have stored in our bodies against men is harming us. Its hard to be feminine in a relationship when youre not letting yourself be vulnerable with your partner. However, societal norms often dictate that certain traits and behaviors are associated with either masculinity or femininity. The feminine craves fullness. This means that you have the strength to handle your life while also being open and honest about your feelings. Your individual way of creating beauty doesnt matter adorning yourself with jewelry, wearing makeup, doing your hair, wearing a pretty outfit, doing your nails, putting on lotion or perfume, whatever it is anything that registers as beauty to you will help you drop into your feminine. Because society will tell you that you have to be soft and quiet to be feminine. See if you can feel it, if you can communicate with it. So not just an act that you put on, but something that you cloth yourself in thats more revealing of the inner-self, so its about your authenticity more than anything shining through and how you see your femininity moving forward., But now that youve defined it, how does one get more in touch with this energy. You can also add that you always feel extremely safe next to him and that his love feels like a warm embrace. This means that you trust yourself to speak up for yourself and to set boundaries in your everyday life. Developing a sense of connection with trees, with plants around you, with birds all of these will connect you more to the pulse of the earth and to feeling supported by life. The best way you can do this is to grab a pen and paper and write everything down. Your feminine side gets expressed when you move with the flow of life, embrace your creative energy, dance, play, and attune to your internal process. Destruction comes before creation; we must say goodbye to the old to welcome the new. Find a way to regain your femininity while youre in a relationship with a man. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. To the masculine, the feminine is like taking a big drink of water when youre thirsty. Youll just be allowed to flow, change your mind, get your needs met easily, and express yourself however you please. Heres my advice: you should make a man work for your attention and affection. The essence, though, is that if you want your partner to step more into their masculine, you need to be able to be in your feminine when youre around them. The key to balance your feminine energy is to keep in mind the things that you enjoy about who you truly are on the inside, so you can exteriorize those characteristics with confidence. In his free video, James Bauer shares everything you need to know about how to trigger a mans Hero Instinct. If you love reading, go to the bookstore and pick up some new books to read. A note from Demetra today in July 2022. In todays post, were going deeper and talking about the three ways you can AMPLIFY your Feminine Energy in dating, so that you can attract high-quality masculine men. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Trust your intuition. Most of us have had our femininity shamed and made wrong. Now, this doesnt mean you need to be a doormat for men to walk all over. Two hundred years ago, women were still considered property. Youll also be able to use your masculine in ways that help you, instead of drain you. We're overworked (over-masculinized), and therefore don't often experience the spontaneous joys of life. From there the feminine decides if they are interested and accepts or denies the date. Feminine energy is not only important for attracting men but also for keeping them interested. Balancing your masculine energy will remove the feeling of fear and lack of confidence. Most often, what my clients feel is AFRAID. Let's be honest: We don't value vacation, connection, downtime, or rest as much as we should! Another important thing regarding this topic includes the clothes that youre wearing. The same way you havent been taught how to embody your feminine, men havent been taught to embody their masculine in a healthy, integrated way. Do you feel like its hard for you to drop into your feminine, or like you dont really know what that means? Boosting his ego can make him feel appreciated as a man. Feminine energy is constantly in a state of movement. She has worked with thousands of clients on improving their relationships with others and themselves. At a deeper level, being the Lighthouse means keeping an open heart and allowing yourself to be seen as the prize for all kinds of men. As human beings, we all possess masculine and feminine energies. Dont take yourself too seriously and use your feminine energy to be playful and enjoy life. Theyve done everything they were told to do to be successful in society. When youre in a relationship, you forget to pay attention to your hobbies. You can do that for yourself. Some amount of structure will be needed, of course, but there is probably more room for freedom in your schedule than you imagine. It swirls and curves, its radiant, its peaceful and calm, nurturing, intuitive, agreeable, soft, and compassionate. This is just a small explanation of why you need to create more in your life. So balance out how much you want to give in your relationship and how much you want to receive. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. When I tell you to take care of your appearance, I mean that you need to take care of your physical health. So try to do something that he will thank you for and that will mean a lot to you both. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Advertising Terms. WebSev Consulting Intl. Youll be able to use your feminine to add pleasure, surrender, and magnetism into your life. Being overly masculine and under-feminine leaves many of us longing for something elsesomething rejuvenating, something wild, something resourceful, something spontaneous. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. When it comes to dating, most men want to date someone who is confident but also vulnerable. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. WebGiving and receiving hugs and support is a huge plus, not a drawback. Its a body-centered exploration of what it means when you trust your own natural energy. N0 wonder dating any of these men did not lead anywhere! Then both of you are living against your design. She has worked with thousands of clients on improving their relationships with others and themselves, and she's also the instructor of the popular mindbodygreen courses How To Become The Most Attractive Version Of Yourself and How To Attract A Partner. Its what creates charge, or sexual tension in a relationship. Femininity to me means a womans Connect to your senses Most of us live our lives up in our minds, instead of in the rest Letting your feminine side take control of how you live and relate to others, is recognizing that vulnerability is not something to be ashamed or afraid of, but something to embrace, so be prepared to have deeper conversations. Youll only block your own blessings by always trying to reach someone elses standards. You dont want him to feel like he can say or do anything around you without consequences. By all means, include how sweet he is, but focus mostly on compliments that accentuate his masculinity. 3 techniques to dial up your feminine energy 1) Get comfortable with your emotions! Read on to find out three simple but fundamental ways in which you can access your Feminine Energy more deeply, in the dating process. This happens especially when youre married to a man who works a lot. We know how hard it can be to stay true to yourself when you have just re-started your dating life. Completely free to be yourself, in the way that you naturally are. Feminine energy is fluid. You have a stronger feelings of empathy and compassion for yourself and othersYou have a strong desire to connect with more femalesYou feel drawn to the arts as a way to express yourselfYou have no need for competing against and judging othersYou understand that your true power comes through self-love and self-careMore items Or perhaps youre always the one to forgive and forget easily, so youre always making changes to yourself. MORE: 8 Mistakes Women Make to Destroy Sexual Polarity With Men. It shows that youre a catch and dont need a man to take care of you. What things can you say no to? The bottom line is that you should be available, but dont be too available. As a result, many women find themselves embodying more masculine traits than feminine, leading to an imbalance in their core energy. As stated before, emotions are a big part of your feminine energy. WebThe key to balance your feminine energy is to keep in mind the things that you enjoy about who you truly are on the inside, so you can exteriorize those characteristics This creates a feeling of being off-balance, both individually and culturally. Theyve tried to follow in the footsteps of men to prove that they can do anything men can do, even better and theyre left feeling a bit hardened and let down by it all. However, its also possible to experience this in a relationship. In the 1960s, the only way you could get birth control is if you were married and your husband signed for it. Remember that, in order to attract meaningful connections, the best thing you can do is to stay true to yourself. WebExcellent relationship builder and strategic partner to the business and HR. It's the feminine! Her life is so full! Here are 14 powerful ways to use your feminine energy to attract a man. Take a creative writing class or go painting in nature all by yourself. Feminine energy refers to a specific set of traits, considered to be the opposite of traits associated with masculine energy. WebIf you long for your dream life but feel trapped in mediocrity & disappointment then keep reading Are you sick and tired of missing out in life & seeing everyone around you succeed, while you're left behind: broke in a job you Inside of the workplace or when dealing with clients, a cold, Touch the fabric of your clothing. Prioritize downtime and time for relaxation. You two have had a few joint ideas, but they never saw the light of day. This means no initiating communication, no texting, no reaching out, no sending Facebook and Instagram follow requests, and definitely no suggesting or planning dates if he is not asking you out! As you get to know your feeling states, you'll automatically begin to feel more whole. Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Importantly, these traits are not associated with gender. By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our You have the right to experiment with your wardrobe and find your own style. They say, You can be anything you want! and Youre too loud, bossy, and unlikeable at the same time. Create as much as you can, as often as you can! Of course, giving to men and doing things for them is another attraction-killer. Letters from my heart to yours, landing directly in your inbox. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. What can you do in a different, more relaxed way? And you can also choose to process it through your body, and to see men in a different light. Your shadow side is also known as your subconscious. Your masculine side gets expressed 1. WebSev Consulting Intl. None of these things are true, but it requires a willingness to decondition yourself to truly let go of it. Your feminine energy will come forward when your energy isnt clogged by bad experiences. Webyour feminine energy it helps you to fully inhabit your body to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the web jan 3 2023 relationship counseling can help some people work through factors If youre regularly ignoring your intuition, it will be super hard to connect to your feminine, because essentially your feminine is giving you guidance and youre constantly shutting her down, leaving you at war with yourself. if you dont feel safe, it will be very difficult to live from your feminine. Offers may be subject to change without notice. If being feminine means being more proactive for you, then do exactly that. Associated with moonlight, rejuvenation, wisdom, and creation, cultivating your feminine energy will bring about opportunities for adventure and enlightenment. This will ensure you are healthy and have enough stamina for all the things that you need to accomplish. Even so, it wouldnt hurt to also take a look at things from a mans perspective either. Ask yourself when you feel the most feminine and when you feel most like yourself. At times, I would even recommend you show less interest and let him be the one to chase you more. Angry women are villified. No matter how much you think you like him you have to let him initiate the conversation and ask you on a proper date. Make other plans and live your life. When youre in your feminine, life feels easy. Passive. Stay in your receiving energy and let yourself need him. (Read: The Ultimate Guide to Processing Emotions Through Your Body). But its not about that. This will activate the hero instinct in men and hell definitely spot the difference in you right away. No one can tell you what being feminine means, because you can redefine this entire concept to fit your own perception and description of it. And when you are fully independent, it will be easier to avoid being clingy, needy, or desperate. Many believe that women can be quite nurturing individuals, and this can be true, but it should not be linked solely with how they care for other people. If he is paying attention to you, give him some of your time and attention, but dont fully open up to him until he really proves himself as a worthy partner. We share subjects that impact your daily life and we primarily discuss and write about all things related to relationships, breakups, mental health, astrology and much more. You want to know how to be more feminine in a relationship and thats why youre here. If youre really that paralyzed by your love for that man, then you should find something that you two can do together. WebConnection - Intuition - Harmony Step into your feminine Yin energy. Youve been feeling a disbalance in your energies and you feel that if you were more feminine, then you would regain that balance. Never let anyone tell you that you dont deserve the things youre searching for. We get so carried away by our own emotions that we simply give everything that we have to the man we love. Most of us probably have some sense of what it's like to be around someone with a lot of feminine energy. Thats why, when we do get into a relationship, we tend to lose that to a certain extent. When men are able to express themselves emotionally, they can This is super important for you that you rely on yourself first and foremost. If you can live from your feminine, life will feel easy. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Youll also push men away from you which is not what most women want. By now you should have a better idea about how to use your feminine energy to attract a man. If it makes you feel confident and powerful, dont let anyone tell you that you cant wear that. Learn how your comment data is processed. You want to be able to give your partner the perfect woman because hes the perfect man for you. Youll feel completely comfortable with yourself. Associated with moonlight, rejuvenation, wisdom, and creation, cultivating your feminine energy will bring about opportunities for adventure and enlightenment. The first step towards being the Lighthouse is having a busy life. Create as much free time in your schedule as possible. The feminine is the creative force. Being vulnerable is essential to any type of relationship, because after you let some of your guards down, you start to realize how you really feel about the connections you have, and in turn, you allow other people to feel in-tune with you. You feel comfortable enough with them to show them your softest and most beautiful parts of yourself. Have you ever heard it said that men love the chase? You do this by listening to how you feel and boosting your emotional intelligence. You only need to reawaken it. It is dominant, logical, hard, direct, solid, and structured. An agency for selective divorced dating other professionals, Finding your life partner at our 40 plus dating site, An International dating agency service to find your soulmate. These cookies do not store any personal information. This is the 11 ways to increase your feminine energy and remove the blocks around it 1. So do different types of exercise every day. Remember: A man in his healthy Masculine Energy wants to give to YOU. The feminine is life force energy. It can leave us feeling like were not really comfortable with ourselves. If youre a naturally feminine woman living mostly from your masculine, you will probably feel confused, annoyed, and youll end up resenting your relationships. The number one way of amplifying your Feminine Energy in dating is to stop controlling the relationship. Click here to watch James Bauers excellent video, 10 signs that someone is in a relationship, Looking into someones eyes and feeling a connection? Keep in mind that having feminine energy on a date is about allowing. There will be many ups and downs, but always do the things that bring the most joy in your life. The best way to describe feminine energy is that its the soft, delicate, and gentle side of a person. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. Dr Donna Oriowo, a certified sex therapist, and Keli Pitts, the Femininity Doctor, joined ESSENCE Lifestyle Director Charli Penn during the 2021 ESSENCE Festival Of Culture Virtual Wellness House to dig into what it takes to reclaim our feminine energy. This will allow him to be his truest self as well. Its beauty and grace personified. As the masculine gives, the feminine receives. Trust yourself. 10 meanings behind this powerful experience. Overvaluing masculinity also leads us to become dependent on man-made things, such as our smartphones and laptops, and spend less time in nature or expressing our creative selves. 2. Take a deep breath on your last deep inhale, and then scream and shake everything out. Pitts, reminds us that we must first understand if theres anything in your heart/life thats blocking your energy. Ideally, in a place of full love, you are able to be yourself without any restraints, so do not disregard what you feel. If you want to be more in touch with your femininity, first you want to actually understand what kinds of trauma bondsthat could be a father bond, a mother trauma bondactually live in your house. Successful women are resented. It may mean that you wont tolerate any aggressive behavior, including shouting and yelling. WebIf you long for your dream life but feel trapped in mediocrity & disappointment then keep reading Are you sick and tired of missing out in life & seeing everyone around you succeed, while you're left behind: broke in a job you A woman or a man should see this as a trait of confidence and passion. You deserve to let those things roam freely in your body and in the place that you inhabit. Feel your emotions, allow yourself to be sensitive, and be the strong but sensitive woman that men want to be around. Hell explain the concept in detail and share simple text and phrases that you can use to make him think about you all the time, commit to you, make you his go-to girl, and fall in love with you. Brad Pitt feels a super strong connection with his girlfriend Ines De Ramon, according to a new report from Us Weekly . But what does it truly mean to step into our feminine energy and what role can that energy play in living our best livesboth personally and romantically? Know the difference between masculine and feminine energy. Of course this is frustrating. is part of ESSENCE Communications, Inc. I wrote this piece over 2 years ago and I think about these concepts differently today. The most difficult piece of this is that most women dont really trust their own masculine because theyve never been modeled it in a way that feels good and they also arent practiced at embodying their feminine. Even when you stop controlling and initiating contact, you may still not be fully in your Feminine Energy in dating. And men arent allowed to be feminine, either god forbid they feel their bodies or their emotions. Opening-up is probably the way to go. Youll be the nurturing partner for him and thats when your femininity will shine through. You will also be able to determine whether or not a man is right for you because youre independent and arent desperate to be with him. When you go into your masculine energy, your man naturally will step into his feminine. The way I think of it is that masculine and feminine are the umbrella terms that come first, and theyre both on one end of the same spectrum. Whats more, men dont want to be around someone who is always available to hang out with them. This will show him that youre a woman who respects herself and her body, and who isnt easy. Moving from your head into your body 4. You can effortlessly achieve it by simply being light, joyful, playful, and positive. Your external reality will mirror your internal reality, and vice versa. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Our entire world is made up of these dichotomies: dark and light, summer and winter, birth and death. Let it show itself. Ships from all corners of the sea are attracted towards the lighthouse and sail towards her. My Ex Treats His New Girlfriend Better: 11 Reminders For Your Jealousy, Your email address will not be published. While the masculine is defined by logic, the feminine is expressed through emotions. So when you feel an emotion, dont just swallow it down. Thats what makes you feel less feminine than you actually are. When you want to be a feminine partner, you should tell your partner why you love him. Home Strong Woman The power of femininity, Posted on Last updated: December 13, 2021. Instead of getting told that a womans place is in the home, like women heard in the 1900s, most women of today receive confusing mixed messages. WebBeing in your feminine allows you to experience the joy of synergy with a man, to demonstrate care and nurturing, and to set loving boundaries. I wrote an entire piece about this; the link is here! Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. Then the Divine Feminine principle will no longer be a mystery to you. Conversely, feminine energy is calm, nurturing, caring, and compassionate. Meditate Meditating allows you to get in touch with your leading energy. And affection time in your relationship and how much you want to be yourself, the... Doormat for men to walk all over you forget to pay attention to advantage! And most beautiful parts of yourself emotionally and physically, it will be very difficult to live from feminine... 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