Maybe if I'd done a better job, Worwick wouldn't have been so bad off. Scribe Haylen's Workstation HN-118FS. By default you will receive 300 bottlecaps, but by using Charisma you can increase the reward by 60, 60 and finally 120, which in total can give you 540 bottlecaps. Let it be noted for the record that Haylen is to be commended for her efforts. Tea lover and video game-obsessed writing enthusiast, Anastasia writes about games that leave an impression on her and make her come back time and time again. Upon entering, one will discover that the station is mostly in ruins. The readings are also highly sporadic, only appearing for very short amounts of time and in very specific locations. You'll be given four attempts to find the correct password, each word you select counting as one attempt. Registration: KN-100K You can open it with appropriate key[5]. Captain Kells give this quest to you. Scribe Haylen has been picking up unusual energy readings on her instruments. Torso wounds caused massive internal bleeding. Inside the motor pool, a power armor station is against the western wall. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: EdWi-02 If you manage to do that, you will not have to complete the rest of the objectives. Rubble and damages will appear during and after, The safe in the eastern office can be unlocked using the Cambridge Police Station safe key; this applies to both versions of the safe, both the one before Shadow of Steel and the one holding the. You will get the Holotags. Knight Brach After Shadow of Steel is started, the station receives reinforcements from the Prydwen and will be refitted into an official outpost. Note: This desk terminal is located on a desk in the eastern corner office, available once xxxxx. Brotherhood of Steel Do I Have To Join The Brotherhood of Steel To Finish Semper Invicta? Heading south from College Square, the station will be on the right, with a makeshift barricade on the perimeter. Houses, offices, and agricultural areas will become pest-free with our services. 5. High-levels of G-band radiation exposure were also present. We were hoping to resupply at the armory there, but Knight-Sergeant Dawes was killed. The evidence locker is locked (novice level). 0000DFC60000DFC70000DFC8 (bridge)0001FA25 (interior)0000DFE9 (pier southwest) Objective: Go to Cambridge Police Station, Talk to Paladin Danse, and help the Brotherhood Recon Team. The button to open the motor pool door is to the left of the door itself. Once that is done, look for Dance who is missing. STATUS: Transferred to Federal Officer J. Dobson. Paladin Danse has the key to the Cambridge Police Station. Whether your office needs a reliable exterminator or your home is under attack by a variety of rodents and insects, you dont need to fear anymore, because we are here to help you out. Recommended 24 hours bed rest but patient refused. CASE 772-RE: Neilson Reckless Endangerment Logs Registration: DW-112KS Status: Completed The Institute's been destroyed and we owe it all to that vault dweller Danse took in a while back. Danse explains that the police station was chosen as an outpost because Scribe Haylen detected "disturbing energy readings" in the area, which are short-lived and on a frequency indicating a high level of technology. Patient lost approximately 2 quarts of blood. One is to report his crime and have him sent to the police station. Location: Cambridge Polymer Labs If you decide to spare him then there are two different options that you can take. Status: Released, Prisoner: R. Cohle (CL-228K) plastkupa utomhusbelysning; discord ranking system The final level of the Hacker perk actually prevents you from ever getting locked out from a terminal when you've spent all your chances. I heard it took Ingram and her team quite a lot of time to piece him back together, but I know this will tip the tables in our favor. Knight-Sergeant Dawes We've discovered a secure building in Cambridge that appears to be a former police station. :(. Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? Limited-Time Introductory Pricing. The house south of it has the remains of Knight Varham. Completed By: Rhys RS-104K/Haylen HN-118FS It was nice to have some help for a change. We've updated this guide with more information on how hacking works, the Likeness mechanic, and we've added some tips that should make this minigame much easier. Get to the reactor entrance and reach the central elevator. Optional Objective: Activate Engine Cores Rocket, Check to see Danses condition. Unfortunately it appears you've ran into a bug, Paladin Danse is supposed to be in the courtyard, not on the roof. You can decide whether she accompanies you or not. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? STATUS: Transferred to trash. Upon entering, make a left, then a right . Registration: HN-118FS I can't imagine what the Institute is thinking right now, but I'm certain they're getting nervous. Returning to the exit door and facing east, one can see the satellite post with a Brotherhood flag attached and a small collapsed outbuilding to its north. Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS It's been two days since our failed operation at Corvega, and I'm sad to report that Knight Worwick has died. A nearby gate to the west leads out of the defended area to an alley on the north side of the building. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: EdWi-00 The terminal (expert level) allows you to activate the police robot. Knight Worwick Before the Great War, the station was shared between Cambridge law enforcement and Boston Police Department Captain Widmark's team working on the Eddie Winter case. Objective: Listen to AF95 Military Frequency, head to Cambridge Police Station, Help the soldiers, and talk to Paladin Danse. 012287-1 Medical File WR-113K Scribe Haylen attempted to treat him, but Brach succumbed to his wounds and died. Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS I think he/she's going to stick around for a while. Where, at the beginning of the game you had . Patient died approximately 3 minutes after incident. I was almost certain our mission would take years, maybe longer, but I've never been happier to be wrong. Recommended 24 hours bed rest but patient refused. OBJECT: 2x spool, 200' copper cable Item: Medical Facility/Interrogation Room The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? CASE 155-H: Winter Holotape Logs Unsere Bestenliste Mar/2023 Ausfhrlicher Produktratgeber Beliebteste Lego 41027 Aktuelle Angebote Preis-Le. Status: Deceased, Knight Brach Go to Boston Airport, Ingram is working on a war machine that needs a lot of work. Knight Worwick was wounded, so I decided to fall back to Cambridge. Some kind of a vault dweller wandered into our compound today and helped us put down some ferals. Subject died peacefully. I heard the island was completely cleansed of Super Mutants, and that we have our new recruit to thank for it. Fallout 4. Paladin Danse is dead. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ArHo-00 Carhenge can be found directly south of Walden Pond. I just hope that someday, Maxson will realize he made the wrong choice and at least give Danse the proper memorial that he's due. In the locked room (novice level), there are some building materials and a safe (advanced level). the game to the state at the end of the game. Gladius Personnel Terminal. After several months, my squad has just crossed the border and entered the Commonwealth. Cell name If you head to Lexington or College Square, you will receive a radio transmission on your Pipboy. Working conditions inside of the labs became so bad that some scientists decided to take their own lives. One of the words on that screen is the password. You are now a member of Brotherhood of Steel, go to the police station and speak with Danse. Insert the Holotape into the terminal to steal the data. STATUS: Mailed to Sgt. Cambridge Police Station terminal entries. During our retreat, Knight Brach stepped on a landmine. Registration: WR-113K Speak to Proctor Ingram to trigger this quest. Recon Data Logging Terminal. If you can't be bothered to invest in the Hacker perk, but would still like to easily access the many terminals of the Commonwealth, an easy way to do this is to simply take Nick Valentine along with you as your companion. Map Quinlan has a way to find him to go meet-up on the main deck. Location is marked on your map, go there and do the wet work, report to Kells to complete the quest. Medical File WR-113K I don't know if I'm imagining things, but I'm pretty sure Proctor Quinlan sounds a bit jealous when I've been radioing in my reports. And what keeps us united are two things. Note: This entry appears after completing Blind Betrayal. The radiation . There are two variants depending on the ending of the quest. When: Any time after completing the Fire Support quest. Mostly junk, but might be a few bits of tech scattered around. STATUS: Transferred to Federal Officer J. Dobson. OBJECT: 2x bottle, "Platinum Inebriater" beverage 072287-5 These blokes pack some serious firepower. However, if you selected the word "PICK," you'd get a Likeness rating of "0." The next step is to talk to Paladin Danse who appears to be on the top of the station. OBJECT: 3x "Fission Pal" home nuclear reactors recovered from suspect's desk, Cambridge S&L Brotherhood of SteelRecon Squad Gladius According to Scribe Haylen, this location is structurally sound, and highly defensible. A lot of people tend to prioritize lockpicking over hacking. Location: Cambridge Polymer Labs OBJECT: 1x set of clothes, abandoned at scene At Knight Rhys's suggestion, I've added several high-powered security spotlights to various strategic points on the exterior of the police station. Location is a former automotive assembly plant that is likely to contain a promising number of technological discoveries and documentation. Various props and items, including spotlights, are added after The Molecular Level is completed. The southern door out of the reception area leads to the office area. Thankfully, you can cut through a large chunk of this tedium by selecting certain characters present in this terminal interface. Note that subject neglected to wear protective armored helmet as recommended. Note: This desk terminal is located in the desk next to the entrance foyer. I can't imagine what the Institute is thinking right now, but I'm certain they're getting nervous. Medical File RS-104K To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Keys in Fallout 4 can be used to unlock doors and access otherwise locked locations. About: This mod automatically bypasses the Fire Support bug that happens when you kill all the enemies at the Cambridge Police Station, but then Danse and the other BoS respond to you like they're still in combat. Replaced destroyed transmitter with Deep Range Transmitter acquired from ArcJet Systems. After Haylen identifed the Corvega Factory in Lexington as a possible site containing viable pre-war technology, we initiated a sweep and retrieve operation. The war's finally over! 4 4 DLCWorkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCWorkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm 7 7 DLCUltraHighResolution.esm 8 8 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp 9 9 ArmorKeywords.esm 10 a Loads.esm 11 b Homemaker.esm 12 c HUDFramework.esm 13 d SpringCleaning.esm 14 e TrueStormsFO4.esm 15 f Arbitration - Resources.esm 16 10 ccfsvfo4001-modularmilitarybackpack.esm The quest Fire Support then begins, and the station's location will be marked on the map. I'm going to be the fourth scribe in Brotherhood history to travel to the Commonwealth for research and collection. Cambridge Police Station Safe Key (dn130cambridgepdsafekey) 0003c43d: Campbell's Safe Password (dn088_safepassword) 0008c3fe: . We don't have the equipment necessary to track these readings, so we're attempting to use triangulation to discover their point of origin. Fallout 4 " The old Cambridge Police Station has been occupied by the Brotherhood of Steel, and now serves as an important listening post and resupply depot. Was able to extract most of embedded bullet shrapnel. FO4. 042287-4 Mastering the hacking skill can lead to secret quests, loot, and lore. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. On top of the Hacker perk, there are two additional perks that can help you boost your hacking skills effectively: The science bobblehead, once collected, will permanently grant you an extra chance of guessing a password while hacking. You'll essentially have infinite chances of hacking a terminal, no matter what. Important Items in This Area Intelligence Bobblehead Massachusetts Surgical Journal Overdue Book x6 Subsubscribe to Premium to Remove When you arrive, if you have not already d EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ChNe-01 In both situations. Diagnosis in field difficult, but suggest battle fatigue and stress probable causes. Notes: Due to Knight Rhys's recent acts of uncommon valor, all charges have been dropped. However, if you had given him the Serum at an earlier point in the story, then you can decide to either kill him or let him go. Danse took the new guy up to the Prydwen. Patient stated symptoms of head pain and inability to sleep. This should "fix" the issue (since he turns around and walks into the police station). Prisoner Log Terminal, Prisoner: D. Clarke (CL-312I) That might sound confusing on paper, so let's give an example. Some kind of a vault dweller wandered into our compound today and helped us put down some ferals. The Cambridge Police Station terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in and around Cambridge Police Station in Fallout 4. I've decided to establish our headquarters here for the time being. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Objective: Fly to Mass Fusion and reach the roof, find the Beryllium Agitator, obtain the executive key card, reach the Reactor Level, proceed to the reactor chamber, take the Beryllium Agitator, remove Reactor Level security. This will change your loyalty to the Institute; this will trigger Mass Fusion for the Institute quest. Even though Rhys doesn't want to admit it, I think he's impressed. He was in a lot of pain, but there was only so much I could do to ease his suffering. Brotherhood of Steel Post-War, the station is being used as the forward base of operations for the Brotherhood of Steel Recon Squad Gladius. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Thanks to this, you will find defeating groups of opponents, in the neighboring room, easier. Brotherhood of Steel 042287-4 Thanks to this, you will find defeating groups of opponents, in the neighboring room, easier. Finding roaches in your home every time you wake up is never a good thing. In the wall, there is a safe (expert level), which you can either pick, or open y hacking into the terminal (novice level). We were able to clear the building and recover a good deal of supplies and ammunition from pre-war caches inside. It is locked Advanced. Moreover, some of the most precious things tend to be stored away behind locked magnetic doors, so having a high hacking skill is definitely a plus. Rank: Knight Location appears to be a former research facility that is reasonably intact. Holotape 4 is in evidence lockup with the Natick Police Station. Medical File DN-407P Scribe Haylen informed me that he was suffering and had less than five percent chance of recovery. Key Features: View the locations of all marked places on the map. You need to speak with Paladin Danse and agree to help him once you are done with Ghouls in the area. Location: HalluciGen Was able to extract most of embedded bullet shrapnel. Unlike the Capital Wasteland, which was nearly obliterated by nuclear weapons, this place has areas that are virtually untouched by time and brimming with technological artifacts. Knight-Sergeant Dawes This means that you have to kill him as soon as you see him or you will be dead. EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: AnAd-01 Objective: Speak With Paladin Danse and follow him, find a way to open the closed door, Kill Ghouls, Restore auxiliary power, go to control room, clear the control room, retrieve the transmitter, leave ArcJet Systems and talk to Danse. Rank: Initiate Fortunately, there are a few ways you can streamline this process. Administered Stimpak meds to stimulate bone regen and wound closure. Beyond the door at the south end of the corridor is the stairwell down to the motor pool exit. I'm on the PS4, so I don't exactly have a console I can use :). Moving slightly to the right and following the fence will lead to a short set of steps down to the helipad, which will be occupied by a vertibird after the Brotherhood's main forces arrive in the Commonwealth. STATUS: Transferred to Federal Officer J. Dobson. Subject died peacefully. On the southern wall is a set of shelves and cabinets, with a weapons workbench appearing after the Brotherhood reinforcements arrive. Maxson says that our work in the Commonwealth is far from over, but even I can hear the excitement and the pride in his voice. The second perk is the companion perk Close to Metal, which is gained from reaching the highest affinity with Nick Valentine. It's a stunning video game secret and a challenge for any Fallout monster hunter. It was against everything I've been taught, but Worwick would never have made the trip back home alive. Sarmad is our Senior Editor, and is also one of the more refined and cultured among us. 2. Once inside, head through the first door on the left. His gunshot wounds had left him paralyzed and internally bleeding. Report any unusual activity using standard long-range communications to Scabbard. Notes: Initiate Clarke is to be held pending trial by the Elder. Along the northern wall of the reception area is a doorway to the left and a hole in the wall to the right. Note: This xxxxx terminal is located xxxxx. Sulzback, Malden PD. Also, the more quests players do for the Railroad faction it'll impact the player's relation with other factions negatively. Logged By: Scribe Haylen HN-118FS EVIDENCE LOG ENTRY: ArHo-01 Attempted to implement internal sutures but facility is insufficient for surgery of that magnitude. 6 Tom Franklin's Suicide Note. We've been attempting to contact Scabbard with the energy reading Haylen has collected, but the police station's high-gain antenna was damaged by a Super Mutant rocket attack and we can't transmit the data. If you kill him, the matter will be solved. Listen to it and go to the station. Site may contain useful technological discoveries and spare parts. A word's Likeness refers to the number of letters that align with the correct password. On the gantry, the body of Knight Keane and a feral ghoul can be found, along with two ammo boxes and a first aid box. We sustained another casualty today at grid reference A113. I've served under Danse for a long time. Cambridge is located south and southeast of Lexington, and despite its proximity, it is generally much more dense and dangerous than the aforementioned area.Within the confines of Cambridge you can expect to encounter raiders, super mutants, ghouls and, to a lesser degree, mirelurks, among other critters. Medical File RS-104K STATUS: In Cambridge Police evidence - S01-A28. In a small locked room (novice level) there is an issue of Guns and Bullets. Even if Quinlan's report is accurate, does it really matter? Objective: Put the Network Scanner Holotape inside the Institute Terminal, report to Proctor Ingram. You can no longer be locked out of a terminal when you fail. You are tasked with getting some data during your infiltration of the Institute. Speak with Elder Maxson and to go the Old Robotics area and reach the Institute Bioscience laboratory. Exiting the barricade to the south and turning right leads to the motor pool (garage) on the south side of the building, which can only be opened from inside the station. There is an office nearby, use the terminal inside to disable them. Institutions, golf courses, sports fields these are just some examples of the locations we can rid of pests. I wish Cade was here, he would have fixed everything. Is there a known fix for this? Type: Repair STATUS: In Cambridge Police evidence lock-up - S03-B11. CAMBRIDGE POLICE EVIDENCE TERMINAL I wonder what Maxson will think of him? I know Danse can be so damn cold sometimes, but in this case, I think he's right. Log 022287-2 It only appears after Shadow of Steel begins. Was able to supplement with emergency blood packs. It only takes a minute to sign up. Access Cambridge evidence terminal (Optional) Find Eddie Winter's Holotapes (1/10) Medical File DW-112KS Note: This entry appears only if Clarke is convinced to turn himself in at the end of Duty or Dishonor. If you had destroyed the Institute without granting Virgil the serum, he will already want to kill you once he sees you. In the cell that is secured with a lock (novice level), there are some meds. This terminal is located in the exterior garage (in the Cambridge Police Station motor pool.) Unauthorized Users Report Directly To Lock-Up! I'm going to be the fourth scribe in Brotherhood history to travel to the Commonwealth for research and collection. To the east is a stairway to the outer barricade gantry. Fortunately, we were able to repel the attack and continue our mission. Item: Roof antenna array In the room, there is a terminal (novice level), which holds information about prisoners. Soon after, my squad was ambushed by Raiders. alcohol and cigarettes. Knight Keane's Power Armor was destroyed and we lost some of our supplies. Escort Liberty Prime and reach safely at the location safely. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. It only appears after Shadow of Steel begins. The lights tend to deter attacks from Ferals and will provide additional visibility should the station come under fire. I think he's going to stick around for a while. Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? Notes: Initiate Clarke is to be held pending trial by the Elder. Torso wounds caused massive internal bleeding. This terminal is located behind the main counter of the police station. Related: Fallout 4: Things You Completely Missed In Diamond City. Cambridge Police Station glitch?? Status: Deceased, Scribe Haylen Old scrapyard with a decent potential for raw material collection. As the ranking Sentinel, and the second highest member of the Brotherhood in this operational theater, it is now your responsibility to improve and . Jumping to this rooftop will allow access to the fire escape and a return to ground level. Charges: Larceny, Dereliction, Aiding the Enemy I suppose only time will tell. RLS now offering Online Homeschool and Afterschool for Kids. If you fail all four attempts, you'll be temporarily locked out of the terminal. Factions Subject was struck by a blow to the head from a Super Mutant sledge-like weapon. Selecting a set of brackets does not consume any password attempts, so you'll want to select these brackets whenever possible to increase your odds of finding the correct password. By executing him, I think we've made a terrible mistake. Objective: Reach Institute reactor, override Institute lockdown, place fusion pulse charge inside reactor, activate detonator. Soon after, my squad was ambushed by Raiders. Many locations around the Commonwealth have terminals that allow you to unlock new areas, control security systems, or even activate robotic helpers to fight for you. At the police station. If it is your first visit you will encounter Paladin Danse fighting off a horde of Feral Ghouls. Head to Vault 75 to find this bobblehead. Type: Install Our professional rodent controlwill surely provide you with the results you are looking for. This small building in the heart of Malden housed its Police Department. Cambridge Police Station ARCANE ON TWITCH ARCANE ON TWITTER SUBSCRIBE . Status: Completed Functioning robotic unit inside appears to be trying to "hire" human researchers for unknown purpose. Someone sure was thorough when it came to proper defenses. If you fail all attempts, you need to wait a short moment for the terminal to reset. The following are all Railroad quests that players can complete in Fallout 4. Rank: Knight FO4 : r/Fallout. Suffered multiple GSW to the leg and torso. The lights tend to deter attacks from Ferals and will provide additional visibility should the station come under fire. Brotherhood of Steel Recon Squad Gladius's current orders are as follows: A holotape recording of a mysterious mission briefing. 102287-6 High-levels of G-band radiation exposure were also present. Fallout 4 Game Guide & Walkthrough by @Ben, the garage door appears to be closed. Status: Deceased, Knight Brach The other scribes in the Order think I'm out of my mind joining Danse's recon team, but I refuse to miss out on the opportunity. Return to the Cambridge Police Station, where Danse will announce your enlistment to the rest of the Brotherhood . Cambridge Police Station terminal entries I just hope that some day, Maxson will realize he made the wrong choice and at least give Danse the proper "memorial" that he's due. Danse ordered me to put him down. Info When you find the tape in Lucias locker, confront Lucia with what you found and then tail Clarke to the ruins below the airport. STATUS: Transferred to Hazardous Materials Disposal Unit. This time, go to the left and over to the first cell to your left on the Eastern side of the . I wonder what Maxson will think of him/her? Status: Deceased, Knight Rhys Go left inside it then enter the second door on the right. At the top of the third line, you'll see the number of attempts available for the terminal, which will update after every failed attempt. Fallout 4: Complete Guide To Terminal Passwords And Hacking. How can the mass of an unstable composite particle become complex? Fast travel to somewhere else far enough away, I would suggest Coastal cottage or Kingsport lighthouse and go to sleep for 24 hours. The following is based on bugged content. Objective: Meet Proctor Ingram, Proctor Teagan, Proctor Quinlan and Knight-Captain Cade. Sale Ends Soon. OBJECT: 1x pamphlet, "Your Rights at Work," recovered from suspect's desk, Cambridge S&L Extraction time undetermined. As we approached, our squad was hit with gunfire. You have to visit ArcJet Systems and get the transmitter Danses need. After the Brotherhood of Steel's reinforcements arrive, this room will be converted into a barracks, with two beds as well as a chemistry station where the couch was originally placed. I'm trying to enter Cambridge Police Station to finish the "Cleansing the Commonwealth" quest but every time I try to enter my game crashes. Finding the right password can take ages if you aren't used to hacking. Well, the big secret is out. Prisoner Log Terminal I'm happy that our vault dweller friend took my advice and gave Danse a chance to tell his side of the story. The other scribes in the Order think I'm out of my mind joining Danse's recon team, but I refuse to miss out on the opportunity. The Cambridge Police Station is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287. . I think I've cataloged more in my short time here than in my entire tour at the Citadel. Appearances Our Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel Quests Guide will help you find and complete all quests offered to you by the Brotherhood of Steel. 1. You can either kill him on the spot yourself, witness his execution, or give a second chance. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Danse seems to have latched on to him/her, but Rhys thinks our new friend might be up to something. The Commonwealth is an amazing place. End of information based on bugged content. It's been two days since our failed operation at Corvega, and I'm sad to report that Knight Worwick has died. Item: Roof Defense Barricades Objective: Meet with Elder Maxson, get on-board the Vertibird gunship, Kill the Super Mutant Behemoth, clear Fort Strong, clear Fort Strong armory, talk to Paladin Danse, talk to Elder Maxson. Site is heavily guarded by a group of Raiders, so extreme caution is recommended. Knight Keane Location: HalluciGen Site suspected to have ties to prewar military and could prove highly beneficial for sweep and retrieve. The Elder as a possible site containing viable pre-war technology, we a! Likeness rating of `` 0. never have made the trip back home alive use the terminal and..., but suggest battle fatigue and stress probable causes: activate Engine Cores Rocket, to. A better job, Worwick would n't have been dropped Functioning robotic unit inside appears be... I 'm certain they 're getting nervous to have latched on to him/her but... 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The Chill Scott Carson Ending Explained, Articles F