Please contact the venue or visit their website below for more details. July 15-22 Tour Dates 2021. June 16 Each e-ticket has a QR code that must be scanned. The Jacksonville Public Education Fund (JPEF) is pleased to announce grant awards to three local organizations in support of their work to recruit, support and retain diverse male teachers. -., National Quartet ConventionPigeon Forge, TN Dr. David Jeremiah may be touring in Columbia, Oakland, Hartford, Saratoga, Rogers, Anaheim, Austin, Newark, Miami, or Portland and you can buy tickets online from us. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'justatickets_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-justatickets_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'justatickets_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',112,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-justatickets_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-112{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. It was a fantastic evening of music and fun with a great message of what Christmas really means!! Dr. Jeremiah will be speaking in Tampa at the Yuengling Center at USF on October 5th at 7:00pm - 9:00pm - doors open at 6:00pm.. As ministry partners with Salem communications (WTBN Radio) and Moody Radio (91.1FM) who host Dr. David Jeremiah as a speaker . Please refer to the venue's website below for information on where to park and whether there is a parking fee. Were here to make sure you get what you bargained for-i.e., the best seat at your favoriteDavid Jeremiah event, without a hefty price tag. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-justatickets_com-medrectangle-3-0'; lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); David Jeremiah Tickets,Tour Dates &Schedule2023. Turning Point is the Broadcast Ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah. } Info: 256.355.1554 Info: 800.846.8499 Copyright 2000 - 2023 Dr. David Jeremiah | Turning Point for God. Turning Point is the Broadcast Ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah. Info: 256.355.1554 Each event starts at 7 PM, but the venues will open for seating as early as 5:30 PM. You must learn to use the strategies God has provided if you want to stand strong in His power.if you want to live the life of an overcomer, this powerful book by Dr. David Jeremiah will teach you how to live each day in the strength God has provided. I look forward to seeing you there! ExtraMile Arena .third-party-logos img { margin: 0; - Part 2 Then Just A Ticket offers just what you need! Lowest price for tickets I could find" - George H. Browse the David Jeremiah & Friends t icket listing and see the entire 2023 Schedule . Most of the Turning Point staff will be in business casual attire. The Inspiration Healthy Traveling Experience, For information about Christian cruises & tours, please contact, Turning Point Ministries Alaska Cruise Conference. Turning Point for God is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Yes, though it is not mandatory for volunteers to stay and help with the takedown. Request Now Enjoy the Convenience of Immediate Ready-to-Use Access Volunteers are welcome to wear jeans, and we strongly recommend wearing comfortable shoes.We will provide you with a volunteer t-shirt once you arrive at check-in on the day of the event. Register for a free ticket at or on the Turning Point App. Governance Information | Boise, ID:, Boise, ID: You may register yourself to volunteer when you place your group order, but the other members of your group will have to submit their own separate volunteer registration forms. Like a moving postcard, Alaska is a scenic playground of rushing rivers, sparkling waterfalls and . All personal items are subject to being searched. LeConte Center justify-content: center; Premium Seating offers a 100% Money-Back Guarantee on every ticket we sell. An Evening With David JeremiahBoise, ID Join Dr. Jeremiah in the land that inspired your faith, or on a life-changing cruise that will forge new friendships and grow your roots even deeper in God's Word. Delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world. North Florida Land Trust will be hosting its annual meeting on Sunday, March 5 at The Barn Palm Valley. Browse the David Jeremiah ticket listing and see the entire 2023 Schedule. # Christmas 30.11.2022 832 +1 David Jeremiah - Why the Nativity? This will give you time to park and and be ready for the check-in process that begins at 3:45 PM.IMPORTANT: The arena will not be available to enter until 3:30 PM and we cannot accept any late volunteers past 4:15 PM. Totally enjoyed it. This ensures everyone has immediate access to their ticket and can individually choose to volunteer or not. October 16-18 Turning Point and Dr. David Jeremiah will never contact you privately through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other digital . } September 29 Employment & Volunteer Opportunities. US: Dr. David Jeremiah concerts in US : Europe: Dr. David Jeremiah concerts in Europe : Canada: Dr. David Jeremiah concerts in Canada : Australia: You can buy cheap Dr. David Jeremiah tour tickets online for the following cities Baltimore, Boston, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Rosemont, Phoenix, Tennessee, Indianapolis, Hershey, or Tacoma from Dont have the app? Info: 256.355.1554 Your donation gift(s) are very much appreciated and may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Make sure you have these things! Each event starts at 7 PM, but the venues will open for seating as early as 5:30 PM. Cruise conferences provide the opportunity for Believers to laugh, sightsee, gain new biblical insights and create memories that will last forever. Join Dr. David Jeremiah to learn how our mindset affects our spiritual life as we study the difference between the flesh and the Spirit.See more from Dr. Dav. Youll be excited to know that Dr. David Jeremiah is on tour in 2023-2024. Join our free email list. Get the answers to many of the most frequently asked questions about these live events. Order Tickets Here, Gridiron Men's ConferenceHuntsville, AL, Turning Point is the broadcast ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah, Biography When accessing your e-tickets from your online account, you may print out each one and distribute to your group. After placing your order, you will be sent an email with a PDF copy of your ticket(s). LeConte Center } All Rights Reserved. If you would like to volunteer but have physical limitations, we will work with you to assign a more accommodating role. .third-party-logos img { LeConte Center } Yes! Learn more and join us at one of our inspiring and lifechanging events. The light meal will likely consist of a standard box meal (sandwich, chips, etc.). You have three options for distributing the e-tickets to your group: Each e-ticket on your order has a Send link that allows you to transfer the e-ticket to another recipient via email or text. This phenomenal travel experience will be a time for us to come together and thank God for all He's done as we position ourselves for all that 2022 holds. margin-left: 15px; July 16 - 23, 2023 : Alaska Cruise Prophecy Conference., Celebrators ConferencePigeon Forge, TN Exceptional Worship width: auto; 1-877-392-9710 . If you are logged in to your web account, you will see your e-ticket as soon as you open the Turning Point app! Dont have the app? David Jeremiah . Order Tickets Here, Gridiron Men's ConferenceHuntsville, AL We also want to heed the call for caution in the Governors statement when declaring the state of emergency, and ensure that emergency personnel can easily navigate the streets." The website for An Evening with David Jeremiah has launched, and tickets are now available at Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. -Click here, DisclaimerNotice:This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by David Jeremiahin any way. You will also receive several emails with information leading up to the event. ExtraMile Arena June 16 You may register yourself to volunteer when you place your group order, but the other members of your group will have to submit their own separate volunteer registration forms. Register for a free ticket at or on the Turning Point App. Exceptions may be made (but are not guaranteed) for bags necessary for medical or children needs. Your donation gift(s) are appreciated and are tax deductible in Canada. Be encouraged by Dr. Jeremiah's message from the unchanging Word of God. E-tickets are QR codes that are stored and accessed digitally, allowing you the flexibility to present your ticket from your smartphone or to print your ticket at home. To log in and see your e-ticket, simply tap the Profile tab on the bottom right, then log in with your email address and password. Governance Information | October 16-18 Upon arrival, you can have each e-ticket scanned from your smartphone for the whole group. "The safety of our audience, volunteers, staff and arena personnel is of utmost importance., Alaska Cruise LeConte Center .third-party-logos { We are delivering the unchanging Word of God to an everchanging worldby going out into the world! Donna and I are excited to return for another Turning Point Israel tour, March 19-29, 2019.May 13, 2022.Be part of a once in a lifetime journey.. la. The meal will be held in the volunteer room. David Jeremiah Tickets, Schedule & Tour dates 2023, icket listing and see the entire 2023 Schedule. Federal Transparency in Coverage Rule includes health plans, providers and rates , Turning Point is the Broadcast Ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah, Federal Transparency in Coverage Rule includes health plans, providers and rates . In His Steps: A Holy Land Tour with Jimmy Evans & Ed Young November 29 - December 8, 2023 VIEW EVENT Michael W. Smith & Friends Israel Tour April 2 - 12, 2024 VIEW EVENT Harvest Ministries Israel Tour with Greg Laurie April 9 - 19, 2024 VIEW EVENT Calvary Church Israel Tour with Skip Heitzig May 1 - 12, 2024 VIEW EVENT The event starts at 7:00 PM and lasts for approximately 2.5 hours. Join Dr. Jeremiah for an inspiring evening of life-changing teaching and exceptional worship! @media (max-width:400px) { David Jeremiah Announces New Teaching Series and Fall Tour Coming This October to Florida. Info: 855.876.9220 Join The Voice contestant, Michael Sanchez, and the Turning Point Worship Band for a powerful worship experience. Help Center, Return Policy | Employment & Volunteer Opportunities. For more information on attending An Evening with David Jeremiah, or other events involving Turning Point and Dr. Jeremiah, contact Turning Point at (619) 258-3600 or via email, April 20 When accessing your e-tickets from your online account, you may print out each one and distribute to your group. Life-changing Tours Since 1987 - Call Us Toll Free: 800.322.0788 Home Scheduled Tours Group Leaders Christian Tours Company Info Israel Tours & Holy Land Tours 2023, 2024 Our Israel tours & Holy Land tours for the Evangelical Protestant Bible believer of 9-24 days are what Pilgrim Tours does best. You can direct them to, and when prompted on the volunteer registration form, they can mark that they have already received an e-ticket for the event.Helpful Hint: We recommend each person register for their e-ticket separately. You can direct them to, and when prompted on the volunteer registration form, they can mark that they have already received an e-ticket for the event.Helpful Hint: We recommend each person register for their e-ticket separately. David Jeremiah concert schedule has finally been publicized. Donor Privacy Policy | (Lakeside, CA) Turning Point for God is pleased to announce the schedule for David Jeremiahs 2021 Fall Tour. Info: 855.876.9220 Dr. David Jeremiah'sSpeaking Schedule 2023 An Evening With David JeremiahBoise, ID April 20 ExtraMile Arena Order Tickets Here Gridiron Men's ConferenceHuntsville, AL June 16 Propst Arena Info: 256.355.1554 Alaska Cruise July 15-22 Inspiration Cruises & Tours Info: 855.876.9220 display: flex; David Jeremiah Immanuel is born. Take a look at this clip Info: 800.846.8499 Turning Point will work with arena staff to reschedule the event for a future date. See the full schedule of events for David Jeremiah at the ticket listing and book David Jeremiah event tickets and event dates. If you would like to volunteer but have physical limitations, we will work with you to assign a more accommodating role. The recipient will be asked to provide their email address and cell phone number to receive access to the e-ticket you have sent to them. Speaking Schedule Lisa Harper . Published September 09, 2021 Advertiser Inspiration Cruises & Tours Advertiser Profiles Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Songs - Add display: flex; Inspiration Cruises & Tours encourages you to experience the setting of the bible first-hand with David Jeremiah in Israel. Jordan was wonderful to listen to as well as Sheila. LeConte Center } var alS = 2021 % 1000; Propst Arena Copyright 2000 - 2023 Dr. David Jeremiah | Turning Point for God. Event ticket (screenshot on your phone, printed, or on the app). Inspiration Cruises & Tours Yes, you may bring your own food. Everything about the evening was magical and done with absolute perfection! If youve waited a long time to see Dr. David Jeremiah live, the wait is over. padding: 20px 0; container.appendChild(ins); margin: 0 10px !important; Legal Disclaimer & Conditions | INVITE OTHERS FROM YOUR COMMUNITY TO JOIN YOU AT THIS FREE LIVE EVENT. Look no further. Yes, you may print your e-ticket but please try not to fold or crease the paper as it will be difficult for ticket scanners to scan your ticket. height: 58px; Boise, ID:, Celebrators ConferencePigeon Forge, TN Whether attending solo or in a group, we strongly encourage all attendees to order their e-tickets individually. Join Dr. Jeremiah for an inspiring evening of life-changing teaching and exceptional worship! Boise, ID:, Boise, ID: Please search for a new event or check out a popular upcoming event below. 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