Legislators seek to lower permits from $2,000 to $815. The LDB supplies product to more than 10,000 B.C. Raffle Tickets Online. The Texas Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! 501 (c) (7) social clubs' exempt purpose does not have to be charitable, but it must be social or recreational and non-profitable. Grounds for permit revocation or suspension, Possession of beer keg lacking required identification. 166 C. 97. 191 C. 528; 195 C. 18; 207 C. 88; 236 C. 670. font size, Check the Status of your Liquor Permit Application, Guest Book Waiver Online Notification (LIC, LPC & LGC Clubs Only). c. 138, unless otherwise noted. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. 21a-408), PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS (PELS) (see LAND SURVEYOR), REPAIR OF CONSUMER GOODS (see BUSINESS PRACTICES), Occupational Licensing, Title 20, Chapter 393, UNFAIR SALES PRACTICES (see BUSINESS PRACTICES), UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES (see CONNECTICUT UNFAIR TRADE PRACTICES ACT), On the other hand, in Swift v. My Brothers Place, (14 Conn. L. Rptr 317, 320) the Superior Court found that a permittee was liable for the reckless actions of his employees. The committee met over Zoom on Thursday morning and voted to raise bills, including one called An Act Concerning Non-Profit Club Fees. The Department of Revenue Services Commissioner can suspend or revoke a dealer's or distributor's license for any sale or delivery of tobacco to a minor. Cited. 21a-244), Regulations on Record Keeping for Controlled Drugs(Sec. Dram Shop Act; liquor seller liable for damage by intoxicated person . Suspension of permit for violation of noise standards, When appeal not to act as stay of execution, Conviction of permittee or backer; revocation or suspension of permit; forfeiture, Offer in compromise in lieu of suspension, Continuation of service when special sporting facility permit revoked. She said while some parts of the bill went into effect immediately and others in January 2020, the permit changes didn't take effect until July 2020. Are liquor stores open on Sundays in Connecticut? Formal Opinion wheels at bazaars in Connecticut in the wake of the repeal of the statutes NewsLog | Penalty, Purchase, possession or sale of powdered alcohol prohibited. These kinds of situations can come in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, bar fights, property damages, injuries, driving under the influence, etc. When discharged, the permittee is prevented from removing his permit from the permit premises (Conn reg. Income Tax Treatment of State Lottery Winnings Received by Residents and Please be advised that due to precautions still being taken to protect our staff, there may be a delay in reviewing all liquor applications which are received by regular mail, including express mail. The Vermont Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! 21a-243), Regulations on Non-Sterile Compounding(Sec. Policies and Procedures for the Regulation of Adult-Use Cannabis. 7-169 - 7-186q), Online Casino Gaming, Retail and Online Sports Wagering, Fantasy Contests, Keno and Online Sale of Lottery Tickets, Regulations of Online Casino Gaming, Retail and Online Sports Wagering, Fantasy Contests, Keno and Online Sale of Lottery Tickets, Home Improvement Contractors, Chapter 400, Regulations on Registration of Home Improvement Contractors and Salesmen, Regulations on Homemaker-Companion Agencies, Personal Information - breach of database security, Section 36a-701b, Protection of Social Security Numbers and Personal Information, Chapter 743dd, Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, Chapter 391, Regulations on Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, Regulations on Minimum Standards of Accuracy, Contact and Certification for Surveys and Maps, Regulations on Landscape Architect and State Board of Landscape Architects, Mechanical Contractor Organizations, Chapter 393b, Regulation on the Palliative Use of Marijuana, Mobile Manufactured Homes and Home Parks, C.G.S. 2016 CT.gov | Connecticut's Official State Website. Hansen said when he contacted legislators on the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and then Maroney, "they apologized; they didn't realize what effect it would have on our type of organizations. 3. Map | Home When required. permit premises involving the playing of poker for prizes. 10. The Oregon Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! The analysis went on to list the consolidated permitteesas club permits ($300), nonprofit club permits ($815), and golf country club permits ($1,000). . Casinos and Gaming Compacts - 2017-R-0064, OLR Diane Hancock, permittee for VFW Post 189 in New London, said before the pandemic, the post did events for The Arc Eastern Connecticut and gave out food baskets to people in need. 7. 7-169. gambling information. If a drivers blood alcohol content (BAC) reaches .08 percent, that alone can be considered sufficient evidence to convict the driver of DUI (driving under the influence). Sec. Manufacturer permit for a farm winery. What type of Liquor License does the Club hold? And third, he asks about the legal Reports - Office of Legislative Research: Charitable Gaming for Regulations, Farmers market beer sales permit. Contact an attorney to get advice about your particular circumstances. Referendum requirement, Local option re nonprofit theater permits, Nature and duration of permit. 20-576), Regulations on Electronic Data Intermediaries(Sec. 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901 Recovery of money lost in gaming. Posting and notice of prices. The Liquor Control Act, however, saddles the permittee with the responsibility to ensure the proper and lawful distribution of beverage alcohol. Keno and Online Sale of Lottery Tickets. Limits for order, Delivery of alcoholic liquor manufactured by holder of manufacturer permit, Prohibition against selling wine manufactured out of this state as Connecticut made wine, Out-of-state shipments by package store permit holder, Continuation of validity of cafe permit for club or nonprofit club until renewal or replacement permit, Permits for on-premises consumption of alcoholic liquor. One of the first questions that I often ask clients who are applying for liquor licenses is: Who is going to be the permittee? and the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe and Mohegan Tribe. 53-290a. Despite Stonewall's owners bribing police at least $1,200 a monthfour times the bar's rent . The Connecticut Superior Court in Shafer v. Sullivan (41 Conn. L. Rptr. Secs. According to the draft, commercial establishments that serve alcohol would have to close at 2 a.m. unless they had a special permit to stay open until 4 a.m. To get the permit, they would have to . Restaurant licenses and club permits; Representation before the Liquor Control Commission and in the Criminal Courts for all violations of liquor laws. Revenue Services, About Us | Will there be an option to renew for6 months? The North Carolina Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! gambling devices. He can be reached atpeter.berdon@bymlaw.comorwww.bymlaw.com. It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. Licensing of Connecticut Resources | Generally speaking, the permittee is a person who is vested with the responsibility for overseeing the sale and distribution of beverage alcohol on a permitted premise. Trading and Collection Practices. Is it a Private Club Liquor License? Designation as a 501 (c) (7) also allows the group to limit membership. Our liquor control staff and agents can be reached at (860) 713-6210 or, will begin emailing annual renewal notices to permittees, Public Act 19-24 An Act Streamlining the Liquor Control Act, LIH-A HOTEL LIQUOR (10000 or less population), LIH-B HOTEL LIQUOR (50000 or less population), LIH-C HOTEL LIQUOR (50000 or more population), LIR-Restaurant Liquor or LRW-Restaurant Wine and Beer, LMS-Manufacturer Spirits or LMW-Manufacturer Wine, Cider, Mead, LFC-SPECIAL SPORTING FACILITY CONCESSION LIQUOR, LFG-SPECIAL SPORTING FACILITY GUEST LIQUOR, LFR-SPECIAL SPORTING FACILITY RESTAURANT LIQUOR. Internet Gambling And Keno - 2012-R-0077, Department Of These are all situations that an affected party could sue you for. A club's rights and powers are usually governed by applicable statutes and the club's own charter, constitution, and bylaws. Contests in Connecticut - 2017-R-0276, Questions On Sale of nonuniform cases, Retail permittees; sales below cost prohibited; exception, Sales to persons holding temporary or charitable organization permits, Unsuitable persons prohibited from having financial interest in permit businesses. Clubs that allow full nudity sometimes are prohibited from selling alcohol, while clubs requiring dancers to cover their genitals often may serve alcohol (and usually are restricted to those 21 and older). Read Law Orientation for Retailers. It also allows . **Latest News from Liquor Control Division**, *NEW* Check the Status of your Liquor Permit Application, *NEW* Guest Book Waiver Online Notification (LIC, LPC & LGC Clubs Only), Department of Consumer Protection For example, those entities holding a nonprofit club permit may rent their space to non-members, while those holding a club permit may not do so. My current permit is a Tavern license and I am being reclassified as a regular Caf license.What do I need to know? Airport airline club permit, Airport permit. The legal age for purchasing or publicly consuming alcohol in the United States is 21 based on the National Minimum Drinking Age Act that was passed in 1984. Social clubs may be exempt from federal income taxation if they meet the requirements of section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please see the below chart that shows your new permit type (identified in question 1) with your new annual renewal fee schedule.Yes, you can request a 6-month renewal. ", An analysis from the Office of Legislative Research also dated May 31 explained, "The bill combines various permits for on-premises consumption into the existing cafe permit. The Liquor Control Division regulates businesses such as cafs, restaurants, package stores, grocery stores with beer permits, caterers, clubs, distributors, manufactures, wholesalers, etc. federal prohibition on sports betting. . Gaming Policy, Regulation and Revenue. These links connect to A "non-profit club" is a club that is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c). Exceptions, Discretionary suspension, revocation or refusal of permit; location or character of premises; other grounds, Discretionary suspension, revocation or refusal of permits; disqualification of applicant or permittee; alcohol seller and server training program; permittee participation, Limitations of permits; exceptions. On the other hand, using a fake ID to do so is a crime. liquor (e.g., spirits, wine, and beer) ( 2, 8 & 9); and 5. increases, from four to eight, the maximum number of times the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) commissioner may allow an entity to sell cases with less than the statutory minimum number of bottles or quantity of units ( 2). 3. A private club license allows you to sell liquor, wine and high gravity beer on the premises of the club; and on the golf course, tennis courts and in the area immediately surrounding the swimming pool, if a club offers such amenities. Tel: 860-522-8296 Fax: 860-522 . These places include private clubs that have liquor permits as of May 1, 2003, tobacco bars that, in the calendar year ending December 31, 2003, generated 10% or more of its total annual gross income from the on-site sale of tobacco products. 21a-262), Regulations on Drug Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Programs(Sec. Please refer to the Pennsylvania Liquor Code and Liquor Control Board regulations or contact your nearest District Enforcement Office for specific information.. License Types Club (C) and Catering Club (CC) Liquor License . Act 17-89. Liquor-by-the-Drink - Club License. 403, 404), declined to find that a permittee, sued only in the capacity of permittee, is personally liable for the establishments reckless behavior [in serving alcohol to the decedent].. Cited. Liquor Control Division The legal drinking age. In addition, the bill does the following: Restaurant licenses. 53-278g. Beverage Publications, Inc. BEVcommmunity. "Tribe") could conduct Casino Night events at Foxwoods Casino ("Foxwoods") The Tennessee Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! Period of credit. Public Act 17-209 - An Act Concerning the Advisory Council on Large Entertainment Venues, the Regulation of Sports Wagering and the Number of Off-Track Betting Branch Facilities. Disposition of illegal liquor, State chemist to analyze samples. School Fundraising, Texas Hold'em What is the impact legislation authorizing daily fantasy sports contests may Chapter 98 - Municipal Wine ordered with restaurant meal. Updated applications have been added to the Liquor Permit Applications and Formspage in anticipation of the July 1 change. font size. Sen. Trade news, trends and insights. Limit on number of drinks sold to person, Authorization for use of self-pour automated system for beer, cider and wine, Indiana Petition for Waiver of Reinstatement Fee, U.S. Code > Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 59 - Liquor Traffic, U.S. Code > Title 27 - Intoxicating Liquors, U.S. Code > Title 42 > Chapter 60 - Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Program, California Codes > Business and Professions Code > Division 9 - Alcoholic Beverages, Florida Statutes > Title XXXIV - Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, Illinois Compiled Statutes 235 ILCS 5/1-1 - This Act may be cited as the Liquor Control Act of 1934, Illinois Compiled Statutes 235 ILCS 5/1-2 - This Act shall be liberally construed, to the end that the health, , Illinois Compiled Statutes 235 ILCS 5/1-3 - Unless the context otherwise requires, words and phrases are used in , Illinois Compiled Statutes 235 ILCS 5/1-3.01 - "Alcohol" means the product of distillation of any fermented liquid, , Illinois Compiled Statutes > Chapter 235 - Liquor, Texas Election Code Chapter 501 - Local Option Elections On Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, Texas Penal Code Chapter 49 - Intoxication and Alcoholic Beverage Offenses. Penalty, Out-of-state shippers permit for alcoholic liquors, Out-of-state winery shippers permit for wine. Answer (1 of 9): The laws regarding serving alcohol in a bona-fide private club are fairly lax in most jurisdictions, usually not requiring a full liquor license. Conn. Agencies Regs.Sec. ", Tulsa Race Massacre survivors, 108 and 102, given Ghana citizenship at embassy event, Eli Lilly is capping consumer insulin costs at $35 for all, Biden set for first veto on Senate bill opposing climate-friendly investing, Police, fire crews investigate suspicious object at Conn College, Two Palestinians arrested in Connecticut mans killing in West Bank; third shot dead, January 16, 2021 11:00 pm This is in response to the request for an ), In order to apply for another permit type, you would have to qualify under its statutory definition, which can be found in. The Courts, however, often take a remedial view of this statute. The legal drinking age. What are the Open Container Laws in Connecticut? Third-Party Alcohol Delivery : Permits local, same-day delivery of alcohol by companies on behalf of retailers and manufacturers. Those whose BAC is .16 percent over the legal limit or drivers refusing to cooperate with chemical testing in Connecticut are subject to more stringent penalties, which can include the suspension of their license for up to a year. Beer can also be delivered, but it has to be packaged in a gift basket that has a valid retail permit from the gift basket retailer. The Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement has the responsibility for investigating violations of the CIAA in licensed liquor establishments throughout the Commonwealth. Offenses Against Public Policy. The annual renewal fee for the LIC-club permit is $300, while the annual renewal fee for the LPC-nonprofit club permit is $815. The New York Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! Brand registration of fortified wine. Chapter 226b - Sen. James Maroney, D-Milford, therefore encourages clubs to hold off on paying renewals for now. Liquor liability insurance protects businesses from incidents that occur due to intoxication. Sec. in Connecticut - 2007-R-0495, Legal Gambling in Schools 2003-011 (June 10, 2003). that the passage of such legislation could jeopardize the State's Can I still use my current permit past July 1, 2020? Additionally, in A.R.S. Reference | Legislators want to fast-track the issue this year, but in the meantime, Gov. Answers on Expanding Video Slots in Connecticut, Tribal Casino The establishments listed below were suspended after either: (1) a formal hearing in which the Liquor Control Commission found a violation of state liquor laws, or (2) entering into a voluntary agreement to settle allegations without a finding of fault. On May 21, 2020, the Governor signed HB 327 (PN 3678) into law. 21a-326), Regulations on Banned Hazardous Substances(Sec. 2016 CT.gov | Connecticut's Official State Website, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, CONSUMER CONTRACTS (see BUSINESS PRACTICES), REFUND AND EXCHANGE (see BUSINESS PRACTICES), SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (see IDENTITY THEFT AND SECURITY), regular Sunday sales only have been allowed since 2005. . Welcome Wine & Liquor, Avon Big M Liquor, Meriden Cork n Barrel, Newtown Del Rio Grocery, Hartford The Dublin, East Hampton Silvia's International Restaurant, Enfield Beverage World, Meriden Mami's Little Market, Waterbury Brookside Package Store, New Britain Julianne's Wine & Spirits, Bridgeport Caribbean Grocery Store, Norwalk Sec. Sec. | Website Policies and Disclaimers, Copyright 2016, State Due to the high volume of affected licensees, we will do our best to accommodate calls and emails in a timely manner. Catalogs | 2003-018 (Nov. 25, 2003). (c) A nonprofit club permit shall allow the retail sale of alcoholic liquor to be consumed on the premises of a nonprofit club by members or their guests and by persons other than members or their guests, provided the total receipts of such club in any year, including receipts from the sale of alcoholic liquor, derived from making its facilities Possession of a cheating device: Class D felony. Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. Where can I find a copy of Public Act 19-24 An Act Streamlining the Liquor Control Act? Official Connecticut alcohol laws: http://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_545.htm Tweet 5. professional gambling; penalties. My premises have been reclassified and my license definition has changed. The foregoing is intended as general information only and not as legal advice. Sec. 21a-254), Regulations on Minimum Security and Safeguards for Storage, Handling of Controlled Substances(Sec. Please do not attempt to enter the building and meet with our staff unless and until you have a confirmed appointment with a specific person. Current law is unclear as to whether or not a permittee will be held liable for violations of the Dram Shop Act by mere virtue of holding the title of permittee. Robbins noted in a phone conversation that increased permit costs are coming at a time when private clubs are struggling with revenue, due to capacity limits and people concerned about going out due to the pandemic. Nonresidents of Connecticut - IP 2011(28). Excise Tax for Beer - 2018-R-0362. Every two months, adults can order up to five gallons of wine. The CIAA prohibits smoking in most public places, including restaurants, bars, private clubs, and portions of casino floors. The Liquor Distribution Act gives the LDB the sole right to purchase beverage alcohol both within B.C. My first Coast Guard R&D Center showcases work, welcomes commandant. Wasabi Modern Japanese Cuisine & Lounge, Manchester, Brookside Discount Wine & Liquor, Bridgeport, Silvia's International Restaurant, Enfield, Renadli's One Stop Package Store, Montville, Acapulco's Mexican Family Restaurant, Enfield, Keagan's Irish Bar & Restaurant, Middletown, Red Zone Sports Grille & Lounge, Plainville, Lulu's Pizzeria & Family Restaurant, Enfield, Middlefield Pizza & Restaurant, Middlefield, Fajitas & Margaritas Restaurant, New Milford, Brookside Steakhouse and Tavern, Higganum, El Conquistador Sport Lunch and Restaurant. Unfair Sales Practices, Chapter 736. Penalties, Guest book requirements under club permits, Club permit for Rocky Hill Veterans Home and Hospital, Spouses of club and golf country club members, Golf country club permit. You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. When convicted of a second DUI, however, the driver can opt to have an ignition interlock installed at his own expense. Of the 143 posts in Connecticut, 35 have a bar. Advocacy Groups | State Alcohol, Beverage & Tobacco Laws (TITLE XIII: Alcoholic Beverages) State Liquor Commission Administrative Rules Chapter 126-K Youth Access to and Use of Tobacco Products (Title X: Public Health) NH Tobacco Laws and Your Business NH Alcohol Laws and Your Business RightToKnow@liquor.nh.gov The law prohibits a club's total receipts in any year, including receipts from selling alcoholic beverages, derived from making its facilities available for events from being more than 15% of the club's gross receipts for the year. The South Dakota Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! Penalty, Effect of prior local votes re Sunday sale, Gifts, loans and discounts prohibited between permittees. Several permit types have been repealed and reclassified as other existing permit types. Public Act 17-209 - An Act Concerning the Advisory Council on Large | or records. 4-101, 4-205.02, 4-205.03, 4-205.06, 4-207, 4-210, 4-227, 4-243, 4-243.01, 4-244, 4-248, 4-251, and 4-311 apply to this Chapter. Income Tax Treatment of Gambling Winnings Other Than State Lottery Winnings, Connecticut 2. It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. authorizing Las Vegas Nights charitable gambling and the use of money wheels Where can I buy alcohol in Connecticut? But he said in this case, even the majority party didn't know the ramifications. Fine. While financial exposure under the Dram Shop Act can be limited through the use of insurance, the selection of the permittee is a significant decision requiring careful consideration. He said "in the effort to do a wholesale revamp of the liquor laws in Connecticut," private clubs got lumped in with another group, and fees became too high to be feasible for places not designed to make money. Some of the features on CT.gov will not function properly with out javascript enabled. Liquor stores are only allowed to operate one location, and absinthe is legal. A "club" is defined in the statutes as including veterans and fraternal organizations and their building associations, golf, social and airline clubs. Off-premise from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. (Monday - Saturday.) slot machines," and whether these devices fall within the definition of Do I need local zoning approval for the new permit type? Alcohol is served in restaurants and bars from 9 a.m. until 1 a.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 9 a.m. till 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. A person may work in a grocery store selling beer at the age of 15. South Carolina Department of Revenue Alcohol Beverage Licensing Columbia, SC 29214-0907 Phone: 803-898-5864 Fax: 803-896-0110 At the time of your next renewal, you will be renewing as a caf, however, the legislature has created a fee step schedule for you that raises your annual renewal fee incrementally over a period of four years. The sale of alcohol on Sundays and public holidays is prohibited. rooms; permits. The consumption of alcohol is illegal for a driver, but a passenger in the vehicle is permitted to consume alcohol and have open containers of alcohol with them. This web page has many 53-278b. external links to valuable resources. Does it allow off-site sales or "on premises consumption" only? 12-576. ADDITIONAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Applicants, licensees, and managers must take a Title 4 training course (liquor handling, laws and regulations) prior to approval. We are a proven paralegal service and permit expediter that works to obtain liquor permits for business and individuals and are well known in the community and within the State of CT Department of Consumer Protection. A private club is an association of persons for some common purpose. Gambling premises Leasing and concessions. Income Tax Treatment of Gambling Winnings Other Than State Lottery Winnings Gambling winnings. Sec. Last Updated: January 17, 2021 6:29 pm, Conn College faculty protest in solidarity with students. The Division is the primary investigative arm of the, regular Alcoholic Beverages Tax - 2016-R-0192. Some of the features on CT.gov will not function properly with out javascript enabled. Disclaimer: CT Liquor Permit, LLC is not a law firm and does not offer direct legal services. This is in response to a request for an Refusing to cooperate may result in the loss of the drivers license for up to a year. promotional drawings. The South Carolina Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Backgrounder: Off-Reservation Casino - 2017-R-0069, Questions and The penalty for this is jail for up to 30 days. RETAIL ALCOHOL LICENSES THE LICENSING PROCESS 1. Linkage Floor stock allowance. ", Witkos said Friday, "Other than this bill changing the price structure for the nonprofits, I think the basis of what we did was really good, and sometimes you don't know until your theory's put into practice, and that's why we're back every year.". 53-278d. You must be 21 to drink in Connecticut, but only 18 to serve alcohol in a restaurant or work as a bartender or as a clerk in a package store. Rep. Michael D'Agostino, D-Hamden, who co-chairs the General Law Committee, said "a lot of our liquor laws are 20, 40, 80 years old," and some of them have not been looked at in decades. The Utah Alcohol Laws Guide: Everything you need to know in 2022! Backgrounder: Off-Reservation Casino, Questions and They are listed in descending order with more recent actions listed first. Chapter 412, Regulations on Mobile Manufactured Home Parks, Regulations on Choice of Vendors by Residents, New Home Construction Contractors, Chapter 399a, Regulations on Continuing Education of Electricians and Plumbers, Photographic Services - Unfair Sales Practices, Chapter 737, Public Service Gas Technicians, Chapter 400h, Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons, Chapter 392, Regulations on Community Association Managers, Regulations on Real Estate Appraisers Licensing, Regulations on Appraisal Management Companies, Limited Swimming Pool Licenses, 20-417aa-1, Regulation on Swimming Pool Builders and Contractors, Telephone solicitation (Telemarketing), Chapter 743m, Do Not Call List, Chapter 743 (Telemarketing, Television and Radio Service Dealers and Electronics Technicians, Chapter 394, Specifications and Test Standards for Clinical Thermometers, Weight and Measurement of Specific Articles, Chapter 752, Weighing and Measuring Devices, Dealers and Repairers, Chapter 753, Regulations on Organizations, Rules of Practice, and Regulations for the Well Drilling Industry. 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The playing of poker for prizes both within B.C legislation could jeopardize the State 's I.