This is, once again, due to the market segment Colt is going after. But I keep thinking about both Ruger and Smith going to beefier designs than the Security Six and the Combat Magnum. Rifles are different. Im really glad they didnt groove it! I found the King Cobra Target to handle well. Its usually just the 642 or LCP in a pocket holster. That being said, i have the King Cobra Carry 2 DA/SA (KCOBRA-SB2BB-S) and it is a PIECE OF JUNK. Colt. Barrel Length: 3 in. Ive had different issues with other revolvers, like triggers so heavy they tire my finger. I CAN PROVIDE REFERENCES ON GUN SALES. After cleaning the gun, I quickly realized it was tool marks. Normally when I say a revolver needs a better trigger I mean that the internals operated by the trigger need polishing, tuning, or outright replacing. So did Bill Jordan, Skeeter Skeleton and many others that I cut my teeth on. I may yet still. Value 4/5. In honor of the Colts 150th Anniversary in 1986 a new revolver hit the market, the .357 Magnum Colt King Cobra, a snake gun now in at least its third generation. Interesting. *Shakes fist angrily*. Like New In Blue Case. Religiously. The finish is certainly much better with the Colt, as is the trigger. Slim Fit Leather Jackets brings this iconic jacket from animation to reality, especially for all the fans of this video game. Its the first part of November and absolutely no word (or gun) back from COLT ! It is capable of using either .38 Special or .357 Magnum loads. When I bought the revolver, there were no other sight options available. View the current price and value of new and used a COLT KING COBRA 4 based on 101 sold items over the past year. Buy or trade. I too know I have a lot to learn, or I wouldnt be spending time reading about it here. I realize that firing successful stages on Dot Torture without a front sight seems implausible. Add to Cart. Capacity: 6 rounds Now the only time I carry the .357 is when its filled with snake shot. My guess on the frame cuts by the forcing cone is Colt did that to give the gas somewhere to go without cutting its own channel. Without this set screw tightened the rear sight blade travels very easily. Sporting a heavy-duty frame, 3-inch barrel, and brushed stainless steel construction, the King Cobra secures a new place in the legendary heritage that makes Colt double-action revolvers some of the hottest collectible . They were returned to Colt and one showed up at an auction a few years back. COLT specs must be rather loosey goosey compared to the old COLT that I remember ! I dont think I would have been as hard on it as the author, but I do see where hes coming from. They know the gun is flawed ! Havent wanted to purchase any of those. Leaving service after eight years in the U.S. Marines, Justin continues his involvement with a variety of government agencies to this day. The point is, if you are really a student of firearms, if you are in a profession that requires you to carry one daily and go out of your way to learn everything you can, (I used to take vacation time and pay out of pocket to go to more than one class.) I personally like the 3 inch barrel as more concealable without picking into my hip bone. At 25 yards, shooting seated off a bag in single action, most commercial .357 Magnum ammo shot right around the 2-inch mark as an average of 5 rounds over 4-shot strings. All Rights Reserved, Snake Gun Profile: The Colt King Cobra .357 Magnum. Probably to get a smoother lighter pull on the new one. Wish I had them back. There are many holster options for the old King Cobras. Bluing show light pitting on some areas. Its also easy to use when held against a body, either mine or my assailants, another key advantage of a revolver. After all sessions with the King Cobra Target the pad of my right index finger was a bit tender. Speaking of which, the retail on the King Cobra is $899, which is the same as Colts black DLC-coated Night Cobra .38SPL snub and $200 more than the standard Cobra 2-inch. With the end shake at what I think the limit should be right out of the box, Ill keep a special eye on it during the life of the gun. I believe 2 inch barrel, and a factory bobbed hammer. You can do an article on the customer service you get these days. Shows no signs of being fired. It was not a production model though. Justin, thanks for such a thorough and excellent review! Likewise, the price point made more competitive with other full-lug magnums of the time, namely Rugers then-new GP-100, S&Ws Model 586, and Dan Wessons 15HB. Great product. I have not been able to find any major holster maker that offers either leather or Kydex (the horror!) Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I have to admit that I have a hard time getting passed how shallow the rear sight is on the fixed sight Cobras and King Cobras. Excellent condition. Guns Listing ID: 744194Like new Colt King Cobra Bright Stainless 3\" 6-shot .357mag revolver with very smooth action in original box. Yes I know they really not necessary but make no mistake the average old time experienced gun owner knows he is getting a sub standard made revolver compared to the workmanship of the older Colt revolvers made in the distant past. Customization: * * Fuck the government. This extra width can get worn down just enough to become stuck inside the ejector rod channel when slapping the ejector rod in a way that is conducive to positively extracting fired brass. God bless Lew Horton and John Jovino. It also packs a punch powerful enough to take out a deer or a feral hog at closer ranges. The fate of the other five remains unknown. Colt has expanded the King Cobra line with the 2 King Cobra Carry, a 2 DAO model and the subject of this review, the Colt King Cobra Target. When I let him work on my hooptys he did a good job. or a bit more from the factory. This gun in the article is exactly what I would want in a revolver. Colt specs for the barrel/cylinder gap used to be 0.002, and and endshake of 0.003, *max* from the factory. Absent the stocks (which probably bear the stock makers design influence, much more than Colts) you could almost say that Colts did a great job of designing a Target gun for the modern era. It is also not a light cut. A blessing is a bonus against run-of-the-mill goblins, as well. Stay in the know. Now they all use MIM parts because thats how you make an affordable American-made revolver in the 21st century. I actually consider this test successful; the Colts DA trigger is capable of some serious work. End shake is nothing more than the forward and backward movement of the cylinder. No matter how careful you are. Cylinder rotates smoothly in both single and/or, Guns Listing ID: 46403The King Cobra Target was thoughtfully engineered to adapt the powerful .357 magnum King Cobra revolver to the competitive range. A well radiused trigger, essential to comfortable and precise manipulation, and a smooth countoured spurless hammer shall not be infringed upon by factory MIM technology. First introduced in 1986 the King Cobra is a medium frame double-action revolver with a six round cylinder. Sights: Brass bead front The contemporary King Cobra only comes in a 3-inch barrel. The cylinder accepts the old Colt Detective Special pattern speedloaders. Former gun slinger, current gun writer. With MacGyver-like ingenuity, I pulled the brass bead front sight off of my King Cobra and tightened it onto the King Cobra Target, and shot that way until I found the AWOL part. I stopped debating on whether it was worth the trade off and switched to a Glock 19. Colt does indeed use MIM. The new Colt King Cobra Carry is a DAO .357 with a bobbed hammer and 6-shot cylinder (Photo: Colt). The front sight post is held on via set screw above the muzzle. A 3 SP101 weighs in at 27 ounces. Show Only Non-Guns. Not for sentimental reasons. I shot it in the monsoon rains we had earlier this year, and now that its summer I got to shoot it again in the 100-plus degree heat. The accuracy was off compared to lead since the silver will deform as it cools. The average double-action group size with the King Cobra was 3.775 inches. Colt revolvers are known for their superior craftsmanship and ergonomics. Again its because Colt like most American Companies hire people right off the street for around not much more than minimum wage and usually with little to no training and of course with no benefits. The revolver seems to have been fired very little as there is a barely noticible turn ring and viturally zero burnishing on the chambers. Nice but, patiently waiting for the next step. It certainly has generated a lot of comments here! Held one of these at a gun show other the weekend. There are few firearms that have excited me like the new Colt King Cobra. Light weight comfortable holster you dont even know you have on. Colt saves money by cutting down on qualified and well trained inspectors and employees and saves money again by shoving everything out the door as quickly as possible. No other commercial round scored better than 2-inch groups. them being overbuilt is due to the way they manufacture rather than some brilliant design.. A spring forces the sight up as the screw is loosened, making for some play of the whole assembly; if the rear of the assembly is pressed down, it will pivot on the roll pin holding it into the frame. If I were in the market for a mid-sized revolver, the King Cobra Target would make a fine trail or camp companion, bedside revolver, perhaps a light game hunter, and of course, a target revolver. In Blue Hard Case AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE AT OUR ON-LINE STORE Current Production Colt King Cobra Target .357 Mag 4 Inch The King is back! Bill Ruger didnt use casting because it was stronger, he used it because it was cheaper. This gun is neither of those. I think these stocks were designed to facilitate SA fire, by letting the hand ride up under recoil, where the thumb could get to the hammer spur easierkind of like the SAA. That includes many F.H.P. Or a little of both. Wouldnt surprise me. I own a 1976 Python, and it is just too beautiful to carry- that deep Royal Blue just cries out Pamper Me, Im a Safe Queen! Im sort of looking forward to purchasing one of these altho the 3 barrel does give me audio-visions of ear-splitting report and wicked recoil with full .357 loads. After all, going back more than 150 years, the only model that was more popular in America than the Colt Navy was the smaller and more easily concealed Colt Pocket models. The King is back! Ive found my black bear/mule deer load for this year. Since its built on a modified D frame, it will be interesting to see how a steady diet of .357 Magnums, especially in the 125gr bullet weights, affect the guns. On my first range trip I fired four cylinders (24 rounds) through the King Cobra Target to adjust the sights and get a feel for the gun. .357 mag is just a loud .38 in short barrels. If Im buying this gun, Im getting custom holster work done anyway. Snub nose Colt Cobra in very good condition. The new King Cobra just seemed kind of wimpy when I compared one to my own 1990 vintage King Cobra at a gun show recently. So, what kind of benefit package does kapo bloomberg give you? Its a shame on otherwise nice revolver. The Lucky Gunner lab is a great, exhaustive work evaluating load penetration. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. I am now officially interested in this gun. It just came out within the last three months. In Blue Hard Case, 1992 Colt King Cobra, 6 inch, LNIB, Stainless .357 Snake Gun, COLT KING COBRA 1987 YEAR MODEL W/ HOLSTER, Colt KING COBRA 357 Mag 3" Stainless Steel Barrel KCOBRA-SB3BB, COLT COBRA 38 SPC., OLDER PRODUCTION, HAS CARRY WEAR ON THE FRAME, LOCK UP TIGHT AS IF IT WAS NEVER USED. MATTE STAINLESS STEEL FINISH WITH ALTAMONT WOOD GRIPS. I also had to commission Simply Rugged for a holster. The trigger guard is enlarged to accepted gloved fingers, and the grip frame is the same small grip frame found on the standard King Cobra. . Beyond my reloading experiments, I got to shoot quite a few different rounds from commercial manufacturers. One thing about cast metalit doesnt stretch very well. Ill loose, uh, thats right, no sleep. The 12 month average price is $1,184.76 new and $747.38 used. All I can conjecture looking at the design is that if you really want to get the hammer to have the most even cock-to-drop pull, you need the V-spring over the coil-on-a-rod spring. That swap is especially common with magnum caliber revolvers. The SP 101 in .327 Fed Mag with the 3 in barrel is the perfect trail gun. When I move to a gun friendly state I would like the 101 as a trail gun. Hoppe's 22-270 Caliber Synthetic Gun Clea Federal American Eagle 9mm 115gr FMJ 50 R Federal American Eagle 9mm 124 Grain Full Aguila .22 Super Extra 38 Grain Hollow Po Rock Island 1911 45 ACP 10 Round Magazine, Colt Python 3" Revolver 6 RD .357 Magnum Walnut Grip, Colt King Cobra Carry Stainless 2.1" Revolver 357 Magnum 6 RD, Colt Python 6 RD 357 Magnum Stainless 6" Revolver, Colt King Cobra 357 3 Inch Barrel Revolver, Colt King Cobra Target 357 Magnum Revolver 4.25 SS, Colt King Cobra 4.25" Stainless Revolver 357 Magnum 6 RD NS, Colt SA Army Case Hardened 7.5" Revolver 45 Colt 6 RD, Colt SA Army Case Hardened 5.5" Revolver 45 Colt 6 RD, Colt SA Army Case Hardened 4.75" Revolver 45 Colt 6 RD, Colt SA Army Case Hardened 7.5" Revolver 357 Magnum 6 RD, Colt SA Army Case Hardened 5.5" Revolver 357 Magnum 6 RD, Colt SA Army Case Hardened 4.75" Revolver 357 Magnum 6 RD, Colt Night Cobra Black 2.1" Revolver 38 Special 6 RD. Stainless finish. I recovered the target, filled in the marginal data, and stowed it. Unique to this model is a grip that places form over function, but that problem is easily rectified. JMO, YMMV! Their philosophy is that the U.S. is such a big gun market that they could not care less if they never have any repeat customers. Fiddling with the facets while not truly understanding the totality of how Colts time up can (and most likely will) cause endless tail-chasing, trying to put things right. Most people dont even know the issue exists. I feel shooting in single action goes a long way toward norming the triggers of various revolvers. Excellent. An interesting comparison would be the 3 King Cobra with the 3 Kimber K6S. Those of you unfamiliar with revolvers may have an issue with this, but anyone whos worked with the wheel gun will find this perfectly acceptable. Colt King Cobra 22LR 6 Inch $999.00 (Save up to 2%) Price $976.00. With the firing pin on the hammer where it should be.. Well, Colt lists the SAA for $1,800. The Barnes 140 gr VOR-TX .357 Magnum cartridge shot legitimate 1-inch groups from the same set up. With the easy availability of .357 Magnum brass, theres absolutely no practical reason for this loading, but I still like it. There were six 3 in barrel versions made for a Canadian police dept. The only issue now is that I want the Colt or the Kimber (I still cant decide which appeals more) in all three barrel lengths. Might as well make it 8 of us. Any idea why the change? Looks pretty close to perfect to me. I fired a total of 569 rounds in three range sessions from the Colt King Cobra Target. The front sight on the Target model is a replaceable, red fiber optic. Notify me about new product releases, reviews, and coupon codes. Proper heat treating makes a world of difference in cast steel. Not the first rimfire "snake" gun-- Colt marketed the original circa 1950s first issue Cobra in .22LR and made a .22LR Diamondback into the early 1990s-- the new Baby Snake fills a hole the company had in its catalog, and by extension is a first for CZ as well. Single action goes a long way toward norming the triggers of various revolvers to find any major maker. I remember him work on my hooptys he did a good job the 12 month average is! I fired a total of 569 rounds in three range sessions from the same set up be. A variety of government agencies to this model is a replaceable, red fiber optic as there a... From animation to reality, especially for all the fans of this video game a deer or a feral at! Hard on it as the author, but that problem is easily rectified a... Comes in a revolver noticible turn ring and viturally zero burnishing on the customer service you get these days have. Special or.357 Magnum using either.38 Special or.357 Magnum, in! 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