In 1973, Teondecoren was made into a cabin unit when camp was overbooked for a coming week and the cabins supposedly had to be built by staff the weekend before. Splat!CamperWhat time is it? The North American martyrs are: Others whom places around camp were named for: Camp Ondessonk is a rustic outdoor camp. Rocks that have split to the point when campers are taken through some on their all day hikes. You learned a lot about your friends while at camp. All CITsare expected to read, understand, and adhere to the following Code of Ethics: All applicants must submit an up-to-date professional resume. not smoke, vape, or use any tobacco or e-cigarette product on Camp Ondessonk property. [18] Participants received advanced instruction in horsemanship, horse-packing, trail stewardship, and outdoor living skills as they were led on a backcountry pack trip by experienced Ondessonk wranglers. The 1971 trip took participants on an Iberian tour through Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. Loved by campers and staff alike, Dan inspires with a smile and has a talent for bringing meaning to the Camp experience with his unique humor and devoted love of Ondessonk. }))); To help with the expanding number of campers, Ahatsistari and Lalemant which had been tent units were rebuilt in order to accommodate more campers. The Metro East Lodge Council and Camp staff greeted more than 20,000 spectators for the 2022 Belleville Optimist Annual Santa Parade. Print. The units give campers the chance to bond more closely with their cabin mates as well as the 30 or so other campers in their unit. It was later moved to a location near the main area of camp and even to a position along Camp Road for a time. That my children have developed strong lifelong friendships at Camp O. We love being camp counselors,Theres nothing wed rather be!Since we are camp counselors,Were as happy as can be! Adventure and Trip & Travel experiences for ages 12-16. I grant permission to check my references and release Camp Ondessonk & the Diocese of Belleville from any and all resultant liability. While family members can provide character references, they will likely be more meaningful coming from someone unrelated to you. There was a great big mooseHe liked to drink a lot of juiceThere was a great big mooseAnd he drank a lot of juiceChorus:Singing oh way oh!Way oh, way oh, way oh, way ohWAAYYY oh, way oh!Way oh, way oh, way oh, way ohThe moose's name was FredHe liked to drink his juice in bedThe moose's name was FredAnd he drank his juice in bed ChorusHe liked to drink his juice with careBut he spilled it in his hairHe drank his juice with careBut he spilled it EVERYWHEREChorusNow there's a sticky mooseAll covered in juiceOn the LOOOOOSE. Mini camp explorers is for more adventurous 8 and 9-year-olds who feel capable of spending the entire week at camp. Peace Like a River. Or maybe not. Only camps that provided ACA with an address are listed on this map. Stocked with first aid and a wide variety of other medical equipment, covering multiple possible emergencies, this building is equipped and ready for all of the campers, staff, and volunteers Ondessonk hosts throughout the year. Further, I grant permission to Camp Ondessonk to release this application and attendant documents to the appropriate search committees. Lent is in full swing, so theres no shortage of available fish fries in the area. Campers carried all their food and gear in the canoes with them. Ondessonk's float, created by Jim Shively, was well received by onlookers, and Heepwahs filled the air as the float made its way through the parade route. ", "I loved it. This place will always be special in my heart.". [17] Participants experience the highlights of Southern Illinois rock climbing while taking on progressively more challenging routes. adhere to the zero-tolerance policy for the use, possession, distribution or being under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or illegal drugs at camp. This trip included the group attending Christmas Mass with the Pope during which the group was privileged to sit in ambassador seats just 20 feet from the Pope. The All Decades Staff Reunion is this weekend! Phone: (618) 695-2485. Evan lives with his wife, Gabrielle, and their two cats. Some weekends are open for lodging only. respect the possessions and belongings of staff, CITs, and campers, as well as the facilities and equipment of Camp Ondessonk. Try substituting "banana" with other fruits for different renditions. Participants are able to experience longer trail rides than in traditional camp while still utilizing the trails and pastures in the nearby surroundings of camp. He went to camp as a kid. That Camp O was one of the most positive influences in their life. In doing so, I will: treat with confidence and respect the personal information I learn from or about campers, CITs, and staff (subject to the policies on reporting abuse and neglect). Please do not let this resume requirement intimidate you. If selected, any misstatement or omission of fact on this application may result in my dismissal. As with traditional campers, all adventure campers are eligible for induction into Lodge. Cedar Falls is located in an area also known as Pakentuck. We sang songs and gave cheers in the dining hall every dinner. Camp Ondessonk: Celebrating 50 Years of Camp Spirit! 10% of Camp Ondessonk employees are Black or African American. }. Staffed by medical professionals and on call pediatric physicians every day of the summer, there is never a moment without someone who is able to provide help. 1969 brought the addition of female staff during boys season and the early 1970s brought the addition of campers and staff from Chicago as well as staff from around the country and international staff members. 11-55. Another activity area, camp crafts, taught campers how to use knives, axes, ropes, and open-fire cooking. The original camp program of Ondessonk, traditional camp allows participants to experience all the long-standing activities camp is valued for. Designed with 8 and 10 year old campers in mind, mini camp is meant to be an introduction to the camp experience. Staff training emphasizes child development, child protection, teaching skills, and responsible leadership. The two units were eventually dismantled due to lack of need for 12 units. I hope to return someday soon. Frequently sung at campfires, in-between activities, or before a meal. The Belleville Optimist Annual Santa Parade is touted as the largest holiday parade in Southern Illinois and features floats, marching bands, and dance groups. Education: B.S. Hometown: Johnston City, Illinois. Intermediate adventures, formerly called level two programs, offer a more intense experience and greater challenge to campers. [2] Although not technically a unit, the pioneer sessions were unique in that they were two weeks long allowing campers a more in-depth camping experience. [2] Although they were referred to as units, the Frontier program was actually a separate experience from camp, during which participants traveled to places such as Utah, Colorado, and the Bahamas. It is looking like it will turn out to be a great summer, we have already received over 1100 camper registration forms! Consider asking a family friend, neighbor, mentor, coach, priest/minister, teacher or professor. The dining hall is a modern facility that can serve all of camp at one time. This story was originally published June 11, 2015, 6:39 AM. It consists of ten units to house campers as well as a variety of program areas. The two stars on the top left represent St. Jean de Brbeuf and St. Gabriel Lalemant. has made his way into thousands of campers' hearts. Campers at many SeriousFun camps and programs throw their hands in the air to this Buckwheat Boyz song after dinnerjust like these counselors at Barretstown, the SeriousFun camp in Ireland! In the late 1970s the Silver and Golden Frontier Program was added. As part of their experience Lodge Campers participate in rock climbing at Pakentuck, the High Challenge Course, and an extended horseback ride. We do not allow personal watercraft or fishing boats on any of our bodies of water. I understand not following or living up to Camp Ondessonk's values, policies, and procedures I could be asked to depart the CIT experience. Beginning in the summer of 1957, Camp St. Philip[2] is part of the Diocese of Belleville. Flying through the park! Instructors are evaluated in five areas: safety, horsemanship knowledge and ability, teaching technique, group control, and responsibility and professionalism. Each summer, the camps were staffed by seminarians and college students all under the direction of Monsignor John T. Fournie. He offers some advice to every adult who once went to Camp Ondessonk: Theres an opportunity to reconnect with your past through Camp Ondessonk, he told me. Arriving at camp in the back of a Miller High Life beer truck driven by the bar owner, Omar Monds, the owner of a beer distribution company, Chick Fritz, and one of Mr. Monds employees, Tommy was welcomed to his new home where he would live for the next 28 years. Although campers spend most of their time away from main camp, they do return at the end of the week to participate in the all-camp activities on Friday. Music-making. Dans parents were always willing to oblige their two sons passion for Camp Ondessonk The family car was often one of the first in line. 1994), the court observed that camp officials attempted to discourage trespassers from entering the premises by posting no-trespassing signs, erecting a fence with barbed wire, stringing cable, and piling brush on trails leading to the property. Businesses can utilize conference and retreat facilities. They also act as families for campers for the week as units attend activities and compete in all-camp activities together. Intermediate adventure programs include Horse Adventure, Rock Adventure, Mountain Biking Adventure, and Camper vs. Wild. During the first summer of camp in its new location, 481 campers and 52 staff attended over the four-week period that camp ran. over the globe! Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. The Belleville Optimist Annual Santa Parade is touted . Later, members of the primitive units built their own tree houses about 13 feet off the ground by lashing wood they gathered to trees. I was not very good at riflery or archery. During the day they would hike around the area and swim in Pine Lake as they learned valuable survival skills. Our Summer Camp Programs allow youths ages 8 to 17 to experience firsthand: Tree-House Camping, Horseback Riding, Archery, Swimming, Canoeing, Rock-Climbing, and Nature Exploration under the supervision of carefully selected staff. All cabin units have fire pits, benches, picnic tables, a potable water spigot, an outhouse, and are within a short walk to a shower house. Camp Ondessonk: Celebrating 50 Years of Camp Spirit! At the time, families lined up hours early at the beginning of each session to register campers for the most popular cabin units. Bad aim. Camp ONDESSONK has provided children and children AT heart the opportunity to experience first hand the beauty of God's creation. These saints and their American Indian companions are honored and remembered at Camp Ondessonk with the camp units, lakes, and major land forms named after them. Camp Ondessonk is the result of the vision and efforts of many people. (Everywhere we go) People always ask us (People always ask us) Who we are (who we are) Where we come from (where we come from) So we tell them (So we tell them) We're from name your camp (we're from) And if they cannot hear us (And if they cannot hear us) We . Log In. We are proud to be accredited by the American Camp Association. With this in mind, we require staff members to behave in a mature and responsible way and respect the rights and dignity of others while they are at Camp Ondessonk . Wednesday was hump day. Various Locations; Lower Pakentuck, near main area, along Camp Road, Began as Conestoga Wagons at Pine Lake, later added primitive tree houses, finally became permanent tree house unit near Amantacha. [19] Induction into Lodge is the greatest honor for any camper. 2023 Camp Ondessonk. Campers sing this song while waiting for the dining hall to be ready for meals. Evan Coulson. Each unit also has its own water spigot, outhouse, and campfire ring. in Leisure Science with an emphasis in therapeutic and outdoor recreation from Southern Illinois University - Carbondale. Ahatsistari was located on the "girls" side of the lake and when Teondecoren became a cabin unit it was located on the "boys" side of the lake, however neither was an official unit when coed sessions were introduced. You can learn more about Camp Ondessonk at I've got peace like a river. : School Annual Publishing Company, 2009. Our camper fees are extremely competitive and unlike many other summer camps, Ondessonk does not charge additional fees for horseback riding or senior camper electives. Ow! Dan was an Ondessonk Counselor in Training in 1986. The most common ethnicity at Camp Ondessonk is White (68%). Nickname: Teon (Has a very scary and quite well known ghost story). Led by a desire for a permanent location for a Catholic youth camp, Monsignor Robert DeGasperi oversaw the effort to gain leases of the land that would become Camp Ondessonk.[3]. I used to not like spiders and snakes, but now I know that God loves all creatures. I love being a camp counselorTheres nothing Id rather beIf I werent a camp counselorA(n) _________ I would beAnd as you pass me byThis is what youd hear me cry Bird WatcherHark! View more posts, Your email address will not be published. Camp Ondessonk is an equal opportunity provider of summer camp and leadership programs. During their week-long session campers have the opportunity to try their hand at a variety of activities including archery, riflery, handicrafts, horsemanship, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, and outdoor skills. Summary of this case from Walker v. In 1996, camp reached a major achievement when it earned accreditation from the American Camp Association. Gala Care Package Sneak Peak #2: Handmade "Heepwah" clay charms! In May 1968, Lake Echon was completed giving campers a separate lake for boating and swimming. WMA Wilderness Protocolsincluding wound cleaning and exploration, spine injury assessment, dislocation reduction, CPR in the remote setting, and Anaphylaxis and Asthma. leader chants, campers repeat. display humor and a positive attitude in response to stress and change. First Time Campers: What to expect from Camp Ondessonk. First aid and CPR training is provided. CITs, regardless of their religious affiliation, are expected to conduct themselves in theirwork in a manner consistent with the policies of Camp Ondessonk, the Diocese, and the moral and religious teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Dan King The final level of adventure programs is advanced adventures, formerly known as level three. I promise to make good decisions. Located in the Shawnee national forest of southern Illinois. An agreement was also made in 1964 with the United States Department of Conservation and Forestry giving camp use of the surrounding Shawnee National Forest and expanding the camp acreage to 4,585 acres. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Education: B.S. Look out below! Depending on position, staff members are certified by the Certified Horsemanship Association, National Rifle Association, American Red Cross, or other appropriate certifying bodies. Many of the units adopted their three-sided look in the late 1970s through the mid-1980s based on the inspiration of a Polynesian design discovered on a trip to Walt Disney World. Yonah lived in the cage formerly occupied by Tommy, as the camp bear until his death in 2001. Kids traveled to Camp Ondessonk from as far as Chicago, Bloomington and Evansville, Ind. 9:00-12:00 pm. Not only did I do and learn things I never thought I would, it also made me a better Christian and brought me closer to God. This is an intermediate adventure open to campers ages 1316. Not sure I ever hit a target. Black! Chabanel is known as the cave unit as its cabins are tucked under a sandstone amphitheater found in a natural grotto. To register, contact Linda at With this in mind, we require CITs to behave in a mature and responsible way and respect the rights and dignity of others while they are at Camp Ondessonk, participating in camp sponsored activities, or representing Camp Ondessonk in any way. The Covered Bridge was also constructed in 1968 by volunteers from Saint Mary's Parish. He went to camp as a kid. Since 1959. No exceptions. I understand that my duty is to protect children at all times. A boulder in a stream that is just high enough to cannonball off of. Allow this song to get quieter and slower as you move through the verses. But there were all the cool things we could never do at home, such as swimming in a lake, canoeing, archery, riflery, horseback riding and hiking. See what Ondessonk has to offer you! It will be a lot of hard work, BUT you can expect to end the summer with a better sense of community, self-value, faith, work ethic, and commitment to others. The ghost stories told around the campfire at night spooked me. In order to be considered for Lodge, candidates much show these qualities as well as being at least a second year camper or staff member. He joined the Seasonal Program Staff shortly thereafter. If you are not confident with your resume, do not worry we will work on it as part of the CIT program. Camp Ondessonk is located in Johnson County, north of Vienna. I will use positive reinforcement and encouragement rather than competition, comparison, or criticism. I've got peace like a river. Evan is currently working towards his Masters Degree in Outdoor Education Resource Management at SIUC. Camp Ondessonk. Your email address will not be published. This led to the camper's parents to worry that their son may have contracted rabies from the bear. The people there are incredible and so are the activities and opportunities. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2291832, '8d804d13-c43e-4001-a811-1d4f5a1dc1e8', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Part song, part skit, part chantthis is one of our favorite additions to a campfire. Campers must be a member of the Loyal Lodge of Ondessonk and Tekakwitha in order to be eligible to attend. Updated June 11, 2015 11:40 AM. In doing so, I will: exhibit the highest ethical standards and personal integrity. By 1976, Ondessonk was in need of updates and renovations. The camp strives to remain a last frontier of sorts, where participants can experience life away from the plugged in world of today's society, and go back to a time of outdoor living while experiencing nature to the fullest. A week before opening day a bathhouse was built, although it lacked a water heater, and a well was dug to provide fresh water. The symbol of Camp Ondessonk is a circle with a cross coming out of the top and seven stars surrounding it representing the eight North American Martyrs. All rights reserved. That confidence and acceptance she gained from Camp Ondessonk has allowed her to thrive in school and other social settings. However, they were still used in overbooking situations or for special circumstances. Fax: (618) 695-3593. With only 68 (thats right, 68!) Each unit is named after one of the North American martyrs or another significant figure to Catholicism. Campers traveled in the back of a stake bed truck to a peninsula of Lake of Egypt, from which they would paddle to another peninsula on the lake to camp out during the night. The four remaining martyrs and represented with stars on the bottom right, St. Ren Goupil, St. Antoine Daniel, St. Nol Chabanel, and St. Charles Garnier. More fish fries, clubs, classes featured in this weeks southwestern Illinois calendar, Business roundup: New Belleville restaurant closer to opening, auction for outdoor store, Rare animal dashes across road, then returns with precious cargo, Texas photos show, Massive snakes swollen gut ignites debate over what it just swallowed in Australia, TikToker slathers parents kitchen in peanut butter months after doing the bathroom, Suspect in Dupo shootings had lengthy criminal record. The trips took place over the Christmas holidays and went to places like Europe, Africa, and the Bahamas. [4] Omar's Bikini Club near East St. Louis advertised a bear for sale after it failed as a dancing attraction. In my soul. Theres plenty to do in southwest IL. Rebecca started her Ondessonk journey as a summer camper. Improve this listing. In 1960 the summer season was extended to four weeks of boys camp and three weeks of girls. The programs take a limited number of campers and provide them with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills of a particular area. April 29 May 1: Father/Son Weekend Fathers and sons spending quality time out in the woods for the whole weekend. I will use positive techniques of guidance, including redirection, and acknowledgement and anticipation of each campers unique needs. refrain from the use of profane or abusive language in the presence of campers or where campers may hear or see. 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