endobj The show combines humor, pop culture, and insights into classic rock music and bands with ongoing audience interaction that attracts a loyal male audience every morning.. $Mzr_Vw[/RTk2TefZ*e&W|#BX-*##~ ~NrE-!0BE?p/I_%AxLb$Ac >^0aoj`" ~;3K]Kk*1 0P%0!A="l!L$_{ The 2 Guys Named Chris Show (2GNC) is a supremely talented 5-person morning show - Chris Kelly, Chris Demm, Biggie, and Weather Dave - who know what it takes to keep the show funny, edgy, and entertaining. They agreed on $4500, cash. As if co-hosting a talk show five days a week werent enough, Demm has launched a labor-of-love music show on weekends. Salisbury, NC Visit our, 2 Guys Named Chris Debut In Raleigh; Move In Savannah, Classic Country Makes The Grade In San Luis Obispo, First Listen: Spotify DJ, YouTube Radio Builder, Brooke Grimsley Joins 101 ESPNs Opening Drive, WRNQ Debuts Marino in the Morning with Marissa, Canadian Programming Vets Launch RMR Media Strategies. By any measure from any landscaping company, the work done that day in Kellys yard was not worth that cost. The Joneses - the two families with surname Jones. Join the P1 Club now! I hope Demm is real. <>/Pattern<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 540 780] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Thats what he did with Kelly. St. Patricks Day Events & Celebrations In USA 2023, Easter Weekend Activities in Jacksonville 2023, Things To Do In Jacksonville This Weekend, Sewa HOLI - Festival of Colors in San Diego, Spring Fling Southern Soul Music Festival 2023 Mobile, "She is Strong" Women's Birth & Wellness Expo. Copyright 2022 RadioInsight / RadioBB Networks. We played Iron Maiden at 8 in the morning, he says, laughing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He's hilarious, gorgeous, cute with his family - and he gets bonus points over Chris Evans because he is Australian. Famous Birthdays. If you like Larry The Cable Guy, your going to love Junior. Pratt's funny. by Jenna Guillaume Editor-at-Large, BuzzFeed Australia 8. thezenithofnadir 4/22/2019. WKRR is the Triad's affiliate for the Carolina Panthers Radio Network. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He read news and played big-band music on an AM station in Petersburg, Va. This Atlanta-based rapper's real name is Nayvadius DeMun Wilburn, but he prefers to go by Future. 2 Guys Named Chris, Daily Show Highlights Dick Broadcasting . Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Their collective banter, conditioned by and adapted to the local market, has exhibited staying power. The possessive of the singular would be Chris's. From September 2005 to August 2009, he served as Chief Privacy Officer, first General Counsel, and Head of Global Public Policy at Facebook. | Chris Demm has been half of the radio duo "2 Guys Named Chris" on Rock 92 for 15 years. It was a bizarre exit. Published Feb 3, 2021, 1:23 AM. <> Jaydon Young's lessons of sacrifice mix with two-hour transfer, Virginia Tech and 2023 tournament, 'A bizarre case': Greensboro TikTok star found not guilty in fatal 2019 crash, Police: Greensboro woman, 55, dies after being struck in hit-and-run Thursday night, 'A cancer to our community,' large development roundly rejected in Summerfield, Richard Groves: What the 'He Gets Us' media campaign says about the decline of Christianity, Unexplained footsteps haunt new owner as he readies new Lawson Family Murders exhibit at Madison Dry Goods, 'On Patrol: Live' -- Police of this NC town to be featured on TV show, Former Page High School teacher arrested on child sex charges, records show, Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist proposes community hospital in Greensboro, Two Things: Victim's family not surprised by no show; hospital wars in Greensboro and money well spent, Guilford County Schools, High School, A Honor Roll, second quarter, Former NFL star Chad Johnson says he saved money by living inside Cincinnati Bengals stadium for 2 years, Greensboro Day wins NCISAA 3-A boys basketball state championship after mad scramble. <> Trip has been a great partner in the past, and Im looking forward to working with him and his team in Raleigh.. Based at Dick Broadcastings Rock 92 92.3 WKRR Greensboro, the show features hosts Chris Kelly and Chris Demm, co-host Dave Aiken and producer Biggie. 12 0 obj 7 0 obj The 2 Guys Named Chris Show (2GNC) is a supremely talented 5-person morning show - Chris Kelly, Chris Demm, Biggie, and Weather Dave - who know what it takes to keep the show funny, edgy, and entertaining. Db`6Km \6_DQ B*nOn~]5}SsoLXB$Ia-o0x*MnN rL& G"f n+81rZ\gf?u8]dyF*AXD. [8] Both stations use directional antennas to reduce their signals toward each other. Reporting on what you care about. And when we see each other its like, Weve said everything we need to say or possibly can say to each other. Its a pretty intense partnership.. Now you know why we avoid these constructions in English. endobj 26kc{1`A,$dFBz?cuwuY|!z|>O(LXW|2UWM*83YkOmj}Z?7o+;XrVizruMKEcH" (`>P'wfuJ,_WJU$?9~jTA }AA@L+)8O1ju{83w.v.1MD -4#`O6zF0 HB!M*jt3#+gg.^?_d#chZ!@ D1 Please subscribe to keep reading. Because there are so many more than just Evans, Pratt, Hemsworth and Pine. Weekdays 7PM-12AM. Iowa State knocks off another top 10 team in Hilton Coliseum. Chris' would actually be entirely correct and more visually pleasing to most people. 6 0 obj The car of two guys named Chris. They also poke fun at themselves and each other. 44 25. . 2 Guys Named Chris airs M-F 6A-10A Eastern Time and is available on a market-exclusive basis. 192 East Lewis, Greensboro, North Carolina 27406. Do you want a chance to be the first to know about concert tickets, exclusive contests, or prizes from Two Guys Named Chris? Even after 15 years of working side by side and living in each others heads, the two Chrises still find themselves fraternizing outside of work on occasion. 2 Guys Named Chris is fresh, compelling content every day. Josie. <> endobj endobj Kelly says his whole name when they do put up or shut up. John Boy and Billy are syndicated from WRFX in Charlotte, North Carolina. The guys also . Connect With Rock 92. That was the career path I had in my head. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. 2 Guys Named Chris (2GNC), the smart and funny morning show for intelligent rockers, expands into Raleigh on Curtis Media's Rock 92.9 beginning today. At first, WGWR-FM simulcast WGWR. Rock 92.9 features real Classic Rock . <> Youre saying the other Chris uses his real name? In which case it's just ' by itself . We are excited to welcome 2 Guys Named Chris to Rock 92.9 and the Triangle, said Trip Savery, President/Chief Operating Officer, Curtis Media. In 1999, the two Chrises convinced the management at WKRR to give them a shot at co-hosting a morning show. endobj 26 0 obj No. On April 4, 1984, the call sign was changed to WRLT. Literally Just 40 Celebrities Named Chris. We usually just avoid the issue altogether by calling it "the McDonald's logo", which is kind of like calling Susan's dog "the Susan dog". <> No, because you don't use an apostrophe to pluralize a word. Yeah but thats two different people, I know Chris Kelly is Roman kirkman. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He's definitely the best Pratt. endstream The Lime Light Jacksonville, 145 Blue Creek School Road,Jacksonville,NC,United States, Jacksonville, United States. A pair of black tights are a necessity, rather than just an accessory, to stay stylish and comfortable when temperatures drop. By Jennifer Atkins Brown Special to News & Record At his. Hilarious? Greensboro, NC Always the sidekick, never the bride. %PDF-1.5 endobj The top-rated show has received numerous awards and accolades, including a 2015 NAB Marconi Award and North Carolina Broadcasters 2016 Morning Show of the Year Award. If youre into music, you never forget that feeling.. D.J. Sadly he's just not the best Chris. No worries! <> If someone knocks on your door offering to sell you something, be skeptical. <> endobj Demm. And it's not just him who goes by another name in the family. For more information, stations may contact Tony Garcia at 303-916-6333 and [emailprotected]. 28 0 obj Chris Kelly, from ROCK 92s 2 Guys Named Chris, has a great sense of humor, but its hard to laugh about being scammed out of thousands of dollars. I did not realize they were treated differently here. The show is currently hosted by Chris Fart Kelly, Chris Demm, "Biggie", and Dave Aiken. The station's call sign was changed to WKRR on October 11, 1985. With 25,000 homes lostGobel's home disintegrated into pieces while the family huddled in their bathroomMother Nature proved merciless and indiscriminate. For all of us who think were too smart to fall for a scam, think again. The shows been on the air for so long, its just ingrained in a lot of peoples DNA.. Work distracted you from The 2 Guys Named Chris Show? While other morning shows are delivering "encore" content 2-3 days a week, 2 Guys is creating new content that capitalizes on the intelligence & the varied interests of the team. 2 Guys Named Chris, Daily Show Highlights Dick Broadcasting . Syndicated nationally through Global Media Services, the 2 Guys Named Chris team consists of hosts Chris Kelly and Chris Demm, their partner Dave Aiken, and producer Biggie. "I absolutely love the following male names: David, James, Richard, Daniel, Michael and, my absolute favorite, Matt." The first name that is apparently is a huge hit with the ladies is Matt. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google plus Current . endobj Meanwhile, Chris Kelly was undergoing his own lengthy apprenticeship with Jack Murphy (of Murphy in the Morning fame), another local radio legend. EDIT: removed the anwered tag since a lot of people are disagreeing :) Love the discussions and I hope we can figure it out. . I assumed Id be here two or three years and then ping-pong across the country: Miami, Denver, New York. Answer 10 questions and get more right than Chris Demm, YOU WIN! Chris and Chris would collectively be "the Chrises" (or maybe "the Chrisses"), and their car would be "the Chrises' car" (or "the Chrisses' car"). 24 0 obj 16 0 obj Christopher. 51 26 chris. Chris Pine is pretty. We just pounded hard-core rock for 18- to 22-year-old males in the military, and they loved it.. Chris Kelly Is Afraid Of What Women Love! endstream But this scam artist made Kelly feel like he was in the wrong for questioning the fee. One Chris, two Chrises. 32 0 obj The legendary 2 Chainz was known as Tity Boi before he made it big, but his birth name is Tauheed Epps. Rock 92.9 features real Classic Rock with local personalities. Volume mute button. [5] However, years later, the licensee name still reads "Dick Broadcasting Company of Tennessee."[1]. Lance Venta is Owner and Publisher of RadioInsight.com. By continuing to use this website you are giving consent to cookies being used. Greensboro city leaders look at hired security regulations after Blind Tiger shooting, The Grinch is getting a sequel, plus other books, Everything you need to know about the Disney California, 13 stylish black tights to wear this winter, Supreme Court hears cases on student loan forgiveness, Mansion shown on fire in listing pics gets new owner, Idaho victims sister names baby Theodora MaddieKay, Newport girl battling rare specific genetic disease, Pearl Harbor survivor dies in Arizona at age 101, W-S family search for loved one after disappearance, NC high school assistant principal charged with DWI, NC man wins $1M after buying scratch-off at 7-Eleven, Plastics company to bring 118 jobs, invest $32m in, Man raped woman, shot business, set apt on fire:, NC hospital patient tried to kill another patient:, 15-mile chase ends in collision, arrest: deputies, Shoes tie VA gym owner to Jan. 6 insurrection: FBI, Stokesdale man accused of TikTok threats enters plea, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. <> However, as the years went by, they became friends and jumped when they had a chance to do their own morning radio show. (That did actually happen though and it was very confusing). The two meet at 4 a.m. every weekday at WKRRs downtown studio to map out the show. Don't @ me. She had "family issues". 2 Guys Named Chris is one of the most popular radio programs in central North Carolina. At WFXH, current afternoon hosts Kotter and Marshall will move to mornings starting on March 1. Chrises' sounds funny though :), No, mostly because plurals don't get an apostrophe. The transmitter is off Island Ford Road in Randleman, North Carolina (35500.0N 79501.0W / 35.833333N 79.833611W / 35.833333; -79.833611).[3]. Dec. 14, 2018. We will feature un-cut and fun-filtered all-star comedians: Jodi White, Dale Jones, and Drew Thomas. He played country music on its FM counterpart. DEC 29, 2021; Junior is Celebrating the Death of Osama bin Laden Were not going to debate health care. 2 Guys Named Chris Show @2GuysNamedChrisShow 6.75K subscribers Subscribe Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Search Videos Play all 1:28 Biggie's Valentine's Day Dilemma 1.3K views3. endobj menu . Been a huge listener of the show for years and I just want to know. 06 Feb . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Sometimes we add an apostrophe after the s (s') to clarify multiple possession, but this is usually in regards to surnames/family names, not first names. It'd still be Chris's car, even though there are two people, both named Chris. It feels like in the Bible, the possessive case for Jesus (first name) is used like. Two (weird) Guys Named Chris, featuring longtime friends Chris Hassel and Chris Williams. Property Virgins has been an enduring HGTV favorite, as was its host for 10 seasons, Sandra Rinomato. <>>>/Length 52>> [S.-o|;t&." RE%&t2ILifr 8/_m1a+F&t*J&/W#E!&bD "x}umiD"5@TF Chase Myers. He is a nipple's breadth away from the top. <> 18 0 obj Always ask for an invoice listing what work will be done, materials used and the price. Welcome to TV Guide's 12 Days of Chris-Mas, a . Chris Chrissen Peter Peters). Their working relationship is itself a long-running study in uniqueness. According to an interview he did with MTV, the name was given to him by G-Rock , a member of the musical collective Dungeon Family, when he told a young Wilburn, "You're the future. 2. Click here to listen to the latest podcasts. IsGerald. 23 0 obj 10 0 obj Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Red Mist and The Motherfucker, Chris Pratt - Star-Lord, Marvel Cinematic Universe. The show is currently hosted by Chris "Fart" Kelly, Chris Demm, "Biggie", and Dave Aiken. endobj Christopher Merriweather (sp?) He says thats going to be $7100.. Yes. He finally got him to quote $5.50 a bale and a couple of hundred bales for the yard. The scammer starts with an extraordinarily high price and then negotiates down. He's golden, and his dedication to superhero movies is rather impressive. He said theyd just put pine needles down at my neighbors house and had some left over and hed give me a good deal, Kelly said. That is still an unethical, obscene price for the pine needles and work done in Kellys yard. Hack away at the corpse with your axe, chopping one or both of the legs off . NeChris. TYCO 1/64 slot cars 4 lane racing, 2 overhead lanes, 6 lanes total - $375 (Kingston) image 1 of 4 condition: excellent make / manufacturer: TYCO 440 Magnum model name / number: HO SLOT CARS AND TRACK size / dimensions: 8ft.x4ft.x34"4 Lane Commercial Style Track For Sale: Rubber Roaster Raceway Guys, With much thought and my family . Even more impressive, Demm has been at WKRR for 25 years. I feel so ridiculous. They have been Read More Crash If you missed a segment or had to leave in the middle of a segment, we have them all right here at the click of a button for your listening pleasure! When we make a plural with a noun ending with an 's' we add 'es'. 2 Guys Named Chris Comedy Show This ONE OF A KIND comedy night will feature an array of very talented and witty comedians with unique entertainment styles. -. In November 1948, WGWR-FM signed on as the sister station to AM 1260 WGWR. The NFL Playoffs and more, presented by Fareway. <> Someone in NC won $2M in Saturdays Powerball drawing, NC students build houses to help dogs in need, Swing State with Mark Walker & Odell Cleveland, Masked Proud Boys spark petition to NC sheriff, Robinson: NC is destination state for death, Nevada Dem. He said that when he asked the. Rock 92 members lose 330 pounds Kimberly Van Scoy spent some time with Rock 92's morning show, titled Two Guys Named Chris, and tells the story of how two of the members are losing. Winston Salem Journal said she took take a leave of absence for family reasons, and decided not to return to the show. . 20 0 obj endobj 1 0 obj Lang duet closes. The announcement comes on the heels of 2GNC's monster achievement of a 32 share in its home market of Greensboro - the highest home-market share of any classic rock morning program. Receive the latest in local entertainment news in your inbox weekly! Sadie Gennis. stream I didnt get anything. The announcement comes on the heels of 2GNCs monster achievement of a 32 share in its home market of Greensboro the highest home-market share of any classic rock morning program. This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. 15 0 obj 25 0 obj IsGeral. [4] It played a "light" soft adult contemporary format. WKRR is owned by Dick Broadcasting, along with WKZL 107.5 KZL in Winston-Salem. Under Allen's watch, it became one of the highest-rated stations in the Triad. Listen to our podcasts at 2guysnamedchris.com. <> So You Didnt Like The Super Bowl Halftime Show? Chrises' car. They take being funny very seriously! [2] It broadcasts a classic rock radio format, branded as Rock 92, and is the Triad's affiliate for the Carolina Panthers Radio Network. Jack is first name and Mandanka is last name. Sort of the same as in Dutch then, except in Dutch it depends on the name what the plural is (for ex. Join Rock92's , 2 Guys Named Chris Show as they talk to Junior from Montgomery County and get his opinion on various topics and what's going on in his life. By then, each has consulted a multitude of favorite websites and TV shows, compiling notes on the latest round of human punch lines, crackpot behavior and wacky happenings they can riff about on the air. f* If you missed a segment or had to leave in the middle of a segment, we have them all right here at the click. Two hours later the job is done. Demm moved to Greensboro and started at WKRR in 1989, working nights for a few years until an opening came up on the morning show. The best course of action would be to say something along the lines of "both Chris and Chris own the car", to clarify there is more than one. [3][9] Even with this restriction, WKRR provides at least grade B coverage as far west as Charlotte, as far east as Raleigh and Fort Bragg, as far south as Rockingham and as far north as the Virginia border. Demm is, after all, the expert who stumps almost everyone present company included with musical trivia on 2 Guys Named Chris. (He tripped me up on the air with a question about which member of KISS formerly drove a cab.). Will we know who won the $747M Powerball jackpot? Take on Rock92's Chris Demm from the Two Guys Named Chris show in 'Put Up or Shut Up' for Chris Demm's money! Both stations broadcast from studios and offices on East Lewis Street in Greensboro. This segment can only be heard live either on the Radio via Rock92, or by listening via the live stream through our app, website or other devices such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home. endobj A Ranking Of Every White Guy Named Chris Who Stars In A Superhero Movie It's a good time to be called Chris. The NFL Playoffs and more, presented by Fareway. Chrises are handsome hardbodies first and foremost. Get recommendations. WKRR (92.3 FM) is a commercial radio station licensed to serve Asheboro, North Carolina in the Piedmont Triad radio market. Hysterical and irreverent, The 2 Guys Named Chris Show creates must listen radio every morning. Unless the word ends with 's'. Chris Evans - Captain America, Marvel Cinematic Universe; Human Torch, Chris Hemsworth - Thor, Marvel Cinematic Universe. www.youtube.com/channel/UCI0Fl9JCIz50Z6NFoNsa2zA Posts Videos Tagged Show More Posts from biggs2gnc Jacksonville, NC. So it would be Chrises' car. 0 0.000061035 540 780 re Honestly it was so fucking hard to put Evans in second place. Biggie is going through a lot in his personal life and has decided to take some time away from the show to get his health and weight under control. Subscribed to personalized events updates! endobj That Demm Music Show runs from 9 to 11 a.m. Sunday and is replayed at 9 p.m. Sunday. But the man, who Kelly has no way of identifying, came back to demand money. stream Frequencies High Point 92.3 FM Asheboro 92.3 FM Schedule Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Contacts Website: www.rock92.com/ Address: https://www.rock92.com Colleen Weekdays 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM Saturdays 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM I'm thrilled to be rockin' with you on The River! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 2 Guys Named Chris talk about getting used to there being new cameras in the studio and how they are adjusting to them. | <> Looks like she's super active on Twitter. 13 0 obj Give us your name and email and BOOM, youre in the P1 Club! Rock 92 live Home of 2 Guys Named Chris Genres: Classic Rock 64 12 About Rock 92 Rockin' The Triad since 1985! By the way.Good Luck! Curtis Media President Trip Savery said, "We"re excited to welcome 2 Guys Named Chris to Rock 92.9 and the Triangle. Their listeners pitch in, as well. He did not duplicate this success however, not cracking the Top 10. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. [ 0 0 0] Pratt's totally cute with his family. Obsessed with travel? English is not my first language but I was wondering. 19 0 obj The ultimate white guy superhero Chris? No worries! If you love music and entertainment quick facts in a fun game show format, your going to love "Put Up or Shut Up"on the Two Guys Names Chris Show. And people have been like, Its nice to hear some real variety. I think even if listeners arent digging an individual song, they like the idea of a show like that. 88 29 Comments Share The original white guy superhero Chris, who paved the way for every white guy superhero Chris who came after him. But he is not the best Chris. It was the perfect storm against me.. I didnt know what the company name was., Thats when he canceled the check. Broadcast weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m. on WKRR (92.3 FM, aka Rock 92), the raucous repartee between Chris Demm and Chris Kelly is as much a part of many Triad residents morning routines as toast and coffee. In terms of differences, the best description is that on the show Im a smartass, and hes a dumbass, Demm says, laughing. | No. 'It's nice to hear some real variety.' . 22 0 obj Ive been able to do what I love to do telling jokes and making goofy voices on the radio and get paid for it. Winston-Salem, NC He started reading news at WCWM, the campus station. On one recent installment of That Demm Music Show, devoted to duos and duets, he played songs by acts as diverse as the Black Keys, Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, George Jones and Tammy Wynette, and most unlikely of all Bing Crosby and Louis Jordan. Ask SAM: What happens to my old license when I get a REAL ID? These actors, and the Spider-man role they were cast in, are each too real, too accessible. [7] The minimum distance between a Class C0 FM radio station (WKRR) and a Class C FM radio station (WXLK) operating on the same frequency according to current FCC rules is 175 miles. The 2 Guys Named Chris Show (2GNC) is a supremely talented four-person morning show - Chris Kelly, Chris Demm, Biggie, and Weather Dave - who know what it takes to keep the show funny, edgy, and entertaining. Thats part of the scam. Share. Live every Monday and Thursday at 8:30 CT, presented by Fareway Meat and Grocery. The Family Guy star, for her part, abbreviated her first name,. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Do your research first. Make sure you connect with us on social media. <>>> GUILFORD COUNTY, N.C. (WGHP) Somebody was at the front door of Chris Kellys house with an offer. Search. 3 0 obj On this page you will find a quick nickname generator based on the name Chris. 2 Guys Named Chris - Weekdays 6-10am When Chris and Chris first met, they instantly hated each other- they worked at competing radio stations and both had trouble meeting women, so each of them was already in a bad mood. Kill a cannibal. 29 0 obj In honor of 24 years as the Hometown Morning Show for many in the Triad and Triangle, Four Saints Brewing Company created the 2GNC Brew, a Light Hometown Ale - easy to drink, well-balanced, and very lightly hopped. Sometimes we add an apostrophe after the s (s') to clarify multiple possession, but this is usually in regards to surnames/family names, not first names. Rock meets reggae. The apostrophe is 's for a possessive. From the late 1960s until 1984, the station played country music with the WCSE call sign. 31 0 obj <> As an English language teacher this thread makes me want to shit my pants. I get all I can out of the ATM. Work distracted you from The 2 Guys Named Chris Show? The stories they tell about having sex in rock stars beds or still having bullets in them from hunting accidents or the bizarre ways they were able to skip school never fail to impress us. Whatever chemistry is, we have it, says Demm over a mug of beer at Natty Greenes. I didnt get any kind of invoice. On any given day, the two Chrises and their equally irreverent associates Deidre (aka Lady D), Dave Aiken and Biggie skewer everything, including political scandals, celebrity misbehavior and bone-headed things that ordinary, average people have said or done. xMk@9J^~AvbRpICPZTyvU?"SD:r&_`&I|&+lx ISV}**M `axs~#?ElXtGuGNd rUyc]8HoS{"$mYn4Z`qnx9}r9\Z7U!=P'_S_nhE|G*L2z%$bSpuYwk') s1F%.W{&1 Oq=uvwdZ^D[K U{;:+kUr==b}{mTmm2(uAKX+[m2Ng*$ The 2GNC Comedy All Star Show - Now With 4 Locations & 4 Dates! After graduating, Demm couldnt find paying radio work in Richmond, so he took a job with a station in Jacksonville. Play from 00:00. 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