Twitter. Chris Demm's voice is familiar to many in the community as one of the drivetime cut-ups known as "2 Guys Named Chris." Broadcast weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m. on WKRR (92.3 FM, aka "Rock. They hired him mostly because they needed someone to fill out the chicken suit and provide entertainment for store openings. After college Dave immediately got a job as a weatherman right in Greensboro, NC where he went to college! display: none; font-size: 1.0em; This obsession turned him into the rock trivia freak he remains today. . Following this morning's announcement of changes to their market operations structure, the layoffs at iHeartMedia are currently ongoing. 100.3 WNIC is the most listened-to station in Detroit, Michigan, Detroit's Christmas Station. ET Extremely thoughtful and well-spoken host who makes a living stirring the pot. 86, 2-7 . riddled with ads and unnecessary features that come at the cost of the main function of the app: to listen to the radio on your phone. Josh Ellinger, aka Biggie, the producer of the 2 Guys Named Chris Show, has been a member of the show since 2008. Speaking of tattoos, I am obsessed with them. Usually ends up talking about pickelball and pop stars that they . Talk radio stations in the Triangle, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, 18 replies She likes all kinds of music but has a passion mostly for classic rock. On Air. The duo from nationally syndicated morning show 2 Guys Named Chris celebrates 20 years on the radio this month. Omaha's News, Weather & Traffic with the Good Morning Show, Scott Voorhees, Lucy Chapman, and Sean Callahan with Husker Sports The show is consistently ranked #1 in the Triad and has been nominated twice for R&R's Best Classic Morning Show in America award. This ONE OF A KIND comedy night will feature an array of very talented and witty comedians with unique entertainment styles.We will feature un-cut and fun-filtered all-star comedians: Kelly Collette, Greg Morton, and Mike Merryfield.All these comedians have been specially chosen by the 2 Guys Named Chris Morning Show.We are very excited to bring them together for one great night of comedy. Albany NY Warren 'Chris Warren' Garling is out after 18 years on Station Contact Info . Catch her from 3 pm 7 pm daily! Careers. Crash. Classic Rock Hits Pop RnB. i like the humor. He changed his college major to meteorology and graduated with honors just a few years later. Power 105.1. However, as the years went by, they became friends and jumped when they had a chance to do their own morning radio show. . Studio: 843-839-9696 The DJ was very professional and I will still listen to 106.1 but I don't want to listen to Donald Trump Jr and more RNC sound bites and their praises from Chris and Chris and I have heard reports that some people at the RNC were under the influence when they gave their speeches. Dave had many firsts in college he lost his virginity, he didnt have to kill his own dinner, indoor plumbing, etc. Rock 92.9 features real Classic Rock with local personalities. Not a fan. When Dave was 18 he announced to his family that he had gotten into the college of his choice The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Once he was old enough to drive, hed spend hours in various record stores, looking through every single bin before leaving. 2 Guys Named Chris, Daily Show Highlights, The A-Train Once Again Reports From The Murdaugh Trial, .css-vhyn2u{color:currentcolor;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-vhyn2u:hover,.css-vhyn2u:focus{color:#483c63;}Powered by .css-r0uguc{width:auto;height:16px;vertical-align:bottom;margin-bottom:2px;}, Omny Studio is the complete audio management solution for podcasters and radio stations, .css-bdd3sc{color:currentColor;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-bdd3sc:hover,.css-bdd3sc:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Terms of Service.css-1jv9wpv{display:inline-block;-webkit-flex:none;-ms-flex:none;flex:none;width:3px;}|Privacy Policy|Listener Privacy Policy|Copyright Policy (DMCA), The 2 Guys Named Chris Show (2GNC) have dominated morning radio in central North Carolina for over 1. On January 2, 2019, the format changed once again, this time to classic rock and a new branding, "107.7 Rock City". The show is currently hosted by Chris Kelly, Chris Demm, "Biggie", and Dave Aiken. However, as the years went by, they became friends and jumped when they had a chance to do their own morning radio show. Weekdays 7PM-12AM. 2 Two Guys Named Chris airs M-F 6A-10A Eastern Time and is available on a market . Streamline Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. WKRR additionally covers various community events. WFXH-FM (106.1 MHz), known as "Rock 106.1", is an active rock radio station targeted to Savannah, Georgia.The station was a monitored reporter on the Alternative (Modern Rock) panel. Easy to use internet radio. Mac. In 1968 he began his first radio job, at KUTY, in . Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. A few years ago I became a father of a baby boy named Brady (and no not after Tom) so my life has been flipped all around. So Dave bravely hitchhiked down the mountain and all the way to Greensboro where he started his college career. Clyde Lewis 7. Mark Levin 5. One Chris said that Biden said that if Biden got elected he said he'd listen to the Experts and if they recommended a shutdown that as President elect he would do it and one Chris said he didn't care what the Experts said he wouldn't support it and he said Democrats made him constipated and you name it. Dave Aiken. Twin And Earth Cable Temperature Rating, Hes been working on the 2 Guys Named Chris Show since 1999. If you're memorable or not. Dave has been working in radio for several years now and will probably do this till he diesNow here are a few other fun facts about Dave He loves Jimmy Buffet (there is a pending restraining order); he joined the 2 Guys Named Chris Show after saving Chris Kellys life in a near fatal chicken bone choking episode; if you ask him his opinion of something he will never ever ever give it to you; he loves football more than he loves anything else; he likes beer and women and.. well beer and women; he once punched a belligerent coked-up Ed McMahon in the face; he can do more with a hot dog and a corn tortilla than Guy Fieri can do with a whole kitchen full of food; he will recite lines from Jaws with you for hours; and finally, he has slept with your mother. Syndicated morning show "2 Guys Named Chris" (2GNC) expands into Raleigh on Curtis Media's Rock 92.9 (W225DF) beginning Monday. If You See A Halo Or Glare Around Lights, You Need To See Your Doctor Now May 03, 2022. He loves most all sports and claims the single happiest moment of his life was when he went to Chicago to see his beloved Cubs win to go to the World Series. I love the fact he can hear me on the radio. Contact: 401 Mall Blvd Suite 101D Savannah, GA 31406 800-394-1061 WNIC plays songs from artists like Pink, Prince, Ed Sheeran, Bon Jovi and Matchbox twenty. 2 Guys Named Chris. } #WatchLive. volume_up. Load More. If theres a complaint to be made, Biggie will make it. Glenn Beck 10. Install our app and get instant access to our unique content, features, and more! Know other awesome stations? That is where I caught the Radio Bug. I worked at WMLN, my college station for all four years. Sure, the pay isnt as good and the quality of ladies who want to sleep with you is poor, buuuut he got to play whatever music he wanted. Advertise with Us! Mention two things: "[Name] & [why you love the . Rock 92 has been a consistently top rated "Rock" radio station in North Carolina ever since 1985. Weekdays 3PM-7PM. 1361 Colony Dr., New Bern, NC 28562 " One of the worst radio shows, two or three aging men trying to stay relevant on today's pop issues. . Sean Casey, a three-time All-Star and 12-year Major League first baseman, is an analyst appearing across MLB Network's programming, including Emmy Award-winning flagship studio show MLB Tonight, the Spring Training series 30 Clubs in 30 Days, the kids-focused weekly interview and demonstration show Play Ball and MLB Network's special event coverage . Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. However, as the years went by, they became friends and jumped when they had a chance to do their own morning radio show. Produced at Dick Broadcasting's WKRR-FM (Rock 92) in Greensboro, NC, and syndicated through Global Media Services, the team consists of Chris Kelly, Chris Demm, their partner Dave Aiken and . WKPR Rock 92 features the morning show Two Guys Named Chris. MEET THE 2GNC TEAM When Chris and Chris first met, they instantly hated each other- they worked at competing radio stations and both had trouble meeting women, so each of them was already in a bad mood. I love being on the water. Chris Kelly was born in 1971 and things were great. 2 Guys Named Chris. Hysterical and irreverent, The 2 Guys Named Chris show creates must listen radio every morning. Favorite author: Stephen King. When Chris & Chris first met, they instantly hated each other- they worked at competing radio stations and both had trouble meeting women, so each of them was already in a bad mood. Chris got his first radio job at a little 5000 watt radio station called the Kickin' Chicken in 1987. To try and stay in shape Kelly plays basketball or tennis on Saturdays where he is often yelled at by his partnersjust like on the radio show. Audio Ink is a trademark of Streamline Publishing, Inc. Log In (Existing Digital Subscriptions Only), WBGO Launches Podcast With NJ Assemblywoman, Its Time To Make Your Medallas de Cortez Nominations, Chicago Bears Broadcasts Moving up the Dial Next Year. Formerly, WFXH reported as an Alternative station to Arbitron and various radio industry publications. Featured Programs are new programs, hosts currently in the news, or hosts we really like :) % Change compares the most recent 28 day listen counts to the prior 28 days. After moving south for school, Josie got lucky when a radio station hired her as a clueless college kid with no radio experience. 2 GUYS NAMED CHRIS (2GNC), the nationally syndicated morning show based from flagship station DICK BROADCASTING's Rock WKRR (ROCK 92)/GREENSBORO, NC, is adding CURTIS MEDIA GROUP Classic Rock . 6/18/22. You may also see him in his beaten-up 1998 Acura Sedan. You will often find him in the family minivan on his way to buy fast food or pretending to sleep on the sofa so no one bothers him. Russell Maryland The Rock, McCandless is the subject of Into the Wild, a nonfiction book by Jon Krakauer that was later made into a full-length feature film. Born and raised in Western Maryland (where there are more cows than people), Josie became obsessed with music (mostly Garbage, Smashing Pumpkins, and the Beastie Boys) and spent hours pretending to have her own radio show on her familys karaoke machine. I should have been a rock star. 5/07/22. John Donald Imus Jr. (July 23, 1940 - December 27, 2019), also known simply as Imus, was an American radio personality, television show host, recording artist, and author. Box 374 St. Marys, WV 26170. -. I'm just a Cali girl raised with some southern hospitality. 2021 96.1 WKZQ-FM | Dick Broadcasting The Mark Blazor Show. Local News; National News; Community Calendar; KZ Country Music News; KLIR Music News; Hawk Rock News; . The 2 Guys Named Chris Show (2GNC) has dominated morning radio in central North Carolina for over 15 years. Biography. He changed his college major to meteorology and graduated with honors just a few years later. They hired him mostly because they needed someone to fill out the chicken suit and provide entertainment for store openings. Sure, the pay isnt as good and the quality of ladies who want to sleep with you is poor, buuuut he got to play whatever music he wanted. Content is quality, funny, and relatable. Omny Studio is the complete audio management solution for podcasters and radio stations Ex-ATF official on WDBJ shooting 03:24 Parker and Ward were killed as the gunman fired about 15 . When Dave was 16 the family got their first radio and it became his first real love. Station name: Rock 92; Call sign: . Ohio State Basketball. Sadly though, I don't think the southern etiquette stuck because more than likely you will hear me reach a 4 on the Richter scale for my burps. 2 Guys Named Chris is proud to present our OFFICIAL FREE radio app. He spent his days swimming in creeks, skipping rocks, and scamming the tourists by selling them fake Indian moccasins that his Nana made. So you can catch me on the radio or maybe even at a local bar. Click here to view the FCC Public inspection file of WXCR. Ryan Kumpf - not shock jock at all. #1 FOR HIP HOP in New York. He is funny, hard working, and full of diva spirit. SGplayer supports HTML5 and HLS audio and video on desktop and mobile devices to ensure that your content has 100% device coverage. Since marrying, VERY late in life, Demm has spent most of his free time traveling, and will happily show you his thousandsand thousandsand thousandsof sunset pictures. Before you ask I am NOT from LA BUT I am from California. "> The Doobie Brothers. 1035 KTU. Home of 2 Guys Named Chris Genres: Classic Rock 64 12 About Rock 92 Rockin' The Triad since 1985! This data helps us provide the core media player service, and to better understand your radio listening patterns so that we can improve your radio experience. This Is The Rock 92 Team Chris Kelly View Bio Chris Demm View Bio Mike 08-29-2008, 08:09 AM . Warning: another app may have prevented this one from loading. I did call 106.1 and speak with their DJ and he was very professional and said they were out of North Carolina and syndicated and to send them an email with my concerns. The station has been broadcasting for the last 30 years. Time in Jacksonville: 04:04, 05.07.2022. Rock 92.3 is proud to present our OFFICIAL FREE radio app. Produced at flagship station WKRR-FM (Rock 92) in Greensboro, NC, the team . The station is home to the 2 Guys Named Chris Show, which airs every morning and evening on weekdays. Chris Plante 14 . For the full list of stations, click here. Two Guys Walk Into a Summit in. Instagram: @lapantera105.5. 2 Guys Named Chris The 2 Guys Named Chris Show (2GNC) have dominated morning radio in central North Carolina for over 1 More Follow podcast. Tony Garcia, President of Global Media Services said, Trip has been a great partner in the past, and Im looking forward to working with him and his team in Raleigh.. 12. Studio: (888) 802-1079 Alex Jones 9. His Daddy had just got done making the shine for the day and was looking to relax a little when suddenly Daves Mom gave out a wild yell from the kitchen and there on the floor lay a baby Dave. You can hear him weekday mornings from 6 to 10 eastern time on the 2 Guys Named Chris Show. Demm got into radio so his parents could legitimately tell their friends, We have three sons: one is a doctor, the other a lawyerand ones a DJ.. Some highlights from her radio career: making the 21 Pilots laugh pretty hard in an interview; having a beer with Katy Perry in a Mexican Restaurant at 10:30 AM, and using a fart machine in a crowded Waffle House (the stunt that landed Josie her first radio job). and here is a phone number 18003941061 and the radio station is 106.1 phone is 9123519830 however they cannot speak with Chris Kelly and Chris Demm. Z100. Health Awareness Magazine, If there's a complaint to be made, Biggie will make it. }. The announcement comes on the heels of 2GNC's monster achievement of a 32 share in its home market of Greensboro. Copyright 2023 All Access Music Group All rights reserved. McKenzies a big fan of the outdoors. These days his favorite hobbies are being told what to do by his wife, Ashley, whom he adores, and accidentally saying things he probably shouldnt to his two children, Ben and Katherine, whom he also adoresmost of the time. 2 Odd Guys, with Chris and Phoenix, is a show focused primarily on society and culture. Most Kills In Fortnite Duos, Most things on the car are either falling off or in some form of disrepairjust like Kellys body. We love him and wish him nothing but the best. Weekdays 6:00 AM-10:00 AM. 2021 WRWN 107.9 FM ET on more than 400 radio stations nationwide. , Just like a few years before, Daves life was changed. 2 Guys Named ChrisNever be without your favorite radio station. I studied Communication at Curry College in Milton. Contact: Rock 92 192 East Lewis Street Greensboro, NC 27406 1-800-762-5923 Radio Monitoring by . Copyright 2022 Seven Ranges Radio Co., Inc. - All Rights Reserved. They hired him mostly because they needed someone to fill out the chicken suit and provide entertainment for store openings. Rock 92 has been rockin' Carolina for over 30 years. Curtis Media Shakes Up Local Radio Stations User Name: Remember Me: Password : Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary The Triangle Area Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Weekdays 6AM-10AM. These days his favorite hobbies are being told what to do by his wife, Ashley, whom he adores, and accidentally saying things he probably shouldnt to his two children, Ben and Katherine, whom he also adoresmost of the time. Sundays 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. 30 tune ins FM 93.5 - 32Kbps. Now that were 20, we look forward to being able to have a beer in one year, commented co-host CHRIS DEMM. Rock 92.9 features real Classic Rock . Sun Sign: Virgo. Share. As a Bostonian I root for all my favorite hometown teams even if they are not doing well. I have met a few rock stars. I was born in Boston, MA and grew up in a small town called Walpole. Growing up in Virginia, Demm became fascinated with music, of all kinds. What's Playing on Rock 92 Home of 2Guys Named Chris. 2 Boys On Life Support After Being Shot By Mother May 03, 2022. He was born in France, and has consistently been a fan of stinky cheese and snobby waiters ever since. thanks. The radio station s Web site provides a program guide and organizes various contests. 22 Mark Levin. remove close. Steelers Football. 2 Guys Named Chris Biggie Is Taking Some Time Off 00:00 12:31 Biggie Is Taking Some Time Off View description Share Published Mar 31, 2022, 11:35 AM Description Biggie is going through a lot in his personal life and has decided to take some time away from the show to get his health and weight under control. No worries, catch up on all your favorite morning show antics with our Listen on Demand Podcast area. The nonprofit group gets a percentage of the profits of the evening by serving as waiters/waitresses at the restaurant. Never be without your favorite radio station. Health Awareness Magazine, Rock 92, has been rockin' Carolina for over 25 years. #primary-menu { Its entertainment section includes information on the latest movies and shows in theatres. New York's Best Variety. We use the data stored in cookies to keep track of what you've listened to. RSS. This data helps us provide the core media player service, and to better understand your radio listening patterns so that we can improve your . Music has always been a love of mine. Rock 92.3 - giving you the best of classic rock. WEBSITE. However, as the years went by, they became friends and jumped when they had a chance to do their own morning radio show. Share them in comments section. Since 1999, Rock 92 has been home to the highly rated and multi-award winning "Two Guys Named Chris" Morning Show. Now, over a decade later, you can hear Josie on KZQ from 10a-3p during the week. DICK BROADCASTING VP/ProgrammingJASON GOODMAN said. Maybe explains a weird hobby I have that. AWARE is a local non-profit group that has been assisting residents of Chowan, Gates and Perquimans counties with the cost of spay and neuter for their dogs and cats since 2009. Led Zeppelin, Rush, Eric Clapton, and Van Halen are what she grew up with so they bring back fond memories. Participants will gather at 4:30pm where we will have face painting, volleyball, cornhole, prize raffle, donation drop off, and a Krispy Kreme fundraiser with hot chocolate. 96.1 WKZQ is the Alternative Rock radio station serving the Grand Strand area. Most things on the car are either falling off or in some form of disrepairjust like Kellys body. He's been working on the 2 Guys Named Chris Show since 1999. LISTEN LINK. Alt-rock radio mainstay KFOG 104.5 is signing off after 36 years on the air. Share. Ludwig Bemelmans Art For Sale, Previous logo . The Chamber of Commerce in Perquimans County is hosting a Dog Festival April 1, 2023 at Perquimans Recreation Center to raise money for the Chamber, SPCA in Elizabeth City, Tri-County Animal Shelter in Chowan County and AWARE in Hertford NC. What a great gig! 402-564-2866. See, Daves Mom didnt know she was pregnant she thought she had just eaten some bad wild boar a few months before and was still suffering the consequences. I have been a Mobile/ Club DJ since 8thgrade. In addition, WWDW also picked up Two Guys Named Chris, a syndicated program based out of WKRR in Greensboro, North Carolina. Famous As: Lawyer. J Cruz, DJ Lechero, Jeff "The Sports Dude" Garcia and DJ Lezlee are LIVE on Real 923 in Los Angeles afternoons from 2-7pm in Los Angeles. He loves most all sports and claims the single happiest moment of his life was when he went to Chicago to see his beloved Cubs win to go to the World Series. Now playing placeholder. Home of the 2 Guys Named Chris Show 14 1. .apply_now { Wikipedia. Exercising, walking her dogs, playing softball, and spending time with her daughter. This, more than anything else, gave him his snarky, Ill make fun of you before you make fun of me attitude. Sure, it wasnt the most glamorous job, but Dave didnt care he just wanted to be inside the TV. Weekdays 3:00 PM-7:00 PM & Saturdays 3:00 PM-7:00 PM. Matt is your hostest with the mostest during the workday from 10a-3p! His family immediately disowned him and said they didnt have any place for fancy learnin boys in the family. OUR ON AIR TEAM. But I cant sing. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google plus Current . Radio Stations; P1 Club; Podcasts; Shop 2GNC; Contact; close. His radio show Imus in the Morning was aired on various stations and digital platforms nationwide until 2018. refuses to play them. The Cruz Show Podcast features vibes & content like; Interviews, Trending Topics, Relationship talk & Lechero's Chisme (gossip report). There will be an item donations drop box at the event. Dave had many firsts in college he lost his virginity, he didnt have to kill his own dinner, indoor plumbing, etc. I even met my wife Corey at an Incubus concert. } Rock 92 - WKRR is a broadcast radio station from Asheboro, NC, United States, providing Classic Rock, Rock Hits music, news, information and entertainment. The time now is . Jake Owen extends his tour plans into fall 2022, adds Travis Denning to the bill. Monday through Saturday from 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. Hopefully, this list of the 30 best radio stations will help you find a good station. Play 2 Guys Named Chris Show and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. Dave had a fairly normal childhood for a mountain boy. Shell Rotella T. Shell Rotella T Hotline. Garth Brooks sells out Edmonton, his only Stadium Tour stop in Canada, in just 45 minutes. New York's #1 Hit Music & Elvis Duran. 2 Guys Named Chrishas built a solid following in the region, and it is a perfect match for mornings on Rock 92.9., The show is syndicated by Global Media Services. They hired him mostly because they needed someone to fill out the chicken suit and provide entertainment for store openings. Business Office/Ad Sales Number: 1-304-455-6273 Fax Number: 304-684-9241 P.O. . He was born in France and has consistently been a fan of stinky cheese and snobby waiters ever since. Please help the Presidential candidates to have fair coverage that is unbiased and fair. Show Imus in the morning was aired on various stations and digital platforms nationwide until 2018. refuses to play.!: & quot ; [ Name ] & amp ; [ why love! 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