Only natural persons can own this type of Account, and you must execute a separate Health Savings Account Custodial Account Agreement to establish a Health Savings Account. (Right of Setoff). (3) Initial Interest Rate The Initial Interest Rate is the current annual rate of interest that we will pay on the specified balance in your Account. If feasible, any such offending provision shall be deemed to be modified to be within the limits of enforceability or validity; however, if the offending provision cannot be so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of the Agreement in all other respects shall remain valid and enforceable. Since 1868, Frost Bank has recognized and respected our customers right to confidentiality. You have overdrawn your Account repeatedly in the last six (6) months. (Payable on Death) Designation If you have opened this type of Account then you are the sole owner of the Account. Other Features Include: - Place a temporary freeze on your debit card. We strive to meet the highest legal and ethical standards in the conduct of our business as allowed by law, observing both the letter and the spirit of the regulations surrounding the confidentiality and security of customer information. C. Fraud and Loss Prevention; Legal Process; Legal Compliance; Reservation of Rights. Once the funds are available, you can withdraw the funds in cash and we will use the funds to pay Items and transactions drawn on your Account. You should know that Frost Bank employs various security and authentication technologies to ensure that you (an authorized customer) are communicating directly with Frost Bank. If you do not opt-in to allow us to pay one-time debit card transactions that result in an Overdraft, we may still pay those transactions, in our sole discretion, and you are still required to promptly repay us the amount of the Overdraft, but we will not charge you a fee. (13) Preauthorized Payments, XI. You agree that Frost will not be liable to you or any third party for any block, suspension, cancellation or termination of your use of any Mobile Card. The federal Bank Secrecy Act (Act) also requires all financial institutions to report cash transactions of more than $10,000 to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This includes cash deposits or withdrawals to multiple Accounts or any combination of cash transactions (including checks cashed) by the same customer that, in total, add up to more than $10,000. (3) If your Account is a Personal Account, then these electronic debit transfers are governed by the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureaus Regulation E (Regulation E), and all electronic checks (both debits and credits) are also governed by the Operating Rules and Operating Guidelines of the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) and are also subject to the separate Frost Bank Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement and Disclosure as described in Section X.B. (Fraud and Loss Prevention; Legal Process; Legal Compliance; Reservation of Rights) of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, an interpleader action. (4) Funds Availability Holds on Other Funds (Other Accounts) If we accept for deposit a check that is drawn on another bank, we may make funds from the deposit available for withdrawal immediately but delay your availability to withdraw a corresponding amount of funds that you have on deposit in another Account with us. They will generally be available no later than the seventh Business Day after the day of your deposit. You agree to pay us for fees and expenses (including administrative expenses) that we incur in responding to any Legal Process related to your Account, such as expenses for research and copying of documents. We exercise our rights to investigate any unusual or suspicious Digital Deposits Items as determined in Banks sole discretion. (3) Notice Requirements We retain the right to require you to give at least seven (7) calendar days notice in writing prior to any intended withdrawal from your Account. (11) Confidentiality Use of our electronic funds transfer services is subject to existing regulations governing your Account and any future changes to those regulations. The Account statement shall be considered correct for all purposes, and we will not be liable for any payment made and charged to your Account, unless you notify us in writing within certain time limits after the statement is made available to you by mail, sent to you at your statement mailing address, made available to you through Online Statement Delivery (if you are enrolled in Online Banking, your statement is available to you as soon as it is posted, free of charge. (2) Minimum Balance Requirements The Schedule may specify a minimum balance that you are required to maintain in your Account. chloe johnson peter buck wedding; le mal en elle fin du film If you and your spouse have this type of Account and desire the spouse to have right of survivorship in those funds upon the death of either spouse, you each will need to choose the Multiple-Party Account With Right of Survivorship designation on the Texas Uniform Single- or Multiple-Party Account Selection Form according to Section 113 of the Texas Estates Code. Upon receipt of any deposit(s), the Smart Safe Vendor will verify currency amounts removed from each of customers Smart Safes. We have written procedures for providing and maintaining security for customer data and records. Obtain balance information for your checking or savings Account. The Bank must also have the identifying information of the person conducting the transaction. You expressly warrant that no entry delivered to us will, if we accept it, cause us to be in violation of any sanction administered by the United States Department of Treasurys Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) or any applicable anti-money laundering statute, including, but not limited to, the federal Bank Secrecy Act and the USA-PATRIOT Act. If a check is sent or returned as an electronic image or as a Substitute Check, it is still considered a check. HOW CAN I ORDER CHECKS? World-class service. With second-party checking services, a percentage of the amount redeemed (1-3%) can be deducted to complete the credit check. Documentation means the online help files or written instructions and materials made available or supplied by Bank that provide the description, methods of operation, and required procedures to engage in Digital Deposits activities. O. If your account has been compromised, should you decide against closing an Account as required by us, or if you decide not to implement products or services that are designed to deter fraudulent activity after we have required you to implement such products or services, you will be precluded from asserting any claims against us for any fraudulent activity. Customer agrees that the findings and records of the Smart Safe Vendor shall be conclusive and binding upon Customer. Governing Law; Dispute Resolution; Arbitration; Statute of Limitations, Fraud and Loss Prevention; Legal Process; Legal Compliance; Reservation of Rights, Frost Bank Property, Branch and ATM Code of Conduct, Notify Us of Inaccurate Information We Report to Consumer Reporting Agencies, Consent to Autodialed and Prerecorded Phone Calls and Text Messages; Consent to Fraud Alert Text, Debit Card Services (Including Health Savings Account Debit Cards), Frost Online Banking Services for Personal and Business Accounts, Mobile Device and Wireless Internet Access, Lost, Destroyed or Stolen Cashiers Checks, Tellers Checks or Certified Checks, Wire Transfers and Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transactions, Cash Vault Services and Smart Safe Services, Representations and Agreements; Indemnity, Relationship to Your Digital Wallet Provider, Required Disclosures Under Electronic Funds Transfer Act and the Consumer Financial Protection, IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT CASH REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR BANKS UNDER THE BANK SECRECY ACT. With any Account type, each joint Account Holder, designated agency signer (see below for description of Agency Account), convenience signer, and Power of Attorney or agent acting on behalf of a joint Account Holder, without the consent of any other Account Holder or signatory, may, and hereby is authorized by every other joint Account Holder, to make any transaction permitted under the Agreement, including without limitation: to withdraw all or any part of the Account funds; to (except for agency signers and convenience signers) pledge the Account funds as collateral to us for any obligation, whether that of one (1) or more Account Holders or of a third party; to endorse and deposit checks and other items payable to any joint Account Holder; to give stop payment orders on any check or item, whether drawn by that Account Holder or not; and to close the Account, with the disbursement of Account proceeds as instructed by the Account owner or joint Account Holder. Take a photo of the front and back of your check. This Agreement will be binding on your personal representatives, authorized agents, executors, administrators, and successors, and on our successors and assigns. When exchanging customer information with third-party processors, we enter into confidentiality agreements with respect to customer data. Frost Bank also employs various security and authentication measures to ensure to you that the device you are connected to for Online or Mobile Banking Services is recognized by Frost. Show valid identification to the teller. Your use of the Account after the effective date of the amendment is your consent to the amendment. On death of the Account owner, ownership of the Account passes as part of the Account owners estate by will or by intestacy. We may receive the electronic debit to your Account immediately after the business enters the transaction so you may have a reduced right to stop payment and you may incur an Overdraft if you do not have sufficient funds in your Account to cover the amount of the check at the time you write the check or authorize the transaction. You agree to indemnify us from all loss, expense and liability related to a claim that such draft or check was not authorized by the persons on whose account it was drawn. If final payment is not received or if any item you have deposited or cashed is charged back to us for any reason, you authorize us to charge any of your Accounts, without prior notice and at any time, for the amount of the returned item, our returned item fee, any interest paid on that item, and any other fee we pay or incur, including, if applicable, foreign exchange fees or charges resulting from checks or drafts drawn on foreign banks. The Smart Safe Vendor does not act as an agent of Bank in performing activities for Customer. In addition, the Bank is required to examine and record at least one (1) form of identification. We act only as custodian of the trust funds and we are not acting as a trustee, nor do we need to inquire as to the powers or duties of the trustee(s). You further represent that you do not derive any of your income from entities that are engaged in the production, manufacturing/refinement, distribution or sale of industrial hemp or industrial hemp-derived products (such as products containing CBD oil) that are not classified as Schedule I drugs under the federal Controlled Substances Act, either directly or indirectly (including, but not limited to, rental property income). The attorney, law firm, or any authorized individual on the Account agrees to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all loss, costs, damage, liability, or exposure, including reasonable attorneys fees, we may suffer or incur arising out of any action or claim by any beneficiary or third party with respect to the authority, actions, or inaction taken by the trustee(s) or authorized individuals in handling or dealing with the Account. To complete transactions above a certain dollar amount, merchants may require presentation of a physical companion card or a government-issued form of identification for inspection to authenticate your identity. Unlike cash, which can only be deposited in a branch or at an ATM, checks can often be deposited through a bank or credit union's mobile app. Spell out the value on the "Dollar amount" line, with cents expressed as a fraction (e.g., "Nineteen . Camilla has a background in journalism and business communications. The manner in which we process withdrawals or other debits may affect the amount of Overdraft or non-sufficient funds fees or penalties you may incur, as your Current Balance at the time each withdrawal or debit is processed will determine whether there are sufficient funds to pay the Item or not. (ii) Preauthorized Credits If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your Account at least once every sixty (60) calendar days from the same person or company, you can call us at 1-800-513-7678 to find out whether or not the deposit has been made. After receiving such an alert, you can either verify the transaction or let us know it is fraudulent. However, you agree to reimburse us for all claims, costs, losses and damages that we incur in accepting and acting on any Power of Attorney that we believe you executed. Yes, most banks and credit unions support ATM check deposits as long as you have an account with that bank. It is a major subsidiary of Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc., a parent company of the bank with . As part of our Debit Card Services (as defined in the Frost Personal and Health Savings Account Debit Card Agreement and Disclosure and the Business Debit Card Agreement and Disclosure), Frost Bank utilizes a unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) associated with each card. Monetary instruments are official checks, cashiers checks, money orders, foreign drafts, travelers checks and certain types of gift cards and other stored value products. If the Account is a Personal Account, then these transfers are governed by the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and Regulation E, and are also governed by the NACHA Operating Rules and Operating Guidelines and are also subject to the separate Frost Bank Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement and Disclosure as described in Section X.B. (1) Your Ability to Withdraw Funds These provisions apply only to demand deposit checking Accounts where deposits are made via Digital Deposits. It is anticipated that the arbitration will take place within ninety (90) calendar days after notice is given. We also reserve the right to require additional information, documentation or actions from you or the agent in accordance with our rights to do so under Texas Estates Code Section 751.201 and Sections 751.203 205 to satisfy any questions or concerns we may have regarding a Power of Attorney submitted to us. Specialties: Banking. If you give us incorrect information, we will not be liable for failing to stop payment on the check. While we may accept non-conforming endorsements, you will be responsible for any loss incurred by us due to the delay in processing or returning the item for payment. You also understand that supervisory personnel may randomly monitor customer service telephone conversations to ensure that you receive accurate, courteous and fair treatment. (2) Withdrawal Restrictions and Overdrafts However, you agree that you will not use Digital Deposits to submit any of the following: Checks or items payable to any person or entity other than you/your company. You may ask for copies of the documents that we used in our investigation. If you fail to comply with any of the above, we are not obligated to reimburse you for any claimed loss, except for consumer transactions that may be governed by Regulation E. If you are a Business Account customer and choose to participate in our Positive Pay services, which are designed to help prevent check fraud, and you fail to utilize or follow the procedures required for those services, you will assume the risk that checks presented against your Account may be forged or altered, to the extent that the services we offered may have prevented any loss. By entering into this Agreement, you agree that you are providing your express consent for Frost and any Frost third-party service provider to call you, text message you, or both at any phone number (including any mobile phone number) you provide to Frost or any Frost third-party service provider using auto-dialed phone calls, prerecorded phone calls, or both for any or all of the following reasons: (i) transactional purposes; (ii) informational purposes; (iii) to provide account alerts; (iv) to provide servicing information; (v) fraud prevention purposes; and (vi) any other purposes provided for in this Agreement or in any other applicable Frost agreements, including, but not limited to, Frosts Customer Privacy Statement. XI. The subaccounts will be comprised of a savings account and a transaction account. Depending on the type of check that you deposit, funds may not be available until the second Business Day after the day of your deposit. Late payments, missed payments or other defaults on your Account may be reflected in your credit report. (6) Online Banking, Mobile Banking, and Bill Payment Services Account access and limitations on transfers associated with our Online Banking Services (which include optional Mobile Banking Services) are described in our Frost Online Banking Agreement and Disclosure. Any permitted assignment of your Account is subject to and superseded by our setoff rights and remains subject to any other right we have under the Agreement and applicable state and federal law. The Wallet allows you to make purchases using an added Payment Card wherever the Wallet is accepted. Others do. For example, we cannot stop payment on a check we have already cashed or a deposited check where funds have already been withdrawn. During scheduled system maintenance or unscheduled downtimes, Frost operated ATMs may go into Stand-In Mode.. ), or otherwise made available to you. You agree that, other than our liability under Check 21 Regulations, if we do not properly complete a transaction according to the Agreement, we will not be liable in any event for losses or damages in excess of the amount of the transaction, and we will never be liable if circumstances beyond our control prevent the transaction, or if the funds in your Account are or may be subject to Legal Process or other claim. Insurance. If a valid reason (such as a long trip or a hospital stay) kept you from telling us, we will extend the time periods. At no time is the Bank liable for the contents of such transfers. Such phone calls and text messages may include auto-dialed phone calls and text messages, prerecorded phones calls and text messages, or both. Box 1600, San Antonio, TX 78296, Frost Online Banking users can also report a lost or stolen card online at by going to the Frost Online Banking homepage, clicking Account Services and selecting Report a Lost or Stolen Card under Card Management.. You will have no liability for unauthorized transactions if you notify us within sixty C. Funds Availability Policy Disclosure If your daily balance is $5,000 or more, the interest rate paid on the entire collected balance in your account will be 0.12%, with an annual percentage yield of 0.12%. Electronic Fraud Protection. C. Consent to Autodialed and Prerecorded Phone Calls and Text Messages; Consent to Fraud Alert Text Messages and Email Communications; Consent to Geo-Location Based Fraud Prevention. Lodefast: Best for Akimbo Card Carriers. Such warranties also include the following two (2) specific warranties regarding transfer and presentment: You warrant that the Electronic Image that we convert to a Substitute Check meets the requirements described in 229.51(a)(1) (2) of the Check 21 Regulation (found at 12 CFR 229.51(a)(1) (2)) for legal equivalence; and. Limitation of Liability Stop payment orders remain in effect for 12 months. We can reverse any amount we have added to your Account for a deposited check and send the check on a collection basis even after we have taken physical possession of the check. You agree that, unless a different period is set forth herein, any claim, action, suit or proceeding against Frost for damages resulting in any respect from its acts or omissions in its performance under this Agreement must be brought within two (2) years from the date of Frosts alleged act or omission. Either you or the Bank may request mediation upon written notice to the other Party. The customer authorizes Bank to make such adjustments by credit or debit transaction to customers Account(s), electronically or otherwise. Except as otherwise indicated in this Agreement, the arbitrator(s) will have the power to award to a Party any damages or other relief provided for under applicable law. Check 21 means Regulation CC, Subpart D, promulgated to implement the provisions of the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act. Yes. (Stop Payment Orders for Checks) and X.B.10 (Stop Payments on ATM, POS or Debit Card Transactions) for more information regarding stop payment orders). L. Hold means any funds that are in your Account but that you cannot withdraw because of Legal Process or other reasons as set forth in this Agreement, but does not include Funds Availability Holds. It is not Frosts responsibility to detect any inconsistency between the Account number you provide and the name. Rules and forms may be obtained from, and claims may be filed with the AAA or like organization at their respective offices on their web pages. You must promptly notify us of any change in your address or name. In addition, you will not have an ownership interest in the Account. We may refuse items for deposit when an endorsement is missing if the payor has required two or more endorsements. You have even more options for depositing checks, though. This can be convenient as you can cash your check when you're doing your regular shopping. You agree to be liable to us for any loss, costs, or expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys fees, that we may incur as a result of any conflicting instructions, dispute or legal proceeding involving your Account. The following terms apply to deposits made to your Account(s): (1) Endorsements You authorize us to accept transfers, checks and other items for deposit to your Account if they are made payable to, or to the order of, any one (1) or more of you, whether or not they are endorsed by you; however, we may, at our option, require your personal endorsement prior to accepting an item for deposit. Regardless of whether the check, which bears or purports to bear the Mark was, in fact, authorized by you. Fees and Charges Please carefully read this Agreement and other related Account and Frost Bank documents, and save them for future reference. (3) Holds on Other Funds (Check Cashing) C. Mobile Device and Wireless Internet Access, VI.DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Or, deposit your checks at KeyBank ATMs or in the app with mobile check deposit. For determining the availability of your deposits, every day is a Business Day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. (Funds Availability Policy Disclosure) apply only to demand deposit checking Accounts. To select a convenience Account, you will need to choose the convenience Account option of the Texas Uniform Single- or Multiple-Party Account Selection Form according to Section 113 of the Texas Estates Code. If a check or item is returned or payment is delayed as a result of any writing or marking that you or a prior endorser placed on the front or back of the check or item, you will be responsible for any cost and liabilities associated with such return or delay. For all checks and other items deposited into your Account, you warrant that all endorsements are genuine. This Agreement, together with specific terms and conditions governing your Account(s), provided separately, details our relationship with you. If funds from a deposit become available and you withdraw funds, that does not mean the check or other item you have deposited is good, has cleared, or has been paid by the paying bank. 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