12:45 How are VA disability claims for Plantar Fasciitis rated? 50 Percent Flat Feet VA Rating (Bilateral), 30 Percent VA Rating for Pes Planus (Unilateral), 30 Percent VA Disability Rating for Flat Feet (Bilateral), 20 Percent VA Rating for Pes Planus (Unilateral), 10 Percent Pes Planus VA Rating (Bilateral or Unilateral), 0 Percent VA Rating for Flat Feet (Bilateral or Unilateral). A current diagnosis of plantar fasciitis on file with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Previous documentation of a primary service-connected disability, Evidence of a medical nexus that proves a connection between the previously claimed disability and the secondary disability of plantar fasciitis. ), pain on manipulation and use accentuated, indication of swelling on use, characteristic callosities (yellow calluses). Meaning, the more severe your symptoms are, the higher the VA rating for plantar fasciitis. Join our premier education-based membership program, VA Claims Insider Elite, connect with an expert-level Veteran Coach (VC) within minutes, and finally get the rating you deserve. The maximum disability rating is 40 percent, and the schedule of ratings is as follows: The VA also applies two special disability ratings for plantar fasciitis. The accredited attorneys and claims agents at CCK have decades of experience successfully representing veterans before VA, the Board of Veterans Appeals, and the Court of Appeal for Veterans Claims (CAVC) and we may be able to put our experience to work for you. 1. Signup to never miss a beat with special offers, blog updates, exclusive trainings, and more delivered right to your inbox! Does the Veteran have extreme tenderness of plantar surfaces on one or both feet? There is a new DC for plantar fasciitis, but the VA may still think it's pyramiding. A 2023 Guide to VA Disability Rates & Pay Schedules, Individual Unemployability Rating Calculator, List of Blue Water Navy Ships Exposed to Agent Orange (Interactive Vietnam Map), Social Security Disability Benefits Guide. VA rates both pes planus and plantar fasciitis under 38 CFR 4.71a, the Schedule of Ratings for the Musculoskeletal System. Plantar fasciitis and heel spurs both cause pain in your heel, but they're different conditions. Columbus, OH: 100 E. Campus View Boulevard, Suite #250, Columbus, OH, 43235 Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: You Deserve It: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Veteran Benefits Youve Earned, 9 Secrets Strategies for Winning Your VA Disability Claim, No functional loss for left lower extremity attributable to claimed condition, No functional loss for right lower extremity attributable to claimed condition. This data may be used to help optimize our websites and make them easier for you to navigate. 9. The highest scheduler rating for severe bilateral flat feet is 50%, whereas the highest scheduler rating for severe bilateral plantar fasciitis is 30%. The most trusted name in education-based resources for Veterans. Pes Planus, often referred to as flat feet, is a common foot deformity in which the arch of the foot is flattened to the point where it touches, or nearly touches, the ground. Military service is a known cause of foot injuries and foot pain since soldiers stand much of the time and carry loads on their backs that can weigh up to 50 pounds. Many veterans suffer from various foot conditions, VA Rating for Plantar Fasciitis: Common Symptoms in Veterans, WATCH: VA Disability Claims for Plantar Fasciitis (NEW Tips! As with a primary disability rating for plantar fasciitis, veterans need to present the following when applying for VA disability for a secondary service connection: Veterans who entered military service with pre-existing heel pain or foot injuries may be able to claim service connection by aggravation if their plantar fasciitis worsened. This percent rating can apply to one or both feet. Brian Reeseis a VA benefits expert, author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller You Deserve It: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Veteran Benefits Youve Earned, andfounder of VA Claims InsiderThe Most Trusted Name in Education-Based Resources for Veterans.. Brian is a Distinguished Graduate of Management from theUnited States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO and he holds an MBA from Oklahoma State Universitys Spears School of Business, Stillwater, OK, where he was a National Honor Scholar (Top 1% of Graduate School class). Chicago, IL: 332 S. Michigan Avenue, Floors 8 and 9, Chicago, IL 60604 Our experienced team has helped many veterans win the benefits they deserve. If a veteran has bilateral pes planus, then the condition affects both feet. In this case, veterans must show that their pes planus and plantar fasciitis prevent them from securing such employment. Regardless of the Veterans current employment status, do the condition(s) listed in the diagnosis section impact his or her ability to perform any type of occupational task (such as standing, walking, lifting, sitting, etc.)? If both of your feet are affected, you may qualify for a VA disability rating of 30%. The same if you have bilateral plantar fasciitis. plantar fasciitis cigna. Copyright 2023 VA Claims Insider, LLC. The 30 percent VA rating is appropriate for severe unilateral flat feet pronounced with marked pronation, extreme tenderness of plantar surfaces of the feet, marked inward displacement and severe spasm of the tendo achillis on manipulation, not improved by orthopedic shoes or appliances. Plain or weight-bearing foot x-rays are not required to make the diagnosis of flatfoot. A showing of causation requires that the secondary disability be shown to be proximately due to or proximately aggravated by another service-connected disability. The maximum scheduler rating for severe bilateral pes planus (flat feet) is 50 percent. If you feel that you received an inaccurate or unfair rating, be aware that you can appeal this by requesting aVA higher-level review. Tucson, AZ: One South Church Avenue, 12th Floor, Tucson, AZ, 85701 A physical exam found he suffered from "severe pes planus," AR 590, and SSG Mazarji was issued Superfeet orthotic inserts, AR 590. During a C & P exam for plantar fasciitis, a doctor may take X-rays and likely physically examine each foot. Does the Veteran have any Functional Loss due to his/her flat feet? A special disability rating of 20 or 30 percent applies to veterans who received a surgical recommendation from their doctor but are not a candidate for surgery. If you have bilateral plantar fasciitis, you could be eligible to receive aVAdisability rating for foot pain of 50%. They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. His eBook, the9 Secrets Strategies for Winning Your VA Disability Claimhas been downloaded more than 300,000 times in the past three years and is the #1 rated free VA disability claims guide for veterans. The VA is notorious for under rating disabilities, therefore if you have received an incorrect rating or been denied disability it is essential that you follow up. They may be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you relevant advertisements on other websites. These cookies are also used to let affiliates know if you came to one of our websites from an affiliate and if your visit resulted in the use or purchase of a product or service from us, including details of the product or service purchased. This evidence is new, because it was not . Read on to find out how to get proof that your conditionis service-related, as well as everything you need to know aboutyour VA disability rating forfoot pain. However, activities and conditions that place strain on the feet can often aggravate the condition, resulting in pain, tissue damage, and difficulty with movement. Service connection on a secondary basis requires a showing of causation.. The criteria stipulate that veterans must haveone condition rated at 60 percent minimumORtwo conditions that can be combined to reach 70 percent, where one condition is at a minimum of 40 percent. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. Pes Planus is a condition of the foot in which the arches on the inside of your foot are flattened, allowing the entire sole of your foot to touch the ground when you stand up. A C&P exam for flat feet involves a physical examination of the feet for tenderness, swelling, calluses, pain, and functional impairment or loss, as well as a walking test for overpronation. We know the pain of feeling stuck, frustrated, and alone, and we want to make this process as easy and painless as possible for you. Your final VA rating for pes planus depends upon whether the condition is unilateral or bilateral as well as the severity of your symptoms in terms of frequency, severity, and duration. Without these cookies, services you have asked for cannot be provided. To find out more, view our Privacy Policy. Is there indication of swelling on use? Does the Veteran use arch supports or built-up shoes? Do You Need Help Getting VA Disability for Flat Feet and Plantar Fasciitis? This will receive aVAdisability rating for foot pain of 10%. If you want to learn how to implement these strategies to get the VA benefits you deserve, click here to speak with a VA claim expert for free. They do not store directly personal information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device. Click the button below to start for FREE. Ratings for bilateral pes planus with plantar fasciitis can help contribute to a veterans eligibility for TDIU. Doctors and patients sometimes refer to plantar fasciitis as runners heel, painful sole syndrome, or neuritis. People suffering from plantar fasciitis typically experience pain on the bottom of their feet that ranges from a mild annoyance to so severe that they cannot put any weight on the affected foot. These cookies are essential so that you can move around the website and use its features. If strained, this tissue can develop micro-tears which then cause inflammation and pain. If youre stuck, frustrated, underrated, and currently rated between 0%-90%, VA Claims Insider Elite is for you! Copyright 2023 VA Claims Insider, LLC. Los Angeles, CA: 10880 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1101, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Now that we are clear on the differences and overlap of flat feet and plantar fasciitis, lets get into the details on theVA disability rating for foot pain. If you have foot pain from flat feet, this might be because you developed plantar fasciitis. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) looks for the following three criteria when receiving a disability claim for plantar fasciitis: Military service requires soldiers to spend hours on their feet each day, often on rough terrain which may lead to all sorts of feet conditions like plantar fasciitis, pes planus, hallux valgus, and more. To qualify a veteran must experience marked pronation (inward rolling of the foot). Hear from fellow Veterans just like you, with many of our Veteran Success Managers having gone through our programs. Does the Veteran have pain on manipulation of the feet? Pes Planus is a deformed foot in which the position of the bones relative to each other has been altered, with lowering of the longitudinal arch. Plantar fasciitis is the name for injury caused to the plantar fascia, which is the band of tissue that covers the bottom ofones foot. disability ratings for shin splints, go here! The podiatrist will take X-rays and recommend the least invasive method possible for treating plantar fasciitis. 30 percent rating when the veteran has received no relief from surgical or non-surgical treatment methods, such as wearing orthopedic shoes, inserts, or arch supports. The qualifying criteria are as follows: The VA deems pes planus to be severe when there is clear evidence of a deformity in the foot. If your military service aggravated your flat feet (made it worse), leading to plantar fasciitis (severe heel pain), you can still be rated and compensated under the law. She did not appeal that decision, . The VA rates Pes Planus (Flat Feet) using Title 38 CFR, Part 4, Schedule for Rating Disabilities, Diagnostic Code (DC) 5276, Flatfoot versus Plantar Fasciitis, which is rated under DC 5269. The VA ratesflat feetas perthe 38 CFR 4.71a, Schedule of Ratings, Musculoskeletal System,with the diagnostic code 5276. It can happen as a reaction to stress and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis. Washington, D.C.: 1776 I Street, NW, 9th Floor, Washington, D.C 20006 At the same time, many people naturally develop flat feet later in life, thanks to conditions such as diabetes and obesity. 23. You're not alone. Estimate your 2023 VA Rating & Compensation for FREE! Many people who have flat feet or fallen arches never experience pain or impedimentswith walking. If the VA doctor makes an incorrect analysis, you are free to contest this, in which case a copy of the C&P examination will be useful. If you apply, and this is granted to you, you will be compensated at the 100% level. How to Service Connect Your Flat Feet for VA Disability. 2. . If I get the 60% for the CAD, I will be at 70% with the leg/knee/foot issues possibly pushing it up to 100%. You will need to get an outside opinion from a non-VA doctor and argue against the original examiners conclusions. According to the Mayo Clinic, Your plantar fascia is in the shape of a bowstring, supporting the arch of your foot and absorbing shock when you walk. However, if the veteran has actual loss of use of the foot, the rating is 40%. The Department of Veterans Affairs sometimes needs more information to determine whether a veteran has a legitimate impairment and to assign the appropriate disability rating. Many veterans have flat feet aggravated by military service (beyond their natural progression), in which case, youre eligible for VA disability benefits based upon aggravation of a pre-service disability, assuming you have medical evidence showing that your flat feet worsened over time. By using our website, you agree to the use of certain cookies. A medical nexus, or link, connecting pes planus to the in-service event. Medical records for aggravated or secondary conditions must prove that the new injury is not temporary. How to Get a 100 Percent VA Rating (if deserved)! Is the marked inward displacement and severe spasm of the Achilles tendon improved by orthopedic shoes or appliances? If tension and stress on this bowstring become too great, small tears can occur in the fascia. After is it finished, it isimportant that yourequesta copy of the C&P examination. You will also need to ensure that you get a fair plantar fasciitis VA rating during the evaluation process. For a limited time, you can book a free, no-obligation VA Claim Discovery Call with one of our experts. I have seen cases where it has been coded separately from the pes planus and where it has been coded under the pes planus. Disclaimer: This information is not legal advice. Flat feet VA disability ratings range from 0% to 50% with interim breaks at 10%, 20%, and 30% depending upon unilateral or bilateral, and the severity of your symptoms in terms of frequency, severity, and duration. can i get a handicap parking permit for plantar fasciitis. If strained, this tissue can develop micro-tears which then cause inflammation and pain. With actual loss of use of the foot, a 40% rating is awarded. Common examples include losing weight, wearing orthopedic shoes, wearing shoe inserts, or buying shoes with arch support. This can strain the tissues on the bottom of the feet and worsen plantar fasciitis. Yes, flat feet and plantar fasciitis usually share the same diagnostic code. A current medical diagnosis for flat feet; Evidence of an in-service event, injury, or illness; and. Copyright 2023 Hill & Ponton, P.A.. All Rights Reserved. Congenital means a disease or physical abnormality present since birth, whereas Acquired means a disease or physical abnormality that developed after birth. Another marker is if the condition is not relieved in any way by foot supports. 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