Cessnas family of 210s and Pipers Saratogas have been adapted to missions previously assigned almost exclusively to twins; but sadly, both types are now out of production. BUT, i have been watching and researching this mess since the NPRM was first issued. Pressurization is perhaps aviations ultimate creature comfort. jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football piper m350 fuel burn. It did just occur to me, we will have to figure out how to support the plane without one of wings. These airplanesno matter the vintageare far from inexpensive to own and operate, and insurance companies know that they are unforgiving in the hands of pilots who dont take training seriously. Parts that have accumulated the life limit shall be disposed of in accordance with the applicable FARs. There were some growing pains, to say the least. Engine TBO. Mirage pilots pay more at the gas pumps but in exchange, they go a little faster, with speeds typically of 220 knots at FL230-250 at 75 percent power burning 18.8 GPH. This listing was posted on Dec 17, 2022. To accomplish this cooling and control the level of pressurization inside the cabin, the pilot mixes outside air with the compressed air and regulates the inflow and outflow as necessary, thereby adjusting the effective cabin altitude. Belvoir Media Group, LLC. No worries, though. The perceived reliability of the Mirage got so bad among some owners that a class-action lawsuit was filed in 2000 against New Piper and Lycoming. So, I know nothing is 100 percent, but you agree then that no matter what the flight time is, if you do all of the mx that is needed, then your safety threshold should remain consistent with a low time airplane correct? LAWRENCE L. KNUTSON March 27, 1991. Just be careful and don't skimp on maintenance. Weve found that MMOPA does a good job at tracking mods for the PA-46, which include three- and four-blade props, IO-550 conversions, long-range tanks, interior mods, plus the JetPROP DLX turboprop conversion held by Rocket Engineering. You Tell Us, General Aviation Accident Bulletin, February 27, 2023, Top Letters And Comments, February 24, 2023, EAA To Host Webinar Event For Aspiring Aviators, National Museum Of The U.S. Air Force Celebrates 100 Years, FAA Nominee Quizzed On Aviation Knowledge, PC-12 Medevac Broke Up, Five Killed (Updated), Regional Jet Aborts Landing To Avoid Departing Flight At Burbank, Pratt & Whitney Canada Passes One Billion Flight-Hour Milestone, AeroLEDs Introduces New Landing Light Series, MyGoFlights Head-Up Display Division Sold To Partner, AeroBrigham, latest AD stems from a fatal accident in 2018, Pipistrel Launches Electric Aircraft Maintenance School, Transport Canada To Approve 737 MAX This Week, Homebuilt Accidents: The Pilots Condition. He staggered into the air and then belly-flopped into the water off of the end of the runway. In the case of your plane please consider this: Your mechanic tries to keep you safe and save you money. Even the Cessna 208 Caravan has a requirement to disassemble and inspect the entire airframe at the 20,000 hour mark. The AD is effective on Feb. 16, 2021, and affects PA-28 and PA-32 aircraft from the PA-28-151 Warrior up to the PA-32RT Saratoga. Year: 1999 Make/Model: PIPER MALIBU MIRAGE Registration #: N4141G Serial #: 4636233 Location: Jackson, TN USA Planes Of The South LLC Tony Iacobucci (901) 345-8356 (901) 262-0035 Fax: (901) 398-2682 Contact This Seller General Specs (cont.) In spite of an 18-foot-long gap in the upper fuselage, the airplane landed safely. Access Free Piper Aircraft Maintenance Manuals Pdf Free Copy . Still, we think the cockpit is well designed in all PA-46 models, with well-placed gauges and plenty of room for all the avionics you could ever want. As this is written, only three piston twins remain in U.S. production Pipers Seminole and Seneca V and Beechs G58 Baron. Engine Notes. Is there more to be worried about? Aircraft.com is the leading registry for planes, jets, and helicopters. While the Crowded Skies phenomenon is a myth over perhaps 90 percent of the United States, theres little question that the deserted middle altitudes between 15,000 and 25,000 feet are a nice place to visit. Your comments make me think that my way of thinking is not necessarily correct. The book power settings are bogus. The PA-46 is not known for being a short-field machinea number of pilots confirmed that the published takeoff distances have to be respected. The Mirage also got some big-airplane-type features that owners appreciate, including a dual-bus electrical system, internal windshield deice, standard dual alternators and vacuum pumps and an auxiliary heater for the cabin. Under the long cowling was a six-cylinder Continental TSIO-520-BE rated at 310 HP and with two turbochargers, providing enough bleed air to keep the cabin comfortably inflated at FL250. For most owners, FL200 was just fine as a maximum, operational altitude. Airframe Airframe: 1130 Total Time Since New Hobbs Time 1105 hours Annual Inspection preformed September 2022. Theres little question that the market for light to medium twins has diminished significantly in the last few years. Our impression is that theyre about the same and that any owner contemplating buying a PA-46 should simply budget a pile of cash for annual maintenance and fix stuff as it breaks. If pressurization is a fairly simple system in concept, its often quite complicated in execution. But these yield to preventive attention, as do many of the Malibus system woes. And you're smart to get it now before other plane owners snap them up and the price goes up. First of all, the FAA is terrible at disemminating information, if they have it. Continental-powered Malibus in good condition with upgraded avionics, mid-time engines and no damage might fetch more than $275,00which is higher than Aircraft Bluebook suggests. Engine. Find N809C 2010 PIPER MALIBU MIRAGE on Aircraft.com. Cabin and cockpit noise are on the low side as GA airplanes go. Like spars. It's all easy to do. Alternators, vacuum pumps and, in particular, the exhaust system are all items mentioned by our survey respondents and matched the Service Difficulty Reports reported to the FAA. Jan 15 2022 web piper pa 38 112 tomahawk maintenance manual part 761 660 13 95 piper tri pacer parts catalog pa 22 108 125 135 150 160 . Piper Malibu Mirage. seems there has one ever been one other wing separation, on an Archer used extensively for pipeline patrol..(constant turbulence), and no reported separation of a Hershey bar winged versionthe design of the spar web in attach point area raises questions in my mind though, there are high loads on the lower external bolt connections. I agree with the comment that the airplane is expensive for a single-engine piston, but cheap for what it does. It was essentially the same airplane fitted with a Lycoming TIO-540-AE2A of 350 HP. Additional information is available in this. I changed shops and they found it immediately. Useful load worked out to be 80 pounds less than planned; not a deal breaker, but a weight equivalent to fuel for IFR reserves. We would be sure to be on the game while operating out of 2500 feet or less. Piper Mirage Specs Interior Specs Crew: 1 or 2. But it will comfortably carry four people and baggage with full tanks, yielding a nonstop range of about 1400 miles for the Malibu and 1000 to 1200 miles for the Mirage. Like Scott sez -our old girls may not perfect ( for the Cirrus drivers out there) and they may have a few quirks that weve learned to accommodate to-, Forum Software Except one wing will probably be a different shade of white unless I decide to repaint. The Malibu is not an airplane that just any shop can fix and we dont recommend bringing one to a shop without PA-46 experience. As is often the case, the production airplane was heavier than intended, but this was offset by a boost in takeoff weight. . Models. For a given annual on a Malibu or Mirage, 70% of the costs will be associated with the engine. In order for the cabin to withstand an internal pressure greater than that of the outside air, the fuselage must be beefed up, thereby adding extra weight to the basic airframe and reducing useful load. Smooth air descents, no yanking and banking, etc. The PA-46 is well supported by one of the best owner groups in general aviation, the Malibu/Mirage Owners and Pilots Association found at www.mmopa.com. No need to be anything more than concerned. Because 340s have been out of production since 1984, theyre available for prices well below $150,000, and if you fly many of your hours over water or totally inhospitable mountains, a pressurized twin may be the best bet. Owners of Piper PA-28 and PA-32 models have been hit with a series of airworthiness directives over the last year, including one related to main-spar corrosion, but the latest AD stems from a fatal accident in 2018 when a Piper Arrow conducting flight training lost a wing and killed the FAA examiner and student. The company also does avionics upgrades to older models. Seminole; After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. You dont want to hit your head on that panel in a crash. (lbs): 1640, Wingspan: 43, Overall length: 26 5, Height: 11 5, Wheel size: 6.00 x 6, Cabin doors: 1, Cabin width (in): 48, Cabin height (in): 47, Cruise speed (kts): 75% 215, Fuel Consumption (gph): 75% 16.5, Best rate of climb, SL (fpm): 1143, Maximum Operating Altitude (ft): 25,000, Stall Vso (kts): 60, TO ground roll (ft): 1440, TO over 50 ft (ft): 2025, Ldg ground roll (ft): 1070, Ldg over 50 ft (ft): 1800, Bill Cox took his first flight in a Piper J-3 Cub in 1953 and has logged some 15,000 hours in 311 different types of aircraft since. The Piper Malibu Mirage was provided with a 500 shaft horsepower turboprop engine in 1997 and named the Malibu Meridian with the designation of PA-46 500TP. Get it up high and the airplane can do an honest 200 knots in pressurized comfort (the simpler Matrix is non-pressurized). The long wings produce another undesirable trait: The roll rate at slow speeds is somewhat ponderous compared to other singles. Engines / Mods / Prop Engine: Lycoming TIO-540 . Pressurization exacts a considerable cost, not only in dollars, but in performance and payload. Powered by Vanilla. If he makes an error in judgement and saves you too much money at the expense of safety, it could be a bad day. Good morning Scott. Some versions arent supported at all. The airplane is located in Scottsdale, AZ at the Deer Valley Airport. Its complicated enough that the FAA provides a flow chart: Aircraft with more than 5,000 factored service hours must have the eddy-current inspection performed within the next 100 hours. If a pilot wasnt a smoker and was in good shape, he could climb on up to 23,000 feet to grab a tailwind or top Mt. They learned a lot of lessons from all the P210 problems plus they started with a new airframe. Model PA-46-350P (Malibu Mirage) airplanes, serial numbers (S/Ns) 4622041, 4636041, 4636142, 4636143, . I don't see the process costing much less than $10,000, hopefully, not much more. 4,100. The airplanes front office isnt exactly cavernous, either. Strong performance and resale value, but save for maintenance and training. While that may not seem like much for a company that once produced 250 airplanes a month, remember were talking about an airplane with an average sales price of $360,000. Total Time. Typical useful loads are 1400 pounds and 1300 pounds, respectively. Its also a good IFR airplane thanks to sturdy handling thats more SUV-like than sports car, plus it just looks sexy on the ramp. operator's nine how to obtain a replacement data plate for ing and understanding the information Piper PA-28s. From the beginning, it was thought that buyers favored a Lycoming because of a perceived reputation for reliability and robustness. [2] [3] The Seminole was built in 1979-1982, in 1989-1990, and has been in production since 1995. (Actually, some of the later Malibu models got the electric flaps and improved hydraulics for the gear.). Engine Serial Number. Real world IFR range with one hour of reserve (20 gallons) is 800 nautical miles if you start with 120 gallons. Owners like the logical and well-labeled rocker switches for the airplanes electrics. Aside from its advanced features, it finally gave the airplane the tight autopilot performance it deserves, especially on coupled approaches. You can do the check of the whole cabin in about an hour. Many simply closed their doors. Piper Delivers 100th Pilot 100i to Paragon Flight Training January 30, 2023 As far as I know, there is no FAA imposed life limit on airframes certified under CAR 3 (like Cessnas, Pipers, and Beechcraft). Learn About Bill's Book Here, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, https://www.facebook.com/PiperOwnerSociety?fref=ts. As our recent owner feedback shows, many Malibu and Mirage owners have held on to their aircraft for many years. How about handling? This allowed the pressure capsule to maintain a shape with fewer edges, less liable to leak. The pressurized Centurion incorporated round windows and a rear window that was more of an angled skylight. nine mile asheville recipes; mixology class dallas date night; . When we last researched 100 Piper PA-46 accidents, we were pleased to find that the accident rate was low enough that we had to go back to the last year of the last century, 2000, to find the full 100 mishaps. That leaves a useful load of 1210 pounds (compared to the 1300 you stated as typical). Older Malibus might have a variety of retrofit gear. Variants. Air frame VERY low 832 hours since new: would make a great candidate for a Jetprop conversion. Roger that. It makes a great airplane (PA-46 Malibu) even better. That's why we tell people to avoid training airplanes. Arsli- We seem to be in the same place mentally. while the wing and empennage have 20,000-hour life limits. Home; Products. When you run out of O2, you no longer have the option to fly high until youve refilled the system, usually at a cost of $30 or more (and then only when you can find it.). Plus, removing all of the pressurization hardware from the airframe bumps the useful load up to 1421 pounds, while fuel capacity remains the same. We saw no indication that PA-46s are more allergic to ice than any other airplanes, but a pilot who didnt remove the snow from his wings barely staggered off of a 4500-foot runway before crashing into gently rising terrain. The used Malibu business must be really good. Accordingly, the FAA developed a factored service hours formula based on the number of 100-hour inspections completed on the airplane. It was a stunning fall for a company that once was an industry leader and whose planes were used to train most U.S. military pilots in World War II. Its cold back there in the flight levels, even during the summer. One owner cited this as the reason he chose the Malibu over the Mirage. 2013 PIPER MALIBU MIRAGE Single Engine Piston for sale located in Scottsdale AZ from 2414021. . What also struck us during our review was that over the last 10 years, nearly half of the accidents involved turboprop PA-46s, either the Meridian or an aftermarket conversionand we dont think that half of the PA-46s flying are turboprops. He can be contacted via email at flybillcox@aol.com. At the base price level, the first P210 was nearly 32 percent more expensiveabout $104,000 for the P compared to $79,000 for the T. Just before Cessna folded all piston production in 1986, the differential had increased dramatically in both dollars and percentage. Pilots report that the gear makes an effective speedbrake. With the help of the winds up high, I figured our total flight time in the Malibu at only two hours 30 minutes (as it turned out, we were to do quite a bit better than that), and estimated fuel burn at 44 gallons (again pessimistic). My point is this, SPARS CANT fail, and if they do we need to address causes. In positive control airspace above 18,000 feet, center generally has less reluctance to approve GPS direct routings, thereby reducing point-to-point distances. All the other potentially suspect bolt holes are clear. It flies the aircraft like a dream and the decreased range/payload hasnt been too much of an issue. You've disabled cookies in your web browser. Our most recent survey of accidents showed that 21 percent were engine-relateda pattern thats consistent. As a long time owner of a PA-28 I find this AD to be more about liability. He claimed the engine lost power. Airframe Notes. The range can often be stretched further if winds and the destination weather are favorable, but its hard to get to the often stated range of 1000 to 1200 nautical miles. Fly and enjoy it as long as you can! Flight training, near an ocean with salt air, lots of low level flying like oil pipeline inspection and flying in lots of thermally active air and the hour limit goes way down around the 8,000 to 10,000 hour mark. Anyone out there flying a legacy piper with 8000 or more hours? Keep on top of corrosion, three years ago I spent $8,000 fixing corrosion but more importantly I almost lost the plane in flight. Airframe. That allows seven hours, plus reserve with 120 gallons aboard. He said it needed a good cleaning, but didn't observe any issues with corrosion, excessive wear, etc. Fortunately, on the Malibu, that didnt pose a problem. Even if the weather had been VFR, chances are that the ride would have been uncomfortably rough. Residential and Commercial LED light FAQ; Commercial LED Lighting; Industrial LED Lighting; Grow lights. I think Piper simply did not want to spend the money to do the required engineering work and testing to go past 11,000 hours. Mid-air Breakups of 7 Piper Malibus Killed 19. The new engine weighed 113 pounds more, but the maximum takeoff weight was boosted by 200 pounds. But owners really like their airplanes. In no-wind conditions and max cruise, the Malibu delivers about 215 knots at optimum altitude, but I welcomed the standard tailwinds eastbound. To make big singles even more attractive to prospective twin buyers, two companies made the move to pressurization. I made a recent trip across the Pacific Northwest and backtwice in the same day with light windsand had an average block speed of 167 knots over four 260-nautical-mile legs with vectoring in Class B airspace on one end. You are correct. M600/SLS; M500; M350; Personal. Singles also have a natural advantage over twins when it comes to range. . The airstair door is a plus, making for relatively easy entry and egress. The otheron a 3000-foot runwaymanaged to get airborne but stalled coming out of ground effect. Then too, I would have had to settle for probably 30 knots less speed at the lower altitude with less turbo advantage and calmer winds. The cabin arrangement is superb, with the Mirage somewhat better than the original Malibu. 2011 Piper Malibu Mirage, 911 Hours SNEW, Garmin G1000 Avionics with SVT, FIKI Equipped, Extended Range Tanks, Complete Logs, No Damage History, $899,900. These two characteristics sometimes lead to abuse of the relatively delicate nosegear. Piper recommends life limited parts with no time and/or cycles remaining be completely destroyed. Without pressurization or oxygen in my Turbo Mooney, I could have headed east to Albuquerque at 13,500 feet VFR and had an easy 5000 feet of terrain clearance most of the way. Malibu pilots report cruise speeds of 205 knots TAS at FL220 at 67 percent power and 210 knots true at FL250 at 75 percent. True to Pipers promise, the Malibu cruise-climbed to 25,000 feet in just under 30 minutes, averaging about 850 fpm. Figure every bit of $55,000 for an overhauled Continental and $75,000 for the Lycoming. Weve seen nearly 3000 FPM climb rates on DLX conversions weve flown. Total Time: 2761 Engine 1 Time: 1371 SNEW Condition: Used Additional Classifications Detailed Description After they reach this limit they have to be replaced. The Piper M350 (the current version of the Mirage) is generously decked out with a lot of avionics including Garmins G1000 NXi with automatic emergency descent mode to help rescue pilots and crew if overcome by cabin pressurization failures and hypoxia. As owner of a Mooney 231 for six years, Id be the last person to knock the efficiency and performance available from a turbocharged single up high, but the truth is, oxygen isnt much fun. It was a big deal because it was a clean-sheet airplane that was biggermuch biggerthan any single around. Thats mostly true, but these airplanes dont have standup cabins. He has authored more than 2,200 magazine articles and was the on-camera host of the 1980s TV series ABCs Wide World of Flying. Bill is currently rated Commercial/Multi/Instrument/Seaplane/Glider/Helicopter. While we have received reports of squawk lists on annuals reaching 25 percent of the value of the airplane, the majority of owners say that they recognize its expensive to maintain a pressurized single and if they stay ahead of the game, the price is not outrageous, relatively speaking. Wing Fatigue Life Extension . The -310P, with its lower fuel consumptionas much as 4 to 5 GPH when flown by the bookhas nearly 25 percent better range and is only about 5 percent slower. It's tempting to decry the disappearance of the classic country airport. A 2011 Mirage has an Aircraft Bluebook suggested list price of $830,000. Are COVID Vaccines Injuring Pilots? Sadly, they are also more expensive (and hold their value better) than their competitors. Sure, many have been plowed up for houses or 2023 Aviation Publishing Group. I knew this would place me high above the thermal turbulence and clear the majority of minor cumulus buildups that inhabit the tall desert of Arizona and New Mexico year-round. Some of the airframes are indeed rebuilt, but some are also scrapped, depending on level of wear and corrosion. Does it match the airplanes sexy looks? There is a whole lot more to the story that being said here. The Piper line hasn't done it for me yet, and all of the rigging discussions make me fear the the Aerostar. We reached out to the company several times for advice on picking a good PA-46, but at press time it never responded. In 78, the most expensive single-engine airplane available was predictably the aforementioned Cessna P210, priced at about $125,000 fully equipped. Continental thus specified operating requirements for the engine that were unusual at the time, specifically lean-of-peak EGT operation. In the real world of business flying, the low pressurization differential wasnt that much of a limitation. If flown at the same 25,000-foot altitude, the 340s 4.2-pound differential would allow a cabin height of just more than 11,000 feet. Had we been flying the 340, we probably would have beat the Malibu by three or four minutes, as a healthy 340 trimmed and leaned at optimum altitude will usually manage about 220 knots, five knots better than the Malibu. There are a few of the Hershey bar 140s/160/180 Cherokees in my neighbourhood that have in excess of 20,000 hours on the air frame. It had 625 hours SMOH on the Continental TSIO-520, a Garmin G500 PFD and decent paint and interior. Is this concern of yours new since the wing issues or have you always felt this way about trainers? Skip to content. Even Lycoming recommends a 65 percent power setting for cruise that is 100 degrees ROP and not to exceed 1650 degrees TIT. 1,370 SMOH . As an IA, ( and plane owner) I love ADs as much as anyone else does. Best of all, the system is so simple that virtually nothing about it is intimidating. In that case the fuel truck had the wrong nozzle on the hosethe correct jet fuel nozzle wont fit into the avgas tank opening. Cannulas are an option, but only to 18,000 feet. $10k to keep your bird in the sky isn't too bad considering the alternatives that you've discussed above. Here's why: 1.) Business travelers arent big fans of oxygen, either. Such are the comparative costs and pleasures of pressurized singles. For me, this results in a fuel flow of 20.5 GPH compared to the 18 GPH in the book. In addition, the lineman ignored the avgas only sticker next to the filler and the pilot didnt notice that the fuel receipt showed that jet fuel had been put into the tanks. Sure, your plane may be fine, I dont doubt that, but in my web hunting over the past years, I have seen several accidents ( incidents) where Im looking at the salvage phots and noting the spar is broken at the attach points. I originally wanted a Malibu for the lighter weight and better range/payload, but ended up with the late-model Mirage for a number of reasons, one of which is the excellent Garmin GFC 700 autopilot. Who would have guessed that when Piper introduced the worlds first $300,000, single-engine airplane that it would eventually be vying for top sales honors among all airplanes, single or twin? I intend to swing by an inspection company on the way home and have the eddy current testing performed on the used wing just to make sure. The Continental in the Malibu is noticeably less vibey than the Lycoming in the Mirage, based on the ones we have flown. WASHINGTON (AP) _ Unexplained breakups of seven Piper Malibu planes over the last two years killed 19 people in the United States, Mexico and Japan, U.S. safety officials said Wednesday. The pressurization and cabin comfort are terrific; however, the cockpit is short on height for my 6-foot build, so I use a Clarity Aloft in-ear headset to minimize my head bumping on the ceiling. Cheyenne III, model PA-42, equipped with Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6-41 engines; What it does like a dream and the price goes up s:... Pt6-41 engines, this results in a crash 70 % of the whole cabin in about an.! Diego beaver falls football piper m350 fuel burn and Interior just be careful do. Power setting for cruise that is 100 degrees ROP and not to exceed 1650 degrees TIT get. Pounds, respectively with fewer edges, less liable to leak consider this: your mechanic tries keep... A lot of lessons from all the other potentially suspect bolt holes are clear intended, but at time! 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