Jury awards $2 million to former KTRS, Frank O. Pinion staffer. If you get a calculator and run the numbers, then youll go, Holy mackerel!. The story has it that actor Johnny Depp paid something like $15,000 to the Kerouac estate for one of Jack's coats. He transformed huge caverns into dungeonesque rooms with domed ceilings, all of which are easily accessed as sub-basements beneath the buildings. I kinda punked out on baseball, like, 'Nah, I'll get it. When Pinion came to KTRS, he worked out a deal with management. And there's no point in defending him against these charges, no reason to supply the standard line "His reality is the result of the culture that produced him." If you're looking for the St. Louisan who's bringing the city national attention in 2000, it's Nelly. Ricky stops to swing a 20-foot pendulum, but other than a crackled allusion to perpetual motion, I have no idea what this bizarre object is doing here. You don't crawl in the expected way, on your tummy, walkie-talkie in hand, wearing a spelunker's helmet, or plot strategies with subterranean maps. He collaborated with Tom Waits on the libretto for The Black Rider, Robert Wilson's postmodern opera. 1996 saw the deaths of Burroughs' old writer-friends Terry Southern, Herbert Huncke and Timothy Leary. and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. The employee, who was listed as "John Doe" in the suit and had worked for Pinion (aka John Craddock) for 19 years, alleged that KTRS did not "exercise reasonable care to prevent Craddock from disclosing private information.". And four months later, the unthinkable occurred. But we also respect the work that's been happening at the community level because it's so involved with oral tradition and family stories. Im baffled., Fate of St. Louis Fox Theatre still undecided, McClellan: Too many have lost faith for Kim Gardner to continue, Brothers who did everything together, fashionista among victims in fatal St. Louis crash, Centene expects to lose millions of Medicaid customers beginning in April, Neman: Missouri womans saga of trying to find common sense at Walmart, I can still hear the roaring of the engine, says father of teen maimed in downtown St. Louis, So much for collaboration: St. Louis County Council meeting deteriorates into turmoil, Willson Contreras makes Cardinals debut, and Tyler O'Neill begins his run for center. The survey lists just two places in Missouri: a cave near Hannibal and the Old Court House in St. Louis, where Dred Scott unsuccessfully sued for his freedom. But a careful look at the funding showed all the pieces weren't in place, and then, as it happened, things came unglued this year. OCT 29, 2020; Hour 3 10/29/20 Hour 3 10/29/20 . This is the essence of kitsch: memories for sale. Burroughs thrived on such juxtaposition: local coffee hustler Dana Brown and his Safari Flakes/the alleged abduction, by flying saucer, of two fishermen in Mississippi. KSD flipped to country music the following year, and in 1983, KSD became KUSA. There are 29 buildings in the Lemp Brewery complex, most built between the mid-19th century and the early 20th. Friends Bob Campbell and Glen Hommy at the Dirty Laundry Winery in Kalowna, BC, Golf in British Columbia! He has a big boat and a house on the Lake of the Ozarks, but he also has things that money cant buy. One of these works festoons the front entrance in a manner usually reserved for enshrined saints. Former Mayor Vince Schoemehl, arriving a tad early for the wake, floated an alternative hotel proposal. Fact-checking the claims on case related to St. Louis crash, 4 killed, 4 critically injured in crash at South Grand Boulevard and Forest Park Avenue, Parents push back on allegations against St. Louis transgender center. Listen to Frank, Dan, Limey and Tim work their magic. It all had a purpose, but " He trails off while rounding another corner. His Super, similar to his attack, is a larger shockwave that destroys obstacles and stuns . And, visiting the massive cave system through the eyes of a rave promoter, it's no wonder; way down in the ground, nothing can touch you: no one to lodge noise complaints; little threat of intervention. "There were runaways, and they had to go someplace," he says. City friends in 1993 and set about learning how to rap. The station is owned by KTRS-AM License, L.L.C., a consortium of local investors which includes actor and St. Louis native John Goodman. He played shortstop, just like Ozzie ("I had the back flip down and everything"). My mom was the type of person that she give me whatever I wanted. You can't really get to this history if you dismiss that. More Information Location: United States Genres: McGraw Milhaven told his audience during the . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And I always wanted that -- that's something I do for her. "It pisses me off when people say there's never been a documented site. Completing the theater theme are rows of benches. You can read the first chapter using the link below - And, you can order the Kindle edition today for almost 50% off, and have it delivered to you automatically on the very first day Imposters is available. Cool J. ", Historians working independently have found and preserved sites, but there has been little coordination, especially between states. See, my thing is, I trust myself to do the right thing. That led to a part-time gig as a bit player on KSD AM, where he did a parody of radio czar Robert Hyland in a character he created named Ed E. Torial. I-44 W. from St. Louis, exit 230, Stanton Or at least make an attempt to try to be funny. The call sign was changed to KSD-FM, since those call letters were well known in the St. Louis radio market. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. He got his start in radio in 1970 at the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville campus station, but dropped out and started doing freelance commercials using funny voices and sound effects. Frank O. Pinion The Large Morning Show in the Afternoon By Frank O. Pinion Oct 29 202045 mins29 Monday through Thursday from 3PM until 6PM Frank O. Pinion and the gang make you laugh all the way home on your afternoon commute. It worked, him trusting himself to do the right thing. The federal Drug Enforcement Administration makes Andrew Chambers of University City the nation's best-paid snitch, despite a history of arrests and lying in court. For more information, please see our I'd be knocked over with a feather if in private life, he's actually a moderate Republican or even centrist Democrat. Then to have the No. Every time he does this, the crowd makes an involuntary "oooo" sound. I dont know anything about anything. (after shooting 82! His earliest known surviving piece is a short essay published in the John Burroughs Review in 1929, when he was 15. "When I had recorded it," says Nelly, "I had already felt that I had won a little battle for St. Louis, just to even be signed with Universal. Frank O. Pinion The Large Morning Show in the Afternoon | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn Frank O. Pinion The Large Morni Sports & Recreation Podcasts Monday through Thursday from 3PM until 6PM Frank O. Pinion and the gang make you laugh all the way home on your afternoon commute. Frank O. Pinion is leaving KTRS, but that doesn't mean he's off the air for good. As a result, we languish for extended periods in total darkness, waiting for stragglers to catch up and shove us to the rear again. Most hours begin with world and national news from ABC News Radio. KSD moved to 550 AM in 1923. Privacy Policy. City High who fielded letters "out the ass" to visit minor-league camps. Ian just texted him one day before the show and said he wasn't coming in due to addiction issues and was going to rehab. The routine was a hit, and management at sister station KUSA wanted him to produce a character for its morning show. For most of the last decade, Bernie Miklasz was one of the most successful mid-market morning hosts in sports radio. They're deep underneath the buildings. Here it is, as promised, Chapter One of my new book,Imposters, based on a TRUE STORY and released June 1st in both print and in e-book form. We definitely deserve it. People from all parts of the globe are being flashed St. Louie points of interest in the year 2000, and not just the Arch: the Galleria, "Plaza at Chesterfield," the intersection of Euclid and Labadie, and Hanley Hills ("in a black sedan DeVille"). Same difference.) His success speaks for itself. He made a memorable appearance in Gus Van Sant Jr.'s Drugstore Cowboy. glabrata ): la lamina delle foglie ovale pi o meno larga (almeno sul fusto principale) con apice spesso acuto. Despite the improbabilities, Frank O. Pinion seems to have it all. The cave is hilarious only when slapped by the predatory hand that dips those scorpions in Lucite. Two of the three games were pipe dreams. Pinion originally had been named in the suit, but he was dismissed as a defendant last year. So I never manage to get the scoop on certain of the more anomalous attractions on the tour route. The Board of Directors declared a dividend of $2 per share on December 1 for all stockholders of record on December 15. All the while an enormous color television flashed images on the screen; the only soundtrack was our own conversation, unconnected to those pictures. At first glance you notice an apparent erratic relationship between net income and cash flows from operating activities. For him it was always worth the risk, and he lived -- for a good long while, at least -- to tell about it. also it reads like an advertisement. That's basically how we get our vibe and how we get our sound -- we take everything from all over and come up with our own.". Even though Frank O. Pinion claims to know nothing about radio, he is sure hes the highest-paid local radio personality in St. Louis history. Menu. The tireless efforts of Grauerholz -- who first teamed with Burroughs in 1974 and today continues as literary executor -- allowed Burroughs to shed his "underground" status; they brought him undreamed-of exposure, increasing peace of mind and, eventually, the luxury of time. It makes sense, even from above, that there are caves beneath. Frank has been fairly candid about it. KTRS announced on October 6, 2010, that it had hired veteran St. Louis radio personality J.C. Corcoran to fill its weekday midday slot starting October 25, 2010. His most pressing question for me: "Have you been to the zoo lately to look at those lemurs?" Ricky's great genius is his dramatic flair with the lights. | Last.fm Read about Frank O. Pinion (Feb 8, 2008) by Terry Dailey, Dan Strauss, Karen Vail, Ian Geisz. I chit-chatted, told a joke, and I left and that is what changed my life. After two years of planning, the Park Service in October will launch a program aimed at finding sites, authenticating them and linking them in a national network. I catch an alarming reference to Kate Smith, but escape is impossible. Franklin County, Best, funniest -- it's all the same. His performance underscored one of his work's most underappreciated characteristics: It's as funny as it is harrowing. "To straight see that that type of shit can come true," says Nelly, and you can hear the joy in his voice, "you're like, 'Yeah! Eventually his family moved to Price Road in St. Louis County. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. When Im gone, I hope that when you ask my kids whats the greatest thing that ever happened to them, theyll say our parents., Our parents are responsible for who we are, the way we treat people, the way we conduct ourselves. Check social media profiles, places of employment, publications, photos and videos, public records, resumes and CV, arrest records, work history and memorials . Hudlin spent hours at City Hall, the public library and the state historical society poring over documents, sometimes finding nothing after an entire day's work. Dati aggiornati al 25 febbraio 2023. eBay, oh boy, oy vey ). While the other tykes more or less constantly fidget and squall and commit acts of sociopathic hijinks, Ashley coolly maintains the poise of a 12-year-old at least. "The buildings have vaults," says Shashi Palamand -- who, along with his father, Rao Palamand, owns the Lemp Brewery complex -- "which were part of the underground system, but (Lemp) changed them for his own purposes and made beautiful-looking vaults. "It's in the parking lot for some Domino's Pizza," he says. Other detractors, with merit, say that Nelly's rhymes are boastful cookie-cutter gangsta garbage, filled not just with misogyny and cocksure struttting but with bland misogyny and strutting. His flashlight is aimed at a large pulley system, ragged with rust, all gears and levers, that appears to be some sort of heavy-duty dumbwaiter. In July 2006, severe storms knocked over two of the four transmitting towers. Burroughs lived an amazing 83 years, by all accounts retaining his mental sharpness to the end -- no mean feat, considering the well-self-documented assaults he subjected himself to. The leads are very interesting and very exciting.". And if that doesn't seem like a big deal to you, consider the only other St. Louisans to make it to the top of similar charts: Tina Turner, Fontella Bass, Chuck Berry. The event announced to a larger world that Burroughs' time was coming. There was a problem saving your notification. I don't know that this should be deleted but some more information and actual structure would be nice. Burroughs' literary star began its steady ascension in 1959 with the publication of Naked Lunch (finally judged "not obscene" in a landmark Boston trial), followed by The Soft Machine, The Ticket That Exploded and Nova Express -- a trilogy of sorts in which he experimented with the "cut-up" method of composition-by-juxtaposition that he'd learned from his best friend, painter/writer Brion Gysin. I posted this exhibit on January 8, 2006, and received mail from John on January 9, 2006. The sound is literally buried, and the heavy darkness is perfect for massive light shows. After hearing from state officials and Ald. Bush, St. Louis sole member of Congress, has been visible, vocal supporter of Gardner in past, appearing with circuit attorney on multiple occasions. The complex is still totally intact and in use, and the compound's Gothic presence, especially on a gray, drizzled day, suggests Transylvania. Bad news doesn't need an intro. Looking for Frank Pinion? Convinced that the St. Lunatics would have a better chance if they pushed Nelly as a solo artist first, he recorded Country Grammar in 1999 and released it in August of this year. In terms of getting the documentation, it's not there. Instead of wearing his face on a T-shirt, read the work. Frank lived in 1930, at address, Tennessee. Advertisers were and still are willing to pay a premium for Pinion to sell their products. "Frank O. Pinion the Large Morning Show in the Afternoon" Hour 3 5/19/20 (Podcast Episode 2020) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. He lived in Cambridge, where he attended Harvard; Vienna, where he briefly studied medicine; NYC, where as a young man he first met Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac; Mexico City ("beautiful, clean air is what I remember of course, now it's one of the most polluted cities in the world"); Paris (the infamous Beat Hotel on Rue Git-le-Coeur); Tangier; London. The show runs from 3:00 to 6:30 pm Monday through Friday unless the St. Louis Cardinals, St. Louis Rams, or St. Louis Blues games pre-empt the show. Forget the judgement Continue reading With the elimination of the Cardinals, KTRS now airs the University of Missouri Tigers football and men's basketball as well as their weekly sports show, along with occasional high school football contests. In 1997, KTRS stopped sending stereo programming to the transmitter but continued broadcasting the stereo pilot signal. Mentha x piperita L., 1753 subhyb. As most of us know, or should know by now, Nelly, 23, ditched both the diamond and the streets, opting instead, along with a few friends who call themselves the St. Lunatics, to make money with hip-hop. A curved stone ceiling has been constructed as extra support; remnants of the trolley tracks lead deep into the darkness. 2023 . Ash and I do not make the "oooo" sound, because we can never see anything until the tourists in front get bored and wander away. The Nova Convention in 1978 -- a three-day celebration of Burroughs' work, held in New York City -- featured participants Allen Ginsberg, Philip Glass, Laurie Anderson, Frank Zappa, Patti Smith, Timothy Leary, John Cage and others. [1] La squadra termin con un record di 7-10 pareggiando quello della stagione precedente, ma non riusc a qualificarsi per i playoff per il . More so than anyone else this year, including God-boy quarterback Kurt Warner and the perky wife (who really belong to Iowa, anyway), it's Nelly who has screamed loudest, "I'm from the Lou, and I'm proud!" His last day at KTRS is scheduled for next Thursday, his debut at KFNS on Oct. 2, according to stltoday.com. I-44 W. from St. Louis, exit 230, Stanton, Best Underground/Under-the-Ground Writer: William S. Burroughs, Best Continuing Saga: Convention-Center Hotel, Best Underground Railroad Site: Tracks Still Under Construction. September 24, 2017. Specifically, the suit claimed that Piniontalked repeatedly on the air in 2017 about the fact that the employee was in rehab. La liste des joueurs slectionns en quipe d'Irlande de rugby XV comprend 1 141 joueurs au 25 fvrier 2023, le dernier tant Joe McCarthy retenu pour la premire fois en quipe nationale le 19 novembre 2022 contre l'Australie.Le premier Irlandais slectionn est William Allen le 15 fvrier 1875 contre l'Angleterre.L'ordre tabli prend en compte la date de la premire slection . I was given the sweater that wouldn't fit into William Burroughs' travel bag. Because, he says, they would overheat the cave if left burning all the time, he flips off the lights when herding us (we number at least 75) on to the next stop. Redeem Now Pause Frank O. Pinion Reads An Email From Tunnels 12000 SeaMonster590 5 years ago 7,744 28 2 Sea Monster590 49 13 Report At least a pound of chronic is consumed during the course of the CD; at every turn, Nelly lights up a blunt, makes a play for a lady, pops a rival, flashes his weapon. He continues the rhyme: "Where the gunplay ring all day. 7.5K views, 254 likes, 9 loves, 49 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Frank O. Pinion and the Large Morning Show in the Afternoon: An update on my temporary unemployment. Hour 3 10/29/20 29 Oct 43:15 Hour 2 10/29/20 29 Oct 48:35 Hour 1 10/29/20 29 Oct 47:30 Hour 3 10/28/20 28 Oct It's brand-new business for the Park Service, which is more accustomed to landmarks like the Arch than a sociopolitical movement based as much on tales as on bricks and mortar. These caves are 55 degrees year-round. Movies. What draws you to these cheap, tawdry trinkets, anyway? "Most of us who are working on it for the Park Service, we all have the academic degrees. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. But, fortunately, the cave tour turns out to be alternately cool and hilarious. You speak, it plays back into your ears, and the judgement begins. perhaps someone who has listened to the show and can dig up a little more information would like to take a crack at this?Syzergy 06:59, 23 May 2006 (UTC), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Frank_O_Pinion&oldid=59301458, This page was last edited on 18 June 2006, at 17:49. Corcoran was fired on April 27, 2012, and later joined 1380 KXFN. 49 minutes | Oct 29, 2020 I talk to people if I feel I really need to, but I feel like, me, I've been trusting myself for this long, and I'm in a pretty good position, you know what I'm saying, and I've got good influences, as far as my friends I grew up with and their parents. Officials were slow to accept the potential importance of the site, and minds didn't change until the city had already demolished the house, filling the basement with debris that has complicated the task of investigating whether there is any truth to the stories. Our fellow cavers are beside themselves; they don't know whether to applaud or swoon or feverishly snap flash photos of the light show (so they do all three). Then back to NYC, this time the Lower East Side, his nearly windowless ex-locker-room digs with concrete floor, walls and ceiling affectionately known as the Bunker. September 25, 2017. Bushs office reported Sunday that Bush has married Cortney Merritts a security specialist who was paid more than $62,000 in 2022 by Bush's . Frank, like a lot of people, got more conservative and reactionary as he got older. In addition to constructing all that cold-storage space, he tended to indulge himself. "Back in the 19th century, refrigeration was at a real premium, and that's why he wanted the caves, for their natural coolness. Its worthless baubles are all steeped -- without irony -- in a generic, Walgreenish, 21st-century idiom; I yearn for the sort of junk they must have hawked in decades past, stuff that looks more like their goofy billboards -- i.e., bad taste, not no taste. Frank married Hazel C Pinion on month day 1927, at age 24 at marriage place, Tennessee. 1 city in America. He dared not tell runaways his address or even his name for fear they might be captured and betray him to slavecatchers with whips and other means of forced persuasion. ", Rather than barking in rhythm, as many rappers do, or squeezing as much verbiage as possible into a measure, Nelly's style is casual and melodic; he'll do loop-the-loops with his voice, carry a melody while creating a rhyme and hum along gently. [9], Last edited on 12 February 2023, at 21:58, Learn how and when to remove this template message, http://www.americanradiohistory.com/Archive-RandR/1990s/1993/RR-1993-03-26.pdf, Cardinals returned to KMOX in 2011 season and on, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=KTRS_(AM)&oldid=1139008249, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 21:58. He's better known today in St. Louis as Frank O. Pinion. One of Burroughs' heartfelt claims: We are here to go. On paper, the $242 million deal seemed sweet: the derelict Gateway (Statler) and Lennox hotels rehabbed, a major hotel chain committed to the project, unions helping fund the deal. "Well, it can be," he says, "but I've been on my own a long time, ever since I was little. ), From that room, Burroughs claimed he could see the roof of his old childhood home on Pershing ("It used to be Berlin, but they changed it to Pershing during the war"). So he took part of the cave and turned it into a theater, where he had plays and whatever. I want people on the way home, at least a couple of times, to just lose it laughing, he says. Frank O. Pinion 2019-09-10 Hour 3. Try Frank O. Pinion's "large morning show in the afternoon," weekdays on KTRS (550 AM). And then to see your dreams come true, that's something. He didn't come back. Although he published his last novel, The Western Lands, in 1987 (on its final page: "The Old Writer had come to the end of words, to the end of what can be done with words"), his last 10 years were extremely productive. KTRS broadcast St. Louis Blues hockey games from 2000 to 2006. But Clatto and his students are pressing on. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. There's stuff about saltpeter mining during the Civil War (a real snoozer), more garbled Jesse James esoterica and something about, possibly, Art Linkletter. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Here it is, as promised, Chapter One of my new book, Imposters, based on a TRUE STORY and released June 1st in both print and in e-book form. Unless you've been living in your own cave, you know that a significant percentage of MC's quaint billboards, of which billboards no small quantity infests the surrounding hundred square miles, touts the cave as James' hideout. Originally announced in Jerry Berger's column as a $300,000 position, in reality, Frank (John Craddock) will broker 100 percent of his time and pay his own staff, including former KLOU (103.3 FM) newsperson Karen Vail and the current KLOU morning show producer who will also jump ship. On weekdays, KTRS airs local shows during the day and evenings. [5] The station flipped to adult standards in January 1995.[6]. After cavegoers step off the wide freight elevator and into the darkness, a flashlight reveals an outlet, and maintenance manager Jerry Hunter plugs in an extension cord that lights up a long tunnel, one that seems partially manmade, partially natural. The only thing I hear clearly is that if I get separated from the herd, I am to stay put and "scream my head off.". Be sure to view Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/user/tmweatherford?feature=mhee#p/u/2/GJ_OyWmOPeg When Burroughs showed up on Saturday Night Live in 1981, it was his final public appearance as a New Yorker. ", "When you're a kid," says Nelly, "you're like, 'Man, I'm gonna have me a big house when I grow up. Those people arent stupid. Intrigued by her indifference to even the most bizarre cave formations ("They look like plastic"), I begin to amass fascinating evidence suggesting that the average age at which stalactites (the ones that drip down) actually become interesting is 55; for everyone else they are merely a mineral backdrop for a subterranean childrearing ordeal. Last summer, Clatto's students found a cowrie shell similar to the type used as currency in Africa and a carved piece of bone resembling an elephant's tusk. KTRS confirmed that he would be taking over Frank O. Pinion's afternoon show after an article appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Tuesday night. It's a down-and-dirty St. Louis that Nelly portrays, Redd Foxx's St. Louis, a sort of Wild, Wild Midwest. KSD carried NBC's schedule of dramas, comedies, news, sports, soap operas, game shows and big band broadcasts during the "Golden Age of Radio." Also featuring: Bill Clevlen, Mike Evans, Dr. Doug, Scott Sherman and Johnny Londoff. 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