231 West 6th Street Powell, Wyoming, 82435 1-800-560-4692 Northwest College Cody Center 1501 Stampede Ave Cody, WY 82414 nwc.edu/cody NCAA post season umpires will guide the campers through games and drills with feedback and skill building sessions. Glove, Batting Helmet, Bat, Batting Gloves, Catching Equipment (if applicable), Cleats (for outdoor camps), Turf/Tennis Shoes (for camps at HTRC), Water Bottle, and Any additional equipment that campers feel necessary. Dates of the Camp: 09-11 September 2022. Photo Credits: Jen Pawol www.PawolPictures.com and Kathy Mauer. Camps included have a 2022 schedule and prices posted so you won't waste time going to sites that have no summer 2022 information. When coaches start questioning anything and everything. The assignors must cover games in Santa Maria, Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Barstow, Lancaster, Palm Desert, and Hemet. It appears that umpires are trying to remember, or just guessing, about the topics to be discussed. Diamond Umpire Academy was founded with a single goal: To provide quality training and development opportunities to fastpitch softball umpires of all levels. It will expire on January 31 at 5pm PST. If you have not done this before, make it a yearly habit. Refund requests must be submitted through the Contact Us section of the University of Iowa Softball Camps website. We will be holding a three-umpire camp in August at a Mens Fastpitch tournament; umpires have been selected by the assigners to attend. The schools will take place in six different states across the country including Alabama, California, Kentucky, Maryland, New Hampshire, and South Dakota, with the Fast Pitch Camp located in Georgia. We will update this document when we receive protocols from other schools or conferences. We will be holding our annual Fall Clinic for potential new umpires, 2nd year (in 2019) umpires, and selected veterans. When we have knowledge, and apply the knowledge, we have the power. Last Modified: 2022 February 03. close proximity to the complex. If you attend without doing so, there will be no lunch ordered for you. July 25, 2019 11:34am. Please Note: For all Softball Camps/Games campers are required to bring all equipment: If interested, please fill out the The 2019 NCAA Softball Case Book has been published. Diamond Umpire Academy (DUA) was established in 2014 as a collaboration between Christie Cornwell and Tom Meyer, fueled by their love of college softball and desire to provide an elite training platform for umpires. Free Clinic for Middle School Umpires and Up! DUA staff strives to provide quality training and development opportunities to fast-pitch softball umpires of all levels. Be fully prepared for all camps and clinics by training with . . MAC-UCU Camps Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Umpires (MAC) and United Collegiate Umpires (UCU) provide the most advanced umpire training camps for non-professional umpires in the country - our camps are geared to teaching the skills required for NCAA Conference level games. Here is the link to more information about this camp. Our staff of veteran elite and post season softball umpires are here to provide one-on-one and group training to help aspiring softball umpires reach their highest goals. If accepted for the Camp, this payment is non-refundable. You have received emails from your assigners to this regard. Continue to, Monthly Test The April 2018 test has been posted. An assistant coach got ejected for ranting and raving about a judgment call. We have a separate website for our registration process www.macumpires.org. Located in the heart of Greensboro, NC, Diamond Umpire Academy provides training camps that are are non-threatening and intended to create a positive learning environment for umpires. There are no games scheduled for that day (this is the day after the end of 16U and 18U and the day prior to the start of 14U & 12U). Do this now, while the season is still fresh in, We have tentatively set the CCSUA SoCal Fall Clinic date for September 10, 2017. This camp is primarily for D1 and D2 umpires, but also anyone who may need 4-umpire system and advanced training. The Referee Training Center is the world's largest library of officiating training materials and videos. Let us not forget Roger Denny and Vince Rojas, who passed away this, Rule changes 2022 There are some significant rule changes incorporated into the 2022-2023 NCAA Softball Rules Book. The link to the current bat list on our Locker Room Links page has been updated. Empower Team USA athletes to achieve sustained competitive excellence and well-being. NASO Member Protection Has Doubled NASO insurance coverage has doubled, effective August 1. But, the credit goes to you and the staff of the Diamond Umpire Academy and the tireless effort you guys place into making us umpires better professionals. So, if you belong to multiple Arbiter Sports Groups, you need to go into each one and fix the ALERT SETTINGS. In 2022, the Hawkeyes finished 21-31 overall, and 3-20 in conference. All refund requests must be made 2 weeks prior to the schedule camp the participant is registered for. The rouge bird was seen approaching umpire Chad Stears before perching itself on his shoulder. Camps are scheduled throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region throughout the fall either a 7-day, week-long experience or 3-day weekend. Dates, locations are subject to change. You have been sent emails with the link to register and the link to this on-line Zoom meeting. There are a lot of, Your CCSUA training staff continues to work through the off-season to help our umpires improve their games, and to recruit new umpires. MLB Camps May 21, 2022 Victory Field - Indianapolis, Indiana COST: FREE The Major League Baseball Umpire Camps offer umpires at all levels the chance of a lifetime. Diamond Umpire Academy114 N. Elm Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, NC 27401717-495-5055. Cost for treatment of injuries and/or hospitalization is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The on-site clinics and on-line training webinars are second-to-none opportunities. We can take the camper to UI Sports Medicineor the UI Emergency Department. Camps and clinics are geared toward the best practices and techniques for two, three, and four-man umpire systems. Our mission is to provide quality training to all umpires in order to promote uniformity and professionalism. You must be on-site by 2pm on weekdays. DEADLINE FOR RETURNING MEMBERS, ONLY: AUGUST 15, 2017. Gillispie ranks 19th among active coaches in D1 and 38th all-time. The Referee Training Center is the world's largest library of officiating training materials and videos. Renee Gillispie (gill-ESPY) completed her fourth season as the head coach of the University of Iowa softball program in 2022. Each test will expire on the last day of the respective month. Here, A new NCAA Approved Softball Bat List (December 14, 2020) and Summary of Changes (December 14, 2020) have been posted. not accepted for the Camp, your money will be refunded. USA Softball umpires are nationally recognized as the best trained and proficient in the sport and are involved in competition starting with league play, city, state and national championships.. All camps will use three umpire mechanics unless otherwise noted. Are you using this resource? There is a link on our Locker Room. Opportunities for student athletes to be evaluated by college coaches for scholarships were lost. The document is found in Resources/CCSUA/ CCSUA Forms. 2022 Just letting you know DUA is worth every dollar spent for expert training. Thanks for submitting! You can find a link to it on the Links page of the Locker Room, on the NCAA Softball Home Plate at www.sup.arbitersports.com, and on NCAA Softball Rules of the Game website. The identification camps have become a recruiting mecca for many conference coordinators across the nation at all levels, with DUA attendees now working in NCAA Division I, II, and III conferences such as the SEC, ACC, Big 10, Colonial, SoCon, Sun Belt, ASUN, Big South, Peach Belt, SAC, and ODAC just to name a few. -Umpire Mechanics Clinic (Phoenix, Arizona). At the plate meeting of that game, Coach Weekly once again told me I did an outstanding job, turning to the plate umpire for the game stating he had better be just as good. You may use these links to locate camps and register for them. Copyright 2023 Diamond Umpire Academy. You guys are awesome. A more complete list will be in the May Newsletter Change the obstruction rule to requiring the fielder to have possession of the ball in her hand or glove? October 28th - 30th (Raleigh, North Carolina)DUA staff strives to provide quality training and development opportunities to fast-pitch softball umpires of all levels. Select attendees will have the opportunity to attend theMLB Umpire Prospect Development Camp, a 4-week course and interview held in Vero Beach, FL. See page 10 of the NCAA Rule Book for the answer. Coach Weekly, both of them, were very complimentary of my plate game. Upon acceptance to the camp you will receive a confirmation letter with all the details concerning the camp. A tentative schedule for camps and clinics offered by MAC-UCU. Steel City Umpire CampOctober 13th - 15th;4-Umpire Mechanics Advanced Camp(Hoover, Alabama). The newest version of these will be published in Decemberbe watching for the announcement of their availability. Junior outfielder Nia Carter was NFCA First-Team All-Region. Photo Courtesy of Diamond Umpire Academy Todd Walker, and Dave Perry represented the CBUAO at the 2022 ACBL All Star Game July 14 in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. The Rules Update presentation is posted separately in this CCSUA Training Information section. Congratulations to Kent Jacobsen & Darren Deckard for their selection. Each of these links will lead to summer softball camps that have been scheduled for 2022. Enthusiasm to Share the Love of the Game and Umpire Fellowship. Congratulations to the CCSUA members who have worked, or will be working, the Community College playoffs, the NAIA playoffs, and the NCAA Regionals, Super Regionals, and Womens College World Series. For the general public, there is Fitness West - a 2,700 square foot fitness area, the Indoor Turf Area for intramural and club sports teams and a 3,500 square foot Touch The Earth Outdoor Rental & Resource Center. Videos: Mechanics/Plate umpire movement Fair or foul call get set; Foul near backstop Removed bats, Ejections, Protests Do you know what to do when you remove bats, have an ejection, or have a protest for, We have had multiple interpretations recently on the rule regarding the pitcher taking a signal. There are a few questions on three-umpire mechanics. See the instructions on the form for completing the report and sending it to the appropriate people. 27.4% 12 A game using the Media Format goes into extra innings. Further details about each camp are available on the website. Benefits of attending a prospect camp include: Exposure to college coaches Technical training Evaluate coaching style Evaluate current team culture Position-specific camps What we are collectively going through in sports officiating is so unfortunate. 2023 PGF National Qualifiers Locker Room Updates There have been many changes to our Locker Room since mid-March. April 22, 2023;Reds Youth Academy (Cincinnati, OH)May 27, 2023;Guaranteed Rate Field (Chicago, IL)June 24, 2023;Minute Maid Park (Houston, TX)July 29, 2023;San Manuel Park (San Bernardino, CA)Aug. 26, 2023;Harbor Park (Norfolk, VA). Verbal communication must be supported, Detailed information on the 2018-2019 major rule changes can be found on our Locker Room. We are working on a few more campsstay tuned for details! NCAA SOFTBALL 2017 & 2018 FIELD REQUIREMENTS Umpire Camps Information Umpire Camps Information We will post information on college umpire camps as we receive them 2020 Next Level Collegiate Umpire Camp Here is the link to more information about this camp. United Collegiate Umpires All Rights Reserved. You have the off season to work on your game; you do not, All of the 2018 and 2019 tests have been re-opened so you can review your results and use them for studying. Change the illegal pitch penalty to a, Too many observers and mentors are reporting that the umpire pre-games are unstructured. Get Softball rankings, news, schedules and championship brackets. Verified veterans will receive a veteran's discount.October 13th - 16th; 3-Umpire Mechanics Clinic (Phoenix, Arizona)October 27th - 30th; 4-Umpire Mechanics Clinic (Phoenix, Arizona)UTI would like to invite all levels of baseball umpires to join in an affordable, reliable and consistent foundation of a life long umpire learning experience. each participant will receive hands-on personal instruction on both fast pitch and slow pitch umpiring including base and plate mechanics. Pioneer Park, 8755 N. 83rd Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85345 There have been many changes and updates to the CCSUA Locker Room since our last posting of the Notes from the Training Staff July. The only official source for college softball mechanics. DUA has assembled the finest faculty of trainers and evaluators who have umpired in NCAA post season or are USA Softball Elite umpires. Thanks to the members of the Training Staff who have helped with a complete review of the articles and videos on the Locker Room Dan Cowan, Mark Craver, Lyle Dove, Tony Garcia, Bob McElroy, From the Assignors If you have seen that you are not getting Arbiter mass emails from Assignors, you need to change a setting in your Arbiter within the Group you are in. Preparing for Your Career Olympians Made Here Dear College Sports After the Game Home About Us Our Priorities Our Members Our Students Academics Championships Committees Compliance Finances Governance . It has been posted to the Locker Room Resources, Links. If you have not taken them, you may do so but your grades will not be added to the gradebooks, as the tests have expired. Select: Major Rule Changes 2018-2019. This is the time that Coaches are looking for an advantage. From our Chairperson, Rich Kollen: Our world sure has changed since March due to COVID-19. Location: Application form. SCUC has organized a quality staff of chief instructors and conference coordinators for you to learn and gain exposure from!Conference Coordinator in attendance:Paul Guillie (SEC)See full instructor list Mid-American Umpire ClinicSeptember 22nd - 25th;Advanced Umpire Clinic (Kansas City, Missouri)The clinic is designed to provide college umpires with the skills and attitude necessary to advance their careers to the NCAA Division I and Division II levels. National Scouting Report 50 Kent Stone Way, Unit 310 Alabaster, AL 35007 1-800-354-0072 You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. You must register in advance for this meeting PLEASE before Thursday, January 21st: Here is the link to register: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrcuyqrjwiGNT_Xdty8kM1AmDxj3EpzWpQ Please register immediately. CCSUA Training Cycle The start of our yearly training cycle begins in September. Thank you to the umpires who participated and the observers who did their usual great job of helping to improve our umpires and therefore the CCSUA. Attendees at a USA Softball NUS can expect discussions on rule changes for the upcoming 2022season while developing and enhancing their skills with lectures and on-field drills. This document has the following presentations: Welcome, Mechanics Updates, Primary/Secondary and Game Management. Location: Pioneer Park, 8755 N. 83rd Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85345 ( map) Camp Format: Be fully prepared for all camps and clinics by training with this manual. GOLD ARROW INDICATES WHERE TO ENTER THE BUILDING Full service ticketing software and network systems for professional box office managers. 2023 CCA Softball Umpires Manual. Postings since last months News & NotesArticles Major re-writing of the article Pitch Hit Hands or Bat, and it has been renamed The Hands are NOT Part, Check the Locker Room for updates on the new rules. The next few monthly tests will be taking plays directly from thatCase Book. With the addition of several top NCAA umpires as faculty, DUA has grown from that first camp of 12 umpires to now providing more than 6 camps per year and serving close to 500 umpires annually. For this reason, the articles on the Locker Room which are affected by these new rules will be updated closer to the beginning of the season. DUA provides both training and observation opportunities for umpires at all levels. Most of the games for this season have been either suspended or cancelled. Verified veterans will receive a veteran's discount. Self-assessment Now is the time to do a short self-assessment of your 2017 college softball umpiring season. These one-of-a-kind one-day prospecting camps occur throughout the U.S. and are run by MLB evaluators, current MLB umpires and MiLB supervisors. October 6-9, 2022; Coordinator of Umpires for the Southern Conference, Atlantic 10, Peach Belt, USA South and . Iowa City, Iowa 52242 319-335-3500. This is always good reading. Follow on . Payment: Payment is required when application is submitted. Click here to see the full list of 2021-22USA Softball NationalUmpire Schools. I feel more confident each time I take the field regardless of the teams playing. A raffle/auction will also take place at each of the 3 camps.Register HERE! In our list above, if registration is available, you will see a blue link in the last column. You can also find these links in an article posted to the Locker Room CCSUA/Assignors annual meeting, The CCSUA/Assignors annual meeting will be held on January 24, 2021, from 9am to 1pm. In the classroom, Iowa recorded 11 Academic All-Big Ten honorees. The link from our Locker Room (use the Links button) has been updated. Low key and non-threatening environment will include on the field training, observation, evaluation, and classroom training sessions. We all, It was great seeing everyone at the meetings and clinics. Training sessions and live games will take place at Arizona State University and Tempe Diablo Stadium, Spring Training home of the L.A. Angels of Anaheim. Lodging: Lodging is not included in the price of the camp. There was no automatic suspension for this behavioral ejection, but he got worse than a suspension: The ejected coach had flown his mother out to the tournament, From our Chairperson Rich Kollen What a crazy and sad time in our country, with the virus and civil unrest we are experiencing. Diamond Umpire Academy was founded with a single goal: To provide quality training and development opportunities to fastpitch softball umpires of all levels. The others have been deleted from the Locker Room as they were confusing and contradictory. Dates of the Camp: 09-11 September 2022. Send your questions to, From Referee Magazine Barry Mano You all receive Referee Magazine every month as part of your CCSUA/NASO membership. They are not assigned games by the assigners who work with the CCSUA. What things do you need to work on for next season? If you had completed that form for the 2019 season, you would have, This is the time to do a self-evaluation. If you have a question about a product or need help placing an order, email cservice@referee.comor call 800-733-6100. We will post an article to the Locker Room website which will summarize the rule changes, as soon as the training staff has, As the season approaches, take some time to review the rule book and CCA Manual. This is hard to understand, as the CCA Manual has a comprehensive list of topics (in Section 3), and all college softball umpires are expected to have a written checklist, The presentations from the CCSUA Annual Meetings have been posted in the Training Information section. Assigner are still assigning games. Oct. 11, 2021, 11:59 a.m. (ET) OKLAHOMA CITY - USA Softball announced six USA Softball National Umpire Schools (NUS) that will take place across the United States from December 2021 through. Softball Featured Headlines 2023 NAIA Softball Coaches' Top 25 PRESEASON Poll (November 2, 2022) Oklahoma City stays on top after claiming 2022 NAIA National Title 2022 NAIA National Awards Day Recipients Released All major honorees released on annual NAIA National Awards Day McSpadden Named 2021-22 NAIA Softball Coach of the Year You can access this new bat list by going to the Locker Room (select the Links button on the Dashboard page) or by using, CCSUA Meeting On Sunday, January 16, 2022, CCSUA conducted its annual CCSUA Assigners and Training Staff meeting. Please note that only certain schools are currently open for registration, while others will open up when additional information becomes available. Photo Credits: Jen Pawol www.PawolPictures.com and Kathy Mauer. Photo Credits: Jen Pawol www.PawolPictures.com and Kathy Mauer. Camp Packages; College. Even when somethings is not there. We use these questions as teaching moments. Rules of the game Download PDF/Order Rules Book Softball Field Diagram 2022 and 2023 Softball Case Book Umpires NCAA Softball Umpiring - Home . Add new approaches to your tool belt by learning what has worked for them from candid experience and lessons learned. Community College Incident Report 2022 blank, Schedule updates Community College play continues through June 9th. We all need to study these mechanics as the selections for post-season at all levels has started. Camp Information: The operators of the Next Level Collegiate Umpire Camp have announced their 2020 Camp. Last months Notes pointed out, The 2019 college softball season is now in our rear-view mirrors and fading fast as the summer months approach. The CCSUA Training Staff has received from Mike Bartling the information for the 2022 Next Level Collegiate Umpire Camp. It has affected sports at all levels. There is an updated clarification for the new pitching rule in the Rules Corner/ Pitching Procedures. How and what do you need to improve on? If POSTMARKED AFTER THE 15TH, add $40 to your total amount. Training sessions and live games will take place at Arizona State University and Tempe Diablo Stadium, Spring Training home of the L.A. Angels of Anaheim. Each USA Softball NUS is run by a team ofNational Umpire staffmembers, who serve as the clinicians. Umpires will be given an opportunity to LEARN, ATTAIN, MASTER, and ADVANCE their game to all new heights. Regardless of any schools information, the CCSUA assigners have stated that masks are mandatory for umpires. For further information, contact: Mike Bartling And we all know.. All Rights Reserved. For umpires wanting to not only learn the 4-umpire system, but also learn how to take all plays 360-degrees at every base. The season in is in full swing, a lot is happening on the field, and we want to keep all CCSUA umpires up to date on all that is going on in college softball. Come learn from officials that have seen great success in college baseball. We will use VR training technology, Track man analysis, hands on instruction, and video rules sessions. Diamond Umpire Academy114 N. Elm Street, Suite 300 Greensboro, NC 27401717-495-5055. Now is also the time to register for CCSUA for the 2017-2018 time period. The Mid-American Umpire Clinic is a Wendelstedt Umpire School Affiliated Clinic, located in Kansas City, Missouri, designed for youth or high school umpires who are looking to better their career or are looking to make the jump into college baseball.. Our mission is to provide quality training to all umpires in order to promote uniformity and professionalism. 2023 CCA Softball Umpires Manual. THE MID-AMERICAN UMPIRE CLINIC IS THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS YOUR. We encourage all umpires to improve and/or brush up on their skills & knowledge each year. Her .405 batting average ranking seventh in single season school history. Faculty rosters for each camp are available on the website. A strong and healthy body leads to a strong and healthy immune system. The Locker Room is filled with notes and short articles written, We will continue to have monthly tests during the college off-season (see the paragraph below). Monthly tests, Welcome to our new Affiliate members. Commemorative/memorial patches allowed if authorized by institution or conference (e.g. Recommendation from a respected college softball umpire; Please note: 1st and 2nd year umpires will work mostly Community College games. College softball umpires train year-round by studying the rule book, the CCA Manual, accessing the Locker Room, and taking the monthly tests. Pre-Camp meeting will be Friday Medicineor the UI Emergency Department tuned for details looking for an advantage that the Umpire pre-games are unstructured Cycle... Ncaa Softball umpiring - Home occur throughout the U.S. and are run by a Team ofNational Umpire staffmembers who! 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