For the natives, Mercury in 10th house career is of utmost importance since they have . I have 18th and 22nd degrees in my natal chart. Career is one of the most important life areas. Since the water bearer is the weirdo of the zodiac, people with Midheaven in Aquarius may be best suited for jobs which are considered strange, trendy, unorthodox, and often connected to the state of the art technologies (Aquarius is the sign of the future). The 10th house of your astrology birth chart is the "house of social status.". horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . The party that holds the administration is also represented by the 10th house. If it resonates with you, you can definitely check it out and use it in your quest for analyzing your birth chart and the great potential for success it holds! OK, now that we got this out of the way, lets see what we have here! Known as the house of career, this house signifies the opportunities the individual has in his professional life, and its Lord further adds more light to this signification, so that the interpretation is worthy of success. What that means is that our career has to be congruent with our personality! I am not a medical professional, nor a health expert. Moon and Mars Conjunction in 10th House in Navamsa Chart. This achievement-oriented Jupiter placement makes you naturally competitive. I don't know my Moon Sign. Aquarius Horoscope Predictions for 2023. If you were born with any planet in your 10th house, it will influence the following areas of life: When a planet is transiting (orbiting) through your 10th house, these subjects will likely arise. Yes, please. Having your 10, Recommended books for choosing a career based on astrology, Alrighty! Science is also right in the ally of the eleventh astrological sign. Aquariuses of any kind can become successful no matter what they may try. Youll skip the good stuff today if it means getting the reward tomorrow. The 10th house of the horoscope is significantly the most important dominion in the present circumstances because it shows your career, job, etc. The book will also show you in which areas you tend to self-sabotage and self-defeat yourself the most. Mind Body and Spirit Wellbeing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. Alrighty! And thats not all either! Using the Cardinal Signs to Achieve Success. However, what is interesting here to note is the peculiar style and the topics these authors cover in their books. This is some of the most basic information we need to know in order for us to correctly interpret our birth chart and the potential for growth and success it holds, even if its just an aspect of it, such as the best career (or careers) we can have in our lifetime. For example, if you have been working in a field that you feel is no longer congruent with your values, interests, skills and talents, and passions, this may be a wonderful opportunity to make the switch in a very harmonic and resistance-free manner. The 10th house is the house of career and goals. This moon placement is focused on long-term success. I remind you though, this book is best suited for complete beginners. The Tenth House is commonly referred to as the House of Social Status. Moon in the 10th House unites with the energies of Capricorn and its ruler Saturn. This could point out that your family environment had a true royalty-like nature, especially from the mothers side. In some ways, this might even be a relief! They have a strong imagination and can channel the energies of their surrounding people towards something good. And lastly, in this book you are going to learn some practical algorithms and steps for easier chart interpretation. Also, you can learn about the potential for your overall wellbeing, physical appearance, and the nature of your relationships of any kind (with spouses, business partners, siblings, parents, etc.). This house corresponds to Capricorn and its planetary ruler, Saturn. Thanks for sharing, Franchesca! Vol. ). When it comes to the help theyre giving, these natives are the ones who are giving the most original and intellectual advice, even if not always realistic. This is what I would suggest here to try using the power of the New Moon phase to manifest the career of your dreams. Because these can signify what exactly we were born to do in this life according to our past incarnations. And the position of the 10th house lord in your birth chart would determine your career direction. Also, excellent career options for this astrological placement will be those who give the person a lot of freedom and flexibility since natives might get bored too quickly from repetitive routines. Depending on the Sign of your 10th House, astrologers can interpret how you work, act, and make choices to contribute to society in a productive way. The first installment of this sequence is dedicated to all the necessary basic principles and concepts we need to know to be able to analyze our birth charts, including a specific area like the potential for professional development. Each house represents a different essential aspect of our lives. The 10th House is one of the key houses in your natal chart. When it comes to what they can do best as a job, this has a lot to do with the field of technology. However, I do find this phenomenon quite interesting. Copyright 2014-2023 All rights reserved. No matter what, they should remain honest and reliable, which is not hard for them. It represents our professional paths, our responsibilities, and our relationships to authority. Or an important challenge I need to be constantly aware of! I think you can easily make the correlation between our lifes vocation and the unique in-born skills and abilities we hold. Speaking of which, whats your relationship to authority and authority figures? For example, with an earth or fiery ascendant (Taurus, Aries), you will seek a more down to Earth job with more stability or one requiring leadership. They want to cooperate with others because they know how to function in teams. The sign on the cusp, or starting edge of the 10th houselocated near the 12oclock point on the zodiac wheelhas a special name: the midheaven, or MC for short. As a gentle reminder, please remember this is a sub for learning about astrology and how to read a natal chart! This intuitive, investigative reading can suss out what your closest birth time may be. This is another great read by the same author Jan Spiller. Tenth House in Aquarius: Your career is often one linked to humanitarianism, and you tend to be seen as someone who really cares about social justice. Youre looking for a partner who wants to build something stable and fruitful together. Native is happy in many . You set your goals upfront and then work towards achieving them. It gives a proud, calm, dignified bearing, with an air of authority and a charismatic quality that others admire and respect, though they are usaully quiet and undemanding in attitude. A problem here, of course, for Aquarius on the cusp of the tenth house, is being submissive to authority or supervision. With Saturn in this family-focused placement, having time to spend with your nearest and dearest is essential to your internal balance. Well, it is an airy sign after all, and as such it has the capacity for great achievements in all areas related to our intellect. Regardless of where you land on the professional food chain, the 10th house demands structure. Subscribe to get the latest updates by email. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. It is about the place we have attained in our social (or work/career) grouping and in society as a whole. In this turbulence of time, everyone is curious about their profession and future status. Why is this important? In astrology, the tenth house of the natal chart is ruled by the zodiac sign Capricorn and the planet Saturn. Their public and professional identity is a lot related to their social life and the professional affiliations theyve established because they give a lot of importance to how theyre seen by others when it comes to their profession. As I mentioned previously in this article, to fully understand how your Midheaven in Aquarius may play out in choosing your best career option in life, you need to get as much information on the eleventh zodiac sign as possible. Represented by the Star card in tarot, Aquarius can be visualized as a larger-than-life, mythical being with one foot firmly planted on the soil (representing a sense of being grounded) and one . It is NOT a place for getting your chart read for you. In Vedic astrology the 10 house or the karma bhava determines your professional path by the planetary movements in this house. The house that rules the career of an individual in his/her birth chart, is the 10th house. The tenth house in a horoscope signifies everything that spells success for an individual. The first section of the book deals with the intricate art of calculating a birth chart. Second of all, although this volume is not directly related to our topic today (analyzing your 10th house in Aquarius placement for the sake of finding your best career opportunities), I still think it holds immense value for finding your purpose in life. Theres a rule-abiding rigidity to the 10th house, but for good reason! Many want to work with them because theyre original and know how to innovate, also because theyre good when working in teams. The 10th house is one of the three earth houses of material matters and shares similar traits to Capricorn, the tenth zodiac sign. The planet sitting on the 10th house and its Lord, duly decide what kind of a career choice would be beneficial for the child so that he is able to be at his highest potential. Mars is another planet that represents hardwork, effort, courage, career and ambition. Youre as creative as you are productive, drawing inspiration from a deep well, then finessing it to the heights of success. The Tenth house, just like any other, features planets and there are different aspects and things . We can thank Oprah for giving the world a glimpse into the real emotions of some of the most iconic celebrities from Adele to Harry and Meghan. The tenth house represents career, authority in the outside world as it is opposite to the home world represented by the fourth house, reputation in society, and fathers' teachings. You like to work in a group and you would be loaded with ingenious ideas. Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Since our toddler days, our parents were concerned about us regarding what we would grow up to be. This sector was historically associated with the father, but could also be read as any provider figure who skews more rational and stern rather than soft and nurturing. Their studies can help them come up with the greatest ideas at work. But, there is more to learn from your empty 10th House, and you can follow the steps below to find out more! Or in the case of Oprah, Neptune is in Libra, the sign of partnerships. Like the NSEW points on a compass, these houses start each of the four quadrants of the zodiac wheel, which set us in clear, new directions. Oprah Winfrey has boundary-dissolving, Neptune, the planet of empathy and soulful exchanges in her 10th house of achievement and career ambition. Its very possible some of them already are in organizations that are ruling the world. Taking reference from the 10th house for our questions about success in life and the respect we can command from society would definitely help. You will also learn the significance of the position of each planet (and a luminary) by sign and astrological house. Volume 2 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology goes way deeper into the fascinating world of this ancient knowledge. Some of them get lucky and end up working in big organizations, even with the government. On the other hand, if the tenth house ruler (in this case Neptune) has good aspects, the person's 10th house Pisces career can be centered around art - music, writing, acting (again, Taurus as an ascendant will do a wonderful job here! The person born with Aquarius in 10 th House is different when it comes to matters of career, as well as innovative. P.O. He or she thinks in the long-term and always plans. As I mentioned previously in this article, the 10th house in Aquarius can be a wonderful placement for a politician. You are going to learn about the significance of the movement of some of the most influential planets, such as Saturn, Jupiter, Chiron, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. The moon is what represents emotional connectivity, partnerships, and relationships with people. Your true healing takes place once you stop looking to others for validation. Angular houses are a lot like the cardinal zodiac signs. They could get riches by working hard for themselves. They love working in teams and sharing their good ideas. 2 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology. And finally, I would like to point out that the author also included some extremely interesting and valuable insights on the significance of the Lunar Nodes as well as some Arabic Parts (such as the Part of Fortune, a.k.a. Join. At work or in public, people know them as original and innovative, as theyre very individualistic and focused on building a good career for themselves. The sign of Virgo at 18th degree in my 9th House. The 10th house Jupiter generally gives profession related to finance, accounts, and teachings. 3 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology. Mind Body and Spirit Wellbeing is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. The various parameters through which an individual life and its events can be studied are through planetary positions, aspects of the planets, transit of planets, planetary time periods, birth Nakshatra(constellation), ascendant sign, moon sign, sun sign, divisional charts(D10, D9), and so on. Natives born with Aquarius in 10th House should decide on a career thats asking them to be humanitarian. If you are an Aquarius in the Tenth House, expect that your career concerns include technology, finance, or entertainment. The 10th house of your birth chart represents fame, honor, success, working environment, professional choices, livelihood, and the most important aspects of your career. These Celebrities Are Finishing Their Saturn Return in Aquarius: Before and After, Your March 2023 Horoscope: The Decades Next Turning Point, JSYK, Februarys Venus in Aries Transit Is the Opposite of Cuffing Season, Open Your Heart and Fuel Your Fantasies with Februarys Pisces New Moon, Your Pisces Season Horoscope Reminds You That Reality Is Overrated, The Day of Challenges: Brace Yourself When the Sun Unites with Taskmaster Saturn on February 16. They need to make a practical contribution, so the ruler of the 10th House, which is Capricorn, helps them a lot in this direction. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The bones, skin and teeth are ruled by this house, which literally hold our organs in place and help us break down matter so our bodies can receive the nutrition they need to sustain themselves. This means that these two houses will be related to one another, and in this book you will get a sense of their significance to your lifes vocation. The 10th house in Vedic astrology signifies authority, career, father's teaching, and reputation and social standing in the society. Hey Niki! The Tenth House and the Zodiac Signs. To me, this is a wonderful educational work that brings light to the topic of finding your vocation according to the art and science of astrology. Then, look to see if there are any planet glyphs occupying that segment. The second part of this volume will give you a couple of examples of birth charts of some famous people and how the authors would analyze them. The Tenth House in Aries. If so, feel free to share this article or send it to someone who might also benefit from this information. The moon transits (orbits) through all 12 houses in the span of a month. Astrology Phone Consultations will assist you in tackling your relationship. Many of them can be revolutionaries who are leading the minds of others to make changes. No matter what you do for a living, you don't want to end up doing a job you don . He or she thinks in the long-term and always plans. Your career is often directly tied to your 10th house, and the perfect profession for you blends all 3 houses. 3 in the 11th from that house. So, volume three of the series mainly deals with the rulers of all of the twelve astrological houses and their placements in other houses in your birth chart. I do think that the absolute basics are always worth remembering. If you are not familiar with the term, the Saturn return means that this transiting planet comes back to its original position as it was at the time of your birth. Tenth House reflects hard labor, persistence (incl. It tells how far we would succeed in our efforts and how much our dreams could be realized. That also includes your career. Open your chart to see which Zodiac sign the starting line of your 10th House, your Midheaven, lands in. These indispensable deets make this book an excellent gift for a beloved Aquarius person or someone who lives with and loves an Aquarius. A leaned Astrologer or anyone who is a Vedic Astrology enthusiast, and takes interest in learning the various aspects and enlighten others, can duly study an individuals horoscope. They give us the courage to initiatein this case through establishing ourselves as professional experts or leaders. Your email address will not be published. Our ancestors had been doing this for many years before these powerful rituals had been almost forgotten over the ages. I hope it was helpful. When Mercury enters Aries and your 3rd House of Communication on Saturday, March 18, conversations flow . Also, remember that to fully discover the hidden messages about your 10th house in astrology, you need to take a look at the position and aspects of the tenth house ruler. You can read our full affiliate disclosure HERE. 11th House: Career is related to groups, organizations, friends, community, society, humanity, money, financial gains, and/or achievement. However, what we can see in some famous people with their 10th house in the Water Bearer is their unique expression of this placement. They enjoy decent fortune. ); the meaning of the important configurations in astrology (stelliums, T-squares, Yods, etc. Recommended books for choosing a career based on astrology. The 10th house is about our public reputation, clout and accomplishments particularly in the realm of career and profession. Authors Jules Verne, Virginia Woolf, Leo Tolstoy, Arthur Conan Doyle, George R. R. Martin, Mary Shelley, Elisabeth Badinter, and more. And you can achieve this by exercising your free will and your manifesting abilities with the help of the celestial bodies in our solar system. 12 days ago. Most astrologers consider these interesting points in the natal chart as extremely significant to achieving your lifes purpose according to the karmic baggage we have accumulated in our past lives. When it comes to their goals, theyre known to work hard to achieve them. I think this is the most recommended book on this blog so far. People born with Aquarius in the Tenth House prefer to work in teams, so they can be found in big corporations or doing things in organizations. You can do this by determining which astrological house they rule and how it may be connected to your potential for professional success in life! Their geometrical angles form a . Like the NSEW points on a compass, these houses start each of the four quadrants of the zodiac wheel, which set us in clear, new directions. Natives with Mercury in 10th house from lagna will be blessed with good communication skills. Her gently personable interview style allows guests to relax and open up. Read more about Neptune in the 10th house. As employees, they can obtain a good salary and happily work, even if they also have other dreams and the desire to advance. This means that you dont have to look through different tomes of astrological guides to find the details that you need at that point. Mercury in 10th house is the representation of intelligence. If courageous enough to take the initiative, they can accomplish great things. By recognizing these unconscious tendencies, you can propel and sky-rocket your climb up the professional ladder and the social hierarchy! This keeps me grounded and I make sure I dont forget any important details about my chart! The book does not only go into a great detail on the significance and the meaning of the 10th house placement. For example, if motivational Mars was Lady Gaga (the actor), Mars in dreamy, artistic Pisces would cast her far from the shallowas Ally in A Star Is Born. The 10th house is ruled by Saturn, and this house in the zodiac wheel at your birth time, signifies the various aspects that will control your career choices and what will be best suited for you, as per your moon sign. Whatever zodiac sign was positioned at this point when you were born determines your midheaven, which is an important point on the chart for discovering your true north.. This takes into account the Earths tilt. It is an angular house and is also known as the MidHeaven, and Medium Coeli. The third section of this volume will give you a better perspective of some exciting parts of your birth chart planets with oriental appearance, prenatal eclipses and lunations, the zenith, the Arabic parts, the fixed stars and critical degrees, the position of Earth in the birth chart, etc. For the most part, the entire tenth house is generally about one's career and how they appear to one's colleagues. This gives us the opportunity to better understand the astrological concepts and the various natal chart placements. Friendships are very important to them and this may create an imbalance between their love life and close friends. I hope it was helpful. Native may be very affluent. That is why I included this cute guide on the topic. When it comes to their skills, they know how to assess any idea and put it into practice. Many people lost their job and many about to loose. After dissecting the Capricorn astrological sign, we arrive at the penultimate zodiac sign Aquarius the last air and fixed sign of the chart. 2 of The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Vol. In fact, you could speculate on at least ten ways a planet is influencing a house at any given moment. Its typical characteristics (whether positive or negative) may give the necessary perspective and some wonderful ideas of what your best profession might be. Think status, the authority it conveys, and consequently, the role we take in our community. These skills will be the key for them to achieve reputation and dignity through a remarkable career. In today's cenerio, everyone is worried about his/her career because of pandemic COVID-19 all over the world. According to Navamsa Chart, Laxmi yoga is the Moon and Mars conjunction. This book is also focused on the very basics of analyzing your natal chart, just like the book series by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers. What that means is that you will learn pretty much everything there is to know about your Medium Coeli point the cusp of the Midheaven point and the meaning of the zodiac sign in which it is placed, as well as the house in which the ruler of your 10th house is located. As the most visible part of the chart, it represents social . At times, especially on March 16, when Mercury in Aries enters your 10th house of career and public reputation, you may feel pressured to prove yourself or rush your progress before you're ready . The eleventh zodiac sign is considered to be a true humanist, and a career related to the service of a community or a particular nation is quite suitable for such people. Well, not all of them, just the Moon. (I understand its free), Good Dates For Financial Investments In Oct 2022, First Outing Of The Baby (Nishkramana Samskara), Mercury Retrogression In Virgo (10 Sep 2 Oct). The profession will be connected to the career tendencies of the sign on and any planets in the 10th house. So, I still highly recommend grabbing this book for the purpose of analyzing your tenth house and uncovering the enormous potential it holds for bringing lots of success, satisfaction, and a better social status. The 10th house in astrology is symbolic of your life in the public's eye and your career path. So, now I would like to suggest the second installment of the series. The typical water bearer of the zodiac is probably the most odd unorthodox, and often pretty weird person you may come across. In this article, you can learn how a detailed reading of your horoscope and the 10th house can determine your career direction. In Hellenistic, Vedic, Medieval and Renaissance astrology each house is ruled by the planet that rules the sign on its cusp. Their friends can help them get promoted. A man likes to take part in reforming. First and foremost, there is no right answer to this question. They will color the career house with their specifics, positive strong traits or weaknesses. Mainly these are the second house (the potential for material gains in our lifetime), the sixth house (our day to day job and work environment), and the seventh house (the potential for business partnerships). It's also one of the work-related housesthe 6th house and the 2nd house being the other two. Youre in it to win it here! The 10th house in astrology is symbolic of your life in the public's eye and your career path. The 1st House in Gemini Personality, {Aim High!} 10th House Aquarius Career Options This is amazing! According to astrology, people who have Venus in the Tenth House are charming, sociable, attractive, outgoing, active, and ambitious in their personalities. Sadly, most scientists dont receive enough praise and the fame as they deserve. 1. Individuals born with Aquarius in 10th House are different than their peers because theyre acting in unusual ways and even dressing strangely. This means that we may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you make a purchase or a subscription through these links. Having your 10th house cusp in Aquarius means that your Imun Coeli point is in Leo the true royalty sign in astrology. This period in our lives, that we usually experience twice in our lifetime, is related to massive changes in our professional development and in our natural maturation process. Intuitive and never sad, their frustrations can never get them. This can be a good position for you to have career success in your life, almost coming easily, which can make some of you more lazy with career matters. Most of these natives are working in charity, but dont want to be in the center of attention or famous. As said before, natives with this placement in their birth chart are not comfortable with the public and want their efforts to be appreciated, not their personality. The zodiac sign that the planet is in directs the role that it plays in your life. The 10th House is the planetary house that concerns your public persona, career, and status. The Tenth House also holds the point where the Cosmic support is coming to the native. Your success and achievement fall within this house. Wielding your 10th house astrology to excel in your ambition. Stay tuned for more interesting info on the topics of health, wellness, and spirituality! For Ketu ,argala is caused by a graha in the 9th from Ketu and is counteracted by the one in the 5th from it. These areas of life are thoroughly described in the 10th place planet links above. You can also check the other signs in this series: Zodiac Signs on the Cusp of Tenth House in Astrology. 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