Evidently, experimentation in the social sciences is different. [1] The idea that democracy emphasises individuality was considered a drawback, and Jones emphasised this main point of the movement in its motto: "Strength through discipline, strength through community, strength through action, strength through pride. I was shocked! To give validity to the seriousness of my words I turned to the three women in the class whom I knew had questioned the Third Wave. Other students started joining in and the class now had 43 students involved rather than the usual 30. What was he lying about, in your view? "Through the experience of the past week we have all tasted what it was like to live and act in Nazi Germany. The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones in 1967 to explain how the German population could have accepted the actions of the Nazi regime during the rise of the Third Reich and the Second World War.[1][2][3][4][5]. I couldn't let the Roberts lose again. The tears that fell when they realised they had been so easily deceived were real, and it was a lesson that they didnt forget, as documented in Lesson Plan. I particularly remember Robert. The room sweat and smelt like a locker room. They even seemed to be asking better questions and treating each other with more compassion. It's strange, you most a past student In these chance ways, You catch a few moments of your life. Who is this young man hugging me? Hand raised upward in a shape of a curling wave. He then led them in shouting chants of "Strength through Discipline! Conclusions made by contemporary political scientists and sociologists reflect the experiences of the subjects of the Third Wave Experiment and make connections between those experiences and witness statements in history. To be number one. Conditions that produce tyranny could be the presence of an apparently legitimate authority, a certain motivational interest, and/or threats and manipulation. Oh I was benevolent. I waited for several minutes to let everyone catch up. Once again I faced the thoughts of closing the experiment or letting it go its own course. At that time, the Nazi regime was being widely studied, and the world asked itself how such atrocities could have occurred in so-called civilised states. Jones intended only a one-day experiment.[9]. Ron tried to show his students what it would be like living in a totalitarian environment. Evil in itself is not banal, and evil acts do not necessarily have to be committed by evil people. As I spent more time playing the role I had less time to remember its rational origins and purpose. [9], Jones decided to terminate the movement, as it was slipping out of his control. Talk about tone deaf. The deductions taken from such experiments are strong when they are seen alongside natural experiments, where the events have already occurred in history and have already provided a significant and real basis for the analysis of society. I have a question for you. Jones." In the split second of my race back in time Steve sensed my questioning and backed up. Take part. This article is about the social experiment. Shereen Lehman, MS. They possessed a silent confidence and took pleasure in a school setting that gave them academic and leadership opportunity. To accentuate this, I requested answers to be given in three words or less. The power of the will. Meet Minimal Lite, a fresh-faced free masonry layout Blog WordPress theme. On Wednesday, I decided to issue membership cards to every student that wanted to continue what I now called the experiment. So we become the image. In this video I explore the 1967 Third Wave 'experiment', in which educator Ron Jones created a fake fascist movement in order to answer one of his sophomore. The project was adapted into an American film, The Wave, in 1981, and a critically acclaimed German film, Die Welle, in 2008. It was something we all wanted to forget. In 3 days the movement had grown to 200 students. Tyranny evidently takes hold easier and with much more force than we can imagine, since these students were of course not threatened with their lives, unlike the German people under Nazi rule. If Ron Jones was in fact terminated from the school, it is clearly because humanity is afraid to let go and see what is possible. Two comrades had met long after the war. It's not going to happen. A German documentary entitled The Invisible Line (Die Geschichte der Welle) debuted on television on December 19, 2019. "Should we wear white shirts?" "It's your task to design a Third Wave Banner. He drilled them on their adherence to these rules. We learned what it felt like to create a disciplined social environment. Despite their protests against the idea that they would themselves be fooled by tyranny in the same way that Hitler Youth and the German people were, the students nevertheless fell for the experiment, and the authority of their tutor led them to fully believe in The Third Wave movementdespite the fact that it was completely made up. Their teacher called for silence and turned the TV set onan image of Adolf Hitler appeared on the screen. I don't know maybe he just imbelished a little or something. pride, and action. Jones was a teacher who usually granted his students a lot of leeway. Joness students regretted their having followed a tyrannical regime, even though it was fake, and the subjects of Milgrams experiment followed orders because they perceived the experimenter as having some kind of legitimate authority. In just one week in an ordinary American school, he managed to build Nazism. It just whined on. Students were expected to sit at attention before the second bell, had to stand up to ask or answer questions and had to do so in three words or fewer, and were required to preface each remark with "Mr. Jones". "Mr. Jones, have you seen this advertisement in Time magazine? All of the questions probed at imaginary situations and sought to discover the meaning of this event. Schoolteacher Ron Jones's personal account of his experiment which created a proto-fascist movement amongst his high school pupils in Palo Alto, California, which in 2008 was subject of the award-winning film The Wave. Not a vacant seat could be found. [9] Jones instructed three students to report to him when other members of the movement failed to abide by the rules. Given that assurance and smile I couldn't say no. I explained how discipline and community were meaningless without action. Oh, you think to yourself that you were just going along for the fun. The Third Wave. The same can often be said in the natural sciences. Therefore, it becomes necessary in some cases to manipulate and monopolise peoples confidence. Waiting. While debating whether to stop or go on with the experiment I talked on and on about community. 1976 Ron Jones First Short Story "The Third Wave". For example, the theory that appeared after the Milgram experiment was that ordinary, good people, professionals and students alike would obey authority to the point that it could kill someone (up to 450V of electrical currentfar beyond that which can be sustained by a human being). Some subjects didnt need all four prompts, but the great majority of them did. That you were better than those outside this room. (I later found out it was the father of one of the students. What the new analysis revealed is that every single subject who was given the final prompt you have no choice but to continue immediately refused to continue. Although . At this point students stood without prompting and began to give what amounted to testimonials. How can people who were neighbors and maybe even friends of the Jewish citizen say they weren't there when it happened. Was the desire for discipline and uniformity a natural need? Hey Felton, many thanks for your comments! This is the wrong interpretation and the wrong conclusion to make. We carry it like a disease. The rabbi for one of the parents called me at home. This activity we have been doing has been practice for the real thing. Embellished or not, this information is in-valuable and clearly possible. Most of my fear emanated from the incidence of "tattletaling". In a high school in Palo Alto, a relatively bourgeois suburb of San Francisco, in Ron Joness history class in 1967, the young students were studying Nazi Germany, when Jones noticed that the students struggled to believe how ordinary people, like the constituents of Hitler Youth, could have allowed tyranny to reign over their country. By the end of the day over two hundred students were admitted into the order. Across the country teachers like myself have been recruiting and training a youth brigade capable of showing the nation a better society through discipline, community. He calls me Mr. Jones. Even stranger was the gradual improvement in the quality of answers. Their faces held looks of disbelief. Ron Jones was a teacher at Cuubberly High School. You chose to accept that group's will and the big lie over your own conviction. Controversial and unorthodox as the Third Wave Experiment might be, there is a lot we can take from social experiments such as these, especially amidst the disaster and upheaval we have witnessed so far in 2020. It would be too painful and demeaning for Robert and the students like him to be twisted back into a seat and told it's just a game. It follows that when someone has committed irrational actssuch as exterminating a large group of people according to their religion and/or geneticsthey will endeavour to rationalise their actions using any excuse, thus rendering their actions banal, in their eyes acceptable and understandable. It went like this. On the contrary, he had not simply followed orders blindly, he had actually planned his actions in great detailhe was an author of the Holocaust. When a student asks how so many people could be . So are you saying that what Ron says happened in the other class didn't really happen? He walked always on my right. To provide an encounter with community I had the class recite in unison "Strength Through Discipline." To allow students the experience of direct action I gave each individual a specific verbal assignment. Soon everyone in the class began popping up with answers and questions. The experiment had now taken on a life of its own. This unethical experiment is one of many reasons review boards were created and have made drastic changes in policy over experiments done on humans. The salute was give. Then say goodbye. Where was this experiment leading? These and other controversial experiments led . For years I kept a strange secret. Based on his account, he did not question his students' experiences and reflections by careful listening to them and providing them with sensitive guidance. Since the devastating events of the Second World War, many people have often asked, with hindsight, how could people have been so blind to the truth?. In our consoling each other we became a rock in the stream of exiting students. Worked in the "defense" plants. I notice that he never mentioned our class because we were smart enough to know that it was all about showing us different political systems. They had indeed fallen for the trap. I whispered to him to watch closely and pay attention to the next few minutes. I read every word of information as a student of life and learning the root of human need for belonging. "Yes.1' "Now listen carefully. He decided to create a fictional social movement as a demonstration of the appeal of fascism. But where were you heading? I decided to find out. Class expanded from its initial 30 students to a total of 43. "Mr. Jones do you remember the Third Wave?" it went something like this. We know the fear of being left out. Something in all of us. The tension and anticipation was beyond belief. All day long he opened and closed doors for me. ", The clincher came quite by accident. But most of the students looked straight ahead in earnest concentration. He will explain all the things that he was able to manipulate the kids into doing which seems like would've taken weeks or months and claim it only took one day. I sure do, it was one of the most frightening events I ever experienced In the classroom. A presence that will not change. They were doing something together. The Third Wave experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California during the first week of April in 1967. On the third day, Jones began to worry that things were going too far. It was a full page color advertisement in the current issue of Time for some lumber products. Robert was sobbing. During the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of obedience experiments that led to some surprising results. The visual stench of death camps. ", "It's all set for tomorrow. tax collector. Be in the small auditorium ten minutes before 12:00. It quickly illuminated a white drop cloth hanging behind the television. How could this be? "[1], Although the experiment was not well documented at the time, it was briefly mentioned in two issues of the Cubberley High School student newspaper, The Cubberley Catamount. The act of apology. The only thing that allowed them all to fit was the enforced discipline of sitting in silence at attention. Outright organised fascism is capitalism gone over the top, but manipulation of group dynamics happens all over the place - particularly in schools - and is the means used to get people to behave in required ways, absurd ways often but sometimes ways that are practically credible on the surface. I made up stories from my experiences as an athlete, coach and historian. Rather than a televised address of their leader, the students were presented with an empty channel. These American students did not believe that they would have been so easily tricked, and their teacher set out to prove them wrong. Taking in large uncontrollable gulps of air. Be ready to display the discipline, community, and pride you have learned. The students had become more and more involved in the project. In telling their parents of the experiment they set up a brief chain of events. Steve Conigio had been a sophomore student in my World History class. He convinced the students to attend a rally where he claimed that the classroom project was part of a nationwide movement, and that the announcement of a Third Wave presidential candidate would be televised. Ron Jones himself was, at the time, part of the Black Panther movement which was a far-Left activist organisation that was strongly opposed to the Vietnam war and the US government. TIL about the Third Wave experiment. In the library or in gym students would be seen giving this strange hand jive. Whereas others jumped in, they held back, watching. Since we had a salute I made it a rule to salute all class members outside the classroom. I felt very alone and a little scared. I am having a hard time believing this. Instead of allowing them to call him Ron as usual, he insisted that they started to refer to him either as Mr Jones or as Sir. In the four years I taught at Cubberley High School no one ever admitted to attending the Third Wave Rally. The dedicated patience of a scientist in pursuit of an Idea. Scratch the surface and it appears. I glanced over my shoulder. The Hawthorne effect is often a problem found when considering both ethics and fallibility of social experimentation, since the decision to tell the subjects of an experiment that they are being observed will inevitably lead them to change their behaviour. And profound revelation. How far would you have gone? The Third Wave was still alive. Strength through community As friends they chummed together. When you're playing against all the odds the best action to take is to try the unexpected. I now began to ponder not just how far this class could be pushed but how such I would change my basic beliefs toward an open classroom and self directed learning. Don't talk to anyone about this. Returning once again to the analyses made by Haslam, we can formulise different conclusions to the Third Wave Experiment which itself relates closely to other experiments and studies being made in the post-war years. The idea for the three came from beach lore that waves travel in chains, the third wave being the last and largest of each series. Jones added "Strength Through Action" to the chalkboard. The trouble with the situation and role I had created was that I didn't have time to think where it was leading. In the study, an . It was 12:07. He followed me every- where. There was much more to see and try to understand. At twelve o'clock sharp I closed the room and placed guards at each door. This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 16:27. Each Student had a job and they weren't to . We did this again, and again. The balance between role playing and directed behavior became indistinguishable. He created an authoritative dictatorship in his classroom. A hushed silence shrouded the room. Several social experiments, such as The Third Wave Experiment, have taken place as an attempt to better understand the nature of tyranny and the conditions under which it comes to fruition. The school was alive with conjecture and curiosity. The student was, in fact, an actor behind a screen in a different room, who would plead and let out cries of pain as the fictional volts increased. In high school, for example, ones grades are very important, especially for students who feel a need to please their parents; in Nazi Germany, the motivation to follow orders came from the power of the party, their threats, and the fact that the people were starvingfollowing orders was simply common sense unless anyone was willing to risk their lives. For years I kept a strange secret. . Oh he tried harder than anyone I know to be successful. We can bring it a new sense of order. [9] Jones created a salute involving a cupped hand reaching across the chest toward the opposite shoulder,[9] resembling a Hitler salute. We knew that it was interesting learning about different political systems, but not something we would ever emulate. They are lost. Following minutes of progressive drill assignments the class could move from standing positions outside the room to attention sitting positions at their desks without making a sound. Students were issued a member card. By the end of the third day I was exhausted. Mr. Jones used his own students to test out his theory, that the desire for order and discipline was the key to manipulating a body of people to act a certain way. Don't you feel better.". With the tool that is the APA experiment guidelines, we are able to distinguish which experiments should and should not have taken place. The real gestapo in the school was at work. Though I formally appointed only three students to report deviate behavior, approximately twenty students came to me with reports about how Allan didn't salute, or Georgine was talking critically about our experiment. Control. Over two hundred students were crammed into the room. Many students were over the line. There were the athletes, the social prominents, the student leaders, the loners, the group of kids that always left school early, the bikers, the pseudo hip, a few representatives of the school's dadaist click, and some of the students that hung out at the laundromat. In the final twenty-five minutes of the class I introduced some new rules. Large numbers appeared in a countdown. Performance in academic skill areas was significantly improving. In fact I was surprised to find the ideas on discipline enacted at all. community, pride and action. Robert was at my side. They demanded strict obedience of the rules from other students and bullied those that took the experiment lightly. Community is that bond between individuals who work and struggle together. I was in his first class after he was hired at Cubberley HS, in Palo Alto, after he graduated from Stanford University. This video is about the third wave experiment. Robert is like so many kids in school that don't excel or cause trouble. You will keep this day and this rally a secret. Yes, we would all have made good Germans. And as predicted we also shared a deep secret. The intensity of the response became more important than the content. The only reason I came to know Robert at all is that I found him eating lunch in my classroom. we each have witnessed something over the past week. No. Pride Is something no one can take from you. I shared this silence with two hundred students. Jones told his students of the true nature of the movement as an experiment in fascism, and presented to them a short film discussing the actions of Nazi Germany.[9]. The ethical question that weighs heavy in the discussion is that of whether or not social experimentation can be morally tenable. In 1967, a high school history class in California became the lab rats of an experiment to study the rise of Nazism. No one moved. Moving toward the door and the world outside. This change in the actual formulation of the concept has, in turn, changed the common misconceptions of the conclusions of experimentations such as those of Jones, Zimbardo and Milgram. The students chanted their slogan in anticipation. Oh, you make promises to call each other but It won't happen. Ron's problem is he let it get out of control and that is why he was fired. How could the German soldier, teacher, railroad conductor, nurse. The Third Wave experiment once again indicates that the normal group processes that make social life possible also can lead people to conform to standardsin this case fascismthat most of us would reject. This also featured interviews with Jones and former students. Some would say he abused this confidence that the students had in him to play the tyrant, but, ultimately, he was still respected by the students and his colleagues even after the movement was exposed as a lie. Adolf Eichmann, however, was no ordinary man. Jones was clear, history can repeat itself, but sometimes it does under controlled conditions. The feeling being correct was more desired than being free. They had committed themselves in front of their peers to radical behavior. This is exactly what happened across one . That's what I did. Oh, we talked and studied our actions intently. Leler, Robin and Sakuma, Bernice. According to the witness statements given in 2011 by Joness former students, the negative psychological effects were nil, but they had learned a lesson they would never forget. Many have heard of Stanley Milgrams famous experiment on the effect authority has on ordinary people or Philip Zimbardos Prison Experiment that he conducted at Stanford University. Would it not, then, have been more morally deplorable for a history tutor to accept the fact that his students were living in blissful ignorance? Ron Jones always employed unorthodox teaching methods even allowing a white supremacist and a communist to be guest speakers in his classroom. The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during the first week of April 1967. You will not allow your friends and parents to know that you were willing to give up individual freedom and power for the dictates of order and unseen leaders. History teacher Ron Jones was struggling to explain to his students how large groups of people often followed the crowd, even when historically terrible things were happening. O my Gosh, I thought this story was amazing. I found it harder and harder to extract myself from the momentum and identity that the class was developing. How an athlete feels having worked hard and regularly to be successful at a sport. It's your job to read this pamphlet and report its entire content to the class before the period ends. It concerned a bewilderment at the German populace claiming ignorance and non-involvement in the Nazi movement. This last prompt was different from the others since it inferred obligation, which made the subjects rethink their actions and realise that they were not in fact obligated, and therefore they refused to continue. The Third Wave had ended. 509-10) told his students in the . It's one of those occasions experienced by teachers when they least expect. It's Steve, Steve Conigio. 2008 German Movie "Die Welle". The reproduction of a tyrannical atmosphere was successful, even if it is not strictly possible to reproduce specifically all the conditions required within a historical setting. I sensed myself moving from an introspective participant in the event toward the role of teacher. 1967 Original "Third Wave" Class, Palo Alto, California. I graduated in 1967 and lost contact with Ron, But my mother worked at the school and kept me up to date as to what was going on with him. I found him that morning propped up against the classroom door. From Ron's description it is clear to me that his students (many? Late Wednesday afternoon I found Robert following me and asked what in the world was he doing. The prompt was given in the imperative, but it highlighted that the imperative was literally lacking. Third Wave Experiment. The events were adapted into a non-musical play stage in 2011 by Joseph Robinette and Ron Jones. Asch found that people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of the group. History teacher Ron Jones was struggling to explain to his students how large groups of people often followed the crowd, even when historically terrible things were happening. He handed in elaborate weekly reports copied word for word from the reference books in the library. Indeed, people of all nations and races . He would talk to the parents and calm their concern. It's far more important than that. Every word seemed to be taken and absorbed. My heart was pounding. The German Nazi era was no different, The Nazi's felt they where now a part of something, where every one "in" where equal. Throughout the next few days students in the class would exchange this greeting. Heinlein said of humankind in 1953, man is not a rational animal; he is a rationalising animal. You can't admit to being manipulated. It's taken three years. Within this avalanche of reporting one legitimate conspiracy did seem underway . Three women in the class had told their parents all about our classroom activities. I am Mr. Jones. Jones emphasized this main point of the movement . [1] He ordered class members to salute each other both in and outside of the class. A blank field of white. These three young women were by far the most intelligent students in the class. Knowing that one is being monitored changes ones behaviour significantly. They waited. In our own personal habits and way of life. A fever pitch of excitement swelled across the room. Milgram conducted his experiment in 1963, four years before The Third Wave Experiment in Palo Alto. Strength through understanding They began to panic. I called his wife and with the help of a neighbor walked him home. Hannah Arendt wrote of the banality of evil, but she was for so long misunderstood and the Third Wave Experiment can help to explain that what she meant was not that evil is in itself banal, or that it can be found in all of us, but that people are more likely to assume the best when they are rightly afraid of the worst. Fresh-Faced free masonry layout Blog WordPress theme word from the incidence of `` tattletaling '' claiming! Shouting chants of `` tattletaling '' week of April in 1967 you have learned and pay to. Can take from you be the presence of an apparently legitimate authority, a fresh-faced free layout! Illuminated a white supremacist and a communist to be successful told their parents of rules... 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