Without you guys it wouldn't have been possible. Victory Outreach is a ministry that exclusively reaches out to drug addicts and gang members. Jim Bakker: Morningside Church Productions . Back to hungar, drugs, despair, prostitution, deseases and epidemics, crime, abuse.. Or feed and harbor them, even though the rehabs, directors or untrained "staff" are either still growing or lacking experience and professionalism. Defendant shall provide notice and file proof of such with the Court. Although it receives mainstream praise, Victory Outreach lies well outside conventional Christianity. Do you have updated information to help us investigate the company? Victory Outreach is in every major city in this country and many other ones as well. Now if your refering to us paying out tithes and offerings, thats the Word of God out of the Bible, not something the ministry thought up! They told me if I walked out that door I would be die for sure. The backbone of the church is its network of rehabilitation homes--also known as special services homes--that are, typically, low-rent houses and apartments whose residents are packed five and six to a room. Why is this public record being published online? My religion is the religion of believing in every religion. Throw them all back into the street? 0000002612 00000 n Our program requires a minimum of a one year commitment.. "They're told in the very beginning when they come in that the difference between us and a secular program is that we provide spiritual help," he said. From an apartment in a Boyle Heights housing project, Arguinzoni started a Christian ministry. I asked her if I died and she said something about the old me was going to be shed.WTF in my mental state that could mean lots of dead and dying shit. Get Involved Give a gift . Many times "staff" members are other clients with some love and potential getting on their feet as well. We do it out of love, because that is what we are called to do! Plaintiff Damian Perez (Plaintiff) alleges that he is a former gang member who lived at a rehabilitation home that Defendants Victory Outreach International and Victory Outreach Salinas owned and operated. This is my experience with the Fort Worth Victory Outreach ministry/cult that kidnapped me and held me against my will. Of all the street type ministries I would say that Victory . Unresolved Reported Damage I was really trying to fing god and do my mission to spread the gospel until christ returns. Roxanne Randall sued Victory Christian Center and Bert Glen Franklin, in Oklahoma County Court on behalf . Plaintiff states that Defendant always asked what was going on with the tattoo and why [Plaintiff] still had it. (, Nor does this evidence suggest that Defendant has liability for the acts of a third party. The day after I got it back I was driving home from a friend's house, I had not been drinking or smoking, had plenty of rest but for reasons beyond me I nodded off All I remember was swerving Left into a concrete wall, a flash of light, then I thought I died on the gurneyI woke up after 3 days in the hospital. Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. 2016-11-18, Los Angeles County Superior Courts | Contract | I had a concussion, memory loss, thought I was dead and was led to believe eternal hell was gonna snatch my soul if I left. Those inmates that knew the "old negative me" saw something different. I loaded my van with about 6 huge tables and supplies and drove to the beach at 9am, they are slavedrivers not followers of Christ.. After 7 or 8 hours they still refused to feed us, I had to borrow money to eat, and I shared with my fellow starving slaves. Everything I read here is black and white thinking, but nothing in between. Although the shooter allegedly identified Plaintiff by name, that does not mean the shooting was gang related. this is when I realized it was a scam. Canada, 53, died when the church van he was in went off a highway. you can be taken out of the cult but the cult cant be taken out of you. Tue Nov 9 14:17:12 CST 2021 (crt), ***Clerk's Notice of delivery: (see NEF for details) Docket No:2, 3. In recent years, rehab homes from San Diego to San Francisco formed crews, dispatching residents to work construction, paint houses and do landscaping. 0000001927 00000 n 0000002865 00000 n 0000004591 00000 n Victory Outreach Recovery Home is a drug treatment facility that has centers throughout the world. But as with all miracles, there are reasons to doubt. In time, the ministry he founded there won national recognition and praise. A layperson may not bring a class action lawsuit. Internal Revenue Service | An official website of the United States . Established in 1984. endobj However, we hope you will support our work with your prayers and financial gifts. Los Angeles judges sometimes allow defendants, ordered to drug programs, to move into church rehab homes. After getting on my feet I relapsed BUT there they were again, lifting me up and sent me to Phoenix and during my struggles they were ALWAYS there. He never complains but exemplifies the sacrificial love of Christ when it comes to giving in any way. I found that they took adavantage of me in every way possible. YEARS IN BUSINESS (804) 833-1012. Richard Pullen, manager of the licensing and certification branch of the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, complained at the time about Victory Outreach's "dismal track record," according to documents. She thought it was interesting and waited for him the next day, at the given time. Description. Another compares loyalty to the church to "walkin' the yard" with one's homeboys in prison. Its pastors, who mirror the more roughhewn of Jesus' disciples, talk and swagger like recovering street thugs, which many are. Based on everything I've seen and heard, I've concluded the Victory Outreach is a dangerous cult that preys on the poor in order to exploit them financially and in the words of their founder Sonny Arguinzoni, to create and army to take back the cities for christ. Your friend in Christ . Victory Outreach was founded in 1967 by Sonny and Julie Arguinzoni when they invited people from their local community people they did not know into their own home. oh, I'm not saying you are wrong, it is just a very strange tactic. Access this case on the Colorado District Court's Electronic Court Filings (ECF) System. DATED: November 18, 2019 ___________________________, Case Number: ****9198 Hearing Date: November 05, 2019 Dept: 5. On appeal, the defendant . Victory Church has not released a statement. From the free rides to labor to money they are a cult to say the least. The family of the former pastor and founder of Costa Mesa's Calvary Chapel has filed a lawsuit against the church, claiming elder abuse and wrongful takeover of . Today, his congregation in south San Jose is one of the largest in Victory Outreach International, a Christian church with more than 700 parishes in 40 countries. 0000001837 00000 n Therefore, the Court grants summary judgment because there is no triable issue whether Defendant owed Plaintiff a duty. He is also working to pay off a $1,000 pledge to the church building fund. Victory Outreach et al . 0000001792 00000 n This score is purely based on complaints submitted to Scambook by consumers. I've been working in rehab here in Puerto Rico for the last 20 years. Pay for the work was turned over to the church, say former pastors. It has been around for more than over 54 years and has helped thousands of . In an interview, Arguinzoni discussed church history and philosophy. I had to once again adapt to "jailing it" but I handled myself like I learned to do in Victory Outreach. He and his wife Lois live in Colorado. ". The scarred-over needle marks on his arms are covered by tailor-made suits. 116 32 Download: United We Can Day (January 2023) Download: Dia de Unidos Podemos (Enero 2023) Download: United We Can Day (October 2022) Download: United We Can Day (July 2022) Subscribe to Justia's Free Newsletters featuring summaries of federal and state court opinions. 62. This case was filed in Los Angeles County Superior Courts, Pomona Courthouse South located in Los Angeles, California. 1:18-BK-11017 | 2018-03-23, Los Angeles County Superior Courts | Personal Injury | I couldn't understand why this shit was happening to me and my car was just a Honda Civic, not a fancy prize. bettymrc I have been informed that in a victory outreach womans rehab. "You'd still be sticking that needle in your arm. However, the lawsuit alleges that "by focusing (i.e. . 0000000936 00000 n Psychic driving can really warp reality! . Feedback We would love to hear from you and have the opportunity to serve you better. Televangelist Ernest Angley was sued for sexual abuse and settled a lawsuit out of court, according to The Columbus Dispatch. But critics, including several former longtime church pastors, say the church earns a lot more. 0000007816 00000 n Add a complaint and spread the word. "In all the meetings I've had with Victory Outreach, they have never mentioned the fact they refer their individuals out for employment and that there's income coming in," Quinn said. Overseas missions and domestic programs, he said, account for the bulk of the expenditures. "We submitted these documents in error," Mata wrote. See, e.g . Alec Baldwin is now facing a second lawsuit over the fatal 2021 shooting on the New Mexico set of the movie Rust, with this new case coming from the victim's . As United Church of Christ Takes on Race and LGBTQ Issues, Consensus Reigns, IRS Reverses Its Decision to Deny Tax-Exempt Status to Conservative Christian Nonprofit. VO 4 Life. Plaintiff filed an opposition on October 30, 2019, which is only four court days before the hearing. 205. "We want to encourage them to come into their own personal experience with God. "It is authoritarian. Had no intentions of responding. Among the problems, Pullen wrote, "local fire inspection authorities are often unable to provide fire safety clearances due to the condition of the recovery homes and the common problem of exceeding facility capacity levels.". Three women who say they were victims of abuse at the church have sued under New Yorks Child Victims Act, alleging that the church made a practice of filling staff positions with known abusers, allowing them free access to young people at the church and in other settings. He was an instructor at Fuller and Denver seminaries and the U.S. Air Force Academy. Victory Outreach is required to disclose little about its finances because it is a church. Arguinzoni began his missionary work in 1967, five years after kicking his heroin habit. The family of Andrew James Canada is suing the Victory Outreach Church for his wrongful death. Originally posted by Darth Jello Working in the innercity, I've received constant proselytism and heard many stories about this ministry. Manchester's sister branch of Victory Outreach in London is were Victory Outreach Manchester's Paul Lloyd is a speaker, are also known to have supported More than Gold (In part run and organised by the RCC, as seen by the photos of the Catholic Bishops Conference), CNI . Loyalty and money, say church leaders, are little to ask in return. Pha ty gip huyn Can Lc. Sent money on 12/6/12 for $650.00. In opposition, Plaintiff relies on his own declaration. PRESS RELEASE: Our lawsuit to suspend the wolf hunting and trapping season on Prince of Wales Island. Two lawsuits filed against the church allege that its leaders intimidate members who resist its call to absolute devotion. [T]he party moving for summary judgment bears an initial burden of production to make a prima facie showing of the nonexistence of any triable issue of material fact; if he carries his burden of production, he causes a shift, and the opposing party is then subjected to a burden of production of his own to make a prima facie showing of the existence of a triable issue of material fact. (Ibid.) One former Victory Church member told the Rochester newspaper, The Democrat & Chronicle, that Paul Burress had shown her videos of Burress and his wife having sex when she was a minor. "I think that the souls they have reached outweigh the dirty laundry.". #1 ) is granted to the extent Ms. Glivar requests that the court open a new civil action, but the requested relief is not addressed at this time, by Magistrate Judge Gordon P. Gallagher on 3/21/2019. VO is not perfect. See, e.g . Founder and Executive Director of the Victory Foundation. Victory Outreach pastors repeatedly tell congregants that they are bound--to each other and the church--by the nature of their past sins. Residents are supervised 24 hours a day by staff members, most of whom are recent graduates themselves. 0000051993 00000 n 09/23/2015 (3 months into my initial targeting). James Pope, a contractor in San Francisco, said he hired a crew of eight men to paint houses eight hours a day for several months three or four years ago, paying the church $240 a day, in cash, for the labor. This was their greatest effort and I almost cared enough to believe just to avoid hell. Saupe, the former rehab home director, said he went to Victory Outreach when he was most vulnerable. All Rights Reserved, Copyright 2016 Scambook, LLC Scambook is a Registered Trademark. This docket was last retrieved on May 1, 2019. 0000001372 00000 n Ministry Watch reported on the Burress familys sex problems in June. Reaching Los Angeles. This Company Page started on August 31st, 2013. This satisfies Defendants burden, shifting the burden to Plaintiff. Or like, people who are real squares. Although technically Victory Outreach is not required to license its homes because they use religion-based treatment, the ministry sought licenses for all its California facilities in the early 1990s, allowing state regulators a glimpse into the operation. Victory Outreach is an international, church-oriented Christian ministry called to the task of evangelizing and discipling the hurting people of the world, with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ. Plaintiff proffers no expert testimony suggesting that the shooting was gang related. 165 of the 170 estimated wolves on Prince of Wales were trapped last year and still managers propose an upcoming trapping season. I'm sorry on behalf of my ministry VO. 0000006330 00000 n God Bless you ALL. Lies from the devil's own mouth, they say. Victory Outreach was founded in 1967 by Sonny and Julie Arguinzoni when they invited people from the Aliso Village housing projects into their own home. It's like the Superman of religions. <<98F0B5BF31ABB2110A00F0A507C1FC7F>]/Prev 152477>> Tue Nov 9 11:41:04 CST 2021 (crt). A former financial official who quit in 1992 said most churches contributed $18,000 to $20,000 a year to Victory Outreach headquarters, which, if true, would amount to a total of more than $4 million a year. But critics, including several former longtime church pastors, say the church earns a lot more. The victims' family members filed a lawsuit against the church, but due to the bankruptcy . "My vision was to try to reach East L.A., the Boyle Heights area," Arguinzoni said. threats of expulsion from the recovery facility . The church's message is redemption through sacrifice and obedience. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. . We take for granted what large swaths of the population haven't learned. I would, on occasion, go to the Home as a church leader and meet with residents to provide help with their progress in adjusting to life out of prison. This evidence lacks foundation and is not sufficient to give rise to a triable issue on causation. Plaintiff alleges that his performance of volunteer work was a condition of his residence in the home. "If it wasn't for God rescuing me, I wouldn't be alive," said Arguinzoni, speaking with the accent of his Brooklyn hometown, where he stole to support his heroin habit more than 30 years ago. Victory Outreach is an independent fellowship of churches with each local church having complete sovereignty and autonomy, also being both self-governing and self-supporting. . To them he offers what few other drug treatment programs can claim: an unheard-of 85% success rate, plus community, faith and purpose. as other compaints have stated pastor phil lyndon-jones. His followers are society's castoffs and dropouts: ex-gang members, drug addicts and prostitutes with nowhere else to go, people desperate for a miracle of their own. Based on the submitted complaints, number grades from 10 (Highest) to 1 (Lowest) are assigned to businesses. g[`4m%|KJ!1e,*tuN,kWrLbYDn. He lives in a four-bedroom house with a pool in West Covina. even by the prison guards that at first expected nothing but headaches and problems. The Victory Home is designed to reclaim, redeem, and restore lives that have been consumed by drugs, alcohol and/or other substance abuse. You're just so focused on God using you to do mighty work, helping people who are lost and hurting, that you don't realize that you're the one who's lost and hurting and that you're being used.". Victory Outreach was born and began to flourish. Jim Bakker: Morningside Church Productions Inc . Plaintiff Damian Perez (Plaintiff) alleges that he is a former gang member who lived at a rehabilitation home (the Home) owned and operated by Defendants Victory Outreach International and Victory Outreach Salinas. No, the rehabs are not perfect. This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches, rehabilitation homes and training centers, in strategic cities of the world. "Now it's the world.". On average users reported $386.96 of damages. I didn't agree with all the rules and rehab doctrines. determine what any evidence or inference could show or imply to a reasonable trier of fact. (Ibid., emphasis original. A place you call home, A people you call family! I have been involved with getting people out of them in the past. . Defendants motion for summary judgment is granted. Look i am a Victory Outreach member i can agree on some of the stuff you guys have spoken about. Case Summary. Finally, Defendant argues that Plaintiff voluntarily assumed the risk of being shot when he chose to appear in public without covering his tattoo. Told to work with Dr. Conner Bradley to obtain a work visa. Meghann Cuniff. Specialties: Victory Outreach A Multi-Cultural, Multi-Generational Church Reaching San Diego Since 1984. Site Pastors - The Neighbourhood (Ogden) Don & Colette Delaney. "If it wasn't for Pastor Sonny and Julie and their faithfulness, I wouldn't be here today.". We were contacted via email from a Mission Organization we represented in the US saying they received this invite but were unable to attend so they passed it on to us. . This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches, rehabilitation homes and training centers, in strategic cities of the world. The one founded in Manila? Later, as a rehab home director, he said, church leaders gave the same instructions to new recruits. Plaintiff has violated Code of Civil Procedure section 1005, which requires that an opposition be filed nine court days before the hearing. In the alternative, the Court grants summary judgment because there is no triable issue whether Defendant breached any duty. Exchange During a radio interview that aired on Tuesday, Fox's Brian Kilmeade noted how DeSantis did not say anything negative about Trump whose crucial endorsement helped DeSantis win . UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. Welcome to the Victory Outreach San Jose Church YouTube Channel! "This is what I was called to do. "Complaints Unresolved" tells how many complaints consumers have filed about the company on Scambook. 25.6k. Believing this to be credible we responded to this invite from Victory Outreach Victoryoutreach Church invited me to speak at a conference February 2013. Sometimes, they didn't even get that, said Gilbert Jaimez, who lived in a San Jose rehab home in the early 1990s. The driver of the van had been operating the vehicle with a suspended license. It was recovered intact a week later. Alvarado, the Victory Outreach spokesman, said that the average church gives far less than $20,000 a year and that many new churches survive only with financial help from headquarters. Last year, church officials said they treated 10,520 men and women, though they have little evidence for their claimed rates of recovery. Can their be controlling leaders and mature spiritual leaders in the same church? . A goal of my targeting program is to change the part of my belief system that is indifferent to God's existence. Brent Saupe, who ran a Victory Outreach rehab home in San Francisco until 1996, said that when he first joined the church, he and others in his rehab home were instructed by leaders to lie to welfare caseworkers, saying they could not work. Learn More About the Law With Justia's Free Legal Guides. ", Further criticism relates to the church's failure to get most of its facilities licensed. I knew I was dead or dying in a coma because they made sure I stayed out of reality even in sleep. the victory outreach ppl are now government employees forcibly recruiting during working hours now? And as for the homes, you come in by choice, or court order, either way its still your choice! They knew I had a sleeping -disorder, but when I asked to leave they acted like a-holes. 10. The court determined that SB 742, which Gov. hb```c``aa`e`Mbd@ AP B:;E,,[M&;f ")W <> Both lawsuits, whose allegations the church denied, were settled out of court. Can you also assume that there are caring persons in the same bunch? The lived in the "church home" worked in the pastor's business and were not paid. 0000014333 00000 n You'd still be standing out on that corner, giving your body for a $5 bag.". Arguinzoni said men and women at his rehab homes expect to be cured by God. Hi my name is Joaquin I was recently in the Victory Outreach home I did not graduate the home and I went to go work for a contractor that offered me a job when I left the home and now the director is telling my employer that he does not have the right to give me a job and you will no longer have a relationship with him because I'm working for him and I didn't graduate the home I feel like that's a violation of my constitutional right I am a man that has struggled with addiction I have gotten my life right I am not on drugs I'm trying to live a productive Life as a productive citizen we're just because I'm not with the home but not attending the church they're taking away my right as a civilian of United States to work with somebody that seems that I have potential to live a successful life I feel that Victory Outreach does not have a right to dictate who I work for when I do not along to home. "And they let 'em down.". He did not want to go to Chinatown and they never sent him to Chinatown to pass out flyers. He is a good example. One pastor describes prayer as "getting loaded on the Holy Ghost." "Victory Outreach is not a drug abuse and alcohol treatment program. Plaintiff states that Defendant told him that he really needed to get the tattoo removed. (Declaration of Damien Perez, 14.) 'targeting') the voter outreach, the political consulting firm can and will necessarily affect voter turnout of certain types of voters more than others and in some parts of the State more than others. No matter where you go there will be something or someone you disagree with based upon your upbringing and personal convictions. The money, they say, is used to support a high lifestyle for Pastor Sonny and other top church leaders. Lying on welfare applications and hiding outside income is illegal. Is it better to just close down. 0000000016 00000 n Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 5 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on Dec 20, 2012. Victory Outreach is one of the best drug treatment facilities in the world. Dear Friends, Victory outreach has a cultic structure. It will be a fire that you live through for eternity.. while selling your dirty raw ass so you can suffer in a group molten lava home! for a few years and they are self serving and controlling people ..they have a hidden agenda and thats your money and labor there is so much to be said about this group god will expose them one day big difference between religion and cult. Prayers and financial gifts they knew I had a sleeping -disorder, but when I realized it was condition. 30, 2019, which is only four Court days before the hearing just to avoid hell most its. Residents are supervised 24 hours a day by staff members, most of its licensed... 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