Your leadership, care, and good heart have shown through during this difficult and trying time. Send another email to your professor and CC your department chair or associate dean. By Amelia Nierenberg. Then engage in some self-care. Thank you for setting me homework. More impressive still is And I found the course I plan on teaching hopefully sooner than later. Thank you for keeping me company on camp when no one else was there. These upsetting occurrences have prompted discussion on our campus about issues of racism, bias and discrimination at Cornell and throughout the nation. We highlight submissions that reflect faculty commitment to student success in and out of the (virtual) classroom, their continued support and engagement, and their ability to be flexible and adaptable. Thank you for making it such an amazing class, and itll be one of those classes where you remember years after graduation, possibly for a lifetime. "They won't have time to make it up," he said. You even went out of your way to compliment the resources med students had and I could use them to boost my retention. We always have so much fun! Thank you note to Ron Morales, Research Safety director, and Research Safety staff. care of your minds, bodies, and spirits. Take a few moments and send that professor a Thank You for all their hard work, dedication, and effort. We see the challenges that you have faced with teaching during COVID-19. That isnt to say your courses are easy (Still holding a grudge for that exam, by the way) but your kindness has made it all the easier for me to want to study, and I think that, in the end, my semester was enriched by your presence and your gentle approach towards science. Id like to thank my sister, Susan, who is a nurse and is out there helping others. HAHAHA, but seriously, thank you, and I look forward to working for you again in the fall (hopefully)! Before you contact your professor, its helpful to know what you have missed and where you stand in the class. Thank you for being an extremely helpful and attentive professor for [subject]. Some notes are short and to-the-point, like the note Frances L. received: "You will be mist.". I would also love to thank the Educational Leadership department at Wheelock for supporting me and being there for me as I select my future graduate program. I hope to have the opportunity to get involved with advocacy at a larger scale, and feel better equipped to do so because of your class. They give the boost required to stay awake through all the hours in class. Especially with the examples and scenarios you give just to make us understand. Thank you for being a professor who genuinely cares about what we have to say and our education. "You really know how to bring out the best in us. When you teach, we can all see how passionate you are about design. Thank you so much for your valuable lessons and I hope to see you again in the spring semester. Thank you for everything you have done to support all of us during this time. Keep up the great management and TEAM work! In accordance with guidance from the CDC and Delaware Division of Public Health, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are required to isolate for five full days, plus wear a mask for five additional days.Use the CDC's Isolation Calendar Calculator for assistance.. Students who test positive for COVID-19 at any point during the semester should upload their test results to the UD Health . This is not an easy task even in normal circumstances and is even more difficult now that human contact is limited. She suffered through the coronavirus herself and was fortunate enough to have a mild case and was anxious to get back out to work. You are constantly a source of comfort and reassurance, no matter the circumstances, so it only makes sense that you still continue to be that for us. the grace and caring that make us who we are every day will carry us through To my wonderful sister-in-law and niece, who decided on nursing as a career. Before taking the course I was a little scared because of the number of papers I had to read but listening to your teachings and reading the handouts afterwards made a lot more sense. Thank you for always taking the time to answer our questions as thoroughly as possible. Thank you for coming in during the pandemic to ensure that our building is in tip-top shape! This experience is stressful and disorienting for :). Our world-class students, faculty, and scholars expect high achievement in pursuit of engaging the world's diverse challenges. Every class that you taught was with care and humbleness (something that most architects struggle with). I especially enjoyed the opportunities you gave us at participating in the thinking process during class. Reaching out to your professors may be the next step in getting back to feeling better. I truly enjoyed taking my classes with you and wish I couldve taken more. faculty across this campus have acted quickly to figure out how to carry out Here is a sample of some of those messages in each of our schools and colleges: Thank you for setting up different types of interactive activities such as Perusall and PollEverywhere. Super Poster! P 848-932-7896. St. John's University will require students to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna/Novavax or 1 dose of J&J/Janssen) if a student is planning to be on campus during the 2022-2023 academic year for any reason or enrolled in in-person classes. Your position in the class is what it is. 6/29/2021 - Gov. Thank you Professor! Discussions were one of the best parts of this course, it helped me understand the thoughts of my fellow classmates on the insightful topic discussions. Thank you for everything. Take a look at Canvas and see which assignments are overdue and which ones you may need extensions for. this moment, therefore, to thank all of you for your diligence and generosity I hope to see us all together again in the future as well! Thank you for such an amazing learning experience, looking forward to taking more classes taught by you. Required fields are marked *, Pioneering Research from Boston University, BostonUniversity. Thanks for the reality checks and applications about the different topic areas. Lewiston, Maine 04240. Teacher Nancy R. received this message out of the blue: "You were my inspiration to becoming a history teacher.". And I see these leadership qualities in you greatly. Merci beaucoup! Coronavirus Updates and Campus Plans. Thank you so much Professor for such an effective online course, this has been one of the best online course experiences for me. Recommendations for professors and instructors. I enjoyed every minute of our labs as well as exciting stories from your medical life. Samantha Simonetti (Sargent23) to Tracy Battaglia (CAS92, MED96, SPH01), BU School of Medicine associate professor of medicine and director of the Boston Medical Center Womens Health Unit, Thanks for being an awesome teammate and wonderful friend during this time. Marla, you are a modern-day hero and someone I continue to look up to and aspire to become. I want to teach this course later in my life like you do. To provide you with important, reliable and timely updates about COVID-19, St. Mary's University has created this emergency updates webpage as the primary source of information for the University community. Without you I would have never found my interesting internship thats about to turn into a full time job post grad. 1. I know I wrote a perfunctory letter before but it was above and beyond to take me in again (especially after my spring break flu and inability to partake in even normal activities like watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians or walking). My name is Jane Doe and I am in section #3 of your ENGL1001 class. I really enjoyed the environment of class and felt that it fostered a sense of curiosity in myself and my classmates. I have learned a lot, and have taken a few other courses with you. I wanted to say thank you for making this class very interesting and interactive. I look forward to the [course topic] class with you next semester. Sam Jean-Francois 23 shares what being an activist means: Always questioning ways that I can make my voice heard while paying it forward, ensuring that everyone who's walking in after me is also heard., Share on Email Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn, 2 Andrews RoadLewiston, Maine 04240Phone: 1-207-786-6255, Announcing the next Bates president: Garry W. Jenkins, Univer, Video: Put energy into changing the space rather than changin. I can always rely on my professors to be in my corner, both for encouragement and valuable mentorship. Life and work, as we knew them, have been radically This webpage will be updated as new information becomes available. I tried to do my best to make up for your efforts. Now is an especially important time to demonstrate that we are a caring community. Therefore, it's paramount you open and respond to these emails. You have always helped me in each and every matter wherever I have struck. So nice to read about the good people are doing. You continue to uphold my view on the reputation of the school and are a major part of the reason I decided to stick with this career option. While recovering from the coronavirus herself, my mom has continued to remain dedicated to her role as the director of the Womens Health Unit at BMC. keep themselves and their co-workers healthy and safe. "Last semester, one such hardworking Math 120E student wrote to me at the end of the semester: 'Dear Dr. Perrin, I want to thank you for being such a great instructor! My cohort notices how much time and effort youve put into adapting to all of these changes, managing changes in your own personal lives, and still continuing to be exceptional academic and personal/emotional supports. Thank you for being so kind, courteous, and understanding during this time. Furthermore, you helped us throughout the semester with our end-of-semester project to make sure we turned in a clean project. 6/29/2021 - DHHS, Local Health Departments Continue Efforts to Vaccinate Individuals with Disabilities. Thank you in advance for your attention to this important update to the University's COVID-19 response planning. Manage your expectations and consider what is good enough for this semester. Ricketts Ends Coronavirus State of Emergency. Thank you for sharing the assignments which required genuine brainstorming, the challenging questions definitely improved my conceptual understanding of the subject. Instructors don't always have a chance to learn about the positive impact they have on the students they teach. Would it be possible to have an extension through the weekend, and turn it in on Monday instead of Friday? But since this is my last semester I wanted to say goodbye and if one day in the future I reopen my NYIT emails and see your name it will definitely put a smile on my face. Need an extension? I hope this email finds you well. Professors continue to make adjustments to help their students learn during COVID-19. I used to attend your class at midnight around 3:00 AM. Thank you for your intriguing and informative class discussions. semester, has required a great deal of thought and effort, for which I am It has truly been an honor to be one of your students. On September 16, 2022, the University of California Office of the President distributed a draft policy for Systemwide Review with a comment deadline of December 15, 2022. If you report a positive test result for COVID-19, please utilize the CDC guidance outlined on the Testing and Isolation page. Very good classes, in a joyful and good mood. A million thank yous can go a long way toward acknowledging and celebrating every teacher everywhere. You have gone above and beyond for us and we appreciate you so much! I would like to thank my professors for their continued support both inside and outside the classroom. I will be able to complete them within the next couple of weeks. Thanks for always listening to our concerns and making us feel heard.". I wanted to take the time to thank two very hardworking, dedicated employees of Boston University. Thank you for your tips and tricks for studying! During these final days of the semester, I encourage you to reach out for help and support if you feel that stress or any other physical or emotional distress is interfering with your ability to do academic work or interact productively with others. More than ever, I am impressed by your ingenuity, your resilience, your passion and your strength, as we have navigated unprecedented challenges over the past two months. Ron and his teams work embodies One BU. Many students wrote heartfelt messages, sharing their appreciation for faculty who inspired, encouraged, and prepared them for future careers. I am emailing about the final project due this Friday.. This experience is stressful and disorienting for everyone, and it seems that we will be living with it for a while. Tip: This deserves to be said again: keep it simple. Coronavirus Thank-you Notes from the BU Community, BU Today staff for granted. By continuing to use the website, you consent to analytics tracking per NYIT's Privacy Statement Your email address will not be published. We feature comments where students share their gratitude for the tremendous work their instructors have done teaching this semester. This course, as difficult as it may be, doesnt change the fact that youve become our favorite professor. This class taught me so much that I cannot wait to use it in the real world. Tomorrow we head into our first week of teaching our This is the Education Briefing, a weekly update on the most important news in . I really appreciate how nice and understanding you have been throughout this entire semester. Happy National Teacher Day and Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you for perfectly re-creating our class environment online. Thank you for guiding me both professionally and personally.". While I understand the rest of you have been avoiding going out and shotgunning beers alongside your classmates during the prime of your social life, I thought it was important for me to get a couple more glory days in before my college experience grinds to a halt. Thank you so much for the incredible support you have provided me in these times. Being taught by you made me confident in my skills again. Bilqis Williams (SPH21) to Patricia Fabian, School of Public Health associate professor of environmental health. You make Graduate school much more manageable. Seeing their dedication and good spirits through this hard time motivates us to work harder and continue to fight through this crisis as a team! Even though classes can be stressful, relying on them to give my days structure has been really important for me. I cant wait until we can hang out again, and ride bikes, and do barre. Tip: Assume good intentions and always keep your outreach respectful. It was all just so different from anything I have ever learned. Their courage to come in daily to perform the necessary tasks to ensure research does not halt inspires us. I would be happy to schedule a meeting with you if that is preferable. another, please remember to reach out to the people you cherish, especially Using the guide above, here are a few example email endings to professors for various situations you can use as a reference: 1. I am glad professors are doing their best to make classes engaging, even if that means mentioning social justice issues that have been on a rise recently, and letting students know they are more than welcome to reach out and ask for help. Academics. Students who test positive for COVID-19 must return home and contact the KU Health Center at 610-683-4082. Thank you for being such an understanding teacher when I was dealing with my mental health. Larry Ouellette, IS&T senior operations analyst, to his sister-in-law, Janice Ouellette, and niece, Jackie Ouellette. Dont make the professor figure it out for you. I didnt know that I can excel in [subject] but the way you taught every concept I scored the best grade and I still remember pretty much everything you taught us. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Now Ive completed my MBA and Im glad I got an opportunity to attend this course with you. Our School's leaders: You are fundamental to our School's successes. I hope this email finds you well. Allrightsreserved. Together for Maine. I have learned a lot about [course subject] and the different topics we presented in class brought up conversations at home. You have had such a positive impact on my development as a student and in paving the foundations of my career as an interior designer. I cant be thankful enough for all you did for me!! Professors get countless questions each semester that could be answered with a quick skim of the syllabus. Youve shown an unwavering passion for teaching, and I someday hope to be just as good of a mentor as you are. The Ithaca-based Crisisline is available at 607-272-1616. THANK YOU, MOM! I wish there were more professors like you out there that have a huge impact on student education. One Year after the Invasion of Ukraine, the War Has Transformed Life for This BU Couple, In Aftermath of StuVi 2 Tragedy, BU Begins Review of Security and Alert System, BUs Newbury Center Hosts Sixth Annual First-Gen Graduate Student Symposium, Boston University to Open New LGBTQIA+ Student Resource Center, Saxbys, New Student-Run Caf, Opens at Center for Computing & Data Sciences, Terriers Aiming High at Indoor Patriot League Track and Field Championships. During this time, teachers have gone to incredible lengths to help their students keep learning. Thank you for being passionate about what you do, and I am glad you are a . 3. the way so many of you have gone above and beyond your daily tasks to assist in adjusting to these new modes of learning. I would like to take this time to thank you all again and send my and my familys utmost love and gratitude to you all! overemphasize the need for all of you to do your best to take care of Jessica Reyes, operations manager, and Ana Lemus, animal care supervisor, BU Animal Science Center (BUASC), to the BUASC barrier staff. Thank you for making this class so interesting, I initially was interested in the topic, but didnt know how it would go. It may not seem like it to you all the time, but you have been a positive influence on me when times got hard. Thank you for teaching me this semester, I have learned a lot from your lectures and critiques which allowed me to develop my critical thinking and how to approach design more strategically. Im so grateful for how hard my professors are trying to make this semester work for all of us. Your class was the first one at New York Tech that gave me such feelings. Thank you so much for your time and patience. CM331 was one of the best and most meaningful classes we have taken at BU. When I missed the first class because of a course registration related issue, you were so sweet to have a 1-on1 Zoom session with me just to give me a recap of the session. In a shining example, the professor, in his email, wished his students a beautiful summer at the end of the semester in 2020 and urged them to believe that it could be a beautiful summer. Moderators are staffed during regular business hours (EST) and can only accept comments written in English. She has volunteered to be on call remotely from home to support the hospital during the pandemic. It is now just a fact, something we've had to endure. Give your professor an opportunity to offer alternative options and be prepared to schedule a follow up meeting if necessary. Thank you for all that you do. COVID-19 vaccines are required for employees and some groups of students on campus but vaccines, including all booster shots, are strongly recommended for our entire . Additionally, the simple jokes, thoughtful messages, and words of encouragement that professors are providing give me a reason to keep pushing through even though it is so hard to remain motivated with virtual learning. Tip: Even if your relationship with your professor is more casual, keep your e-mail formal. Thank you for your forgiveness and all the prayers that have been said on my behalf. Accept Cookies, Thank a Professor What Students Have to Say About Their Professors, What Students Have to Say About Their Professors. Thank you professor for your time, efforts, guidance and everything! Angelica Nieto (CAS23) to Geraldy Charlotin, Agganis Arena assistant operations manager. This is the final week of on-campus COVID-19 surveillance testing for employees. It has made a difference in coping during this difficult time. I used to fear [subject] classes, but now I enjoy them. Thank you for always answering our questions with patience and kindness and making sure we understood everything. For your patience and for creating an environment where we arent only allowed to succeed but also to fail. Include your full name, class, and section number. I am really thankful to have had you as both professor and academic advisor. together. An End of Semester Message to My Students. I am super grateful to be a part of this team and could not have asked for better bosses. You opened up a whole new career path for me by simply talking to me and helping me meet some connections. William Walter, assistant VP, Facilities Management, along with Tom Daley, associate VP, Facilities Management, have been working diligently around the clock to ensure they are keeping our campuses safe and maintained. , Ariana DiPreta (Wheelock21) to Marla Zucker, Wheelock College of Education & Human Development lecturer in counseling, psychology, and applied human development. Next couple of weeks website, you are a modern-day hero and i... It up, & quot ; he said was interested in the topic, but now i enjoy.... To analytics tracking per NYIT 's Privacy Statement your email address will not be published,,. About their professors, what students have to say about their professors an environment where arent! Boost my retention s diverse challenges would like to thank two very hardworking, dedicated employees of Boston University BostonUniversity... Brainstorming, the challenging questions definitely improved my conceptual understanding of the in! 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