Its kind of like a breath of fresh air. Lena told you before turning around and heading in the direction she had just come from. Its not what I want. Kara is struggling with a secret she never told anyone on Earth. This chapter is focused mostly on sick Kara being cared for by Alex and a little by Maggie. I never want to see you or Kara or any of you ever again. Lena said emotionlessly. A trial she will have to give evidence at. She attempts to stand up but quickly falls back down. When she turned them on you knew that they werent strong enough to keep you contained. Warnings- Angst, talk ofalcohol abuse, slight suicidal behavior, slight mentions of death - let me know if you would like me to add any. This is just as much my fault. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You sighed looking back up at her knowing very well this may be the last time you talked. From kids, to power rangers, from powers to no powers, from happy to sad. The darkness inside her had morphed into something new, something even more dangerous. The ravenette made her way to you, kneeling down as her expression softened the very moment she looked into your eyes. Once she landed there she took you to one of the cells with Kryptonite emitters. I want to die" Kara sniffled. I quickly hurry out of my room and into the bathroom. Kara has shared some exiting news with Mon El. She quickly hung up on Sam after saying goodbye and just sat there on the floor. She would spend hours outside of your door begging you to let her explain herself, apologizing to you, and making all kinds of promises to you. "Sick.Want.want better." "I know. Sorry (Y/N) I really need to focus my attention on Supergirl right now. There was only one more place that she could think of. Lillian told me all about you and Lena. Fall had just begun and all the leaves began to change colors. Hang out let me finish that thought in a second (Y/N) is calling me. Lena said stopping in the middle of what she was saying to answer her phone. You tried your hardest to burn the picture of her into your mind. Her ankle must be really hurting if Alex is crying. I can take a look at all the files of previous subjects and see if I might be able to determine where your team went wrong. you told Lillian. After years of living with her dual identiti With the line that Sophia walks becoming even more uncertain she needs to pick a pathway, and fast. Among those is Lena how brought a Kryptonite gun just in case. After Lena is injected with a deadly substance that gives her forty-eight hours to live, uncovering her attacker only helps to confuse the team. "Alex?! The plan is simple. Im safe with you. Lena just held onto you tighter. She hasnt done anything to you. "Kara? Lena queda "flechada" de Kara pero Kara se niega a tener alguna relacin con algn Alfa, Omega o Beta. You had failed though, she could hear the anger and the hurt in your voice. She had waltzed into your life and slowly helped you pick up every piece. Whether she likes it or not, she will need to face her emotions, good and bad, to finally be able to move on. Kara took her belongings and tried to be as quiet as possible as she snuck . Through that time you had slowly built all your relationships back up. I have eyes and ears everywhere and I have always kept a close eye on you and Lena. You ended up staying with J'onn. She had helped you come out of your shell and you were her safe space. Warnings- Fighting - let me know if I need to add others. They can save you alright. Everyone has. You didnt want her to be haunted by her mistakes after you were gone. You quickly looked away from her and looked at your hands as you began to fidget. I promise you. But when her illness starts creeping back into her life it sends her into a dark place from which only her family can help her escape. Kara was sleeping. She became obsessed with finding (Y/N). After taking up the task of chasing a group of metahumans down, you are sent through a breech to Earth-38. She was halfway through her second margarita when . You put on the suit and cape feeling as the excitement began to course through you. You didnt want to be a secret. supergirl fanfiction kara sick. I would love to join you and help CADMUS in anyway that I can. you told her honestly. What if Kara had known all along that Lena hadn't truly forgiven her? Kara is kidnapped and this leads her to become something else, but what is she? Or Kara turned to look at Lena. She knew all of your weaknesses ad she had used them against you. Nothing you could say could make what had happened better. Im so sorry for everything. She looked at her mom and her mom just shook her head motioning for her to go back to her room. You had no idea where you would go or what you would do. I had a minor health scare, but good news is the doctor called and I'm okay. "You still have a fever. You began to walk towards him but you werent able to get far before Kara had grabbed you and threw you out of the building and flying out after you. But do that one more time, and I will rip off your arm, She paced back at you; your head nearly levelled with hers even though you were sitting down. Kara has never really believed in them though, not until this very moment. Lena filed a missing persons report after the mandatory 48 hour wait had passed. Kara is the head of general surgery and she has a strict no-dating coworkers, that is until a certain pediatric surgeon comes into her life. How might that make the moment when Lena finally reveals her deception different? Neither one of you pulling back until your lungs begged for air. They had all died within a week. You quickly got out of the car and followed her inside of the intimidating building. Pain, overwhelming and inflamed, and numbness. All Lena really cared about at this moment was finding you and begging you to forgive her for her mistakes. By the time Alexander turned four, they could tell he no longer wanted to be Alexander. These are my four sisters Madeline, Alexandria, Gina-marie, and Gabriella. You and Kara had been together since highschool. You had always been calm and rational. Maybe she could get through to you, she had to try at least. You never answered the door and always threw away whatever she sent you. (Y/N)? Lots of love my readers!!! Part of the Millma Verse. "Whoa, and I thought we looked like crap.". Back on Earth, as her powers don't seem to come back right away, she realizes some things have to change in her life. Please (Y/N). Kara begged you. If it wasnt for Supergirl you would be married to Lena, you would still have all your friends, you could have been starting your own family with Lena and so much more. Nia gets butterflies when she looks at Luna and feels her heart race every time she is around her, but she is straight and with Brainy. The Commander came from the future to save Lena Luthor from dying on May 2020. no one know who is The Commander, why Leviathan wants to kill Lena and what is in Lena's future. Well, that wasn't exactly true. J'onn came in awhile after and Lena had to leave. You were happy that she was willing to help you out. If Lena really had looked for you she would have found you. mean while oliver know as arrow is celebrating his victory on the defeat of promethius. You didnt know what to do. You should have known better than to trust Lillian but she had come to you when you were your most vulnerable. Drawn into the wild torrent of mystery and bizarre events that surround each other, this meeting will change the course of their lives, and of human history. You didnt want to hurt Alex. With that in mind though it will be a minute before the last part is uploaded so for the mean time to make sure I still upload at least a couple stories I will be taking any and all requests for the characters I mentioned above. I. supergirl kalex feelings +5 more # 4 A Kiss At Christmas (Kalex Short F. by CatandKaraForever 762 26 1 Alex gives Kara the best Christmas present imagineable. You could always get yourself a cheap apartment or you could put in a job transfer request. Now, she's down to one. "I just wanted my plan to work this year. You were the first person she told about her being Supergirl. She stands tall before Kara and finally speaks. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Kara is suffering from PTSD and nightmares after her return from the Phantom Zone and Lena tries to help her with magic. She was the only person that had the decency to be completely honest with you. Abandoning all your thoughts surrounding you, the ravenette pulled you in by your necktie by surprise as your lips met with hers. Kara took a step back from you. You slipped it off quickly walking back towards Lenas desk. As if they werent uncertain if they would even make it out alive. She was shocked at the tears in your eyes. No One. I'll do my best to write them. Completed Darling please, she tried to get out in between her sobs. Lena has a weakness for the beauty of a body wrapped in loving coils of rope, the art of knots, the care and intricacies of binding. How about you start with how long you had been going behind my back and fucking Kara. It didnt provide you with the warmth it once had. "You're not dying Kara, you're sick.". And another hero who doesn't know when to take a break. What you didnt know was that she had been hoping you would offer yourself as the test subject. She just pressed her body up against yours. #commentwhatyouthink Neither one of you pulled away until it became necessary to breath. You would sit with her and talk but soon she began to cancel those too. Lena Luthor is different than James imagined. You had managed to figure out not only the problem but also a solution by yourself. He looked shocked and saddened. Somehow they've got Kara and Kryptonite too. You smiled at her and waved. "Lena," Kara said, throwing open the door, "I missed you." She leaned in for a kiss, pulling Lena close. You were unsure on how you were able to keep your temper under enough control that you werent screaming and throwing things at the both of them. Now another CEO will help the blonde recover from her cold. (Y/N)! You could have at least had the decency to tell me you didnt want to be with me anymore. Sorry Sam. The neighboring planet, Krypton, was destroyed 25 years earlier on the exact day at th Lena almost died, but she didn't. You helped anchor the true me, the one that is able to flourish and thrive now.. First dark SuperCorp AU written for this prompt. Maggie decides to go for the Danvers who holds her heart since college; Kara Danvers. Hope you enjoy my story! tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Will things go as planned or will life continue to throw both women curve-balls? You werent completely free of blame though. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15392), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (2417), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2115), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Accompanying Art For Play Me Something Beautiful, alright so i honestly don't know what i just wrote, it's not the metallo lena universe but it does have metallo lena, blamethecomicwritersnotmeforcharacterdeaths, Pretty Little Liars Series - Sara Shepard, Samuel Garca Domnguez/Carla Rosn Caleruega, they have issues and damnit they're gonna talk about them, Kara Danvers/Original Female Character(s), it matters how this ends ('cause what if i never love again? She sets down her purse and walks into her bedroom, but what she sees in there concerns her more than she'd like to admit. This is a dark take on what could have happened so beware all the tags/trigger warnings. When I finally finish I shakily stand up and open the door. It turns out that Kryptonite did weaken you but it didnt effect you as much as it did Superman and Supergirl. ", "Okay, first off all you are sick. But when she finally has a promising lead, she does not find what she wants in the small dive bar on a planet with a Red Sun. Dont forget why you signed up for this project in the first place. Alex likes Kyle,Johnnie and Jordan,Kyle likes Alex,Johnnie likes Shannon,Shannon likes Johnnie and Tyler and Jordan likes Alex more I just don't want to do this part You werent a threat to anyone here. You didnt know that Lillian was setting up those situations in order to make it look like Supergirl had stolen your life from you and she was going to make sure you never found out that she was behind it. Please (Y/N) I cant lose you. You could hear her voice crack on the last word. The premise from the original page for the story is as follows: "The premise of this story centres around two major conceits or changes from canon (for the most part? She is scared to tell her. You could feel her pouring all of her emotions into the kiss. You didnt give her any chance to recover as you repeatedly began to punch her wherever you hands could make contact. Try to keep calm no matter what you see in there. You said giving yourself a mini pep talk before the doors slide open on Lenas floor. You sighed as you heard her walking closer to you. You honestly have no idea who I am do you? She asked you. You never were good at keeping your thoughts as just thoughts so as soon as you opened your mouth what came out sarcastically with just a hint of your hidden pain and jealousy was. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). You knew you couldnt though. (Y/N)! The next couple of months were spent gaining control over your powers, learning how to fight, and figuring out any weaknesses you had. Instructions are clear. I had started it right after I published the last chapter but I had to stop writing for a majority of the week. You were looking around for a couple of minutes before a woman walked over to you. You understood why Kara had begun running to her. At least you used to be the person she'd come running to. You looked up at her as your tears continued to fall. You quickly put it in and took off into the sky not wanting to waste another second. You were extremely excited yet slightly apprehensive. She still had her hooks in you even though you hated her. Work Search: After everything I have done for not just you Lena but you too Kara. You have no idea how long it went on until it finally stopped. Her eyes widened before she nodded and made the adjustments needed before leaving. Exactly what the title says "Kara, just hang in there. (Y/N)! Right this way.. We can fix you.I dont need to be fixed, Kara. She let go of her, crossed the room to the safe in the bookshelf. NO! If anything happened to you she would never forgive herself. Everyone else gave you guys space knowing how much you both needed it right now. We are so close to being able to solve this., Hey sorry nows not a good time Kara is in my office and she really needs me right now. After you had sealed the deal with your handshake Lillian told the driver to take them to the base of operations. Yet you didnt mind at all. Stared at the screen for a bit before turning on the stool. Youre not even sure of what you were looking for. She couldnt fix this with words and you wouldnt allow her to get close to you. She almost wanted to stop it from happening because she was certain after this that you would no longer talk to her and she had enjoyed talking with you and becoming friends. Now all you wanted to do was go home and cuddle with Lena and thats exactly what you did after you had gone to the DEO and been medically cleared. You didnt let that stop you though. Will Clark help her again? They are a little tied up.". tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15392), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (2417), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2115), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Alex and Vasquez knew each other in the past, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015) Being an Asshole, Kara Danvers doesn't know when to leave something alone, I'm going to have to research vampires now, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Supercorp: A love that can conquer anything. Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. Kara! She was too busy playing house with Supergirl. You didnt send anything back. Karas eyes widened and your hands balled up into fists. *I do not own Arrow, Flash, or Supergirl. What is going on? Feel free to send in prompts. I move up so her head is on a pillow and pull the blankets over her. She knew she had been taking advantage of how understanding you were but she hadnt realized how far she had pushed you. We all have a life someone would kill for-and now someone is. With you here now and all the knowledge that I am sure you have about certain under the radar projects at LCorp you could be a valuable asset to this team. It right after I published the last word they would even make it out alive supergirl fanfiction kara sick that! 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How To Respond To A Parent Complaint About Bullying,
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