Organized by Date of Departure, Steamship Line, Steamship or Ocean Liner, Class of Passengers, Route, and the Ship's Captain. Small illustration of ship on cover. Nice embossed covers. March 14 1951. Southampton-NY. Quebec-London April 22 1950. Immigrant Inspector at the port of arrival for Head Tax Transit Certificate (U.S. Form 514) without which form no refund of Head Tax will be considered by the U.S. Immigration Authorities, even though passengers should leave the U.S. within 60 days and would otherwise be entitled to refund of the Head Tax under existing U.S. law. Passenger List. Illustration of ship on cover. 5.58.25. Had been perviously folded. 4 page folder. Routes: Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton; Rotterdam to Halifax and New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton; New York to Rotterdam via Plymouth and Boulogne-sur-Mer; Rotterdam to New York and Boston via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton; and Rotterdam to New York via Southampton. Information, list of staff, listing of cruises, space for autographs & notes. A recap on the list indicates the voyage carried 27 Saloon passengers, 55 in second cabin and 178 in Steerage. Colorful Dutch scenes on rear cover. Bremerhaven-NY. Sailing schedule, general iformation. Sept 16 1933. List of officers too. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Two masts and one funnel. 16 pages + covers. 68.5. 4 page folder. 4 page folder. NY-Genoa. Passenger List. 5.58. July 23 1903. 5.58. 8 pages + covers. 5.57.5. 20 pages + covers. 24 pages + covers. Nov 11 1954. 5.58.25. Tourist class Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. July 7 1906. April 4 1896. Aug 13 1952. NY-Le Havre, May 26 1948. 4.57. 12 pages + covers. News clipping about the voyage in German is clipped in the booklet. Photo of the BALTIC on the rear cover. Complete information, facts, sailing schedule. (Also lists San Francisco passengers from other ports). 5.257.5. 5.58.25. Aug 15 1950. Large White Star flag on front cover. 6. Attractive cover with illustration of a ship. Cabin Passenger List. Administrative records, including passenger lists and records of the Port Line, are held by the Liverpool University Archives; its catalogue is in the reading room. Sailing schedules. Saloon Passenger List. NY-Glasgow. 4.256.5. Southampton-NY. Tourist class Passenger List. Havre-NY. Sailing schedule, list of officers, track chart. Photo of the liner on the rear cover. June 8 1910. Very slight damage to spine on rear cover. July 3 1948. General information, sailing schedules. Voyage #75, from Kobe. Second saloon Passenger List. Information, track chart. Southampton-NY. NY-Havre. 4 page folder. Cover repaired at seam, edges very worn. - iiiiijiaijreferrid . 2 pages + covers. Map, sailings schedule. London-NY. Information, track chart. There is damage to the edge, but only white border is gone. May 1 1929. 16 pages + covers. Passenger List. Havre-NY. June 8 1951. Sailing schedule. First & Second Class Passenger List. Saloon Passenger List. March 14 1918. Absolutely superb color graphics on both cover panels. NY-London. 4 pages + covers. Le Havre-NY. 4.57.75. Removed from a scrapbook, some paste marks on rear cover. Southampton-NY. 12 pages + covers. Passenger List. Ad for Carinthia Around the World cruise. First Class Passenger List. Date: Saloon Passenger List. Nice piece of older memorabilia! In souvenir envelope. 14 I class, 63 II class & 916 Steerage passengers. 8 pages + covers. Montreal-Liverpool, Aug 4 1900. 58. 2 pages + covers. Antwerp-NY. List of Officers, numerous sailing schedules for various routes, general information, information on various cruises. Sept 1 1932. Tape repair to seam, paste marks on back. 16 pages + covers. Quebec-Liverpool, July 25 1885. 5.58. Passenger List. 5.257.5. 5.58. Lists hometowns of passengers. Route: Southampton to New York via Cherbourg and Queenstown (Cobh), SS Transylvania Passenger Lists 1926-1936. July 9 1932. 8 pages + covers. 4 page folder. July 24 1940. 4 page folder. July 9 1933. Jan 19 1924. Cabin, Tourist & Third Class Passenger List. Cabin Passenger List. Application should be made to the Purser of the Westbound steamer for receipt covering the U.S. Head Tax paid. RMS Samaria Passenger List - 29 August 1931 Front Cover of a Cabin and Tourist Class Passenger List from the RMS Samaria of the Cunard Line, Departing Saturday, 29 August 1931 from Southampton to New York via Le Havre and Cobh, Commanded by Captain R. G. Malin, R.N.R. Liverpool-NY. The URANIUM became the FELTRIA, and was torpedoed in 1917. 69.5. The le de France carried 1,777 passengers, 400 more than her usual number. 5.57.5. Parry was caught and ended up in the S.S. massacre in 8 pages + covers. NY-Genoa, July 4 1914. Superb color illustration of a 2 funnel steamer on cover. NY-Bremerhaven. First & Second class Passenger List. Colorful cover with South Seas scene. She was completed in 1922 and served until 1955. From NY, June 20 1930. June 8 1934. List of Saloon Passengers. Superb color covers with Bow view of a liner. 4.58. 5.258. List of Saloon Passengers. Genoa-NY. Passenger List. Extensive tape reapirs to seam and fold. One page for each letter of alphabet (except I and X). Passenger List. Attractive cover with small photo of a 3 stack liner on cover. Liverpool-NY. ZU VERKAUFEN! internet. July 9 1936. Liverpool-NY. 68.5. This was the popular Cunard Liner while on charter to Furness Line. Southampton-NY. A 13 portion of the rear cover was torn away. Cabin Passenger List. 4.57. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS St. Paul Available at the GG Archives. First & Second Class Passenger List. Worn, tape repair. Passenger List. General Information. Cabin Passenger List. 6.259. Nice illustration of the FRANCE on cover. Sept 7 1912. 12 pages + covers. First & Second cabin Passenger List. Route map. Opens to 816. Incomplete. Information, sailing schedule, track chart. Route: Rotterdam to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer. Samaria 1868 - 1937 Samaria II 1922 - 1956 KS. Vancouver-Alaska. Dec 5 1903. 16 pages + covers. 6.259.25. Dec 31 1949. Colorful cover with nice illustration of STATENDAM. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Insert for sailings on the Laurentic & Megantic with 2 exterior photos. Fragile. Ad for the New SS United States. Hamburg-NY. Cabin Class Passenger List. Jan 17 1940. Aug 24 1931. Second Cabin Passenger List. Cabin class Passenger List. 4 pages + covers. 16 pages + covers. Tape repair to spine. Feb 10 1897. Vancouver-Skagway. Route: Southampton to Durban via Madeira, Capetown, Port Elizabeth, and East London. Bremen-NY. Sailings. Hamburg-NY. 5.58.25. Track chart on rear cover. Cabin Passenger List. July 14 1934. Caribbean cruise, Feb 25-Mar 13 1955. Passenger List. Tourist Third Cabin Passenger List. Routes: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg; Bremen to New York via Southampton, Cherbourg, and Cobh (Queenstown); Bremen to New York via Queenstown (Cobh) and Halifax; New York to Bremen via Cobh (Queenstown) and Cherbourg; Bremen to Halifax and New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer, Southampton, and Galway; and Hamburg to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Handwritten log of all passengers. Had been previously folded, tear on cover. 16 pages + covers. 68.5. NY-Glasgow, June 14 1884. Exterior illustration of ship on cover panel. List of officers. Track chart on rear cover. Sept 17 1910. 4.57.25. Some water stains. 5.58.5. Sailing schedules for several White Star Ships: Republic, Cretic, Romanic, Canopic, etc.. Ad for the New SS United States. 2 pages + covers. 28 pages + covers. List of staff. SUPERB embossed covers. Sailing schedules, information on 1910 Passion Play in Oberammergau. 4 pages + covers. 57.5. NY-Marseilles. Had been previously folded. A comprehensive list of RMS Titanic passengers, the Titanic passenger List includes the cross-channel passengers that disembarked at Cherbourg and Queenstown as well as all those that continued to her intended destination of New York City. Callao-Liverpool Dec 26 1911. Voyage #75, from Yokohama. Oct 18 1950. 4 page folder, 57.25. 59. 5.58.25. Also contains cabin numbers. First & Cabin class Passenger List. 16 pages + covers. 16 pages + covers. June 18 1951. Excellent condition. Liverpool-NY. Very Rare. Voy 1 (Maiden Voyage) 16 pages + covers. Tourist class Passenger List. NY-Marseilles. [1] [2] Samaria was a sister ship of RMS Scythia and half-sister of RMS Franconia. The passenger lists themselves are available at our office via the online databases listed below. Passenger List. Cabin & Tourist class Passenger List. Aug 22 1903. Havre-NY. Wafer it states "he failed to re-join ship" and for M. Towers it reads "died as result of accident". Itinerary, general information. Partial separation at binding. Cabin & Tourist Passenger List. 48.5. The following listing contains a very large selection of Ocean Liner Passenger Lists. 68.5. Tape repair to spine and rear cover. Southampton-NY. 5.57. 8 pages + covers. Pages are loose from covers. Center page loose from binding. Feb 19 1949. Nice color tip in photograph. Naples-NY, Aug 15 1910. April 14 1954. Name possibly Horton. 4 page folder. Interestingly, the passenger names are not alphabetized. San Francisco-NY. Sailing schedules. Exterior photo of a liner on cover. July 1 1932. 8 pages + covers. July 28 1955. 8 pages + covers. May 11 1957. Information, sailings schedule, blank memo pages. Cabin Class Passenger List. June 15 1907. From New York. NY-Liverpool. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Boston-Liverpool. 1924 R.M.S.CARONIA PASSENGER list july 5th Cunard Line Canadian Service - EUR 34,02. July 3 1935. NY-Bremen, June 19 1937. Sept 3 1926. Saloon & Second Saloon Passenger List. Cabin Passenger List. 6 pages. GGA Image ID # 1d35de6468, Writing Room on the RMS Samaria of the Cunard Line. NY-San Francisco. List of Saloon Passengers. Cabin Passenger List. 57.75. Color tip in illustration of the liner. 5.56.5. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. First Class Passenger List. There was capacity for 350 First, 350 Second and 1500 Third Class passengers. Complete sailing schedules for numerous world services lists many lesser known liners, as well as the Ocean Greyhounds of the day. May 19 1954. July 7 1909. Excellent condition. Southampton-NY. 5.58. Second Class Passenger List. Nice embossed covers. Cruise to the Mediterranean and the Orient Passenger List. Tourist Class Passenger List. June 30 1910. First & Second Cabin Passenger List. 8 pages + covers. Sailing schedules. July 8 1911. The official record of these two mens' deaths falls so short of telling the whole story. 12 pages + covers. 16 pages + covers. NY-Hamburg. 5.58.5. Cover panel stained. July 12 1930. Small size Passenger List. 5.257.5. NY-Le Havre. List of officers & staff. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. Sailing schedule, listing of officers. NY-Nassau. First Class Passenger List. July 18 1938. Tourist Passenger List. Nice exterior color photo on cover. 5.57.5. Covers missing. German text. 68. NY-Hamburg. Passenger List. Cabin, Tourist & Third Class Passenger List. Sailing schedules, list of cruises, general information. Saloon Passenger List. Corrections sheet. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. 4.57. 5.58.25. 5.58.25. 4 page folder. June 29 1933. Southampton-Quebec. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS United States Available at the GG Archives. List of crew. 58. Items from this liner are very scarce. 28 pages + covers. NY-San francisco, Feb 28 1924. Second Cabin Passenger List. NY-Valparaiso. Nov 16 1940. 16 pages + covers. 12 pages + covers. General Electric cruise. March 25 1893. First & Second cabin Passenger List. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. 4.58. Oct 24 1914. 5.58.5. 4 pages + covers. 4 page folder. 12 pages+covers. Montreal-Liverpool. Line flag on cover. 4 page folder. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Aug 8 1956. 4.59. 5.58.5. 8 pages + covers. Route: London to Sydney via Port Said, Bombay (Mumbai), Colombo, Fremantle, Adelaide, and Melbourne. Aug 31 1912. Memories of the Cruise of the Year to the Greek islands, Mediterranean & Spain. Tourist Class Passenger List. Caribbean cruise. Apr 7 1939. Oct 16 1902. Page advertising trips on Zeppelin Airship L.Z. 16 pages + covers. Color tip in illustration. July 11 1901. NY-Rotterdam, July 4 1925. covers missing. Only 26 passengers! May 23 1891. 46.25. Handwritten log of all passengers. List of Cabin & Cruise Passengers, NY-Colombia. Superb! Cabin Passenger List. 24 pages + covers. Exterior illustration of 4-stacker on cover. 4 page folder. 16 pages + covers. Passenger List. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Information on services to Australia & New Zealand, & White Star Dominion services to begin Jan 1909. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Zeeland Available at the GG Archives. Saloon Passenger List. 5.x7.5. NY-Cuxhaven, July 15 1955. June 13 1925. 5.58. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route. 4.57. Passenger List. Hamburg-NY, July 29 1892. 5.58.5. 28 pages + covers. First & Second class Passenger List. Information on services to Australia & New Zealand. 68.25. Caribbean cruise. PERSON (any or all fields in this section can be left blank) First Name. Tourist class Passenger List. They were the Britannia, Acadia, Caledonia and Columbia. Text, map, mileage chart, information. 5.58.25. June 29 1940. Second Cabin Passenger List. Dec 3 1947. Small illustration of liner on cover. 85.5. List of Cabin Passengers. List of officers, sailing schedules. 4 page folder. NY-Rotterdam. Passenger List. Had been previously folded. Cabin Passenger List. Boston-Liverpool. Attractive cover with photo of ship. Trond Austheim's database of emigrant ship arrivals around the world, 1870-1894. 2 sheets. 20 pages + covers. 4 pages. Cabin Passenger List. NY-Southampton. Sailing schedule, information. 24 pages + covers. 57.5. June 13 1930. Pages loose from binding. Small illustration of liner on cover. 48.75. Cabin Passenger List. First Class Passenger List. Honolulu-Yokohama. List of Passengers, NY-Bermuda, January 25 1928. Passenger List. 4.57. Port of registry : Liverpool. 5.58.5. 4.257. Nov 13 1930. First & Second cabin Passenger List. Complete sailing schedules for numerous world services lists many lesser known liners, as well as the Ocean Greyhounds of the day. 8 pages + covers. Issued by the line for passengers on the cruise. Itinerary, map, information, memo pages. 4 pages + covers. Sept 27 1890. Halifax cruise. One page for each letter of alphabet (except I and X). San Francisco-NY. 12 pages + covers. NY-Hamburg. NY-Southampton. List of Abbreviations used in Crew List: (B) brother; (D) daughter; (F) father; (M) mother; (S) son; (SS) sister; (W) widow. 24 pages + covers. Incomplete. 24 pages + covers. Tourist third cabin Passenger List. Possibly related to Passenger 3. Glasgowl-Montreal. Place for notes. San Francisco-Honolulu. Passenger List. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Vancouver Available at the GG Archives. Boston-Naples. Information, sailings, listing of services, list of offices. Saloon Passenger List. NY Cruise to Bermuda, Porto Rico, Panama Canal & Cuba. NY-Southampton, July 1 1932. 6.259.75. 12 pages + covers. 57.25. Nice illustration of ship on cover. Color tip in drawing of the ship. 24 pages + covers. June 29 1905. Information on head tax, fold out track chart, list of winter cruises. Cabin & Tourist class Passenger List. Information, sailing schedules, fleet list. NY-Genoa, May 19 1900. 5.257.75. 48.75. Color tip in drawing of the ship. Colorful cover with nice illustration of STATENDAM. Itinerary, information, list of cruises, space for autographs & log. 8 pages + covers. Rotterdam-NY. 5.58.5. Itinerary. Feb 25 1911. Jan 28 1903. 4 pages + covers. Sailing schedule. June 27 1903. July 15 1950. What is interesting about this list is the date. Route map on back cover. Map, sailings schedule. Oct 29 1908. NY-Southampton. 4 pages + covers. List of Second Class Passengers. List of staff. March 22 1919. The condition of this item is Excellent +. July 7 1951. You will find in-depth studies concerning the emigration process, statistics and facts, and information about the immigration processing centers line Castle Garden and Ellis Island. Schedule. Montreal Liverpool. 4 page folder. 5.57. So while it may not be the correct voyage or even the exact year, it really is possible for you to acquire something to treasure. 4.57.25. 4 page folder. (M.N. 57.5. 4 page folder. Sailing schedules. Tip in illustration of the ship. 6 pages + covers. 57.25. Track chart on rear cover. Small ship photo on cover. 7 I class, 34 II class & 529 Steerage passengers. Had been previously folded. 68.25. 12 I class, 25 II class & 493 Steerage passengers. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the RMS Strathmore Available at the GG Archives. 28 pages + covers. Sept 6 1904. Insert of Winter Cruises on Laurentic & Calgaric. General information. West Indies cruise. 4 page folder. Twin-screw, 16 1/2 knots. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Santa Rosa Available at the GG Archives. NY-Genoa. Apr 17 1970. Passenger List. Tourist class Passenger List. Information, exterior illustration, space for log. Mar 1 1974. Exterior photo of liner on cover. Thank you for visiting our site! 12 pages + covers. 4 page folder. June 12 1930. space for log, distances, memo pages, fleet list. Southampton-Quebec. Track chart. Passenger Lists View Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S., Arriving and Departing Passenger and Crew Lists, 1900-1959 Passenger Lists View New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957 Passenger Lists View Name Mr Edward S Shipp Pennsylvania, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, 1798-1962 June 27 1939. Passenger List for the Madeira, Mediterranean and Orient Cruise Jan 26 1899. Illustration of a ship on cover. First Class Passenger List. 20 pages+covers. Tourist Passenger List. June 26 1936. Apr 18 1970. 36 pages. Itinerary. Illustration of a 3 funnel liner on cover. List of Cabin passengers. Paste marks on back. Originally, there would have been an illustration attached to the cover that is not present. 5.258. Had been previously folded. Southampton-NY. V i,3:r.arlv meeting of this company was . 20 pages + covers. Routes: Southampton for Capetown via Madeira, Algoa Bay, East London, and Natal; and Capetown to Southampton via Madeira. Rotterdam-NY. Incomplete, pages missing. 5.258. List of Cabin passengers. 8 pages + covers. 59.5. July 11 1908. Opens to 5.510.75. Description of Archival Records: Cunard Line Passenger Lists. Passenger List. Small paste marks on rear cover. Louis Turner=Reise=Gesellschaft is printed on. Fleet list, route map. NY-Hamburg. 4.756.75. 8 pages + covers. 57.5. 8.514. April 01, 1883; Image 3; Columbus daily enquirer-sun. Sister ships: Laconia and Scythia. 5.58.25. 4 page folder. Voyage #75, from Manila. Feb 1 1923. Sept 16 1905. 69.25. Opens to 7.2514. 4.257.5. Paste marks on back. Nassau cruise. Nov 4 1891. Cabin Passenger List, NY-Bremen, Sept 23 1893. Saloon Passenger List. 6.259.25. Liverpool-NY. 20 pages + covers. 46. 5.57. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the RMS Titanic Available at the GG Archives. Passenger List. June 22 1920. 8 pages + covers. Passenger List. 5.58.25. General information. 8 pages + covers. 5.58. Sept 3 1964. Oct 21 1911. 4.57.5. GGA Image ID # 1d36b4ff54. 12 pages + covers. NY-Rotterdam, July 2 1938. Listing of officers. Like this page to receive our updates. First & Second Class Passenger List. Oct 10 1901. List of Cabin Passengers Bremen-New York, Aug 13 1931. 8 pages. List of Cabin Passengers. General information. Jan 23 1952. List of Passengers, NY-Halifax July 16 1921. 20th century lists include even more details, giving the town or county of origin, and the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. December 27 1913. July 18 1949. Information, exterior illustration, ads for other cruises, space for log & notes. 24 pages + covers. 8 pages + covers. 28 pages + covers. Sailings schedule, information. Schedules, Information, list of cruises, fleet list is heralded by OLYMPIC & BRITANNIC (Building). List of officers. Sailing schedule, listing of offices. July 7 1939. First Class Passenger List. Passenger List. Color tip in illustration of the liner. Second Class Passenger List. Homeward to San Francisco. 8 pages + covers. July 22 1962. Track chart, sailing schedules, general information. space for log, distances, taxi fares, fleet list. Color tip in illustration. Insert of corrections. June 24 1938. Text, map, mileage chart, information. Passenger List. 20 pages + covers. Liverpool-NY. 4 pages + covers. 4 page paper folder. 3.255.5. Havre-NY. NY-Southampton. Fleet list. The Halifax Regional Municipality, commonly Halifax or HRM, is the capital of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. Bermuda cruise. 8 pages + covers. 16 pages + covers. NY-Antwerp. Fleet list, general information. Saloon Passenger List. Apr 5 1937. to help with the costs of keeping the site running. Photo of liner on cover. Apr 17 1929. Buenos Aires-NY. Small ship illustration on cover. 4.57.5. All Digitized Lists of Passengers for the SS Sierra Ventana Available at the GG Archives. New Kingdom 14 Glencoe World History Name . List of officers, text, track chart. NY-Bermuda. Nov 28 1928. Dated July 6 1909. NY-London. San Francisco-Manila. 8 pages + covers. NY-Rotterdam. Small illustration of liner on cover. 4.757.25. Locations of Public rooms onboard. First class Passenger List. May 26 1936. List of Saloon Passengers. Sept 5 1896. 4.57.25. This was a RED STAR LINE steamer, and the cover bears the Red Star emblem, but it made some voyages under Panama Pacific Line. 5.58. Opens to 6.2513.5. March 28 1947. 6.259.5. Chart of Officers Bagdes rank. Hamburg-Southampton, July 29 1924. July 1 1978. 5.257.5. 4 pages + covers. First Class Passenger List. Track chart and space for log on rear cover. Glasgow-NY. West Indies cruise. 5.58.4. NY-Bremen. August 15 1905. 4 pages + covers. Sailing schedule, information, sailings. April 27 1899. 4 page folder. June 2 1953. July 1 1933. NY-Hamburg. Tourist cabin Passenger List. July 10 1920. The le de France arrived in New York harbor on September 9, and while she was crossing the Atlantic Ocean, 16 vessels were sunk by torpedoes, mines, or gunfire. Cabin Passenger List, NY-Genoa, March 28 1896. Aug 17 1956. Southampton-NY. Small exterior photo on cover. Sailing schedule. 5.58. July 12 1913. Information, list of staff, listing of cruises, sailing schedule, text, space for log, list of services. Passenger List. Many of these souvenir passenger lists have disappeared over the years. 4.58. 57. Fleet list, sailing schedule, general information. Tip in illustration. NY-Hamburg. NY-Southampton. Operated under American Republics Line. Tonnage: 19,597. 4 pages + covers. 4.257. Complete sailing schedules for numerous world services lists many lesser known liners, as well as the Ocean Greyhounds of the day. 3 holes punched on left margin. 4 pages + covers. 4 page folder. 57.25. A Gem! 6 page folder. 8 pages + covers. June 4 1910. NY-New Orleans. 48.75. Passenger List. 5.257.5. May 10 1882. Third Class Passenger List. Mar 2 1938. Nov 28 1896. None of the names are affected by the paper loss. 59.5. 4.57.25. Voy 55 . To help with the costs of keeping the site running Sierra Ventana Available at the GG Archives they the! Province of Nova Scotia, Canada about this list is the capital of the day originally, there have! Log, list of services, list of officers, track chart data! Schedules, information on services to Australia & New Zealand, & White Ships... Of alphabet ( except I and X ) the FELTRIA, and ;! The URANIUM became the FELTRIA, and Natal ; and Capetown to via! 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