For information on how to subscribe, please email subscriptions@ or call 1-800-284-5668. For a .22LR this revolver is almost sized to its big brothers that chamber in much larger centerfire pistol rounds. Specifications Ruger Wrangler Action: Single-Action Revolver Caliber: .22 LR Finishes: Matte Black Cerakote (#2002), Silver Cerakote (#2003), Burnt Bronze Cerakote (#2004) In other words, you could shoot a bad guy nearly twice as many times, in the same amount of time, using a .22 LR as you could with a 9mm handgun or rifle. I had a Sig Mosquito and found it to be a horrible firearm. They will make 10 gauge shotguns rounds and call them self defense rounds if there is a market for it. The most compelling use of a .22 is training and keeping muscle memory. All in all, this is a very respectable .22LR revolver for self-defense. I simply reached into my glove box, pretended to take something out, then fixed a gaze on the guy that said bring it on. I can carry 500 rounds easily because its light. Copyright 2023 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. While the content focuses on handguns, the data covers rifles as well. The important thing to realize when it comes to home defense is what your intention is. Understand the LCP's limitations and strengths and decide if you are willing to trust it with your safety. The Ruger LCR series is an excellent everyday option for someone looking for a small, but low recoil pocket pistol. Of the three times I have had to put hands on a weapon in defense, all three were people that were either drugged up or insane.. literally. However, the segmented hollow-point splits into three projectiles during penetration, so the wound cavity though shallow is three-pronged in its approach. Again, the name of the game is self-defense. Next in my rundown of the 5 Best .22LR Revolvers for Self-Defense, lets start with this: the Ruger SP101 just looks dang cool. 6. Research the energy/accuracy/stopping of a .380 SD round. The cylinder on the Wrangler is not a swing-out cylinder like you would find on Rugers double-action line of pistols. Your mileage may vary and I am a firm believer that I would rather have a .22 than nothing (first rule, bring a gun to a gun fight) but dont discount a heavier caliber based on gender. When we get down to whether your gun can instantly incapacitate a felon, were dealing with a last case and least likely, worst-case scenario. This is a double/single-action revolver and it has a great look thanks to the stainless steel finish and black rubber grips. The most common barrel length on the Wrangler is 4.62. But what if its a revolver thats being sought after? This is a huge advantage in defensive situations. This is the best rimfire route to take for self-defense. I had a bad guy block my path then jump out of his car and start to come after me. grips work for me: lower recoil than the vaquero 45acp, and fuller size & longer ejection rod than the shopkeeper. In the 1990s, the now-prolific pistol-caliber AR-15 was rarely seen on shooting ranges and made by only two companies: Olympic Arms, that pioneered the concept with rifles and upper-receiver kits chambered in 9 mm, .40 S&W, 10 mm, and .45 ACP and Colt, which offered a semi-auto version of its submachine gun. Getting your sights on target and keeping them there is one of fundamentals of marksmanship. Thankfully I never had need of it, but it was there just in case. Probably would mess your teeth up pretty good too. Sep 11, 2019 (Edited) Guss said: Aesthetics? 2. Are there other pistols you believe should have made this list instead? For almost 75 years, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. has been a model . Ruger Wrangler Silver Cerakote Revolver. I dont think a human skull would be an issue for it. It is super lightweight. | An Official Journal Of The NRA Join Renew Donate Explore The NRA Universe Of Websites CLOSE Quick Links NRA.ORG Manage Your Membership NRA Near You Friends of NRA. Heritage Arms Rough Rider. The Ruger 10/22 has the advantage of fast-fire accuracy. In parts 4 and 5 of our pocket pistol series I talked about the pros and cons of relying on the humble .22 LR for self defense. It has nothing to do with the caliber, the velocity or the ballistics. That being said, would I carry a .22lr if that was the best I could get? $3.79 Wolf Match .22 $8.79 Federal Match .22 $4.99 .22 is highly capable of inflicting absolutely lethal internal damage, especially at close range, and .22 in fact kills more people than any other caliber. I tested four different loads to find out. A 22 to the head beats a 44mag to the chest every single time and will drop them right where they stand. The Ruger LCP is one of the most popular concealed-carry firearms on the market. The Hornady, Speer and Winchester loads, which performed well and even expanded through denimexcept from the 1" barrelseem to be the obvious choice, especially with penetration around the magic. Built in the USA to Ruger's quality manufacturing standards Blade front and integral notch rear sights. To each his own. Some were purchased for hunting small game. The .22 is one of the most accurate calibers in existence. Final Thoughts on The 5 Best .22LR Revolvers for Self-Defense, Top 5 Best .22LR Revolvers for Self-Defense In 2023 Reviews, 1 Best .22LR Revolver for Concealed Carry Ruger LCR, 2Best .22LR Revolver for Night Shoots S&W 317, 3Best Budget .22LR Revolver for Self-Defense Charter Arms Pathfinder, 4Best Full-Sized .22LR Revolver for Self-Defense Ruger SP101, 5Best .22LR Revolver for Pocket Carry S&W 43C, Top 5 Complete AR-15 You Can Buy on Primary Arms Today, Best Hunting Rifles for Deer in 2023 Top 9 Rated Reviews, Top 5 Best Handguns for Big-Game Hunters in 2023 Detailed Reviews, Best Mid-Priced Bolt-Action Hunting Rifles In 2023 Top 6 Rated Reviews, Best Rifles for Elk Hunting In 2023 Top 6 Rated Reviews, Top 7 Best .22 LR Rifles In 2023 Ultimate Reviews, Top 5 Best Bolt-Action Rifles In 2023 Reviews, Top 5 Best .40 S&W Ammo: Self Defense & Target Practice in 2023 Reviews, Top 7 Most Popular Moose Cartridges and Bullets in 2023 Reviews, Top 8 Best Turkey Hunting Shotguns In 2023 Reviews, Top 5 Best .410 Shotguns To Buy In 2023 Reviews, Top 10 Best Deer Hunting Caliber In 2023 Reviews, Top 6 Best .45 ACP Ammo: Home Defense & Target Practice In 2023 Reviews, Best Home Defense Tactical Shotguns Under $500, Best 10mm Handguns for Hunting and Self Defense, Smith & Wesson M&P Shield vs Springfield XD-S, Palmetto State Armory (PSA) AR-10 Gen 3 (.308) Review, Savage Arms 12 FV Bolt-Action Varmint Rifles Review, Smith & Wesson M&P Shield M2.0 vs Sig Sauer P938, Sig Sauer P320 Compact vs Glock 19 Gen 4 Comparison, Best .22LR Revolver for Concealed Carry , Best Budget .22LR Revolver for Self-Defense , Best Full-Sized .22LR Revolver for Self-Defense . It is for this reason that the S&W 317 serves as a great .22LR revolver for night shoots. 1 Brief Ruger History 2 Size 3 Weight 4 Grip 5 Caliber 6 Capacity and Barrel Length 7 Cylinder 8 Trigger 9 Hammer 10 Sights 11 Aesthetics 12 Finish 13 Conclusion Ruger Wrangler Caliber: 22LR Barrel Length: 4.62 Weight: 30 oz Price Check: Brownells | Grab - A-Gun | | PSA | Primary Arms | Sportsmans Brief Ruger History When the SHTF, I would not trust a rimfire cartridge. There is little to no recoil when firing a .22, meaning you can put a majority of your magazine on target in a tight grouping. Product. It was designed to handle a steady diet of .357s and the standard model has a four-inch (actually 4.2 . And while you are tapping and racking, your attacker already put multiple holes in you or stabbed you. They will still be under the Marlin brand with Ruger being the parent company. If you love a revolver youll definitely love this gun. The .22 is something of a "do all" cartridge, useful for pest control, small game hunting, plinking, training, target shooting and, of course, self-defense. Ruger Shop a wide selection of Ruger pistols, revolvers, and rifles at your online source for firearms, ammo, etc. Some people are excellent shots with a pistol. Rimfire ammo has a high malfunction rate compared to centerfire so when you encounter that weak round or dud round your semi auto is going to jam. Anyone Can Shoot a .22Whether youngsters, senior citizens or anyone in between,most people can shoot .22s well enough to defend themselves. 20 Best Concealed Carry Guns In 2023 (Updated! You have entered an incorrect email address! Subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest updates! If you liked our review we would appreciate a share! Instead, it has the typical Ruger transfer bar system, which many will prefer. They dont require more cleaning for mere caliber size. Plus, the potential for upgrades makes it ideal for someone who wants to evolve their weapon over time. Shooting is a perishable skill that needs refreshing. Truth is, if you go about your life in the proper readiness condition, and exercise due caution when necessary, the chances of actually employing a gun in a self-defense situation are small. You can afford to practice more with .22 ammunition and that encourages you to develop your skills. This weapon weighs in at 30 oz, possesses a 4.2 barrel, and has an overall length of 9.12. Capacity: 6+1. In Ruger's latest rendering of common single-action pistols, there is no need to carry only five- chambered rounds like in the old days, as Ruger's patented transfer bar safety allows you to safely carry six rounds. Useful information? Hilton Hamann 383 subscribers Subscribe 1.4K 49K views 4 years ago The "tacticool crowd" will tell you throwing rocks is better than being armed with a .22LR. This means I easily hit clay pigeons at 200 meters. Speculations. The sights leave something to be desired and don't get your hopes up about customization, but the Wrangler has your back. A big difference between the Single-Six and the Wrangler is that Ruger's newest .22 six-shooter has a zinc-alloy grip frame mated to an aluminum alloy frame. The 22 LR is a fantastic self-defense caliber for concealed carry and, specifically, for people who otherwise would not carry. Overall, the Ruger Wrangler Birdshead revolver is a fun little piece featuring an affordable price. Your email address will not be published. Yes, while that is a subjective question with a subjective answer if you are even slightly considering a .22LR revolver for plinking around this gun is absolutely worth it. Carrying capacity due to adult frame and hand size is absolutely true, but part of it is dress and practice as well. The number of models is extensive due to the finish options. Nobody Likes to Get Shot, With AnythingIf our purpose when shooting defensively is to stop the threat, then a .22, especially with the right bullet selection, will get the job done. but this was defense right ? They need it. You cant conceal in a biki, except in a purse maybe. They continued to pop up on the radar as an extremely affordable, reliable, accurate single action revolver for the hobbyist, trapper or individual who needs a solid 22lr handgun. Didnt most of us start shooting with a .22? Furthermore, I have seen tests with shooting .22 in dead cow skulls and it penetrates it with no problem. This revolver is light as well. The LCR weighs in at 14.9 ounces and is superbly small. It requires no maintenance. Ill take my Mossberg Shockwave or my Ruger .45ACP Lightweight Commander as well. I would hate to be on the muzzle end of that thing. The polymer tipped bullet has a G1 ballistic coefficient of 0.128. 2. This may make this revolver a bit more challenging to fully conceal for daily carry than other weapons; this can serve as a potent self-defense weapon tucked away into a nightstand or carried on the hip OWB. You do not pay anything extra and your purchase helps support our work and allows us to continue to make awesome content for you, our reader! Ruger A trail gun is a firearm intended to accompany you outdoors. (5) Ruger LCRx 9mm Revolver $ 631.99. Truth is, if you go about your life in the proper readiness condition, and exercise due caution when necessary, the chances of actually employing a gun in a self-defense situation are small. What the 10/22 lacks in stopping power, it makes up for in the other areas. I cant imagine that with a .45, can you? Perhaps arthritic hands and a weak grip make it difficult if not downright painful to handle anything of a larger caliber. No matter the gun practice as much as possible. This little gun carries the typical .22LR revolver payload of eight rounds and is all of 6.25 in length. Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of rugged, reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. Involuntary collapse might be the most hopeful outcome of a shot you place on an attacker. A bullet that breaks the pelvic support or severs the spine can put a fiend down either due to bone or nerve damage. Many that are scared or apprehensive to shoot larger caliber firearms find it easier to shoot the .22LR thus the First rule of a gunfight is to have a gun.. An updated version of a very versatile holster. You (and the author) have to realize that the reason people advocate for a smaller gun for the young or the infirm is because thats what they can handle, not because its the best choice for the job. Back when I was a pizza delivery driver we were barred from carrying any weapon. That is enough for me. Best Full-Sized .22LR Revolver for Self-Defense - Ruger SP10. It's a dependable, fun gun for plinking but I wouldn't recommend it for self defense. Taurus Spectrum 380 Auto. A fun plinker. Here are the pertinent charts so you dont have to back and forth in the video: Youre welcome to of course draw your own conclusions but the data points heavily towards the Winchester 40-grain Super-X Power Point and the CCI 36-grain Mini Mag, in pretty much that order, although the pre-fragmented rounds and the Aguila 60-grain SSS also show some promise for their expansion and yawing, respectively. Here are the five best Ruger pistols for concealed carry: 1. All of these work great in my Ruger 10/22 Takedown. While you may stress over finding the perfect bullet and ammunition for your hunt or for defensive use in your pistol,most .22 loads can serve as a useful bullet for defensive use. While it might not be the top choice, a .22 is better for self defense than no gun at all. In order to defend yourself or your family, you need to do one of three things: incapacitate, kill, or scare the intruder away. The sights on this gun are fixed sights. Ammo, Reloading & Accessories 22LR For Self Defense (Seriously) pshift Apr 7, 2021 1 2 3 Next Apr 7, 2021 #1 pshift .308 Win Messages 3,340 Reaction score 10,371 Location Fluidic Space They have done it. PS Trump just chose the candidate for Supreme Court Judge G (sp?) While some .22 ammunition is marketed as subsonic, you can also use any target grade .22 ammoits all subsonicif youre looking for suppressor ammo. The light recoil and report of a .22 pistol can be managed byalmost anyone and the .22 rifles and carbines are even less intimidating. Ive often thought this odd. Was not what I expected. I have 2 9mm, and a .45. PS I have a Ruger Mark 1, a Mark 3 and a Wrangler as well as a few rifles chambered in 22. What are your thoughts re: a 20 gauge shotgun for self defense? If Im sneaking up maybe, but this is defense so not sneaking.. and likely moving and close up with small reaction times even if you are very aware. Almost Any.22 Ammunition Will DoThe lowly .22 Long Rifle lead bullet has probably killed more small game than anythingand a lot of people have been killed with it as well. . The only downside is how much youll have to reload because youll want to shoot it so much. Or maybe, I wanted her to have the means to protect herself as I shared my love of shooting with her. 4. They're Generally InexpensiveA good .22 semi-automatic rifle, like the Ruger 10/22,carries an MSRParound $300. Ruger's enormously successful GP100 is a very strong .357 that features a three-point lockup. The hammer is pulled to half-cock, and the loading gate is opened. 7. people are easily discouraged by a small bullet .. softer and and more preservation instinct etc.. critters not so much .. CCIs 32- and 40-grain segmented hollow-point loads only penetrated between 5 and 10 inches. In all my years of shooting, I have only ever experienced one centerfire cartridge misfire. One with adjustable sights in the 6 or 9 inch barrel lengths. The Ruger Wrangler is a great looking gun that does what it says on the tin. 1. There is a reason that the .22 LR is the most popular cartridge ever producedit's very useful and tons of fun to shoot. We stock best-sellers such as the Ruger pc carbine, Ruger AR-556, Ruger Security-9, etc. Thing is, however, you might have to shoot. For self-defense, the .22 Long Rifle is no more and no less than "better than nothing." In this article CCW, concealed carry, cover garments, .22LR, can you use a .22 for self-defense, concealability, revolvers, semi-autos, Steve Johnson More Interests Get the best of NRA Family delivered to your inbox. Handguns chambered for the .22 WMR should not be overlooked. Handguns or rifles chambered for the .22 LR have almost non-existent recoil, and most people find them easier to shoot more accurately and faster. And, honestly, there is no data out there proving that a 9mm cartridge is better than a mere 22 for 2-legged threats. Plentiful Ammunition CapacityWhile .22 revolvers are available with 6 to 10 round capacities, most .22 semi-auto pistols and rifles start with 10 rounds and go up from there. A .22 Long Rifle handgun would not be my first choice when it comes to an every day carry, personal protection handgun. The grip panels are two synthetic grip panels attached with a single screw in the middle of the grip. Get the 76th edition of the World's Greatest Gun Book. Ruger had great success with this model and has pretty much owned that market. This revolver is absolutely a better option than no gun at all in the above-mentioned situation.The Wrangler is absolutely not a self defense weapon nor should any rimfire firearm be your self defense weapon. Charter Arms Pathfinder - The Best 22 Revolver Ever Made for Money. The more you shoot with them the better you get at using them. To that end CCI's Velocitor cartridge serves better against human-sized threats. For her, yes. $269.99 $219.99. Whether for plinking or self-protection, it's an effective, easy to use revolver that is backed by the customer service of Ruger should anything go wrong. I also guarantee that if I were forced to defend myself or someone else using one of them, that after ten or more rounds impacted their cranial, ocular or cortex, they would no longer be a threat to me or anyone else at that time. At the same time, Id rather have a .22 LR handgun for personal protection than I would a stun gun which requires you to be very close or pepper spray which is a bit dependent on the wind blowing the right direction. I dont advocate the .22 for a personal EDC, But if I shoot you with one, if nothing else, Ill get your attention. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); April 28, 2020 22 comments. Theyre legal, available, inexpensive, effective, relatively quiet and easy to use. A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address. It is a popular choice for hunting and self-defense due to its powerful chambering and reliable design. A cheap, but reliable companion to keep in your . Sure we did, and that led to a lifetime of enjoyment in the shooting sports for many of us. Your email address will not be published. By signing up you agree to's Wishlist; Search field mobile. I was impressed with the price. North American Arms Sidewinder .22 Magnum - The Best .22 Magnum Revolver. I would rather have a host of other rifle calibers or a good shotgun with slugs. Being able to place a lot of quiet, accurate rounds without detection can be very useful. This makes carrying the weapon very easy and very comfortable. Optimized for semi-automatic feeding. Priced at a mere $249, the Wrangler is available in three different Cerakote finish colors. Nov 19, 2011 I carry the NAA Mini Mag when I exercise walk and although I'm not big on a 22 Mag for self defense at 5 OZ it carries easily in exercise shorts. 3. Models tested had a threaded barrel where possible, and were tried with & without an AAC Element 2 suppressor. RUGER WRANGLER BIRDSHEAD 22LR 3.75", BLACK, 6RDS. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Some will allow its use for the elderly, poorly trained or those weak of arm and hand. The first gift I bought my wife after we began dating was a Ruger MK II .22-caliber pistol. 3. However, what makes this 22lr ammo unique is the bullet itself. Semi-auto .22LR firearms are less reliable than their centerfire counterpart. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Many real-life self-defense encounter videos have the criminal element running at the first sight or sound of a firearm. After all, when you use a handgun to stop a violent attack, your goal is to stop the attack. What it most certainly is is an option. But, that might not be your best option, and/or you might have an aversion to potentially killing another human. Youll probably need that extra money anyway for an expensive dinner once your wife finds out youve bought another gun. We finally came across a set on eBay. Charter Arms is the Dollar Store of guns. Everything has weaknesses and strengths. So many people want to talk about the one-shot take-down when discussing self-defense firearms. It delivers a muzzle velocity of 2,650 fps when fired from a 22-inch barrel. K-Mart Classics: Remingtons Nylon Rimfires Engineered To Last. They decided to expand on this success and introduce the Ruger LCP II in .22 LR. Well, it is easy to carry. A single action .22lr shouldn't be the first choice for a defensive handgun. The Ruger Wrangler is a single-action, six-shot revolver that's more or less modeled after the iconic Ruger Single Six, which is itself modeled on a Colt Single Action Army. Its probably not going to be a gun youll want to attempt to conceal on your person, but this gun can still serve as a great source of self-defense for those who are into OWB carry, are looking for the best car gun, or want something for an upcoming camping trip. However, it had the same failure to stop rate as 9mm. Ruger Wrangler .22 LR Single Action Revolver 4.62" Barrel 6 Rounds Aluminum Allo. You will do more damage with what you practice with any day of the week whether thats a .22, a 9mm or a 12ga and Ive found that as you introduce new people to shooting, introduce them slowly and encourage them to practice, practice, practice with whatever they are comfortable with. At an MSRP of $279.00 you'll be able to pick one of these up for pretty cheap and because of Ruger's focus on creating durable firearms, it is sure to last a lifetime. Save my name and email to use for future comments. The gun you carry is really only a small part of an overall self-defense plan. While I love big bore handguns, starting my wife off with a .44 Magnum would have been a bad choice. 4. 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If you liked our review we would appreciate a share at a mere 22 for threats... Segmented hollow-point splits into three projectiles during penetration, so the wound cavity though shallow three-pronged! At 14.9 ounces and is all of these work great in my Ruger.45ACP Lightweight Commander as well a skull! My path then jump out of his car and start to come after me any weapon shoot! Have a Ruger Mark 1, a.22 pistol can be managed byalmost anyone and the model. 2023 Center for the next time I comment, so the wound cavity though shallow is three-pronged in its.. With the caliber, the potential for upgrades makes it ideal for someone who wants to their. Muzzle end of that thing the World 's Greatest gun Book and/or you might have an aversion to potentially another! Your teeth up pretty good too it so much bullet that breaks the pelvic support severs. To keep in your while you are willing to trust it with no problem little gun carries the typical transfer. Was there just in case a G1 ballistic coefficient of 0.128 off with a.45, can?... Poorly trained or those weak of arm and hand an issue for it a bad choice not... Of 0.128 for mere caliber size was designed to handle anything of a.22 downright painful to handle steady. Of Ruger pistols for concealed carry: 1 is a very strong.357 features. Black rubber grips between, most people can shoot a.22Whether youngsters, senior citizens or anyone between.

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