I train with Jason to keep up my fitness model body. 2. Say what the problem is (thats mean, or, thats illegal, etc.). To reinforce this lesson, hold a weekly Saying No Challenge by repeating the kind of role-playing described in activity #1, above. What could you personally do to help improve the situation? (That's a nice way of saying he dumped work he didn't want to do on me.). His program was fun and interesting! How do you feel about them? If a scenario is dragging on too long without getting to the point, do some coaching. This gives more folks a chance to participate, and allows for different perspectives and possibilities to play out. Debriefing after each role play is essential. WebYour students will have a BLAST role-playing the various refusal skill scenarios. The training programs of Momentum Training Solutions encompass a wide range of skills that are an integral and necessary part of everyday business. If you have found this website and its resources useful, please consider making a donation to help fund hosting and ongoing development. Ive been a New york fitness model for over 10 years. Set the stage. Jason is extraordinary! Through these transitional exercises I am able to keep my body in a show floor condition. Discuss (dont lecture) the hazards involved in smoking or any other harmful activity your child may be under pressure to participate in. How does the person you want to be spend her time? Not only did I lose the weight but also I was able to keep it off. Pass over those who won't comply after several repeated requests if you have to (but leave the difficult folk to last!). 3. Hard Bodies personal trainers specialize in an 8-week total body makeover program Located in Manhattan,NY. For more information about individual videos in this 12-part series, click on the title below. Try to vary dynamics between the different role plays: stranger vs. someone you know, friend vs. boss or teacher, etc. You might say something like, Wow! In negotiation skills the background is that you still have to maintain a relationship with the person you might say no to. Not without an explanation. I recently set 10 rules for myself: Saying no does not mean you are not nice. Pass out a scenario to a few students. 2. What did you learn from it? WebROLE PLAYING SCENARIOS Intro Below are several ideas of role playing social situations that your children can practise with you, their siblings, cousins, etc. Remember, there will be times when your child will handle a situation well, however, things will not work out the way they hoped. First, teach them the three-step Saying No technique (see the top of this column). no, and avoiding the temptation to go into long explanations as to why you can't help. How do you decide whether or not its okay to go along with the crowd. Continue imagining your ideal life. As a group, choose several role plays that will allow participants to practice various boundary setting skills. That was so powerful! and start a round of applause. I wanted to spend more time with my family in Japan and the United States, and spend quality time with my husband. At the same time, be prepared to have to cut off the activity, even if engagement is high and people are totally into it, if you run out of time. When setting up each role play, explain that audience members are also participating. Thisll help me relax. If I dont do this, theyll think Im a . Avoid statements such as, 4. a. Use our training material and watch your career as a soft skills trainer skyrocket! WebSaying No Role Play Exercise NB Before you do this exercise for the first time you will need to cut up the scenario cards and put them in envelopes provided! Make up several hypothetical situations and have the kids do role plays in which they practice the saying no method from the top of this column. You can make it the very first word that comes out of your mouth! I trained for hours and days on end without the results I was looking for.After training with Jason for just 16 weeks I can finally say Ive reached a life time goal. WebHOW TO SAY NO AND STILL BE COOL To say no and make it stick, try this three-step technique. They operate in every medium of human life - business. Role plays are not a chance for participants to practice grab releases or strikes. Im Grace from New York City. Cheerleader and football player you just won the game by kicking the winning field goal. WebSaying No Role Play Exercise NB Before you do this exercise for the first time you will need to cut up the scenario cards and put them in envelopes provided! This assignment will encourage young people to play an active role in society. (Expect many different answers from different people.) The witness could either remain silent until one of the other characters engages with them, or they might decide to step up and be an ally. Saying 'no' activities Saying 'no' activities We are trying to spice up our conflict management workshop and are looking for an activity to practise 'saying no'. Provide a variety of slips of paper with different scenarios written on them. A girl in the video said that alcohol makes you say and do things you wouldnt if you were sober. With Healthy lifestyle and a balance of proper exercise. 1. Get breaking news and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own character education program. Reduce stress and gain clarity in interactions by knowing what to accept and when to say no. Improve self-esteem and self-confidence by being more assertive. 4. Free Functional Skills and Skills for Life resources, ESOL Sd/E2.1a Take part in social interaction, ESOL Sd/E2.1b Take part in more formal interaction, ESOL Sd/E2.1c Express likes and dislikes, feelings, wishes and hopes, ESOL Sd/E3.1a Take part in social interaction, ESOL Sd/E3.1bTake part in more formal interaction, ESOL Sd/E3.1c Express feelings, likes and dislikes, Going to an employment agency - role play prompts, Dialogue prompts for Entry ESOL speaking and listening role play, Joining the PTA (parent teacher association) role play, Health related role play and conversation, ESOL E1 Listening development: Buying a ticket, ESOL E2 Listening development: Asking where things are (travel), Asking for time off work / At the hospital - ESOL role play prompts, World Book Day discussion prompts for Functional English, ESOL E3 Listening Development: phoning about symptoms, The Man Living in the Last House Standing. In 17 weeks I lost 42lbs! If your school or organization does not have these videos, you can purchase them from Live Wire Media, or request them from your local library. If you had no fear, doubts or restrictions, what kind of person would you become? Over these 10 years we have done work with numerous industries. If you are trying to find a personal trainer, get in touch with us right away! Although this is a very simple topic to train, it is a hard one to put into practise. Decide in advance what you intend to do. How did it happen? Here are some things you can do ahead of time. 4. 3. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. I use the following, very short, scenarios - they require very little explanation and so take only a short time: 1. z JF)\m#rYBo ~o: >JYeILJm[b`xt&w?P#MG1. 9}/g. Many of you responded to that post by sharing that how hard it is to "just say NO." in 20 weeks Amazing Personal Trainer.I was able to achieve the tone and bulk needed for advancement in the entertainment business in New York. No explanations, no discussion, lots of eye-contact, a smile if necessary, but clear persistance. What do you no longer want to tolerate in your life? WebROLE-PLAYING SCENARIOS FOR TEENS Its not easy Role-playing. Effective Leadership Skills and the ability to enhance a team's performance was recently displayed by a music teacher who leads a team, of 15 teenagers, of a high school band. I do not work on the weekends or holidays. We urge you to ask your child to tell you about this video program and what he or she learned from it. Did You know the benefits of cosmetic boxes? What did he mean by that? Why do people have trouble saying no to friends? 4. The scenarios tend to feel meaningful and class buy-in tends to be high. Subscribe to our almost Monthly Newsletter. Do you think that movies and television make alcohol use look attractive or unattractive? If the company responds, be sure to share it with the kids. Say thats stealing, or thats dangerous, or thats mean.. How? What are your life's rules and standards? 1. And it takes continuing practice to get better at it. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. It is one of the role plays Where the employee has evidence to back up that he is eligible for the position, how do managers handle it? You might even have the kids design a new poster every month or two. Acknowledge that sometimes you cant say No without great cost. Say: Im sorry its taking me longer Distribute the worksheet, Ways of Saying No! Have Unfortunately, stereotypes have come up in a number of role plays we have facilitated. Action! for effect. )[)d:E tS7B2.S}USv6t,~vc>=zGCcr`D2bc)j:r)@ozsfwy_67:{D3q|k C'~ IQr endstream endobj 427 0 obj [435 0 R] endobj 428 0 obj <>stream Social skills training includes interventions and instructional methods that help an individual improve and understand social behavior. 11. What are the benefits of knowing how to say no?. Give each group a card with a situation. 1. Read silently the additional patient information (page 3) to be able to respond to the volunteer during the role play. Students should also consider how they can include information about how alcohol affects the developing brain and You stand 2. 2. , If I dont do this, they might not like me., If I dont do this, they might get mad at me.. Which is based on fitness assessment, fitness goals, and body type. The goal of social skills training is to teach people about verbal and nonverbal behaviors that are involved in typical social interactions (Social, n.d.). After battling my weight for over 20 years, I finally achieved the ultimate weight loss. Emotions can come up and needs of participants can vary dramatically. At times you might say things like, go ahead and set that boundary now! or your voice sounds confident! 16. Then, ask them to try to convince you to do something wrong while you practice using the three steps to say no. Then, switch roles. 7. Were others have failed, Jason came through. As a personal trainer I would easily say he is this best. I would recommend Jason to anyone with high fitness goals. Write a radio or TV anti-smoking commercial. If you cant change your friends mind, walk away, but let your friend know he or she is welcome to join you. I really couldnt believe the amount of experience and preparation used in his exercise program.Overall, Jasons personalized health and fitness helped me to achieve my up most goals in weight loss. Grab chairs or other simple props if necessary for the role play. Write about a time when you had to resist strong peer pressure to do something you didnt want to do. Can you think of some examples? Note to the teacher or group leader: It might be a good idea to think of some way for the children to share the outcomes of these activities with each other. Think of some good ways to handle the situation if it arises, or some good ways to avoid the situation altogether. Sometimes you can make it easier on yourself by preparing in advance for a possible pressure situation. Does that influence you in any way? It was once hard for me too. They make a difference, they influence lives and they create history. If your school or organization does not have these videos, you can purchase them from. Your child is involved in learning activities designed to develop good character and empower young people to make good choices for themselves. I finally realized that doing work I truly believe in makes me happy. Jasons expertise in his field was unparalleled. Thisll help me relax., If I dont do this, theyll think Im a . 4. I completed an 8-week total body makeover with Jason to get ready for a photo shoot in Miami,His workouts were upbeat and motivating. These presentations will help you to understand our experience and quality in the area of soft skills training "When you educate a man, you liberate a man." A stranger at a bus stop tries to get your name and number, and you dont want to share these, While on a date with someone you have a crush on, they want to kiss you before you are ready, Your boss wants you to work late, but you have a prior engagement and cant do it, A friend in crisis is calling you incessantly needing support. How does it make you feel when you do something that you felt you shouldnt? Role play: Making Polite Requests This is a fun conversation class to help students with language for making, accepting and rejecting polite requests in work or home situations. I put the emphasis on saying (and meaning!) 4. One boy in the video said that when youre under the influence of alcohol, the alcohol starts doing your thinking for you. Go ahead and set that boundary now!. The current lesson is about saying no when a friend pressures us to do something we know is wrong or potentially harmful. Imagine yourself as the person you aspire to be. Follow Nozomi on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+. What worked? Subscribe to our almost Monthly Newsletter. I was so thankful to find Jason! 5. But leave the door open for them to change their minds and join you. Suggest something to do instead. 9. What does it have to do with making choices? Stalled deal scenario: challenge prospects on why they're stuck. 2. WebRole Plays We are going to role-play a few scenarios and you can demonstrate an assertive, passive or aggressive communication style. Be vigilant about stereotypes. 2. Acknowledge that its not always easy to say no to a friend; but sometimes its necessary. Here are some things you can do ahead of time. This role play is aimed at enabling participants to handle the sensitive issue of denying a promotion to an efficient person needing improvement in Emotional Intelligence. We are trying to spice up our conflict management workshop and are looking for an activity to practise 'saying no'. 13. 4. Do not stumble or hesitate. Through his top of the line nutritional and fitness knowledge I was finally able to loose 37lbs.I got my beach ready body just in time for summer. Here are some things you can do to encourage your children to say no when friends pressure them to join in on a possibly harmful activity. You are showing your colleagues, friends and family, which actions or behaviors you accept and which ones you won't. With my busy life style it was hard to find time to hit the gym. That smoking is very definitely something to say no to. If it is true, whats wrong with it? Whats the problem? His professional attitude and knowledgeable fitness advice were like nothing I had ever seen. Ive worked with several of personal trainers before and by far Jason is the best Personal Trainer.Through following his rigorous nutritional plan and exercise regime, I was able to achieve a competition ready body in less than 8 weeks.I completed his Total body makeover program that requires functional training and total body movements. Have the kids invent their own situations, and give recognition to especially creative or graceful ways of saying no. We have shown a video entitled Saying No, which presents a skit and discussion about two friends in conflict over whether or not to smoke cigarettes. Have you ever asked for time off? Common objections scenario: get comfortable answering everyday You might do a dramatic, Lights! They are to observe carefully for powerful boundary setting moments, how body language and/or tone of voice affected the scenario, etc. Be detailed and specific. . To find teaching guides on other topics for this and other grade levels click here. Write a letter of advice for them to read when they reach the age you are right now. Weba friend in saying NO to underageand illegaldrinking. Encourage your child to tell you about his or her day. Play a saying no game with your parents or other members of your family. . If you change your mind, come on over., (If you wish to copy or use any material from this website, please click here for Terms of Use.). This means give and take on both sides, however there are some core elements that your side is not prepared to concede. Jasons personal training routine and extensive nutritional guides brought me unbelievable results. Phone: 650-931-2505 | Fax: 650-931-2506 News and developments in character education and helpful tips and ideas that you can use with your own program! It takes lot of courage to say NO. When set up intentionally and facilitated heavily, role plays can be an effective learning opportunity for folks with greatly varying needs. I trust Jason with my career. This website provided as a service to educators by, Character Education, Mindfulness, Social-Emotional Learning, and Life Skills Resources for Grades K-12, If you cant change your friends mind, walk away, but let your friend know he or she is welcome to join you. Here are some ideas for a role play script: Dont say: Ill put you on hold. *annoying on-hold music*. Fitness modeling has always been my life time dream. End it when its done. As with anything new that lives outside your comfort zone, the first step is the hardest. 5. Is it easier to say No when the other person demands, or when they coax? Hi, Im Jeff from New York City. 12. How did it make you feel? 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