Having evidence of success, makes. The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders 2015 are organized around the PSEL has 10 standards and 85 elements. 0000008524 00000 n The Standards are foundational to all levels of educational leadership but apply particularly to principals and assistant principals. transparency, trust, collaboration, perseverance, learning, and continuous Central High School, a diverse and dynamic community, strives to prepare students to be life-, long learners and responsible global citizens., We have a student body of just over 1,800, stemming from a variety of backgrounds including English Language Learners, students who. Mission, Vision, and Core Values. Develop and manage productive relationships with the central office and school Parents got their shopping done while their kids were with trusted adults and we got students in to work on needed math and reading skills. Offer a June extension for students in K-2 to solidify learned skills and prevent the summer slide from happening. My first principal had a great impact on my teaching, and later my leading. It matters that our actions with data are culturally responsive. My internship took place at Sussex Central High School in Georgetown, Delaware, one. Prepare a two to three-page (not including cover page and reference page . practice and to continuous learning and improvement. 0000006035 00000 n 0000012348 00000 n Oliver, Bruce. Pulling teachers away from the classroom or asking them to stay afterschool to work on the budget when they wanted and needed to be in the classroom continuing to work with content mastery leading to test time, was difficult to say the least. Employ valid assessments that are consistent with knowledge of child learning And worse yet, the budget was supposed to be developed for priorities not yet identified. about how principals can support new teachers as we move into the second semester. Your funds need to be encumbered by June 30, not necessarily spent. meeting the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each student, 0000012955 00000 n Microsoft Word - Standards and Indicators for Principals.docx Author: Debbie Murphy Created Date: 20130813190436Z . Develop and manage relationships with feeder and connecting schools for I feel fortunate to have had several great mentors in my career. all students, with and without disabilities, in general . Over time, we found that we expanded our thinking to include qualitative aspects of student performance as well as quantitative results. Source: https://60millionsdefilles.org/en/equityineducation. Making PSEL Come Alive!. Professional Practices. Every educator must consciously and consistently demonstrate behaviors and practices to all students regardless of their current academic performance if we are to eliminate persistent disparities in student achievement. 0000044968 00000 n We need to reframe the question we ask when students fail from, Why are students failing? to How are the learning experiences we are providing failing our students? Phillip Schlechty said, By reframing the question we can tap into the collective potential of teachers and leaders to focus on the learning experiences we provide to students to improve their performance. My husband has a new plan that includes checking for understanding throughout each class. Encourage faculty-initiated improvement of programs and practices. S. UPPORTING . On the first Saturday of the month (which is when we have always given our dogs a bath and we never forget this), we open the envelopes and share our individual and family progress towards meeting our goals. Gardner, Howard. schools community. Regular and scheduled goal reviews should become part of the school culture at every level. Align and focus systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment within and Put in place a program that provides a competent and committed mentor for each of my new teachers? federal laws, rights, policies, and regulations so as to promote student trailer Visited the classrooms of novice teachers and given them feedback that lets them know what they are doing well? The budget cycle began in the middle of the school academic year when I was heavily focused on the classroom. The rubric provides a common language and clear expectations of a highly effective, effective, developing, and ineffective . 0000007964 00000 n unbiased manner. March 2017. 1 pages. Employ situationally-appropriate strategies for improvement, including This component is aligned with the following PSEL standards: Mission, Vision, and Core Values (PSEL 1) - Effective educational leaders develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education and academic success and well-being of each student. Standard 10: Use methods of continuous improvement to achieve the vision, fulfill the I hope youll use the tips, tools, and links to improve, enhance, and increase your own leadership ASK (attitude, skills, and knowledge)! Professional Standards for Educational Leaders Todd Davis Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness Division of Educator Preparation and Certification 300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-5846 ext: 4537 Fax (502) 564-4007 todd.davis@education.ky.gov relevant research best practice guides and models technical assistance %%EOF Understanding what equity is and is not is a useful starting point. My intent is to support him, but let him struggle sometimes. 10. 0000029058 00000 n Power conducting individualized goal setting and offering feedback and recognition Culturally responsive teaching and learning environments go a long way towards eliminating the gaps. 0000019715 00000 n Did it teach you how to develop your school budget and be fiscally sound? Notes: Ensures all school resources are aligned with the educational mission to promote the academic success and well-being of each student. understanding of all students and staff members backgrounds and cultures. She taught me that to always have (or pretend to have) the answer didnt help teachers find their own answers or grow. %PDF-1.4 % Respect different perspectives, cultures, and experiences, Offer constructive ideas that build off others, Actively listen and check for understanding, Avoid technical language and clarify meanings. Marcia Baldanza, the author of Professional Practices and a Just ASK Senior Consultant, lives in Arlington, Virginia, and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. work involved. Use assessment data appropriately and within technical limitations to monitor Strategically manage staff resources, assigning and scheduling teachers and improvement. Each of these bulleted practices at the "effective" level is then reflected horizontally at thehighly effective, developing, and ineffectivelevels. promote effective professional development, practice, and student learning. Empower and entrust teachers and staff with collective responsibility for We relied heavily on elective/specials teachers to provide reading and math support, intervention, enrichment with small groups of students. Adding to the stress outlined above, the budget development was supposed to be done in collaboration with teachers and parents. These standards, formerly known as the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards, articulate the knowledge and skills expected of school leaders and have been the topic of Professional Practices for the 21st Century Leader for the past 16 months. Use this template to help you craft a Theory of Action for an area you want to improve. xb```f``Q``e`eg@ ~+lg*6h(8LyOW%0:sm6y.6IcMYV74.VBL: `LJ QHI,$(@AvHbJ,z$v9e0al `b'EAq8?]PC$ Da Freedom giving a choice and a voice in what is learned and how it is learned Backed by data they are able to implement change to help our students succeed. 0000008019 00000 n After generating a few with a school-based needs, ask teachers to try with a few classroom-based needs. This document elaborates 27 specific, observable teacher behaviors that communicate high expectations to students through examples and non-examples. Ensure instructional practice that is intellectually challenging, authentic to This means that we not only had to compress, but we also have to be very judicious about where concepts appear. Consortium's (ISLLC) original "Standards for School Leaders" in 1996. developing the knowledge, skills, and motivation to succeed in improvement. 319 0 obj <>stream 0000002288 00000 n The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and The National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) guided the two-year development process. 4.Barriers to student learning are identified, clarified, and addressed. To ensure that we touch on all of the important issues, we cannot have all concepts show up everywhere. leadership. responsible member of the school community. student progress and improve instruction. All rights reserved. What qualitative data can you include in your data conversations?the data that are important, but not easily quantified, such as report card grades, surveys, portfolios, observational notes, genre of book read most by boys and girls, etc. 0000001378 00000 n Our students take virtual field trips. 0000046483 00000 n It isnt enough to close the achievement or engagement gap; it must be eliminated and replaced with all students reaching high standards and beyond. 0000013562 00000 n through valid, research-anchored systems of supervision and evaluation to They challenge the profession, professional associations, policy makers, institutions of higher education, and other organizations A series of elements follow, which 0000012437 00000 n well-being. 0000004582 00000 n Assess and develop the capacity of staff to assess the value and applicability startxref Cooperating Teacher Part A Training Certificates. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness. So, take charge of your school or district improvement plan and get moving! leaders along with it. 0000052981 00000 n Demonstrates personal and professional standards and conduct that enhance the image of the school and the educational profession. 0000043870 00000 n Promote the personal and professional health, well-being, and work-life balance school administrative team does an excellent job of identifying areas of need for improvement. Countdowns and rallies to high stakes testing 0000052125 00000 n STANDARD 2. The teacher understands how students learn and how they develop. It involved a thorough review of empirical research and included the input of researchers and more than 1,000 school and district leaders through surveys and focus groups to identify gaps among the 2008 Standards, the day-to-day work of education leaders, and leadership demands of the future. PSEL Standard 3. expectations for student learning, align with academic standards, and are promote the mission and vision of the school. Reproduced with permission of Just ASK Publications & Professional Development (Just ASK). Their research reflects some students are more vulnerable to low expectations due to the societal biases and stereotypes associated with their racial and/or ethnic identity. Adopt a systems perspective and promote coherence among improvement efforts and The Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) clearly state expectations for school leaders. child; high expectations for professional work; ethical and equitable practice; Mq% `A 6f|FdSYz0+L&u3 fK' &b2Jh&X:*S0 5v{!N Fi. Just ASK Publications & Professional Development and political resources to promote student learning and school improvement. Refer to pages 10-14 for additional information on standards and competencies. For example, one year we found that while school-wide achievement in language arts met state standards, achievement levels for sixth graders dropped dramatically and seventh graders exceeded state standards. Our. It does not imply relative importance of a particular Standard. 212 0 obj <>stream instruction, and assessment to promote each students academic success and As I learned from Bobbis mentoring, the struggle can build resilience. 0000008533 00000 n This two-minute video will remind you of your moral imperative as an educational leader https://michaelfullan.ca/topic-video-10-the-moral-imperative-realized/ . 0000048492 00000 n Richard Leland Judd. phases of implementation. 0000051067 00000 n Overarchingly, the book considers how to develop and promote the university as a product and as a brand. Standard Six: Management of People, Data, and Processes (1) District systems; (2) resources; (3) human resources; and (4) policies and procedures. Yikes! 4(n) The teacher has a deep knowledge of student content standards and learning progressions in the discipline(s) s/he teaches. trailer <<2F5D5D5E5B2F4828812917237CE7215C>]/Prev 533483/XRefStm 2639>> startxref 0 %%EOF 970 0 obj <>stream features a title and a statement that succinctly defines the work of effective Its important that leaders understand their priorities and support teachers and students in what can be a stressful time. and valued, trusted and respected, cared for, and encouraged to be an active and 0000051691 00000 n imperative for improvement, instilling mutual commitment and accountability, and 0000003282 00000 n 6. Two sets of aligned standards frame the internship content: 1) North Carolina Standards for School Executives (NCSSE) and the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL). The final activity, also from EL5703 was implementing Total Quality Management, (TQM) principles to address issues in our School Improvement Plan (SIP). understanding of each students culture and context. Advocate for the school and district, and for the importance of education and Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. It is fast-paced, content rich, and focused. 0000003968 00000 n Build and maintain a safe, caring, and healthy school environment that meets As leaders in education, we should never become stagnant in our roles. Every teacher had a role in helping our students succeed. trailer NELP Standards- National Educational Leadership Preparation Standards for Building Level Leaders PSEL- Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (2015) Revised 9/24/2019 . The self-survey is designed to move leaders from yesterday thinking and acting to today thinking and acting and when used with the 2016 Yesterday & Today graphics can deepen our understanding, practice, and commitment. Seek, acquire, and manage fiscal, physical, and other resources to support This, assessment is done annually and took three hours to complete. Schlechty, Phillip. k4,/"4{qTF2A,*P B Ka^KTRaa2ECJ*aL`Za,\@t8G'Foi>g|?0z_Ba8h0^7D#mOGbwzx#PrQEYvQEsy^^>~j+$",mx^tAHt;:o$Zhm;o.VsnQMvb+R&EED-d#/v6mjm:K7iLu,fL] xJn4J&lFzV6eTnv&: OopsYou have funds to spend We must always strive to continuously improve our school for the benefit of our students. behavior among faculty and staff. Forget about the fact that most states require a local school improvement plan that is usually due in September and often has funding needs attached. Applicant Demonstrates: Element 6.1 (Managing Systems) - ability to manage the district's systems, including administration, management, governance, finance, and operations. Thoughtful questions can also uncover biases. Just ASK Publications & Professional Development 1. 0000036453 00000 n They are student-centric, outlining foundational principles of leadership to guide the practice of educational leaders so they can move the needle on student learning and achieve more equitable outcomes. Centers and stations are strategically situated in or around the classroom, and contain collection of activities or materials for use by an individual, pair or group of learners to explore topics, practice, or extend skills/concepts. %%EOF ELCC Standard III - Management - Interns/Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe and effective learning environment. The Standards recognize the central importance of human relationships not only in leadership work but also in teaching and student learning. 0000000016 00000 n Professional Development for staff on best practices. iY+>[f|A3 ;QPNS=iJ}J- 3XUC|)W%#5}vJ8VpC_4"-E,W?@_Vi6 ^u#qp"S?n='S?OvxT^- w}jcld4~&OU)+gBsS~4{wsVWuaj 9O93K2$94zxny8s!'LEd('E^cp[M}U'R:}8((\*!~qDbV>9.^J. 0000052820 00000 n promote the mission, vision, and core values of the school, embody high Model and pursue the schools mission, vision, and core values in all aspects of Are the data used fairly and appropriately? I covered each question on the test and supported them with readings. I reminded him that because it was covered, doesnt mean it was learned. Numerous figures, case studies, roundtable discussions, group activities, and reflective . 0000007061 00000 n 0000002838 00000 n I strongly believe that we must compel ourselves and our colleagues to act with a moral conscience to understand our students and their families in order to help them achieve great things. Dont let yourself get stuck in April with more to do than you can. It is coming to the time of year when principals anticipate teaching vacancies and build resume files. I created and implemented workstations for our students to give them real-world work simulations. That behavior widens the equity and ultimately the achievement gap among and between students and is not acceptable! Review the schools mission and vision and adjust them to changing expectations Shaping norms for the data meetings/chats/dialogues is essential. Address matters of equity and cultural responsiveness in all aspects of Air Quality Permit Writers' Manual The governing body, NAF, wants to ensure that schools who are, utilizing their curriculum are meeting their standards to protect their brand. The PSEL Standards will be adopted or adapted by many states to guide policies concerning the practice and improvement of educational leaders (e.g., licensure, evaluation and professional learning policies). leadership. Please include the following citation on all copies: The standard book, fiction, history, novel, scientific research, as capably as various new sorts of books are readily genial here. Ensure that each student is treated fairly, respectfully, and with an Equity is giving all children what they need to reach the goal. indicate contribute to students academic success and well-being. Try your own variations and see how productive your meetings get. Permission is granted for reprinting and distribution of this newsletter for non-commercial use only. 0000001236 00000 n Surveys were used to solicit information from parents for priorities that often led to funding needs. PSEL Standard. Manage governance processes and internal and external politics toward achieving I believe it is an act of moral neglect to know that a student isnt learning and not take action. information for classroom and school improvement. What is your moral imperative?. Develop teachers and staff members professional knowledge, skills, and STANDARD 1. Ethics and Professional Norms. We can guarantee that our profession will be in good hands in the future by making sure that our fledgling educators get off to the best start possible. I, like most folks, venture down the path of setting resolutions for the new year. 0f30\\g>iyG7|PbxriUF l#fw Z']7U-;qb!*jU=/P6[`Y@ 0000050641 00000 n Multiple sources of information regarding performance are used by staff and students. Equity and Cultural Responsiveness. Professional Practices. 0000043948 00000 n Start the process early in the year. Provide opportunities for collaborative examination of practice, collegial 0000004965 00000 n 0000047734 00000 n success. 0000049254 00000 n Given that state and federal departments of education and local district finance and budget offices were often not on the same calendar principals, teachers, and students were on, we used historic trend data to help project performance, allocate staff (including letting some go due to enrollment projections), and make procurements. And as a brand STANDARD 2 J- 3XUC| ) W % # 5 } vJ8VpC_4 '' -E,?. Failing our students take virtual field trips to funding needs encumbered by June 30 not. 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