14853 S Founders Crossing . endstream >> endstream Steak Fajitas Sauted onions, tomatoes and bell pepper. Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate. Just when you thought nothing could get messier than taco night, along comes the tostada, which I dare you to eat daintily. Taco and a tostada suiza. endstream q@ A ! 440 calories. ! Nutrition Facts Easy Tostada Recipe Amount Per Serving There are 440 calories in a 1 tostada serving of 8 0 obj Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. Extra filled with steak, roasted peppers, onions and sour topping. Tabasco Style Enchiladas with a Picadillo filling. Dinners served with beans, rice, sour topping, guacamole, pico de gallo and cheese. Vrooman Southside Pepe's Mexican Tostada Suiza Chicken (1 serving) contains 21g total carbs, 21g net carbs, 17g fat, 19g protein, and 320 calories. @ Q @ ! 1/2 carne asada or 1/4 grilled chicken breast and your choice of a tostada suiza, tamale, taco, sope, or flauta. Served with rice and beans. 10.25 Cholula 59.2% fat, A giant flour tortilla grilled to a golden crisp. Elise founded Simply Recipes in 2003 and led the site until 2019. Empanada. Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. /Height 48 Four mini tacos stuffed with tender grilled steak and garnished with pico de gallo. Grilled and marinated strips of chicken breast, sauted Spanish onions, tomatoes, and bell peppers. A veggie burrito deep fried to a golden crisp and covered with chopped tomatoes, guacamole and shredded cheddar cheese. Chicken en Mole $12.95. Served with rice and beans. Valparaiso, IN 46383, US. 18 0 obj Filled with beef and a generous portion of fried beans. Pepes Salsa 16oz $6.50 Burrito OUR CHOICE OF REGULAR, SUIZO (MELTED CHEESE & RANCHERA SAUCE), OR FRITO (DEEP FRIED). Fiesta taco, enchilada suiza, tostada and a tamale. Anything that could go in a taco could also go on a tostada, so you can have fish tostadas, shredded chicken tostadas, or beef tostadas. << /Height 47 ########################################################################################################################################## 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Carne Asada Special Combo $14.95. /Type/XObject Golden crisp mini tacos for 1 served sour topping and guacamole. Order Carne Asada Suiza online from Pepes Mexican Restaurant - Hickory Hills 8128 W 95th St. . Form the tostadas by spreading refried beans on the fried tortilla, and then add the ground beef, lettuce, cheese, salsa verde, and Mexican crema. Steak, grilled chicken or carnitas with roasted bell peppers, onions, sour topping and fried beans. Then flip them over and bake them for an additional 5-10 minutes, or until the tortillas are crispy. Strawberry, chocolate or caramel topping. endstream Served with fried beans, pico de gallo, sour topping, and warm corn or flour tortillas. Pepe's Fajita Combo Broiled and marinated steak, chicken and shrimp, with sauteed Spanish onions, tomatoes and bell peppers. Taco, enchilada suiza, and tostada suiza. X There are 440 calories in a 1 tostada serving of Pepe's Beef & Bean Tostada Suiza. Top Pepe's Items. Pepe's Pork & Bean Tostada Suiza. [/Indexed/DeviceCMYK 7 8 0 R] Fill the center of each tortilla with the chicken and roll it up. However, for those who dont always have a ready-made salsa at home, it might not be that easy. Served with tortilla chips. /Subtype/Image Carne Asada Tacos Chicos. Garnished with guacamole and sour topping. * DI: Recommended Daily Intake based on 2000 calories diet. 1 taco (138g) Nutrition . Filled with fresh vegetables and beans. A giant flour tortilla grilled to a golden crisp. Served in a crunchy flour tortilla bowl with your choice of salad dressing. 1/4 chicken or chicken breast simmered in our velvety mole sauce, served with rice and salad. . stream Hi, I'm Mely Martinez, a former Mexican school teacher, home cook, and food blogger. ! Garden fresh vegetables smothered with your choice of meat and topped with shredded cheddar cheese. Served with guacamole and sour topping. Use metal tongs or a spatula to push the tortilla down in the oil, and to turn and lift the tortilla out of the pan, draining the excess oil as you do so. Features Submenu Macros Tracker With the best macro tracking app for the Keto diet, never be left wondering if you're "doing Keto right". CARNE ASADA ESPECIAL. /Length 48 Your choice of warm corn or flour tortillas. 3 enchiladas covered with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. tostada suiza, enchilada suiza, flauta or tamale Tradicionales. Tender, juicy and flavorful. A treasure of grilled steak, chicken breast, pork chop, chorizo, 4 shrimp, cheese, nopalitos, jalapeos and green onions over a bed of sauted veggies. Chicken a la Mexicana $12.95. Or individual oven-proof plates, if you prefer. Online Ordering Unavailable . endstream All rights reserved. Sprinkle some cheese and cilantro on top. Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. Have you ever asked yourself, "How much weight can I lose in a month?" Kid's Enchilada Suiza Dinner $5.50 . /Range[0 1] 23.6% carbs, "0 "@0 bD "" 0 2 " 0$B""$ ! " Keep the beans on warm while you prepare the tortillas, adding water to them as necessary to keep a creamy consistency. endobj Please note that the variety of menu may vary depending on your Pepe's menu Jack In The Box Garlic Herb Chicken Recipe. A huge tortilla bowl filled with tortilla chips,covered with your choice of meat. Fiesta Taco, enchilada suiza, tostada and a tamale. If you are onPinterest,check our boards with hundreds of delicious ideas I'm pinning for you! Fresh poblano pepper, stuffed with your choice of chicken or cheese. << Served with refried beans, guacamole, and sour topping. Your choice of meat and fried beans. 1 Beef enchilada suiza. @@@@ |@@  |@ |@ |  @ q @ q. /Length 520 << Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. In Mexico, we have a popular saying: these are not enchiladas.It is often used when you want to tell someone that something isnt as easy as, say, making enchiladas. MENU; LOCATIONS; GIFT CARDS; HISTORY; VIP CLUB; PROMOTIONS; EVENTS; NUTRITION; ALLERGENS & GLUTENS; HISTORY; PRIVACY STATEMENT; PEPE'S CORPORATE; CONTACT; Find a Pepe's Location Enter Zip Code or Choose City. Topped with chopped tomatoes, green onions and mild jalapeno cheese sauce. /Subtype/Image /Length 12 Favorites Enchiladas Poblanas three enchiladas with your choice of beef, chicken, or pork, covered with melted . >> Calorie Breakdown: 57.1% Fat, 24.4% Carbs, 18.5% Protein stream /Length 46 Instant Pot Chicken Tinga. location. Regular: in a large flour tortilla with a lettuce and tomato garnish, suizo: topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce, frito: a deep-fried burrito topped with guacamole and chopped tomatoes. So whether your goal is walking for weight loss, tracking the foods you eat, or something else entirely, MyFitnessPal has the tools you need to start your fitness and health journey today. endstream Covered with ranchera sauce. Grilled chicken or steak served over a bed of chopped lettuce with tomatoes, onions and shredded cheese. J-1. /Domain[0 1] There are 410 Calories in a 1 tostada (184g) Serving of Pepe's Chicken & Bean Tostada Suiza. Additionally, our nutrition visualizer that suggests that you limit sodium, sugar, etc., and get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals is not intended as medical advice. Filled with beef and a generous portion of fried beans. << 14 0 obj $11.25 All Steak (No Beans) (Suizo) Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. Enchiladas Suizas, Having two of the main ingredients already prepared, this delicious meal will be easier to cook, and in less time. Order online and track your order live. << >> endobj Lunch Specials . Don't keep them in the oven too long, or they will burn. With exercise demos, workout routines and more than 500 recipes available on the app, MyFitnessPal gives members a wellness roadmap for anything from the best fat burning workouts to healthy foods to eat. Topped with lettuce, shredded cheese and tomato. %PDF-1.4 stream She has an MA in Food Research from Stanford University. Broiled skinless, boneless chicken breast served with french fries or fresh fruit. X { 1 exch sub } Served with sour topping and pico de gallo. $7.95 /Type/XObject $14.95. and a side of rice & beans Add Steak for $1.5 per item $17.28 Flautas Dinner beef or chickenerved w/ your choice of beef, chicken, or pork. }|;; q|qpcqA~;(.||<0:h; p}`pyw~8p Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. Add more oil to the pan as needed, taking care that the oil heats sufficiently before adding a tortilla to the pan. Pepe's Mexican Restaurant Pepe's Tostadas Beef & Bean Suiza (1 serving) contains 26g total carbs, 22g net carbs, 29g fat, 19g protein, and 440 calories. /Type/XObject Definately will make again. Served with Spanish rice and refried beans. Once you shred your chicken, warm it in a flavorful sauce made from chorizo, garlic . Served in a crunchy flour tortilla bowl with your choice of salad dressing. $.75ExtraGuacamole(pertaco) MAYAN $15 Taco, Enchilada Suiza, Tostada Suiza PUEBLA $16 Chile Relleno, Taco, Tamale FIESTA $16 Taco, Enchilada, Suiza, Tostada, Tamale Served with your choice of beef, chicken or pork and a side of rice & beans - Add . Shredded Spicy Chicken Tostadas. /Type/XObject Learn how your comment data is processed. Served with rice and beans. #@# # B " " B " B " 2 "" C%! Carb Manager Menu. and a side of rice & beans Add Steak for $1.5 per item $17.28 + Flautas Dinner beef or chickenerved w/ your choice of beef, chicken, or pork. Pepe's Papas $10.95 Potato skins stuffed with chorizo, topped with Chihuahua or Bacon with Cheddar cheese. >> endobj /Type/ExtGState /Length 221 1 @ ! If not, the oil is not hot enough.). Tostada Suiza 1 Photo 1 Review Website menu Full menu Location & Hours 1901 W 79th St Chicago, IL 60620 Winchester Ave & Wolcott Ave Auburn Gresham Get directions Edit business info Amenities and More Health Score Pass w/ Conditions Powered by Hazel Analytics Offers Takeout No Reservations No Delivery 8 More Attributes Ask the Community Place the tortilla on a paper towel-lined plate, to absorb the excess oil. /Length 6672 Served with a heaping portion of golden French fries. X @H\' ?U#iFI And we almost always use packaged tostada shells, because we live in California where you can buy them at almost any supermarket (when you are shopping for them, the thicker the tortilla the better, by the way). items. * DI: Recommended Daily Intake based on 2000 calories diet. One at a time, fry the tortillas in the oil. /Length 49 endobj /Height 13 [/Indexed/DeviceCMYK 7 26 0 R] Jack In The Box Bacon Scallion Mashed Potatoes Recipe. Served with guacamole and sour topping. Heat a skillet over medium heat; warm one tablespoon of oil and warm the tortillas one at a time to soften, giving it just a few seconds per side. /Width 87 Smothered with cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. Fiesta . @2 0A 0 A R! 3 0 obj Served with sour topping and pico de gallo. endobj Pepe's menu Fresh ground masa, filled with shredded pork and wrapped in corn husks and steamed. For those of you, that want to make your own Salsa Verde, follow the recipe. << I guess it refers to the fact that corn tortillas, salsa, and cheese are common staples for the Mexican home cook, and that you can quickly prepare this meal by dipping the tortillas into the sauce and topping them with crumbled cheese. burgers served with french fries or fresh fruit. Pepe's Chicken & Bean Tostada Suiza. ? @  @ UUU @ UUT @ UUT @    ?  ? ? ? ? ? @ ? @ @  UUU@ @ P @ _ @ @ UUU @ UUU @  @  @ @ ?  /Subtype/Image The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. Calorie breakdown: stream endstream How long would it take to burn off 410 calories of Pepe's Mexican Restaurant Chicken & Bean Tostada Suiza ? Covered with sizzling melted cheddar cheese. Actually, you must attempt to eat a tostada with finesse, otherwise all hope is lost, and the thing will crumble in your hands with the mounds of filling succumbing to gravity only to ricochet off your plate to the surrounding table, lap, floor, etc. Reheat the refried beans in a skillet over medium-low heat or in a microwave until steaming hot. Features Submenu Macros Tracker With the best macro tracking app for the Keto diet, never be left wondering if you're "doing Keto right". Served with rice and beans. A deep fried burrito topped with guacamole and tomatoes. Calorie breakdown: 18.5% protein. Fresh fruit served on the side. Grilled Cheese Sandwich Grilled just right, to a golden brown. Lay the tortillas in a single layer on top of a greased sheet pan. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Topped with melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. Extra filled with steak, roasted peppers, onions and sour topping. ). Melted chihuahua cheese inside the tortilla. /Filter/FlateDecode >> Better yet, go 1/2 & 1/2.!! I have a huge family of ALL men to feed so THANK YOU. Activity Needed to Burn: 410 calories 1 Hour of Cycling 41 Minutes of Running /Length 22 Covered with sizzling melted cheddar cheese and ranchera sauce. /ColorSpace 30 0 R If you want something truly over-the-top you might make your own tortillas from scratch, let them get a day or two old, then fry them and top them with home-cooked beans that you've smashed up with bacon fat. 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