Recalling that Hook told her about how Mr. Gold had groveled at him, Emma believes that Mr. Gold became better after the change. The girl barely manages to mentions Hook when a hellhound, Cerberus, approaches them, prompting Emma to teleport all three of them to the Underworld version of her parents' apartment. Emma affirms she is better as the Dark One, free of her past closed-minded and judgmental personality, and suggests they can move forward together if he is willing. An argument breaks out between Emma and Regina as Elsa pleads for them to mend fences. Despite Hook's proclamation about winning her heart fair and square, Emma continues to focus on Henry's safety, with Hook promising that he won't hold back on chasing after her once they get off the island. Realizing she always had her sisters' love, Ingrid destroys herself to ensure the curse is lifted. Out of nowhere, Aurora entraps all of them inside the cell, which is later explained when Cora reveals she has the girl's heart in her possession. Emma looked terrified I knew she wouldn't do this without Killian. Aurora discovers Hook beneath a pile of bodies, and he attempts to deceive the foursome by stating he survived Cora's attack on the camp by hiding under some dead bodies. When they reach the outside, they decide to regroup with Tinker Bell first and then continue the mission. Learning about Operation Mongoose, Emma decides to pitch in and help Regina find her happy ending. Emma shoves him off the roof. Together, the women get Excalibur from Mr. Gold, with Emma intending to absorb all the darkness and having Regina kill her to extinguish the Dark Ones. ("The Price of Gold"), Heading into Any Given Sundae, Emma prepares to buy cherry vanilla ice cream for Henry when she is shocked to see Ingrid standing behind the counter. Emma and Sidney go have a drink at the diner and vow to become allies against Regina's cruelty. After the battle, Aurora is discovered to be missing and in Cora's captivity. Henry Daniel Mills, also known as Young Man, [2] the Truest Believer and the Author, is a character on ABC 's Once Upon a Time. Eventually, only herself and Neal are left in the battle. Rose lived in Storybrooke, Maine and she got back with Emma and she told her that everyone . ". Regina has no answers about the photo, so Emma offers to lend magic in unfreezing Marian. ", "No, I can't I need Killian, please I need to wait.". Again, she presses Mary Margaret to not get mixed up with him. I looked at Ruby, I was so pissed at her, but I couldn't stay mad at her for long because then another contraction hit. Exemplo: Snow e Mary Margareth no so a mesma pessoa. After forcing him to leave, they learn Ruby is out of a job and place to stay, so Emma and Mary Margaret take her in as an apartment roommate. They also confess to trying to burn the illustration so the Author wouldn't darken her heart. He dbuts in the first episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast members Jared S. Gilmore and Andrew J. Congratulations! Henry insists that Regina is framing Mary Margaret and presents a set of keys from Regina's office as proof, which he claims can open any door in Storybrooke. I told her that I have a date with Robin and asked if she could take Henry for a couple hours. Emma tries to ask the young Pinocchio if he can remember what August was trying to tell her before, but he cannot recall. Subsequently, Emma and everyone else turns against Mr. Gold by drawing their weapons, but things cool down only when Neal forces him to hand over the box. Returning to Rumplestiltskin, Emma and Hook learn a special wand can replicate magic, but the portal has to be made by someone who already traveled through it. Right as we arrived at the hospital, Dr. Whale's was out there to greet us, he tried to get me out of the car, but I leaned over in pain. Zelena chokes the boy and blames Hook for failing to do what she asked. She borrows Henry's book and turns to a section showing a photo of the Mad Hatter and his daughter. In a bout of intense rage, Regina uses magic to physically shove Emma away and even dared her to use magic in her defense. The Snow Queen steals Regina's mirror and chokes them, but Elsa arrives to blast her away. She finds her family and Merida looking up information on Hades at the library, where she has a meltdown over Hook, whom she knows is unable to move on from the Underworld because of her. ("The Snow Queen"), In the woods, Henry approaches Emma, but she unintentionally sends him flying back and sustaining a cut. When Hook rushes in to check on her, Mr. Gold escapes after the ink's effects wear off. Emma finds it suspicious Kathryn didn't discover her husband's whereabouts until now, but lets it slide. During a party at Granny's, she talks to Lily about her father, whose identity not even her mother Maleficent knows of as both she and Lily's birth father only met in their dragon forms. Emma returns to Archie and tells him about a theory she has, in which the cloaked enemy in her vision is Regina. Emma is accused of having a more than professional relationship with Graham, but affirms anything that did happen meant nothing. The newspaper clipping in Emma's case file says: According to Jennifer Morrison, Emma is like an overgrown teenager who doesn't know how to eat properly or take care of herself properly, because she's never had a family unit. Awkwardly, Emma excuses herself. She has suspicions that Mr. Gold may have kidnapped and held Kathryn hostage, but he plays off her claims. It is a long story, but one that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Himself, the great Lord Voldemort, with children. Nearby, David, Mary Margaret and Regina mull over a coconut half with holes, which Emma notices it is a perfect fit for the candle holder half. Suspecting Regina left her phone behind to keep her from following, she rushes outside and finds the mobile on the ground. ("Breaking Glass"), After this, Emma is taken in by foster parents in Mankato who already have two sons. Her parents are appalled by this, but Emma reassures them that she is just trying to understand where Hook is coming from. On return to Storybrooke, Emma tells Hook that she loves him, as everything they've faced has finally given her the courage to say it. Dr. Whale greeted us at the entrance like he was expecting us or something. Regina, after realizing the ingredients for the spell came from the vault, relates her suspicions to Emma and Snow about Zelena overriding the vault's blood magic seal. The duo drives away and go to a hotel where Neal allows her to make a decision on the place they are going to spend their lives together. Archie discloses that the fairytales are Henry's way of coping with problems like his difficult relationship with Regina. Following a day of playing, a sleeping Henry is carried back to the apartment by Neal and they put him to bed. , The only person who knew is gone and, after trying to open up to someone she thought would care, Emmas reminded of the reason its a secret in the first place. So I walked out into the lobby and went to ask Charming if there was anything. While they scour the beach coastline, Tamara runs up to casually mention the reason for her change in jogging areas. Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Although Emma is invited to join her loved ones at the diner, she instead asks Regina to fulfill the promise of stopping her if she ever went too far. She is half-sister to The Truest Believer . Emma Swan is based on the titular character of the fairytale "The Ugly Duckling". That night, she meets Hook at the dock, after he has disposed of the shears into the sea. Somehow, Emma discovers Belle is making a healing spell to wake Mr. Gold, but the last ingredient must be something that once touched him when he wasn't the Dark One yet. After the danger is over, Henry is discovered to be kidnapped by Greg and Tamara, but they are not fast enough to stop the duo from taking him into a portal. The two reach the town square, where Emma reunites with her parents, Hook, Regina, and Zelena. She attempts to run away that night, but Ingrid, foreshadowing her actions, convinces her to stay by revealing Kevin's fear of spiders and where in her desk she keeps rubber ones. Emma and Regina have been together, and have fallen into their roles perfectly. As the ship sets sail by Emma's magical influence, Hook gets straight to the point, asking what is behind the door in her house. I said with a little stutter. So I knew that I had to keep checking to see if Killian was here or if anyone had gotten a hold of him. As Emma departs from the house, she sees Henry peering at her from his bedroom window. ("Welcome to Storybrooke"), Emma sees David is making yet another breakfast tray for Mary Margaret, who is still in bed since the aftermath of Cora's death. Once they are gone, Emma pick locks their guest room while Henry keeps watch. The magic in all the songs are later imbued into Emma's heart by the Blue Fairy, who explains that she'll need the songs one day as she will fight a great battle on her own. When her son asks her how are things between her and Killian, she replies that the two of them are great and a family, almost," clearly insinuating that the arrival of their child will complete their happy beginning. Right? On his request, she magically separates him and Mr. Gold, and he begins to die. As they storm the cabin, Cruella pulls a gun on them, although Mary Margaret knocks her out. He nodded and started driving the speed limit. Returning home, Emma notices Henry forgot to move the chest to the shed, so she begins taking it out herself, only to hear Hook's voice coming from a conch shell inside it. As Emma and Regina work on fixing one of the mirrors, the Queen forces the Dragon to morph into his dragon form and orders him to kill them. Killian was standing there next to me Holding my hand and rubbing my back. Pushed by his insistent pleads that Emma's family needs her, she decides to drop the plan for now. Assuming they are from Graham, she tosses them into the garbage bin, however, Mary Margaret admits the flowers are for her from Dr. Whale. While Emma argues she and Mary Margaret did everything in their power to return to Storybrooke, Leroy is anxious about what is Regina's next move, and whether the broken curse means outsiders will have the capability to come into town. Gaining a spell translation from Belle, Regina performs a ceremony to release the nuns, but she unintentionally unleashes the Chernabog as well. With only one lead left, the Snow Queen's ice cream truck, to find, they split into a search party. She apologizes to Henry for not being helpful earlier, but he is just glad she is safe. To get Emma out after a tremor causes debris to fall, Hook convinces her that they will find another way without the ambrosia. After Anna is released, Ingrid touches the scroll crystal and receives Gerda's happy memories with her and Helga. "But now it's just areminder that I have to protect those I love.". seems to change and speed up there relationship. She questioned if it was all just a dream but the bed was unmade so he must have been there. Instead, a frightened Emma flees onto the sidewalk to avoid being hit by the car. "Just get out now." However, Emma and Regina are imprisoned by in the mirror instead, after the Queen switched mirrors without them knowing. After finding Robin and his daughter, James surprises Emma by placing a cuff in her wrist, which disables her magic. 88 pages Completed April 16, 2021 Meesha Patricia. When Emma refuses to listen to her, Regina disguises herself as the Queen and arrives at the knighting ceremony, where she proclaims her intent to destroy them and implies only a hero like Emma can defeat her. The blonde continues to stand by her decision, stating that Hook was the one who ran and there's nothing more to say about the issue. She investigates and raises her sword in alarm when spooked by a young boy, who presents himself as Peter Pan. The two women get into a fight, but Tamara uses a magic bean to open a portal. In actuality, the more Emma's belief in magic fades, the more rapidly that magical realms cease to exist. As she opens the door, David is on the other side. She takes Cleo's past advice to her and begins wearing the jacket as her "armor" to protect herself emotionally from other people. Mother Superior, on cue, attempts to freeze Regina, but she catches the dust in midair and tosses it aside. Zelena turns down Emma's offer of protection as she doesn't want to start trouble that might have a bad influence on her baby. Pan makes the ludicrous claim that he is Henry. Ingrid believes she and Elsa belong with her since they have similar powers, and because Emma's family will come to fear their daughter if her powers become dangerous. Due to his persistence about the matter, she helps convince Mary Margaret to read to a comatose patient, John Doe, who Henry stubbornly believes is Prince Charming. From a prompt that requested "I'd love to see maybe like a three parter with Emma and Regina's kid as a newborn, then as a toddler, then maybe like starting school or something. They temporarily stop the creature, but Regina has a more permanent solution by using a hat to send it away. They believe in their world, Emma just might have her happy ending. They bring Mr. Gold up to the apartment room while Emma locks Hook in the storage room. Over the course of the day, Hook gains David's respect and gratitude, which cumulates with David giving his blessing to Hook so he can propose to Emma. Tamara says nothing and takes the paper back. Having no memory of it, Emma, accompanied by Elsa, drives to Regina's vault. From this, Emma realizes she can't give up the darkness yet because she needs to use it one last time to save her loved ones. Emma, David, Mary Margaret, Ruby and Leroy go into a separate room to debate about the pros and cons of helping someone from outside of town. Mysteriously, some town residents have been disappearing since everyone's return to Storybrooke, and when two more dwarves are reported missing, Emma decides to look into it. When we finished I wiped my tears away and we walked out the door to the car, and once again who's leaning on the car but Killian Jones. That night, Mary Margaret helps Emma get ready for the ball, and prior to the celebration, the two women walk out to an awaiting crowd of guests as their names are formally announced. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. Outside the room, Emma tells Regina not to comment during the interrogation, though the mayor attests that a heartbroken woman is capable of doing unspeakable things. ("Wish You Were Here"), With the portal gone, Emma and Regina acquiesce to Robin's demands and hand over their jewelry to him before he takes off as Henry and some knights approach in search of Regina. As David and Hook advance in, Elsa forms icicles and causes an avalanche that traps herself and Emma on the other side. To gain his trust, Emma pretends to sympathize by declaring that she thinks Mary Margaret is her own mother. During one night, she joins her expansive family at Granny's for supper. A rustle from the jungle causes the entire group to assemble for battle, but it turns out to be only Regina and Mr. Gold. The Dark Swan's white hair, was achieved by using a powdery spray color, which gave the hair a special kind of depth and texture. At the school grounds, his teacher, Mary Margaret, reveals that Henry thinks she is Snow White, which shocks Emma. She leaves in disgust. She's also half-sister of Henry Mills and Henry (Wish Relam), and granddaughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. She would have given anything for the opportunity. Hope Swan-Jones is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. David then flags down and searches Cruella's car, where he seemingly finds nothing suspicious. Instead, Emma kidnaps Zelena, intending to put Hook's darkness as well as her own into the witch, and then kill her as a means to extinguish the darkness for good. When she doesn't listen to Henry, he purposely swerves the car as the vehicle crashes into a ditch. He confirms they don't. All four witness Mother Superior being killed by the Shadow as everyone begins to suspect Pan is behind it, so Emma goes with David and Mary Margaret to procure the box from Mr. Gold. Nonetheless, David announces that Hook saved his life by protecting him from a Dreamshade arrow after they were ambushed on the way to the peak. Regina's been sick and Emma has a theory. 15 months later she knocks on the door to the Swan apartment only to see that things aren't quite as she had dared hope they would be. Not wanting the dream's end to come true, Emma protests when Snow insists on going with her, but she is unable to keep her from coming. After turning him into the authorities, she heads back to her flat and lights a cupcake for her twenty-eighth birthday. At the mine site, Archie dives into the sinkhole before the entrance collapses. Regina reveals Mr. Gold is in league with Zelena, who has been pretending to be Marian this whole time. Emma decides not to break up the contest and instead enjoys the distraction. On the journey back to Tinker Bell's tree house, Emma settles the rivalry between Hook and Neal by stating the only person she is choosing is Henry. I was in pain and I was tired of hearing that. When Mr. Gold suggests that destroying the crystal's magic will erase Storybrooke, Regina reluctantly allows Emma to join her after the latter provides a lead on Henry. ("The Broken Kingdom"), Afterward, Emma returns to free Mr. Gold, who continues to try and persuade her out of her plan, warning that no matter how good her intentions, she'll always lose her loved ones in the end. Regina passes out after taking the scroll and awakens with knowledge of the price for stopping the curse. They help Snow White flee from the Queen's knights, but the ring is left behind, which Emma takes. At the mention of August, Emma voices her nagging concern about who is the person he had been trying to warn them about. And because getting added to Thorin's council isn't trouble enough, Kili is in love with an elf, Fili may or may not have his eyes on a certain little scribe, everyone seems to think he is a lady hobbit, and Thorin needs to find someone to marry. ("An Apple Red as Blood"), Shortly after the purple smoke clears, Emma reunites with Mary Margaret and David after the curse has been broken. Emma and those who drank the curse fall asleep, but after David and Snow wake up, they awaken as well. The magic of childbirth (literally) and anotomical and cultural differences. Please read the tags. While being taken away by David and Hook, Hyde admits noticing Emma's hand tremor and suggests she come to him if she wants to know more. Within it, the Snow Queen is named as Ingrid and is Elsa's maternal aunt. From this, Regina suggests the key to breaking the curse is for Henry to believe in magic as Emma did. However, when Hades reveals Hook can be revived by eating ambrosia, Emma and Hook journey underground to retrieve it. Now, however, he declares he'll re-record Hades' story. Emma confesses to being what she's always been, an orphan, causing the map to uncover its contents. At the dirigible's crash site, Emma helps collect scraps to create a new weapon to defeat Hyde, during which she develops a hand tremor and sees a vision of herself battling an unknown enemy. After she is gone, Emma spills hot chocolate all over her shirt and is directed to a laundry machine in the back room. Even so, Emma expresses concerns about what would happen if outsiders found out about Storybrooke and its inhabitants. Tired of her games, Hook calls her out for wanting something from him. An afternoon in the apple orchards with Ruby/Belle and Emma/Regina and their daughters - carefree and happy family times ensue filled with nothing but bantering and a lot of fluff. Instead, Neal frees a young prisoner, Wendy, who he asks about Henry. As they walk towards the pawn shop, her parents attempt to get Emma to open up to them. Suddenly, the camp is attacked by Cora's army of heartless humans, and Emma and Mary Margaret defend themselves while Aurora and Mulan run off into the woods. Again, Emma fends off the accusation. He disappears sometime after, leaving Emma disheartened, as she believes he doesn't know she came to save him. Next, Emma stands outside the town line as Pan is released from the box on the same side as her. Emma doesn't really mind the way Regina bosses her around or how she always seems to be so tactile around her, but theres always the unanswered question of what are they to each other? All three casualties are taken to the hospital as patients. () ]. Inside the lobby, Emma is able to spot a room number407which has no name listed. He apologizes for his mistake, something Henry helped him see, and they have since thrown away the shears for good. Undeterred, Hook tells her to get on the horse with him, convincing her that they still have a future together in Storybrooke once her darkness is removed. David receives a call from Leroy, who can't find Archie, which causes Emma to realize the person she saw earlier was actually the Queen in disguise. Meanwhile, Emma goes to check for signs of a break-in at the apartment. Aurora reappears to break up a fight between Mary Margaret and Mulan; explaining she escaped with Hook's help. Belle, now freed from the sleeping curse, arrives looking for a new place to stay. Hook thinks it's possible, but Emma believes only she can decide her own fate. "Hey, where is she?" ("Into the Deep"), As they arrive at the designated location, Aurora finds a note scribbled with Emma's name. Emma gains information from Hyde about a red bird that she must follow, and that night, she sees the bird while Hook asks her about her tremors. In turn, this caused Cora to unwillingly abandon Zelena after birth. Emma shows off her increasingly powerful magic to Hook, who reacts grumpily when she teleports away his hook, but he refuses to talk about the real reason for his bad mood. Later, Emma tries talking to Lily, who insists she has moved on in life with a husband and daughter. The two have a shared moment about Henry when Regina brings up her naming of the rescue mission as "Operation Henry". Henry snatches the turnover and states that she may not believe in the curse or in him, but he believes in her. Emma is almost sucked in, but Neal pulls her up. He admits his reasons for hiding, and that he is ashamed of his decision to use the shears rather than face his fate. Later, Emma confirms her own suspicions that Regina and Tinker Bell know each other, and asks the mayor herself for details. Regina tries to persuade her to not disappoint Henry and just leave town now. ("Birth"), Upon return to Storybrooke, Emma reenters the diner from the entrance, putting on a cold mask towards her confused family and friends. The Queen taunts Emma about her parents' joint curse, to which the fired up Savior jabs her with the sword and cuts her cheek. From August, they learn the actual door to the Author is the door illustration itself. After he storms off, Emma finds him by the fountain. Before she goes into the room, she instructs Henry to keep on guard, and to let her know when someone is coming by kicking the door. However, despite that Hook taught Neal how to navigate using the stars, he also coached him that all map makers never reveal their secrets. "Hey Em's what's wrong? Hook relates how the ring is a testament to his ability to survive throughout the years, and he is giving it to her so she can survive and come back to him. Emma joins Ruby, Snow, and Regina in confronting Zelena, who unveils in a mirror that Dorothy is currently under the sleeping curse in Oz. In the aftermath, Emma meets up with Henry at school when the same girl Jefferson pointed out to her, Paige, walks past. ("Broken Heart"), With the Dark Ones on the loose, Emma and allies to split up to search for and take down Hook. Before Hook leaves, she tells him that whatever he's not admitting from his year in the Enchanted Forest no longer matters to her. She nearly chases Will upon recognizing him, but decides to deal with the thief later. Eduardo Castro Talks Designing the Costumes of Once Upon a Time. In a deal, Emma agrees to return to Phoenix, if Cleo helps her get the file. Back at the fountain, Henry persuades his family to make wishes on pennies, which creates magic in the crystal, but not enough. Emma pities her, but doesn't intervene on Hook's warning that the future may be altered by changing the past. Emma defends Merlin from an attacking Nimue, but soon, she finds herself unwillingly choking the sorcerer, as Nimue eggs on her. As they leave the inn, Henry, certain Emma is lying again, demands the truth. Lily attests that though she lied about her family, everything else is real as she was adopted and her home life is miserable. It is mostly fluff with the possibility of sexy times in the future. According to Jennifer, there is an old fairy-tale that she has been using as a reference for Dark Swan, "The Queen and the Murderer", which sort of parallels Emma's journey. At the fountain, he makes a wish asking for his family to be complete. Henry mentions not being able to find Snow, David, or Hook, but Emma reminds him that none of those people are real and insists that all she wants is to get better so she can finally be his mother. one of the nurses pushed me into a room and Dad came in with me, while Ruby waited in the lobby trying to get a hold of Mom and Killian. ("Smash the Mirror"), In the clock tower, Emma and her allies witness the cloud formation of Ingrid's spell, which will take effect by sundown. #onceuponatimefanfic, I was sitting on the couch when all of a sudden I heard a scream. 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