Besides being the right thing to do, apologies bring diplomatic and political gains in a region haunted by colonial and imperial atrocities. [63] Rather than controlling the sea or retreating behind it, Spykman argued for consistent engagement with the rimlands of Western Europe, the Middle East, and the Asian Monsoon lands as a means of balancing power and controlling potential hegemons. A nation possessing sea power can enrich itself through trade, protect and expand its commerce and possessions abroad, and "make possible the most glorious and most useful enterprises."6 Mahan elaborated six conditions that define a nation's seapower: geographical position; physical conformation; extent of If so, does the Soviet Union have the necessary prerequisites to become a seapower? Jahrhundert inspiriert, forderte Mahan in seinem einflussreichen Werk dazu auf, die Ozeane nicht mehr als Hindernisse, sondern als groe Verkehrsstraen zu betrachten, die es zu nutzen galt. the same Jominian principles as land operations. What might be called the human resources of Sea Power are generally employed in peacetime by the merchant marine and related industries, making for a ready reserve that can be drawn on by the navy. Yeah, reviewing a books Battleship Victory Principles Of Sea Power In The War In The Pacific could grow your close friends listings. Today, however, the U.S.-flagged commercial fleet accounts for less than 1 percent of the worlds commercial shipping vessels.7 Critical to mitigating this deficit is the Coast Guards port state control program, which inspects foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.8 The Coast Guard completes more than 9,000 inspections and 130,000 security screening of foreign vessels annually, enabling these vessels to become a de facto part of the U.S. trade fleet. Chennai Centre for China Studies. Then in 1892, he published The Inluence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812. [17] Margaret Sprout, Mahan: Evangelist of Sea Power, in Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler, ed. His understanding of the anarchical nature of international politics, the importance of geography to the global balance of power, the role of sea power in national security policy, and historys ability to shed light on contemporary world politics remains relevant to the 21st century world. Number of Population and Character of the People: Their ancient Russian heritage has instilled in Soviet people the qualities of tenacity and perseverance, valuable traits for a nation aspiring to the sea. [23] In this context, a Trafalgar-like victoryone which destroys an adversary navy or reduces its capacity to harassing attacksis important only insomuch as it ensures the true objective of a navy: secure control of communications between points.[24]. [62] As Mackinder conceived it, the Eurasian heartland is surrounded by an Inner Crescent of Western Europe, the Middle East, and South and North East Asia. John Hattendorf (Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 1991). As he stressed, the safety and independence of [the United States] can be preserved only by a foreign policy that will make it impossible for the Eurasian landmass to harbor an overwhelmingly dominant power in Europe and the Far East.[64] Though critical of what he called the extraordinary Anglo-Saxon predilection for thinking that only naval warfare is important, Spykman agreed that a pillar of this balancing act was sufficient maritime power to sustain relations on either end of Eurasia. looking outside the continental United States in order to satiate their desire Incredibly enough, Mahan argued the position so often that in 1897 the New York Times erroneously attributed to him the etymology of the word preparedness.[36]For Mahan, British policy since James I exemplified the sort of commitment and preparation necessary to maintain Sea Power in peace and war. Department of State, U.S. What concerned Mahan most was ensuring that the U.S. Government could The elements and definitions discussed above account for what is almost certainly the most widely read portion of Influence: the introduction and first chapter. [91] Control of points, too, remains a vital consideration, justifying Freedom of Navigation Operations from the South China Sea to the Persian Gulf. This essay leverages Mahans personal correspondence, archival sources, and an extensive body of commentary to explore the content, creation, and reception of Influence. [40] Why did one succeed at sea and not the other? Though Grote apparently applies it to Minoan civilization, see: Lambert, Seapower States, 334, n. 2. Empire, 17931812. Like France, the Soviet Union is potentially strong, but it has four seas to defend. Exacerbating matters, he originally wrote the text as a series of lectures at the War College. Mahan does refer to revenue cutters in histories of the War of 1812, primarily discussing their combat actions. NB: Influence was published in 1890, but I have cited throughout the 1898 version because it is the one most widely available on Google Books c. 2022. In doing so it encourages readers to consider the text through three lenses: polemic, naval strategy, and grand strategy. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. [28] Element two, Physical Conformation, thoroughly examines the type and specific features of the permanent base. [3] Demobilization post-1865 had left the USN with a wooden-hulled Old Steam Navy that by the 1880s was literally rotting away. Harrison Administration (1889-1893) Secretary of the Navy Benjamin Franklin Tracy read it approvingly, seeing the book as evidence in favor of naval investment. He also recognized the power potential of China and foresaw a time when the United States would need to be concerned with Chinas rise. [56] In the Pacific, Mahan claimed (self-consciously) that more of his works were translated into Japanese than any other language (though his precise impact on Imperial Japanese Navy policy is a contested one; note work by Sadao Asada, who is careful to acknowledge that Mahans theory was often more justification for ongoing Japanese naval expansion than genuine inspiration).[57]. [86] Perhaps it was for the best. Status of the, Quarterly In Influence, Mahan offers two possible formulas for grand strategic Sea Power. Between Mackinder and Mahan, the Dutch-American thinker Nicholas Spykman struck something of Solomonic balance. As he noted in his 1902 Presidential Address to the AHA, the artistic unity of a historical project often necessitated the subordination of contradictory evidence around a central theme, lest a more subtle argument mislead lay readers. Alfred Thayer's Mahan's The Influence of Sea Power Upon History was a two-volume work that argued that sea power was the key to military and economic expansion. The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783, by A. T. Mahan This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. In the decades following Mahans death, Coast Guard authority expanded to encompass all aspects of domestic sea power, with responsibility for the totality of the nations marine transportation system, including the free flow of commerce through the nations ports. Ensign Pandoife is a 1980 graduate of the Naval A _r^*Tl_ Academy> where he majored in history. These include the Dardanelles which lead from the Black Sea into the Aegean; the Kattegat, which leads from the Baltic Sea to the North Sea; the White Sea Canal between the Baltic and the White Sea; and the various approaches to the Sea of Japan-. Naval War College, in 1890 he selectively compiled lecture notes into the body-text of Influence. Published in 1890 and 1892,. In 1890, Mahan called the sea a wide common.[92] It takes very little imagination to trace that thought through Wilsons Fourteen Points, to the Atlantic Charter, to more recent commitments to the global commons of sea, air, space, and cyberspace. It was an anniversary, unfortunately, that went largely unnoticed. Extrapolating from the history of Northern Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, Mahan concluded that sea powernaval superiority rooted in commercial vitality, shipping, and foreign territorial acquisitionswas the key to national power and influence. Since 1945, the maintenance of Freedom of the Seas through a preponderant navy and a vast archipelago of overseas bases has remained a consistent feature of the U.S.-led post-war order. Join now and never hit a limit. France was hamstrung in both wars by its need to balance against continental adversaries, and more generally because it lacked the political will to protect seaborne trade and commerce. 7. Mahan was one of the foremost proponents of the vigorous foreign policy All of these factors, however, are mere functions of the controlling equation the character of the government. Asia, Southeast argue for a shift towards commercial expansion overseas, he did note that calls Physical Conformation and Extent of Territory: Mahans discussion of the importance of the physical conformation and the extent of territory of a state is concerned with the number and position of seaports, the climate of the land, the extent of the coastline, the total population per area, and the degree of i" ternal development. [55] Once translated from the original, aspiring maritime states like Imperial Japan and Germany were quick to take up Mahan as at least a pre-textual justification for naval expansion. Like all historical texts, Mahans work tells us as much about the moment in which it was created as it does the objective past. While Turner did not explicitly argue for a shift towards commercial expansion overseas, he did note that calls for a vigorous foreign policy were signs that Americans were increasingly looking outside the continental United States in order to satiate their desire for new economic opportunities and markets. Foreseeing a not-so-distant day when an Isthmian Canal would transform the Caribbean Basin (like the Mediterranean) into a hub of trade routes and a site of great power conflict, he advocated for the construction of a sea-going U.S. fleet of battleships designed to compete with the dominant powers in the North Atlantic (Britain above all). John Hattendorf (Newport, RI: Naval War College Press, 1991). This had understandable appeal to industrialists, merchants interested in overseas trade, investors, nationalists, and imperialists, and peacetime America. [91] Immanuel C.Y. On the other hand, the Navy finds that he needs constant motivation, direction, and supervision to overcome his tendency to idleness, his apathy, his plodding approach to work, his reluctance to exercise initiative, and his unwillingness to discipline himself. Naval forces, as the American naval strategist Wayne P. Hughes later agreed, are fundamentally in the links business, assuring: 1) our own goods and services are safe and 2) that an enemys are not.[9] Mahan believed (and used history to demonstrate) that navies are best able to provide this protection through a decisive, concentrated engagement with an adversary fleet. Consider the context: By the 1880s, railway lines knit together the United States continental empire from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Prophet of Sea Power. Mahan, armed with his faith in Sea Power as a determinative factor in history, was well prepared to catch the growing wave of navalist sentiment in the United States. a fascinating sequel to Mahan 's writings could be entitled the "influence of Mahan upon sea power." At this point we should briefly ex amine the high points in Mahan's life and career. Mahans evidentiary base consists of several case studies, beginning with the Anglo-Dutch Wars in the 17thcentury. }, Page last modified: After the outbreak of hostilities with Spain in May 1898, President William McKinley finally secured the annexation of Hawaii by means of joint resolution of Congress. . Mahan provided a powerful argument for achieving and preserving sea power. Such maritime commerce relies on colonies or points: the logistical infrastructure (such as in Panama and Hawaii) for oceanic voyages, markets for goods, and sources of raw materials. The book, largely based on Mahans lectures at the Naval War College, became the bible for many navies around the world. In The Problem of Asia, Mahan urged statesmen to glance at the map of Asia and note the vast, uninterrupted mass of the Russian Empire, stretching without a break . Its just about what you need currently. The number of people in a country obviously influences the garrisoning of a given space. The author, Alfred Thayer Mahan, was a United States Naval officer and the son of the esteemed West Point professor Dennis Hart Mahan. Lambert echoes Kennedys criticisms of Mahan, but his reading of Influence is far less charitable. Commercial trade is a critical variable and the reason for a navys existence. Ensign Pandolfes home is Scituate, Massachusetts. Among them, commercial pursuits must be a distinguishing feature of the nations that have at one time or another been great upon the sea.[34] For Mahan, national character also influences the capacity for planting healthy colonies, which is still another component of fully realized Sea Power. reciprocity treaty that would bind the islands economy to that of the United [69] Daniel Immerwahr, How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2019). Those writing on naval affairs will ever be indebted to Alfred Thayer Mahan and Julian Corbett, if not the first to put pen to paper and write about navies, then they remain of the first rank of those still cited owing to . [73] Shulman, Navalism and the Emergence of American Sea Power; Mobley, Progressives in Navy Blue. Summary. Tactics were aspects of operations occurring after the beginning of combat. He is an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, an adjunct professor of political science at Wilkes University, and a contributing editor to American Diplomacy. Margaret Tuttle Sprout, Mahan: Evangelist of Sea Power, in Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler, ed. Markets in the, Copyright This is 'defined as the condition that exists when an adversary is denied the ability to use an area of sea for its own purposes perpetual lease for a naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Journal Article OPEN ACCESS Naval War College Review, Vol. Following the Civil War, Secretary of State William Seward had attempted to Mahan argued that British control of the seas, combined with a corresponding In the wake of the Civil War, however, Congress became preoccupied with Answer: At geographic "choke points" (e.g. by | Sep 22, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Sep 22, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Edward Mead Earle (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1943). Mahan argued that maritime trade is the most important national characteristic in the development of sea power, including having a robust merchant fleet.6 At the time of his writing, this was true for the United States. It could result in greatness or retreat from the worlds oceans, friendship friction with other nations, and dictate the style of national development for centuries to come. that westward migration across the North American continent and the countrys the world. Mahan links naval activities to wider national and international issues and proposed a series of principles for professional naval officer to use in the formulation of naval strategy. One hundred years later, the insights of the American strategist continue to have extraordinary relevance today. These element focuses on a country's geographicalshow more content This compares to the United State's 46.5 million, TEU. Mahan had no formal training as a historian, and he claimed to have been moved by a sort of divine intervention. The books structure still bears some of this pedagogical DNA: readers will note a repetitive formula in the chapters as he delivered his thesis from lecture to lecture. Mahan tells us of Sir Edward Pellew and how he put to sea in 1793 with a ship crewed by Cornish miners. [6] In the early 1880s, Congress took incremental steps to address the situationinvesting in a few New Steel Navy shipsbut as of Influences publication in 1890 the USN remained strikingly weak relative to the U.S. industrial base and national identity. New and expanding corporations had built industrial productivity to rival that of the North Atlantic Great Powers. Commercial interests increasingly looked overseas, eyeing opportunities in Latin American and East Asia, as well as the territorial infrastructure (the Panama Canal and coaling stations) necessary to exploit them. population growth had finally led to the closing of the American frontier, Momentary superiority in tonnage or deployable warships often masks a deeper brittleness. Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. This is particularly true if the flee1 in question has sortied without high-performance air cover. Before shifting the Coast Guards focus to the Indo-Pacific and beyond, the United States must ensure its own commercial maritime viability. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1660-1783 is a history of naval warfare published in 1890 by Alfred Thayer Mahan. 9. In the 1890s, Mahans ideas resonated with leading politicians, including Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt, and Secretary of the Navy Herbert Tracy. Diplomatic Couriers, Guide to Country Recognition and Markets in the 1890s, purchasing Alaska in However, in the combined 840 pages of The Influence of Sea Power Upon History:1660-1783 and The Interest of America in Sea Power, Present and Future, Mahan does not investigate . Mahan wrote Influence in response to the somewhat ironic position of the United States and its navy in the international system in the 1880s and 90s. From 1865 to 1885, commerce raiding and coastal defense were the accepted strategies of the U.S. Navy. For all of its success, criticsand there have been manyhave found ample fault with Mahans method and conclusions. Nov 23, 2022; 6 min; ALL. Stephen Roberts (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987). The stability of the Soviet Navy in the Russian political structure is another facet of seapower the government must consider. The 1890s were marked by social and economic unrest throughout the United States, He did not realize the extent to which technology would affect, for instance, the validity of some of his six elements of sea power. Nicholas Lambert, What Is a Navy For? U.S. [81], For those interested in a more granular assessment of tactics and operations, Mahan pairs well with his British contemporary Julian Corbett. In London, he was fted as a heroeven if some of his biggest supporters confessed confusion over how exactly to pronounce his last name. [32] But the relationship of population to Sea Power is not a matter of raw numbers. 5. Mahan said strategic principles "remain as though laid on a rock." [17], But given the concepts prevalence in military and strategic jargon, Mahan fails to define sea power with any real precision. Kevin D. McCranie, Mahan, Corbett, and the Foundations of Naval Strategic Thought.Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2021. Rodger, Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain, 1659-1815 (New York: Norton, 2005). B.J. Peter Karsten, The Naval Aristocracy: The Golden Age of Annapolis and the Emergence of Modem American Navalism (New York: Free Press, 1972). The very terms navalism and navalist were originally coined in the 1890s as a pejorative (an analog of militarism) to describe irrational and unnecessary spending on navies. The ghost of Nelson at Trafalgar hangs over the concept, as it does over much of Mahans worksee his hagiographical The Life of Nelson: The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain.[19]. 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