Civil responsibility seemed easier to one reared in this school. Winthrop's Journal records almost anything which seemed important to the colonists. It is also doubtful whether he is intentionally humorous in his most fantastic prose, such, for instance, as his likening the Reverend Mr. Partridge to the bird of that name, who, because he "had no defence neither of beak nor claw," took "a flight over the ocean" to escape his ecclesiastical hunters, and finally "took wing to become a bird of paradise, along with the winged seraphim of heaven.". They defeated the Spanish Armada; they circumnavigated the globe; they made it possible for Shakespeare's pen to mold the thought and to influence the actions of the world. Richardson's American Literature, 2 vols. A contemporary historian said of John Cotton, who came as pastor from the old to the new Boston in 1633, that whatever he "delivered in the pulpit was soon put into an order of court or set up as a practice in Can banks make loans out of their required reserves? , The Proceedings of the English Colony in Virginia (1612) Many American literature textbooks cover the colonial period genre by genre. We must not suppose that there was complete liberty in those days. What does Franklin's concern with moral virtue reveal about the period in which he lived? His view of religious toleration is given in Cairns, 113-118, and T. & W., I., 253-259. He says that at the age of only seven or eight he not only composed forms of prayer for his schoolmates, but also obliged them to pray, although some of them cuffed him for his pains. *rv:11./),i=b.querySelectorAll("iframe.wp-embedded-content");for(c=0;c1e3)g=1e3;else if(~~g<200)g=200;f.height=g}if("link"===d.message)if(h=b.createElement("a"),i=b.createElement("a"),h.href=f.getAttribute("src"),i.href=d.value,}else;}},d)a.addEventListener("message",a.wp.receiveEmbedMessage,!1),b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",c,!1),a.addEventListener("load",c,!1)}(window,document);//-->

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