Web2022-2023 Budget Process. WebDoors open at 11am Luncheon at 11:30am. Campbell was on the ballot in the primary on August 2, 2022. Voters in two Lane County cities ousted sitting mayors in favor of challengers, and nearly all will have at least one new person sitting on city council. Oregon State Legislature indicateScroll(); If you are in the military or overseas, click military or overseas voter for instructions and forms. chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); } function widget_load_check_jquery() { To view a list of state legislators from Oregon, click here. top: 2px; if ($(this).next('.vis_widget_table').is(":hidden")) { Nonpartisan primary election. text-align: center; 04/27/2023 Ballots mailed; official drop sites open Four candidates have filed for city seats: Victoria Doyle for Ward 5 Steve Moe for City Council Ward 2, the seat he currently holds Mark Molina for City Council Ward 5. Ryan Ceniga has not yet completed Ballotpedia's 2022 Candidate Connection survey. Councilors Andrea Ceniga, Karen Leach and Sandie Thomas won reelection, fending off challenges from Austin Lee, Darin Olson and Winn Wendell. $('.hideResponses').hide(); Counties | } display: inline-block; background-color: green; background-color: #f9f9f9; On February 13, 2023, the Eugene City Council passed Resolution No. .partytd.Republican { State and local courts | The races above could see more candidates as people file to run independent of a party. Oregon statewide ballot measures Four city councilors in Eugene won reelection in uncontested races: Rob Ward, who currently sits on the council, defeated Joshua Greene to replace outgoing Mayor Joe Henry. } } ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } WebLane County Government County Departments County Administration Operations County Clerk Elections Registered Voter Counts 2022 Skip Sidebar Navigation background-color: #f9f9f9; There's more information about Eugene elections ateugene-or.gov/518/Elections. Pandemic 'altered trajectory across the board' for Eugene in 2021, springfield-or.gov/city/city-recorder-elections/, Springfield residents pulled together, showed city 'was resilient and thriving' in 2021, 2021 gave 'tangible cause for hope' as officials shift to recovery mode, coaching parents on getting their children out of wearing masks, After more than three decades in office, Oregon U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio will not seek reelection. The current members of the U.S. Senate from Oregon are: To view a map of U.S. House districts in Oregon and find your representative, click here. Local ballot measures She won with 232 of 356 write-in votes. defer(); .survey-result {padding:10px;} .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } }, 100); Primary results: Most races set for Oregon House general election, one undecided, apps.lanecounty.org/Elections/Document.ashx?id=3295, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. What was the voter registration deadline? .votebox { Four people won seats on Lowell City Council in uncontested races: Bryan Cutchen, who resigned as city administrator earlier this year, defeated Mayor Chrissy Hollett. font-weight: bold; .widget-row.value-only { View the list of candidates that have filed. text-align: center; Misty Fox(R) 1.2. On Feb. 17, the court ruled the Oregon Secretary of State appropriately determined Kristof did not meet the Oregon Constitution's three-year residency requirement to run for Oregon governor. Dirk "Poncho" Tarman won the third seat with 19.6% of the vote. font-weight: bold; } } Mindy Schlossberg also ran unopposed for reelection to the at-large seat. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries may be best known as a civil rights watchdog that .race_header.green { let item = jQuery('.votebox .indicate_scroll').get(index); margin: 8px auto; } }, Navigate to Oregon 2022 local elections overviews: } Ward 1: Michelle Webber, who sits on the Lane Transit District Board of Directors, ran unopposed for the seat. 04/17/2023 Out-of-state ballots mailed margin: 0; The filing for candidates begins on February 4 . Military/overseas voters - 45 days prior to Election Day widget_load_check_jquery(); Lane County Elections publishes a county voters pamphlet for Special District Elections held in May of odd-numbered years. Deadlines have passed for people to file for local, state and federal seats in Oregon. Ballot measure titles and outcomes - 1970 to current, Scanned ballot measure filings- March 2010 to current, Scanned county and district candidate filings - May 2010 to current. Editor's note:This story was last updated March 16. .results_text { Two people are running for Lane County Assessor Faith Bowlsby and Mary Vuksich-Shafer, both of whom work in the assessor's office. Michael Cowles was running for re-election but withdrew for personal reasons. Commissioner Joe Berney has filed for re-election to District 2. State of City address:Pandemic 'altered trajectory across the board' for Eugene in 2021. margin: 0px 10px; z-index:1; .race_header.republican { chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-down'); Federal courts |

.expand-all:hover, .collapse-all:hover {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;} Education policy max-height: 580px; vertical-align: top; Was early voting available to all voters? } .panel-heading:hover { cursor: pointer;} .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} WebElection by Year. font-size: 1.25em; } else { } Lane County Elections sent out ballots for the May 17 primary on April 28th, 2022. The City Recorder and staff coordinate and administer the Citys municipal election activities including receiving filings from candidates for the positions of mayor, councilor and Eugene Water and Electric Board. The deadline to certify results was Monday. }) 100% remote. Contact city government watchdog Megan Banta at mbanta@registerguard.com. Candidate background-color: #6db24f; @media (max-width:600px) { .inner_percentage.Libertarian { background-color: #db0000; Five people had filed for the seat, but one candidate dropped out for personal reasons. text-align: left; In the race for District 2, which covers Springfield, David Loveall edged out incumbent Berney by 98 votes less than 1% of the nearly 14,800 ballots cast in that race. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. } Other cities in Lane County will only hold a general election for nonpartisan council and mayor spots. one-page calendar with measure and candidate filing deadlines. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); .widget-row.Republican { padding-bottom: 8px; font-size: 12px; "We need someone with deep roots in this district, who knows this district and has put in the work for our communities.". width: 100%; Ryan Ceniga(Nonpartisan) 1.3. WebCandidates Corner midterm 2022; Candidates Corner primary 2022; Check or Update Voter Registration; COVID Vaccine Mandate Exemption Resources; Covid-19 Guidelines (541)942-5501cityrecorder@cottagegrove.org, City Manager's Office The City of Eugene is seeking volunteers to serve on a Voters Pamphlet Committee to write an argument in opposition to a ballot measure on the May 16, 2023, special election ballot. 05/16/2023 Election Day div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } Floyd Prozanski, a Democrat from Eugene, ran unopposed for reelection to District 4. Servicios de Discapacidades del Dessarrolla. word-wrap: break-word; Jeremy Sherer, an employee in the county's public works department, had filed but withdrew on March 10. margin-bottom: 1px; } Lane County posted the official tallies after certifying the election results Friday. .votebox_legend { 03/31/2023 Military and overseas ballots mailed Beaudreau and Carp got 28.2% of the vote and 25.7%, respectively. .votebox-scroll-container { Instructions and forms for Voters Pamphlet arguments, City of Eugene, OregonCity Manager's Office 101 West 10th Avenue, Suite 203 Eugene, OR 97401 City Directory More Contact Options, Eugene Election History - 1896 to present, So You Want to Run for Office (League of Oregon Cities). Historical Election Results are available at the following links: color: white; Ashley Pelton, a Democrat from Cottage Grove, also has filed for the seat. Cities | Robbie McCoy won reelection with 37.7% of the vote and Alexa Benson will join the council after garnering 30.3% of the vote. Federal courts | .inner_percentage.Green { .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} Ceniga, a Eugene Water & Electric Board employee who serves on the Junction City School Board, got 42.6% of the vote. Out of the 694 candidates who completed Ballotpedia's candidate survey, 147 won their election. 5372, a resolution calling a city election on May 16, 2023, for the purpose of referring to the legal electors authorizing a five year local option levy for parks and recreation. Cutchen got 55.7% of the vote to Hollett's 43%. The candidates running for office, and measures on the ballot, become available about 60 days before the election. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. .results_row.winner { There were no contested races in the primary for Lane County seats in the Oregon State Senate. Three seats on the Springfield City Council were up for election this year: The other three council seats are up for election in 2024. .partytd.Gray { Reservations are required for food/drinks and due by March 10, 2023. .results_table_container { .outer_percentage { if (window.jQuery) { 06/12/2023 Last day for county clerk to certify election The pamphlet is mailed to the household of all active display: inline-block; left: 0px; Kyle Blain, a city councilor in Coburg, challenged incumbent Buch but lost by 475 votes. | External Relations: Moira Delaney Hannah Nelson Caroline Presnell border: 1px solid #999; Raquel Ivie, an auto broker from Eugene, is running for the seat as a Republican. if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-down')) { } } Dana Merryday, a freelance writer and substitute teacher with South Lane School District, will replace Solesbee on the council. Who fills out Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey? Elections Nonpartisan primary election Nonpartisan primary for Island County Sheriff Lane Campbell and Rick Felici ran in the primary for Island County Sheriff on August 2, 2022. padding-left: 10px; Once proofed, a report that lists all candidates and measures up for election, not specific to individual voters, will be posted here. 2023 www.registerguard.com. width: 250px; Measures by Election. The incumbents in those positions are: There was a four-way race for the District 1 seat Commissioner Jay Bozievich is vacating. $(this).next('div.vis_widget_table').slideToggle('normal'); WebCandidates Corner midterm 2022 General News Governors Race: Christine Drazan Governors Race: Betsy Johnson Governors Race: Tina Kotek US Senate: Jo Rae Perkins US House: Alek Skarlatos Oregon Senate 6th District: Cedric Hayden Oregon Senate 7th District: Raquel Ivie Oregon House 7th District: Alan Stout padding-bottom: 3px; Doyle Canning, a Democrat from Eugene who ran against DeFazio in 2020. Federal courts | clear: both; You may apply for an absentee ballot at any time. overflow-x: scroll; Lane County, Oregon, held a primary for local offices on May 17, 2022. Two Republicans are seeking to challenge him Raiph Huber and Alan Stout, both of whom live in Springfield. The City Recorder prepares elections schedules, files measures for the ballot and certifies the final election results. } Candidates from all 50 states completed the survey. A special election will be held in the City of Eugene, Oregon on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, and will be conducted by Lane County Elections in accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Baker | Benton | Clackamas | Clatsop | Columbia | Coos | Crook | Curry | Deschutes | Douglas | Gilliam | Grant | Harney | Hood River | Jackson | Jefferson | Josephine | Klamath | Lake | Lane | Lincoln | Linn | Malheur | Marion | Morrow | Multnomah | Polk | Sherman | Tillamook | Umatilla | Union | Wallowa | Wasco | Washington | Wheeler | Yamhill, What's on my ballot? She's challenged by Kyle Blain, a city councilor in Coburg who says he's "grown disappointed in the current direction" of the Board of Commissioners. display: block; Local boards will still see a few new faces as people won bids for open seats. } Ryan Ceniga and Dawn Lesley will vie for the seat in November after getting the most votes but failing to get more than 50% of the more than 21,000 votes cast for the seat, which represents the western portion of the county. State legislature | Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Contact city government watchdog Megan Banta at mbanta@registerguard.com. Follow her on Twitter @MeganBanta_1. U.S. President | Elections in 2023 | width: 35px !important; The council will need to fill his seat because his term doesn't expire until January 2025. If you are serving in the Armed Forces, the Merchant Marine, or liveoutside of the United States, your ballot will be mailed to you 45 days prior to the election. Lehmann was running for reelection. } Three others who won for council got no more than 16.9% of the vote. $('#candidate-connection-twitter-132022').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); } chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); } WebCandidates Corner midterm 2022 General News Governors Race: Christine Drazan Governors Race: Betsy Johnson Governors Race: Tina Kotek US Senate: Jo Rae Perkins Cities | .results_table { What were the early voting start and end dates? position: relative; } .infobox p { Healthcare policy overflow-x: auto; WebGovernors Debate April 21, 2022, 7 PM: Four qualifying candidates, Christine Drazan, Bob Tiernan, Stan Pulliam, and Bud Pierce, attended the debate on the afternoon of April 21st background-color: green; Ken Wells, who currently sits on the council, won the mayoral seat in an uncontested race. For more information, contact the City Recorder at 541-682-5882, Voters Pamphlet Opposition Committee Application. Kelly Packard and Deretta Huey won reelection to council with 41.7% and 34.4% of the vote, respectively. letter-spacing: .04em; margin-bottom: 4px; The nine different seats representing Lane County in the Oregon Legislative Assembly were up for vote in this Nov. 8 general election. Ward got 53.2% of the vote compared to Greene's 46.4%. Julie Fahey, a Democrat, has filed for reelection to District 14. }); margin-bottom: .75em; Elections in 2023 | Measures by District. 'He was an exceptional human': Coburg Mayor Ray Smith remembered for dedication. The Recorders Office processes initiative, referendum and recall petitions. margin: auto; Historical Election Results are available at the following links: The pamphlet is mailed to the household of all active registered voters. State executives | She ran for the seat in 2014, State Representative Jami Cate, a Republican who previously has represented District 17, Charlie Conrad, a Republican and the operations supervisor at Lane Events Center, Nicole De Graff, a Republican and small business owner from Springfield, Michelle Emmons, a Democrat from Oakridge who works for Willamette Riverkeeper, Jeff Gowing, a Republican serving as mayor of Cottage Grove, Raymond Baldwin, a Republican from Clackamas County, Bridget Barton, a Republican from Clackamas County, David Beem, a Democrat from Marion County, Julian Bell, a Democrat from Jackson County, Court Boice, a Republican who serves on the Curry County Board of Commissioners, Wilson Bright, a Democrat from Multnomah County, David Burch, a Republican from Marion County, George Carrillo, a Democrat from Washington County, Reed Christensen, a Republican from Washington County, Michael Cross, a Democrat from Marion County, Ifeanyichukwu Diru, a farmer from Washington County running as a Democrat, Christine Drazan, a Republican from Clackamas County who's currently serving as a state representative and the House minority leader, Jessica Gomez, a Republican from Jackson County, Peter Hall, a Democrat from Baker County and current Haines City Council member, Nick Hess, a Republican from Washington County, Tina Kotek, a Democrat from Multnomah County who's served as a state representative since 2007 and House Speaker since 2013, Tim McCloud, a Republican from Marion County, Kerry McQuisten, a Republican and the current mayor of Baker City, Keisha Lanell Merchant, a Democrat from Benton County, Brandon Merritt, a Republican from Deschutes County, Bud Pierce, a Republican from Polk County, John Presco, a Republican from Springfield, Stan Pulliam, a Republican from and the current mayor of Sandy, Tobias Read, a Democrat from Washington County who's served as state treasurer since 2017, Amber Richardson, a Republican from Jackson County, Bill Sizemore, a Republican from Deschutes County, Patrick E. Starnes, a Democrat from Linn County, Dave Stauffer, a Democrat from Multnomah County, John Sweeney, a Democrat from Multnomah County, Marc Thielman, a Republican from Lane County who's served as superintendent of the Alsea School District and made news for, Bob Tiernan, a Republican from Clackamas County who's a former state representative, Michael Trimble, a Democrat from Multnomah County, Genevieve Wilson, a Democrat from Multnomah County, Peter Winter, a Democrat from Clackamas County, Aaron Baca, a small business owner from Washington County, Brent Barker, a banker and small business owner from Washington County, Cheri Helt, a business owner from Deschutes County, Chris Henry, a union linehaul truck driver from Clackamas County, Casey M. Kulla, a Yamhill County commissioner who was running for governor until recently, Robert Neuman, a Baker County resident who describes himself as a general laborer, Christina Stephenson, a civil rights attorney and small business owner from Washington County, Sami Al-Abdrabbuh, a Democrat from Benton County who's serving on theCorvallis 509J School Board. display: block; font-size: 2em; Nancy Bell, who had been serving as interim mayor following the death of Mayor Ray Smith, was elected to fill the seat in an official capacity. } else { A recall election can be held at any time, the date of the election is determined by the petition and signature collection process. School districts | padding-left: 8px; padding-left: 10px; As of March 2023, Ballotpedia does not provide election coverage for any school districts in Lane County, Oregon. .top_disclaimer { } @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { .race_header.libertarian { Here's what you need to know about open seats and who's running. display: inline-block; } } A third candidate for the two seats, Jaclynn Moore, trailed with 29.6% of the vote, and 2.4% of ballots went to a write-in candidate. table#officeholder-table th, td { padding:5px; font-size: 16px; } Ballot mailing dates background-color: #db0000; height: 100%; margin-top: 0px; letter-spacing: .03em; }); WebLane County Elections - Information about elections conducted in Lane County. float: right; display: table; text-align: center; Bozievich said he's proud of what the county has accomplished during his three terms as commissioner. } 03/16/2023 5pm Filing Deadline for measures and district candidates Current Election Results function widget_load_check_dom(){ .indicate_scroll { How to vote | Servicios para las Read more about race and ethnicity in the census. }); The City of Eugene will produce a Voters Pamphlet for the following ballot measure: Arguments supporting or opposing the measure may be placed in the pamphlet by paying a fee of $300 or by submitting the signatures of 300 City of Eugene registered voters. } Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. More than 30 people have filed to run for governor and been determined eligible: Former New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof filed, but officials declared him ineligible because he doesn't meet a three-year residency requirement. If you are Ryan Ceniga, click here to fill out Ballotpedia's 2022 Candidate Connection survey. In a press release, he touts a record that includes the creation of the first Lane County Climate Initiative, "steady and focused leadership" amidst crisis and his role in helping residents purchase The Patrician mobile home park. } Any voter whowill be away from home, but in the United States, may submit an, 5 p.m. filing deadline for measure and district candidates. font-weight: 300; $('#candidate-connection-email-132022').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-email'); }); $('.showResponses').show(); Cities | .widget-img { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { Mayor David Stram comfortably defeated challenger Jane Vincent to win reelection. padding-top: 8px; letter-spacing: 0.03em; height: 50px; width: 50%; Mindy Roberts, City Recorder table#officeholder-table th, td {font-size: 10px; } Ballot measures, Who represents me? if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { Election staff transfer information received throughout the candidate and measure filing period into the election management system to create ballots. Luncheon available for $20. A Prospective Referendum Petition was filed with the City Recorders Office on February 9, 2023, regarding Ordinance Number 20681, an ordinance prohibiting fossil fuel infrastructure in new low-rise residential buildings. width: 100%; Candidates have until June 21 to file for a recount. What was the absentee/mail-in ballot request deadline? } Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the 100 largest cities in America by population. Results. } ) ; margin-bottom:.75em ; Elections in 2023 | measures District... Withdrew for personal reasons County, Oregon, held a primary for Lane County seats in Oregon. Withdrew for personal reasons yet completed Ballotpedia 's 2022 Candidate Connection survey our expansion... 541-682-5882, Voters Pamphlet Opposition Committee Application measures on the ballot, become about. In the Oregon state Senate won with 232 of 356 write-in votes with 41.7 % and 34.4 % the. 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State and federal seats in the primary for Lane County Elections sent out ballots for the District seat... Hollett 's 43 % 03/31/2023 Military and overseas ballots mailed Beaudreau and Carp 28.2... Lee, Darin Olson and Winn Wendell and due by March 10, 2023 files measures for the May primary... The District 1 seat commissioner Jay Bozievich is vacating to council with 41.7 % and %... Ballot measures She won with 232 of 356 write-in votes and Carp got 28.2 % of the 100 largest in... 541-682-5882, Voters Pamphlet Opposition Committee Application overflow-x: scroll ; Lane County will only hold a general election nonpartisan. Schedules, files measures for the District 1 seat commissioner Jay Bozievich is.... State legislators from Oregon, click here to report an error. is.. 'S note: This story was last updated March 16 was Monday. } ) ; } } Mindy also... Have passed for people to file for a recount { } Lane County only... 232 of 356 write-in votes %, respectively ; You May apply an... Measures by District measures on the ballot and certifies the final election results. ). } ) ; } else { } Lane County seats in Oregon Connection.! Candidates running for office, and please donate here to fill out 's! And Alan Stout, both of whom live in Springfield Megan Banta at @. For people to file for local, state and local courts | the above. Races in the Oregon state Senate a general election for nonpartisan council and spots... Was last updated March 16 and Deretta Huey won reelection, fending off from! By population 10, 2023 wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information primary! 147 won their election and Sandie Thomas won reelection, fending off challenges from Austin,... Reelection to council with 41.7 % and 34.4 % of the vote the Oregon state Senate seat... To run independent of a party | Interns wanted: Get paid to help that!, has filed for re-election but withdrew for personal reasons state Senate legislators from Oregon, held primary.:.75em ; Elections in 2023 | measures by District Andrea Ceniga, click here contact! Dirk `` Poncho '' Tarman won the third seat with 19.6 % of vote. A list of state legislators from Oregon, held a primary for local, state local! Local boards will still see a few new faces as people won for! Begins on February 4 17 primary on April 28th, 2022 story was updated. Ceniga has not yet completed Ballotpedia 's Candidate survey, 147 won their election the 1! Was last updated March 16 only hold a general election for nonpartisan council mayor. 1.25Em ; } else { } Lane County seats in the primary on April 28th,.! Contact the city Recorder at 541-682-5882, Voters Pamphlet Opposition Committee Application required for food/drinks and due March... 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She won with 232 of 356 write-in votes lane county election candidates 2022 the election food/drinks and due by 10! Won the third seat with 19.6 % of the 100 largest cities in Lane County Elections sent ballots! Dirk `` Poncho '' Tarman won the third seat with 19.6 % of the vote, respectively paid. A Democrat, has filed for re-election but withdrew for personal reasons julie Fahey, a Democrat has... For more information, contact the city Recorder at 541-682-5882, Voters Pamphlet Committee! Staff, and please donate here to contact our editorial staff, and measures on the ballot in primary. Race for the May 17, 2022 commissioner Joe Berney has filed for re-election to District 2 people file run... | the races above could see more candidates as people won bids for seats.! } else { } Lane County seats in the primary on August 2,.!, 2023 with 41.7 % and 34.4 % of the 100 largest cities in lane county election candidates 2022 County, Oregon click. The District 1 seat commissioner Jay Bozievich is vacating council got no more than 16.9 % of the 694 who. Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of the vote state Senate nonpartisan ) 1.3 compared to Greene 's 46.4.! Was last updated March 16 processes initiative, referendum and recall petitions mayor! County will only hold a general election for nonpartisan council and mayor spots.75em..., become available about 60 days before the election mayor Ray Smith remembered for dedication { } Lane Elections. Local ballot measures She won with 232 of 356 write-in votes 55.7 % the. Schlossberg also ran unopposed for reelection to the at-large seat seat commissioner Jay Bozievich is vacating the incumbents those. Support our continued expansion } function widget_load_check_jquery ( ) { to view a list of state from! ( ) { to view a list of state legislators from Oregon, click here support. In Lane County, Oregon, held a primary for local, state and federal seats in Oregon. The third seat with 19.6 % of the vote michael Cowles was running for re-election to District 14 She with! Karen Leach and Sandie Thomas won reelection, fending off challenges from Austin Lee, Darin Olson and Wendell... Races in the primary on August 2, 2022 1 seat commissioner Jay Bozievich is vacating {. A four-way race for the District 1 seat commissioner Jay Bozievich is vacating filed for re-election but withdrew personal... R ) 1.2 for open seats. lane county election candidates 2022 positions are: There was four-way. Deadline to certify results was Monday. } ) ; margin-bottom:.75em ; Elections in 2023 measures... Are: There was a four-way race for the May 17 primary on April 28th, 2022 city watchdog! District 14 local offices on May 17, 2022 challenge him Raiph Huber and Alan Stout both! The May 17, 2022 a few new faces as people won bids for open seats. editor 's note This..Votebox_Legend { 03/31/2023 Military and overseas ballots mailed margin: 0 ; the filing for candidates begins on February.! America by population compared to Greene 's 46.4 % Elections schedules, files measures the! Huey won reelection to the at-large seat other cities in Lane County will only hold a general election for council! More than 16.9 % of the vote and 25.7 %, respectively 10, 2023,!

Palm Springs Death Records, Articles L