Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara denounced the bill warning it could lead to "absurd situations" and that it raises "legal and practical complications.". "We will not accept violence against police officers, blocking of roads or violating laws," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. The village of Hawara needs to be wiped out. Israel Police is using water cannons on protesters in central Tel Aviv. At dawn that morning he had taken his passport out of his bedroom while his wife was still in bed, half-asleep, and then set off on the 90-minute drive from the port city of Haifa, where they live with their son. 2 min read. President Isaac Herzog at the naval officers graduation ceremony, Wednesday evening. (Screen capture: YouTube), Syrian students wave the Syrian, Russian and Palestinian flags under a billboard bearing the portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a demonstration in support of Russia, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, at the Aleppo University campus in the Syrian city, March 10, 2022. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused pro-democracy protesters, and "their leader" MK Yair Lapid, of "continuing to cross red lines," as protests outside the Tel Aviv hair salon where his wife Sara is located continue. In a tweet, the former transportation minister said: "I'd like to remind the Police Chief that Israel Police is not the private militia of Ben-Gvir or Netanyahu. In line outside the embassy trying to get more information about volunteering is the former paratrooper from Atlanta, who asks that his name not be used. When there's blood in the streets?". Id rather be there than here with no way to help.. According to the hospital, the injuries include bruises, cuts and burns from stun grenades. Ivanna Mereulova, a 32-year-old Russian woman living in Israel, has been holding a vigil outside the Ukrainian Embassy in Tel Aviv. This was announced on March 4 in his Telegram channel by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the EU faction Oleksiy Goncharenko. An independent and self-funding association In the same period, 14 Israelis, all but one of them civilians, have been killed in Palestinian attacks. Healthcare workers near the Rabin Medical Center, on Wednesday. At least one protester was forcibly arrested by Border Police officers near the Azrieli junction in Tel Aviv. Ynet spoke to Sergei Novesky, a 38-year-old who served in the Israeli military, told Ynet, I hope there will be peace, but if not, I have to defend my family, referring to his relatives in Ukraine. General Staff Reconnaissance Unit (formerly Unit 269 or Unit 262), more commonly known as Sayeret Matkal (Hebrew: ) is the special reconnaissance unit (sayeret) of Israel's General Staff (matkal).It is the tier 1 prime special forces unit of Israel of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).. First and foremost a field intelligence-gathering unit, conducting deep reconnaissance . Play Outside the black iron gates of the Ukrainian Embassy in Tel Aviv, the days are punctuated by a parade of people who immigrated to Israel from Ukraine as children or teenagers. Some have previously served in the military or have a little experience in shooting as a hobby. We promote critical journalism in the Europe, An independent and self-funding association we promote critical journalism in the Europe, An independent and self-funding association at the direction of the salon, as the PM's wife's bodyguards stood outside blocking their view. On February 2, 2023, former U.S. Marine Peter Reed was killed in Ukraine while evacuating civilians in the front-line city of Bakhmut. Among those already on the ground in Ukraine is Diana, a 21-year-old from Rishon Letzion, a Tel Aviv suburb. It doesn't actually have the authority to overrule laws, and if they get this authority we simply need to 'shut the door'. "She was upset about the whole thing and told me 'It can't be, he didn't mean to use a weapon, he didn't make threats, he picked up the weapon because he's not allowed to get off without it.'". Police deploy water cannons in Tel Aviv, on Wednesday. Accessibility Help. But I am still at least a little bit optimistic. Six American Special Ops Vets Take Up Zelenskyy's Offer to Join New Unit of Foreign Fighters for Ukraine By Randy DeSoto February 28, 2022 at 2:01pm As was the case last summer, U.S. special operations veterans reportedly are stepping up to help people in a war zone in need. One is a former U.S. paratrooper from Atlanta, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. The first Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine to fight on the side of Ukraine against Russian aggression. The First Jewish Urban Cohousing Community Opens to Families. If you were to come up with a punchline to a joke about the Monitor, that would probably be it. Lawmaker Simcha Rothman enters the Knesset committee's hearing on Wednesday. Get used to it.". Israel's Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi suggested on Wednesday that the right-wing government pass a bill that would create a new court in an interview given on right-wing Channel 14. The first that was approved is a bill legalizing the death penalty for those charged with terrorism. How can Netanyahu compare them to elite IDF soldiers and pilots, veterans, doctors and students, who went out to the streets today to protest. . This website uses cookies to PM Netanyahu: 'My door is open', Around 1,000 protesting in front of Knesset after marching through Jerusalem, Israeli Government Coalition Member to Be Probed for Incitement After Hawara Rampage, Shin Bet security service chief forbids operatives from participating in anti-gov't protests, Palestinian 'village of Hawara needs to be wiped out': Israel's Finance Minister, liked a tweet by deputy Samaria Regional Council, Knesset passes two controversial laws in preliminary vote as thousands protest across country, Yair Lapid at Tel Aviv protest: Police must ignore Ben-Gvir's attempts to bring unrest, Former Mossad, Shin Bet and IDF heads decry effort to turn Israel into a de facto dictatorship, Tel Aviv hospital: 11 arrived to receive emergency aid from injuries sustained during protests, 39 arrested in Tel Aviv alone, according to police, Protesters in Tel Aviv try to block one of the main highways in Israel, Police use additional stun grenades in Tel Aviv, 'The right to protest is not the right to anarchy,' Netanyahu says, Water cannon used against protesters in Tel Aviv, Opposition leader Lapid to Police Chief: 'Ignore the political and dangerous attempts being made by Ben-Gvir to fan the flames', Ben-Gvir: 'We were tolerant with the anarchists, but now we'll use all available means', 'Police not private militia of Ben-Gvir or Netanyahu,' Labor leader says, 500 protesters rally near Ben Gurion University in Be'er Sheva in the Negev, Groups of women dressed as handmaids protest judicial coup in Ra'anana, Police use stun grenades, mounted officers against protesters, Clashes intensify in Tel Aviv demonstration, Cop filmed kneeling on protester's neck as demonstrators against judicial coup clash with police in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu's coup for dummies: Israel's constitutional crisis explained, Protesters block traffic near the Savidor Central railway station in Tel Aviv, Protester in Tel Aviv: 'You're messing with the wrong generation', 'There are amazing people here in Israel, and we are the majority', Protesters on Tel Avivs Kaplan St. singing Ein li eretz acheret (I have no other land), Protesters burn tires at the Sde Boker Junction in the Negev, southern Israel, Knesset committee approves key legislation in judicial overhaul plan, Rabin Medical Center workers protest judicial coup, Transportation Minister Regev: These aren't demonstrations, they're a coup attempt, Down with the High Court: An interview with the architect of Israels judicial coup, Hundreds of protesters rally against judicial coup in Haifa, northern Israel, Police begin to forcibly remove protesters from Tel Aviv street, Israel's communications minister suggests creating new court, taking authority from Supreme Court, Former Shin Bet Chief: 'This is a government of terror', Former IDF chief of staff: 'No dialogue as long as a gun is pointed to our head', Hundreds protest at the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv, More than 2,000 Protesters rally at the city of Herzliya, Protesters rally at the city of Hod Hasharon, central Israel, Protesters block traffic at the Hakfar Hayarok intersection in central Israel, Israel's National Security Minister Ben-Gvir: We will not allow anarchists to block major roads. His military specialty was sharpshooter. She says she will come every day until the war ends. The veterans, aged between 40 and 60, have fought around the world including Afghanistan and Iraq. 19802023 The Christian Science Monitor. Organizers of the ongoing protest against the governmental coup are expected to block major roads and to demonstrate Wednesday as part of National Day of Disruption. We shouldnt forget that, the official added. Hili Ringel, a 40-year-old mother of two who works as a UX designer is protesting even though her immigrant parents, from Argentina, fear it's too late to save Israeli democracy. By continuing to browse the site Israeli forces killed Wednesday a Palestinian man during a raid in the occupied West Bank following the fatal shooting of an Israeli-American motorist earlier this week, the Palestinian health ministry said.Mahmoud Jamal Hassan Hamdan, 22, died from "serious wounds inflicted by bullets of the occupation (Israel)" during the raid, a statement from the Palestinian health ministry said. ", "The people is the sovereign and not the bureaucrats or a band of failing and embittered politicians," she declared. Knesset members from the coalition leader Likud party and the National Unity party of the opposition published a joint statement Wednesday evening, in which they called on their fellow lawmakers to accept president Isaac Herzog's call for dialogue and pledged to "do everything to preserve our common home.". Andrey (alias), an IDF veteran living in Kyiv, shares knowledge he . "I can't sit at home," she said. That picture amazed me, said the Ukrainian president, who is Jewish. The Israeli news publication Ynet reports that the former Israeli military from the elite units of the IDF is fighting on the side of Ukrainian troops and radicals, including groups recognized as terrorists in Russia. He arrived in western Ukraine, was driven to . Its my friend Mohammed who does, Our shrieking, howling, laughing uninvited guest is a destructive menace, but at least he hasnt damaged our roof yet, Redemption and rupture: Hidden children of the Holocaust. (screen capture: YouTube), Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks from Kyiv, Ukraine, to Knesset lawmakers on March 20, 2022. Shes under missile fire right now, reaching only with difficulty the hallway of her building for shelter, he says. Veterans of the Israeli special forces came to fight for Ukraine. Regev tweeted on Wednesday morning. The Knesset has passed two controversial bills in preliminary hearing on Wednesday, as thousands of Israelis take part in a "national day of disruption" to protest the government's plan to weaken the justice system. People tell me Were afraid to speak out in favor of the reform, because were afraid of losing our job. There are a great many conversos, said lawmaker Simcha Rothman, the chair of the Knessets Constitution, Law and Justice Committee who is spearheading the government's efforts to weaken the courts. Police forces are in the process of evacuating Sara Netanyahu, the wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, from a hair salon in central Tel Aviv, as hundreds of protesters continue to gather outside. According to a local newspaper, in an email sent to congregants, the synagogue called the attack brutal.. Israeli ex-soldiers are now fighting the Russian army alongside Ukrainian troops, wishing to defend the country they emigrated from. Sometimes, we call things boring simply because they lie outside the box we are currently in.. This month, a senior military official characterized the artillery duel in eastern Ukrainian as savage. The entire country has re-organized itself for war in a very short period of time, an Israeli instructor identified as R. told the newspaper. They understand why we are here and they know that this is important, she says. The second is a bill permitting the Knesset to override Supreme Court decisions by a simple majority of 61 votes in the 120-seat parliament, effectively revoking the court's power to strike down unconstitutional laws. They did not strike enough and now they don't have democracy. This was announced on March 4 in his Telegram channel by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the EU faction Oleksiy Goncharenko. Kan News just aired an interview with two veterans of the elite Golani reconnaissance unit who joined the Ukrainian defense forces. If youre looking for bran muffin journalism, you can subscribe to the Monitor for $15. Defense Minister Gallant and Intelligence Minister Gamliel cancel participation at INSS convention due to expected protests, 100 students and parents marching in protest in Tel Aviv, Protesters gather outside Agriculture Minister's home, The Knesset to vote on key bills and hold preliminary readings to advance judicial overhaul, Protesters block train movement in Tel Aviv University Station, IDF reserve officers and soldiers block main road to Jerusalem, Protesting Israel's judicial coup, thousands expected to block roads and railways. Do you rely on The Times of Israel for accurate and insightful news on Israel and the Jewish world? ", "They're fighting for values of freedom, justice and democracy," Lapid added. If the legislation is halted and canceled, we will immediately call for the establishment of a public committee under your auspices that will hold negotiations with the aim of drafting a constitution by consensus for the Jewish and democratic State of Israel and in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, the officials wrote to the president. subscription. Wherever we are needed, we will go, he says. Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir says his policy is to clear the roads "blocked by anarchists. "Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine" Los correligionarios, en el sentido ms etimolgico del trmino, de Zelinsky acuden en su ayuda. Opposition leader Yair Lapid called on Israel's Police Chief to "ignore the political and dangerous attempts being made by Itamar Ben-Gvir, who's trying to fan the flames. Veterans of Israeli Special Forces have arrived in Ukraine to fight against Russia. Ex-French soldier who witnessed the Bucha war crimes committed against civilians by the Armed Forces of Ukraine survives assassination attempt by Kiev, requests asylum in Russia . Police in Tel Aviv are using stun grenades and officers mounted on horses in order to disperse the protesters. Read the full article to understand everything you need to know as the battle for the fate of the countrys democracy intensifies. Clashes between the police and protesters near a train station in Tel Aviv. Unity is needed for resilience. Get email notification for articles from Haaretz. Women dressed as characters from Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale" are protesting across Israel as part of a feminist struggle to spotlight the harm the Netanyahu government's judicial revolution will cause to womens rights. But you know what? The two were captured at the Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in the West Bank. Newly deployed U.S. troops arrive in Europe as Russia bolsters its own forces. The latter will focus on the permanent protest camps that have been established outside the homes of key politicians including Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana and Education Minister Yoav Kisch. ", Halutz added that "We aren't a flock that can be told 'go left' or 'go right' and automatically obeys. Freedom of expression and freedom of demonstration - yes. The first Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine to fight on the side of Ukraine against Russian aggression. On Friday, when Reuters visited, six foreigners appeared at Mr Shepelyak's office, including a Polish military veteran called Michal and a giant, heavily-tattooed Dutchman called Bert. The first Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine to fight on the side of Ukraine against Russian aggression. The police cleared the Karkur intersection of protesters and opened highway 65 to traffic. A weekly digest of Monitor views and insightful commentary on major events. Also Wednesday, the Palestinian Red Crescent reported that another suspect was killed in a gunfight with the Israeli army as he was trying to flee. contact customer service ", Herzog then went on to suggest that this "historic" moment can be turned into a "foundational constitutional moment, in which the principles of the Declaration of Independence can be enshrined for generations to come.". "Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine" "Israeli special forces veterans arrived in Ukraine" wg . More foreigners were arriving every day, Mr Shepelyak told Reuters. Nothing as simple as some would have us believe. The first piece of legislation is an amended bill requiring 12 out of 15 Supreme Court judges to strike down unconstitutional laws. An Israeli soldier was detained on Wednesday after allegedly threatening pro-democracy protesters at Kibbutz Kama in the northern Negev desert with his military-issued weapon. Anatoly Dumansky, a Ukrainian-born Israeli, flashes the sign for victory outside the Ukrainian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Tuesday. The American says he sees the Russian invasion of Ukraine as nothing less than evil. Israeli President Isaac Herzog must take immediate steps to convene a constitutional assembly to protect Israeli democracy, a number of retired heads of the countrys security services urged in a joint letter on Wednesday. Monitor journalism changes lives because we open that too-small box that most people think they live in. As Russian forces press on with their offensive into Ukraine, one Israeli national is helping the locals put up a resistance. According to the committee's decision, High Court justices will be able to strike down laws only if 12 out of the 15 judges vote in favor of the decision. Reclaiming the youngsters was an act of kindness to their murdered parents and to the Jewish people, but what about the children themselves? We can think for ourselves, and we see reality for what it is.". Without national resilience there's no national security. Select stories from the Monitor that empower and uplift. A month into President Vladimir Putin's full-scale assault on Ukraine, fighting groups made up of veterans from abroad are seeing combat. logged you out. Im a soldier! Another is a former U.S. paratrooper from Atlanta, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. We see reality for what it is. `` is important, she says cleared the Karkur intersection of and. Amazed me, said the Ukrainian Embassy in Tel Aviv, on Wednesday murdered parents to... One protester was forcibly arrested by Border police officers, blocking of roads violating. Of Ukraine against Russian aggression Israel, has been holding a vigil outside the box we currently! Was killed in Ukraine to fight on the Times of Israel for accurate and insightful on. In the West Bank judges to strike down unconstitutional laws enters the Knesset 's... 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