* Walking. To appease the beneficiaries and fulfil his campaign promises, the President created a new and strange Ministry which sounded quite odd in the ears of most Ghanaians; the Ministry of Regional Re-organisation and Development. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. 48i7 ; Conflicts resulting from the Creation of new Districts in Uganda, M&E, Grants and Learning Advisor at USAID-SAFE Program. In a true sense of nationalism, a bigger district has more to gain in terms of aggregated development than a smaller unit. This decentralization is intended to prevent resources from being distributed primarily to chief towns and leaving the remainder of each district neglected. We've encountered a problem, please try again. But Karugutu has only 18 medical staff, with one doctor who spends more time in administration than patient care. James Kule, a Grade III primary school teacher in Kasese district, excitedly lists the benefits a new district will bring to his people. In the following legislature of 1919, the creation of fresh water supply districts was adopted to deliver potable water to smaller communities. During the 1950s and into the early 1970s, the oil boom helped Texas' metropolitan cities achieve considerable expansion. I list 79 districts here as that is the number of districts for which I have verified district chairperson election data from the Ugandan Electoral . This is quite understandable; with over 400,000 young people entering the job market annually, for. PowToon is a free. While some might be considering political affiliation as the major mode of selection, others may consider ethnicity and religion. Publishers named above each report are responsible for their own content, which AllAfrica does not have the legal right to edit or correct. })(); Ghana Business News Copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved, Creation of new regions; benefits and challenges, Inside the News by Mpakoo All pieces appearing in this column are satire. Consolidation or reorganization is the combining of two or more districts to form a new school district as a new corporation under state laws (Anderson, 2009). Govt suspends creation of new districts, sub-counties Monday, April 05, 2021 Government says it is looking for money to fund the more than 720 sub-counties and as such has no money to fund more. He said infrastructure such as good road network, sufficient accommodation facilities for prospective government officers must be prerequisites for the selection of the capitals for the new regions. His position is countered by some who have argued that based on that fact that new regions were created to accelerate growth, local communities with little or no infrastructure must be considered as capitals. Their ability to effectively handle this issue will pave way for their effective take-off to accelerate growth and development. Yet Uganda has one of the worlds poorest indicators of social services delivery. Yet even with the best intentions, considerable resources, and unbridled ambition, many innovation district leaders are challenged in their efforts to create a balance between growing the innovation economy, enhancing social and professional networks, and creating a high quality physical environment that facilitates both. Kasese district leaders recently passed a resolution demanding creation of Rwenzori and Bwera out of the mother district. According to him, deciding on that basis will make it easier for further development to take off in the region. Yet in 2009/10 financial year before Gomba, Butambala and Wakiso districts were carved out, Mpigi collected Shs390.9 million in local revenue. Table of Contents..1 These. But how are they to do that if they have no revenue to satisfy those needs? It addresses real-world issues in the classroom. In the Brong and Ahafo region, the Bono East and Ahafo regions were proposed, while the Northern Region had the highest proposals of North East Region, Savannah Region and the Eastern Corridor Regions, but somewhere along the deliberations, the proponents of the Eastern Corridor region, seems to have chickened out in the process. This situation undermines the decentralisation policy, introduced to devolve service delivery to local governments. Government says it is looking for money to fund the more than 720 sub-counties and as such has no money tofund more administrative units. Described tellingly in Catalytic development: (Re)creating walkable urban places, these buildings may bear an unfortunate resemblance to the big box format of drivable suburban retail that may not withstand the test of time. Lifetime advocate for place and place-making Fred Kent described this dilemma as places that are stuck in jail, in that they create an unwelcome, sometimes hostile, environment for residents, workers, and visitors. It demanded that about 50 per cent of registered voters in the areas turned out for the voting for YES and NO. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. CONSTITUENCIES IN UGANDA The Internet allows students to research current events which are related to the curriculum for the institution at that moment. Districts construct, operate and maintain community infrastructure; there are no problems with transition after the Developer leaves Offer amenities and benefits not usually found in typical developments - Districts can afford to provide amenities and services that would be prohibitive for a developer of a conventional community Government is now abolishing the County Councils, saying this will close the service duplication gap. What Uganda and the citizens as a whole need at the moment are not the districts, but rather addressing of the real problems at hand such as the high rates of unemployment especially among. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. AN ASSESSMENT OF The funding to the local governments has continuously declined over the years. In the United States alone, roughly 20 districts have reached a level of critical mass to warrant the name, concentrating a mix of research institutions, mature companies, start-ups and scale-ups, co-working spaces, and supportive intermediaries in close geographic proximity. 4}[B`/m+-nCYG'+mLc-78y5)Z#r1*)mp#V Required fields are marked *. However, despite this glaring gap in service delivery due to shrunken revenues as districts are broken up, the clamour for more districts is only gaining momentum. Jobs will be created; health centres will be built; clean water, education and better local roads. Please try again later. 0000001930 00000 n 5t+QyNZ#NXoG@3R]O#r4t uTUbUSCICFo document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); (function() { Although Ntoroko district chairman says the occupation is temporary as they look for money to construct sub-county offices, this underlines the crisis of creating new administrative units without adequate resources for sustenance. Some students have a challenging time getting through a standard 6-hour day of instruction. The old districts have remained skeletal administrative units with a narrow tax base that cannot raise sufficient revenue. AllAfrica publishes around 500 reports a day from more than 100 news organizations and over 500 other institutions and individuals, representing a diversity of positions on every topic. The lies, truth of creating new districts. stream 0000007455 00000 n The global rise of innovation districts continues. In the North East Region, places like; Walewale, Gambaga and Nalerigu are the likely contestants for the capital. Your email address will not be published. Time will tell if districts are truly up to the task. Playing audio not supported. But over time, as the number of actors increases, innovation district leaders often become much more intentional about working together to leverage their district assets, applying a collaborate to compete approach. trailer The breakaway of constituencies to form new districts deprived mother districts of vital revenue sources. iCIMjf{5[Kdv^^@b>`?^c ^ 0e4 72(&wR`HU9_@}bsnKz,^}p0epuKriI#xyS xks6{fQT4A x&q4mj:}PdYM$lnOJwH&b7r6O=ngE|s/wmxxvQ8|H5M}tqz.? As a consequence, the physical line between institutions and other district areas and activities can feel divisive even without barriers such as gates, vegetation, or setbacks from the street. One of the primary advantages of factories is that even a relatively small one is an engine that generates economic activity. Some do not even have the required population. 0000013756 00000 n To address comments or complaints, please Contact us. We are not against the creation of districts per se, but there should be matching finance resources when districts are created, he says. Wh!XJWZY%1O]TnN#|%Uzc{x1i hnN;T\W+.HDU>{@#m';>yZPZuz*']rz89B9j;93.6PG~>Hx&on|qJ_)7Ud28-}G(tX. Never miss a story. You can subscribe by visiting our subscription page. The Equalization Grant has remained at Shs3.4 billion since inception yet the number of receiving districts has increased by about 400 percent. FTAs can force local industries to become more competitive and rely less on government subsidies. The trend of creating new districts has shown that short-term gains are normally realized by a few people. [1] [2] Ministry for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries. a$3SY[,lXR%m$-OfO The independent The Constitution of Uganda Article 179 (a) (GOU, 1995) and the Local Governments Act, Section 7 (2a) of the Local Governments Act CAP.243 (GOU, 1997) mandate parliament to create cities through alteration of boundaries of the existing districts. hbbd``b`6C HX2 PN "HX@)8Hp SAJ:#FjN| 0 a As part of the procedure, referenda were supposed to be held at all the areas that appealed for new regions. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATION2 0000007823 00000 n 0000008288 00000 n If youre struggling with your assignments like me, check out www.HelpWriting.net . In a broad sense, since decentralization takes considerable power from the centre to lower local governments, it is a recipe for disaster as the new districts only function will be to seek resources to pay for salaries of staff. According to Mr Magyezi, the new structures have widened the funding gaps of lower local governments and the government is currently looking for money to fund the recently created districts and cities. Creating more constituencies not only affects the county but also the beneficiaries because when the budget is big, it becomes hard for the government to fund it, she said. Without sufficient revenue to create and sustain the new district, the first casualty has often been social services. 0000001349 00000 n This creates conflict of roles with the county councils, said Adolf Mwesige, the Minister of Local Government. But even then, recently, a parliamentary committee recommended the creation of five new districts. Effective and Efficient LG System that provides quality, equitable and sustainable services. 1 Comment, New districts were intended to improve services. M&E AND LEARNING 0000013819 00000 n The creation of the districts does not follow any established parameters, neither is the process informed by administrative necessity or economic rationale. The smaller district ensures better governance: New districts will host a range of administrative machinery in the district. In the Ahafo, Bono East, Western North, North East and Savannah regions, religion and ethnicity may not have a toll on them because of their relative homogeneity, but the same cannot be said of the Oti Region, where there are so many ethnic groups and different religions to flex their muscles. An inclusion classroom works when there are enough resources available for teachers and staff to provide individualized learning processes for each student. People in Kibaale and Kasese have petitioned Parliament and President Museveni for new districts. We are looking for money to fund the more than 720 sub-counties, which we recently created and besides, we are just from the election. endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>stream Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. GNA, MASLOC supports women groups in Salaga to boost businesses, Jail men who impregnate school girls Kpandai SMC Networks. building the economy based mainly on offering, spreading and using of knowledge. ?VM`;.Kkmqy7<1=~ea,He*m7v[*4[Y08v;:_Im8+5Zym>v>cI>9;a/8e%bg !;|H=yK$4RuS%Kf6sp:9xPI'^) 0000011086 00000 n Since 1 local government unit will oversee 3 districts and the other only 2, more attention will be given to remote areas, as compared to only 1 LGU going from Del Gallego to as far as Magarao, or the other side of the map . The next stage for regional creation and selecting a capital is when we come together and get support from technocrats and take a decision,. dilute the relationship between representatives and voters; dilute the accountability of individual representatives. %PDF-1.5 This third dilemma occurs in innovation districts that possess diverse, connected neighborhood-serving areas in one part of the district, while other areas are characterized by sterile, segregated institutional buildings. 0000002876 00000 n In the Oti area, there is an intense campaign by the chief of people of Buem to have Jasikan named as the regional capital for the newly created Oti region. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Traditional Authorities need to liaise with all the stakeholders to iron out issues that could escalate into troubles and end up undermining the purpose for which the regions were created. This creation of 25 new districts, 19 municipalities and six cities has been packaged as demand-driven! Although this looks like growth to the residents, it is smokescreen development because it is like a temporary market created as a result of a time-bound project where local suppliers are assured market for the goods only during project implementation. Then came the presentations of cases, hearings and vetting. Sign in for full access to article. The factory itself may source some of its materials locally, and both the office and production staff will need to buy work clothes, lunches and many other things. She was being hosted on Voice of Tooro radio in Fort Portal Town while soliciting votes from supporters of the National Resistance Movement (NRM). startxref Article. Recommendations. In Kitgum District alone, there are eight newly created sub-counties and two new town councils. Those against the creation of new districts claim that rather than take services nearer and efficiently deliver them to the people, the policy simply creates thicker layers of state bureaucracy. For these districts to truly thrive, their leaders must focus not only on producing innovative ideas for the market, but on developing and testing creative solutions to the place dilemmas that are holding them back. 63 0 obj <> endobj The creation of more smaller units means that the resources of larger ones must be split and shared out. My experience says they undoubtedly are. Leaders there have since a created a new innovation district governance entity to tackle these and other challenges. In my discussions with city planners, developers, and placemakers in several districts, I heard repeatedly that the erosion or loss of place is often triggered by their inability to use Historic Preservation Tax Credits (for districts in the U.S.) and other place-based incentives, making it economically unfeasible to undertake costly building re-adaption or rehabilitation efforts. Nigeria: 70-year-old Tinubu declared winner of presidential election, Amuru town clerk sells 3 govt planters as metal scrap at Shs 380,000, Minister Kasolo orders arrest of Kikuube Emyooga Sacco chairman over swindling Shs 15m, PAC orders arrest of two teachers who forged appointment letters, I did not ask for iron sheets - Matia Kasaija, How Rwigyema escaped Corner Kilak rebel attack. Dec. 18, 2021. Disadvantages: Costs:- Expect high costs. They built the roads straight because winding roads slowed down travel and increased time, which hindered the quick and orderly movement of not only troops and supplies from place to place, but also slowed down the movement of goods. If a family needs the extra income for some reason, this disadvantage can have a devastating effect. 0. Brookings first described this new model of innovation in cities and urbanizing areas five years ago, and since then researchers and practitioners around the globe have been exploring how to help them thrive. Although all connoisseurs have already called for the use of developed towns for capitals, chiefs, politicians and ethnic heads are busy everywhere lobbying the powers that be for the capitals. The specific functioning of innovation clusters allowing to create new technologies, implement deep technological modernization and innovative . It left me questioning the fundamentals on which we are building our development goals. KAJAGA RONNY %PDF-1.5 % The Local Government Finance Commission (LGFC) introduced the Equalization Grant for districts which could not finance delivery of core services. Does the ministry of finance, for instance, justify their creation and how do they intend to handle this otherwise explosive craze? Those that were expecting the magical transformation of their area at the elevation to a new status soon realize that the gains were less than the losses. 3 0 obj Districts to start effective 1st July 2016 include Kagadi, Kakumiro, Omoro and Rubanda. Creation of new regions formed an integral part of two major political parties in Ghana; the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic (NDC) especially during their campaigns for the . Let us know what you liked and what we can improve on. Block voting within multimember districts will actually produce more electoral distortion than plurality first-past-the-post voting in single-member districts. Compensation for the loss of Graduated Tax for example reduced from Shs44.4 billion last year to Shs41.1 billion this year. endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>stream In other districts, buildings with large floorplatesoften desirable in software fields and necessary in key life science specializationshave frayed the human-scaled urban fabric. A cooperative program is defined as two or more member schools forming a single team in a sport. Advantages & Disadvantages of creating the new province, Nueva Camarines. gcse.src = 'https://cse.google.com/cse.js?cx=' + cx; It would be easy to point the finger at developers who are seeking to increase their profit margins through lower quality materials and designs, but this is only part of the story. Rebecca Kadaga. It, therefore, follows that the larger the area, the higher the potential of the district to develop because of the resources available to it and ultimately to the country. But despite this research, it remains hard to discern why some districts work and others don't. 2 0 obj Andhra Pradesh new districts list|| advantages and disadvantages of new districts #apnewdistricts - YouTube Andhra Pradesh is going to create 25 new districts for reducing. \3:vWYFN)8DhZ?vnL&2:NQV$x%(SNo/evB"\*F?,E=eY},_ w(A0 James Kule, a Grade III primary school teacher in Kasese district, excitedly lists the benefits a new district will brings to his people. 0000008066 00000 n gcse.async = true; This is where all relevant factors such as; religion, ethnicity and partisanship will come to play. Share your email and well serve up new articles in the world of sports. During compilation of data for The Local Government Handbook by The Independent Publications in 2011, out of more than 60 districts visited (over 50% of all districts) including most of the traditional former self-financing districts like Mukono, Mpigi, Bushenyi, Mbarara and Masaka none could finance its own budget, depending on external support by up to 95%. Use of special water districts saw a significant increase. Although people of various regions teamed up irrespective of ethnicity, religious and political inclinations, those issues are likely to serve as impediments in their bid to choose Regional capitals, Regional Ministers and even other auxiliary staff. To explain the meaning of this, we kidnapped a government official from the department of districts for an . Kampala THERE have been irritating demands from a cross-section of Ugandans for new districts to be created in their respective areas allegedly to "bring government services nearer to the people". Recently Bweramule sub-country in Ntoroko was carved out of Rwebisengo sub-county. As of 1 July 2020, Uganda is divided into 135 districts plus the capital city of Kampala, which are grouped into four administrative regions. Ms Kadaga said Ugandans should know that the creation of more political units, increases government expenditure to pay salaries and allowances to numerous officials who occupy the new offices in the mushrooming administrative units. While some universities have found strategies to make their edges more porous (e.g., building retail and mixed-use developments on campus edges), many still remain inwardly focused and isolated. \,x+1\-B"L!GxM~A8ix,Nczb3e8k X?2 Many of the disadvantages that are discussed when looking at the process of gentrification involve the forced removal of households through rent increases or property values over time. Accompanying the rise of innovation districts is a growing shelf of reports, handbooks and toolkits that attempt to provide policymakers with a blueprint for creating a thriving district. The main direction of the current economic development is found in a transition of the most civilized countries to a new stage of creating an innovative society, i.e. endobj Likewise, areas that clamor for district status soon realize that the said new status is only in name and offers nothing more than an elevation from being referred to, say, a sub-county, to a meaningless self-accounting district without resources, both financial and human, to match their newfound status. (28 Dec 2006), EISA - Promoting Credible Elections & Democratic Governance in Africa, United Nations. Despite the risks, Ms Nambozo says the passion to serve the isolated community drives her on, The 70-year-old former Lagos governor was declared winner of Saturday's presidential election, securing his life-long ambition of heading Africa's most populous nation. 0000001849 00000 n The day to day running costs will automatically increase, by way of innocuous expenses. In some cases, institutions have expanded with a pure focus on advancing their academic mission, leaving other amenities and services to be found only in adjacent neighborhoods. The new districts craze needs a serious rethink. I want to inform the people, please dont come to the minister of Local Government asking for more administrative units; they are not there, he said.The minister added that the local leaders, politicians and public should instead focus on creation of economic zones in the already existing districts to boost local revenue collections. (Tennessee Since 2005, the Ugandan government has been in the process of dividing districts into smaller units. There are new districts that should not have been created," he charges. Currently we have 111 districts after Kampala dropped off upon being turned into a Capital City Authority. the creation of districts or administrative units shall be based ADVISOR USAID-SAFE 0000001885 00000 n 6. Mwesige says local governments are better placed to respond to the needs of their people. In the Savannah region, which was created out of the current Northern Region, some groups have begun pushing for Damongo to be made the regional capital, while others are also pushing for Salaga to be named the regional capital. Advantages of the Curriculum Based Method: It's highly structured approach to learning gives new and uncertain home educators a solid framework to rely on. Recently Mr Kwesi Jonah, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Democratic Governance (IDEG), suggested to government to choose already developed towns as capitals for the newly created regions. Ghana Business News - The first place for your business news. %%EOF In the Ahafo area, four towns; Goaso, Duayaw-Nkwanta, Bechem and Kenyasi are said to be leading the race to be regional capital, while others believe Bechem or Goaso will end up being named regional capital. AllAfrica is a voice of, by and about Africa - aggregating, producing and distributing 500 news and information items daily from over 100 African news organizations and our own reporters to an African and global public. Winding roads were also much harder to keep watch over and patrol. Driven by broader economic and demographic trends, most districts emerge organically as established firms and start-ups choose to co-locate around universities, medical institutions and/or other anchors. It is not surprising. Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; 1.0 BACK GROUND.3 This Kenyan cowhorn luxury jewellery brand with a Luganda name is going global, Trkiye to hold elections on May 14 despite quakes: Erdogan, NSSF PROBE: Minister Amongi should resign in public interst, Ghana confirms 14 Lassa fever cases, including one death, German transport minister not happy with proposed EU combustion engine ban, Kadaga upbeat as Uganda prepares to host 14th East African procurement, business Expo, Kobe Bryants family to receive almost 29 mln USD from L.A. County for leaking helicopter crash photos, Swedens largest nuclear reactor to be taken off-grid for repairs, How Africa can pilot a new air route to prosperity, LIVE: NSSF probe chair presents final report in parliament, Ugandan-born Rose Mary Adikin stars on Chinese Tik Tok, I have been judged unfairly, says sacked NSSF MD. An effective centralization offers the following advantages: 1. Research conducted to find out conflict resulting from the creation of new Districts in Uganda 2015 By Kajaga Rnny. These topic pages provide a quick overview and easy access to all content that can be found on ACE for any give topic of interest - weather encyclopaedia files, electoral materials, comparative data, consolidated replies, case studies, or other. Meanwhile other towns in contention may be Worawora, Dambai, Keta Krachi and Nkwanta. 1980, 1991, 2002, 2014 census, 2020 projection Administrative Division The population of the regions and districts of Uganda. Uganda had 16 districts by 1959, which increased to 17 in 1962 and were 33 in 1986 when Museveni came to power. It was revealed that the newly created district faces challenges in the delivery of their mandate. Initially, in a bid to support districts with poor revenues, the central government provided alternative grants. Analyzing group techniques NRNP 6645 PSYCHOTHERAPY MULTIPLE MODALITIES Walden Analyze the case study comparing Walmart and business models and.pdf, analytic paper due Custom Nursing Help.pdf, Analyze a miscommunication with my coworker that I have encountered.pdf, American Association code of ethics and leaders.pdf, An African Oncology Ward in an Emerging Cancer.pdf, An analysis of a vulnerable population.pdf, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. It is much harder to find a consistent quality of place across most districts. They were created just because people made noise.. 1. July 14, 2012 Cooperative: While often used interchangeably with consolidation or merger. This gives them the ability to participate and elect representatives of their own choosing, and has been the solution of choice in situations where there is, or could be, racial vote . 99 29 Since 2005, the Ugandan government has been in the process of dividing districts into smaller units, with the most recent change in August 2010. (25 Oct 2012), Preparing for elections in Fiji Back in 2006, there were 7 districts. By July 1, 2019, Uganda will have 135 districts OrC)|s@ zrm R.Y .~|F[ak0afRINe3n(0ot$B.'DQ_!%\n_nf-V8#k-JX#0twTLkq^9ERVrRiHHD,:((M The Lake District is a place where you can do a number of activities-. Many of the new districts of Kalungu, Mitooma, Butambala, Kiboga, Rubiriizi, Lwengo and others are one-county districts. 0000010173 00000 n Historic districts encourage communities to retain and use their existing resources in established neighborhoods. The central government continues to fund over 98 per cent of most of the districts budgets. 0000007039 00000 n An overwhelming majority (98.64 per cent) of registered voters who reside in the Oti area voted in favour of the creation of the Oti region, out of the Volta region last year. We've updated our privacy policy. The first is the use of majority-minority districts. Thus, on May 20, 2019, Uganda's Cabinet approved the phased creation of 15 cities across the country. Uganda Ayeko-Kmmeth, Jane PhD candidate University of Bayreuth. And for the lower local levels, most of them are yet to construct their town council or sub-county headquarters. , said Adolf Mwesige, the oil boom helped Texas & # x27 ; metropolitan cities achieve considerable expansion councils! # r1 * ) mp # V Required fields are marked * such has no tofund... 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