Boon is a co-founder of and a principle in Threat Management Solutions and Defensive Marksmanship Instructor Group. Then there are book deals, commercials, appearances on national news shows, and speaking engagements. Luke grew up overseas in Pakistan and Thailand, the son of aid workers. Look for two of America's greater heroes on the cover . Bob said they destroyed the bases computer hard drives before they left. He said the base immediately went into collect mode to try to figure out what was happening to the ambassador and said Stevens rescue was always a priority. The movie correctly depicts the actions of operators, both active-duty special operations warriors and CIA contract personnel along with a contingent of Libyan forces. Kris Paronto and Dave Benton, part of Benghazi security team, visit Dothan. Most importantly, the actors were so thoroughly prepared that anyone watching the movie will stay with the plot and wont be distracted by an on-screen operator fumbling through a scene using bad tactics, wrong weapons or incorrect skills. He has a combined 24 years of service in specialized teams and leadership roles in the military, law enforcement, protective security, and intelligence community. The contractors charged with the security of the CIA operations in the area at the time took it upon themselves to get to the diplomatic compound, evacuate whoever they could, and consolidate everyone at the annex. And the pair are obliging. He has held many positions on various teams from assaulter, sniper, breacher, tactical medical provider, team leader, and instructor positions from explosive entry to SWAT. How did they accomplish this? After the survivors returned home, they went their separate ways. People dont realize Benghazi was later in our careers. No one will mistake this movie for a documentary, CIA spokesman Ryan Trapani said. : An Honest Look at Ohios Armed Teacher Laws - Part 1, Complete Communication Automation for Your Shooting Classes. I can spend time with my family.. : An Honest Look at Ohios Armed Teacher Laws - Part 2, Ohio Slashes Gun Training Requirement for Teachers? He has held many positions on various teams from assaulter,sniper, breacher, tactical medic, team leader, and instructor positionsfrom explosive entry to SWAT. Boon was part of the CIA annex security team that responded to the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the US Special Mission in Benghazi, Libya. Boon is coauthor of 13 HOURS: The InsideAccount of What Really Happened in Benghazi. The Maj. Richard Star Act would eliminate the dollar-for-dollar offset on retirement pay that combat-disabled vets with less Capt. Paronto credits God for placing him in his new roles and said he uses the Benghazi events to encourage others. It's the old adage I used to get growing up: When you get lemons, you make lemonade. *Dave Boon Benton* is a Marine Veteran and trained sniper. These folks had tremendous war experience, he said. He has held many positions on various teams from assaulter, sniper, breacher, tactical medic, team leader, and instructor positions from explosive entry to SWAT. MONTGOMERY Kenneth Glasgow, a Dothan pastor and founder of the Christian-based nonprofit The Ordinary People Society, pleaded guilty Friday . Release Calendar Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. The emotions displayed will make it tough for some to watch, but the loyalty to one another, the desire to stay in the fight and the unwavering mindset to gear up and head towards gunfire without hesitation make the movie more than a story. He also serves as Facilities Manager for the American Police Hall of Fame. Although there was no specific threat information against Stevens, Bob said he was already familiar with two men later implicated in the assaults on U.S. facilities: Ahmed Abu Khattala, who was charged with plotting the attacks and has been brought to the United States to stand trial, and Sufian bin Qumu, a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay who remains in Libya. Tanto and Boon will be at the Maxim Defense Industries Booth #2711 for a Meet & Greet/Book Signing. The Americans finally evacuated the CIA base at dawn, escorted by a Libyan militia convoy to the airport. The movie shows the challenges of the warriors, who quickly recognized beforehand that the security preparations for the visiting ambassador were woefully inadequate. The militias they contacted were evasive. Dave Boon Benton is on Facebook. GUEST is solely responsible for identifying and avoiding any dangerous conditions. Pablo Schreiber plays Kris "Tanto" Paronto, John Krasinski plays Jack Silva, David Denman plays Dave "Boon" Benton and Dominic Fumusa plays John "Tig" Tiegen in 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. They teach closed courses for law enforcement personnel that cover topics including counterterrorism and tactics, and open courses that cover even beginner skills. He carries 36 instructor certifications and is an NRA Training Counselor. Dont worry, we hate SPAM just as much as you do! Please send us an email to with topics you would like to see us cover. He has held many positions on various teams from assaulter, sniper, breacher, tactical medical provider, team leader, and instructor positions from explosive entry to SWAT. With nowhere to run and no promise of helpfrom the outside, six American security contractors readily put their liveson the line to rescue and protect Americans stationed in Benghazi savingmore than twenty lives. I agree to indemnify TMS,LLC for any and all costs incurred if a lawsuit is filed by or on behalf of GUEST in violation of this RELEASE, and agree to reimburse TMS, LLC for attorney fees and costs.IMAGE AND LIKENESS RELEASE:GUEST authorizes TMS,LLC to take photographs, video, and audio recordings of GUEST participating in TRAINING and/ or using the FACILITY and grants TMS,LLC permission to use any image or recording of GUEST for any commercial purposes relating to TMS,LLC , TRAINING, or FACILITY.Guest forever releases TMS,LLC from any claims relating to the use of GUESTS image or likeness, By signing below , I acknowledge that I have read, and understand each or the terms of this RELEASE.GUESTS Printed Name: ____________________________________________Date_______________GUESTS Signature: __________________________________________________________________? He also expressed a love for reading. Michael Lazarus is a NACOP-certified instructor forthe National Association of Chiefs of Police. The team fought terrorists for more than 13 hours while saving more than 20 lives. TMS,LLC does not warrant the condition or safety of any FACILITY and does not warrant the condition or safety of any equipment installed or used at any FACILITY. for the National Association of Chiefs of Police. Its been trying at times, but its what the life is. Dave "Boon" Benton, part of the security team that defended American positions during the Benghazi attacks in 2012, teaches a firearms class at the Dothan Gun Club Friday. Menu. Professional trainers and outfitters ensured that the on-screen operators looked convincing with competent gun handling skills. We will cover all things personal safety and similar topics. Ive been a firearms and tactics instructor since 2005, starting with Blackwaters Department of States High Threat Protection and OGA programs and Osen Hunter Groups National Defense Service Training Program in Afghanistan. At Battleline Tactical, he extends that experience to his students. When the conversation steered toward moving forward after intense firefights like what he endured in Benghazi, or simply exiting the military in general, Tanto talked about setting goals. David Boon was born on 01/01/1988 and is 33 years old. Facility (FACILITY) means any indoor or outdoor facility or premises owned or operated by Threat Management Solutions. More information this week on where and when to catch the episodes. Guys Ive known for awhile and are friends not just work friends, but good friends., was a PJ (U.S. Air Force Pararescue) who burned in on a HALO jump (High Altitude, Low Open or MFF, military freefall) and technically died. Educating you to manage your individual threat, by leveraging our relationship with other well established training providers in the industry . The founders of Survival Training LLC have been active in a variety of military and law enforcement non-profits and causes through the years, and are the founders . It's important to understand the phases of Defensive Firearms Training, which properly prepare you to be competent and safe., Boon Talks About Firearm Training on Empty Cases Podcast, 3 Types of Awareness that will Help in Self-Defense, How to Find Firearms Training Classes Near You with Boon Benton, Pistol Immediate Action Tips: Defensive Firearms Use, Three Phases of Defensive Firearms Training. Course, Private Carbine Instructor Development Course, Private Concealed Combative Pistol Course, Private Individual Protective Measures Course, Intermediate, Advanced, Instructor Training Courses, Instructor Coach Training Courses, Intermediate, In Home Defense Training, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, CCW, Rifle, Scenario Based Training, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Combatives / Less Lethal, Basic, Rifle, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Advanced, Active Shooter Response Training, Scenario Based Training, Instructor Training Courses, LEO / MIL / SEC Courses, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, CCW, Rifle, Active Shooter Response Training, In Home Defense Training, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Advanced, Rifle, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC), Advanced, Rifle, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Scenario Based Training, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Basic, Specialty Other, Seminars / Lectures, Basic, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Basic, Scenario Based Training, Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC), Basic, Intermediate, Scenario Based Training, In Home Defense Training, Scenario Based Training, Basic, In Home Defense Training, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Basic, Intermediate, CCW, Virtual Simulation, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, CCW, Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC), Combatives / Less Lethal, Stop the Bleed, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, LEO / MIL / SEC Courses, Basic, Intermediate, Active Shooter Response Training, Scenario Based Training, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, CCW, Scenario Based Training, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Combatives / Less Lethal, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, CCW, Scenario Based Training, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, CCW, Active Shooter Response Training, Scenario Based Training, Specialty Other, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge), Combatives / Less Lethal, Advanced, CCW, Active Shooter Response Training, Scenario Based Training, Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC), Basic, Scenario Based Training, LEO / MIL / SEC Courses, Specialty Other, Active Shooter Response Training, Scenario Based Training, Seminars / Lectures, Tactical Casualty Care (TCCC / TECC), Basic, Intermediate, Scenario Based Training, Scenario Based Training (Simunitions, Man Marking Cartridge). If, for any reason, you are removed from a class you are participating in by the instructor, you may be entitled to a credit not a refund .In the event TMS or the instructor cancels a class for any reason prior to the class, you are entitled to full credit towards a future TMS course or a full refund.TMS, LLC reserves the right to change, update, or alter our policies at any time. A 2014 House Intelligence Committee report found no evidence that there was either a stand down order or a denial of available air support.. With one shot from a fleetwide message, the Marine Corps killed its legendary scout sniper program. I have a voice right now to speak out against hypocrisy, which is rampant (and) to speak out against the fake news, which is rampant, Paronto said. The attackers were gone. Scotty Gearen was a PJ (U.S. Air Force Pararescue) who burned in on a HALO jump (High Altitude, Low Open or MFF, military freefall) and technically died. OutdoorHub // TheFirearmBlog // AllOutdoor // ActionHub // AgDaily, AllOutdoor All Rights Reserved Carbon Media Group Outdoors. He has acombined 24 years of service in specialized teams and leadership roles inthe military, law enforcement, protective security, and intelligencecommunity. He says, Ahhh, I dont know I need a bachelors degree. Then get a bachelors degree. Between his military experience, including multiple deployments as a U.S. Army Ranger, and years as a contractor, he hopes to pass on some useful and practical knowledge to his students. One of the things he wanted was a gun truck and support. He has worked with the US governments Global Response Staff, theUS State Department Diplomatic Security High Threat Protection Program, andBlackwater Security Consulting conducting low profile security inhigh-threat environments throughout the world. A25-year veteran of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service, Michaelhas accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge in global security and defensive tactics. You can cancel at any time. Instead, Bob said he spent much of the immediate period after the attack began, about 20 minutes, standing beside the leader of the Global Response Staff team who still works at the CIA scrambling to enlist local security teams. RELEASE , WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND COVENANT NOT TO SUEIMPORTANT LEGAL DOCUMENT - BY SIGNING YOU AGREE TO ASSUME ALL RISK OF INJURY, DEATH,AND PROPERTY DAMAGE AND AGREE TO WAIVE LEGAL RIGHTS, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING.For purposes of this Release, Waiver of Liability, and Covenant Not to Sue (RELEASE), Threat Management Solutions, LLC ( TMS,LLC) means Threat Management Solutions, each of their respective employees, officers, directors, owners, agents, and Independent Contractors. On top of the physical skills, Boon strives to teach his students to develop a certain mindset. Michael Bay and Harry Humphries have turned 13 Hours into a testament to honor those among us who have left their families to take up weapons and fight against evil every day to keep us safe. Most of you will recognize boon because he looks just like the actor who played him in "13 Hours - The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.". Veteran instructors who have worked as partners since 1994, they launched the course as a national tour this year and are now teaching two to three sold-out courses each month. Copyright 2018 Threat Management Solutions - All Rights Reserved. The movie is as good or better than Black Hawk Down and even American Sniper. The author of the book, Mitchell Zuckoff, said in a telephone interview that he stands by the depiction and that it is based on first-hand accounts. View the profiles of people named Dave Boon Benton. Our Winter issue is on the newsstands right now. Concealed Combative Pistol Course Private, Concealed Defensive Pistol Mounted Optic Course, Fight Gone Bad-IATPS Course Pistol & Carbine, Gun Shot Wound /Massive Hemorrhage Skill Builder, IWI Level 1 Tavor/ X95 Carbine Operator Course, IWI Level 2 Tavor/ X95 Carbine Operator Course, Medical Tactical Problem Solving Skill Builder, Pistol Mounted Optic Concealed Combative Pistol, Primary / Support Hand Only Manipulations, Private 3day Pistol/Carbine Instructor Dev. I further promise and agree not to initiate any lawsuit against TMS,LLC seeking compensation for personal injury, death, or property damage arising out of participation in TRAINING or use of the FACILITY. Do better. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Its a really close circle, he told Coffee or Die. The former veteran case officer, now in his early 60s, spent time in Central America, Iraq and Afghanistan as a clandestine case officer assigned to the Latin America and Near East divisions. Brian instructs civilians and police families, as well as highly specialized police units, like SWAT and others. The Navy Cross the branchs second-highest award for valor in combat isnt handed out to just anybody. Trending. There were times when me and Boon were like, Damn, no ones coming. But we just kept on fighting.. "Without a doubt, the best training that has ever been developed in conjunction with my presentations". Many of his students are law enforcement officers, and he said he knew that they may leave that class and use it the same day.. He holds several ranks in the martial arts including: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 1st Degree Black Belt / 5th Degree Black Belt in American Kickboxing / and 3rd Degree Black Belt in Olympic Taekwondo. Dave "Boon" Benton was one of the American assets whose combat skill and knowledge prevented additional human losses on that tragic day. Their story received national attention, sparked controversy on all political levels, and the sacrifices of Doherty, Woods, U.S. to read more about John's civilian classes. The CIA eventually learned that Libyans had located Stevens body and taken it to a local hospital. Guardian News Podcast with hosts Dave "Boon" Benton, Alex Ferrer, Israel "Izzy" Matos and Bill "Wild Bill" Orndorf. GUEST understands and acknowledges that TRAINING activities may involve strenuous physical exertion and emotional stress. I really enjoy the transfer of knowledge, he said. The story has since made the rounds on the media circuit, most notably in the film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, which was based on the book, 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi.. Theres not a day that goes by that I dont think about them., Adam Goldman and Greg Miller, The Washington Post, U.N. report: Uranium particles enriched to 83.7% found in Iran, Suspected schoolgirl poisoning attacks rattle a shaken Iran, DeSantis moves toward GOP presidential bid on his own terms, UN chief points to massive rights violations in Ukraine, IS attacks on Syria truffle hunters are deadliest in a year, Biden declares Kyiv stands in surprise visit to Ukraine. Marine Veteran and trained sniper they destroyed the bases computer hard drives before they left may involve physical! Fought terrorists for more than 20 lives warriors, who quickly dave boon'' benton military career beforehand that the security for... 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