Now with an XTL-5000 consolette unit. . Pittsburgh church damaged by fire after being struck by lightning ahead of Mass, Pa. woman charged with aggravated assault after hitting multiple vehicles. Do not try to correct the ballot. Example video title will go here for this video, Sentenced To Death: The murder that unsettled Arkansas. However, you may select fewer than the maximum number of candidates. The building remained evacuated as of 11:15 a.m. County spokesman Brett Hambright said the evacuation of the courthouse and administration building was a precautionary measure. This link is listed in our web site directory since Tuesday Jan 29 2008, and till today "Dauphin co. PA live feed" has been followed for a total of 1332 times. All district bus operations have moved to this system. All rights reserved. Dauphin County County Public Safety and Govt Services Primary communications for public safety agencies and many county/local government services in Dauphin County occur on the county trunked system. This district covers municipalities in Dauphin and Schuylkill Counties. Dauphin County is allocated $13 million over the next 18 years as its share of a historic opioid settlement designed to send billions of dollars nationwide to bolster prevention and treatment efforts. The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent. West Lampeter Township. He said the investigation is ongoing. The main fire-ground and TAC TGs are also monitored. According to the Dauphin County employment website, "an employee in this position receives and dispatches 911, emergency and non-emergency calls from the public, fire and ambulance personnel, equipment and services.". Crawford County Fire and EMS : Cumberland, Dauphin, and Northern York Counties Fire : Delaware County Police and Fire - South Western: Sector-1, M-1, Fire Dispatch, Fire 5, Fire 6, Fire 13, Fire 14 . Some voters will vote using the Clear Ballot Clear Access Ballot Marking Device to mark their ballot. But the married couple, in the store with an estimated 500 other people, left without buying anything after they said that they heard the sound of a boom., We were in the pasta aisle and all of a sudden, I heard a big boom, Valentin said. Derry Township SD has moved onto there new DMR radio system. International Airport Police. 73 Penn State University Police - Harrisburg Campus. I've had them running solely over an hour now on my 436, 536, and 200. Dedicated Dispatch Channels. Other requirements for the job include graduation from high school or an accredited equivalency program and one year of experience working with radio and computer equipment. Mike Pries, Chad Saylor, George P. Hartwick III, Mental Health / Autism / Developmental Programs, Spring Gardening Symposium: Creating a Native Garden - My Journey, Register of Wills & Clerk of Orphans' Court, Constables & Constable Review BoardConstable Review Board, Mental Health/Autism/Developmental Programs, Emergency Rent & Utility Assistance Instructions and Information, Opioid Remediation Grant Program to Award Settlement Funds, Block Grant Planning and Advisory Committee. Home; Listen. The store will remain closed until 6 a.m. Monday, according to a Walmart representative. Of petitions 2011 divorce new cases filed in 2011 911 contested before a judge 6 cases available for processing 2,219. Dead as a door nail. 2023 Primary communications system for most public safety and government services in Dauphin County. Explore our partner site to find some of the best things to do in Dauphin County! Location. (Photo courtesy of Matthew Krupp). ID Start End Reqs; Eagleville. Check related resources in Internet and Radio/Police Scanners. Primary public safety communications take place on the county trunked system. Sun, may 22, 2022 20:20 webcad login. Dauphin: Dauphin County Fire and EMS Dispatch - Digital: Public Safety 70 : Online: Dauphin: Harrisburg Area NOAA Weather Radio WXL40: Other 1 : . Dauphin County was established in 1785 and it is located in the central region of the state. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. APX6000XE unit. This page tells you how to vote in person on Election Day in Dauphin County. Incident type dispatch time box no. Dauphin County P25 System, Linglestown PA. Welcome to the Dauphin County voting system page. Dauphin County Fire - Digital Dauphin County Fire - Digital US > Pennsylvania > Dauphin (County) Feed Notes Dauphin County P25 System, Linglestown PA. Since 1998, a group of radio amateurs has been reviewing new sites for listing every day and evaluating the best place to list them. Dauphin County operates an Enhanced 911 (E911) system and is the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in the county. This page was last edited on 20 April 2021, at 03:54. Dauphin county emergency management agency/911. The dispatcher transmits the required information to field units by radio. Persad said they began running toward the front exit doors. Dauphin County Courthouse employees were evacuated from the building Tuesday morning after a bomb threat was reported, authorities said. Easy Access keypad with buttons of different shapes and colors. Reports of shooting at Walmart in Swatara Township, Aug. 21, 2022. On Monday (Jan.31), Thursday (Feb. 3) and Friday (Feb. 4), interested applicants can go to different locations across Dauphin County to apply and potentially have an on-the-spot interview. 911 Communications Center; Emergency Management Agency; Operations Division; Helpdesk; RESOURCES. Of petitions 2011 divorce new cases filed in 2011 911 contested before a judge 6 cases available for processing 2,219. According to Jeffery Enders, Dauphin County's director of public safety, 13 positions are open out of 53 total telecommunicator roles. the incident took place at the Walmart located on Grayson Road at 5:17 p.m. All archive times are in the feed's local broadcast time zone (America/New_York). County pages show all online feeds available that cover areas within that county. Tue, Feb 28, 2023 04:42. Instead, give your spoiled ballot to the poll worker and make your selections again on the new ballot. You may select fewer than the maximum number of candidates. After you check in, a poll worker will hand you a ballot. Then I just turned around. MEDICAL EMERGENCY. The Dauphin County Emergency Management Agency is comprised of more than 20 administration, management information technology and operations staff members. Take your ballot to a ballot marking station, where you will mark your ballot privately. Now Hiring Dauphin County government offers a variety of full-time and part-time employment opportunities. Swatara Township police say the incident took place at the Walmart located on Grayson Road at 5:17 p.m. Dauphin County 911 Live Incident. As of january 1, 2012, dauphin county no longer dispatches first. Municipal Harrisburg Lower Paxton Township Susquehanna Township West Hanover Township School Districts Central Dauphin School District UPDATE: There is no further threat and everyone is returning to the building as of 11:45 a.m., officials said. Dauphin County's trunked system is the primary communications tool for most public safety and government services in the county. Dauphin County Voting and Elections Office. Do not select more than the maximum number of candidates for each office. According to Dauphin County's director of public safety, 13 positions are open out of 53 total telecommunicator roles. 1996-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) The - Terms of Use - Copyright & Privacy Policy, Link to Dauphin co. PA live feed has been recently reported as not working and has been temporarily delisted from our categories. Your ballot is cast when you see a confirmation screen on the scanner. Dauphin County Scanner Frequencies (PA) Scanner Frequencies for NULL Dauphin county PA US The radio website where people have a clue. Dauphin County dispatch reported the call several minutes later, saying someone was shot in the electronics section of the store. Dog licenses for 2023 are now online in the Dauphin County Treasurers Office. Make your selections by touching the screen. HI-DEF FEED >>> The ONLY Dauphin County Fire/EMS feed with good audio. Enter your email address and an email with instructions will be sent to you. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. You read about it on TV or in the news, but you dont feel the fear until it actually happens, she said. District operations are currently using this system. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Unit Designators 01-19 OIC's 20-39 Patrol 40-49 CI/Juvenile 50-59 Traffic 60-69 K-9 70-99 Individual. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. This feed monitors EMS Disp, Fire Disp, City Fire Disp, and NO ops channels. The dispatcher transmits the required information to field units by radio. I was like, oh my God, I cant believe this is happening right now. When I got in the car I had a whole panic attack, I was hyperventilating. AMB 56-12. Complete the front and back of all pages of the ballot. Your ballot is cast when you see a confirmation screen on the scanner. Title The Evening Dispatch (Provo, City, Utah) 1891-1895 [Online Resource] Dates of Publication 1891-1895 Created / Published Dauphin county operates an enhanced 911 (e911) system and is the only recognized public safety answering point (psap) in the county. The suspect fled from the scene, according to police. Check that you have voted all the contests you want to vote and confirm your selections. The shooting was an isolated incident between two individuals, according to police. . The DXZone is one of the longest-running amateur radio sites still active on the Web. Search. Dauphin County Courthouse employees were evacuated from the building Tuesday morning after a bomb threat was reported, authorities said. Please login with your Premium Subscriber Account, To learn more about our premium subscription program please see: RadioReference Premium Subscription, Central Dauphin School District Transportation Department. | The Dauphin County Courthouse has been evacuated Tues., April 6, 2021, because of a bomb threat. Some TG are Encrypted, and some are in the clear. #1. Terms and Conditions. York,PA. Tips and information can also be submitted via the CRIMEWATCH. Dauphin County | CRIMEWATCH PA dsc_4432c-2.png Welcome As the Chief Law Enforcement Officer for Dauphin County it has always been my goal to provide transparency to our government and to give the public a channel for communicating with the police, free of intimidation. All rights reserved (About Us). Dauphin County Fire and EMS Dispatch - Digital Live Audio Feed Dauphin County Fire and EMS Dispatch - Digital Feed Status: Online Listeners: 72 00:00 Play Volume: A brief 15-30 sec ad will play at the start of this feed. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Wanted: Megan's Law Offenders. contact the county election office. Willow Valley Lakes Dr & Peach Bottom Rd. Premium Help. Take your printed ballot to the ballot scanner and insert it into the scanner. If you are satisfied with your selections, touch the PRINT button on the screen. If you have questions about the accessible devices or features, contact the county. 2023 Dog Licenses Now On Sale In Treasurers Office. They are not encrypted. 70-99 Individual, Notes: 400 South 8th Street, Room 12, Lebanon, PA 17042 +1 717 272 7621. This feed monitors the Fire/EMS dispatch TG or Channel for the South Central Task Force counties. 20 Harrisburg City. Check that you have voted all the contests you want to vote and confirm your selections. 911 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER. "We're down that 20 to 30% in numbers, which is requiring our dispatchers to work as many as 20 to 50 to 80 hours of overtime every two weeks," said Enders. This feed is only seasonal, and will only be active during active forest fire events. Give your spoiled ballot to the poll worker. If you have any questions at the polling place on election day, poll workers are there to help you. Keystone State. Allegheny County Police, Fire and EMS - Southern Areas, Allegheny County West Police, Fire, and EMS, South Fire, K3QY Amateur Radio Repeaters in Armstrong County, Northwest Pennsylvania NOAA Weather Radio WWG53, Laurel Hill Area NOAA Weather Radio WXM33, Reading, Blue Mountain and Northern Railroad, Blair County EMS, Fire, Police, Hazmat and Helos, Bucks County Police, Fire and EMS Dispatch, Montgomery County Fire and EMS East, Bucks Fire/EMS West, SEPTA Regional Rail - North, South, City, MoW and Yard, Cambria and Somerset County Police, Fire and EMS, Cambria County Fire, EMS, Central/North and South Police, Carbon County and Northampton County Fire/EMS, Clearfield County Police, Fire and EMS Dispatch, Jefferson, Clearfield and Elk Counties Fire, Columbia and Montour County Fire and EMS Dispatch, East Central Emergency Network Fire and EMS, Eastern Columbia and Western Luzerne Fire and EMS, Cumberland County Fire Dispatch and Mutual Aid, Central Pennsylvania Skywarn Group 145.110 MHz, Dauphin County Fire and EMS Dispatch - Digital, Delaware County Police and Fire - South Western, Delaware County Police Dispatch - Sector 2, Delaware County Police Dispatch - Sector 4, Delaware County Police Dispatch - Sector 5, Delaware County Police Dispatch - Sector 6, Delaware County Police Dispatch - Sector 7, Yeadon 449.975Mhz Amateur Repeater/Allstarlink 42167, McKean County Public Safety, Elk County Fire, City of Erie Fire Department - Tac 1 and 2, Millcreek Township and Erie Fire Departments, Fayette County ICORRS Public Safety Dispatch, Huntingdon County Fire and EMS (Dispatch and Ops only), Indiana Borough Police and County Fire Dispatch, Lackawanna County Abington Area Fire Dispatch and Tac 2, Lackawanna County and Wyoming County Public Safety, Lackawanna County Dispatch & Mid-Valley Grey Channel, Luzerne, Wyoming, and Lackawanna County Public Safety, Susquehanna, Wayne, Lackawanna, Wyoming and Luzerne Counties Fire / EMS, Southern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Club 145.23 MHz VHF Repeater, Lebanon County EMS, Fire, Police and Hazmat, Lehigh County Fire and Northampton County Fire Tac-5, Lehigh Northampton Airport Authority Fire, Luzerne County Fire - Fire OPS and County Fire, Luzerne County Fire - Fire South and Operations Channels, Luzerne County Fire - Wilkes Barre Fire & EMS, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport (KAVP), KB3AWQ Amateur Radio System - Williamsport, PA, KE3JP Amateur Radio Repeater, 443.425 MHz, Mercer County Fire / EMS, Trumbull and Mahoning Counties Fire, EMS / Police, Hardyston Area NOAA Weather Radio (KZZ31), W3NTT Repeater - Eastern Pennsylvania Amateur Radio Hub, Montgomery County Fire - Region 6 & Fire Ops 6, Montgomery County Fire West and Police Southwest, Montgomery County Fire/EMS Dispatch and Digital Fire, Montgomery County Fire/EMS West - Digital, Montgomery County Police, Fire and EMS - Region 3, Northampton County Police Dispatch - North 3, Northumberland, Union, and Snyder Counties Fire / EMS Dispatch, Philadelphia Fire - South Fire/South Medics, Schuylkill County Fire, and EMS, Pottsville Fire, Venango County Fire Departments, Oil City Police, Warren County Sheriff, Fire and EMS Dispatch, Washington City Fire, County Zone 1 Fire and EMS, 147.180 MHz Amateur Radio (ARES, RACES and Sky Warn), Amateur Repeater Skywarn Scan South Central PA. After you check in, a poll worker will direct you to a voting station and set you up with a ballot marking device. In this free edition of the newsletter, read about the 2023 county budget, efforts to increase affordable housing options, and election successes. If you see a message saying the ballot was NOT successfully cast, you may need to review your ballot again. A High Definition Feed: Dauphin County Fire and EMS Dispatch - Digital. Most voters in Dauphin County will vote using a hand-marked paper ballot. No appointments are needed to attend any of the hiring events. Chicago Police - Listen to Live Radio Scanner, Las Vegas Metro Police Department 24/7 Scanner, Terms of Use - Copyright & Privacy Policy. Stroudsburg. This is crazy. Most voters in Dauphin County will vote using a hand-marked paper ballot. Everyone was rushing out and it was overwhelming. New feed with spectacular audio. Old Barn in Hershey hosts two CPIHL Championship games, Solar nonprofit launches new co-op in Lancaster. It operates a communication division that utilizes computer-aided dispatch systems that provide access to a geographic information system. Approved: Commissioners Pass 2023 Budget with No Tax Increase for 18th Straight Year. The Monroe County Control Center provides 9-1-1 Public Safety Emergency Dispatch Services for all of Monroe County, Pennsylvania and for Lehman Township in Pike County, Pennsylvania. 01-19 OIC's Lackawanna County Dispatch & Mid-Valley Grey Channel: Public Safety 3 : Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Dauphin County Fire and EMS Dispatch - Digital Live Audio Feed Archives. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. "It is really impactful and it weighs on them heavily everyday, but I can say here in Dauphin County we're proud of our people they continue to put forth for the protection of the citizens of Dauphin County.". Direct link to paging monitor. Incident management assistance teams (imat). The Clear Access ballot marking device has the following accessible settings. Dauphin county p25 system, linglestown pa. Sun, may 22, 2022 20:20 webcad login. LEBANON COUNTY LIVE DISPATCH. Persad said that she wishes people could settle their problems through a conversation rather than gun violence. The dispatcher transmits the required information to field units by radio. If you have questions about voting in Dauphin County, Dauphin County's Office of Emergency Communications includes capabilities for Call Processing, Radio Dispatching, Telecommunicator initial & recurring training, Quality Assurance, and Technical Systems. Some voters will vote using the Primary communications for public safety agencies and many county/local government services in Dauphin County occur on the county trunked system. The Board of Commissioners approved on Feb. 22 the awarding of 151 total projects with funding available through the casino local share revenue program. If you want to make a change after the ballot is printed, you will need help from a poll worker to start over. Dauphin County government offers a variety of full-time and part-time employment opportunities. Harrisburg residents Raven Persad and Elvis Valentin dropped into Walmart in Swatara Township on Sunday afternoon to pick up a couple of items. 5/24/2022 9:00:53 am (site will refresh every four minutes) active incidents. Warm start to March before the next wintry mess on Friday! Metro area pages list all live audio feeds available for a defined metro area. Facebook events for each of the locations are listed here. My wife told me Did you hear that? Not all municipalities have local police - some are covered by PSP Lykens (northern Dauphin Co) and PSP Harrisburg (southern Dauphin Co),, 59 DCART (Dauphin County Accident Reconstruction Team), 71 Pa. Air National Guard 193rd SOW Security, 73 Penn State University Police - Harrisburg Campus. Voted #1 Best Radio Website (2009 Users Choice Award) I live in York, and feel I should easily pick up Dauphin County Fire. Unit Designators Of petitions 2011 divorce new cases filed in 2011 911 contested before a judge 6 cases available for processing 2,219. The Dauphin County Courthouse was evacuated Tues., April 6, 2021, because of a bomb threat. Clear Cast Scanner. DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa. Struggling with ongoing staffing shortages, Dauphin County emergency response officials are calling for residents to apply to be 911 emergency dispatchers and as soon as possible. Montgomery County 911. Sun, may 22, 2022 20:20 webcad login. Sentinel appears to match up with the RR DB. 72 HBG. The starting pay for an emergency dispatcher is $16.71 an hour, and all applicants must have a valid driver's license and "a favorable criminal background check.". Dauphin County Commissioners Approve $8.3 Million in Gaming Grants for Emergency Services, Affordable Housing, Youth Programs, Recreation Projects Across the County, Bureau of Registration and Elections to Hold Open Houses in February and March at Northern Dauphin Human Services Center, Dauphin County Commissioners Approve Real Estate Tax Credit for Volunteer Emergency Responders, Former Correctional Officer Charged with Indecent Assault of Inmate, Dauphin County Board of Elections in Place for 2023, Man, 63, Dies at Dauphin County Prison on Dec. 24; Investigation Ongoing, Gaming Grants Will Fund Safety Improvements, Youth Programs, Food Banks, Affordable Housing. Unlike other providers, I know how to turn my volume down- you are welcome. It sounds like a gunshot. Then one more minute passed, next thing people were screaming and running out. Explaining graupel: A more uncommon type of wintry precipitation, Cumberland County announces counseling assistance program for first responders, River rescue team asking residents to stay off frozen waterways this winter, No, you shouldnt update your voicemail when lost or stranded. 20-39 Patrol Feb 10, 2022. Incident type dispatch time box no. Penn State Harrisburg Police Department operates on the county trunked system. Follow us: DEPARTMENTS. With a population of approximately 268,100 the county has a total area of 558 square miles, and the county seat is Harrisburg. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Dauphin County dispatch reported the call several minutes later, saying someone was shot in the electronics section of the store. Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Swatara Township Police Department at 717-564-2550. Poll workers are trained to maintain the secrecy of your ballot. Dauphin County NOW: Read Our Winter Newsletter. They put so many lives in danger and scared so many people, she said. Clear Ballot Clear Access Ballot Marking Device to mark their ballot. 12 rows this feed monitors the fire/ems dispatch tg or channel for the south central task. The DXZone is the largest human created library of amateur radio Web sites, it currently lists more than 20,000 links organized into more than 600 categories. Dauphin County Commissioners are essentially the CEOs of the county, with authority over budgets and finance, debts, contracts, appointment of department heads and staff. Confirm your selections on the printed ballot. Mistaken report of man pointing gun at traffic closed Cumberland County highway for hours: police. learn more Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The suspect fled from the scene, according to police. If applicants prefer to apply online, the dispatcher application can be foundhere. Completely fill in the oval next to each of your selections on the ballot. Do not scan the ballot you want to change. About LCDES; Live Dispatch; You can access these features by touching the settings button on the screen.. Willow Valley Lakes Dr & Peach Bottom Rd. XTL 5000 conselette unit. It contains ideas on how our community can meet the mobility needs of people and their goods in lancaster between now and 2045. 449.7750 -5MHz PL131.8 Barnesville, PA. 146.4900 +1MHz PL131.8 Tamaqua, PA. 146.8950 -.6MHz D131 Delano, PA. 146.4750 +1MHZ PL131.8 Pottsv. The main category is Live streaming audio police and fire scanner that is about Public safety broadcasts on the internet . Monday's event will be held in Steelton at the Dauphin County Department of Public Safety, Thursday's will be in Elizabethville at the Northern Dauphin Human Services Center and Friday's will be in Middletown at the Londonderry Fire Company. The Harrisburg Bureau of Police are currently seeking multiple individuals for Megan's Law violations. Dauphin Med-9 - Interop for out of county units. Dauphin County Pennsylvania Live Audio Feeds US > Pennsylvania > Dauphin (County) Retrieving IPN Incidents. Live Feed Listing for Dauphin County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Susquehanna Twp. Published: 10:28 PM EST January 27, 2022 Updated: 11:17 PM EST January 27, 2022 DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa. Struggling with ongoing staffing shortages, Dauphin County emergency response officials. Included in this feed: County Fire Dispatch, Fire Ops 3 through 9, Lower Paxton Fire, Public Safety 1. 68 Dauphin County Juvenile Probation. State Police Covered . Dauphin county's hazard mitigation plan (hmp) was originally developed in 2004 to assess and plan for natural hazards which affect dauphin county. (Photo courtesy of Matthew Krupp), READ MORE: Mistaken report of man pointing gun at traffic closed Cumberland County highway for hours: police, Pa. woman dies in fire at house with floor to ceiling hoarding conditions: officials. The budget prioritizes a strong workforce and maintaining a high standard in providing essential services. All voters will cast their ballot using the It also provides emergency response information . Amateur Radio. This page tells you how to vote in person on Election Day in Dauphin County. Welcome to the Dauphin County voting system page. If you have any knowledge on the whereabouts of the following individuals, please contact the Harrisburg Police at 717-558-6900. The deficit is causing working dispatchers to take on excessive overtime. Pennsylvania law requires all dogs three months and older be licensed by Jan. 1. Direct Link To Paging Monitor. Zahriah Balentine | Tue, Feb 28, 2023 05:31. The. 570-992-4500. Check the maximum number of candidates you are allowed to select for each office. Tamaqua Wireless Association has a network of linked repeaters that cover Schuylkill County Pennsylvania. Like Harrisburgs already known for being violent and dangerous. Dauphin county emergency management agency/911. Not even a minute [more] like a couple of seconds.. Instructional Video for the Clear Cast scanner: Instructional Video for the Clear Access ballot marking device: U.S. EAC Testing Documents for the Clear Ballot ClearVote 2.0, PA DOS Certification Document for the ClearBallot ClearVote 2.0. No ads for Premium Subscribers HI-DEF FEED >>> The ONLY Dauphin County Fire/EMS feed with good audio. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. County fire dispatch, fire ops 3 through 9, lower paxton fire, public safety 1. Privacy Policy 50-59 Traffic The victim sustained a minor injury and is cooperating with the investigation. This is an on-system feed, not from a scanner. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Take your completed ballot to the ballot scanner and insert it into the scanner. - SCIN (Dauphin County FD Dispatch/Response Simulcast). Metro area pages list all live audio feeds available for a defined metro area. West Lampeter Township. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 71 Pa. Air National Guard 193rd SOW Security. The following devices are available to use with the ballot marking device: Ask for help from a poll worker to set up the assistive devices you intend to use. FAX: 717 274 1486. Meet the Commissioners Dauphin County Commissioners are essentially the CEOs of the county, with authority over budgets and finance, debts, contracts, appointment of department heads and staff. I cant believe this is an on-system feed, not from a scanner Fire. Dxzone is one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation any questions at the polling on! On our site, we may receive compensation the scene, according to police, according to.. For a defined metro area for most public safety 1 any of the state my 436 536... 20:20 webcad login CI/Juvenile 50-59 Traffic 60-69 K-9 70-99 Individual in, a worker... Show all online feeds available that cover Schuylkill County Pennsylvania Live audio feed.! 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