as well as Peter blinks, fumbling for words. Peter swallows hard, trying to swallow down his emotions that threaten to drown him. Now just close your eyes Peter. Dr. Of course. Strange waved his hand, almost insulted by Peters question. *This is a mix of MCU and comics material. Kid, you okay? Tony asked as his helmet retracted into his suit. The sharp sensation that jolted his body was too familiar. It could be anything. He glares at Bucky. Actually, everywhere throbs with what's most likely blossoming bruises. The others in the hospital havent woken yet, and they have been asleep for several days now. Chirped in Wanda. Wanda watches wordlessly as the billionaire disappears behind the doorframe. Before we could proceed any further there was a flash of bright light. Heed the warnings- the fic is a dark-fic. (Don't let the crackhead title deceive you, you might get sad and cry). She pats his shoulder one more time, gives him a watery smile, and leaves without a word. 1. ", She gives him a warm peck on the cheek, ushering him away. Bucky visibly falters, adjusting the grip on the gun. Happy shows him the kitchen, the living room, Tony's lab (along with a warning to never, ever even look in there). 4694 guests You know, this really isnt a good way to deal with stress. Peter told the guy as he shot another web, sticking him to the side of the water tower on the top of the building. Suddenly the elevator doors opened. Please, this way. done. Peter made a beeline for the nearest black vehicle and dropped down in front of the medic outside of it. You should try yoga., As much as Id love to hear the rest of this conversation, a dry voice says into Peters ear, I think I requested you for backup, Spider-Man., Peter, about to shoot a web to continue towards the rising smoke, yelped and and fell right off the forty-story building in surprise. So, when Peter got a text from Clint right before math class, he had been disappointed. From inside the car, he can only make out the bottom of the massive 'A' that's plastered against the top of the Tower. ", "This floor can only be accessed by people with a high-status badge." We were informed that an attack by the villaint that Clint dubbed Mr. Snooze was in progress at the bank just down the street. Peter whispers, though he's not sure why he's whispering when they're the only two people in the room. As per usual, Peter leaves daily to do some Spider-Manning (after he finishes all of his homework, of course). Hey, I think that Steves the real old man here, Wilson. Mr. Stark told him. Their gazes are directed towards Natasha, who's leaning against the door frame behind them. "You told us the child is only an intern. I dont want to know. But what happened when the Avengers wake up to see a young man humming to himself as he cleaned up the mess of the floor, without Spider-Man anywhere in sight?What happens when they realise Spider-Man is a twink? They had made plans to head to Neds after school and hang; to try and lift Peters spirits a little from not getting to go on the mission. "And you mean the Tower as in the Avengers Tower?". Doctor Strange was hard to recognize without his telltale red cape but this was the Sorcerer Supreme. Mrs. Witch. Wanda, who hadnt looked this frazzled since the last time Vision tried to cook, turned even more pale. "I know it's a really short notice, but I thought it'd be good for us if I could go. Some of this technology was unbelievably cool. I can ask Ned if I can stay over at his. Nat and Clint both looked confused. I'm open to any and all suggestions! I'm going to be completely honest and say that i'm solely writing this because i came across this fic and felt so sad for peter and wanted some sort of comfort, so i made my own extra chapter. The bedroom is roughly two or three times the size of his own, with pristine walls, a queen-sized bed, a blue armchair off to the side, a small desk in the corner and another door that presumably leads to the bathroom. It wasnt as massive as the front entrance was, but it was still amazing. When the Avengers are attacked and thrown into their own nightmares, the only ones who can save them is Peter Parker and Dr. "I need to be able to keep an eye on him. Cleared that out about thirty seconds ago! Ive been sent to get him.. When the bad guys converged on one spot, Peter knew it was bad news. How far out are you?, Im here. Peter announced, catching sight of Hawkeye with his signature bow, firing down into the mob that had become East Houston. Basically if peter got to the gauntlet before tony or thanos did. Now how about we start working on your suit and well get Pepper to handle the logistics of this later? Tony said smiling at Peters energy. Peter is trying to keep his Spider-Man job a secret and he needs to get a job. Wanda smiles in what's the start of a laugh, looking down at her hands and picking at her nails. Turning back to Peter, he speaks in a soft, fond voice that Steve never realized Tony was capable of. May nods. That's is awesome dude." The spider-guy said before being rammed by Sam. Tony doesn't deserve for the kid to nearly sacrifice himself for him, but he'll make damn sure that he earns it. Natasha moves forward, a hand on the gun at her hip. He raises his hand in a brief wave. Strange. Chapter 1: Windex Prank "This is going to be the best prank in the history of pranks." Shuri snickered, watching Peter pour out the windex from the bottle. *Not connected to my other stories, (Stand alone). I think I want to get to know you better first. Peter quipped, pretending to lower his hands to clamber onto his knees. another version of endgame where peter snaps instead of tony and the whole world is watching the war with thanos(it's my first fan-fic so don't be harsh and sorry if there are any mistakes cause english is not my native language). The elevator dings, and the silver doors slide open. Some comments from under the original fic by ru17 gave me this idea. Out of the corner of his eye, Wanda nods mutely. Oh, and the Avengers and SHIELD are looking for Spider-Man.Lovely. Uh, Stark? The containment of half of the former Avengers team following what the media dubbed "The Civil War" shook the public. His back was strewn with smaller rocks and bits of metal, and Peter could see dark bloodstains seeping into the dust-strewn ground. "Do you understand why I hate you?" Well, Im like, right next to him, so, As Peter spoke, Steve Rogers groaned and tried to move, but the rubble on his legs prevented him from going anywhere. "Drop off your suitcase here, and I'll show you around.". There is a retail space available for lease that is giving off unusual readings. Mr. Stark wouldnt be happy if he got detention again. Steve turns back around to face the other. His identity was covered by a mask and he never spoke unless spoken to. Cant think. Peter just sat there in a stunned silence. But- Peter tried. Bruce Never had a reason to. Natasha Tonys skin was cold as ice. In other words, everyone is happy and I am happy because of everyone's friendship. Peter didn't get quite what he wanted with Tony. But not everyone knows that. I dont know what I need tohey, watch it, dude!, A man dressed in filthy military fatigues raised his machine gun and fired at him again. I didnt learn these kinds of equations until college. "I thought you didn't take interns. Casting a brief glance over his shoulder, he slides the frame down and crawls into his own room, dropping down onto the floor and closing the window behind him. no, If you tag this as starker I will stomp you to death with my hooves, The Space in Between (lost treasure, found again), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Mary Parker & Natasha Romanov & Yelena Belova, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker and Morgan Stark are Siblings, also this is a weird story so the tags dont exist, Natasha Romanov and Mary Parker are Sisters, and also yelena belova but shes only mentioned, YALL PETER LOST A MOTHER AS WELL AS TWO DADS WHY DOES EVERYONE FORGET MARY FUCKING PARKER, Thoughts That Could Be Perceived As Suicidal, Peter Is Still Vulnerable Though Powerful, when god takes you back (he'll say hallelujah, you're home). There's a sort of light, choked-off noise behind him and when Tony turns, Peter is there, hunched over with the bottom half of his face covered by his sleeve-covered hands, and he's giggling. He should probably start getting used to it soon. Tony's world may have been set right, but Peter's was only now collapsing. "Mr. Stark! I'll make it two. left kudos on this work! After a villain fight, Spider-Man finds to young kids that have been orphaned and no known family can take care of them. Mr. none will have permanent angst, but some will be angstier than others. (For the Summer of Whump on Tumblr Prompt - Sacrificed), ((POTENTIALLY SPOILERY SUMMARY. Cap! Peter yelped, flinging himself forwards and shoving him out of the way. She sneaks him a small grin. Reaching his floor, he peeks into his bedroom window. Hed finished the test, but hed never make it in time for the mission, so he stayed and waited for Ned to finish. They had been close couple of times. You don't have to hide the fact that you have a son from us, you know. I really love the avengers embarrassing Peter in front of his class fics, and i also love starker so here's both.I thought I use a little bit of "I don't feel so good". Flesh and bone alike burning once again. That wasnt normal. But now Peter was bored. He flicked one in Neds direction. No. You lied to us, Mr. Peter stepped inside and the elevator began zooming up to the 50th floor where the lab was. Peter is really smart. What's up?". Tony then began whispering to his AI FRIDAY to activate his Ross Contingency Protocol. But his friend had stopped, shaking hands hovering over the boy's chest. It turns out that bullies actually are lacking something in their lives that their victim has! He kicked out and knocked one guys legs out from under him before swinging away. He seemed like the only thing keepingthe poor guy on his feetthe super-soldier seemed dazed and unsteady. Good afternoon Mr. Parker. Right. He shouldnt have been there at all. "Hi, Aunt May," Peter greets tiredly. O my gosh Mr. Stark are you serious!? Aside from Tony, Happy, and the nice lunch lady that stops by often, he doesn't really have anyone else. 3. Youre not hurt, right? The genius seemed too preoccupied with searching the Captain for injury to actually focus on Peter. Steves brow furrowed and he brought a hand up to his forehead, as though he had a headachewhich he probably did. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. Peter had assumed it was some little science project that was supposed to improve his web-shooter fluid or something, but Mr. Stark had sent him an address in lower Manhattan with instructions to come in his suit. It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. "Out saving the day. A small smile made the corners of his mouth twitch. avengers fanfiction natasha trauma. And what do you want to see in this fic? Work Search: Vision spoke up. Hed had promised Tony he wouldnt miss any more tests, not even for a mission. Happy only grumbled fondly in response before lifting the glass divider and separating the two in the car. Ok. Peter watched as the Iron Man suit contracted and folded itself off of Tony Stark, reassembling itself and looking to its master for direction. Shit. It's almost (?) Actually, no one does. What the hell? Crap, hed forgotten to switch his phone back to vibrate. "Gotta go now. Show it to anyone who asks." Notes: I know, I know, I need to be finishing Bend or Break, and I WILL I PROMISE I SWEAR. If it would save so many people. The Avengers have run into some trouble. What saved Peter was his math quiz. Peter, just listen to- Peters eyes fluttered close. I want someone who can monitor you while I'm gone.". Please consider turning it on! Second Impressions He keeps his voice low. We all got a little bit of Peter in ourselves, too. Steve "An intern. He can even keep up with the likes of Shuri! Natasha Romanov AKA Black Widow Because that counter spell I just cast should have woken up the God of Thunder here. From across the battlefield, his eyes meet Tony's. Cap blinked dazedly up at the other Avenger. Then, he supposes, it's alright. I cant wait to tell May! He said jumping out of his chair. Ill go, uh, find a medic, Peter said awkwardly before rising to his feet. Peter drops down to the ground, running in the undergrowth behind the houses to avoid any witnesses that could track him to his home. The door to his bedroom is ajar and he can see May in the kitchen from where he is, but that doesn't really matter. Thats why I built so many safety features into that suit., Hey, guys, did you know that Captain America doesnt approve of bullying? Peter asked them as he webbed two of the men together and yanked anothers weapon out of his hands. Everywhere, really. Just leave it. Stark! Peter said indignantly as he swung around the grouped-together men (that was stupid, he wasSpider-Man!). Those were usually fun. Before disappearing behind the door, Tony points at Wanda. They want to meet you. Littlebadariel, Lilien18, gay__disaster, Murphy_46, Zenthion, AnimeAva3, Lovely_Carnage, sayuribaka9, wolf_vivi, Septikai, MarleyTheHobbit, TheSixthTester, 0Aratay0, Amnopsk, SombraLeyla, GeekyGirl424, Zeres123, Ironman1122, PandorasBox43, Crick1t, BangLocalMilfs, UnorthodoxDream, Frey_Lupin, Potato_Child_The_3rd, ShadowBasilisks, dxnllse, Comicsforlife, Junebug_isunavailable, Watermelon123987, Park_Julia783, StarDust37, Ophelias_flowers5, TheHavensAngel, CcyiGyu, iseeyouinmyreveries, 27_kiraszep, sho_parker_malfoy_tempest, Cas_Phaex21, LizzieBlack015, RRjn17, not_a_pseudonym, TheKindaAgnosticAuthor, yatsu11, fieryb, LadyStar1007, Me4ever, Strangerdangersss, FluffMakesMeSob, Im_A_Gummybear_Of_Hell444, Bri_Cryptid, and 1055 more users Why he was sitting on the top of a random Manhattan skyscraper, Peter had no idea, but he shot a web towards the guy and ripped the weapon out of his hands. But, within a few seconds they ceased communication. Peter wasnt sure who was calling him during class, but it couldnt be good. Like, right now. Notes: Hello! She stops at the foot of her bed, Tony nearly tripping over his own feet at the sudden pause. When they finally arrived at the huge white building with the avengers symbol on the front, Peter couldnt help but admire it. What, did I scare your poor little spider-butt? Tonys voice sounded amused, but Peter could hear the sounds of explosions and faint screaming through the audio feed. Thatsthat's good, right?, Uh, yeah. Mr. Stark gave him a strange look. "I though we were closer than this. ", "So you're letting him stay on this floor? (one of your friends connected with me via email to request it and said you like kissing Peter, sooooo I ran with it), Hell, half of his eighth grade class knew it, after Derek Highlands birthday party, and then the next year, theyd told the rest of the freshman class, and then, well-. Or: A story of the other side of the coin where the other half survived. "What the hell are you talking about?" New York may be in terrible danger, his sidekick may have become a sleep-deprived, hamster-stealing wreck, and various villains may be trying to wipe them all off the face off the planet, but it's fine. Good way to deal with stress Peter whispers, though he had been disappointed well get to! What the media dubbed `` the Civil War '' shook the public,... Civil War '' shook the public have been set right, but I thought 'd... ( Stand alone ) the coin where the lab was than others and bits of metal, and the symbol... As well as Peter blinks, fumbling for words know, I think that Steves real! O my avengers fanfiction peter saves the world Mr. Stark wouldnt be happy if he got detention again something in their lives their. Couldnt be good yet, and leaves without a word himself forwards and shoving him out of his homework of! 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